

The updates have been applied on the "anchor" issue on 27 July.

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Transcription of National Archives RG4/339

By Elizabeth Howard

DOWNING William Richard Alice W Putford mason 19.03.1818 d of Wm Courtice Putford
SPEARMAN Thomas John Elizabeth Shebbear sievemaker 13.12.1818   Lake
MOCK Christiana John Elizabeth Buckland Brewer labourer 04.03.1819   Holwell
DENNIS Rebecca John Rebecca Shebbear blacksmith 16.05.1819   Lake
ROBBINS Zachariah Richard Lydda Cookbury yeoman 29.05.1819   parent`s house
KELLAWAY Jenny Robin Ann Shebbear carpenter 13.06.1819   Lake
ARNOLD Mary John Jane Langtree labourer 19.09.1819   Lake
FOWLER Thirza Bartholomew Elizabeth Shebbear labourer 23.01.1820 d of John Ridge Lake
MORRISH John John Jane Buckland Brewer labourer 31.03.1820 d of Chas Barkwell Holwell
JEWELL John John Margaret Hartland labourer 09.04.1820   Ford
AVERY Elizabeth James Martha Milton Damerel labourer 01.05.1820   Milton Mill
BALSDON James James Susannah Buckland Brewer labourer 07.05.1820   Holwell
RIDGE James John Mary Bulkworthy labourer 09.07.1820 d of Jas & Ger Martin Haytown
BALSDON Mary James Kitty Shebbear yeoman 03.09.1820   Lake
WHITLOCK Philip Philip Ann Langtree labourer 02.10.1820   Collacott
MASON Samuel Samuel Mary Sutcombe shoemaker 26.10.1820 d of Geo & Di Cowle SutcombeMill
LONGMAN Mary John Martha Langtree? labourer 14.12.1820   Lake
STONEMAN William John Ann Langtree yeoman 04.02.1821 d of Wm Newcombe Holwell
SAUNDERS John Stephen Elizabeth Shebbear yeoman 06.02.1821   Moortown
HOCKEN Fanny John Elizabeth Shebbear labourer 18.02.1821   ?
NANKEVIL Mary Thomas Catherine Langtree yeoman 19.02.1821 d of Jn & Reb Nankev ?
JEFFRY William George Mary Cookbury ? 01.04.1821   village
? John ? ? Woolsery ? 08.04.1821   ?
KNIGHT Ann William Ann Langtree labourer 16.04.1821   ?
FURZEMAN John Thomas Susanna Buckland Brewer labourer 20.04.1820   ?
CHING John Hugh Joanna Wolsery yeoman 26.04.1821   Cupland
HYSETT Solomon Samuel Jane Buckland Filleigh labourer 13.05.1821   ?
TAPE Thomas John Alice Moorwinstow tailor 18.05.1821   Upctt,Welcmb
BALSDON Samuel John Rebecca Shebbear yeoman 27.05.1821   Lake
HARRIS George Thomas Mary Bradworthy labourer 12.06.1821   village
MEEK ?MOCK Henry John Elizabeth Buckland Brewer labourer 03.07.1821 d of Jn & Elizth Cawl Holwell
CHING Maria Hugh Elizabeth Clovelly yeoman 12.07.1821 d of Thos & Eliz Bartlett Stitworthy
MARSHALL Thomas Thomas Mary Buckland Brewer tailor 27.08.1821 d of Jn & My Balsdon Silkland
WHITELOCK George John Catherine Langtree yeoman 03.09.1821   Collacott
PENHALE Gertrude John Elizabeth Shebbear yeoman 16.09.1821 d of Hugh & My Balkwill Lake
ARNOLD Grace John Jane Langtree labourer 17.09.1821 d of Ben & Ann Blight Collacott
ALLEN Eli Thomas Grace Shebbear labourer 07.10.1821   Lake
PROWSE Betsy Charles Prudence Hartland miller 08.10.1821 d of Wm & My Nankevil Stitworthy
PICKARD John William Mary Parkham yeoman 11.10.1821 d of Jn & My Courtic Ash
HOOPER Mary Solomon Dorothy Germansweek miller 26.11.1821   Bradworthy
BAGHOLE Ann Charles Elizabeth Hartland labourer 02.12.1821   Edistone
HANCOCK Mary Richard Mary Bradworthy labourer 25.12.1821   village
BALSDON Thomas Joseph Catherine Shebbear mason 26.12.1821   Hay
COURTICE Ann Christopher Grace W Putford blacksmith 03.01.1822   bridge
NANKIVELL Grace John Betsy Langtree yeoman 03.01.1822 d of Wm & Cather Reed Holwell
DOWNING Thomas Richard Alice W Putford mason 03.01.1822   bridge
MILLS Stephen Stephen Jane Shebbear mason 06.01.1822   Lake
AVERY Rebecca James Martha Milton Damerel labourer 18.01.1822   Southill
PENHALE Mary Richard Mary Cookbury blacksmith 20.01.1822   Cookbyweek
WHITE Joseph Richard Martha Wolsery yeoman 23.01.1822   Briteford
KELLAWAY Ann Robert Ann Shebbear carpenter 24.01.1822   LIbbear
BOND Simon Simon Margaret W Putford labourer 03.02.1822   bridge
WALTER Ann William Ann Bradworthy yeoman 04.02.1822   village
MANNING Thirza John Elizabeth Bradworthy labourer 04.02.1822   village
LEWIS Mary George Susanna Shebbear labourer 17.02.1822   Lake
WHITLOCK John Philip Ann Little Torrington labourer 26.02.1822   Collacott
CROCKER William John Mary Black Torrington labourer 19.02.1822   Bradford Ch
ASHTON Robert William Mary Clovelly carpenter 27.02.1822   Dyke
RIDGE Grace John Mary Bulkworthy labourer 07.04.1822   Haytown
HOCKEN Thirza Andrew Grace Bradworthy labourer 13.04.1822   mill
HERN Eliza James Rebecca Shebbear labourer 15.04.1822   Lake
BAILEY Robert Thomas Ann Hartland yeoman 06.05.1822   LwrRosedown
SPEARMAN Mary George Susanna Shebbear labourer 12.05.1822   Lake
MASON William Samuel Mary Sutcombe shoemaker 09.06.1822   mill
FRIENDSHIP John John Ann Buckland Brewer labourer 09.06.1822   Putford Br
STONEMAN John John Ann Langtree yeoman 09.06.1822   Chawlash
FURZE John William Elizabeth Shebbear yeoman 27.06.1822   Lake
THORNE Mary John Mary Langtree tailor 27.06.1822   Lake
SAUNDERS Ann William Mary Milton Damerel labourer 30.06.1822   Haytown
BAULCH Priscilla Richard Sally Langtree labourer 02.07.1822   Collacott
REDCLIFF Eli William Mary Langtree labourer 02.07.1822   Collacott
FOUND Thomas William Mary Hartland labourer 24.07.1822   Biteford
BALSDON Caroline James Kitty Shebbear labourer 04.08.1822   Lake
CROCKER John Hugh Mary Shebbear blacksmith 04.08.1822   Lake
SHORT Eli Stephen Mary Langtree shoemaker 18.09.1822   village
WHITLOCK Elijah Richard Mary Langtree labourer 30.10.1822   village
PENHALE George William Mary Shebbear labourer 08.12.1822   Lake
PIDLAR Joseph Alexander Grace Hartland yeoman 01.01.1823   Edistone
SHEPHARD Emlyn (dau) Thomas Elizabeth Wolsery shoemaker 07.01.1823   Wolsery
TRICK Richard John Margaret Barton mason 12.01.1823   Harton
GRATTON Susanna James Mary Northlew labourer 26.01.1823   Northlew
PICKARD Ann William Mary Parkham yeoman 11.02.1823   Ash
CASELY James William Jane Bradworthy yeoman 02.03.1823   Bradworthy
SAUNDERS John Peter Jane Bradworthy mason 02.03.1823   Bradworthy
CHING Salome William Ann Bradworthy yeoman 03.03.1823   Natsworthy
RIDGE Mary John Grace Bulkworthy labourer 30.03.1823   Haytown
CROCKER Isaac Hugh Mary Shebbear yeoman 13.04.1823   Lake
DAW John James Mary Bradford shoemaker 14.06.1823   Presticott
CHING Robert Hugh Elizabeth Clovelly yeoman 30.06.1823   Berverd
BROOK Grace William Wilmot Bulkworthy mason 06.07.1823   Haytown
COURTICE John Christopher Grace W Putford blacksmith 06.07.1823   bridge
BROOK Samuel John Ann AbbBickington labourer 06.07.1823   Haytown
SHADDICK Eliza John Elizabeth Wolsery labourer 07.08.1823   Biteford
SPEARMAN George George Susanna Shebbear labourer 10.08.1823   Moortown
SQUANCE Mary William Mary Buckland Brewer yeoman 17.08.1823 d of Humph & Reb Horn Holwell
TREMEER Peggy William Mary Bradworthy labourer 08.09.1823   Dunworthy
MOCK Christian John Elizabeth Buckland Brewer labourer 14.09.1823   Holwell
ARNOLD Elizabeth John Jane Langtree labourer 14.10.1823   Dunworthy
HOOPER Grace Solomon Dorothy Hartland miller 19.10.1823   Eddistone
HAYMAN Joshua George Ann Langtree carpenter 09.11.1823   Langtree
PALMER James William Susan Northlew labourer 16.11.1823   Northlew
HYSETT David Samuel Jane Buckland Filleigh labourer 18.11.1823   ?
