



The updates have been applied on the "anchor" issue on 27 July.

The issues are discussed here 

Details are also on the maintainers list.


Wendron (or Gwendron, as it was originally called), (Cornish: Egloswendron), is situated in the Deanery and Hundred of Kirrier (Kerrier). It was originally bounded on the north by Illogan and Gwennap, on the east by Stithians and Constantine, on the south by Mawgan and Gunwallow, and on the west by Sithney, Crowan and Illogan. The parish of Wendron stretches north-east from the town of Helston which was part of the parish until 1845. Nothing is known about the patron saint of the local church that gave her name to the parish. In the past this was an important tin mining area, and when the mines closed there was severe unemployment. In 1878 the landowner, Lord Robartes, tried to ease the situation by bringing uncultivated land into production. Canon GH Doble, who made a serious study of Cornish and Celtic saints, lived here from 1925 until his death in 1945.

The parishes of Carnmenellis in 1846 and Pencoys in 1881 were created from parts of this parish.

Nearby is Loe Pool where King Arthur's sword Excalibur was found and the Stone Circle known as Nine Maidens. Villages in the original parish included the Churchtown, Coverack Bridges, Lower Town, Trewennack, Gweek, Edgecumb, Menhay and Four Lanes.

Most parish and church description(s) on these pages are from Lake's Parochial History of the County of Cornwall by J Polsue (Truro, 1867 - 1873)





Census information for this parish (1841 - 1901) is held in the Cornwall Record Office. The Cornwall Family History Society offers a census search service for its members.
Specific census information for this parish is available as follows:


Church History

  • Anglican. In the past, there were four churches in the parish; these were situated at: Churchtown near Trenear, Porkellis, Carnmenellis, and at Franchise Farm. However, Wendron Church at Churchtown is the only church now in use. The parish church is located in OS Grid Square SW6731 and was dedicated to St Wendron (or Wendrona). It comprises a chancel, nave, south aisle, north transept and a vestry. Entrance to the churchyard is through a 17th century lychgate with room above. Among the graves is an 18th century pillar sundial and a Celtic cross. The Church is from the 14th and 15th centuries and consists of a pinnacled porch, inside in a corner of the transept are the roodloft stairs. The arcades consist of seven four-centred arches made from porcelain stone and granite, and are decorated with angels. The 15th century font is shaped like a chalice. The church was extensively refurbished in the mid-19th century, and reopened for divine service on 20th December 1868. The tower, which is buttressed diagonally, consists of three stages and is finished with battlements and pinnacles.
    On 14th January 1865, the following notice appeared in provincial papers:

    Whereas by an order of Her Majesty in Council, made the 20th day of November 1845, the parish of Wendron was divided into two distinct and separate parishes, named respectively, the parish of St Michael's, Wendron and the parish of Helston.
    And whereas, owing to the resignation of Helston by the Rev. G B Boraston, on the 5th day of January 1865, the said order in council will immediately take effect.
    Be it known that from henceforth it will be necessary for all persons who reside within the limits of the new parish of Helston to have their banns of marriage published in the parish church of Helston, and also to resort thither for the celebration of marriage in case that both of the parties are actually living in the new parish of Helston.
    N.B. The new parish of Helston now formed, will be bounded by the road leading from Coverack Bridge to the lane leading down to Roselydden, thence by Rose in the Bush and Wheal Widden mine to the lane called Rowe's, and along the said lane till it reaches the turnpike road leading from Helston to Falmouth, thence down Crasken Lane by Pollard Bottom to the stream at Mellangoose.
    The parish of Helston will therefore comprise the village or hamlets of Trelubis, Lowertown, Upper Roselydden and Lower Trenethick, Nansloe, Pencoose, Pentire and Degibna.
    Thomas D Millner, curate of St Michael's Wendron
    Thomas P Tyacke, John Grigg, Churchwardens
  • Non-Conformist. There were Wesleyan Methodist chapels at Edgecumbe, Menhay (Manhay), Penmarth, Porkellis, Burrows, Coverack Bridges, Degibna, Gweek and Crelly (where there is a cemetery). Bible Christian chapels were at Boskenwyn Downs and Karn Kie (Carnkie); Wesleyan Methodist Free Chapels were at Trewenack and Four Lanes, and a Baptist chapel at Lower Town (now part of Helston).

Church Records

  • LDS Church Records.
  • The Cornwall Record Office holdings: Baptisms 1560 - 1917, Burials 1560 - 1927, Marriages 1560 - 1979, Boyd's Marriage Index 1560 - 1812, Pallot's Marriage Index 1800 - 1812, Non=Conformist records 1804 - 1837.
  • The Cornwall Family History Society have published on-line transcripts of:
    • Pre 1813 Marriages
    • 1813-37 Marriages
    • 1813-37 Burials.
  • Baptisms.
    • Baptisms 1562 to 1810, and 1811 to 1901, in this parish are available on-line through the OPC search Facility - (C-PROP).
    • Wendron Burhos (Burros) Wesleyan Methodist Chapel baptisms 1890 to 1910 are available on-line through the OPC search Facility - (C-PROP).
    • The OPC of Breage has transcribed Breage Circuit: Bible Christian Births & Baptisms 1821 to 1837. Parishes mentioned include: Breage, Crowan, Gwinear, Helston, Mullion, Porthleven, St Anthony, St Hilary, St Keverne, Sithney and Wendron. These can be searched on-line.
    • The Cornish Forefathers' Society have published on CD baptisms 1720 to 1837 for this parish which can be purchased on Parish Chest.
  • Banns. Banns 1883 to 1910 in this parish are available on-line through the OPC search Facility - (C-PROP).
  • Marriages.
    • Phillimore marriages 1560 to 1812, and marriage transcripts 1560 to 1753, for this parish are available on-line through the OPC search Facility - (C-PROP).
    • The Cornwall Family History Society have published transcripts of: Marriages in the Parish 1560 to 1837, which is available in CD or downloadable .pdf file formats.
  • Burials.

