
Emmison's Elizabethan Life - Disorder

                       ELIZABETHAN LIFE : DISORDER

 This book, by Dr F G Emmison, is one of his series of five books on life
 in Elizabethan Essex.  This index, ESS16C5.TXT, is the fifth in my series
 of indexes from these books.  My four previous indexes in this series have
 covered two of Dr Emmison's other books in the set and this index extends
 the indexing to a total of three books.

 Dr Emmison's introduction to this volume is well worth reading and I intend
 to excerpt from it and to upload a file based on his comments.  One point
 is worth noting, sadly, here.  He says "Many personal names are omitted,
 to save space...  The great majority of documents relating to persons or
 parishes are of interest mainly to family historians and genealogists and
 to parish historians.  For them the Essex Record Office has compiled not
 only full indices to the calendars of the criminal court records but also
 what is probably the biggest index of personal names for any county."

 In one sense that is great, but it also means that it is not readily
 available for upload into the BBS system.  Hence my indexes are only
 a part of what could probably be an index of the majority of the population
 of Elizabethan Essex.

 The book is full of information like "Two Braintree labourers drove away
 two pigs ...   Two High Roothing men cut down and stole ...    A Dagenham
 wheelwright stole ... "   O for their names !  And Emmison specifically
 excludes many names we would think most valuable .. "No mention is made of
 the hundreds of ... indictments for larceny where the personal names are
 those of humble people .."  As you work through the book you are painfully
 aware of all the missing names - if the victim is an important person he
 is far more likely to be named.  All too often we have a reference to
 XYZ Gentleman and six other named men, or the like.  This was intentional
 but another two or three pages to the book would have allowed thousands
 more names to be included.

 Mike Foster
 Wellington, New Zealand
 ABELL      John       Mountnessing, applied for alehouse licence 1590   208
 ABELL      John       W Bergholt gmn, assaulted Wm Lyn & others 1568    172
 ADAMS      John       Orsett curate 1597                                159
 ADCOCK     Thomas     Royston (Herts), mention by Thos Wolson 1583       85
 ADDESLEY   Charles    Bocking wvr, fell/died in football game 1583      226
 ADELE      John       Newport, playing cards in alehouse 1595           221
 ADSLEY     Charles    Bocking clothier, in raid/assault on Hy Purkas    271
 ADYEN      Nicholas   Mersea, stole pack of glass (3d.) - no date       300
 AGLANDE    Roger      Sible Hdnghm ? Assaulted/wounded 1579             275
 AKERSHED   John       Newport, fought in church with Thurston 1577      184
 ALCOCK     Richard    Clchstr gmn, freed Robt Stowe from constables     106
 ALCOCKE    Richard    Abetted Robt Stowe in death of Jn Eve 1583        160
 ALEE       William    Waltham hsbdmn, his wife killed by Jn Garbett     153
 ALGOR      Walter     Gt Bardfield, Alice Wakelyn killed in his house   149
 ALLEN      Thomas     Dedham ?  Was robbed by Thos Ferne 1580           258
 ALLINGTON  Giles, Sir Horseheath Cambs, g/father of Susan Biglond       196
 ALLINGTON  William    Tendring, house entered, wife raped, 1574         196
 ALLYGANT   Robert     Kelvedon fuller, stole cloth in Braintree 1568    298
 ALLYSON    Mary       Burnham, wife/dau of Richd ?, assaulted too, 1589 112
 ALLYSON    Rhoda      Burnham, wife/dau of Richd ?, assaulted too, 1589 112
 ALLYSON    Richard    Burnham clerk, invaded/assaulted by Lewes/Stempe  112
 ALTHAM     James      Woodford JP 1572                                  101
 ALTHAM     James      Roydon ? Took depositions 1579 re poaching        253
 AMMOTT     Thomas     Stock, named in Stock libel case 1585              69
 ANDERKIN              Creeksea, near the ferry ?                        236
 ANDERKYN   John       W Hanningfield c'stable, played bowls 1583        222
 ANDERSON   Mary       Probably a vagrant, mention in 1581                84
 ANDREW     Henry      Chlmsfd butcher, wounded neighbour 1584 w dagger  167
 ANGER      John       Mistley, bronze kettle stolen by Hugh Sheppheard   27
 ANSELL     Thomas     Billericay sawyer, his wife's purse taken c1602?  259
 ANSWORTH   Welthiana  Colchester, hurt in h'way attack by Coles 1579    180
 APPLETON   Roger      S Benfleet, s of Hy, robbed of £100 1590          258
 APPLETON   Roger      Milton area, JP                                     5
 ARCHBONE   Peter      Witham, assaulted by Wm Farthinge                 162
 ARCHER     Richard    Theydon Garnon, 2 of his cattle stolen 1568       284
 ARCHER     Richard    Fambridge clerk, assaulted in chch by Pryce 1578  188
 ARDES      John       Chelmsford, attacked man on W Ham h'way 1585      182
 ARDLEIGH   John       E Hanningfield hsbdmn, d1586                      195
 ARDLEIGH   Margery    E Hanningfield, dau of Jn, 14 in 1597, abducted  195
 ARDLEY     Robert     Braintree clothier, on cozening charge 1597        97
 ARDLEY     Robert     Braintree, unlicensed victualling 1594            210
 ASHLEY     John       Goldhanger hsbdmn, slanderous words vs Queen 1587  55
 ASPLOND    Elizabeth  Heydon (manor of), widow, stolen sheep left there 282
 ASSER      Richard    Writtle constable, failed in duties ? 1580        220
 ATKYNSON   John       Brentwood, illegal tree felling 1566               31
 ATSLOWE    Edward     Stock, Dr of Physic, his svt assaulted by Pascall 114
 AUCOCKE    William    Chafford, reported harbouring Clerk/Casse 1563    197
 AUKYN      William    Brentwood, White Hart, kept unlawful gaming        27
 AUKYN      William    Brentwood "White Hart", illegal gaming, 1564      214
 AUSTEN     Thomas     Aveley vicar, extorted mortuary fee 1598           90
 AUSTIN     Joan       Leigh, aka Joan Kent                                4
 AWEKER                N Weald ? 40/- to repair N Weald Bassett bridge     6
 AWGOR      Mary       Stapleford Abbots, svt of Jn Flower 1578          288
 AYERS      Margaret   Witham, ex-svt of Wm Hutte, evidence re swans &c  248
 AYERS      William    Colchester, gaoler at the castle 1600              99
 AYLETT     Gilbert    Abbess Roothing, slandered goodman Poole 1595      67
 AYLETT     Thomas     Dunmow wvr, interfered with c'stables/watch 1599  178
 AYLOFF     Margaret   S Hanningfield widow, her warren was poached 1580 247
 AYLOFFE    William    Gt Braxted esq, his tame goat stolen 1602 (13/4d) 292
 AYLOFFE    William    Hornchurch, received ejection complaint fm Helmer 123
 AYSTON     ChristopherGt Parndon, his fish ponds raided 1579            253
 BABINGTON  Edward     Clchstr gmn, securety for Hy Ravens & others      136
 BABYE      Susan      Coggeshall? Unmarried mother 1582                 200
 BACON      Edward     Brightlingsea, coined 12 Utrecht nobles 1587       82
 BADCOCKE   John       Thaxted tailor, poaching in Horham Park 1587      237
 BADCOCKE   Richard    Walton mcht, burgled Jn Tendring of Walton 1571   127
 BADGER     Thomas     Waltham Abbey ymn, bt Wm Cooke & svt 1575         114
 BAKER      Henry      Canewdon, victim of affray 1563                   115
 BAKER      Henry      Gt Warley (Hall), 20 lambs stolen from him 1571   282
 BAKER      Henry      Shoebury gmn, disseised Jas Valentine of Ulting   125
 BAKER      John       Shoebury gmn, disseised Jas Valentine of Ulting   125
 BAKER      Nicholas   Woodford gmn, accused by pregnant servant         200
 BAKER      Roger      Wethersfield hsbdmn pilloried 1588, spoke vs Leics 56
 BAKER      Walter     Chelmsford 1567, accused re keeping brothel house  26
 BAKER      William    Thaxted baker, killed Wm Cranford, pd 5/- for it  160
 BALDWYN    Humphrey   gmn, nr Baddow ? Burgled 1601, 4 bushels of wheat 269
 BALE       Clement    Witham currier, took hides from Jn Garret 1588    300
 BALEY      Alexander  Finchingfield smith, surety in affray case 1585   109
 BALLARD    John       Ashdon clerk, assault to free Hy Calton 1592      173
 BANBRIDGE  William    Tolleshunt Major vicar 1581/91                    303
 BANCKES    Richard    Chishall, robbed of gold chain £30, 1585          273
 BARBER     John       Sudbury, whiped as vagrant in Hadleigh 1564        30
 BARBOR     Henry      Grays vicar, accused of harbouring felons 1602    162
 BARBOR     William    Hatfield Peverel, seditious words, 1594            64
 BARDNEY    James      Saffron Walden pewterer, coined shillings 1601     82
 BARFOOTE   Thomas     London gmn, poaching at Hatfield 1588             239
 BARFOT     Benedict   Lambourne gmn, broke into Chig Parsonage Ho 1570  130
 BARKER     Ambrose    E Ham gmn, surety for poachers (Aldersbrook) 1581 239
 BARKER     Barnaby    Prittlewell tanner, his dogs killed milkmaid 1587 164
 BARKER     Hugh       Chlmsfd barber, published scurrilous doggerel 1602 71
 BARKER     Joan       Chlmsfd, married Simon Cawdell 1583                77
 BARKER     Leonard    Stanford/l/h recotr, burgled in 1573, rye taken   263
 BARKER     Thomas     Chignal gmn, fish and hens stolen 1567            266
 BARLEE     Richard    Elsenham/Takeley, a JP                            249
 BARLEE     William    Heydon gmn, steward of manor ?                    283
 BARNARD    Matthew    Aythorpe Roothing, repaired Broad Bridge in 1574   25
 BARNARD    Richard    Debden, bought Deanes in 1566, ejected 1570       128
 BARNARDISTNJohn       Hawkwell gmn, his gdn invaded, maid tied up, 1594 135
 BARNERS    William    Finchingfield gmn, took part in trespasses 1577   134
 BARNEY     Thomas     London gmn, stole cattle in 1560, Crondon(Stock)  283
 BARNISTON  Roger      Boreham gmn, 1586 bound to keep peace             236
 BARON      Richard    Henham gmn, poached deer in Henham Park 1597      241
 BARRETT    Edward     Aveley JP, Belhus                                 168
 BARTLETT   Edward     Lost £24 in Peckham/Iseley robberies              272
 BARTON     Thomas     Mucking fuller, stole master's cloth 1572         298
 BARWICKE   James      Clchstr wvr, riotous assault on Richd Alcock 1583 106
 BASCOE     George     Battersea w/wright, stole Epping horses 1596      286
 BASFORD    George     Boreham esq (New Hall)                            235
 BASTICK    William    Hatfield Peverel, assault/thft by Richd Pease 1567180
 BASTWICK   William    Beat wife of Hatfield Peverel man with stick      166
 BASTWICK   William    Hatfield Peverel, victim of trespass/damage 1579  135
 BATMAN     Thomas     Halstead, Wm Scott kept wheat in his cellar        27
 BAWD       John       Corringham esq, conned by Hugh Wylson 1590         91
 BAYLEY     William    Brentwood smith, not shoe c'stable's horse 1588   177
 BAYNARDE   Benjamin   W Ham gmn (?), stole 2000 lb starch 1600          300
 BEALE      George     Bocking shoemkr, charged 1584 as a common barrator140
 BEARE      Edmund     Doddinghurst gmn, kept a defamed woman            197
 BECK       Gilbert    Theydon Garnon, in attacks on Gaynes Pk Hall 1602 123
 BECKETT    Geoffrey   Writtle windmill, burgled, lost 1 bushel wheat    270
