

Transcribed by

Kathy Miller

ref. number
PlaceForenameSurnameAgeProfession, Trade,
Employment or of
Independent means
Born in
same county?
Piece No.
447Buckish CottWilliamFound55ag labr (agricultural labourer)y HO 107/223/13
448 MaryFound49wife (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
449 MariaFound27assistanty HO 107/223/13
450 AnnFound14assistanty HO 107/223/13
451 JohnHeal14servanty HO 107/223/13
452 AnnHeal16lodger (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
453Hurley Medow (sic)Josh (sic)Can (sic)50ag labr (agricultural labourer)ysenior after surnameHO 107/223/13
454 GraceCan (sic)64wife (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
455 MaryCan (sic)24child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
456 JosephCan (sic)15child (crossed out)yjunior after surnameHO 107/223/13
457Buckish BartonWilliamGrigg55farmery HO 107/223/13
458 CatherineGrigg40wife (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
459 AnnGrigg15child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
460 WilliamGrigg15child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
461 EnochGrigg13child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
462 JohnGrigg11child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
463 RichardGrigg8child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
464 Sath (sic) (male)Grigg5child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
465 ThomasAdams80independenty HO 107/223/13
466 Chiritty (sic)Darlth (sic)15apprenticey HO 107/223/13
467 SamuelJohns20servanty HO 107/223/13
468 MaryMoas (sic)55independenty HO 107/223/13
469StrocksworthyWilliamChapman25labourery HO 107/223/13
470 Betsey (sic)Chapman30dressmakery HO 107/223/13
471 Mary JaneChapman10 monthschild (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
472West Buckish CottWilliamVanstone53labourery HO 107/223/13
473 GraceVanstone60wife (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
474 GraceRow29cripple (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
475 JohnSmale1child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
476 ThomasSlee40labourery HO 107/223/13
477West Brick CottageJamesDunn25labourery HO 107/223/13
478 SarahDunn20wife (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
479 WilliamDunn4child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
480 Mary JaneDunn2child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
481 ThurzaDunn8 monthschild (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
482BuckishWilliamChing31blacksmithy HO 107/223/13
483 SusanChing26wife (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
484 LucretiaChing3child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
485 Mary AnnChing6 monthschild (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
486 JohnMetheral17blacksmithy HO 107/223/13
487 JohnVenner16blacksmithy HO 107/223/13
488Woolfardisworthy VillageJohnDavey25masony HO 107/223/13
489 MarthaDavey20wife (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
490 SusanDavey4 monthsnot giveny HO 107/223/13
491WoolfardisworthyJosephBurrow60yeomany HO 107/223/13
492 GraceBurrow65wife (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
493 AnnBurrow21child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
494 SusanGoodnough (sic)21servanty HO 107/223/13
495 WilliamPrance17servanty HO 107/223/13
496 JamesBurrow25releiving officer (sic)y HO 107/223/13
497TownMaryGlover44widow (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
498 ElizabethGlover20glovery HO 107/223/13
499 GraceGlover6 monthsnot giveny HO 107/223/13
500LeworthyJamesBecalec (sic)60farmery1 unihabited house also notedHO 107/223/13
501 SarahBecalec (sic)55wife (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
502 MaryCann17servanty HO 107/223/13
503 SusanMetheral15lace makery HO 107/223/13
504 Mary AnnSanders10apprenticey HO 107/223/13
505 ThomasLabbot?17servanty HO 107/223/13
506 SamuelScoin14servanty HO 107/223/13
507 WilliamHortop12servanty HO 107/223/13
508TownGraceCorry (sic)28apprentice dressmakery HO 107/223/13
509 Margeret (sic)Herd29dressmakery HO 107/223/13
510Walland CottageAndrewHeal35labourery HO 107/223/13
511 MaryHeal34wife (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
512 JohnHeal8child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
513 AnnHeal6child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
514 SusanHeal4child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
515 Betsey (sic)Heal2child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
516 GraceBuckpit80lodger (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
517AshmansworthySamuelDunn40labourery HO 107/223/13
518 ElizabethDunn30wife (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
519 Mary JaneDunn6child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
520 ElizabethDunn4child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
521 JohnDunn2child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
522TownRichardHopper45thatchery HO 107/223/13
523 MaryHopper50wife (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
524 ElizabethHopper13child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
525 AnnHopper10child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
526TownAnnHeal45labourery HO 107/223/13
527 AnnHeal15servanty HO 107/223/13
528 HarrietHeal8child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
529 RobertHeal4child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
530 RichardHeal3child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
531 ThomasWickham6child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
532 JohnWickham4child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
533 JohannaPrance65independenty HO 107/223/13
534TownJohnCorry (sic)60independenty HO 107/223/13
