

The updates have been applied on the "anchor" issue on 27 July.

The issues are discussed here 

Details are also on the maintainers list.

Shortcut for not defined in the taxonomy term.

Bideford Burials 1800-1812

transcribed by

Elizabeth Howard

Provided here by kind permission of the Ven Mike Edson of St Mary's Bideford

Jan 1st Mary Gayton
Jan 4th John Hernaman
Jan 6th Nanny Ward/Hard
Jan 11th John Combe
Jan 19th Susanna Pedlar
Jan 20th Sarah Weston
Jan 30th Thomas Vickery
Feb 16th George Smale
Feb 23rd John Wollacott
Feb 27th George Lester
Mar 8th John Muxworthy
Mar 18th Mary Ulph
Mar 19th John Jewell
Mar 21st William Doidge
Mar 26th Edward Wren
Mar 26th Elizabeth Backway
Mar 28th Mary Crocker
Apl 3rd Mary Curtis
Apl 3rd Elizabeth Grimshire
Apl 11th Joanna Backway
Apl 11th Mary Clerk
May 4th Joseph Gliddon
May 6th Thomas Huish
May 6th Margaret Harris
May 7th Charles Jewell
May 14th Hannah Morris
May 20th Ann Dalling
May 25th Mary Morgan
May 30th John Braddon
June 11th Christian Baker
June 11th Edward Turner
June 13th Harriet Stavely
July 6th William Fursier
July 20th Jane Bird
July 27th Frances Bully
Aug 2nd Grace Ching
Aug 4th Mary Hocking
Aug 12th Elizabeth Collamore
Aug 19th William Stocker
Aug 20th Margaret Collacott
Sept 8th John Mathews
Sept 11th George Hawksley
Oct 8th Thomas Treble
Oct 26th Sarah Parminter
Nov 17th Thomas Willcock
Nov 27th Elizabeth Davey
Dec 9th Susanna Friar
Dec 11th Elizabeth Bryant
Dec 11th Hannah Halls
Dec 13th Elizabeth Rickerd

Jan 2nd Cornelius Please
Jan 9th Elizabeth Muxworthy
Jan 9th Elizabeth Kivell
Jan 11th Mary Fairchild
Jan 18th Ann Gregory
Jan 28th Grace Dalling
Feb 3rd Elizabeth Harper
Feb 10th Joan Copp
Feb 16th Hannah Gowman
Feb 27th William Grozard
Mar 13th Samuel Prust
Mar 17th Jane Cory
Mar 17th Mary Croscombe
Mar 19th William Edward Honeycombe Smith
Mar 25th Daniel Cornish
Mar 25th Sarah Pedlar
Apl 5th James Stott
Apl 15th John Clark
Apl 16th Rebecca Davey
Apl 16th Christopher Curtice
Apl 25th John Sandercock
May 10th Ann Passmore
May 25th Mary Hearding
May 29th Sarah Adams
June 10th William Heay
June 25th William Webber
June 29th Ann Taylor
July 3rd Richard Burnacle Lewis
July 6th Henry Parkman
July 9th John Pike
July 9th James Huxtable
July 21st Moses Bale
July 24th Susanna Croscombe
Aug 11th Sarah Wren
Sept 14th Joan Vener
Sept 17th Nathaniel Squire
Sept 21st Martha Williams
Sept 23rd Ann Luke
Sept 24th Richard Branton
Oct 18th Joseph Rayment
Oct 22nd Maria Huckson Kemp
Oct 23rd Henry Crowson
Oct 26th John Mules
Oct 26th Mary Philphant
Oct 28th Elizabeth Evans
Nov 6th Ann May
Nov 7th Arthur Harris
Nov 14th Archelaus Rickerd
Nov 29th Jane Parish
Dec 10th John James
Dec 11th Florence Empson
Dec 15th William Franklin
Dec 16th James Gammon
Dec 18th Elizabeth Crossing
Dec 23rd Richard Branton
Dec 24th Christopher Thorn