 BECKINGHAM Stephen    Tolleshunt gmn, hit vicar Pasfield during service 193
 BEDELL     Thomas     Writtle, charged re a papist comment 1574          44
 BEESON     Thomas     Layer Marney gmn, stole hawks from Jn Stokes 1575 251
 BELFIELD              Inworth, mentioned in a witchcraft accusation      28
 BELL       Edward     Writtle ymn, accused of speaking for Jn Payne      52
 BELL       Edward     Margaretting, took sparrowhawks from Hy Grey 1585 251
 BELL       Edward     Margaretting fmr, poaching charge 1582 (Crondon?) 240
 BELL       Matthew    Ramsden Bellhouse, hired Croxon's cows 1573       169
 BENDLOWES  William    Finchingfield                                     111
 BENDLOWES  William    Finchingfield, Brent Hall, London lawyer 1600     206
 BENDLOWES  William    Bardfield Saling gmn, his fish ponds raided 1583  253
 BENNER     Lewis      Kelvedon rector, victim of burglary 1579          162
 BENSTED    Roger      Sudbury, lodged at Bettes', Gosfield, 1583        210
 BENTALL    Thomas     Halstead clothier, surety for Thos Keape 1587     110
 BENTON     Roger      Chigwell, bachelor, not in service 1562            29
 BENYAN     Richard    Coggeshall, his stream/fishery raided 1589        253
 BERE       John       Maldon ymn, stole fm chest of Jn Steven 1579      265
 BERIFFE    Robert     Earles Colne weaver, surety for Hy Wright         304
 BERRIE     Joseph     Eastwood gmn, threat to harm Wm Folkes ?           99
 BERYFF     William    Colchester gmn, town clerk ? Common barrator       11
 BEST       John       Clchstr mcht, riotous attack 1567 on boats        104
 BETT       Richard    Stanford Rivers tailor, made baggy trousers, fined 30
 BETT       William    Finchingfield, his land unlawfully ploughed 1577  134
 BETTES     Edward     Gosfield, "Saracen's Head" 1583                   210
 BICKNOLL   Edmund     Runwell vicar from 1579                           113
 BIGLOND    John       Prittlewell, his dau Susan ward of John Pylborowe 195
 BILLYNGE   William    London waxchandler, attacked Wm Casse (H Bensted) 103
 BINGHAM    Katherine  Writtle, w of Wm B                                131
 BINGHAM    William    Rettendon rector, evicted 1588 by armed party     130
 BINKES     George     Finchingfield tailor, preached papists views 1577  46
 BINKES     William    Finchingfield tailor, preached papists views 1577  46
 BLABY      Tristram   Preached @ Stanford 1591, accused of sedition      57
 BLACKLOCKE George     Chelmsford 1567, accused re keeping brothel house  26
 BLACKWELL  Thomas     Barking gmn, close-breaking & damage 1578         135
 BLANCK     John       Chlmsfd grocer, surety for Hugh Barker's conduct   71
 BLANDE     Anthony    Halstead baymaker, victualling licence sought     207
 BLANDE     Reginald   Halstead clothier, surety for Giles Claydon 1600   95
 BLATCHE    Thomas jnr Gt Waltham hsbdmn, caught fishing 1565            252
 BLATCHE    Thomas snr Gt Waltham hsbdmn, caught fishing 1565            252
 BOCKING    Edmund     Mid-Essex JP                                      252
 BODE       Henry      Rayleigh gmn, broke into Bull Inn 1574, assault   105
 BOND       John       London mcht, involved with Geo Monoux 1560s       119
 BOND       John       Writtle, Richd Drynker was his tenant             126
 BONNER     John       Leigh mariner, burgled 1575 by Jasper Brown       264
 BONNER     Thomas     Thundersley, perjury 1597 re land purchase         96
 BONNER     William    St Lawrence, goods stolen by servant 1566         260
 BONNYE     Nicholas   Witham innkeeper                                  162
 BORODALE   William    Fordham, kept victualling tho unlicensed, 1598    211
 BOURDELLS  James      Newport, house burgled by Thos Otes 1556            3
 BOWDEN     Henry      Aveley tailor, took £70 from Jas Humfrey 1598     258
 BOWDEN     Mother     Chelmsford 1567, accused re keeping brothel house  26
 BOWDYE     Rowland    Woodford, victim of affray Epping Forest 1573     102
 BOWLES     John       Finchingfield, ceased victualling 1600            212
 BOXFORD               Moulsham, married a sister of Hugh Barker          75
 BRACKLEY   Rachel     Prittlewell, stole clothing but only 11yrs old    302
 BRADBURNE  William    Kelvedon esq (Myles), evicted by Hollingsworths   120
 BRAINWOOD  Richard    Chlmsfd innkpr, burglary @ Chignal St Jas 1589    270
 BRAMFORD   William    Clchstr gmn, riotous attack 1567 on boats         104
 BRANDE     John       E Colne, slanderous verse against Mr/Mrs Kendall   68
 BRETT      John       Broomfield gmn, his dovecote stolen 1580          128
 BRETT      Thomas     Maldon ymn, stole nets/fish at Heybridge 1588     252
 BRETTON    Mr         E Tilbury, duped by con man 1587                   83
 BREWER     Richard    Chlmsfd shearman (Colchester Lane)                 76
 BREWER     Thomas     Felsted hsbdmn, ct case re stolen horse 1556        2
 BRIDGE     John       Gt Dunmow miller, victim of extortion 1590         90
 BRIDGES    John       Gt Baddow, held land at Joys Bridge (needs repair) 21
 BRIDGES    John jnr   Chlmsfd grocer, chased conies @ Moulsham 1569     247
 BRIDGES    John snr   Chlmsfd grocer, chased conies @ Moulsham 1569     247
 BRIGHT     Richard    Willingale Doe, hit by Richd Sampford 1565 in chyd187
 BROANE     Alice      Braintree? w of Edwd, her purse stolen 1602       259
 BROANE     Edward     Braintree ?                                       259
 BROKE      John       Colchester weaver. Charge of raising revolt 1567   63
 BROKE      John       Thaxted, led raid on Fannes House 1574            120
 BROKHOLE   Henry      Toppesfield (Mardeley Grn), commonland dispute ?  133
 BROMELEY   James      Coggeshall fuller, trespass charge 1567           134
 BRONNER    Richard    London poulterer, £1 lost in h'way robbery 1571   273
 BROOK      William    Danbury, break-in by Edward Lorken 1586 for food  294
 BROOKE     Jane       Thaxted, w of Jn, ejected from her right pew 1570 186
 BROOKE     John       Witham innkpr, killed buck nr Coggeshall 1577     241
 BROOKE     John       Thaxted                                           186
 BROOKE     Richard    Thaxted, attacked & disseised 1586                120
 BROOKE     Richard    Brentwood sch/mstr, beaten by rioters 1577        106
 BROOKE     Robert     Rochford, kept disorderly alehouse 1596           204
 BROUGHTON  John       Orsett, once repaired Golden Bridge                23
 BROUGHTON  Richard    Lt Warley (Hall), tenure in 1596                  113
 BROWN      David      E Tilbury hsbdmn, two seditious statements 1582    48
 BROWN      Jasper     Hadleigh smith, burgled Jn Bonner 1575, cash/flute264
 BROWN      John       Debden, burgled of 65 pds in 1560                   9
 BROWN      Nicholas   St Botolph, involved in attack on Richd Southwell 105
 BROWNE     Philip     Manuden, employed Jn Mettleman as caretaker       162
 BROWNE     Richard    Moulsham innkpr, shot Sir Thos Mildmay's deer 1601242
 BROWNE     Richard    Chlmsfd, witness for Chitham against Barker 1600   74
 BROWNE     Robert     Theydon Garnon, in attacks on Gaynes Pk Hall 1602 123
 BROWNE     Thomas     Walthamstow gmn, Wynnes, trespassed against 1581  135
 BROWNE     William    Navestock                                         287
 BROWNE     Wistan     S Weald (Weald Hall), sheriff 1577                106
 BROWNING   John       Coggeshall fuller, took hemp wool fm Clemens 1601 297
 BROWNING   John       Peldon ymn, gold coin forgeries, not guilty, 1578  81
 BROWNING   Jonas      Maldon draper, killed buck in Terling Park 1595   242
 BROWNING   Jonas      Sandon ? Suspected of poaching 1595               238
 BROWNINGE  Jonas      Maldon draper, stole nets/fish at Heybridge 1588  252
 BRUMLEY    Walter     Brentwood glover, accessory to pickpocket, no date259
 BRYAUNTE   Robert     Gt Maplestead parishioner 1562                     33
 BRYDGES    Richard    Gt Stambridge ymn, his house burgled in 1576      262
 BRYDGES    Robert     Witham, apprehended Wm Holder in Romford 1576     263
 BUCK       Robert     Dedham sawyer, carrying false documents 1592       86
 BUCKBERD   Helen      Writtle, w of Robt B                              131
 BUCKBERD   Helen      Rettendon, w of Robt, caused attack on Wm Cole    137
 BUCKBERD   Robert     Rettendon clerk, disseised Edwd Turnour 1585      137
 BUCKBERD   Robert     Writtle clerk, + 9 men, assaulted Wm Bingham 1589 130
 BUGGE      John       Harlow gmn, played bowls in Pepper Alley 1580     221
 BUGGES     Anthony    Harlow gmn, wounded a svt who later died            8
 BUGGES     Edward     Harlow gmn, poached Petre deer at Writtle 1578    240
 BULL       Stephen    W Ham, prob wrote rhyme re Margt Townsend          68
 BULLOCK    John       Feering, suffered trespass in 1567                134
 BUNCHELEY  Edward     Braintree gmn, receiver for Wilkinson burglary    269
 BURFORD    ChristopherLaindon, burgled, lost cash/silver, 1597          268
 BURGES     Edward     Wivenhoe rector, examined 1586, remarks re Queen   54
 BURGES     George     Chlmsfd, Boars Head innkeeper 1568                 82
 BURGESS    Edward     Wivenhoe rector, victim of arson by Edmund Mansell 98
 BURIE      Ann        Hanningfield, rights on Prestons Common           114
 BURIE      Francis    Hanningfield, hsbd of Ann                         114
 BURLES     Thomas     Chelmsford, named in Chitham/Barker case 1600      76
 BURLEY     George     Chlmsfd rector, charge of entering/assault 1588   196
 BURLEY     Mary       Chelmsford, buried 1593                           197
 BURNETT    Thomas     Cressing ymn, assaulted, timber stolen, 1582      107
 BURY       Edward     Rayleigh, an aged JP (no date), re Wiggon/Hasyll  146
 BUSH       John       Stock, s of Nicholas, witness in libel case 1585   69
 BUSH       Nicholas   Stock, named in libel charge in 1585               69
 BUSHE      Nicholas   Pentlow rector + 6, disseised Thos Strachie 1571  130
 BUSHE      Nicholas   Pentlow rector, assaulted Pentlow constables 1567 174
 BUST       John       Lt Dunmow, attacked & disseised Go Digby 1585     125
 BYBYE      Roger      Walden innkeeper, assault to free Hy Calton 1592  174
 BYNDER     Thomas     Danbury farrier, accused of seditious speech 1595  61
 BYNNER     Lewis      Kelvedon Hatch rector, his 2 calves stolen 1590   284
 BYRCHELEY  John       E Hanningfield gmn, horse taken 1574 by Jn Hayward287
 CACKBREAD  George     Stisted miller, stole linen fm Sarah Wilson 1591  298
 CALSHILL   James      London, St Pauls Prebendary, lease to Nich Fulham 130
 CALTON     Henry      Saffron Walden gmn, arrest for trespass 1592      173
 CAMMOCK    FRances    Layer Marney, w of Thos, dispute re church pews   187
 CAMMOCK    Martha     Layer Marney, dau (10) of Thos (pew dispute 1598) 187
 CAMMOCK    Robert     Layer Marney, d1586 (Thos C his son)              187
 CAMMOCK    Thomas     Layer Marney gmn, 1598 dispute about church pews  187
 CAMPE      Henry      Epping ymn, accidentally killed Richd Ingolle 1592227
 CANNOUDON  Elizabeth  Rochford, w of Hy, beat Margery Samon 1602        166
 CANNOUDON  Henry      Rochford blacksmith, 1602                         166