535 SusannaCorry (sic)50wife (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
536TownJohnEastabrook53farmery HO 107/223/13
537 MaryEastabrook60wife (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
538 WilliamEastabrook27cordwinder (sic)y HO 107/223/13
539 MaryEastabrook20daughter (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
540 ElizabethEastabrook19daughter (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
541 JohnGifford20servanty HO 107/223/13
542 ThomasBrend14servanty HO 107/223/13
543TownRichardShort58farmery HO 107/223/13
544 Athalia (sic)Short58wife (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
545 ElizabethShort24daughter (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
546 Athalia (sic)Short18daughter (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
547TownJohnShort25inn keepery HO 107/223/13
548 Betsey (sic)Short24wife (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
549 Mary AnnShort2child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
550 EdwardLee71independenty HO 107/223/13
551 WilliamCottey76travellery HO 107/223/13
552 AnnBrind (sic)14servanty HO 107/223/13
553TownStephen Banfield LovellBell33medicaln HO 107/223/13
554 Harriett (sic)Bell30wife (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
555 MaryHopper19servanty HO 107/223/13
556TownElizabethCook30none (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
557 GraceCook8child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
558 Mary AnnCook4child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
559 LouisaCook2child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
560 AnnJolliff25glovery HO 107/223/13
561TownThomasLee25edge tool-makery HO 107/223/13
562 Sally MillLee25wife (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
563 Mary AnnLee3child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
564 Prisilla (sic)Lee1child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
565 WilliamSanders20blacksmithy HO 107/223/13
566 JanePenington (sic)10servanty HO 107/223/13
567 John WilliamSmyth30clerkn HO 107/223/13
568 JaneSmyth30wife (crossed out)n HO 107/223/13
569 Mary AnnSmyth6child (crossed out)n HO 107/223/13
570TownThomasCann55labourery HO 107/223/13
571 MaryCann55wife (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
572TownWilliamWakely60carpentery1 unihabited house also notedHO 107/223/13
573 BridgetWakely60wife (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
574 SusanWakely15child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
575TownJohnBlight68masony HO 107/223/13
576 ElizabethBlight68wife (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
577TownSarahManning67unreadable comment (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
578 GraceParsons20unreadable comment (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
579Walland FarmChristianAndrews50occupier of a farmy HO 107/223/13
580 ThomazinAndrews23daughter (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
581 JamesAndrews21child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
582 JohnAndrews17child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
583 JoshuaAndrews16child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
584 Margret (sic)Andrews10child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
585 ThomasAndrews7child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
586 MaryPenington (sic)14servanty HO 107/223/13
587 JamesHeal11servanty HO 107/223/13
588Bucks CottageWilliam ColeLoggin (sic)35independentn HO 107/223/13
589 MarianneLoggin (sic)35wife (crossed out)n HO 107/223/13
590 CharlesLoggin (sic)9child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
591 MarianneLoggin (sic)7child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
592 ArthurLoggin (sic)5child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
593 AdelaideLoggin (sic)4child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
594 EdwardLoggin (sic)3child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
595 AnnPengilley (sic)20servanty HO 107/223/13
596 MaryAndrew15servanty HO 107/223/13
597CopplinJamesPoolley40husbantman (sic)y HO 107/223/13
598 ElizabethPoolley40wife (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
599 JohnPoolley10child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
600 WilliamPoolley8child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
601 ElizabethPoolley7child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
602 MaryPoolley5child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
603 Margret (sic)Poolley3child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
604 Henery (sic)Poolley6 weekschild (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
605 ThomasMoase50not giveny HO 107/223/13
606 Henery (sic)not given12not givenymight be MoaseHO 107/223/13
607Alminstone CottageGeorgeBear (sic)35blacksmithy HO 107/223/13
608 ElizabethBear (sic)32wife (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
609 Agness (sic)Bear (sic)12child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
610 Azarius (male)Bear (sic)10child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
611 WilliamBear (sic)9child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
612 DanielBear (sic)7child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
613 GeorgeBear (sic)6child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
614 JohnBear (sic)4child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
615 ElizabethBear (sic)2child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
616 Allice (sic)Bear (sic)8 monthschild (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
617KnapPhillipMoase75labourery HO 107/223/13
618 MaryMoase75wife (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
619 JohnHerding25horse dealery HO 107/223/13
