
Testamentary Records for Wigtownshire


At the National Records of Scotland, Edinburgh:

  • CC22
    Wigtown Commissary Court
    • 1 Extracted Processes, 1700-1822 (with gaps)
    • 2 Unextracted Processes, 1704-1822 (with gaps)
    • 3 Warrants of Testaments, 1641, 1685-86, 1694, 1700-1823 (with gaps)
      • An index to the Warrants of Testaments, 1700-1800, was published as The Commissariot Record of Wigtown 1700-1800 by the Scottish Record Society in1904. It can be read online at the Open Library.
    • 4 Register of Inventories and Settlements, 1810-26
    • 5 Edicts, 1700-1823
    • 6 Inventory of Records
    • 7 Miscellaneous Papers, 17th - 19th cent.
    • 8 Diet books, 1753-1775, 1784-1826.
    The Scotland's People website has indexes to the Wigtown Commissary Court, 1700-1826 (CC22/3/1-6), and images of the testaments, inventories and settlements (CC22/3/1-6 and CC22/4/1-4).

    The LDS have filmed the following records which may be consulted at LDS Family History Centres.
    LDS Library Film Numbers:

    231254Wigtown Commissary CourtWarrants of Testaments, v.1-2, 1641-1731Original documents: National Records of Scotland - CC22/3/1,2
    231255Warrants of Testaments, v.2, 1732-1745Original documents: National Records of Scotland - CC22/3/2
    231256Warrants of Testaments, v.2-3,1746-1764Original documents: National Records of Scotland - CC22/3/2,3
    231257Warrants of Testaments, v.3-4, 1751-1789Original documents: National Records of Scotland - CC22/3/3,4
    231258Warrants of Testaments, v.4-5, 1789-1809Original documents: National Records of Scotland - CC22/3/4,5
    304674Warrants of Testaments, v.5-6, 1806-1823Original documents: National Records of Scotland - CC22/3/5,6
    (Data provided by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints)
  • SC19
    Wigtown Sheriff Court:
  • 40 Diet books, 1826-1896
  • 41 Commissary record (Record of inventories only from 1927), 1826-1966.
    • The Scotland's People website has indexes to Wigtown Sheriff Court Commissary Records, 1826-1901 (SC19/41/1-22), and images of the testaments.
    • The Index to the inventories of the personal estates of defuncts: recorded in the Commissary Court books of Ayr, Kirkcudbright, Wigtown, Dumfries, Roxburgh, Berwick, Peebles, and Selkirk, published 1868, indexes inventories of estates of deceased people in these counties between 1846 and 1867. The LDS have filmed the book (film 1368217).
  • 42 Minute book of inventories, 1928-1968
  • 43 Unallocated
  • 44 Record of confirmations (from vol 20 also contains record of inventories), 1927-1975
  • 45 Unallocated
  • 46 Unallocated
  • 47 Record of wills, 1927-1975
  • 48 Bonds of caution, 1715-1975
  • 49 Unallocated
Register of Deeds and Protests
  • 55 Minute book of deeds, 1st series, 1636-1809
  • 56 Register of deeds, 2nd series, 1809-1973
  • 57 Minute book of deeds, 2nd series, 1847-1852
  • 58 Warrants of deeds, [c 1700]-1970

Data provided by the Scottish Archive Network (SCAN)