 CAPELL     Gamaliel   Essex JP                                          154
 CAPELL     Henry      Stebbing esq, his warren poached by Robt Fuller   243
 CAREY      Justinian  Eynsham OXF, bro of mother of Thomas Chitham       76
 CAROWE     Thomas     Navestock gmn, expelled Richd Lovelace, tenant    127
 CARR       Thomas     Rayleigh, idle & drunken young man, 1600          212
 CARTON     Thomas     Walden tanner, stole some hides 1589              300
 CASSE                 Chafford, his wife living with Wm Clerk 1563      197
 CASSE      John       Higham Bensted, his property attacked 1567        103
 CASTLE     James      Stock, tile kiln, libellous song in street 1585    70
 CATESBYE   Fyndern    Layer Marney, whipped for theft because "a boy"   302
 CATTERALL  John       Black Notley, he & sister murdered 1589 by labr   149
 CAUDELL    Anthony    Danbury ymn, shot pheasant 1567 E Hanningfield    251
 CAVELL     John       Gt Dunmow hsbdmn, extortion fm Gt Saling man 1581  92
 CAVENDISH  Ralph      Pentlow gmn, timbers for his ho thrown in Stour   112
 CAWARDEN   Nicholas   Writtle, charge of cardplaying in his house 1580  221
 CAWDELL    Simon      Chlmsfd, married Koan Barker 1583                  77
 CAWDLE                Chelmsford, married a sister of Hugh Barker        75
 CELEY      William    Finchingfield, took part in trespasses 1577       135
 CHADWYCKE  Robert     Gt Waltham, riotous disseisin c 1558               11
 CHALKE     John       Writtle ymn, accused of speaking for Jn Payne      52
 CHALLYS    Edward     Steeple Bumpstead glover, stole hides 1586        300
 CHAMBERS   John       Dunwich Sfk, charged 1597 as a common barrator    140
 CHAMPION   Richard    Stanford, in Dorrell/Pinner gang, killed a mansvt 182
 CHANDLER   John       Burnham ? To assure good conduct of Peter Lewes   144
 CHAPMAN    James      Chelmsford hundred bailiff, extorted bribes 1578   89
 CHAPMAN    James      Chelmsford, hundred bailiff                        44
 CHAPMAN    Martin     Fordham? Watchman, attacked by villagers 1586     176
 CHAPMAN    William    Lt Bardfield, dead infant found in his hay        157
 CHARNEY    Jonas      Chlmsfd glover, surety for Hugh Barker's conduct   71
 CHAUNDLER  John       Burnham, lvg with Mrs Philpott, plot to kill Mr   199
 CHAUNSEY   Francis    Shenfield gmn, poached conies @ Osgoods 1562      246
 CHAWKE     John       Writtle hsbdmn, charged with card-playing 1580    221
 CHEESEMAN  Richard    Mucking fuller, master of Thos Barton, 1572 theft 298
 CHESTON    Robert     Bobbingworth, bachelor, not in service 1562        29
 CHEVELEY   Edmund     Dagenham, with Jas Raymonde 1569                  128
 CHEYNEY    John       Heydon esq (also Sheriff of Bucks), sheep stolen  282
 CHIBBORNE  ChristopherBurnham, bound Lewes/Kempe to keep the peace      112
 CHITHAM    Thomas     Boreham sch/mster, wrote the Chlmsfd libel 1602    71
 CHITTAM    Henry      Gt Bardfield, convicted coiner, escaped 1577       81
 CHOPPIN    George     High Roothing labr, made false coins 1578          81
 CHOTE      John       Kedington, killed neighbour Jobson self-defence   161
 CHRISTMAS  George     Stanway, riotous assault on Richd Alcock 1583     106
 CHRISTMAS  Goldring.. Clchstr gmn, riotous assault on Richd Alcock 1583 106
 CHRISTMAS  John       Clchstr gmn, riotous assault on Richd Alcock 1583 106
 CHRYSTMAS  John       Colchester gmn, led attack on Rich Southwell 1576 105
 CHURCHE    Thomas     Runwell gmn, ch/wdn? Attacked beating bounds 1578 113
 CLARKE                Orsett, brewer, sold beer too dear                 27
 CLARKE     Dorothy    Burnham 1582, described assn with Jn Fletcher     199
 CLARKE     John       Wethersfield, witness against John Walford 1583   141
 CLARKE     John       Chingford, took £3 10s from unknown man 1587      273
 CLARKE     Nicholas   Beauchamp Roothing painter                        154
 CLARKE     Richard    Runwell constable, attacked beating bounds 1578   113
 CLARKE     Thomas     Gt Bardfield hsbdmn, burgled 12d 1597, hanged     270
 CLAYDON    Giles      Bury gmn, informer, accepted bribes instead 1600   95
 CLAYE      John       Roydon, took Richd Swyfte's conies 1579           253
 CLEERE     Mary       Ingatestone, burnt for seditious talk 1576         40
 CLEMENS    John       Coggeshall, hemp wool taken by Jn Browning 1601   297
 CLEMENTS   William    Romford collier, accused of receiving horse, 1579 288
 CLERE      Benjamin   Clchstr clothier, charge of riotous attack 1567   103
 CLERE      Benjamin   Boxted, charged 1597 as a common barrator         140
 CLERK      William    Chafford, living with Casse's wife @ Aucocke's    197
 CLERKE     William    Saffron Walden ? Alleged a trespass by Hy Calton  173
 CLIBURY    William    Halstead, con man, prob bro of Wm, Halstead vicar  97
 CLIBURY    William    Halstead vicar, d 1590                             97
 CLIBURY    William    Halstead draper, fined for rioting 1602 w 6 others115
 CLINTON    Thomas     London, aka Thos Fines                            113
 CLIPSAM    Martin     Stanford/l/h rector, disputes with Tristram Blaby 189
 CLIPSAM    Martin     Stanford-l-H rector, argument with Tristram Blaby  57
 CLOPTON    Francis    Ramsden Bellhouse, to repair Bellow Bridge          6
 CLOVELL    Percival   W Hanningfield esq, killed 1598 by Robt Fryer     152
 CLOVER     Gregory    Colchester, charge of sedition 1579, pilloried     47
 CLOVYLE    Jane       W Hanningfield widow, robbed 1593 (Clovile Hall)  258
 COBHAM     John       Harwich, owned the ship "Foresight", 1596         150
 COCKE      Joan       Kelvedon, accused of witchcraft                    28
 COCKE      Richard    Gt Dunmow tawyer, bowled on Dunmow Down 1573      222
 COFIELD    Richard    Sible Hdnghm miller, killed unfaithful wife 1602  154
 COKE       John       Rayleigh gmn, aided Thos Shaa retake Colemans 1556118
 COKER      Edward     Maldon, borough justice 1583                       85
 COKERELL   Robert     Gt Maplestead hsbdmn, set on 1569 by Edwd Glascock180
 COLE       Elizabeth  Woodham Mortimer, separated w of Hugh but molested171
 COLE       Hugh       Woodham Mortimer, molested late wife 1596         170
 COLE       Richard    E Bergholt clothier, highway attack 1569 (Tompson)180
 COLE       Robert     E Bergholt clothier, highway attack 1569 (Tompson)180
 COLE       Thomas     High Ongar rector, held land by High Ongar Bridge  23
 COLE       Thomas     Newport, leased 40acre farm to Geo Wheatley       124
 COLE       William    Gt Parndon gmn, trespass/assault on him 1586      137
 COLE       William    Dedham clothier, securety for Hy Ravens & other   136
 COLLEN     John       High Laver gmn, his poultry stolen                293
 COLLINS    John       Braintree, killed in Bocking by Jn Noke 1565      150
 COLLYN     John       Barling, accused of a disorderly house &c 1598    224
 COLLYN     John       London goldsmith, extortion from Jn Fynche 1572    90
 COLLYN     Joseph     Gosfield glover, stole 47lb of wool 1597 (Ingram) 297
 COLLYN     Stephen    Berners Roothing, burgled, lost 2 pigs, 1556        3
 COLLYN     William    Takeley, disseised by Rev Lewykin & wife 1563     130
 COLMAN     Robert     Langham brickie, anabaptist views 1581             49
 COLT       Charles    Boreham, br-i-law & svt of Geo Basford 1581       235
 COO        Edward     Belchamp Walter, attacked by constable 1596       163
 COO        John       Belchamp S Paul 1568, without a legal master       35
 COOE       Henry      Chelmsford, in affair with mother Bowden's house   26
 COOKE      Anthony    Romford (Gidea Hall), 1590s                       239
 COOKE      Audrey     Walthamstow, labelled common whore 1582           197
 COOKE      ChristopherThorpe, extorted as apparitor 1597                 92
 COOKE      Frances    Rochford, w of Jn, attacked @ Gt Leighs 1572      195
 COOKE      John       Rochford gmn, guardian of Susan Biglond, attacked 195
 COOKE      Robert     Feering hsbdmn, 1570 trampled grass of Wm Marshall134
 COOKE      Thomas     Witham, drinking affray with Stamford/Field       150
 COOKE      Walter     Brentwood ymn, assaulted Paynter/Strutt 1577      276
 COOKE      William    Stapleford Abbots, beaten by Edwd Grevell &c 1575 114
 COOKE      William    Finchingfield, 1577                                46
 COOKUC     Thomas     Kirby ?  Robbed of £156 by Thos Sturley 1581      257
 COOPER     John       Coggeshall fuller, stole wool fm Thos Shortland   297
 COOPER     William    Kelvedon "clover", conned by Thos Pygrem 1589      93
 COPLAND    Peter      Chingford ymn, invaded Salisbury Hall land 1566   103
 COPSEY     John       Nether Yeldham, leather purse stolen 1574         259
 CORNELL    John       Ashdon (Grygges), his firewood was pillaged 1561  133
 CORNEY     Robert     Gt Bardfield, ingrated large amounts of wheat      27
 CORTMAN    John snr   Felsted hsbdmn, ct fish by diverting river 1567   252
 COSYN      Simon      Saffron Walden, stole ch cloths from ch/wdns 1555 279
 COTTEN     Mistress   Panfield, to maintain a lane on her land           18
 COUSIN     Edward     Dagenham gmn, close-breaking & damage 1578        135
 COVER      Richard    Navestock smith, made h'way attack at W Ham 1600  182
 COWELL     George     Staple Inn, stood surety for Rev Peter Lewes 1587 144
 COWEY      Nicholas   Gt Birch, sheep stolen by Wm Crowche 1558         281
 COWLANDE   Andrew     Willingale, conspired to defame Thomas Sampford    66
 COWLANDE   Thomas     Willingale, conspired to defame Thomas Sampford    66
 COWLETE    Cecily     Finchingfield, w of Richd                         206
 COWLETE    Richard    Finchingfield, alehouse license sought 1600       206
 COXE       John       Runwell clerk, assaulted and his hat stolen       275
 COXE       Matthew    Brentwood leatherseller, stole hides 1587         300
 COXE       Michael    Roxwell ymn, condemned for counterfeit coins 1577  80
 COXE       Robert     Canewdon smith, murder at Woodham Ferrers 1602    161
 COXE       Thomas     Rayleigh hsbdmn, with Robt Coxe in assault 1602   161
 COXE       Thomas     Harlow glover, stole some hides 1580              300
 CRACKBONE  Thomas     Elsenham, partridges taken from his land 1590     249
 CRACKENEALEThomas     Finchingfield hsbdmn, wounded Wm Thurgood 1574    167
 CRACKNELL  Richard    Gt Braxted, burgled by Thos Toyse                 302
 CRAKBONE   Gilbert    Gt Braxted, ex-svt of Wm Hutte then Ellis Lurkyn  248
 CRANE      Robert     W Mersea gmn, his sheep/lambs stolen 1588         282
 CRANE      Thomas     Navestock gmn, killed 2 deer in Havering Park 1596238
 CRANFORD   William    Shalford, killed 1580 over land dispute           160
 CRESCYE    John       Kirby constable, one of assailants of Wm Gosling  167
 CROFTE     Elizabeth  Braxted, svt of Wm Hutte, evidence re pigeons     248
 CROSFIELD  John       Boreham (possibly), burgled New Hall 1579         262
 CROSSE     Thomas     Widford glazier, burglary in Wickford 1589        270
 CROWCHE    William    Tolleshunt Kts, stole 71 sheepat Gt Birch 1558    281
 CROXON     Edmund     Billericay, s-i-law of Matt Bell, threats Crushe  169