HOOPER Ann Richard Jenny Bradworthy miller 24.11.1823   Bradworthy
PENHALE John John Elizabeth Shebbear yeoman 07.12.1823   Lake
RIDGE William John Mary Bulkworthy labourer 07.12.1823   Haytown
AVERY Hannah James Martha Sutcombe labourer 19.12.1823   Sutcombe
COLVILE Elizabeth William Sally E Putford labourer 23.11.1823   bridge
PENHALE Matthew Richard Mary Cookbury blacksmith 06.01.1824   Lt Upcott
BURROW William John Ann Hartland labourer 11.01.1824   Eddistone
PETT James William Mary Shebbear yeoman 15.02.1824 d of John & Mary Thorne Lake
FOWLER Elizabeth Bartholomew Elizabeth Shebbear labourer 29.02.1824   Collacott
WHITLOCK William John Catherine Langtree yeoman 02.03.1824   ?
SAUNDERS Ann Stephen Elizabeth Shebbear yeoman 24.03.1824   Moortown
NANKIVEL William Thomas Catherine Langtree yeoman 12.04.1824   Collacott
PIDLAR Marvin ? Alexander Grace Hartland yeoman 16.04.1824   ?
MASON William William Mary Sutcombe shopkeeper 07.05.1824 d of John & Eliz Allen mill
BAGLOLE Ann Samuel Salome Hartland yeoman 02.05.1824   ?
PICKARD Mary William Mary Parkham yeoman 05.05.1824   Ash
HARRIS Thomas Thomas Mary Bradworthy ? 18.05.1824   ?
METHEREL Ann Richard Ann Hartland ? 27.06.1824   ?
CROCKER James John Mary Bradford ? 04.07.1824   ?
BALSDON Jane John Rebecca Shebbear yeoman 15.07.1824   Lake
BALSDON Mary Joseph Catherine Shebbear mason 18.07.1824   Lake
KELLAWAY George Robert Ann Shebbear carpenter 27.08.1824   Lake
THORNE Ann John Mary Langtree tailor 10.09.1824   Langtree
VOION ? William William Mary Hartland labourer 19.09.1824   Biteford
ASHTON Catherine William Mary Clovelly carpenter 21.09.1824   Dick
WHITELOCK Elias Richard Mary Langtree labourer 28.09.1824   Collacott
NANKIVELL Elizabeth John Betsy Langtree yeoman 10.10.1824   Holwell
WHITE Thomas Richard Martha Wolsery yeoman 20.10.1824   Runland
SAUNDERS William Stephen Elizabeth Shebbear labourer 31.10.1824   Badworthy Moor
CANN Elizabeth Samuel Margarit Hartland mason 14.11.1824   town
HOPPER Margaret Roger Ann Hartland labourer 14.11.1824   Edistone
PHILLIPS Thomas Thomas Betsy Shebbear labourer 19.12.1824   Lake
TREWIN Grace John Judith Abbots Bickington labourer 02.01.1825   HaytownBlkthy
SAUNDERS John William Mary Abbots Bickington labourer 02.01.1825   HaytownBlkwthy
HOPPER Sarah William Ann E Putford labourer 13.01.1825   Bridge
RIDECLEAVE Joshua Christopher Mary Buckland Brewer labourer 10.02.1825   Holwell
GRIGG James William Elizabeth Parkham carpenter 11.02.1825   Gullerey,Pkhm
SAUNDERS Thirsa Charles Elizabeth Langtree labourer 15.02.1825   Collacott
?PULY Ann Philip Martha Sutcombe labourer 02.03.1825   Eden
PENHALE Hugh William Mary Shebbear labourer 13.03.1825   Lake
COBBLEDICK Humphry William Rebecca Shebbear labourer 25.03.1825   Moortown
SQUANCE Elizabeth William Mary Buckland Brewer yeoman 27.03.1825   Silkland
JAMES John Richard Maria Bradworthy labourer 30.03.1825   Dunworthy
BEAGELOLE Elizabeth Charles Elizabeth Hartland labourer 03.04.1825   Edistone
SHEPHERD Samuel Thomas Elizabeth Wolsery shoemaker 05.04.1825   town
ANDREWS Thomasina William Catherine Wolsery schoolmaster 05.04.1825   town
DYMOND Ann John Sarah Langtree labourer 12.04.1825   Collacott
PALMER Susan William Susan Northlew labourer 15.05.1825   Nthlew Ch
PICKARD Betsy William Mary Parkham yeoman 01.06.1825   Ash
RIDGE John John Grace Bulkworthy labourer 05.06.1825   Haytown
HERN Mary James Rebecca Black Torrington labourer 19.06.1825   Bethesda
CASELY Thomas William Jane Bradworthy farmer 21.06.1825   town
PYKE Sarah Samuel Elizabeth Wolsery yeoman 29.06.1825   ?UrleyMeadw
BROOK Samuel John Ann Abbots Bickington labourer 03.07.1825   Silkland
RIDCLIFF Rebecca William Mary Langtree labourer 02.08.1825   Langtree
HOOPER Ann Solomon Dorothy Hartland miller 21.08.1825   Edistone
DYMOND John Richard Sarah Langtree mason 28.09.1825   Thorn Moor
FOWLER George Bartholomew Elizabeth Shebbear yeoman 09.10.1825   Lake
ALLEN Grace William Margaret Sutcombe labourer 12.10.1825   Northcott
CANN Thomas John Elizabeth Bradworthy labourer 12.10.1825   town
ARNOLD Thesuda John Jane Langtree labourer 10.11.1825   Collacott
GILBERT Thomas Thomas Susanna Lamerton miner 10.11.1825   NorthBrentor
FURZE John Bayley   Elizabeth Shebbear   ??.12.1825 d of Wm & Eliz Furze Lake
CORY John Thomas Christian Bradworthy labourer 00.12.1825   town
AVERY Hannah James Martha Sutcombe labourer 00.12.1825   town
HAWKING Susanna John Elizabeth Shebbear labourer 00.12.1825   Lake
STONEMAN Joseph John Ann Langtree yeoman 00.01.1826   Silkland
LANG Thomas William Jane Milton Abbot labourer 00.01.1826   Week
HEARLE Elizabeth Philip Keyes Eliza Shebbear schoolmaster 00.01.1826   Lake
HILL William   Jane Shebbear mason 00.01.1826   ??
