
Four documents related to the Stone Merchants and Marblers of Corfe Castle



Bylaws of the Marblers of Corfe Castle, Co. Dorset renewed and confirmed 3rd March 1651

[Note: Some of the signatures must have been added subsequently to these "articles", see the name at the head of column 7 of the signatures. The marks between the Christian names and Surnames seem to be the private signs of the signatories. Only in those cases in which they are stated to be the marks of so-and-so are they technically marks as opposed to signatures]

Articles which are to be performed, used and kept by the whole Company of Marblers inhabiting within the towne of Corf Castell, in the Countie of Dorset ffor the good and well ordering of the Company which they have generally with one Consent agreed upon to fulfill performe and keep, and now to be ordered and Governed by under the penalties and forfeitures in the Articles expressed, As they are Drawn out of their Auncient Records And the same renewed and confirmed by them at their accustomed day of meeting on Shrovetewsday yearly. This Shrovetewsday it was done being the Third day of March In the year of our Lord one thousand sixe hundred ffifty one As their hands and seales doe witness.

Ffirst. That no man of the Company shall set into his fellow tradesmans Quarr to work there without his consent within twelve moneths and a day, nor to come into any part of that Ground within a hundred foote of his fellow tradesmans Quarr upon the forfeiture of ffive poundes to be paid unto the Owner of the Quarr unto whome the offence shall be doun Neither shall no man of this Company worke Partners with any man except it be a free man of the same Company upon the forfeiture of ffive poundes.

Secondly. That no man in this Company shall take any Apprentice but that he shall keep him in his owne howse uprising and downe lying for the Terme of Seaven years upon the forfeiture of ffive poundes To be paid unto the Wardings of the Company for the use and benefitt of the whole Company.

Thirdly. That no man after his aprentis shall take any other Apprentice in the whole terme of Seaven years upon the forfeiture of ffive poundes for every moneth ffor as many moneths as he shall keepe him And to be paid unto the Wardings for the use of the Company.

Fowerthly. That no man in this Company shall sell or make sale of any stone within this Island unto any man but by his owne proper name Upon the forfeiture of ffive pounds To be paid unto the wardings for the use of the Company. That no man of our Company shall undercreep his fellow tradesman to take from him any bargaine of works of his trade upon the forfeiture of ffive poundes To be paid to the Wardings of the Company for the use and benefit of the whole Company.

Fivethly. That every man in our Company upon notice from the wardings of the Company by the Stewards to appear according to order shall paie for his neglect Three shillings ffowerpence To be paid unto the Wardings for the use and benefit of the Company without a very lawful excuse, And that noe man of our Companie shall take any apprentice that is base borne or of parents that are of loose lyfe or that the said servant or apprentice is or hath been a loose Liver upon the forfeiture of ffive pounds To be paid to the wardings of the Company for the use and benefit of the whole Company.

Sixthly. That upon any acceptance of any apprentice into the Company He shall paie unto the wardings for the use of the Company sixe shillings eight pence a penny loafe and twoe potts of beer. That no man of the said Company shall set a laborer aworke upon forfeiture of ffive poundes.

Seaventhly. That any man in our Company the Shrovetewsdaie after his marriage shall paie unto the wardings for the use and benefit of the Company twelve pence and the last married man to bring a footbale according to custome of our Company.

Eightly. That upon any appointed meeting at any time or at any place together ther shalbe any noyse hindrance or disturbance to the company upon command silence from the wardings and not observed, the man in default shall paie twelve pence to the Wardings for the use and benefit of the Company.

Ninthly. That the warding of the Country shall have the Companyes stocke, alwaies providing that the warding of the Towne shall have securytie for the use of and benefit of the Company.

Tenthly. That if any of our Company shall at any time reveale or make known the secrettes of his company or any part therof upon notice given, and just proofes be made, he shall pay for his default to the Wardings for the use and benefit of the Companie ffive poundes.