 CRUSHE     John       Laindon, quarrel with Croxon re cows 1576         169
 CRYSALL    Thomas     Stanway, assaulted by highway robber 1585         273
 CURION     Lionel     W Ham? gmn, robbed of gold chain (£90) W Ham 1564 258
 DAIE       ChristopherStanford/l/h, parishioner 1591                    191
 DAIVY      John       Billericay shoemkr 1572, Jn Hamonde stole from him259
 DALLEY     Henry      Brentwood labr, aided the Brentwood rioters 1577  106
 DANIELL    Henry      Blackmore, stole horse @ Writtle 1589 (with Smyth)286
 DANVERS    William    Aveley clerk, accusation vs Wilfred Lutey 1593     58
 DARCY      Brian      Tiptree esq, owned Hellapolle Weir (poached 1578) 252
 DARLOWE    George     Ugley vicar, disturbed peace, assault, 1590/3     145
 DARRELL    George     Clchster esq, assault on Edwd Newman 1583         106
 DAVENANT   John       Poslingford Sfk gmn, killed Wm Toftes with sword  152
 DAVEY      John       Colchester justice 1577                           215
 DAWDRY     Charles    Orsett, conying charge in S Ockendon 1600         245
 DAWES      Robert     Snaresbrook robbery 1587, lost 45/- + horse/saddle273
 DAWNEY     Augustine  Canewdon, Robt Kindlemarsh's ward?, abducted 1602 196
 DAYE       Richard    Wendon ymn, claimed Queen taxed too heavily        55
 DAYES      William    Prittlewell, 5/- stolen by Rachel Brackley        302
 DEANE      John       Eastwood barber/surgeon, acted with Wm Wiggon &c  147
 DEANE      Richard    Moulton Nfk, robber of Jn Loker (c28 yrs in 1602) 274
 DEATH      John       Lt Clacton, s of Thos, bewitched by Cecily Sylles? 98
 DEATH      Thomas     Lt Clacton                                         98
 DEBANCK    John       Bradwell rector 1592                               58
 DENHAM     Richard    N Fambridge ymn, assaulted/robbed Jn Tabor 1596   276
 DENNIS     Thomas     Mountnessing, gave false evidence in court         96
 DENNYE     Edward,Sir Waltham Abbey, miller, victim of affrays 1592 &c  113
 DERAWGH    Edward     Coggeshall? Mention in Jn Fletcher case           200
 DERYCK     Dionisia   Witham, slanders re Queen's alleged children       42
 DEYER      John       Witham, age 60+, evidence re bridge repairs        23
 DIBNEY     George     Colchester, seditious libels 1575, 3mos in prison  45
 DIGBY      George     Lt Dunmow, Teyes, tenant, ejected 1585 by Jn Bust 125
 DIMSDALE              Woodford, fr & son, inveterate poachers, 1594     239
 DIXON      Lawrence   Chingford ymn, invaded Salisbury Hall land 1566   103
 DIXON      William    Heydon, informed against Rv Wm Shepherd 1580       49
 DODD       Joan       Hatfield Bd Oak unmarr, in Takeley burglary 1557    2
 DOGGETT    William    Wickford, burgled 1589, lost 26 cheeses           270
 DONNELL    Thomas     Toppesfield vicar, and Rector of Birdbrook         91
 DORRELL    George     Stanford/l/h, affray against Willett 1590         182
 DOUGHTY    John       Barnston gmn, surety for Eves of H Easter 1583    174
 DOWCET     Thomas     Harlow tailor, evidence re Rettendon ch disputes  189
 DOWE       Anne       Brentwood, malicious speech about the Queen        41
 DOWNINGE   Robert     Heybridge btchr, stole 14 cattle 1586             284
 DRAKE      James      Lost £38 in Peckham/Iseley robberies              272
 DRAPER     Mr         Braxted ? Lost some swans in 1581                 248
 DRAPER     William    No place or date                                  157
 DREYWOOD   Robert     N Benfleet, hit Thos Freborne in church 1565      184
 DRIVER     ChristopherStock, named in libel charge in 1585               69
 DRYLANDE   James      Gt Baddow, house burgled, money stolen, 1556        3
 DRYNKER    Richard    Writtle tenant, ejected by Roger Parkins 1583     126
 DRYWOOD    Robert     N Benfleet, 18 ewes stolen from him 1568          282
 DRYWOOD    William    Downham rector, barratry/disturbance of peace 1579145
 DRYWOOD    William    Downham rector played cards &c 1580 & quarrelsome 219
 DUCKETT    George     Nazeing, keeper of the woods                       56
 DUCKWORTH  Randal     Bradwell labr, pillory for seditious speech 1592   58
 DURDEL     William    Barnston curate, bowled on Dunmow Down 1573       222
 DURRANT    William    Stapleford Abbots, svt of Jn Godfrey 1578         288
 DUTCHMAN   BartholomewMoulsham, aided Writtle vicar to alter church     185
 DYSON      William    Stock, sang libellous song in street 1585          70
 EASTWOOD   Edward     Hockley, evidence about John Foster 1587          249
 EDMUNDE    Robert     Southchurch aka Robt Lawson                       246
 EDMUNDS    Thomas     Langdon Hills rector from 1592                     87
 EDWARDES   Thomas     Wickham constable                                  33
 EDWARDS    Richard    Clchstr comber, stole bell fm E Donyland ch 1567  278
 EDWARDS    Robert     Finchingfield, took part in trespasses there 1577 134
 EGHAM      William    Moulsham gmn, fatal wrestling match 1572          226
 EGLE       George     Moze, heretical preacher 1550s                      5
 ELDER      John       Lt Bromley, murdered 1571 age 74 by Robbins/Wilson148
 ELDERTON   John       Lambourne, bachelor, not in service 1562           29
 ELDRED     Walter     Peldon ymn, gold coin forgeries, not guilty, 1578  81
 ELKIN      Mr         Pleshey, gamekeeper of Lord Rich 1575             242
 ELLERTON   John       Barling vicar, petition re disorderly house 1598  224
 ELLIOT     Joan       Chelmsford, w of John                             196
 ELLIOT     John       Chelmsford, house broken into by Geo Burghley 1588196
 ELLIS      Giles      High Easter, lodger with Reynold                   94
 ELLIS      Joan       High Easter, w of Giles, felony charge 1587        94
 ELLYS      Robert     Colchester (26), attacked by Barnaby Smythe 1578  181
 ELMES      Thomas     Dedham tailor, cripple, forged docs for Robt Buck  86
 ELYE       Richard    Bocking, Gosfield football 1582, knocked Pye down 226
 ELZYNGE    Ralph      Lt Horkesley ymn, attacked Gilbert Hyndes, died   162
 EMERYE     Thomas     Lt Baddow ymn, brick wall broken by Geo Withers &c136
 ERINGTON   Anthony    Stock gmn, poached deer at Crondon Pk 1578        240
 ESTLAND    John       Braintree fletcher, charge of extortion 1590       90
 EVE        ChristopherH Easter ymn, attacked constables, escaped, 1583  174
 EVE        John       Chelmsford gmn (1584 reference)                   167
 EVE        John       Colchester ? Killed by Robt Stowe 1583 (& Alcocke)160
 EVE        John       Colchester, severely hurt in sword attack 1583    106
 EVE        Nicholas   H Easter ymn, attacked constables, escaped, 1583  174
 EVE        Thomas     Mashbury vicar, accused of false practices          4
 EVE        Thomas     Maldon bailiff 1583                                85
 EVE        William    Chignal St J, attacked/ejected by Streetes's      125
 EVERARD    Richard    Gt Waltham (Langleys) 1575                        242
 EVERED                Burnham 1581 (mentioned by Jn Johnson of Witham)  236
 EVERED     Edward     Gt Leighs miller, killed doe New Hall Gt Pk 1594  240
 FABYAN     Mr         Bradwell juxta C, held land by Blackwater Bridge   37
 FARNAM     Thomas     E Colne labr, stole 33 sheep at Heydon 1566       282
 FARRAR     Thomas     Langham rector, sought alehouse licence   Stanley 206
 FARTHINGE  William    Witham ymn, killed 6-wk infant - father thereof ? 162
 FAWELL     Richard    Writtle miller, charged 1576 as common barrator   140
 FAWNCE     John       Maldon, aka John Steven                           265
 FEARNE     Agnes      Painswick GLS, whipped as vagrant in Hadleigh 1564 30
 FEARNE     Mary       Painswick GLS, whipped as vagrant in Hadleigh 1564 30
 FEARNE     Patrick    Sandon rector 1567/87, witness against Jn Founten  93
 FELSTED    Isaac      Laindon hsbdmn, spoke against the Council 1587     55
 FELSTED    Thomas     Laindon, his home attacked & robbed               263
 FELTWELL   John       Gt Wenden labr, pilloried 1591 for speech re Queen 57
 FENNYNGE   Jeremy     Hanningfield? Guardian of Margery Ardleigh        195
 FENTON     Edward     Ugley clerk (vicar ?), stole 3 ewes 1569          283
 FERNE      Patrick    Sandon recotr, fined 3/4d for quarrelling 1571    193
 FERNE      Patrick    Sandon rector, 1567/87, a common quarreller       143
 FERNE      Thomas     Dedham clothier, robbed Thos Allen of &163;46 in 1580 258
 FERRERS    Henry      Baddesley, Warws.                                 133
 FERRERS    Richard    London gmn                                        133
 FETTES     Elizabeth  Mentioned in a Wickham presentment 1562            33
 FIELD                 Witham, in drinking affray (Cooke/Stamford)       150
 FIELD      Henry      Walthamstow, robbed 1600 by Geo Wood & Thos Garnet274
 FINCH      John       Roydon.                                           253
 FINES      Thomas     London, led armed assault at Lt Warley Hall 1596  113
 FITCH                 Chelmsford apothecary                              74
 FITZWILLIAMHenry      Theydon Garnon, in attacks on Gaynes Pk Hall 1602 123
 FLACKEY    W          Finchingfield constable, removed ?                111
 FLETCHER   John       Coggeshall 1582, seems to have had several women  199
 FLOWER     John       Stapleford Abbots embroiderer, horse taken 1578   287
 FLUDD      John       Brentwood, burgled Sheering house 1562            162

 FLUDD      Nicholas   London pinner, attacked Wm Casse (H Bensted) 1567 103
 FOLKES     William    Rochford ymn, injunction against Jo Berrie 1587    99
 FORD       Richard    Harlow ymn, charge of hunting @ Wthm Abbey 1596   239
 FORDE      Henry      Rayleigh, victualled without licence 1600, gaoled 207
 FORESTER   James      Pleshey (lecturer?) abused in chch by Ed Rothman  188
 FORSTER    Thomas     Runwell vicar to 1579, d 1578/9?                  113
 FORTESCUE  Edmund     Barking esq, killed svt in self-defence           161
 FOSTER     John       Hockley visit 1587, took partridges &c 1587       249
 FOSTER     John       Kelvedon b/smith, conned by Thos Pygrem 1589       93
 FOSTER     Lionel     Gt Tey rector, bailed Reginald Medcalfe, Elmstead 294
 FOSTER     Thomas     Romford, rescued from bailiffs, one b killed 1590 159
 FOUNTEN    John       High Ongar, conned clergy into paying him money    93
 FOWELL     John       Shenfield miller, assaulted labr who killed him   158
 FOWLER     Thomas     London mcht, ejected Francis Helmer from home     123
 FOWNHALL   John       Kelvedon miller, £8 stolen by his servant 1566    260
 FRANCIS    Peter      Hatfield Peverel, seditious words, 1594            64
 FRANCIS    William    Hatfield Peverel smith, guilty of treason 1587     41
 FRANK      Francis    Hatfield/B/O gmn, trespass/assault victim 1562    133
 FRANK      Thomas     Woodford JP 1572                                  101
 FRANK      Thomas     Hatfield Broad Oak field, horses                  167
 FRANKE     Francis    Hatfield/bd/O gmn, involved in pew dispute 1564   186
 FREBORNE   Thomas     N Benfleet ymn, @ prayer, struck by Robt Dreywood 184
 FRENCH     Thomas     Halstead, arbitrator re conduct of Hercules Turner178