620Cranford WaterMaryNichol70paupper (sic)y HO 107/223/13
621 MaryNichol30paupper (sic)y HO 107/223/13
622Buckish CrossCharlesProuse25inn keepery HO 107/223/13
623 JaneProuse25wife (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
624 SusanProuse4child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
625 Mary AnnProuse2child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
626 WilliamBuse40servanty HO 107/223/13
627 ElizaSlee14servanty HO 107/223/13
628KnapWilliamNancekivell30labourery HO 107/223/13
629 SarahNancekivell30wife (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
630 WilliamNancekivell9child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
631 AnnNancekivell6child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
632 Sally MillNancekivell1child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
633Woolsery Corner CottRobbert (sic)Davy30masony HO 107/223/13
634 Mary AnnDavy26wife (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
635 GeorgeDavy3child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
636 LewisDavy6 monthschild (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
637DippleJosephAndrew45farmery HO 107/223/13
638 SusannaAndrew40wife (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
639 JohnAndrew15child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
640 JohnJewell19servanty HO 107/223/13
641 GraceSmale19servanty HO 107/223/13
642 MaryGifford15servanty HO 107/223/13
643 ThomasShortridge16servanty HO 107/223/13
644 PhilipGreenwood12servanty HO 107/223/13
645West Buckland CottageStephenBeer23labourery HO 107/223/13
646 ElizabethBeer21wife (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
647Cranford VillageJamesHamlyn63labourery HO 107/223/13
648 GraceHamlyn55wife (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
649 AnnClark29inmate (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
650 WilliamClark5inmate (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
651 GraceClark1inmate (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
652 MaryHolman30inmate (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
653 JohnHolman6 monthsinmate (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
654CranfordJosephAndrews29labourery HO 107/223/13
655 SusanAndrews38wife (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
656 MaryAndrews10child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
657 SusanAndrews2child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
658CranfordSamuelVanstone60farmery HO 107/223/13
659 MaryVanstone55wife (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
660 MaryHopgood15servanty HO 107/223/13
661 RichardMoare (sic)10servanty HO 107/223/13
662 SamuelPaddon30servanty HO 107/223/13
663 JohnDark20servanty HO 107/223/13
664 WilliamJollough (sic)10servanty HO 107/223/13
665 RobertBoyns (sic)20shipwrighty HO 107/223/13
666 AnnBoyns (sic)15dressmakery HO 107/223/13
667 RichardBoyns (sic)10joinery HO 107/223/13
668Cranford Watter (sic)RobertCleverdon52labourery HO 107/223/13
669 AnnCleverdon46wife (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
670 JoshuaCleverdon13child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
671 WilliamCleverdon8child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
672Cranford VillageWilliamBlight30labourery HO 107/223/13
673 ElizaBlight29wife (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
674 Rebeca (sic)Blight4child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
675 EllenBlight1child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
676 RebeccaBlight63unreadable comment (crossed out)ycomment looks like 'Private'HO 107/223/13
677Ashmansworthy VillageGeorgeShort25blacksmithy HO 107/223/13
678 Honour (sic)Short22wife (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
679 RichardShort3child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
680 ThomasShort1child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
681 SamuelCole15apprenticey HO 107/223/13
682Bucks DownWilliamTrick40farmery HO 107/223/13
683 MaryTrick32wife (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
684 Margret (sic)Trick5child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
685 MaryTrick2child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
686 Betsey (sic)Trick1child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
687 ThomasFound18servanty HO 107/223/13
688 ElizabethTennet19servanty HO 107/223/13
689 JohnTennet12servanty HO 107/223/13
690Bitworthy CottageThomasTrothing75yeomany HO 107/223/13
691 MaryTrothing62wife (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
692 JohnTrothing37child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
693 ThomasTrothing35child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
694 MaryTrothing28child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
695 JaneTrothing25child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
696 JoshuaTrothing18child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
697Cranford CottageRobertBrooks58labourery HO 107/223/13
698AshmansworthyJamesStephens48farmery HO 107/223/13
699 JamesShort18servanty HO 107/223/13
700 SarahStephens90widow (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
701 SusannaCorry (sic)20servanty HO 107/223/13
702Cottage in the WoodZacharia (sic)Found40labourery HO 107/223/13
703 SallyFound40wife (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
704 JamesFound14child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
705 ElizaFound9child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
706 SusanFound6child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
707 MaryFound3child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
708AlminstonePhilipMoase45farmery HO 107/223/13
709 JamesMoase75independenty HO 107/223/13