We whose names are hearunder written being a Company of Marblers or Stone Cutters doe by theis presents binde ourselves and every and either of us respectively joynctly and severally, and the heires executors and assignes of us and every and eyther of us respectively joynctly and severally in the Sume of Tenn Poundes of Lawfull English money To allow and maintaine All these Articles abovementioned And upon the breach of any one of these Articles we doe all consent and allow and maintaine That the Offender or Breachmaker of any of theis Articles shall pay according unto the ffyne of the Article for his offence or shall be putt by his trade, and no man in our Company to deale with him Until he shall give satisfaction for his faulte so doun unto his Company of Marblers or Stone Cutters And we doe likewise binde ourselves our heires executors and assignes for ever That the offender shall paie according to the breach of the Article agreed on for his offence Or be put by his Trade and no man in the Company to deale with him until he shall give satisfaction for his faults soe doun unto his Company of Marblers or Stone Cutters.

To these and every and eyther of these Articles Clauses and agreements before mentioned and expressed we doe binde ourselves our heires executors and assignes and every and eyther of us respectively in the forfeiture of Tenn pounds of good and Lawfull English money for the use and benefitt of the Company of Marblers and Stone Cutters To allow uphold and maintaine all these Articles agreed on In Witness wherof we have heerunto putt our hands and Seales the day and yeare abovewritten.

William Okeden Maior

Edward x Vye
) Wardings

William x Cull

Elihu Benfelld

Richard Benfeilld

Thomas x Rose

John x Horsy

John x Melrose

John x Chinchin the elder

Thomas x Ash
Thomas x de Virge

Lewis Gover

Edward x Cole

Thomas Chapman

Henry Serrell

Tho. Verge Jun.

Samuel x Tarey

Robert x Coleman

Thomas x Beale

Richard x Melmer

Henrey x Tarey
Robert Elery

Gorg Cobb

Thomas x Hall

Nath.. x Bran

John Chenchen

John x Harden

Nicholas x Hill

William x Colman

John x Howard

Bartholomew Picke

Will. x Bonfild

John x Vey

Will Gibbs
George x Pushman

William Melmoth

John x Cottrell

John x Corberett

x the mark of Thomas Pushman

William x Bower

William Bonfild the elder

Robert Bonfild

John x Bower

John x Hort

William Chinchin

Thomas Horsey
Henry x Gibbs

Phinnes Melmer

John x Bush

John x Combes

Anthony Berrell

William Cobb

John x Gover

William x Hedgecock

Edward Cole

x The mark of Thomas Gover

George x Gardner

Edward x Cull

John Horsey
Hugh Hort

Georg Weekes

John x Cobb

Henry Meeler

Rob. x Banfeld

Thomas Hort

Jered x Colman

Robert Roper

Josiah Hort
Antho. ffurseman Maior Anno 1655

Thomas Tollen

Samuel Tarry

Will. x Banfeld

John Tarry

John x Bower

Thomas x Ellery

Richard x Bonfell

James x Chinchin

Thomas Brodwai

Peter Melmoth

Henry x Hort

John Hancoke
John x Cull

John ..........

John Bond

John Melmoth

William Dollinge

Philipp Ninam

Joseph Hort

x the mark of Moses Pushman

Henry x Gibbs

Eight tags for Seals


Signed sealed by the parties within written and delivered unto Edward Vye and William Cull now wardings of the Companie and to the use of their successors wardinges of the Company by all their consents at the delivery in the presence of

Anth: ffursman the elder

George Vye


A coppy of the agreement Between John Collins of Ower and the Quarriers or men called Marblers in the Isle of Purbeck concerning their priviledges at Ower Quay in the Year of Our Lord 1695.

To all Christian people whome this shall or may concern this four and Twentieth Day of October 1695.

Being an agreement made between John Collins of Ower and the company of Free Marblerrs of Corfe Castle Swanage or others of the Isle of Purbeck and County of Dorset all whome it shall or may concern:

For and in consideration of A pound of Pepper and a foot Ball to be paid by the said company of free marblers on the next day following shrovetuesday or in four or five Days after except sabbath day then to be paid the next day following to be paid to the said John Collins his Executors Administrators or Assigns at or in the New Dwelling house of the said John Collins being at Ower abovesaide all which being performed and paid by the free Marblers abovesaid they shall have use occupy and possess the way which was formerly allowed to the said company without any hindrance trouble or molestation of the said John Collins His Heirs or Assigns.

