
Thomas Warren, Yeoman, of Musbury

Proved 17 December 1716

© Crown Copyright

National Archives Catalogue Reference  PROB 11/555/274 

Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Volume number: Fox Quire Numbers: 209-247

Transcribed by  Art Ames

In the name of God Amen, the seventeenth day of August in the fifth year of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lady Anne by the Grace of God of England Scotland France and Ireland Defender of the Faith and anno domini 1706, of Thomas Warren of Musbury in the County of Devon yeoman being weak of body yet of good sound and perfect mind and memory praise be therefore given to almighty God do make and ordaine this my present last Will and Testament in manner and forme following (that is to say) 
First and principally I commend my Soul into the hands of Almighty God my maker hoping through the merits death and passion of Jesus Christ my only Saviour and Redeemer to receive full and free pardon and forgiveness of all my sins and to inherit everlasting life and my body I committ to the earth to be decently buried according to the discretion of my executor hereafter named 
And as touching the disposition of all wordly estate as almighty God in his mercy hath been pleased to bestow upon me I give and dispose thereof as followeth
First I will that my debts legarys and funeral expences be paid and discharged by my executor hereinafter named
Item I give and bequeath unto Martha Warren my dear and loving wife all that my messuage and tenement lying and being at Meadining within the said parish of Musbury with all the houses outhouses courtlages gardens orchards closes and parcels of ground thereunto belonging and one close called Smeathway with all and singular the appurtenances for and during her natural life if the present estate thereon shall so long last but my Will is that the said Martha my said wife shall quietly and peacefully permit and suffer the person whom I shall ordaine my executor to make use of the barns and outhouses for his necessary occasions without any disturbance
And after the death of the said Martha my said wife I do give and bequeath the same messuage and tenement aforesaid and the said close called Smeathway with the appurtenances unto Nathaniel Gundry of Lyme Regis in the county of Dorset merchant my son in law and during his natural life if the estate shall so long last 
And after the deaths of the said Martha my said wife and the said Nathaniel Gundry I do give and bequeath the same messuage and tenement and close called Smeathway with the appurtenances unto Elizabeth Gundry my daughter the now wife of the said Nathaniel Gundry for and during all the estate and terme therein then to come. 
Item I give and bequeath unto the said Martha my said wife all my household goods and implements of household and all the cheese butter and other provisions in house at the time of my death and four milk cows and the Sorrill horse and horse tackling (vizt) one pack saddle two girts crooks dung pots hackney saddle and pillion and twenty bushells of barley wheat to be delivered to her by my executor when she shall have occasion for the same and all the dry wood and four hogshead of cyder (if made) immediately after my decease. 
Item I give and bequeath unto the said Nathaniel Gundry after the death of my said wife Martha Warren all that my leasehold estate lying at Sherborn in the county of Dorset for and during his natural life if the estates thereon shall so long last 
And after the decease of the said Nathaniel Gundry I do give and bequeath the same leasehold estate lying at Sherborne aforesaid unto the said Elizabeth Gundry his wife for and during all the estate therein then to come and unexpired. 
Item I give and bequeath unto the said Nathaniel Gundry all that my leasehold estate lying in Shute in the county of Devon aforesaid with the appurtenances called Cloggs Tenement until Martha Gundry my grandaughter shall be of the full age of one and twenty years and if the estate thereon shall so long last 
And after the said Martha Gundry shall have accomplished the age of one and twenty years then I do give and bequeath the same leasehold estate called Cloggs Tenement with the appurtenances unto the said Martha Gundry during all the estate and term therein to come and unexpired
But my Will is that the said Martha Gundry and her assigns shall out of the Rents and Profits thereof pay unto Susannah Gundry her sister the sum of three pounds good English money yearly and every year during the natural life of the said Susannah clear of all rates and taxes whatsoever that shall or may be imposed for the same and if the estate on the said promises shall last so long and not otherwise. 
Item I give and bequeath unto the said Nathaniel Gundry all those two closes that were heretofore Mr. Knights and all that one close formerly Robert Balleighs lying in Musbury aforesaid until Elizabeth Gundry my grandaughter shall attain to the full age of one and twenty years 
And after the said Elizabeth Gundry my grandaughter shall be of the said age of one and twenty years then I do give and bequeath the said two closes heretofore Mr. Knights and the said one close formerly Robert Basleighs with all and singular the appurtenances unto the said Elizabeth Gundry for and during all the estate and term therein to come and unexpired