 FREND      Elias      Braintree, ejected family fm Pratts, Black Notley 128
 FRITH      John       Langdon Hills rector, removed from benefice 1592   87
 FRIZE      John       Gt Braxted ymn, jailed for contempt 1600          305
 FROMANT    Robert     Hadstock smith, stole plough & implements 1601    301
 FROMANT    Thomas     Hadstock smith, stole plough & implements 1601    301
 FRYER      Robert     Chlmsfd ymn, killed Percival Clovell, sword, 1598 152
 FRYTH      John       Upminster, illegal games at his house, 1574       219
 FULHAM     Nicholas   Leased Chigwell Parsonage Ho from Jas Calshill    130
 FULHAM     Thomas     Subleased Chigwell Parsonage Ho to Robt Spackman  130
 FULJAMBE   Nicholas   London tailor, invaded Thos Wilbrand's land/crops 133
 FULLER     Edward     Stanford Rivers tenant farmer, nr Stewards Bridge  21
 FULLER     Isaac      Bocking wvr, pushed Chas Addesley over, 1583      226
 FULLER     Nicholas   Lt Ilford, Aldersbrook manor, had poachers 1581   239
 FULLER     Robert     Stebbing fuller, caught conies in warren 1580     243
 FULLER     Thomas     Lt Henny, trespass action vs Wm Strutt 1594       173
 FULLER     Thomas     Gt Henny, indictment for robbery 1594, outlawed   274
 FYLPOTT    Samuel     H Easter hsbdmn, hit Eliz Pyckett in church 1584  184
 FYNCHE     John       Colne Engaine, 20/- extorted by Collyn & Prentice  90
 FYNTON     Edward     Ugley, aka Fenton                                 283
 FYRMYN     William    Borley (Hall), 17pds of wools stoel from him 1556   3
 FYRMYNGE   John       W Thurrock miller, took £70 from Jas Humfrey 1598 258
 FYSSHER    John       Brentwood surgeon, killed W Ham brickie 1583      152
 FYSSHER    John       Stisted rector, was burgled c 1560. d1564.          9
 FYTCHE     William    Chelmsford mercer, poached deer 1597              241
 FYTCHE     William    Lt Canfield (Hall) gmn, 1570, svt killed child    157
 GAMWELL    John       Brentwood, aka Jn Smythe                          276
 GARBETT    John       Woodford, victim of affray Epping Forest 1573     102
 GARBETT    John       Waltham, kpr for Jn Ryggesby, struck/killed Alee  153
 GARDNER    Robert     Coopersale, slanders re Queen's alleged children   42
 GARNET     Thomas     Gmn, Walthamstow robbery from Hy Field 1600       274
 GARRARD    Jerome     Witham hsbdmn, struck by a wild servant 1583      168
 GARRET     John       Boreham tanner, hides stolen 1588 (Bale/Ogesdon)  300
 GARRETT    Grace      Gt Tey, w of Robt, hurt in tithes dispute 1595    170
 GARRETT    Robert     Gt Tey vicar, 1593-                               170
 GASCKYN    Cuthbert   Lt Maplestead, presentment vs Richd Strutt 1567    34
 GATES      Thomas     Walthamstow parish clerk, played dice &c, 1595    219
 GAWBER     John       gmn, with Cecily Sandes when attacked 1594        122
 GAYE       John       Blackmore ymn, accused of speaking for Jn Payne    52
 GEFFRYE    John       W Mersea hsbdmn, indicted for aiding heretic 1556   4
 GENT       Thomas     Finchingfield JP ?                                110
 GENT       Thomas     Sat as justice at Braintree 1574 re Thos Bedell    45
 GEORGE     John       Lavenham btchr, stole bell fm E Donyland ch 1567  278
 GIFFORD    George     Maldon preacher, witness to 1586 will of Jn Steven265
 GIFFORD    George     Maldon vicar, c 1582                               52
 GITTINS    Roger      Woodham, ejected Cecily Sandes fm Edwins Hall     121
 GLASCOCK   Edward     Castle Hdnghm gmn, set on Robt Cockerell 1569 3x  180
 GLASCOCK   John       Finchingfield, his hay stolen 1577                134
 GLASCOCK   Widow      Danbury, kept an alehouse 1595                     61
 GLASCOCKE  John       Chlmsfd labr, burglary @ Chignal St Jas 1589      270
 GLASCOCKE  Thomas     Doddinghurst, sent venison to Lt Laver man ?      237
 GLEMEN     Edward     Stanford ? Attacked Willett h'way nr Ilford 1590  182
 GLOVER     Robert     Navestock hsbdmn, lost £5 in highway robbery 1571 273
 GODDARD    Thomas     Sandon rector, 1587/1601                          238
 GODFRE     Edward     Walthamstow, disclosed the rhyme by Thos Hale 1594 59
 GODFREY    John       Stapleford Abbots, horse taken 1578               287
 GODFREY    Richard    Doddinghurst ymn                                  290
 GOLDING    Richard    Thaxted, extorted money, false promoter            96
 GOLDING    William    Belchamp St Pauls, his fences were broken 1573    135
 GOLDINGHAM Edward     Wormingford gmn, assaulted Wm Pasfield @ Lexden   183
 GOLDRINGE  John       Laindon parson, drunken & quarrelsome, 1585       213
 GOLDRINGE  John       Laindon rector, drunkard/quarreller 1585, d1590   144
 GOLDWAYT   John       Kelvedon trader, conned by Thos Pygrem 1589        93
 GOLLYNS    Richard    Rainham ymn, killed his 14yr-old maidsvt          155
 GONSON     Benjamin   Gt Baddow esq, falcon taken by Matt Goodeve 1596  252
 GOOD       Neville    Boreham ? Gmn                                     236
 GOOD       William    Hornchurch wharfinger, lost £16 in robbery 1571   273
 GOODDAY    John elder Braintree, witness Skynners' depositions 1582     169
 GOODEVE    Matthew    Gt Waltham ymn, took peregrine fm Ben Gonson 1596 252
 GOODWIN    Marcel     Newport ymn, gold coin forgeries, not guilty, 1578 81
 GOODWYN    Richard    Harwich grocer, indicted 1574 for fraud/extortion  90
 GOOSE      John       Chlmsfd saddler, surety for Hugh Barker 1602       71
 GOSLING    William    Thorpe glover, victim of assaults 1591            167
 GOSLINGE   Isaac      E Tilbury gmn, evicted a labr fm cottage. Fined   125
 GOSLYNG    Richard    Thundersley land, his conies poached 1563         246
 GOSNALL    John       Chigwell, unlicensed aleseller, bawdy house, 1565  30
 GOWERS     Richard    Danbury tailor, had an apprentice 1576            164
 GRANT      John       Gt Wigborough, killed 24yr-old maidsvt 1597       156
 GRANTHAM   Edmund     Ingrave brickmkr, conying on common 1582          244
 GRAVE      Ursula     Gt Baddow widow, ejected by Wm Peckever &c 1591   125
 GRAVES     John       E Ham ymn, shot svt of Jn Lacye with arrow 1565   166
 GRAVES     Ralph      Stock tailor, charged with cozenage 1602           97
 GRAYGOOSE  William    Roydon, received poached conies 1579              253
 GREEN      Edward     St Runwald, involved in attack on Richd Southwell 105
 GREENE     Thomas     Saffron Walden gmn, sheriff's deputy 1592         173
 GRENE      Agnes      Kelvedon widow, illegal football/cards 1562        36
 GRENE      John       Chief constable at Ongar sessions 1562             29
 GRENE      John       Maldon butcher, stole fm Evan Pryce Tendring 1565 260
 GRENE      John       Sible Hdngham, Alderford Mill                     252
 GRENE      Richard    Gt Maplestead, his hops stolen by locals 1571     137
 GRENE      Roland     Sible Hdnghm ? Assaulted/wounded 1579             275
 GRENE      Thomas     Kelvedon, s of Agnes, played bowls illegally 1562  36
 GRESHAM    Edward     Bro of Wm Gresham (horse theft 1579)              288
 GRESHAM    William    London clothwkr, charged with theft of horse 1579 288
 GREVELL    Edward     Waltham Abbey gmn, bt Wm Cooke & svt 1575         114
 GREY       Henry      Romford (Pyrgo Park), sp/hawks stolen 1585        251
 GREY       Henry      Sat as justice at Braintree 1574 re Thos Bedell    45
 GREY       Matthew    Lt Wenden gmn, barn broekn into, assaulted, 1590  112
 GRICE      Nicholas   Alphamstone rector, evidence against Jn Collyn     90
 GRIFFIN    Thomas     Orsett, arrested for behaviour 1597, hit/killed   159
 GRIGGES    Henry      Aveley, assaulted his wife 1583                   167
 GRIGGES    Nicholas   E Donyland, disorderly illegal victualling 1603   211
 GRYFFYTH   Rowland    Burnham, confessed plot to kill Philpott, 1590    199
 GYBBYNS    Robert     Bradwell tailor, hung horns on various doors 1584 108
 GYLE       Richard    Layer Marney rector, bugled/assaulted c 1560        9
 GYLL       Anthony    Ugley, bro of Jn, helped steal a sheep 1597       283
 GYLL       John       Ugley hsbdmn, stole/cooked/ate sheep 1597         283
 GYMLET     Clement    Terling ymn, aided Thos Shaa retake Colemans 1556 118
 GYMLET     Thomas     Terling gmn, aided Thos Shaa retake Colemans 1556 118
 GYNES      Robert     Gt Leighs gmn, coursed deer New Hall Gt Pk 1594   240
 GYNKES     John       Romford miller, stole 4 oxen, found guilty         10
 HADDESLEY  Edward     Takeley ymn, received stolen horse 1597           291
 HAKYN      John       Braintree haberdasher, burgled by Richd Letch       8
 HALE       Thomas jr  Walthamstow gmn, seditious rhyme, guilty but freed 59
 HALE       Thomas snr Walthamstow, fr of Thos jr, Moons Mansion          61
 HALYWELL   Anne       Twinstead, wife of Richd                          144
 HALYWELL   Richard    Twinstead rector, barratry/disturbance/bawdy 1566 144
 HAMMERSLEY John       Braintree smith, receiver for Wilkinson burglary  269
 HAMMOND    John       Gt Baddow surgeon, stood surety 1576              216
 HAMMOND    Richard    London gmn, involved with Geo Monoux 1560s        119
 HAMOND     Edward     Stansted m/f (Bentfield), Jn Gyll stole a sheep   283
 HAMOND     John       Sandon ? Suspected of poaching 1595               238
 HAMONDE    John       Hornchurch, stole from, Jn Daivy (prosp appr)     259
 HANCHETT   James      Stock gmn, poached deer at Crondon Pk 1578        240
 HAPTIN     James      Chelmsford tailor, professional informer, 1580s    52
 HARE       Thomas     Romford ?  Butcher 1576                           263
 HARLES     Thomas     Lt Hallingbury alehouse kpr, bond facing page ... 288
 HARLESTONE Mr         Bowers Gifford ?  Had a cony warren.              245
 HARRINGTON Henry      Finchingfield, his land unlawfully ploughed 1577  134
 HARRIS     John       Blackmore, no job, frequents alehouses, 1600      212
 HARRIS     John       Roydon, took Richd Swyfte's conies 1579           253
 HARRIS     John       Boreham, friend of Charles Colt, 1581             235
 HARRISON   John       Rayleigh, repeated trespass vs Hasteler 1562/68   134
 HARROLD    Thomas     Toppesfield blacksmith, nearly killed 1596        163
 HARRYS     ChristopherShenfield, his conies poached 1567                246
 HARRYS     Thomas     Manuden, attacked Jn Mettleman but was killed     162
 HARRYS     William    Rochford, Grysted Hall                             96
 HARRYSON   Katherine  Charge of words against the Queen 1567             63
 HARTE      John       Maldon, taken for vagrancy 1583                    85
 HARTE      Richard    Maldon ymn, his svt killed her child              157
 HARTOP     Elizeus    Sible Hdnghm gmn, his horse stolen in 1579        275
 HARVEY     Agnes      Newport, w of Robt, helped re Nicholas 1575       172
 HARVEY     Ann        Newport, w of Nicholas, helped him avoid arrest   172
 HARVEY     Francis    Rivenhall (Westockes), partridges poached 1578    249
 HARVEY     Francis    Sat as justice at Braintree 1574 re Thos Bedell    45
 HARVEY     John       Halstead clothier, involved in Clibury case 1598   97
 HARVEY     Nicholas   Newport gmn, with much help, resisted arrest 1575 172