The bound of the way being as followeth:-

Beginning at said house of John Collins at the East side Down along the lane to the strand and so to the Quay.

In witness whereof the said John Collins has hereunto set his Hand and seal this Day and Years Above written.

Sealed and Delivered in the Presence of us:

John Collins

Joseph Hort

Thos. Chapman Junr.

William Cull


Declaration of certain Marblers and Stone Merchants of the Parishes of Swanage and Langton 1687.

Whereas wee whose hands and seales are hereunder written and fixed being inhabitants of the severrall parishes of Sandwich and Lanckton within the Isle of Purbeck and County of Dorset Marblers and Merchants in the said Trade, having received information and intelligence from the Citie of London that the Masons and Cittizens thereof doe pretend and intend to put us to unreasonable and unusuall Trouble and Charge in and about our Stone Trade in Purbeck, To wit to procure a searcher to search every hundred of Stone by us sent to London and make us pay the charge fourpence per hundred for the searching of our owne goods whiche was before never done agitated or heard of Wee therefore Taking this unusuall matter and also unreasonable Case into consideration and consultation have thus agreed upon That is utterly to deney and refuse the payment thereof as being very prejeditiall to our dealing and Trade here in Purbeck to subject ourselves to such new impositions and exactions and extortions which in ffuture Times may usher in greater Toles and Tributes And it is further agreed upon by and between us and every of us to and by these presents in manner ffollowing.

That is to say that if any or either of us shall be sued at the Law arrested vexed or attached either in Body or goods to his or their losse damage or detriment whether it comes to a suite and Tryall in Law or not to a suite or Tryall in Lawe That the rest of us shall assist beare and contribute out of their proportionable parte That is according our Abillitie and Tradeing for and towards his or their loss detriment or dammage if any be for and by reason of any such Trouble vexation mollestation or suite of Law And we doe further binde ourselves and every of us each to other And especially to the warden of the Company ffor the time being in the poenaltie and forfeiture of ffortie pound Lawfull money of England to be paid unto the warden of our said Company as aforesaid for non performance of the above agreements, the same to be imployed and bestowed to the use and uses above mentioned And this is and shall bee our Act and deede irrevoakably Witness our hands and seales this .......... of Aprill in the Third year of the reign of our Sovereigne Lord James the Second By the grace of God King of England Scotland ffrance and Ireland defender of the ffaith Anno Domini 1687

  Thomas Verge jun.

Charles Weeks

John Bower sen.

Thomas Bower
George Weeks

William Cammell

Tho. Chapman jun.

Edward Cole

James Hall

George Dolling

Ederd EB barnes

George Bondfield

Joseph Hort

William Dolling

John Bower jun.

The mark of John x Bishop


Bylaws of the Company of Marblers of Corfe Castle renewed and Confirmed 8th March 1698 together with an agreement to form a joint stock for the marketing of their stone.

[This document is written, as it states, on stamped Parchment. The two skins which it covers had been prepared for the engrossment of deeds, the words "This Indenture" having been printed from an engraved plate and a sixpenny stamp impressed on each of them. The words "This Indenture" have been erased but can still be read.

The notes about the marks of the signatories on the 1651 document apply to this document also.]

Articles of Agreement made on stampt parchment according to a late Act of Parliament which are to be performed used and kept by the whole Company of Marblers inhabiting within the towne of Corffe Castle and the Island of Purbeck in the County of Dorsett for the better governing and well ordering of the said Company which they have with a generall consent agreed upon to fulfill and performe and keepe and are now to bee practized by all and every one of the members of the said Company under the penalty and forfeiture in the said articles ex-pressed pursuant to antient usage and custome and the same are hereby intended to bee confirmed att or upon the accustomed day of meeting every Shrove-tuesday yearly. Dated at Corffe Castle this Shrove Tuesday the eighth day of March Anno Domini 1697 0/8

Imprimis. It is agreed that noe person being a member of the said Company shall sett into his fellow Tradesmans Quarr to worke there without his consent wiithin twelve months and a day nor come into any part of that ground to work or digg or draw any stone within one hundred foote of his fellow Tradesmans Quarr upon the forfeiture of ffive pounds to bee paid to the owners of the said Quarr to whome the offence shall be at any time bee soe given nor shall any member of this Company worke in partnershipp with any other person (except such person be free of the said Company) upon the forfeiture of ffive pounds to be paid to the wardens of the said Company for the use and benefitt of the said Company.