BROOK Eliza Thomas Grace Little Torrington labourer 00.01.1826   Little Torrington
PIDLAR Harriet Alexander Grace Hartland farmer 03.02.1826   Hickerry
THORNE MaryAnnAd John Frances Shebbear yeoman 05.05.1826 d of John & Ann Adams Lake
BURROW Joseph John Ann Hartland labourer 05.02.1826 d of Sam & Gr Begalhol Edistone
KNIGHT Elizabeth James Mary Bratton Clovelly cordwinder 19.03.1826   town
PENHALE Thomas Richard Mary Cookbury blacksmith 19.03.1826   Lt Upcott
WILLIAMS Grace William Catherine Hartland labourer 03.04.1826   Fire bicken
HEYSETT James Samuel Jane Buckland Filleigh labourer 21.05.1826   Lake
WHITLOCK Dorcas John Catherine Langtree yeoman 20.06.1826   Collacott
PENHALE Elizabeth John Elizabeth Shebbear farmer 28.06.1826   Lake
GRIFFIN Elizabeth Edmund Mary Shebbear tailor 28.06.1826   Lake
COBBLEDICK William William Rebecca Shebbear labourer 16.07.1826   Lake
ANDREW John Matthew Elizabeth Holsworthy farmer 16.07.1826   BethesdaBlTorr
MASON ThomasAllen William Mary Sutcombe shopkeeper 17.04.1826   mill
SAUNDERS William Edmund Mary ? labourer 18.06.1826   Bethesda
PETT Mary William Mary Shebbear yeoman 13.08.1826 nee Thorne Lake
PENNINGTON Oliver William Jane Wolsery yeoman 23.08.1826   West Moor
THORNE Catherine James Catherine Stoke Damerel minister 06.11.1826   Holwell
BOND Richard Simon Margaret W Putford labourer 03.12.1826   bridge
DOIDGE Mary Ann Thomas Sarah Marystow labourer 31.12.1826   Lea, MiltonAb
CRUSE Ann William Jane Frithelstockst labourer 06.02.1826   Silkland
COLWILL Ann William Sarah E Putford labourer 18.06.1826   W Puford
GOODMAN Hatton John Mary Bridgerule yeoman 06.11.1826 d of Hatt & Sus Rattenbury Providence
ASHTON Mary William Mary Clovelly carpenter 25.12.1826   East Dick
PICKARD William William Mary Parkham yeoman 25.12.1826   Ash
COURTICE William Christopher Grace W Putford blacksmith 1826 ?   Providence
BALSDON Grace James Catherine Shebbear yeoman 17.09.1826   Lake
BALSDON Isaac John Rebecca Shebbear farmer 17.09.1826   Lake
GRIGG Mary William Elizabeth Parkham carpenter 25.12.1826   Ash
ALLEN Willmott Thomas Grace Shebbear labourer 07.01.1827   Lake
SPEARMAN Thomas George Susanna Shebbear labourer 07.01.1827   Lake
BAGELHOLE Flora Charles Elizabeth Hartland labourer 04.02.1827   Edistone
TREWIN James John Judith Abbots Bickington labourer 25.02.1827   Bethel,Blkwthy
CURTIS William William Elizabeth Hartland labourer 02.03.1827   Trilick
CANN Samuel Samuel Margaret Hartland mason 04.03.1827   town
HARRIS Susanna Thomas Mary Bradworthy yeoman 05.06.1827   Bradworthy
CANN Thomas John Elizabeth Bradworthy labourer 05.06.1827   ditto
JAMES Ann Richard Maria Bradworthy labourer 05.06.1827   ditto
PALMER William William Elizabeth Bradworthy cordwainer 05.06.1827   ditto
SANDERS George Peter Jane Bradworthy mason 05.06.1827   ditto
KELLAWAY Isaac Robin Ann Shebbear carpenter 02.03.1827   Libbear
QUANCE Elizabeth William Mary Buckland Brewer farmer 28.03.1827   Heal
RICE John John Ann Lamerton labourer 11.03.1827   N Brentor
FURZE John William Elizabeth Black Torrington labourer 28.01.1827   Bethesda
HEARD Ann Richard Agnes Black Torrington cordwainer 25.03.1827   Bethesda
SANDERS Susanna Stephen Elizabeth Shebbear yeoman 28.03.1827   Moortown
WALTER Arscott Edward Maria Newton St Petrock labourer 25.03.1827   Moortown
BROOK Henry John Ann Abbots Bickington shopkeeper 20.05.1827   Bethel,Blkwthy
HUNKIN Rebecca Samuel Catherine Hatherleigh farmer 19.08.1827   Lake
DYMOND Mary Richard Sarah Langtree mason 06.09.1827   father`s house
HEAMAN Caleb George Ann Langtree carpenter 06.09.1827   Zion
LITTLEJOHNS William James Mary Frithelstock labourer 09.09.1827 d of Wm & Mary Newcomb Silkland
AVERY Honour James Martha Sutcombe labourer 12.09.1827   father`shouse
CASELEY Betsy William Jane Bradworthy yeoman 12.09.1827   Spittle, fthrshse
BARRETT Elizabeth Richard Ann Northam labourer ??1827   meetingApple
ARNOLD Joseph John Jane Langtree yeoman 25.09.1827   Collacott
WHITLOCK Elizabeth Philip Ann Langtree labourer 25.09.1827   Collacott
HANDFORD John   Elizabeth Langtree   25.09.1827   Collacott
MAJOR Mary Joseph Sarah Northlew carpenter 30.09.1827   chapel in ch
CRUSE Dicey? William Elizabeth Bradworthy labourer 24.10.1827   Dunworthy
NANCEKIVELL Elizabeth John Mary Wolsery yeoman 30.10.1827   meeting in vil
ANDREWS Mary Matthew Elizabeth Holsworthy yeoman 01.11.1827   RisscottCookbury
CRUSE Elizabeth William Jane Frithelstock labourer 02.12.1827   Silkland BB
HANCOCK William William Susanna Bradworthy miller 04.12.1827   meeting in ch
SHEPPARD Jane Thomas Elizabeth Wolsery shoemaker 01.10.1827   Wolsery
BOND Elizabeth Simon Margaret Putford labourer 08.04.1824   bridge
BARKWELL Grace Charles Jane Langtree labourer 04.10.1827   father`s house
THORNE Lydia John Mary Langtree tailor 03.12.1827   Zion
NANCE KIEVELL William John Betsy Langtree yeoman 03.12.1827   Watertown
FOUND Ann William Mary Hartland labourer 07.01.1828   father`s house
HOOPER Solomon Solomon Dorothy Hartland miller 10.01.1828   Edistone
PICKARD Susan William Mary Parkham yeoman 01.02.1828   Ash, parents hse
HAWKING Sally John Elizabeth Shebbear labourer 05.02.1828   parents house
BEAR Lydia James Jane Northam carpenter 03.03.1828   father`s house
FOWLER Bartholomew Bartholomew Elizabeth Shebbear yeoman 01.05.1828   Moortown
STONEMAN Thomas John Ann Langtree yeoman 04.02.1828   Zion
KNIGHT Isaac Richard Elizabeth Little Torrington labourer 01.04.1828   Beatfield
KNIGHT Grace James Mary Bratton Clovelly cordwainer 08.02.1828   father`s house
COAD Mary Charles Elizabeth MiltonAbbott mason 08.05.1828   meeting at Lay
MILLS George Stephen Jane Shebbear mason 08.05.1828   fthr`shsePunch
BREY Mary Joseph Elizabeth Bradworthy labourer 13.05.1828   meet Dunworthy
SHADWICK John John Elizabeth Hartland labourer 08.05.1828   meet Biteford
PROWSE John Thomas Mary Hartland yeoman 08.05.1828   meet Biteford
HOPPER Mary John Damaris Hartland yeoman 04.06.1828 d of John & Mary Cottle Edistone
WOOD Elizabeth Thomas Fanny Wolsery miller 10.06.1828   meeting churc