710 DorothyMoase43unreadable comment (crossed out)ylooks like 'Widow of ?????'HO 107/223/13
711 JamesMoase14servanty HO 107/223/13
712 JohnHamlyn20servanty HO 107/223/13
713 ThomasPengilly10servanty HO 107/223/13
714 Charlott (sic)Couch13servanty HO 107/223/13
715 RichardRichards15servanty HO 107/223/13
716Woolsery HouseBartholomewPrust45Leut RN (sic)y HO 107/223/13
717 Elizabeth SusanPrust35wife (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
718 MargaretBurgh71independenty HO 107/223/13
719 AnnHutchings25f servant (female servant)y HO 107/223/13
720 AnnHutchings20fs (female servant)ythere really are two entries of 'Ann Hutchings'HO 107/223/13
721 WilliamWest18ms (male servant)y HO 107/223/13
722AshmansworthyRichardBond55farmerysenior after surnameHO 107/223/13
723 CatherineBond45wife (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
724 WilliamBond20child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
725 RichardBond18child (crossed out)yjunior after surnameHO 107/223/13
726 Henery (sic)Bond17child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
727 EdwinBond15child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
728 JamesBond13child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
729 Josia (sic)Bond11child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
730 CarolineBond10child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
731 JohnBond6child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
732 Anabella (sic)Bond4child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
733 MaryGifford20servanty HO 107/223/13
734 WilliamLock10servanty HO 107/223/13
735Cranford CottageThomasBayley60yeomany HO 107/223/13
736 ElizabethSanders26fs (female servant)y HO 107/223/13
737Alminstone Down CottDaniell (sic)Pedrick34masony HO 107/223/13
738 SusanPedrick28wife (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
739 ElizaPedrick7child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
740 JohnPedrick5child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
741 Daniell (sic)Pedrick3child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
742 Mary AnnPedrick3 monthschild (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
743Cranford Watter (sic)RichardCleverdon55butchery HO 107/223/13
744 MaryCleverdon40wife (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
745 Mary AnnCleverdon10child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
746Jewells CottageAnnSmale63paupery HO 107/223/13
747North StroxeryWilliamBounday (sic)31labourery HO 107/223/13
748 GraceBounday (sic)30wife (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
749Walland CottageWilliamCouch40labourery HO 107/223/13
750 SusanCouch34wife (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
751 WilliamCouch3child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
752 RichardCouch8child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
753 AnnCouch6child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
754 MaryHopkins72unreadable comment (crossed out)ylooks like 'P***ase'HO 107/223/13
755Lane MillThomasWood40millery HO 107/223/13
756 FannyWood40wife (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
757 Mary AnnWood18child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
758 WilliamWood15child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
759 ThomasWood10child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
760 JohnWood8child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
761 FannyWood6child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
762 ElizaWood4child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
763 DorcasWood4 monthschild (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
764 JohnTape15servanty HO 107/223/13
765 Prisella (sic)Brig15fs (female servant)y HO 107/223/13
766KnapRichardLott75independenty HO 107/223/13
767 ElizabethLott75wife (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
768 SusannaPenington (sic)15servanty HO 107/223/13
769North StroxeryWilliamCann25labourery HO 107/223/13
770 GertrudeCann24wife (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
771 ReginaCann2child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
772BuckishRichardShute40independentn HO 107/223/13
773 JaneHarvey35servantn HO 107/223/13
774North StroxworthyWilliamGrills57labourerysenior after surnameHO 107/223/13
775 JaneGrills57wife (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
776 GraceGrills16child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
777 WilliamGrills2child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
778 JaneGrills83inmate (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
779DippleWilliamJewell64farmery HO 107/223/13
780 AnneJewell60wife (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
781 JohnJewell22child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
782 Mary AnnJewell18child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
783 William HenryJewell4child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
784 Charlote (sic)Jewell4child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
785 RichardDell24servanty HO 107/223/13
786Higher AlminstoneMarthaWhite54occupier of a farmy HO 107/223/13
787 JosephWhite19assistanty HO 107/223/13
788 WilliamWhite14assistanty HO 107/223/13
789 Mary AnnWilliams24fs (female servant)y HO 107/223/13
790 RichardWilliams8 monthschild (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
791Bucks MillsWilliamPenington (sic)25butchery HO 107/223/13
792 MaryPenington (sic)27wife (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
793 ThomasPenington (sic)3 monthschild (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
794 ThomasHamlyn16millery HO 107/223/13
795Buckish VillageAbelJohns59labourery HO 107/223/13
796 MaryJohns23wife (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