Jan 19th James Prust
Jan 31st Elizabeth Mules 80
Jan 31st Edward Chapman
Feb 2nd Nathan Harris
Feb 5th John Franklin 84
Feb 9th George Gowman
Feb 23rd Jane Lock
Mar 3rd Christian Eastman
Mar 10th Philip Sloman
Mar 12th Alice Tamlin
Mar 23rd Margaret Burnard
Mar 24th Hugh Brawn
Mar 31st John Henry Gerhard
Apl 11th John England 85
Apl 16th Ann Hutchings
Apl 17th Ann Griffith
Apl 19th Elizabeth Jewell
Apl 21st Ann Lukey
Apl 24th Anthony Pritchard 88
Apl 24th Henry Cadd
Apl 28th Mary Cudlipp
May 6th Maria Monkley
May 14th William Heay
May 14th Ann Faning
May 17th Michael Way
May 19th James Beer
May 25th John Croscombe
May 28th Elizabeth Harris
May 29th Walter Slowley
June 1st Susanna Ellis
June 5th Ann Prust
June 6th William Cock
June 13th Sarah Thomas 80
June 18th Mary & Ann Pasmore twins
June 20th Elizabeth Webber
June 22nd Sarah Ellis
June 27th Mary Bliss Stocker
June 28th Joanna Richards
July 3rd Mary Stapledon
July 5th Amelia Kemp
July 6th Ann Cadd
July 12th Mary Burdon
July 15th Elizabeth Shopland
July 21st William Spencer
July 25th Thomas Lampey
July 28th Sparks Hoare esq
July 28th Richard Philiphant
Aug 6th Richard Branch
Aug 16th William Rook
Aug 27th Richard Wheeler
Sept 5th William Davis
Sept 12th Israel Hatherly
Sept 15th Judith Gibbs
Sept 17th Roger Faning
Sept 25th Thomas Parish
Sept 26th Elizabeth Beer
Oct 20th Elizabeth Arthur
Oct 20th John Trustin
Oct 23rd Mary Howard
Oct 24th John Essery
Oct 27th Elizabeth Eastman
Oct 30th Edward Bird Smith
Nov 6th William Fry
Nov 20th William Matthews
Nov 21st Ann Elizabeth Anthony
Nov 22nd Thomas Wills Hatherly
Nov 22nd Christopher Davies
Nov 25th John Martin White
Dec 13th Ann Stapledon
Dec 30th Elizabeth Dickinson

Jan 7th Susanna Webber
Jan 12th Ann Crocker
Jan 14th George Finey esq
Jan 19th Thomas Handford
Jan 20th Samuel Wollacott
Jan 28th Mary Short
Jan 30th Susanna Screws
Feb 2nd William Tole
Feb 11th Thomas Honeywell
Feb 12th Charles Collins
Feb 18th Ann Smith
Feb 21st Phoebe Squire
Feb 21st Ann Lampin
Feb 27th Honour Prust
Mar 3rd William Faning
Mar 5th Richard Sparks Williams
Mar 13th Richard Tuckfield
Mar 26th Thomas Slocombe
Apl 1st Maria Harward
Apl 7th Mary Leversuch
Apl 10th Mary Loder
Apl 13th Besy Philkins
Apl 23rd Mary Ashton
May 10th Grace Thomas 85
May 18th Frances Tucker
May 18th Edward Martin
May 20th Mary Bawdon
May 22nd John Brimacombe
May 20th Thamzin Chanter
June 6th Robert Bartlett
June 7th Elizabeth Hughs
June 8th John Hearding
June 17th John Moon
June 30th Sarah Serjeant
July 7th Mary May
July 12th Frances Chope
July 13th Sarah Henner Bartlett
July 13th Richard Brimacombe
July 16th Elizabeth Heay
July 17th Tamzine Tawton
July 23rd George Richards
July 28th Hugh Upham
July 29th Hannah Willcock
Aug 4th Mary Foot
Aug 13th William Gilbert
Aug 15th Mary Sutton
Aug 24th Grace Laffer
Aug 30th John Arthur
Sept 12th Simon Peter Palmer
Sept 24th Benjamin Rogers Pyke
Sept 24th William Rogers Pyke
Sept 25th Mary Churchill
Sept 27th Thomas Hogg
Sept 29th George Welloway
Oct 10th Woman unknown
Oct 18th William Sutton
Nov 2nd John Futts 84
Nov 3rd John Bishop
Nov 4th Samuel Lavington Rooker
Nov 17th James Stapleton
Nov 17th James Griga
Nov 22nd Thomas Taylor
Nov 26th William Pasmore
Nov 28th John Chanter
Dec 5th Samuel Martin
Dec 8th John Martin
Dec 10th Sarah Harris
Dec 14th John Pasmore
Dec 16th Sarah Saunders 85
Dec 31st William Wood