SUSSEX Mary Thomas Dinah Torrington labourer 30.06.1828   Bookfield
COLE Mary Henry Mary Langtree yeoman 01.07.1828   Thorne, Langt
FRAIN Susanna Samuel Susanna Frithelstocks yeoman 02.07.1828   Frithel`stone
PETT Samuel William Mary Shebbear yeoman 05.10.1828 nee Thorne Lake
HUNKIN Lavinia Samuel Catherine Hatherleigh brickburner 05.10.1828   Lake
SHORT William Graham Ann Hartland labourer 21,12,1828   Edistone
GRIFFIN Arscott Edmund Mary Shebbear tailor & draper 16.11.1828   Lake
COLVIL Sally William Sally E Putford labourer 21.08.1828   Bethel, bridge
RIDECLEAVE Caleb Christopher Mary Buckland Brewer labourer 21.09.1828   Heal, BB
QUANCE Leah William Mary Buckland Brewer yeoman 07.12.1828   Heal BB
ADAMS Robert Henry Ann Hartland labourer 18.01.1829   Edistone
MASON John William Mary Sutcombe shopkeeper 27.02.1829   mill
JEWELL John John Elizabeth Hartland labourer 12.02.1829   Biteford
PIDLAR Eliza Johns   Mary Hartland   15.02.1829 d of Alex & Grace Pidlar Edistone
GIFFORD Joseph Richard Margaret Wolsery labourer 17.02.1829   meeting Wols
NEWCOMBE William William Susan Bulkworthy yeoman 01.03.1829   Bethel Haytown
COURTICE Elizabeth William Elizabeth Hartland   12.04.1829   Edistone
PICKARD Catherine William Mary Parkham yeoman 07.04.1829   Ash
PENHALE   Richard Mary Cookbury blacksmith 25.11.1828   Upcott
BEAR Elizabeth Azarius Catherine Bulkworthy cordwainer 30.11.1828   Bethel
BROOK Mary John Ann Abbots Bickington shopkeeper 30.11.1828   Bethel, Blkwthy
THORNE Fanny John Frances Shebbear yeoman 17.02.1829   Lake
ALLEN Bessy Thomas Grace Shebbear labourer 03.05.1829   Lake
HEARN Jane James Rebekah Black Torrington labourer 17.05.1829   Bethesda
MASON Ann Samuel Mary Bradworthy cordwainer 21.05.1829   village
LITTLEJOHNS William Arthur Mary Wolsery labourer 26.05.1829   village
LITTLEJOHNS Catherine Walter Ann Sutcombe labourer 16.06.1829   meeting, Bwthy
LITTLEJOHNS Elenor Walter Ann Sutcombe labourer 16.06.1829   meeting,Bwthy
PALMER John William Elizabeth Bradworthy labourer 02.06.1829   meetinghouse
BAGLOLE Charles William Sarah Hartland labourer 05.06.1829   meeting house
BOND William Simeon Margaret W Putford labourer 14.06.1829   chapel, Putford
WHITLOCK Rebecca John Catherine Shebbear yeoman 21.06.1829   Zion chapel
SANDERS John John Mary Cookbury   28.06.1829   Bethesda,Brad
SHEPHARD Tabitha Thomas Elizabeth Wolsery shoemaker 07.07.1829   meeting house
THORNE Mary James Catherine Langtree minister 12.07.1829   Zion
DYMOND Mary Richard Sarah Langtree mason 10.07.1829   Collacott
KELLAWAY Arscott Robin Ann Shebbear carpenter 09.08.1829   Lake
CREWS James William Ann Buckland Brewer labourer 23.08.1829   Providence
COURTICE Thomas Christopher Grace W Putford blacksmith 23.08.1829   Pr W Putford
NANCE KIEVELL Albert Thomas Catherine Langtree yeoman 30.08.1829   Zion
WHITLOCK Jane Peter Elizabeth Langtree labourer 16.10.1829   Week
CANN Isaac John Mary Hartland labourer 13.09.1829   Edistone
NANCE KIEVELL Susanna John Mary Wolsery yeoman 15.09.1829 nee Cottle meeting house
GRIGG Robert William Elizabeth Parkham carpenter 18.09.1829   meeting in fthrshse
WALKER James Benjamin Mary Kidderminster dyer 11.10.1829   Edistone
STANLICK Elizabeth Richard Grace Wolsery labourer 13.10.1829   Wolsery meet
BALSDON John James Kitty Shebbear farmer 01.11.1829   Lake
WHITLOCK Thomas Philip Ann Langtree labourer 20.12,1829   Zion chapel
HONNACOTT Susan William Martha Langtree labourer 20.12.1829   Zion
DAW Bella James Mary Bradford cordwainer 25.12.1829   father`shouse
WHITLOCK Edwin Charles Mary Langtree cordwainer 03.01.1830   meeting Berry
STONEMAN John John Ann Langtree yeoman 10.01.1830   meet Holwell
BALSDON Rebecca John Rebecca Shebbear yeoman 17.01.1830   Lake
ASHTON William William Mary Frithelstock labourer 28.02.1830   Salem,Thrnhill
GALLSWORTHY Margaret John Ann Hartland labourer 23.10.1829   meeting house
HOPPER Mary Roger Ann Hartland farmer 20.12.1829   Edistone
HOPPER John Richard Mary Hartland labourer 17.01.1830   Edistone
FOWLER Rebecca Bartholomew Elizabeth Shebbear farmer 10.01.1830   Lake
PROWSE Marian James Martha Hartland labourer 14.03.1830   Edistone
WAKELEY Ann Samuel Mary Wolsery carpenter 16.03.1830   father`s house
COURTICE Elizabeth Thomas Mary Putford carpenter 21.03.1830   Providence
SMALE Mary James Marian Little Torrington labourer 24.03.1830   meeting house
MAJOR Hannah Joseph Sarah Northlew carpenter 07.03.1830   chapel in vill
THORNE Samuel Ley Samuel Mary Shebbear printer 18.04.1830   Lake
MASON Grace William Mary Sutcombe shopkeeper 25.04.1830   meeting
WARD Jane Thomas Jane Langtree labourer 13.04.1830   father`shouse
COLE Philip Henry Mary Langtree yeoman 27.06.1830   meet Berry X
CLEMENTS Thirza Robert Mary Langtree labourer 27.06.1830   meeting Lang
NANCE KIEVELL Fanny John Betsy Langree yeoman 28.06.1830   father`s house
AVERY John James Martha Sutcombe labourer 30.03.1830   father`s house
HOOPER Elizabeth Solomon Dorothy Hartland miller 06.06.1830   Edistone
CRUSE Emma William Elizabeth Bradworthy labourer 01.06.1830   meetingDnwthy
HARRIS Richard Jacob Dorcas Bradworthy labourer 01.07.1830   father`s house
HAWKING Eliza John Elizabeth Shebbear labourer 17.07.1830   father`s house
LITTLEJOHNS Mary James Mary Buckland Brewer yeoman 08.08.1830 d of Wm & My Newcomb Salem, BB
ALLEN Ann William Margaret Sutcombe yeoman 02.09.1830   mill
BEAR Jane John Jane Bulkworthy blacksmith 05.09.1830   Bethel
RIDGE William John Grace Bulkworthy labourer 05.09.1830   Bethel
LANGRIDGE Maria Thomas Mary Bradworthy labourer 23.09.1830   Dunworthy
COSIN John Samuel Margaret Hartland mason 26.09.1830   town
THORNE Rebecca John Mary Langtree tailor 05.10.1830   village
FRAIN Lucella Samuel Susanna Frithelstock yeoman 21.11.1830   Bethel
NEWCOMBE Henry William Susan Bulkworthy yeoman 21.11.1830   Bethel
STENLAKE Henry Thomas Mary Shebbear bookbinder 28.11.1830   Lake
STACEY James Peter Susanna Frithelstock millwright 01.11.1830   father`s house
QUANCE Louisa William Mary Buckland Brewer yeoman 28.11.1830   Salem
DUNN Mary Thomas Grace Milton Damerel cordwainer 19.12.1830   ?
