Welcome to Genuki, ENG, Nottingham, Retford Transcripts provided by Nivard Ovington, Cornwall, UK ----------------------------------------- Nottinghamshire Guardian Sat Nov 28th 1896 RETFORD RETFORD SPEEDWELL CYCLING CLUB The annual dinner in connection with this club was held at the Newcastle Arms, when Dr Hooker presided, and Mr H. F. Huntsman occupied the vice-chair. There was a numerous attendance of members. The club has made rapid strides during the last two seasons, and its members last year scored a greater number of successes than had previously been achieved. During the evening the chairman, on behalf of the members, presented the hon. secretary (Mr Ben Jackson) with a purse of gold in token of their appreciation of his services to the club. The medals were also presented by the chairman as follows :- Time riders, Doncaster and back. - Gold medal, G. Revil, 105min. 15sec. ; silver medal with gold centre, Harold Holmes, 106 1/2min. ; silver medal, H. Spencer. 109min. Fifty miles. - Gold medal, J. Den,am, 2hr. 34min. Gold medal for 166 miles in 12 hours. - Jack Williamson. Gold medals for veterans over 40 doing 100 miles within 12 hours, - H. Spencer, 7hr 7min. ; T.D. Evans, 11hr. 45min. ; and E.F. Yoell, 11hr 58min. 25 miles race. - J.H. Denman, 1hr. 11min. 2-5sec, ; silver medal. The following were also presented with silver medals for the 25 miles race:- Tandem, G. Revil and H. Spencer; Jack Williamson, Harold Holmes, E. Peatfield, F. Richmond, C. Lumley, and A. Dernie, who finished in the order named. The prizes were also presented to the winners at the lantern parade and fancy dress competition. The Chairman commented upon the valuable assistance rendered by the officers of the club, and special mention was made of the brothers Williamson. During the evening some excellent songs were given by Messrs, Turney, Holmes, Marshall, Clayton, Kelly, the brothers Williamson, F. Alton, amd Messrs. Bennett and Hammerton, of Doncaster. Mr. E.C. Bawdwen was the accompanist. ------------------------------------------------ Sheffield Independent June 13 1900 Last week the Retford Speedwell C.C. had a record run in connection with the annual outing of the members. About 200 members and friends left the Market Square at two o'clock on waggonettes and on cycles, on a visit to Roche Abbey. The journey was thoroughly enjoyed, the party arriving between four and five o'clock. A cricket match was arranged, Ladies v Gentlemen, the latter batting with broomsticks, while the former gracefully handled the bat, whilst various other games were indulged in, and the Speedwell String Band was in attendance. Mr YOELL sen, and Mr T. YOELL (hon. secretary), and the WILLIAMSON brothers were largely responsible for the organisation throughout, and great praise is due to them for their help. The return journey commenced at eight o'clock, the party reaching Retford about 10.30, the whole arrangements having been carried out without an incident, and a record days outing chronicled. ----------------------------------------- Added 12-February-2014