Jan 5th Margaret Martin
Jan 6th James Burdon
Jan 18th John Doidge
Jan 23rd Eliz Judith Hatherly
Feb 5th Elizabeth Chanter
Feb 7th Elizabeth Griffey 93
Feb 8th William Jones 80
Feb 11th Nathaniel Bliss Stocker
Feb 16th Susanna Honey Trick
Feb 22nd Augusta Hatherly
Feb 22nd Josepha Wells Hatherly
Feb 29th Mary Burdon
Mar 2nd John Martyn
Mar 14th Sarah Halls 90
Mar 21st George Towell
Mar 25th Susanna Welsford
Mar 28th John Jewell
Apl 4th Jane White
Apl 9th Thomas Ellis 80
Apl 17th Martha Miles
Apl 18th Susanna Hobbs
Apl 21st Elizabeth Copner
May 5th William Denslow
May 15th Sarah Harpur 84
May 24th John Jewell
May 26th Margaret Gayton
May 30th John Taylor
May 30th Charles Doidge
June 14th John Croscombe
June 16th William Gerard
July 3rd Charlotte Crocker
Aug 3rd Michael Spry
Sept 18th Sarah Courtice
Sept 19th Ellis Laker
Sept 23rd Catherine Eastman
Sept 30th Margaret Simonds 72
Oct 7th Maria Mevin
Oct 20th Josias Harris
Nov 23rd William Richards
Dec 2nd Jane Sutton
Dec 2nd Charity Buckingham 70
Dec 22nd Charlotte Cotton a few hours

Jan 2nd William Cory 51
Jan 4th John Madge
Jan 12th John Heard 16
Jan 18th William Churchill 73
Jan 23rd Jane Lock 93
Jan 25th Anne Johnson
Feb 3rd Jane Case 26
Feb 8th William Howard 76
Feb 11th Elizabeth Brown 10
Feb 17th Mary Folland 1
Feb 18th Richard Shute 74
Feb 19th Frederic Fanning organist 70
Feb 21st Thomas Cory 94
Feb 24th Mary Ann Gifford 10
Feb 25th Mary Facey 69
Feb 26th John Yeo 50
Mar 1st Sarah Merin 77
Mar 16th Judith Clyde 25
Mar 20th Susannan Hobbs 80
Mar 31st Margaret Cracknell 73
Apl 3rd John Hutchings 62
Apl 11th Margaret Orchard 70
Apl 18th Sarah Makay 67
Apl 20th Thomas Welsh 22
Apl 21st William Paul 56
Apl 21st William Bennett 1 week
Apl 25th Mary Eastman 41
May 5th Jane Watkins
May 6th John Case 1
May 8th Anne Elizabeth Heay 7?71
May 15th Thomas Bland King 38
May 23rd Elizabeth Creed 89
May 26th Charles Tricks 33
June 5th Elizabeth Gayton 2
June 29th Mary Denbow 2
July 1st William Nichols 1
July 11th James Hugh Balley 63
July 15th Peter Upjohns
July 17th William Prout Matthews 7 days
Aug 7th Elizabeth Hatch 68
Sept 1st George Eastman 3 months
Sept 4th Emma Gozard 1 yr 8months
Sept 6th Joseph Harper 78
Sept 6th Mary Short 59
Sept 8th Jane Lock 7months
Mary ?Smith no date 31
Sept 11th Richard Thorne 21
Sept 19th Susanna Moon 17months
Oct 2nd George Pawley Buck?? 23
Oct 4th John Underhill 1year
Oct 7th Henry Wood Barfett 2months
Oct 8th George Ford 1 year
Oct 27th Mary Pethrick 65
Oct 30th Charles Havalley 5
Oct 31st Agnes Carder 76
Nov 1st John Croscombe infant
Nov 12th John Rude 76
Nov 14th Grace Pritchards 89
Nov 15th Elizabeth Johns 52
Nov 15th Fanny Bishop 16
Nov 20th Catherine Coombs 45
Dec 29th William Skeeraw ½year