BEAR CathNewcom Azarias Catherine Bulkworthy cordwainer 25.12.1830   Bethel
HEAMAN Ann George Ann Langtree carpenter 07.01.1831   village
HARRIS William John Ann Bradworthy labourer 13.01.1831   village
WOOD Thomas Thomas Fanny Wolsery yeoman 18.01.1831 nee Nance Kievell village
RICHARDS Mary Ann William Elizabeth Buckland Brewer labourer 23.01.1831   Salem
BALKWILL Serena Charles Jane Langtree labourer 04.02.1831   Collacott
THORNE Eliza John Frances Shebbear yeoman 20.02.1831   Lake
NAYLES William Henry Ann Hartland labourer 11.02.1831   Trellick
BRAGG William William Sarah Clovelly labourer 14.02.1831   Dick
ASHTON Mary John Grace Parkham mason 17.02.1831 d of Jn & Jne NanceKie Goldworthy
NICHOLLS Noah Thomas Margaret Parkham labourer 17.02.1831   Goldworthy
RICHARDS Johanna Richard Elizabeth Langtree labourer 04.03.1831   Collacott
SUSSEX Martha Thomas Dinah Little Torrington labourer 06.03.1831   Bootfield
HUTCHINGS Grace John Elizabeth Milton Damerel labourer 17.03.1831   village
DANIEL Charlotte John Elizabeth Bradford yeoman 03.04.1831   Bethesda
BROOK Ann John Ann Frithelstock yeoman 05.06.1831   Bethel,Blkwthy
WAKELEY Louisa Samuel Mary Wolsery carpenter 12.04.1831 nee Ching father`s house
ALLEN Elizabeth Robert Elizabeth Sutcombe miller 03.05.1831   mill
BATES John Richard Sarah Bradford shoemaker 23.05.1831   church,village
LANGDON Elizabeth Thomas Judith Bradford mason 23.05.1831   Bethesda
SANGUINE Richard Richard Christian Bradworthy labourer 02.06.1831   Dunworthy
ASHTON Robert William Mary Clovelly carpenter 04.06.1831   Burnstone
LITTLEJOHNS Thomas Arthur Mary Wolsery miller 07.06.1831   at the church
NANCEKIEVELL WilliamReed William Rebecca Langtree yeoman 24.03,1831 d of Wm & Cath Reed father`s house
FRAIN Mary Henry Mary Shebbear yeoman 17.07.1831   Lake
WILLS William John Martha Bradworthy labourer 02.07.1831   Dunworthy
HEYWOOD Walter William Susan Frithelstock blacksmith 11.07.1831   stone
CLEMENT Mary Joseph Grace Buckland Brewer yeoman 24.07.1831   Salem
HUNKIN Ann Samuel Ann Black Torrington mason 12.02.1832   Chapel in vill
FACEY Ann Thomas Jane Ashwater yeoman 24.07.1831   Bethesda in BT
CREWS Fanny William Jane Frithelstock butcher 17.08.1831   Salem
ADAMS William Henry Ann Hartland labourer 14.08.1831   Edistone
STAPLETON Thirza Thomas Elizabeth Buckland Brewer yeoman 01.09.1831   Salem
RICE John John Ann Lamerton yeoman 27.05.1832   N Brentor
DOIDGE Robert William Betty Milton Abbot yeoman 22.04.1832   father`s house
DOIDGE Thomas Thomas Sarah Milton Abbot labourer 16.01.1831   father`s house
SAUNDRY John Henry Joanna Lamerton miner 29.01.1832   N Brentor
KELLAWAY Frederick Robin Ann Shebbear carpenter 08.04.1832   Lake
THORNE James Samuel Mary Shebbear printer 08.04.1832   Lake
BALCH Sarah Richard Sally Langtree labourer 02.11.1831   father`s house
BUSE George Matthew Elizabeth Langtree labourer 24.05.1832   Berry X
THORNE Susanna James Catherine Langtree minister 15.07.1832   meeting Ltree
BATE James Richard Sarah Bradford cordwainer 16.09.1832   Bethesda ,BT
MAJOR Henry Joseph Sarah Northlew carpenter 09.12.1832   Chapel Nthlw
NEWCOMBE Susan William Sarah Bulkworthy yeoman 16.12.1832   Haytown
QUANCE William William Mary Buckland Brewer yeoman 20.12.1832   father`s house
TANTON Susanna William Susanna Buckland Filleigh yeoman 06.01.1833   Lake
MASON John Richard Miriam W Putford blacksmith 10.03.1833   Twitching
STAPLETON Thirza Thomas Mary Buckland Brewer yeoman 04.09.1831   Salem
BRAGATON Samuel William Mary Hartland labourer 24.10.1831   father`s house
HOOPER William Solomon Dorothy Hartland miller 09.03.1832   Trellick
STONEMAN Jabez John Ann Langtree yeoman 18.03.1832   Salem
MORISH Elizabeth John Jane Buckland Brewer labourer 18.03.1832   Salem
COURTICE Christopher Christopher Grace W Putford blacksmith 13.04.1832   Providence
WHITLOCK Wilmet Richard Sally Langtree yeoman 25.05.1832   Collacott
KNIGHT Eli Richard Elizabeth Little Torrington labourer 25.05.1832   Collacott
BRAUND Mary William Nancy Milton Damerel miller 10.06.1832 d of John Rattenbury father`s house
NANCEKIEVELL Rebecca Thomas Catherine Langtree ? 10.07.1832   meeting house
BALSDON William James Kitty Shebbear labourer 24.07.1831   Lake
WILLIAMS Susan William Catherine Hartland labourer 04.09.1831   Edistone
EDMONDS John Edmond Rebecca Shebbear shoemaker 22.01.1832   Lake
NANCEKIEVELL William John Mary Wolsery yeoman 01.02.1832   Ford Mill
WHITLOCK William Philip Ann Langtree labourer 17.02.1833   Collacott
WHITLOCK Philip Elias Mary Shebbear yeoman 08.03.1832   Moortown
HAWKING Richard John Elizabeth Shebbear labourer 15.03.1832   father`s house
AVERY Grace James Martha Sutcombe labourer 12.05.1832   father`s house
JAMES Thomas Richard Maria Bradworthy labourer 19.05.1832   father`s house
SHADDICK John Richard Mary Hartland labourer 20.05.1832   Edistone
JEFFORD James Richard Margaret Wolsery labourer 05.06.1832   meetinghouse
JOHNS Elizabeth Samuel Mary Hartland labourer 01.07.1832   Edistone
CHAPEL William John Mary Langtree labourer 25.09.1831   Salem
RIDGE George John Grace Bulkworthy labourer 16.09.1832   Bethel
GAULSWORTHY Harriet John Ann Hartland labourer 15.09.1832   Trellick
ALLIN Mary William Margaret Sutcombe yeoman 16.10.1832   mill
MASON John William Mary Sutcombe yeoman 16.10.1832   mill
FOWLER Ann Bartholomew Elizabeth Shebbear yeoman 18.10.1832   Moortown
WARD Lewis John Dinah Black Torrington labourer 23.10.1832   father`s house
CANN Betsy John Elizabeth Bradworthy labourer 29.11.1832   father`s house
DUNN Moses Thomas Grace Milton Damerel carpenter 25.12.1832   meeting MD
BARKWILL Charles Charles Jane Langtree labourer 25.12.1832   Siloam
LITTLEJOHNS Elizabeth John Nancy Hartland yeoman 30.12.1832   Edistone
LANGDON Wilmet James Mary Shebbear labourer 07.02.1833   Moortown
COURTICE William Robert Jane Bradworthy carpenter 09.01.1833   father`s house
ALLIN Richard Robert Elizabeth Sutcombe miller 05.03.1833   mill
HARRIS John John Ann Bradworthy labourer 21.02.1833   Dunworthy
CLEMENT Elizabeth Joseph Grace Buckland Brewer yeoman 01.03.1833   father`s house
WHITLOCK John John Ann Frithelstock labourer 06.01.1833   stone
SNELL Mary Ann John Rebecca Black Torrington labourer 11.03.1833   chapel BT
HOPPER Jane John Damaris Hartland yeoman 07.04.1833 nee Cottle Edistone
ASHTON Thomas William Mary Clovelly carpenter 10.04.1833   father`s house
TAPE Daniel Joseph Elizabeth Bradworthy labourer 18.04.1833   chapel Brdwthy