 HARVEY     Robert     Newport tailor, helped Nicholas H in 1575         172
 HARVIE     Helen      Pedlar, slept at Bettes', Gosfield, 1583          210
 HARVY      Alexander  Stanway, br of Ed, poached partridge @ night 1602 251
 HARVY      Edward     Stanway, br of Alex, poached partridge @ night    251
 HARVYE     Francis    Rivenhall esq, ten loads of hay stolen 1578       135
 HARVYE     Robert     Newport glover, skins stolen from him 1582        300
 HASTELER   Humphrey   Rayleigh, pasture Lamp Land, invaded by Harrison  134
 HASTINGS   Thomas     Carrying false documents 1590                      86
 HASYLL     Henry      S Shoebury hsbdmn, acted with Wm Wiggon           147
 HATTON     ChristopherBarking. Poaching, black silk/gilt rapier, 1590   236
 HAVEN      George     Coggeshall surgeon, killed Thos Warner (2 thrusts)152
 HAVEN      Jeremy     S'minster tailor, gave evidence re Robt Gybbyns   108
 HAWKIN     Thomas     Good Easter, hunted in Pleshey Pk with kpr 1575   242
 HAYE       Henry      Gt Leighs, kept alehouse 1597 tho forbidden, fined211
 HAYWARD    John       Stole horses/sheep 1572, goods 1574, hanged       287
 HEADE      Edward     Elmdon gmn, assaulted keeper of Broadoaks Pk 1601 242
 HEDGE      Edward     Hockley, his farm attacked by Go Monoux & others  119
 HEDGE      Matthew    Goldhanger ymn, abducted Margery Ardleigh 1597    195
 HEIGHAM    William    Ilford or E Ham, evidence in a case               200
 HELMER     Francis    Dagenham hsbdmn, ejected by Leach/Fowler 1584     123
 HERD       Robert     Bowers Gifford, conies poached on his land 1600   245
 HERNE      Thomas     Woodford, gmn. 2 of his svts were assaulted        11
 HERRINGTON Anthony    Stock, aka Erington                               240
 HERRIS     Arthur     Burnham, bound Allyson to keep the peace          112
 HESSELDYNE Richard    Ingatestone shopkeeper, shop burgled in 1591      263
 HEWYS      Thomas     Moulsham ymn (30) killed in wrestling 1572        226
 HEYES      Thomas     Orsett, poached in Bowers Gifford 1600            245
 HEYGHAM    William    Hatfield Peverel gmn, poached Q's deer Boreham    240
 HEYWOOD    William    Stock, The Swan, libellous song in street 1585     70
 HICKS      William    Woodford ymn, protest vs Epping Forest enclosures 102
 HICKSON    Henry      Billericay, sold ale/bread without licence 1600   211
 HIGHAM     William    Hazeleigh, 18 sheep stolen/sold by shepherd 1575  282
 HOBSON     John       Terling sch/mstr, illegal dice/backgammon 1590    219
 HOBSONE    Henry      Faulkbourne clerk, evidence re cony poaching 1602 247
 HODGE      John       Bocking ? Football played in his field 1583       226
 HODIERN    Edward     Frating, armed entry into home of Peter Wythepoll 128
 HODIERN    Martha     Frating, armed entry into home of Peter Wythepoll 128
 HOGINGES   John       Newport, playing cards in alehouse 1595           221
 HOLDER     William    Witham, stole from Richd Brydges 1576, hanged self263
 HOLDINGE   John       Feering, agreed to serve Hy Moysse for 1 yr, 1568  32
 HOLLAND    Thomas     Lt Burstead rector 1560, malicious wordsspoken     41
 HOLLEYDAY  William    Ramsden Crays, he & wife continually troublesome  139
 HOLLINGSWTHLawrence   Stondon Massey ymn, attack on Wm Bradburne 1562   120
 HOLLINGSWTHReginald   Stondon Massey gmn, attack on Wm Bradburne 1562   120
 HOLLINGSWTHWilliam    Stondon Massey ymn, attack on Wm Bradburne 1562   120
 HOLLINGW.. William    Stondon Massey (H..worth) gmn, freed Roger Parkyns172
 HOLLOWELL  Thomas     Horndon-o-t-Hill ymn, fought Jn Slaughterford     184
 HOLLYE     John       Epping hsbdmn, charge of hunting @ W Abbey 1596   239
 HOLMES     John       High Easter vicar 1567/69                         130
 HOPER      Richard    Stock, named in libel charge in 1585               69
 HOPKYN     Charles    Finchingfield troublemaker 1585, warrener to Kempe110
 HOPKYNS    John       Nazeing vicar, false teaching alleged 1589         56
 HORNESBY   Thomas     Elsenham, s of butcher, case re Takeley burglary    2
 HORSENAYLE Andrew     Langford tanner, stole some hides 1600            300
 HOSKYNS    Thomas     Stapleford Abbots, svt of Jn Flower 1578          287
 HOWARD     John       Bury petticoat-maker, working in Bocking 1577      47
 HOWE       Andrew     Newport ?  Cattle stealer, tried 1591             285
 HOWE       Stephen    Magdalen Laver garment maker, fined 1562           29
 HOWE       Thomas     Ramsden Bellhouse, single, wore unentitled livery   6
 HOWELL     Thomas     Paglesham rector 1578/99, his horse stolen 1596   291
 HOYE       Edward     Margaretting ymn, abused local officers 1578      178
 HUBBERD    John       Thaxted, aka John Johnson                         237
 HUBBERD    John       Roydon, with others, stole apples fm Tuck 1579    253
 HUBBERD    William    Lt Clacton, duped with false nobles 1587           82
 HUBERD     Edward     Bentfield Bury (Stansted), 100pds extorted 1589    90
 HUBERD     Edward     Newport, ejected Geo Wheatley from fm by force    124
 HUBERD     Edward     Lt Easton (Easton Pk), his deer poached 1590      236
 HUDDLESTON Edmund     S Weald Park                                      241
 HUDSON     William    Halstead clothier, surety for Hercules Turner 1592177
 HULL       John       Stebbing tailor, seditious remarks 1583            54
 HUMFREY    James      Aveley ? Lost £70 in 1598 and £50 in 1601         258
 HUNT       Edmund     Maldon hatter, abused the watchmen 1580           177
 HUNWICKE   John       Colchester bailiff 1578                           181
 HUNWICKE   Thomas     Feering. Charge of raising revolt, 1567            63
 HURST      Peter      Lt Laver ?  Accusation of poaching 1591           237
 HURST      Peter      Doddinghurst, svt of Richd Godfrey                290
 HURSTE     Edward     Gt Baddow, held land at Joys Bridge (needs repair) 21
 HURTE      William    Orsett, Robt Saunders was his servant 1600        245
 HUTTE      John       Braxted ? Kinsman of Wm Hutte jr                  248
 HUTTE      William jr Braxted, brought swans home as food 1581          248
 HUTTE      William sr Braxted, late father (1581) of Wm Hutte jr        248
 HYLS       William    Fordham alehouse, quarrelled with watchmen 1586   176
 HYNDES     Gilbert    Brentwood ymn, killed by Ralph Elzynge, s-defence 162
 INGOLDE    Henry      W Roothing hsbdmn, died after football game 1567  225
 INGOLLE    Richard    Epping (14), killed in fencing accident 1592      227
 INGRAM     Henry      Gosfield ? Wool stolen by Joseph Collyn 1597      297
 INGRAM     Thomas     Danbury (Runsell), petition against his alehouse  205
 ISELEY     Henry      Corringham (ex Kent?), highway robberies 1575     272
 IVE        Joan       Horndon-o/t-Hill, hit/killed 18yr-old maidsvt     159
 IVE        William    Horndon-on-the-Hill fletcher                      159
 JACKSON    Richard    Mashbury clerk, cards &c in alehouse, 1562        219
 JACKSON    Robert     Newport weaver, poaching in Easton Pk, 1590       236
 JAMES      John       Stock, extortion as apparitor of Bp of Colchr 1593 92
 JAMES      John       Stock, named in libel charge in 1585               69
 JAMES      Margery    Stock, w of John, in court for assault 1574        69
 JARVIS     Thomas     Walden pewterer, stole platters/dish - no date    300
 JEFFREY    William    Lost £24 in Peckham/Iseley robberies              272
 JENNINGES  Mr         Dunmow, Shingle Hall, to repair Langeholdes Bridge 21
 JEPSON     Henry      Billericay smith, stole steers in Billericay 1600 284
 JEROME     Peter      Woodham Mortimer gmn, injured constable 1572      174
 JEWSE      Richard    Hockley victualler, evidence re John Foster 1587  249
 JOBSON     Edward     W Donyland gmn, attacked Hatfield Priory 1572     120
 JOBSON     John       Clchstr esq, broke into Hatfield P Chch service   121
 JOBSON     Peter      Kedington, killed in dispute over pig damage      161
 JOCE       John       Billericay, sold ale/bread without licence 1600   211
 JOHNSON    Henry      Woodford ymn, protest vs Epping Forest enclosures 102
 JOHNSON    Henry      Colchester tailor, mstr of Robt Ellys, attacked   181
 JOHNSON    John       Thaxted hsbdmn, poaching in Horham Park 1587      237
 JOHNSON    John       Witham hsbdmn, accused of Creeksea poaching 1581  236
 JOHNSON    Nicholas   Woodham Mortimer rector, was burgled 1598         269
 JOSSELYN   William    Hatfield/b/O, Hy Ingolde died at his house 1567   225
 JOSSELYNG  Master     Lt Thurrock, sold woodland but left no staddles    31
 JOYE       Richard    Moulsham tailor, witness to Nicholson/Neuberye    161
 KEABLE     Ralph      Queen's purveyor, actions questioned Witham 1567   31
 KEALE      John       Braintree shoemaker, extorted as bailiff 1579      89
 KEAPE      John       Sible Hedingham yeoman, surety 1585               110
 KEAPE      Thomas     Halstead, idle/disorderly during 1580s            109
 KEELER     William    Prittlewell, clothing stolen by Rachel Brackley   302
 KELTON     Thomas     Earles Colne gmn, charged 1587 as common barrator 139
 KEMPE      John       Elmstead, cheese stolen by Revd Medcalfe 1595 ?   294
 KEMPE      John       Finchingfield gmn, in affray on Pasfield &c 1585  109
 KEMPE      Robert     Finchingfield JP, warrant for Robt Cokerell 1569  181
 KEMPE      Robert     Finchingfield, Spains Hall, ex Justice            110
 KENDALL    Thomas     E Colne, libelled as a cuckold                     68
 KENT       Ann        Foxearth labr, assaulted in riotous attack 1570   104
 KENT       Barbara    Belchamp Walter, wounded by Foxearth man 1570     104
 KENT       Charles    Foxearth, assaulted by several men 1570           105
 KENT       Henry      Foxearth labr, assaulted in riotous attack 1570   104
 KENT       Joan       Leigh unmarr, accused of heresy re sacrament        4
 KEYES      Thomas     Goldhanger, a rumour-monger                       139
 KIGHTLEY   Thomas     Grays gmn, got labr to dig enclosing ditch 1578   135
 KINDLEMARSHRobert     Canewdon, Augustine Dawney abducted fm his house  196
 KINGE                 Harlow Bush Common, tenant farmer of Kitchen Hall   9
 KINGE      John       Lost £60 in Peckham/Iseley robberies + horse      272
 KINGE      Ralphe     Thorpe ?  Lt Bromley rector, commissary.           92
 KNIGHT     John       Kelvedon butcher, conned by Thos Pygrem 1589       93
 KNIGHTBR.. John       Laindon (K..bridge), gave bond re Crushe's cows   169
 KNIGHT...  George     Chlmsfd tailor (K'bridge) surety for Hugh Barker   71
 KYNGE      Richard    Clchstr gaolkpr, horses taken 1579 by runaways    286
 KYNGSMAN   Alice      Springfield, w of Benjamin, killed 2yr-old dau    156
 KYNGSMAN   Benjamin   Springfield gmn                                   156
 KYTTAR     John       Hadleigh hsbdmn, murcer conviction 1597           165
 LACIE      Edmund     Dagenham, aka Edmund Cheveley                     128
 LACYE      John       Boreham, keeper, shot at with arrows 1582         240
 LACYE      John       E Ham gmn (see Jn Graves)                         166
 LAKE       Richard    Romford, held land by Paynes Bridge                23