Jan 16th Frances Alport 61
Jan 22nd James Piper 57
Jan 25th Sarah Maria Pearson 1
Jan 28th Eleanor Garret Stocker
Feb 4th Elizabeth Elliot 4
Feb 10th Mary Williams 1 ¸
Feb 14th Hezekiah Sutton 71
Feb 14th Julia Jane Carder ¹
Feb 20th John Tucker Bird a few days
Feb 27th William Carter
Mar 7th Edward Shrapnel
Mar 30th Richard Stevens 2
Mar 30th Elizabeth Tucker 70
Apl 24th Frances Goodwin 80
Apl 24th James Landon 6
May 5th Maria Strange 69
May 5th James Bates
May 22nd Mary Bartlemey 19
May 27th Mary Hook 86
July 18th John Illman 67
Aug 4th Thomas Stapleton 17
Aug 4th John Davy 77
Aug 5th John Morgan 47
Aug 11th Elizabeth Short
Aug 16th Charles Goman 8months
Aug 22nd Anne Upjohn 50
Aug 29th Ursula Rawle 79
Sept 3rd Catherine Ashton 22
Sept 6th Charles Pugsley 11months
Sept 12th Charlotte Robins 18
Sept 13th Richard Stephens 23
Sept 17th William Saunders 2
Sept 18th Margaret Tucker 87
Sept 20th William Martin 11weeks
Sept 22nd Grace Cox 40
Sept 29th Susanna Brooks
Sept 29th Thomas Griffiths 42
Oct 1st Margaret Lepan 72
Oct 5th Richard Eastman 3 weeks
Oct 5th John M`kay 8 months
Oct 5th Mary Smale 72
Oct 8th Caroline Lake 6 weeks
Oct 8th Benjamin Mog 12
Oct 11th John Cadd 2
Oct 13th John Moray 6
Oct 15th Philip May 38
Oct 16th William Sidney Smith 5 weeks
Oct 17th John Folland 32
Oct 21st Susanna Jackman 45
Oct 23rd Elizabeth Tyeth 1 ²
Oct 27th Samuel Luke 7
Oct 27th Sarah Matthews 10
Oct 27th Barbara Lukey 7
Nov 2nd Robert Croscomb 2
Nov 5th Susanna Clifton 42
Nov 5th Richard Trace 2
Nov 12th Mary Johnson 75
Nov 14th Thomas Austin 1
Nov 16th William Brookes 2 weeks
Nov 19th Samuel Fogartty 11
Dec 4th Anne Popham 1 month
Dec 5th Sarah Trick 2
Dec 11th John Shapland Bowden 3
Dec 14th Samuel Mucksworthy 58
Dec 27th Rebecca Pryer 38

Jan 6th Elizabeth Jolliffe 64
Jan 18th John Osborn 70
Feb 1st Thomas Balch 8 days
Feb 6th James Shapland 2
Feb 13th Sarah Spencer 78
Feb 16th Judith Parish 69
Feb 23rd John Prouse 5 months
Feb 26th Thomas Cholwill 63
Mar 8th John Croscomb 49
Mar 23rd Sarah Soper 83
Mar 24th George Hobbs 1 week
Mar 27th Abigail Heard 72
Mar 29th Sarah Green 86
Mar 30th Anne Thorne 66
Apl 22nd Emma Row 93
Apl 24th Samuel Levington 81
Apl 30th Patience Farms ? 70
May 4th William Rawle 53
May 13th Henry Cole 80
May 28th Susanna Wills 87
June 12th Edward Overdine 14months
June 14th George Hogg
July 2nd Priscilla Hurn 65
July 4th Mary Tuckfield 28
July 24th Fane Cann 88
Aug 9th Rebecca Crocker 76
Aug 16th James Tibbs 94
Sept 2nd Maria Whitaker 24
Sept 4th Margaret Harris 98
Sept 11th Elizabeth Trace 16
Sept 15th Mary Anne Fannings 32
Sept 19th Elizabeth Norman 70
Sept 23rd William Gilbert 1 ¸
Oct 6th William Mullins 2 months
Oct 7th Elizabeth Godding 84
Oct 8th William Grigg 54
Oct 11th Peter Prout 69
Oct 25th Anne Fogarty 24?34
Nov 4th James Buckingham 6
Nov 10th Jane Fogarty 22
Nov 15th Caroline Millar 3months
Nov 25th Stephen Wickets 6 weeks
Nov 26th Samuel Taylor 11months
Dec 2nd Catherine Baker 80
Dec 8th Margaret Skoine 73
Dec 28th Grace Stephens 60