JOHNS Nicholas Edward Mary Langtree carpenter 22.04.1833   Siloam
LEE Jemima John Priscilla Clovelly sea captain 07.05.1833   father`s house
PETT John William Mary Shebbear yeoman 12.05.1833   Lake
SANGUINE John Richard Christian Bradworthy labourer 16.05.1833   Dunworthy
BERRIMAN William Samuel Dorothy Bradworthy labourer 16.05.1833   Dunworthy
COBBLEDICK William William Rebecca Newton St Petrock yeoman 16.05.1833   Moortown
WARD Ann Thomas Jane Buckland Brewer cordwainer 28.05.1833   Salem
WOOD John Thomas Frances Wolsery miller 05.06.1833   father`s house
GRIFFIN James Edmund Mary Shebbear tailor 09.06.1833   Lake
MOUNTJOY Mary John Elizabeth Milton Damerel tailor 09.06.1833   meeting village
HISTCOTT Dorcas John Mary Langtree labourer 09.06.1833   Salem
PICKARD ThosCourtic William Mary Parkham yeoman 12.06.1833   Ash
BARKWILL John William Christian Bradworthy labourer 13.06.1833   Dunworthy
MAY Elizabeth John Jane Sheepwash yeoman 16.06.1833   meeting village
RICHARDS Sarah John Ann Buckland Brewer schoolmaster 23.06.1833   Salem
LITTLEJOHNS Louisa James Mary Buckland Brewer farmer 21.07.1833   Salem
STAPLETON Thirza Thomas Mary Buckland Brewer yeoman 04.09.1831   Salem
MARSHALL Thirza Richard Margaret Shebbear yeoman 04.08.1833   Lake
HEARN Grace Richard Sarah Buckland Brewer blacksmith 18.08.1833   Salem
BALSDON Betsy John Jane Shebbear labourer 28.08.1833   Lake
STENLAKE James Thomas Mary Shebbear bookbinder 18.08.1833   Lake
WHITLOCK Keziah D Peter Elizabeth Langtree yeoman 25.08.1833   Siloam
HEARD Robert Richard Agnes Bradford shoemaker 29.08.1833   father`s house
JAMES Elizabeth Richard Maria Bradworthy labourer 03.10.1833   North Moore
BROOKS Richard Thomas Grace Buckland Brewer labourer 13.10.1833   Salem
CHAPPELL Mary John Mary Langtree labourer 03.10.1833   Flitmore
HARRIS Thomas Jacob Dorcas Bradworthy labourer 04.09.1833   village
ADAMS John Henry Ann Hartland labourer 20.10.1833   Edistone
PENNINGTON Ann William Jane Clovelly yeoman 22.10.1833   Downland
HOPPER William John Lydia Shebbear cordwainer 24.11.1833   Lake
PALMER James William Sarah Northlew labourer 17.11.1833   chapel Nthlw
BRAUND William Philip Maria Black Torrington labourer 18.11.1833   chapel in BT
UNDERHILL James Thomas Sarah Langtree labourer 03.12.1833   Siloam
EDMONDS Caleb Edmond Rebecca Shebbear shoemaker 29.12.1833   Lake
JEWELL Joshua William Mary Clovelly labourer 16.01.1834   meeting
THORNE Elizabeth John Ann Langtree labourer 28.04.1833   Salem
CRUSE Oliver William Jane Langtree butcher 05.01.1834   Salem
PARKIN Elizabeth Richard Sarah Bulkworthy carpenter 25.12.1833   Dunworthy
THORNE Thomazine Samuel Mary Shebbear printer 04.12.1833   Lake
NANCE KIEVELL John William Rebecca Langtree yeoman 10.01.1834 d of Wm & Cath Reed father`s house
PENINGTON Richard William Susanna Wolsery shoemaker 13.02.1834   meeting in church
BLIGHT Grace Samuel Grace Frithelstock yeoman 25.07.1833   Stratchecott
RICE John John Alice Bratton yeoman 23.02.1834   Boasley
BATES James Richard Sarah Bradford shoemaker no date    
THORNE John John Mary Langtree tailor 25.10.1833   chapel in vill
DERANT Susanna Thomas Grace Shebbear labourer 02.03.1834   Lake
BATE(S) Eliza Richard Sarah Bradford shoemaker 11.04.1834   town
WILLCOCK John John Sarah Hartland cordwainer 06.04.1834   Edistone
QUANCE Enoch William Mary Buckland Brewer yeoman 06.04.1834   Salem
BALKWELL Mary Richard Mary Langtree yeoman 04.05.1834   Siloam
BATES Eliza Richard Sarah Bradford shoemaker 11.04.1834   town
ALLIN Mary John Alice Holsworthy yeoman 10.06.1834   Salem BB
STONEMAN Jacob John Ann Langtree yeoman 22.06.1834   Salem
KNIGHT Sarah William Ann Putford labourer 22.06.1834   Providence
VALLENCE David David Elizabeth Northlew yeoman 13.07.1834   chapel Nthlw
VALLENCE John David Elizabeth Northlew yeoman 13.07.1834   chapel Nthlw
THORNE Susa John Frances Shebbear yeoman 29.06.1834   Lake
HORN James James Elizabeth Shebbear labourer 04.07.1834   Moortown
OXENHAM Thomas Richard Mary E Putford yeoman 05.06.1834   meetingTwitching
MOORE Mary Richard Mary Hartland labourer 13.07.1834   town
WHITLOCK Grace Richard Sally Langtree yeoman 11.02.1834   Siloam
CURTIS Mary William Elizabeth Hartland labourer 26.01.1834   Edistone
WHITLOCK Fanny Elias Mary Shebbear yeoman 12.09.1834   ?Rowden
JEWELL Harriet Joseph Harriet Clovelly labourer 08.09.1834   Dick
MASON Ann William Mary Sutcombe yeoman 15.09.1834   mill
LANG Mary Arthur Mary Milton Damerel labourer 03.08.1834   Milton
RIDGE Thomas John Grace Bulkworthy labourer 05.10.1834   Bethel,Haytown
HEAMAN Jacob George Ann Langtree carpenter 09.10.1834   father`s house
FRAIN Ann Henry Jane Frithelstock yeoman 26.10.1834   father`s house
AYRE Mary John Rebecca Langtree tailor 31.10.1834   Zion
KNIGHT Betsy Josiah Elizabeth Stoke Climsland miner 24.08.1834   Old Chinley
DOIDGE Edward William Betty MiltonAbbott yeoman 26.10.1834   Lea, Milton A
TAYLOR William Richard Ann Frithelstock labourer 02.11.1834   chapel
JOHNS Nicholas Edward Mary Langtree carpenter 02.11.1834   Siloam
NICHOLLS Eliza Richard Susanna Parkham labourer 06.11.1834   Goldworthy
MARTYN Philip Philip Maria Bradford labourer 23.11.1834   Bethesda
SHADDICK Margaret Richard Mary Hartland labourer 30.11.1834   Edistone
SHORT Mary Ann Richard Jane Wolsery yeoman 03.12.1834   father`s house
HORN Susann John Ann Sheepwash labourer 22.09.1834   chapel BlTorr
ASHTON Ann Samuel Mary Bradworthy yeoman 02.10.1834   Dunworthy
BEAR Daniel George Elizabeth Wolsery blacksmith 03.08.1834   Alminstone
SHORT Fanny James Thomazina Langtree labourer 30.11.1834   Zion
OSBORN Isaac Henry Ann Bradford labourer 25.12.1834   parents house
TRICK James James Elizabeth Black Torrington yeoman 15.12.1834   chapel Bl Torr
THORNE WilliamReed James Catherine Langtree dissent minister 25.01.1835   Zion
GLOYAN Thomas William Maria Bratton Clovelly yeoman 25.01.1835   Boasley
COURTICE Mary Robert Jane Bradworthy carpenter 23.12.1834   father`s house
BEAR Thomas Thomas Mary Hartland labourer 03.02.1835   Edistone
CLEMMENTS Christopher Anthony Mary Parkham labourer 10.02.1835   Goldworthy
THORNE Eliza John Mary Langtree labourer 15.02.1835   Salem BB
ADAMS John William Hannah Shebbear yeoman 01.02.1835   Lake
OAKE Elizabeth James Grace Sutcombe labourer 10.06.1835   parents house
NEWCOMBE Mary William Susan Bulkworthy yeoman 22.06.1835   Hankford
DYMENT James Peter Rebecca Bradworthy yeoman 30.09.1835   chapel
MILFORD Mary William Elizabeth Northlew carpenter 09.03.1835   chapel
