
Will of Thomas Collemore, Gentleman of Luffincott

Proved 12 May 1635

National Archives Ref: PROB 11/168/95

Transcribed by Pat Garnett-Frizelle

In the name of God Amen, the sixteenth day of december in the tenth yeare of the raigne of our sovraigne Lord CHARLES by the grace of God, of England, Scotland, Ffrance and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith. Cr~ anno dm one thousand six hundred twentyfower, I Thomas Collamore of Lushcott in the countie of devon gent, being of good and perfect memory though sicke of body (thankes be unto God) revoking all former wills and testaments doe make this present testament declaring therein mye last will in manner and fourme following
Imprimis I commend my soule unto the hands of almighty God my maker and redeemer and my bodie to christian buriall.
Item I give and bequeath unto my sonne John Collamore all my plough stuffe as namely buttes, wheeles, harrowes, axells and iron axells and other like impliments thereunto belonging aswell being or belonging unto my Barton of Lushcott as also unto those my messuages and tennaments in Rowborough and Ffrithelstocke in the said countie of Devon and to every of them, provided alwaies my will, intent and meaning is that my wife Margaret Collamore whome i ordayne to make my executrix of this my last will and testament shall have and enjoy all the before verified legacies during the terme of her life.
Item I give and bequeath unto my said sonne John Collamore all my cartwheeles, wheel barres with iron axells belonging to my carriages for horses and which now are upon Lushcott, Ffrithelstocke or Rowborough as aforesaid but my wife shall quietly enjoy the same during her life.
Item I give and bequeath unto my said sonne John Collamore all bedsteds, tableboards, formers? and woodall? bestell wainscotes and seelings belonging and being in my house and about my house of my said Barton of Lushcott except the long table board standing in the hall which i give unto Margaret my wife but my will and intent is that my wife shall quietely have, keep and enjoy the same and every of them during her life.
Item I give unto my said sonne John Collamore my broad silver peece of plate and the silver tankard, butt my wife is and shall have the use of them during her life.
Item I give and bequeath unto my daughter Elizabeth Incledon the somme of fortie pounds in money to be payed within one month next after my death and one yoke of oxen as which are now in her husbands custody,
Item I give and bequeath unto my said daughter Elizabeth one hundred pounds of lawfull money of England to be payed within one yeare after my death if she be then living if her husband Lewes Incledon doo make over unto some friends in trust of her the said Elizabeth a good such store and indefeazable joynture of one hundred pounds y and to the use of her- the said Elizabeth or such child or children as shallbe begotten by the said Lewes on the body of the said Elizabeth as by the controll and consent of the said Margaret Collamore shallbe thought convenient and to be done and started within the space of one yeare after my death by the said Lewes Incledon.
Item In consideration of the joynture aforesaid to be ( nk ) by the said Lewes upon the said Elizabeth his now wife and in cause she shall happen to live by the space of two years after my decease then at the end of the said two years i give unto her the said Elizabeth the like somme of one hundred pounds of lawfull money of England and in cause if she shall happen to lyve by the space of three yeares after my decease then at the end of the three years i give and bequeath unto her the said Elizabeth one other somme of one hundred pounds to be payed unto her at the end of the said three years provided ( nk ) and my will, intent and meaning is that the said Lewes Incledon shall assure her the said Elizabeth and her children or childe between them begotten of the joyntures aforesaid (as the controll of the said  Margaret Collamore, learned in the lawe shall thinke fitt ) before they the said Lewes and Elizabeth or any of them shall have and receave the said severall sommes conteyng in all three hundred pounds if the said Elizabeth be living and in perfect health.
Item I further give unto my sayd daughter Elizabeth Incledon one silver goblet or bolle guilded to have and enjoy the same after the death of my wife if shee be then living.
Item I give unto my daughter Margaret Burgoine after the death of my wife my great silver cupp.
Item I give and bequeath unto Robert Burgoine my grandchilde all those messuages, lands and (rents)? called West Stofford lying within the said parish of swymbridge in the countie of Devon to have and to hold for him and his assigns for and during the terme of fourscore and nineteen years fully to be expired if he the said Robert Burgoine shall soe long lyve the said termes to commence after the deaths or other determinations of John Collamore my cosen and Elizabeth his wife or every of them.
Item I give and bequeath unto Margaret Burgoine one other of my grandchildren fourty pounds of lawfull money of England to be payed unto her within one month after her marriage or within one month after the death of my wife.
Item I give unto William Burgoine one other of my grandchildren all my estate, tytle and (fourme)? and interest of and in thoses closes, meadows, pastuers and felling woods and underwoods with all and singular thappurtanances situate lying and being in Morthoe called commonly by the name of (P)onteknoll with all my right tytle and fourme of and in the same and all deeds and writings touching and concerning the same.
Item I give and bequeath unto Mary Burgoine one other of my grandchildren the somme of twenty pounds of lawfull money of England to be payed unto her as within one month after her marriage or within one month after my wifes death.
Item I give and bequeath unto Elizabeth Burgoine one other of my grandchildren the somme of tenne pounds to be likewise payed within one month next after her marriage or within one month next after my wifes death.
Item I give and bequeath unto my cosen Bridget Lanncey twenty markes of lawfull money of England when she shall accomplyshe the age of one and twenty years or within one month after my wifes death.
Item I give and bequeath unto any of my servant maydes that shallbe dwelling in my house at the tyme of my death the somme of tenne shillings to be payed to each of them ymediatly after my death.
Item I give and bequeath unto every of men servants which shall be living with mee at the tyme of my death tenn shillings to each of them to be payed instantly upon my death and unto my apprentice Mathew Hodge thirty shillings and to the little boy John Hearding five shillings and eight pence.
Item I give to the poor of the parish of Braunton twenty nobles of lawfull money of England the use thereof to be forever employed towards the relief and maintainance of the poor people of the said parish of Braunton by the churchwardens and overseers there butt the store still to be kept and by them improved.
Item I give to the poore of Northam twenty shillings and to the poor of Rowborough tenne shillings.
Item Igive to the poore of Bishops Tawton twenty shillings to be bestowed by the discetion of my brother William Collamore.
The residue of all my goods and chattells heretofore not given nor bequeathed (my legacies being payed and funerall expenses discharged) i doo hereby give devise and bequeath unto Margaret Collamore my wife whome i doe hereby solely and wholey make and ordayne to be executrix of this my last will and testament and i doe hartily instructe my sonne in law William Burgoine, my brother William Collamore, Richard Richards and my cosen Robt Slee to be overseers of this my fourmer will and testament, desiring them to be helping and alwaies assisting unto my said wife in performing hereof and i give to each of them for their paines tenn shillings a peece in witness of the truth i have hereunto sett my hand and seal and published this to be my last will and testament given the day and yeare first above written witness hereunto Thomas Collamore Witnesses to the sealing, signing and publishing hereof; Robert Slee, Hugh Dallyn, William Gribble


Memorand the day and year above written the above named Thomas Collamore gent, sealed, subscribed and published the last will and testament above written to be his last will and testament he being then of good and perfect memory though sicke in body in the presence of those whole names are here published; 
Richard Slee, the sign of Sara Barnegoose, signed Cicily Palmer,
Probate by Henrico Marten 10 may 1635 to Margaret Collamore relict and executrix.

Note: Lushcott is near Braunton.