2ly. That noe person of the said Company shall take any apprentice for less time than the term of seaven yeares and such apprentice shall live in his Masters howse uprising and downe lying for the said terme upon forfeiture of ffive pounds to bee paid to the said wardens for the use and benefitt of the said Company. And because the Dealers in the Stone Trade are exceedingly multiplied of late by the taking of fforraigne apprentices to the great impoverishing of the said Company It is now by an unanimouse consent agreed that for ffouteene yeares yet to come noe person shall bee at liberty to take an apprentice un-lesse such apprentice bee the sonn of a member of this Company under the forfeiture of paying the summe of Tenn Pounds to the Wardens of the said Company for the use and benefitt of the said Company.

3ly. That noe person haveing served his time out as an apprentice shall bee capable of taking an apprentice for and until hee hath worked for himselfe seaven yeares from the expiration of his apprenticeshipp upon the forfeiture of ffive pounds for every month hee shall keepe such apprentice to be paid to the wardens of the said Company for the use and benefitt of the said Company.

4ly. That no person of this Company shall by himselfe or by any other for him sell any stone within this Island but by the known name of such perticular sort of stone upon the forfeiture of ffive pounds to bee paid the wardens of the said Company for the use and benefitt of the said Company and that noe person of the said Company shall undercreepe his fellow Tradesman in order to take from him any bargain of works on any pretence whatsoever upon the forfeiture of ffive pounds to bee paid to the Wardens for the use and benefitt of the said Company.

5ly. That every person being a member of the said Company that shall at any time be summoned by the Steward to the said Company by order or warrant from the Wardens of the Company and shall refuse or neglect to appeare att the place appointed such person shall for such refusall or neglect forfeite the summe of three shillings and fower pence to be paid to the said wardens for the use and benefitt of the said Company (alwayes provided that such person have noe lawfull excuse such as shall be approved by the said wardens and Company) and that noe person being a member of the said Company shall take an apprentice being a base borne child or of parents that are of a loose life and conversation or the apprentice himself being a loose and wicked liver upon the forfeiture of ffive pounds to bee paid to the Wardens of the said Company for the use and benefitt of the said Company.

6ly. That every person that have served out his time as an apprentice shall pay unto the wardens at the time of his being made free six shillings and eightpence to the use and benefitt of the Company. And moreover shall pay for one penny loafe of bread and one flagon of drinke to be given to the wardens and Company then present and that noe person being a member of the Company shall employ a labourer to worke in his Quarr upon the forfeiture of ffive pounds to bee paid to the wardens for the use and benefitt of the Company.

7ly. That every person being a member of the said Company shall upon the Shrove-tuesday after his or their marriage pay to the wardens of the said Company Twelve pence for the use and benefitt of the said Company and such person as was last married over and besides his Twelve pence shall bring with him a ffooteball for the diversion of the said Company which said ffooteball shall within six dayes after be carryed to Oure as allsoe a present to bee then and there made of one pound of pepper as an acknowledgment in order to preserve the companyes right to the way or passage to Oure Key according to antient and usuall custome.

8ly That if any person or persons att any publick or appointed meeting of the Company shall make any noyse whereby to hinder or disturbe the businesse of the said Company and the warden or wardens shall command sylence and such person shall refuse to bee sylent accordingly that in default thereof every such person shall pay downe one shilling for the use and benefitt of the said Company.

9ly. That the wardens which are to bee chosen yearely according to usuall and antient practice shall have power by and with the consent of the said Company to putt out any part of the Companyes stock remaining in their hands from time to time at interest uppon good and sufficient security for the advantage and benefitt of the said Company.