HANDFORD Thomas John Jane Frithelstock labourer 18.05.1835   Stone
FRAIN Thirza Samuel Susanna Buckland Brewer yeoman 12.05.1835   Salem
MILLS Mary Christopher Susan Bradworthy labourer 10.06.1835   Dunworthy
BEAR Agness Azarias Catherine Bulkworthy cordwainer 01.06.1835 d of Willm Newcombe Haytown
ACLAND John William Sally Shebbear labourer 19.07.1835   Lake
ALLIN Ann Robert Elizabeth Sutcombe yeoman 12.07.1835   mill
SLEE Samuel William Catherine Milton Damerel labourer 02.08.1835   meeting house
DEACON Walter   Elizabeth     21.07.1835 d of Edw & Jne Deacon preaching room
WHITLOCK Richard Richard Sally Langtree yeoman 23.08.1835   Sutton Cross
AYRES William John Rebecca Langtree tailor 13.01.1836   parents house
CREWS Jabez William Jane Langtree butcher 07.02.1836   Salem, Thornhll
BUDD William Richard Nancy Wolsery labourer 22.05.1836   meeting at Dick
CROSSMAN George George Sarah Frithelstock labourer 29.05.1836   meeting at St
REED WilliamBryan William Mary Buckland Brewer minister 29.05.1836 nee Cottle Holwell
BRAUND John William Nancy Milton Damerel miller 28.09.1834 d of Jn & My Rattenbury meeting in psh
GLOVER William William Elizabeth Milton Damerel labourer 13.09.1834   father`s house
STANTON Margaret John Ann Hartland labourer 13.09.1834   father`s house
HORN Arscott   Caroline Shebbear   05.12.1834   mother`s house
ALLIN Margaret William Margaret Sutcombe yeoman 08.12.1834 d of Wm & Grce Mason father`s house
ASHTON Silas John Grace Parkham mason 18.12.1834   Goldworthy
KNIGHT Harriet Richard Elizabeth Little Torrington labourer 28.12.1834   Siloam
NICHOLLS Elizabeth Richard Susan Parkham labourer 06.11.1834   Goldworthy
SANGUINE William Richard Christian Bradworthy labourer 18.02.1835   Dunworthy
HARRIS James John Ann Bradworthy labourer 07.01.1835   Dunworthy
CHIDSLEY Elizabeth Joseph Mary Clovelly labourer 13.01.1835   father`s house
MORRISH John John Susan Bulkworthy labourer 18.01.1835   Salem
JEWELL John William Mary Clovelly labourer 23.02.1835   Dyke
BALKWILL Elizabeth James Elizabeth Langtree yeoman 21.04.1835   Siloam
LONGMAN Samuel James Mary Shebbear labourer 10.05.1835   Lake
JAMES Salome Thomas Grace Bradworthy labourer 10.05.1835   Dunworthy
PENNINGTON Jane Richard Mary Hartland labourer 17.05.1835   father`s house
PENNINGTON Elizabeth Richard Mary Hartland labourer 17.05.1835   father`s house
HOPPER John John Damaris Hartland yeoman 14.02.1835 nee Cottle Ylstne,Mrwstw
COOK Ann Richard Mary Hartland labourer 08.03.1835   meeting in psh
SANDERS Grace Richard Ruth Black Torrington labourer 09.04.1835   father`s house
CHAPELL Matilda Jonathan Ann Shebbear printer 12.04.1835   Lake
JAMES Richard Richard Maria Bradworthy labourer 15.04.1835   father`s house
NANCEKIVELL Edwin Samuel Mary Clovelly mason 17.04.1835   father`s house
TRICK Lydia William Susanna Frithelstock labourer 03.05.1835   Stone
PARISH William John Mary Bradford labourer 24.05.1835 d of Thos Newcombe BethesdaBT
OKE Thomas Richard Margaret Bradworthy labourer 26.05.1835   meeting in psh
GREAD Edwin   Betsy W Putford   05.06.1835   mother`s house
PERKYN Thomas Richard Margaret Bradworthy labourer 14.06.1835   Sion chapel
SMALE Richard   Rebecca Frithelstock   15.06.1835   mother`s house
REDDECLIFFE Richard William Elizabeth Northlew labourer 28.06.1835   father`s house
WALTER Hariot Francis Sarah Shebbear labourer 05.07.1835   Lake
LANGDON Elizabeth James Mary Shebbear labourer 26.07.1835   Rowden Ch
MAJOR Sarah Joseph Sarah Northlew carpenter 20.09.1835   Nthlw Chapel
HEDGER Mary Samuel Grace E Putford labourer 02.10.1835   Bethel,Blkwthy
WOOD Fanny Thomas Fanny Wolsery miller 07.10.1835   meeting in psh
JOLLOW Susanna John Susanna Black Torrington labourer 25.10.1835   Bethesda
WATKINS Thomas John Mary Newton St Petrock farmer 06.11.1835   meeting in psh
HERN Susanna Thomas Susanna Newton St Petrock labourer 06.11.1835   meeting in psh
HERN Maria Richard Sarah Buckland Brewer blacksmith 22.11.1835   Salem BB
HERN Mary William Mary Bulkworthy cooper 23.11.1835   meeting
WHITLOCK Philip Philip Ann Langtree labourer 29.11.1835   Siloam
EDMUNDS Richard Edmund Rebecca Shebbear cordwainer 06.12.1835   Lake
SANDERS David James Mary Milton Damerel carpenter 05.01.1836   father`s house
THORNE Ebenezer Samuel Mary Shebbear printer 17.01.1836   Lake
RICHARDS Mary John Ann Buckland Brewer labourer 14.02.1836   Salem
HARVEYSON William William Jane Sidmouth gardener 14.02.1836 nee Gay Salem
HEARD Betsy William Margaret Black Torrington mason 11.02.1836   Bethesda
SKINNER Mary Samuel Mary Milton Damerel farmer 25.02.1836   father`s house
OKE Charlotte Walter Priscilla Bradworthy labourer 15.03.1836   village
HOCKING Emma Richard Emma Bradworthy labourer 16.03.1836   father`s house
MARSHALL Margaret Richard Margaret Hartland yeoman 20.03.1836   Edistone
VANSTONE Samuel Samuel Eliza W Putford husbandman 30.03.1836   father`s house
ALLIN Thomas John Alice Sutcombe yeoman 01.04.1836   father`s house
ALLIN John Samuel Mary Sutcombe innkeeper 01.04.1836   meeting in psh
BLIGHT William James Jane Newton St Petrock husbandman 22.04.1836   meeting in psh
ASHTON William Samuel Mary Bradworthy yeoman 26.04.1836   father`s house
THORNE James John Anne Langtree labourer 08.05.1836   Salem
COOK Thomas Thomas Elizabeth Hartland labourer 12.06.1836   Edistone
FRY Elizabeth Thomas Mary Buckland Brewer yeoman 24.06.1836   Holwell
EDMUNDS Rebecca Edmund Rebecca Shebbear shoemaker 06.12.1835   Lake
WAKELY Elizabeth Samuel Mary Wolsery carpenter 04.11.1835   village
HARVEY John Thomas Elizabeth Shebbear labourer 20.02.1836   father`s house
THORNE Samuel John Mary Langtree tailor 10.07.1836   Zion
NANKIEVELL Catherine William Rebecca Langtree yeoman 28.08.1836   Zion
HUTCHINGS Philip John Betty Milton Damerel labourer 04.09.1836   Milton chapel
TREBILCOCK Elizabeth William Ann Black Torrington cordwainer 14.09.1836   preachgrmSheep
BATES Grace Richard Sarah Bradford cordwainer 15.09.1836   preachinghouse
HOPPER Grace John Grace Wolsery labourer 05.10.1836   the chapel
PENNINGTON Grace William Susanna Wolsery cordwainer 17.07.1836   chapel
WADE Elizabeth John Betsy Bradworthy labourer 18.07.1836   father`s house
OKE James William Susanna Bradworthy labourer 12.08.1836   Attworthy
PROWSE John William Jane Bradworthy labourer 14.08.1836   father`s house
JEWELL William Henry Sarah Buckland Brewer labourer 18.08.1836   Twitching
SMALE Sarah William Susanna Frithelstock yeoman 21.08.1836   Sion, Ltree