 LAMBERT    Robert     Clchstr mcht, riotous attack 1567 on boats        104
 LAMBERTE   John       Wethersfield, a notorious lecher/troublemaker 1575198
 LAME       Anne       Clchstr, d of Hy, abducted 1585 by ymn            195
 LAME       Henry      Colchester btchr (Lambe?), will 1588              195
 LANDYS     Joan       Hadleigh, owed 30/- debt to Jn Kyttar 1597        165
 LANGLEY    Mr         Takeley, blocking a watercourse                    18
 LARDER     George     Upminster hsbdmn, on poaching outings 1592        250
 LARKE      John       Coggeshall fuller, stole a tainter 1593           298
 LARKYN     Edward     Finchingfield gmn, killed Wm Parkington 1597      152
 LASTON     William    Kelvedon trader, conned by Thos Pygrem 1589        93
 LATHAM     Nicholas   Upminster landowner                               244
 LATHAM     Thomas     Upminster, evidence in Robotham case 1586         188
 LAWRENCE   John       Lt Maplestead, presentment vs Richd Strutt 1567    34
 LAWRENCE   Thomas     Dedham, aka Thos Ferne                            258
 LAWRENCE   Thomas     Bocking, lodged at Bettes', Gosfield 1853         210
 LAWSON     Robert     Southchurch (Hall), his conies poached 1563       246
 LEACH      James      London painter, ejected Francis Helmer from home  123
 LEE        Robert     Chingford gmn, trespass/damage against Wm Uvedall 109
 LEGATT     John       Dagenham, Eastbrook End, disseised 1569           128
 LEGGATT    Thomas     Romford gmn, held land by Paynes Bridge            23
 LEIGHS     Thomas     W Hanningfield gmn, robbery of Jane Clovyle 1593  258
 LENNARD    Henry      Chelmsford, money stolen by child Thos Sharpe     302
 LEONARD    Jonas      Roydon, fished Chris Ayston's ponds 1579          253
 LEONARD    Stephen    Roydon, took Richd Swyfte's conies 1579           253
 LEONARD    Thomas     Roydon, fished Chris Ayston's ponds 1579          253
 LETCH      Richard    Ridgewell mercer, burgled Jn Hakyn, extensively     8
 LEVERICHE  Thomas     Kelvedon "Angel", allowed cards, dice, &c 1585    221
 LEVET      Matthew    Leaden Roothing clerk, coined a gold angel 1591    82
 LEVETT     Matthew    Leaden Roothing rector, disseised.                130
 LEVETT     Matthew    Leaden Roothing rector, a common barrator, dicer..143
 LEVINGTON  John       Latton, 50pds stolen from his chest                10
 LEWES      Laurence   Grays, young woman at his house, & not at church    6
 LEWES      Peter      Burnham vicar, assault on Allyson family 1589     112
 LEWES      Peter      Burnham vicar, barratry/insults/discord 1587      144
 LEWES      William    Manningtree wvr, guilty of coin clipping &c 1578   81
 LEWTY      Margaret   Aveley, wife of Wilfred Lutey gmn                  59
 LEWYKIN    Prudence   Takeley, w of Revd Robt, aided Collyn disseisin   130
 LEWYKIN    Robert     Takeley vicar, disseised Wm Collyn 1563           130
 LILLEY     John       Terling innkpr, chest stolen from guest 1585      265
 LINGWOOD   John       Colchester ? Charge of raising revolt 1567         63
 LITTLE     John       Brundon (Stour) miller, cloth stolen fm him 1578  298
 LIVERMORE  John       Wethersfield, witness against John Walford 1583   141
 LODGE      Robert     Chlmsfd tapster (ex Brentwood), gave false coins   82
 LOKER      John jnr   Finchingfield draper, robbed of money/horse 1602  274
 LONDON     Samuel     Coggeshall, assaulted by mob 1593                 112
 LONG       John       Chelmsford, landlord of Fitch, apothecary          74
 LONGBOROUGHWilliam    Heybridge, abused watch, extorted, 1580           177
 LONGE      Thomas     Liston (Stour) miller, stole cloth - no date      298
 LONGE      William    Dunmow parishioner, named re bridge repair         21
 LONGTHORPE William    Liston (Stour) miller, stole cloth - no date      298
 LORKEN     Edward     Mountnessing ymn, big Danbury theft of food 1586  294
 LORKEN     Geoffrey   E Horndon brickmkr, conying on Ingrave Cmn 1582   244
 LORKIN     John       Walden tanner, stole some hides 1589              300
 LORKYN     Thomas     Rayleigh, Bull Inn, broken into 1574              105
 LOVELACE   Richard    Navestock gmn, tenant of Loft Hall, expelled 1594 127
 LOW        John       Belchamp Otten, his wheat damaged by Bulmer ymen  105
 LOWES      Philip     Servant of Sir Jn Petre, 1580s                     50
 LUCAS      Thomas     Clchstr town clerk, incited attack on boats 1567  104
 LUCAS      Thomas     Colchester justice 1577                           215
 LUCKEN     William    Gt Baddow, shd repair Josse Bridge on Rayleigh rd  21
 LUCKYN     Edward     Roxwell ymn, found and kept goshawk 1592          252
 LUCKYN     Robert     Takeley, aka Lewykin                              130
 LUCKYN     Thomas     Writtle, svt of Geoffrey Beckett, miller, 1600    270
 LUKYN      Anthony    High Roothing, stole 7pds, aged 14, charged 1556    5
 LUKYN      William    Mashbury ymn, accused vicar of false practice       4
 LURKYN     Ellis      Gt Braxted baker, Gilbert Crakbone his svt 1581   248
 LUTER      Thomas     Stapleford Twaney high constable 1569             204
 LUTEY      Wilfred    Aveley gmn, incitement to papacy 1593              58
 LYDE       Lawrence   Ardleigh rector, barratry/incitement crime, 1574  145
 LYDGEARD   Alice      Witham w of Jn, assaulted by Jn Offyn with pole   166
 LYDGEARD   John       Witham, house broken into by Robt Offyn 1562      166
 LYN        William jr Colchester, also assaulted by Jn Abell 1568       172
 LYN        William snrLexden, constable, assaulted by Abell 1568        172
 LYNES      William    Stock smith, named in libel charge in 1585         69
 LYNGWOOD   Jeffrey    Braintree, witness Skynners' depositions 1582     169
 LYNGWOOD   John       Kelvedon trader, conned by Thos Pygrem 1589        93
 LYNGWOOD   John       Braintree, witness Skynners' depositions 1582     169
 LYNNET     John       Woodford Bridge, 1572 request for alehouse licence208
 LYNSELL    John       Stock, br-i-law of Thos Petchey, in court 1585     69
 LYNSEY     Thomas     Lost £115 in Peckham/Iseley robberies             272
 LYNWOOD    Edward     Ongar chapman, guilty of false rumours 1586        56
 MACKWILLIAMHenry      Colchester, his hay was trampled by 2 yeomen       11
 MADDOCKES  Thomas     Aveley ymn, gambled in Ongar alehouse 1574        221
 MADDOXE    Thomas     Stapleford Abbots, beaten by Edwd Grevell &c 1575 114
 MADOCKE    Lewis      Fryerning rector, subject of libel in 1585         68
 MADYSON    Ralph      Shellow B ymn, 1566 broke into parsonage/glebe    130
 MAKYN      Edward     Attorney for Peter Lewes on barratry charge 1587  144
 MALDEN     Clim       Chlmsfd, named in the Barker/Chitham case 1600     71
 MALDON     John       Messing robbery, lost 14/- to Jn Pudney 1595      274
 MALDON     William    Gt Baddow, he & family assaulted/robbed 1597      263
 MALVILL    John       S Benfleet, clerk, extreme Puritan sermon 1582     49
 MAN        Joseph     Braintree, witness Skynners' depositions 1582     169
 MANNE      Richard    Braintree, attacked haymaking, hay stolen, 1568   136
 MANNERINGE Gabriel    Maldon ymn, stole fm chest of Jn Steven 1579      265
 MANSELL    Edmund     Fingringhoe ymn, sorcery/arson vs Edwd Burgess     98
 MARKANT    William    Gt Bentley gmn, resisted arrest in chchyd 1598    188
 MARKAUNT   Jane       Gt Holland, w of Thos.                            268
 MARKAUNT   Thomas     Gt Holland, burgled of £140 plus, 1588            268
 MARSEY     William    Gt Easton gmn, assault on woman (w Pawne) 1571    135
 MARSHALL   John       Boxsted miller, attacked Pentlow constables 1567  174
 MARSHALL   John       Lt Wakering parsonage house, under lease          147
 MARSHALL   Robert     Shimpling miller attacked Pentlow constables 1567 174
 MARSHALL   William    Feering gmn, grass ruined by Robt Cooke &c        134
 MARSHE     John       Butcher, accuastion of horse-stealing 1591        290
 MARSHE     John       Stebbing, stole some hides 1586                   300
 MARSHE     Thomas snr Stebbing butcher, killed Alice Wakelyn with axe   149
 MARTIN     Alice      Hartley Kent, bt counterfeit passport 1592 for 8d  87
 MARTINDALE John       Stock, house burgled, clothing taken, 1569        260
 MASCALL    Alexander  Gt Leighs rector 1588-1619                         99
 MASCALL    Mary       Gt Leighs, w of Alex, fired barn of Hy Robinson    99
 MASLYN     Richard    Brentwood glover, skins stolen 1567, Richd Warner 300
 MASSEY     William    W Hanningfield gmn, robbery of Jane Clovyle 1593  258
 MASSIE     William    Springfield gmn 1598                              193
 MATHEW     Thomas     Chelmsford ymn, killed buck nr Coggeshall 1577    241
 MATTHEW    Thomas     Stanford/l/h, expelled Jn Odingsales fm Cabborns  119
 MAXEY      Anthony    Gt Dunmow JP                                      125
 MAXY       Mr         Bradwell juxta C, held land by Blackwater Bridge   37
 MAY        Thomas     Chlmsfd grocer, bailed a defendant 1590           175
 MAYE       Richard    Roydon, took Richd Swyfte's conies 1579           253
 MAYNERDE   John       Clchstr clothier, charge of riotous attack 1567   103
 MAYOR      John       Sudbury, hsi land in Belchamp was plundered 1570  104
 MAYSHORT   Michael    Writtle vicar, preached a troublesome sermon 1574  44
 MAYSHOTT   Michael    Writtle vicar, puritan sermon 1574, arrested      185
 MEADE      John       Elmdon gmn, assaulted keeper of Broadoaks Pk 1601 242
 MEADE      Thomas     Sat as justice at Braintree 1574 re Thos Bedell    45
 MEDCALFE   Isaac      Halstead glover, victim of Thos Keape 1587        110
 MEDCALFE   Isaac      Halstead glover, surety for Hercules Turner 1592  177
 MEDCALFE   Reginald   Elmstead vicar 1588-, cheese theft charge 1595    294
 MEDCALFE   William    Coggeshall labr, seditious statements 1586         55
 MEDELEY    Henry      Tilty, complaint 1578 re bogus church officer      93
 MEDLEY     George     Tilty, esq, 3 wethers stolen from him              10
 MELBROOK   William    L Easton ymn, took £46 10s fm D Throgmorton 1589  258
 MELFORD    Robert     Gt Dunmow mercer/c'stable, assault by Sewell 1585 226
 MERCERE    ChristopherStanford ?  Clerk, some clothes stolen 1579       263
 MERLER     William    Feering gmn, failed to perform road repairs 1566   17
 METCALFE   Reginald   Elmstead vicar, petitioned re hard usage           58
 METHAM     William    Manningtree smith, indicted 1571 as barrator      143
 METTLEMAN  John       London bellfndr, killed harrys after assault      162
 MIDDLETON  Gregory    Queen's purveyor, his actions questioned 1566      31
 MIDDLETON  Marmaduke  Billericay sch/mstr, brawling etc, 1576           145
 MILBORNE   Roger      Gt Dunmow, ulicensed victualling 1595             210
 MILES      Henry      Kelvedon, s-i-law of Richd Sames of Feering       163
 MINSTRELL  Nicholas   Hatfield P, broke into ch service 1573 (v Jobson) 121
 MITCHE     Philip     Canewdon (Ames), ejected by Jn Thurston & others  127
 MONCKE     Francis    Buttsbury tiler, poaching charge 1582 (Crondon?)  240
 MONCKE     Thomas     Stock, in court re the Stock libel case 1585       69