10ly. That noe person being a member of the said Company shall at any time reveale and make known the secretts of the said Company or any thing relating thereunto and in case any person shall offend herein such person shall upon due proofe made thereof before the wardens and Company forfeite the summe of ffive pounds to bee paid to the said wardens to the use and benefitt of the said Company.

11ly. That all the ffynes and forfeitures ariseing or to bee levyed by vertue of the aforesaid Articles or any of them and which shall bee paid to the wardens for the use of the Company shall bee by the said wardens or their directions fayrely entered in a booke of Record to be kept for that purpose in order that the Company may at any time bee informed what and how much money has been from time to time answered and paid to the said wardens upon that account for the use and benefitt of the sad Company and how the same was disposed of.

And for the future improvement and better management of the decaying Trade of the said Company and to prevent the many greate and growing evills that have and doe dayly attend the severall dealers in the Stone trade who by reason of the deadnesse of the said Trade have of late yeares made it their practice to carry their said Stone to London in small quantities haveing butt little stocks And in order to dispose thereof have and still doe endeavour to undersell one another to the infinite prejudice of the Stone Trade by meanes whereof the price and value of the said Stone is soe lessened and beat down that scarce anything can now bee gotten by it and consequently the wages for labour in drawing and working the said Stone is reduced soe very lowe that many of the members of the said Company are thereby rendered uncapable to support their ffamilye by their said Trade which mischeifes and inconveniencyes if not timely prevented will send to the greate impoverishment if not the utter Ruine of the said Company wherefore it is hereby further agreed and consented unto as followeth (vizt)

Imprimis. That from henceforth all and every the members of the said Company which now are or hereafter shall be made and appeare to bee worth in substance ffifty pounds and their Debts paid, shall from time to time bee obliged that what quantity of Stone shall bee by them provided or made in order to send to London shall bee brought into a Joynt Stock to be agreed and settled in Sandwich in the Isle of Purbeck and that no paveing or other Stone shall bee by any members of the said Company sent to London but what is sent in the said Joynt Stock which is hereby intended to bee erected and sett up, upon the forfeiture of Twenty pounds to be paid by every member as shall offend herein (whither such member be quallified to come into the said Joynt Stock or not) unto the wardens of the said Company for the use and benefitt of the Company.

2ly. That the said Joynt Stock soe erected shall be managed by seaven persons that shall bee chosen at the Generall meeting of the Company upon Shrove Tuesday next By the name of the Managers of the Joynt Stock for the more effectuall carrying on of the Stone Trade in the Isle of Purbeck, which persons shall bee men of knowne integrity and honesty and being soe chosen shall continue to bee managers of the said Joynt Stock Trade for ffive yeares to come before any others shall bee chosen in their roomes unlesse in case of the death of any of them when a new person shall bee chosen to supply his place on the Shrove Tuesday that shall then next happen. And the wardens and Company haveing mett this present Shrove Tuesday in pursuance thereof have unanimousely chosen Thomas Chapman James Hall Charles Weeks Joseph Hort the elder Samuel Prestly Alexander Petten and Henry Serrell to bee the managers of the said Joynt Stock Trade accordingly who shall bee and are hereby declared to bee impowered to manage and governe the said Joynt Stock Trade for the benefitt and advantage of the Company and every member concerned therein and the said Managers shall have power to receive any quantity of Stone that shall bee made good and merchantable (and if found otherwise to cause the same to be broke) into the said Joynt Stock from any member of the Company quallified as aforesaid delivering and tendering the same att the waterside where the price of the said Stone shall bee allwayes taken and accounted to bee of the value of Sixteene shillings for every hundred foote of paving Stone soe delivered which price is hereby declared to bee established and meant to bee the selling price of the said paving Stone and of all other Sorts of Stone after the same rate at the waterside for the better support and maintenance of the poore labourers employed in the drawing and workeing the said Stone, and the said Managers shall cause the same immediately to bee charged in the Companyes Joynt Stock books to bee kept for that purpose and may and shall order the shipping of the said Stone for London att what tymes and seasons they shall thinke fitt and there sell and dispose of the same or any part thereof att such prices and rates only as shall Price agreed at the waterside to bee sixteene shillings for every hundred ffoote for the encouragement of the poore. Price agreed to bee ffouer and Thirty shillings for every hundred ffoote and not to bee sold for lesse nor without ready money at London. bee agreed and settled by the said Company to bee the selling price of the said Stone and shall allsoe receive the monyes ariseing and growing due for the same which monyes and every part thereof shall as soone as received bee applyed to every particular members account in equall proportion to the quantity of Stone such member had and then stood charged on his account in the Joynt Stock bookes of the said Company at the time of the Sale of such Stone in London.