BALSDON George John Jane Shebbear labourer 08.08.1836   Lake
BLIGHT Louisa Samuel Grace Frithelstock yeoman 05.09.1836   father`s house
CHAPPLE Susanna John Mary Langtree labourer 02.10.1836   Zion
JAMES Hariet Richard Maria Bradworthy labourer 09.10.1836   Attworthy
JEWELL William William Mary Clovelly labourer 05.09.1836   Dick chapel
SANDERS Elizabeth Robert Ann Cookbury carpenter 04.10.1836   Cookbury
COPP Mary James Mary Buckland Brewer labourer 09.10.1836   Salem
GILBERT Mary William Grace Bradford labourer 09.10.1836   Bethesda
WHITLOCK Samuel Elias Mary Shebbear yeoman 15.10.1836   father`s house
OKE Thomas James Grace Sutcombe labourer 25.10.1836 nee Allin Zoar, Sutcombe
FRIENDSHIP Susanna William Grace Langtree labourer 30.10.1836   Zion
MADGE William Philip Charlotte Sheepwash labourer 07.11.1836   preaching house
GAY Richard John Ann Ashwater labourer 20.11.1836   Bethesda
EVANS Mary Daniel Mary Sutcombe labourer 16.10.1836   a chapel
THOMAS Josiah James Grace Milton Damerel labourer 01.12.1836   a chapel
VENTON Thomas Stephen Mary Bradford yeoman 08.12.1836   preaching house
ROWLAND Richard James Hannah Thornbury labourer 03.11.1836   father`s house
PERKIN William John Ann Holsworthy blacksmith 30.12.1836   father`s house
CRABB John William Susanna Sutcombe labourer 13.11.1836   hill chapel
LEVERTON John William Mary Merton tailor 20.11.1836   Siloam Sutton
TUCKER John John Grace Abbots Bickington labourer 07.12.1836   Bethel, Haytown
NEWCOMBE Catherine William Susan Bulkworthy yeoman 31.12.1836   Hankford
BLATCHFORD William John Mary Black Torrington labourer 22.01.1837   Bethesda
HORE Thomas William Ann Frithelstock tailor 25.12.1836   preachinghouse
DOWN Thomas Henry Elizabeth Black Torrington cordwainer 08.01.1837   Chilla, BT
PERKIN Mary James Eliza Black Torrington yeoman 08.01.1837   Chilla BT
HEAL Thomas Robert Mary Buckland Brewer yeoman 20.01.1837   father`s house
SANDERS Richard William Mary Langtree carpenter 24.01.1837   Siloam
WHITLOCK Huldah Richard Sally Langtree yeoman 29.01.1837   father`s house
SHORT Elizabeth James Thomasine Langtree labourer 29.01.1837   Zion
PARSONS James John Jane Black Torrington yeoman 05.02.1837   meeting at Chilla
MARTIN James William Mary Langtree labourer 12.02.1837   Zion
HORN Ann John Ann Sheepwash carrier 30.01.1837   preaching house
PUGSLEY George Joseph Mary Langtree labourer 19.02.1837   Siloam
GLOYN Isaac John Susanna Shebbear blacksmith 21.02.1837   Siloam
EVANS Mary Daniel Mary Sutcombe labourer 16.10.1836   chapel
HEARN Mary John Mary Sutcombe labourer 31.01.1837   chapel
LANG Thomas Arthur Mary Milton Damerel labourer 16.12.1836   chapel
YEO Mary William Mary Bradford yeoman 22.02.1837   Bethesda
LONGMAN James James Mary Shebbear labourer 26.02.1837   Lake
EARL Ann Thomas Agnes Sutcombe labourer 02.02.1837   W Putford
CLEMENT Ann Joseph Grace Buckland Brewer yeoman 02.02.1837   Twitching
TREWIN FrankPenwa   Alice Abbots Bickington   28.02.1837   dwellinghouse
HALE Dorothy   Elizabeth Buckland Brewer   02.03.1837   Twitching
SANDERS Richard Richard Ruth Cookbury labourer 21.03.1837   meeting house BT
TRICK Grace James Elizabeth Black Torrington labourer 20.03.1837   chapel BT
ISAAC James Abraham Grace Shebbear yeoman 26.03.1837   Rowden
QUICK Grace William Sarah Bradford yeoman 05.04.1837   Bethesda
BROOK Elizabeth Daniel Mary Bulkworthy labourer 28.03.1837   village
BROOK Grace Richard Elizabeth Buckland Brewer labourer 09.04.1837 d of John & Mary White Salem
DANNEL Ann James Agnes Bulkworthy miller 08.05.1837 d of Azaria & Ann Bear mother`s house
ALLEN Thomas Robert Elizabeth Sutcombe miller 09.05.1837 d of Rich & Mary Allen mill chapel
EDMUNDS Joshua Edmund Rebecca Shebbear shoemaker 23.04.1837   Lake
MAY Jane John Jane Sheepwash yeoman 08.05.1837   preachinghouse
FOWLER Mary Bartholomew Elizabeth Shebbear yeoman 21.05.1837   Rowden
HOPPER Henry John Lydia Shebbear shoemaker 21.05.1837   Lake
COURTICE Thirza Richard Mary Cookbury labourer 16.05.1837   preaching house
RICHARDS Fanny James Ann Cookbury labourer 16.05.1837   pr hse Cookby
MASON Lawrence Richard Miriam W Putford blacksmith 24.05.1837   Providence
WILLIAMS Mahalah John Elizabeth Buckland Brewer mason 04.06.1837   Salem
COLE Mary William Charity Buckland Brewer husbandman 04.06.1837   Salem
TAYLOR Richard Richard Ann Frithelstock labourer 05.06.1837   preaching house
BRAWN Ann Philip Maria Black Torrington labourer 12.06.1837   chapel BT
BEAR Mary John Elizabeth Bulkworthy blacksmith 18.06.1837   Bethel
HORN Mary James Elizabeth Shebbear yeoman 21.04.1837   Rowden
BABB Ann Thomas Catherine Langtree labourer 02.07.1837   Salem
RIDGE Samuel John Grace Bulkworthy labourer 02.07.1837   Bethel
PIPER Samuel Samuel Tabitha Iddesleigh yeoman 30.06.1837   East Park
PENHALE Elias William Mary Shebbear yeoman 23.05.1831   Libbear
PENHALE William William Mary Shebbear yeoman 23.05.1831   Libbear
SMITH Eliza Thomas Mary Wear Gifford labourer 01.12.1833   All`s Pill
SAUNDERS Joseph Joseph Mary Highampton sergeant 24.09.1834   father`s house
SYMONS Mary James Mary Northam maltster 17.12.1834   West Appledore
PINCOMBE Rebecca William Mary Beaford mason 30.11.1835   Beaford chapel
PIPER Ellen Samuel Tabitha Iddesleigh yeoman 14.12.1835   East Park
MAY Samuel John Jane Sheepwash butcher 28.02.1836   Sheepwash
MARTYN Mary Oliver Mary Sheepwash carpenter 31.08.1836   Sheepwash
GILL Elizabeth Thomas Mariah Alverdiscott farmer 11.02.1837   Kitsham
RICHARDS James George Frances Fremington labourer 04.05.1837   NewtonTracy
WONNACOTT William George Mary Great Torrington hatter 23.06.1837   father`s house
THORNE Elizabeth John Frances Shebbear yeoman 16.07.1837   Lake
BRAUND William George Ann Milton Damerel shoemaker 23.07.1837   chapel MD
BROWN Thomas William Maria Black Torrington labourer 25.07.1837   Middlecott
BRAY Fanny William Maria Bradford carpenter 09.08.1837   father`s house
BASSETT Samuel Samuel Frances Ashwater labourer 09.08.1837   Bethesda
HERN Ann Thomas Susanna NewtonStPetrk labourer 14.07.1837   village
SELDON Samuel John Rebecca Buckland Brewer yeoman 01.01.1837   Salem
CHAMPION Catherine George Grace Buckland Brewer labourer 01.01.1837   Salem
YEO Mary William Grace Milton Damerel labourer 03.01.1837   chapel MD
BADCOCK William Samuel Mary Cookbury yeoman 11.08.1837   dwellinghouse
BROCK Charlotte William Elizabeth Bradford mason 06.08.1837   Bethesda
STAPLETON Henry James Mary Buckland Brewer labourer 10.09.1837   father`s house