Civil Registration

The parish of Wendron was originally in the Helston Registration District; there were sub-districts at Breage, Crowan, Helston, St Keverne and Wendron. It is now in the Kerrier Registration District. Parishes in this registration district are: Breage, Crowan, Cury, Germoe, Gunwalloe, Grade, Helston, Landewednack, Manaccan, Mawgan in Meneage, Mullion, Ruan Major, Ruan Minor, St. Anthony in Meneage, St. Keverne, St. Martin in Meneage, Sithney, Wendron.

The address of the Registration Office is: The Willows, Church Street, Helston, TR13 8NJ.
Tel: 01326 562848.


Description & Travel

  • The Wendron Parish Council has a website which gives much further local and historical information.
You can see pictures of Wendron which are provided by:



The National Gazetteer of Great Britain and Ireland - 1868

"WENDRON, a parish in the W. division of Kerrier hundred, county Cornwall. It is situated in a rich mineral district, and comprises the borough and market town of Helston."

"CARNMENELLIS, (or Carmenelaze), a village in the parish of Wendron, hundred of Kerrier, in the county of Cornwall, 3 miles to the N. of Helstone. Redruth is its post town. Near the village is Carnmenellis Hill, rising above 800 feet high. The living is a perpetual curacy* in the diocese of Exeter, annexed to the vicarage* of Wendron, value £184, in the patronage of Mrs. Broadley.

"HELSTON, a chapelry in the parish of Wendron, it is market town, parliamentary and municipal borough, hundred of Kerrier, county Cornwall, 15 miles S.W. of Truro, and 276 from London. Helston has up to the present time been annexed to the parish of Wendron, but has been lately formed into a separate ecclesiastical parish by order of the Privy Council. A large district is hereby attached to Helston, for the sake of endowment, and the vicarial tithes arising therein will belong to the vicar of this new ecclesiastical parish. It is situated on the western side of a hill on the river Cobre, which is rendered unnavigable through the vast body of sand constantly washed up at the mouth, about 3 miles distant from Helston. This natural bank of sand forms a beautiful lake which is called "Loe Pool;" it becomes flooded at certain periods of the year, when a channel is cut through the bank for its escape, and the meeting of the two waters together form a singular and grand appearance. Helston is of ancient date, and is mentioned in Domesday Book as Henliston. Sixteen charters have been granted to it, commencing from the reign of King John in 1201. It was made a mint town by Edward I., and returned two members to parliament; but since the Reform Bill it has only returned one.



OPC Assistance.

  • The On-line Parish Clerk (OPC) scheme operates a service to help family historians; the OPC page for this parish is available on-line.


You can see maps centred on OS grid reference SW690315 (Lat/Lon: 50.138561, -5.234723), Wendron which are provided by:



Information about the Wendron Mining Area is available on-line.


Poor Houses, Poor Law

Wendron parish was part of the Helston Union for Poor Law administration and parish relief. Overseers' Accounts (1750 to 1759, 1828 to 1832) and Settlement Papers (1765 to 1843), are available in the Cornwall Record Office.



The parishes of Carnmenellis (1846) and Pencoys (1881) were created from parts of this parish. Population figures below exclude the Municipal Borough of Helston which was separately enumerated.

  • Population in 1801 - 3006 persons
  • Population in 1811 - 3555 persons
  • Population in 1821 - 4193 persons
  • Population in 1831 - 4780 persons
  • Population in 1841 - 5576 persons
  • Population in 1851 - 5321 persons
  • Population in 1861 - 6008 persons
  • Population in 1871 - 5788 persons
  • Population in 1881 - 4584 persons
  • Population in 1891 - 4250 persons
  • Population in 1901 - 3831 persons
  • Population in 1911 - 3693 persons
  • Population in 1921 - 3281 persons
  • Population in 1931 - 3314 persons
  • Population in 1951 - 2570 persons
  • Population in 1961 - 2490 persons
  • Population in 1971 - 2601 persons
  • Population in 1981 - 2410 persons (including 305 in Wendron and Trenear Villages)
  • Population in 1991 - 2450 persons (including 315 in Wendron and Trenear Villages)
  • Population in 2001 - 2476 persons
  • Population in 2011 - 2656 persons

Public Records

The 1832 Voters' List for Wendron, in the 'Helleston' Polling District, is available on-line.



The parish originally comprised 11429 acres of land.


Voting Registers