3ly. And for the better carrying on of the Joynt Stock Trade and the makeing it more effectuall for the good and benefitt of the Company the Managers shall have full power and authority to order and direct the contracting and paying for all fraights wharfeage and other reasonable and necessary expenses as well as the settling of the Clerkes and servants and paying them their wages. All which charges (except ffraight and the charge of shipping) shall not exceed in the whole uppon every hundred foote of Stone above Two shillings which the Managers shall deduct from each members account out of every hundred ffoote of Stone in proportion to the quantity sold and disposed of in the Joynt Stock for his use as allso the ffraight and charge of The ffraight is calculated not to exceed Tenn shillings for every hundred ffoote of Stone to bee sent to London winter or summer, which if it should happen to exceed, the managers may in such case raise the price of the Stone in proportion to what it shall pay more shipping according to the Contract made and paid for the same And uppon the paying and clearing of every members account which shall bee done twice in every yeare at least the Clarkes shall make out and deliver to each member a duplicate of his particular account as it shall stand in the books of the Joynt Stock Trade that such member may bee apprized of all the deductions out of his account and what the ballance that remaines does amount unto and all the contracts for ffraight and agreements for wharfeage with the other expence and charge shall bee daily entered into a booke to bee kept separate and apart from the other books and accounts of the said Joynt Stock Trade all which books and accounts shall bee viewed and examined by every member concerned therein att all seasonable times for the Information and Satisfaction of all and every the members of the said Company.

4ly. That if any member of the said Company shall att any time or times refuse to come into the said Joynt Stock Trade and such member bee proved to bee worth in substance ffifty pounds (when his debts are paid) that then and in every such case none of the members of the said Company shall worke for him or sell him any Stone under the forfeiture of paying for the same the summe of Ten Pounds for every such offence to be paid to the managers of the Joynt Stock Trade for the use and benefitt of all the persons concerned in the said Joynt Stock and that noe person shall be admitted to take his freedom in the said Company until such person shall give his consent to this agreement by first signeing the same.

5ly. That every one of the Managers chosen to manage the said Joynt Stock Trade shall before his being admitted to act give security in the penalty of one Thousand pounds to the wardens of the said Company (for the time being) by his owne Bond faithfully to performe and discharge The Bonds to bee entered into to be given to the wardens of the Company for the security of the Joynt Stock the trust reposed in him without favour or affection and make due and true accounts of all his proceedings in the management of the said Joynt Stock Trade to be rendered to the wardens for the time being and their successors and the said Company att the generall meeting every Shrove Tuesday if thereunto required.

6ly. And lastly because it is intended that neither the members of the said Company nor any other persons whatsoever shall have it in their power to send any paveing or other Stone to London but what shall bee sent in the Joynt Stock Trade It is further agreed noe member shall sell any paveing or other Stone to any master of a shipp or vessell or any other person which shall pretend to shipp the same but every member of whome such Stone shall bee soe bought shall bee obleiged that the party agreeing for the same shall enter into sufficient security to the Managers of the Joynt Stock Trade that such Stone soe to bee shipt nor any part thereof shall bee carryed within Thirty Miles of London upon the penalty that every Member of the said Company offending herein shall for such his offence pay to the managers of the said Joynt Stock the summe of Ten pounds for the use and benefitt of the said Joynt Stock Trade

Wee whose names are hereunder written being members of the said Company of Marblers Doe by these presents bynd ourselves and all and every of us Respectively Joyntly and severally in the Summe of Twenty pounds of lawfull money of England that wee and every and either of us will observe performe maintaine support and abide by the above mentioned Articles and oppon the breach of them or any of them wee doe hereby agree consent uphold and maintain that the offender or offenders shall bee punished according to the severall ffynes in the severall Articles mentioned and expressed for such his or their offence and offences and further such person shall bee put by his Trade and noe member of the Company shall deal with him until hee shall submitt hhimselfe to the said Wardens and Company and give satisfaction for such offence as aforesaid. For the performance of all which Clauses Articles and Agreements as before mentioned and expressed wee doe by vertue of these pounds to bee leavyed uppon our goods and chattels. IN TESTIMONY whereof wee have hereunto putt our hands the day and yeare abovesaid the seale of the said Company of Marblers being hereunto first affixed.