797Yeos Moor CottageJohnBrend40labourery HO 107/223/13
798 ElizabethBrend40wife (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
799 JosephBrend9child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
800 SusanBrend7child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
801 MaryBrend5child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
802 ThomasBrend1child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
803Buckish VillageRichardShort45yeomany HO 107/223/13
804 JaneShort46wife (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
805 RichardShort9child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
806 ThomasShort4child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
807 Jamin John (sic)Short6 monthschild (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
808 GraceShort10child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
809 Mary AnnShort6child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
810 WilliamHamlyn15servanty HO 107/223/13
811 Mary AnnN.Kivil (sic)13servanty HO 107/223/13
812Middle LoworthyWilliamPrance28labourery HO 107/223/13
813 GracePrance28wife (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
814 GracePrance5child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
815 JamesPrance3child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
816 Leuisa (sic)Prance6 monthschild (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
817Cranford Watter (sic)JohnMoor40ag labr (agricultural labourer)y HO 107/223/13
818 JohnMoor10child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
819 NoahMoor6child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
820 MaryMain56unreadable comment (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
821 RichardMain9child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
822RydemeadJohnPrance30labourerymight be HydemeadHO 107/223/13
823 AnnPrance30wife (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
824 JohnPrance5child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
825 MaryPrance2child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
826 BetsyPrance2 monthschild (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
827South StroxworthyLawrenceMason30yeomany HO 107/223/13
828 Elizabeth AnnMason23wife (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
829 Emma GraceMason2child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
830 CharlotteMason3 monthschild (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
831 MaryPrance25fs (female servant)y HO 107/223/13
832 JuliaEastabrook14fs (female servant)y HO 107/223/13
833 RichardWade25ms (male servant)y HO 107/223/13
834 RichardHedger15ms (male servant)y HO 107/223/13
835 JohnJewell12ms (male servant)y HO 107/223/13
836 JohnGlover20apprenticey HO 107/223/13
837AshmansworthyWilliamDunn72labourery HO 107/223/13
838 MaryDunn30labourery HO 107/223/13
839 JamesDunn5child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
840 WilliamDunn3child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
841 RichardDunn6 monthschild (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
842BuckishWilliamTrick73private (sic)n HO 107/223/13
843 Mararet (sic)Trick80wife (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
844West Buckish CottageJamesDunn30labourery HO 107/223/13
845 ElizabethDunn23wife (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
846 DavidDunn2child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
847Wakely's CottageJamesHarries (sic)60ag labr (agricultural labourer)y HO 107/223/13
848 MaryHarries (sic)53wife (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
849 ElizaHarries (sic)21child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
850BitworthyJamesDunn64independenty HO 107/223/13
851 ElizabethDunn65wife (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
852HurleymedeJamesEbsworthy43cattle dealery HO 107/223/13
853 AnnEbsworthy27wife (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
854 WilliamEbsworthy2child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
855 CharlotteHamlyn10on charaty (sic)y HO 107/223/13
856NickparkeWilliam BraundSanders27tailory HO 107/223/13
857 ElizabethSanders53widow (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
858 ElizabethSanders18inmate (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
859 ChristianOke27inmate (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
860 Allice (sic)Sanders50inmate (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
861 JamesBond20apprenticey HO 107/223/13
862 Jobe (sic)Andrews15apprenticey HO 107/223/13
863 WilliamFisher16servanty HO 107/223/13
864 JohnPugsley10child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
865AshmansworthyMaryGifford57labourery HO 107/223/13
866 ElizabethGifford19glovery HO 107/223/13
867Stroxworthy CottageJohnHamlyn74labourery HO 107/223/13
868 MaryHamlyn66wife (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
869 JohnWakely12inmate (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
870 WilliamWakely10inmate (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
871 JoshuaWakely7inmate (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
872North StroxworthyWilliamBond60farmery HO 107/223/13
873 GraceBond45wife (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
874 WilliamBond11child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
875 Margerett (sic)Bond9child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
876 JohnBond7child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
877 JamesBond5child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
878 RhodaBond3child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
879 RichardBond1child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
880 SusanCook15apprenticey HO 107/223/13