But my will is that the said Elizabeth Gundry my granddaughter shall out of the Rents and Profits thereof well and faithfully pay unto the said Susannah Gundry her sister forty shillings of good English money clear of all rates and taxes yearly and every year during the lifetime of the said Susannah and if the estate thereon shall so long last
Item I give and bequeath unto the said Susannah Gundry my grandaughter the said yearly payments of three pounds and forty shillings to be paid to her by her sisters Martha and Elizabeth in such manner and forme as is herein before limitted and declared by the payment of the same. 
Item I give and bequeath unto the said Nathaniel Gundry one close or piece of ground lying in Musbury aforesaid which was heretofore Bernard Loveridges until Anne Gundry my grandaughter shall attaine unto the full age of one and twenty years and after the said Anne Gundry shall accomplish the said age of one and twenty years then I do give and bequeath the said close or piece of ground heretofore Bernard Loveridges with the appurtenances unto the said Anne Gundry for and during all the estate and terme therein then to come and unexpired. 
Item I give and bequeath unto the said Nathaniel Gundry all that my three closes pieces or parcels of lands situate lying and being at Minford within the parish of Colyton in the county of Devon aforesaid until Nathaniel Gundry my grandson and son of the said Nathaniel Gundry shall accomplish the full age of one and twenty years 
And after the said Nathaniel Gundry my grandson shall be of the said age of one and twenty years then my Will is and I do give bequeath and devise the said three closes pieces or parcels of lands aforesaid with all and singular the appurtenances lying and being and situate at Minford aforesaid and which were by me lately purchased of Robert Halson of Colyton aforesaid yeoman unto the said Nathaniel Gundry my grandson and son of the said Nathaniel Gundry my son in law and to his heirs and assigns for ever to have and to hold the said three closes pieces or parcels of land lying at Minford aforesaid with the appurtenances unto the said Nathaniel Gundry my grandson and to his heirs and assigns for ever. 
Item I give and bequeath unto John Warren Nicholas Warren Elizabeth Warren Susannh Annings and Mary Searles my brothers and sisters to each and every of them twenty shillings to be paid to them by my executor hereafter named within twelve months next after my death. 
Item I give unto Thomas Warren my nephew son of the said John Warren five pounds of good English money to be paid to him or such guardian as he shall think to intrust with the same within twelve months next after my decease. 
Item I give and bequeath unto the four children of Susannah Annings my sister to each and every of them five pounds of good and lawful money of England to be paid to each and every of them within twelve months next after my death. 
Item I give and bequeath unto John Demett my kinsman five pounds good English money to be paid to him in twelve months next after my decease
Item I give and bequeath unto Mary Reed my kinswoman that now liveth with me ten pounds of good English money to be paid to her in twelve months next after my death. 
Item I give and bequeath unto William Reed shoemaker my kinsman forty shillings of good English money to be paid to him in twelve months next after my death. 
Item I give and bequeath unto William Rockett my servant five pounds to be paid him in twelve months next after my decease. 
Item I give and bequeath unto Nathaniel Brown my workman twenty shillings to be paid to him in twelve months next after my decease. 
Item I give to the Poor of Musbury aforesaid six pounds good English money and I do give to the Poor of Shute aforesaid three pounds of good English money to be paid in one month next after my death to be paid by and at my executor’s discretion. 
All the rest residue of my goods and chattels chattle estates bills bonds and debts owing to me whatsoever and not herein before given (after my debts legarys and funeral expenses are paid) I do give and bequeath unto Nathaniel Gundry my son in law whom I do make and ordain my full and whole and sole executor of this my last Will and Testament hereby revoking all former Wills by me made 
And my Will is that all persons contained in this my Will may live in Love and Unity and with another during the continuance of this fraile life
And I do desire my brother Nicholas Warren of Sydbury in the county of Devon yeoman and Thomas Orchard of Wootton Fitzpaine in the county of Dorset aforesaid yeoman to be aiding and assisting to my said executor in and about the performance of this my said Will and for their paines taking therein my Will is that my executor do pay off such costs and charges that they or either of them shall expend or lay out in and about the execution hereof. 
In witness whereof I the said Thomas Warren have hereunto sett my hand and seal the day and year first above written Thomas Warren
Signed sealed published and declared by the said Thomas Warren the testator to be his last Will and testament containing three sheets of paper in the presence of us Samuel Liddon Jonathan Drake junior John Baker junior all of Musbury aforesaid Daniel Quintin Colyton