George Dolling

Richard Keate X

Tho. Chapman

James Hall

Joseph Hort Sr.

Charles Weeks

Alexander Petten

Samuell Presly

Henry Serrell

George Franklin

Anthony Serell

James Brown

John Cowbrin

Benjamin ffoot

John Cook

John Vye

William X Cull Sen.

Giles Grove

William Bubb

John X Warren

John X Dooland

John X Pushman

Charles X Vye

John Gill

James X Chinchen

Stephen Dowland

Thomas X Gover

John Phillips

Caleb Weeks

William Sabboth

William X Seward

Roger X Savage

Peter X Hancock

Anthony ...........



Tho. Bland

Joseph X ............

Henery M...........

Josiah X Hort

John X............

Edw. X Barnes

John X Cobb

Tho. Bower

Thomas X Browne

Stephen Shepard

John Weekes

William Coll

John Cook

George X Cobb his marke.

In this Collume Ffifty
John Talbot

Walter X Wakeley

John X Meader

Robt. X Bondfield

James X Best

Lewis Gover

Peter X Gover

John Sumers

Alex Melmoth

John X Barter

John X Bower sinior

John Harris

William Bower

Josiah X Nineham

Joseph Hort Juner.

John Bower Juner

Anthony Serrell Jr.

James Chinchen

John Dolling

Jerrard X Steevens

Thomas Bower

John X Thickes

John Bonfield

Robert Bonfield

Rob. Bonfield Jr.

George X Harding

John X Thoms

William X Balham

Thomas Bonfild

Georg Weeks

Tho. Wellman

Alexander Benfeild

Samuel Tary

Philip Vey

Georg Stickland

Thobias Gray

William Cole

James Bowre

John X Browne

John ffarden

Alexander Corben

In this Collume fforty one
Robart Chinchen

Will. Cull

William Dolling

William X Seymour

Richard X Andrews

John X Ellary

William X Gillingham

Robert Cooper

Nicholas X Harding

William X Havercombe

Robert X Haysome

Robert X Bower

William X Symes

Samuel Serrell

James Terry

George Meadway

Edward X Coffen

John Welman

William X Harden

Alexander X Painter

Thomas X Tidbury

William Canmell

Robert Burt

Thomas X Cobb

Alexander Steel

Thomas X Hort his marke.

Thomas Hosee

Joseph X Speer

Emanuell X gover

Robert X Seymour

Edward Benfeld

Elais Benfeilld

Thomas Coomes

In this collume thirty six
John X Chinchen

Will. Bower

John Devenish

Robert X Benfeild

Wiliam X Corben

John X Corben

Edward X Hancocke

John Clark

Thomas Cull

Robert X Bush

Samuell X Tarrey sen.

Peter Melmoth

John Edmonds

Edward Cole

Edward X Bush

In this colume fifteen
The before mentioned persons being in nomber according to the severall Collumes before amounts to one hundred forty two persons signed the same in the presentes of us

Will. Culliford

Richard Haines

Henry Saunders Mayor

John Culliford

Nath. Smith

James Turner

The mark X of Edward Webber Junior

John Bower sen.

Lewis Tubb

The marke of Edwd X Webber sen.

Thomas Tighman

John Dolling

Mark of X Robert Bower

Thomas Dowland

Rober(t) Turner

Henry Vye

The mark of Abell X Bonfeild

Francis Steele

John Keann

William W Carters marke

George Bondfeild

William Melmoth

George Banester

Willm X Gray

William Cook

the mark of X Thomas Webber

The mark X of Josiah Hort Jun.