Jan 28th John Parish 88
Feb 2nd Andrew Pssmore 29
Feb 10th Elizabeth Welsford 58
Feb 18th Robert Downe 53
Feb 18th Grace Martin 64
Feb 28th Elizabeth Hatherley 26
Mar 1st Elizabeth Gayton 29
Mar 7th Edward Underhill 1
Mar 12th Henry Spray Cadd 1
Mar 14th Mary Jewell 58
Mar 18th Patience Manning 89
Mar 25th Grace Tallen 56
Mar 28th Thomas Backway 65
Apl 10th Mary Anne Eastman 1 hour
Apl 17th John Keen 74
Apl 24th Samuel Saunders 58
Apl 29th Elizabeth Bane 45
May 2nd Charles Mountjoy 78
May 3rd William Hamlyn Heywood 72
May 13th William Nicholls 88
May 19th Willmot Colonel
May 19th Elizabeth Colonel a few days each
May 24th William Burnaford 67
June 3rd Rebecca Fry 18
June 6th Thomas Spray 63
June 10th Elizabeth Fraser 67
June 16th Sarah Burdon 17
June 23rd Sarah Crosscombe 83
June 29th Anne Redicliffe 2
July 7th John Reeves 56
July 12th Philip Stevens 2 weeks
July 14th John Tucker 11 months
July 15th William Stevens 3 weeks
July 16th John Beer 12
July 27th Anne Price 72
July 27th John Doidge 9 months
July 28th Alexander Gunnis 89
Aug 18th Judith Pearce Barritt 15 days
Aug 21st Elizabeth Davie 85
Aug 23rd Sarah Pugsley 57
Aug 27th John Rawle Pearson 31 weeks
Sept 5th Elizabeth Hocking 42
Sept 6th John Mellish Griffey 1 month
Sept 6th Sarah Green inf 1 year
Sept 17th John Hall 35
Sept 18th Elizabeth Every 11 months
Oct 6th Thomas Essery 75
Oct 19th John Evans 22months
Oct 28th James Mansfield 4
Nov 6th Elizabeth Grills 77
Nov 6th William Brown a few days
Nov 7th Edwin Cann 8 months
Nov 23rd Mary Davie 84
Dec 11th Eliza Lake 5
Dec 15th William Mullins 25
Dec 15th William Wray 5 days
Dec 24th Andrew Waldron 57
Dec 29th Anne Bernars widow 79

Jan 3rd Thomas Clarke 55
Jan 8th John Arthur 53
Jan 10th Elizabeth Brown 74
Jan 15th Esther Hobbs
Jan 15th Miriam Mosslake 4
Jan 28th Mariana Hatherly 20
Jan 29th Harriet Ash 9
Feb 26th Dorothy Harris 56
Mar 1st Susanna Barnet 62
Mar 2nd William Cann 27
Mar 10th Susanna Prowse 15months
Mar 19th Edward Titherley 57
Mar 22nd Grace Bardon 72
Mar 28th James Bohanna Babb 1
Apl 23rd Tamazin Andrew 55
May 3rd Mary Mountjoy 78
May 7th Jane Barnway 36
May 12th Susanna Crossman 4
May 24th Edmund Passmore 12
June 2nd Elizabeth Hatherley 36
June 4th Mary Stoner 6
June 7th Eleanor White 60
July 2nd Margaret Fewings 73
July 7th Susanna Richards 78
July 9th Elizabeth Wrangle 62
July 28th John Saunders 11
July 30th Grace Robins 49
Aug 4th Charles Hatherley 75
Aug 6th Hannah Slowly 20
Aug 10th John Doidge 44
Sept 2nd John Stevens 9 months
Sept 2nd Judith Chanter 23
Sept 18th William Grigg 4 months
Sept 25th Grace Denbow 39
Oct 6th George Breach a few days
Oct 13th Frances Grant Lake 31
Oct 24th John Simons 5
Nov 18th Anne Matthews 37
Nov 24th Richard Watkins 78
Nov 28th John Harris 89
Nov 29th Elizabeth Herniman 79
Dec 14th Henry Cadd 75
Dec 24th John Cawsey 5