881 WilliamJohns20servanty HO 107/223/13
882Buckish MillsJosephBraund42fishermany HO 107/223/13
883 ElizabethBraund43wife (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
884 LouisaBraund19child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
885 JamesBraund16child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
886 JosephBraund9child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
887 Mittilda (sic)Braund5child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
888 ElizabethBraund1child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
889Alminstone CottJamesPengilly40labourery HO 107/223/13
890 MaryPengilly41wife (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
891 RichardPengilly8child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
892 PattyPengilly3child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
893 Thursaa (sic)Pengilly6 monthschild (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
894Buckish MillsSamuelHarris50lime burnery HO 107/223/13
895 Bettey (sc)Harris45wife (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
896 ElizabethHarris19millener (sic)y HO 107/223/13
897Buckish CottageThomasOxnam (sic)60farmery HO 107/223/13
898 BettyOxnam (sic)65wife (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
899 JamesStapleton60blacksmithy HO 107/223/13
900 RichardNickols (sic)30servanty HO 107/223/13
901Cranford CottageThomasSanders69carpenterysenior after surnameHO 107/223/13
902 ThomasSanders32carpentery HO 107/223/13
903 SusanSanders28daughter (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
904PickparkeWilliamVanstone35labourery HO 107/223/13
905 Lovday (sic)Vanstone50wife (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
906 MaryVanstone65unreadable comment (crossed out)ylooks like 'Know'HO 107/223/13
907 EnochVanstone8child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
908 MaryHortope (sic)25spinster (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
909BuckishFrancisCory59farmery HO 107/223/13
910 ElizabethCory57wife (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
911 JamesCory25son (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
912 Heulaah (sic) (female)Cory2grandchild (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
913PlydmeadThomasCann25labourery HO 107/223/13
914 MaryCann30wife (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
915 WilliamCann5child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
916 ThomasCann3child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
917 ElizabethCann2child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
918Stroxworthy CottageJohnHerd47labourery HO 107/223/13
919 AnnHerd50wife (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
920 AnnHerd10child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
921 ThomasHerd13daughter (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
922Leworthy MillLawrenceAshton36relieving officery1 uninhabited house also notedHO 107/223/13
923 JaneAshton25wife (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
924 ElizabethAshton7child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
925 ThomasAshton4child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
926 ElizaAshton3child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
927 Mary AnnAshton1child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
928 ElizabethJeffery16fs (female servant)y HO 107/223/13
929North StroxworthyRichardShort30farmery HO 107/223/13
930 MaryShort25wife (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
931 RichardShort4child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
932 William ChingShort2child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
933 JamesShort6 monthschild (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
934 JohnStenlick (sic)15prentice (sic)y HO 107/223/13
935 ThomasVinning20servanty HO 107/223/13
936 Margret (sic)Johns25fs (female servant)y HO 107/223/13
937 AnnCook10fs (female servant)y HO 107/223/13
938BitworthyJohnDunn30yeomany HO 107/223/13
939 MaryDunn30wife (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
940 OrlandoDunn10child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
941 JohnDunn3child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
942 CarolineDunn9 monthschild (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
943 ThomasSlee20m servant (male servant)y HO 107/223/13
944 JohnBrind (sic)15m servant (male servant)y HO 107/223/13
945 JamesDowning15m servant (male servant)y HO 107/223/13
946 SusannaProuse12fs (female servant)y HO 107/223/13
947Cranford VillageWilliamMoase48farmerysenior after surname. 1 uninhabited building notedHO 107/223/13
948 AnnMoase45wife (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
949 WilliamMoase20child (crossed out)yjunior after surnameHO 107/223/13
950 Mary KivilMoase17child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
951 HenryMoase14child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
952 TammyMoase11child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
953 AnnMoase8child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
954 SusanMoase5child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
955 JamesMoase2child (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
956 JamesMock36lodger (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
957 ThomasBrown30lodger (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
958 LewisRow30lodger (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
959 RichardMock20lodger (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
960 GeorgeMock9lodger (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
961 ThomasAndrews26cordwainery HO 107/223/13
962 MaryAndrews25wife (crossed out)y HO 107/223/13
963 ThomasJolliffe19apprenticey HO 107/223/13

Brian Randell, 30 Nov 2003