Jan 6th Elizabeth Franklin 84
Jan 11th Margaret Carter Stevens 10months?
Jan 11th Grace Hockin 8
Jan 15th Jane Croscombe
Feb 1st Mary Blackmore 62
Feb 13th Elizabeth Backway 65
Mar 16th Margaret Taylor 86
Mar 26th John Ellis 78
Apl 2nd Elizabeth Robinson 78
Apl 2nd Edward Jewel 74
Apl 2nd Sarah Galsworthy 61
Apl 15th Samuel Elliot
Apl 19th Thomas Stapleton 49?
Apl 29th Abraham Stapleton
May 6th James Smith 6 months
May 20th John Winter 11months
June 7th John Nesbit
June 18th Mary Dyer 76
June 18th Mary Jeffery 40
June 18th William Way 23
June 21st Margaret Ellis 79
June 23rd Joseph Elliot 39
July 11th George Farley 4 months
July 18th John Bishop 19
July 28th Charlotte Baker 14 weeks
July 29th Elizabeth Roberts 50
Aig 18th Elizabeth Clifton 18
Aug 29th William Cole 38
Sept 3rd Richard Barnes 11?77
Sept 5th Mary Elizabeth Willcock 5
Sept 12th William Maine? 80
Sept 19th Harriet Lake 13weeks
Sept 26th James Chappell 67
Oct 10th William Dyer 20
Oct 19th Jane Cawsey 7
Oct 23rd Elizabeth Bishop 16weeks
Oct 29th Annanias Peak 62
Oct 31st Hugh Arnon 54
Oct 31st Elizabeth Darch 59
Nov 5th William Harris 64
Nov 11th George Breach 17 days
Nov 14th Mary Stott 81
Nov 25th Grace Laverit? 87
Nov 28th Willm Gilbert Boynes 8months
Dec 1st Elizabeth Rodgman 21
Dec 3rd Martha Hockin 75
Dec 18th Susanna Tucket 81

Jan 1st Ann Jewell 80
Jan 1st Thomas Hill 7
Jan 3rd James Ellis 80
Jan 8th Ann May 37
Jan 13th Mary Dunn 75
Jan 16th Ann Evans 32
Jan 21st Mary Samm 70
Jan 26th John Edmund Barrett 13months
Jan 28th Frances Jewell 5
Jan 31st Ann Ley 81
Feb 13th Susanna Dennis 73
Feb 14th Margaret Taylor 80
Mar 1st Mary Pascoe 79
Mar 18th Thomas Ley 69
Mar 23rd Mary Ley Johns 75
Mar 27th James Elson 22
Apl 3rd Anthony Oatway 42
Apl 10th Jane White 52
Apl 17th Honor Harris 76
Apl 17th Sarah Glover 64
May 1st Hannah Scott 74
May 15th Mary Elson 58
May 26th Ann Crossman 15
June 6th Margery Parish 74
June 17th Mary Littlejohn 73
June 20th John Bear 15months
July 1st John Morrish 14months
July 1st Mary Braunch 91
July 8th Howland Moase 68
July 9th Benjamin Bardon 67
July 23rd Thos Nesbit , Lieut in his Majesty`s Navy 30
Aug 2nd Edward Facey 5days
Aug 2nd William Trick 10
Aug 8th George Sanson a few days
Aug 16th Mary Hill 32?
Aug 21st Francis Isaac 56
Aug 28th Lewis Lloyd 29
Aug 31st William Carder 79
Sept 8th Mary Ann Collins 2
Sept 10th John Woolacott 25
Sept 10th William Moyle 82
Sept 14th Daniel McKay 30
Sept 14th Jane Barnes 76
Sept 29th Henry Pickard 64
Oct 5th Elizabeth Peddle 38
Oct 15th Elizabeth Burnacle 80
Oct 22nd Mary Upjohn 50
Oct 24th John Daniel 66
Oct 26th Mary Morrish 33
Oct 27th Simon Lake 7months
Nov 9th George Spray 72
Nov 16th Henry Hooper 7months
Nov 21st Thos Whit Bartlett 3
Nov 21st Honor Northcott 73
Nov 22nd Elizabeth Bird 21
Nov 29th Elizabeth Williams 68
Dec 8th Sarah Pritchard 59
Dec 11th John Tillman
Dec 15th Elizabeth Blackmore 77
Dec 16th Mary Peard Barrett 7months
Dec 23rd Elizabeth Ballhatchett 75
Dec 26th Stephen Sherman Pearce 2 months

Jan 3rd William Hocking 18
Jan 14th Mary Sarah Bennett 3
Jan 23rd George Bowen 16months
Feb 3rd Emila Prouse 2
Feb 3rd Henry Ashton 1
Feb 6th Gwen Stavely 45
Feb 6th Robert Stevens 38
Feb 6th Thomas Morrish 5
Feb 13th Augustus Bennett 17
Feb 19th William Sage 8
Feb 20th Ann Bassett Redcliffe 1
Feb 23rd Jane Backway 6
Feb 23rd Sarah Pickard 2
Feb 24th Mary Ann Down 1 hour
Feb 26th Edward Morris 2
Feb 26th William Brennam Boyns 13 weeks
Mar 2nd John Hawking 40
Mar 5th William Lang 3
Mar 5th Lewis Paddon 1
Mar 5th Mary Ann Martyn an infant
Mar 6th Joseph Major 5
Mar 10th Eliza Crocker 3
Mar 16th George Cowler 44
Mar 23rd Sarah Trick 1
Mar 23rd John Backway 9months
Mar 25th Letitiia Cooler 73
Mar 30th Moses Squire 7
Mar 30th Ann Hooper 1month
Mar 30th Elizabeth Gilbert 46
Apl 2nd John Pickard 30
Apl 9th William Hoxman 2
Apl 10th Rebecca Piper 1
Apl 13th John Isaac Ley 2 weeks
Apl 15th William Evans 16months
Apl 16th Elizabeth Williams 78
Apl 16th George Whitaker 3
Apl 18th Grace Wren 59
Apl 19th Thomas Augustus Boys 26
Apl 19th Mary Cawsey 67
Apl 20th William Marks 75
Apl 26th John Hatherly 68
May 15th Thomas Barfitt 15
May 15th John Willcock 44
May 15th Philip Morrish 65
June 1st Mary Passmore 84
June 3rd James Johnson 2
June 6th William Croscombe 54
June 6th John Hose? 77
June 12th Frances Essety 77
June 14th Grace Passmore 9months
June 14th Thomas Bartholomew 1
June 19th William Harbour 1year 9months
June 25th Elizabeth Hobbs 2
July 3rd Robert Wren 67
July 7th John Rattenbury 24
July 9th John Light Bowen 65
July 20th William Branton 67
July 21st Elizabeth Watkins 58?
July 26th Abraham Francis 80?
Aug 2nd Jemima Rooke 2
Aug 2nd Richard Gibbs 67
Aug 2nd Henry Ulph 1 day
Aug 4th Wilmott Short 26
Aug 18th William Henry Vickery 1 month
Aug 28th Harriet Hatherly 25
Sept 1st Hannah Stock 14months
Sept 6th Eliza Lake 1 week
Sept 6th William Stoyle 55
Sept 6th Theodosia Loyd 2
Sept 12th Robert Stevens 14 weeks
Sept 23rd Rebecca Gin 5 weeks
Oct 14th Charles Grigg 5 weeks
Oct 16th James Lewis 3 months
Oct 19th Susannah Bartlett 72
Oct 28th Ann Way 32
Oct 28th Maria Sampson 14weeks
Nov 7th Mary English 3 weeks
Nov 17th John Spearman 59
Nov 18th Richard Gilbert 5
Nov 18th Fanny Ley 7
Nov 24th A stranger unknown
Nov 24th William Narraway 60
Dec 1st Ann Loyd 1
Dec 13th Mary Wakeley 4 months
Dec 13th Edward Cook Merchant 5
Dec 19th Catherine Bayliss 62

Brian Randell, 25 Aug 2008