 MONGOMERIE Alice      Horndon, w of Jn, halped in his burglary            9
 MONGOMERIE John       Horndon-o-t-Hill, clerk, burgled a house c1560      9
 MONK       Francis    Stock brickie, conied 1587 in Petre warren        244
 MONK       Thomas     Stock brickie, conied 1587 in Petre warren        244
 MONOUX     George     London mcht                                       119
 MOORE      Agnes      Burnham, evidence om re Robt Gybbyns 1584         108
 MOORE      John       Thaxted, aka John Taylor                          186
 MOORE      Thomas     Dagenham gmn, surety for Rev Peter Lewes 1587     144
 MOPTED     Humphrey   Frinton ymn, his svt killed her child             157
 MORDAUNT   Robert     Hempstead, named re repair of wholve               37
 MORE       Robert     Orsett landowner, asked to repair Skynners Bridge   6
 MORECOCKE  John       Rayleigh innkeeper, stole horse 1601              291
 MORICE     James      Tilty, complaint 1578 re bogus church officer      93
 MORRANT    Henry      Colchester, victim of riotous attack 1567         104
 MORRELL    Roger      Colchester weaver. Charge of raising revolt 1567   63
 MORRICE    James      Sat as justice at Braintree 1574 re Thos Bedell    45
 MORRIS     Francis    London cook, 1584 Romford burglary (E of Arundel) 266
 MORRIS     James      High Ongar, held land by High Ongar Bridge         23
 MORRIS     Philip     Dunmow gmn, his geese and ducks stolen - no date  293
 MORTIMER   William    Toppesfield, robbed of linen & many coins 1566    264
 MOTT       John       Halstead, traspass action against Halstead woman  173
 MOUNSON    Robert     Sat as justice at Braintree 1574 re Thos Bedell    45
 MOUNTJOYE  Edward     Copford, his barn set alight 1590                  99
 MOWSE      John       License to practise physic from Archbp of Canty    91
 MOYSSE     Henry      Feering, hired Jn Holdinge for 1 yr, 1568          32
 MUNKE      Harry      Laindon farmer, blocked a highway 1568             19
 MYCHELL    Anthony    London gmn, assaulted Paynter/Strutt in Brentwood 276
 MYCHELL    John       Braintree gmn, burgled Jas Wilkinson 1597         269
 MYDDELTON  Robert     Clchstr draper, riotous attack 1567 on boats      104
 MYNTO      John       Brentwood ymn, refused to help quell riot 1577    106
 NAYLAR     William    Lt Laver constable, fined for non-appearance 1562  29
 NAYLOR     James      Weeley, charged with making false documents 1593   87
 NEALE      Jesse      Cressing cooper, sold conies in Braintree 1583    246
 NEALE      William    Epping innkeeper 1586                              83
 NEUBERYE   John       Chlmsfd butcher, assault by Thos Nicholson        161
 NEVELL     John       Laindon, involved in Crushe/Croxon affair 1576    170
 NEWELL     BartholomewProbably a vagrant, mention in 1581                84
 NEWMAN     Edward     Clchstr ymn, freed Robt Stowe from constables     106
 NEWMAN     Robert     Stock, named in libel charge in 1585               69
 NEWMAN     Thomas     Ugley gmn, 4 steers stolen from him 1573          284
 NEWMAN     Thomas     Canewdon vicar, led abduction raid on Kindlemarsh 196
 NEWMAN     Thomas     Orsett, conying charge in S Ockendon 1600         245
 NEWMAN     Walter     E Colne mason, foreknew Thos Sandford burglary    267
 NEWMAN     William    Butcher, stole animals at Blackmore etc, 1567     285
 NEWTON     John       Colchester, suspected of rebellious intent 1576   105
 NEWTON     John       Fordham? Attacked watchmen 1586 with pitchfork    176
 NEWTON     John jnr   Writtle tailor, charged with card-playing 1580    221
 NEWTON     John snr   Writtle tailor, charged with card-playing 1580    221
 NICHOLLS   William    Wimbish, keeper of Broadoaks Park 1601            242
 NICHOLSON  Thomas     Moulsham shoemkr, assaulted Jn Neuberye, killed   161
 NICOLSON   John       E Tilbury alehouse, unlicensed, drunkenry, 1602   205
 NIGHTINGALEGeoffrey   Newport, bullocks stolen by Andrew Howe 1591      284
 NIGHTINGALEStephen    Newport glover, skins stolen from him 1582        300
 NOBLE                 Kelvedon, marr Joan Cocke's daughter               28
 NOKE       Edmund     Hatfield/bd/O gmn, threw Franke from his pew 1564 186
 NOKE       John       Stisted, 23, killed Jn Collins in fight 1565      150
 NOKE       Robert     Hatfield/bd/O gmn, threw Franke from his pew 1564 186
 NORCOTT    John       Rayleigh innkeeper, received stolen horse 1601    291
 NORRIS     William    Burnham, perhaps mcht/shipper, burgled 1590       266
 NORRYS     William    Billericay butcher, drew blood with quart pot     167
 NORTHE     John       Wickham constable                                  33
 NORTHEDGE  Hugh       High Easter, Pk Lane, assaulted/robbed 1598       274
 NORTON     John       Colchester gmn/brewer, behind death of Jn Eve     160
 NORTON     John       Springfield cptr, 1589 burglary in Wickford       269
 NORTON     John       Clchstr gmn, freed Robt Stowe from constables     106
 NOTTAK     Thomas     Debden rector 1544/60, gbh charge 1556              6
 NOWELL     Edward     Stanford ?  Rector c 1579                         263
 NOWELL     Roger      Heybridge, vicar, charge of sedition 1582          52
 NULAND     John       Orsett, engrossed wheat and rye                     7
 NUN        Arthur     Boreham, svt of Geo Basford of New Hall, 1581     235
 NUSE       Clement    E Donyland, tenant of Edwd Jobson, ejected 1582   121
 NUTBROWNE  William    Dagenham, manor of Cockermouth                    247
 NYCHOLL    Thomas     Chlmsfd labourer, stole 17 sheep 1564 at Steeple  285
 NYCOLLS    George     Sat as justice at Braintree 1574 re Thos Bedell    45
 ODINGSALES John       Stanford/l/h gmn, expelled by Thos Mathew 1555    118
 OFFYN      Robert     Gt Baddow ymn, assaulted Alice Lydgeard 1562      166
 OGESDON    Roger      Witham, took hides from Jn Garret 1588            300
 OKELEY     William    Tollesbury miller, stole 5 wethers                 10
 OSBORNE    Thomas     Gt Birch, sheep stolen by Wm Crowche 1558         281
 OSELEY     Richard    Chlmsfd gmn, killed his attacker 1601             158
 OTES       Thomas     Debden smith, stole cloth and shirts 1556           3
 OVERED     Henry      Wethersfield hsbdmn, evidence re poaching 1589    237
 OVERED     John       Shalford clotheir, br of Hy of Wethersfield       237
 OVERED     Walter     Gt Warley gmn, wounded in assault 1598, died      151
 OWER       John       Kelvedon fuller, stole cloth in Braintree 1568    298
 OWLER      Richard    Navestock, svt of Wm Browne, evidence re horse    287
 PAGE       Richard    Lt Maplestead, presentment vs Richd Strutt 1567    34
 PAGE       Robert     Aldham miller, surety for alehouse keeper 1588     43
 PAGE       William    Thurrock gmn, JP ?                                162
 PALMER     Joan       Stanford Rivers, warning not to associate, 1562    29
 PALMER     William    Woodford ymn, protest vs Epping Forest enclosures 102
 PAM        Edward     Alphamstone gmn, evidence against Jn Collyn        90
 PAMPLYN    John       Gt Waltham shoemkr, killed a 9yr-old boy          161
 PARKER     Charles    Blackmore, aka Charles Smyth                      286
 PARKER     John       Wethersfield, witness against John Walford 1583   141
 PARKER     John       Gt Maplestead parishioner 1562                     33
 PARKER     John       Arkesdon hsbdmn, assaulted Jn Sarle in Elmdon 1562166
 PARKER     Thomas     Shefield gmn, Osgoods (Shenfield)                 246
 PARKIN     Alice      Brentwood widow, lost cloth in robbery 1577       276
 PARKINGTON William    Braintree? Stabbed by Edwd larkyn 1597 & died     152
 PARKINS    Roger      Fryerning smith, ejected Richd Drynker of Writtle 126
 PARKINSON  Roger      Fryerning, aka Parkins                            126
 PARKYNS    Roger      Fryerning smith, freed fm custody, Wm Hollwth 1585172
 PARMENTER  Edward     Lt Maplestead, presentment vs Richd Strutt 1567    34
 PARMENTER  John       Lt Maplestead, presentment vs Richd Strutt 1567    34
 PARRE      Robert     Finchingfield vicar, stock stolen 1577            134
 PARTRIDGE  William    Stanford/l/h, opposed to rector Clipsam 1590s     190
 PASCALL    John       Gt Baddow, affray on Stock Common 1580            114
 PASCALL    William    E Horndon, svt to Geoffrey Lorken, conying 1582   244
 PASFIELD   Edward     Wethersfield, witness against John Walford 1583   141
 PASFIELD   William    Finchingfield, victim of affray/assault 1585      109
 PASFIELD   William    Tolleshunt, much injured by Edwd Goldingham 1602  183
 PATESON    Richard    Lt Waltham rector 1585/1616, surety for poacher   240
 PATRICK    Robert     Beaumont, evidence in case of Jas Naylor           87
 PATRICKE   John       Ingrave, put cony nets across path/lane 1563/4    247
 PATTRYKE   James      Ingrave hsbdmn, caught conies on common           244
 PATTRYKE   John       Ingrave, poacher & a common quarreller, 1564      140
 PAVIOTT    Thomas     Hatfield/b/O ymn, unlawful football played 1567   225
 PAWNE      William    H Ongar gmn, Chivers Hall, assault on woman 1571  135
 PAYNE      Henry      Aldham gmn, committed robbery at Henham 1599      275
 PAYNE      John       Gt Maplestead constable 1562                       33
 PAYNE      John       Ingatestone, his fowling piece was stolen 1590    261
 PAYNE      John       Kirby gmn, broke/entered Gregory Stone's ho 1598  262
 PAYNTER    Thomas     Brentwood ? Assaulted/robbed 1577, cash/cloth     276
 PEACHIE    William    Woodham Ferrers, two horses stolen c1558          281
 PEARSON    John       Coggeshall, received stolen wool 1601             297
 PEASE      Richard    Ulting hsbdmn, assaulted Wm Bastick 1567, fined   180
 PECKEVER   William    Gt Baddow gmn, ejected Ursula Grave fm home 1591  125
 PECKHAM    Reynold    Corringham (ex Kent?), highway robberies 1575     272
 PECOCKE    ChristopherRunwell curate ? Attacked beating bounds 1578     113
 PEPPER     John       Hatfield Peverel, burgled thru hole in wall 1581  270
 PERRY      Matthew    Gt Warley gmn, illegal use of gun/crossbow 1541   254
 PERRYE     John       Stanford le Hope ymn, svt killed her child        157
 PERY       Matthew    Gt Warley gmn, 1565 shot conies with gun/crossbow 246
 PERY       Philip     Stanford/l/h, churchwarden in 1591                190
 PETCHEY    Thomas     Stock innkeeper, in court re Stock libel, 1585     69
 PETECRUE   Jeffrey    Stock, named in libel charge in 1585               69
 PETER      Henry      Takeley labourer, his home burgled 1557             2
 PETER      Joan       Takeley, w of Henry Peter                           2
 PETER      John       Woodham Mortimer, s-i-law of Jn Seriche            94
 PETER      Joyce      Takeley widow                                       2
 PETER      Margaret   Takeley, dau of Henry Peter ?                       2
 PETLOE     Matthew    Colchester, suspected of rebellious intent 1576   105
 PEVEREL    Richard    Rochford ymn, bound 1590 re stealing conies       247
 PEYTON     Richard    Appeared as attorney for Anthony Caudell 1567     251
 PHILIPS    Fabian     Lt Warley (Hall), tenure in 1596                  113
 PHILLIPS   John       Chlmsfd tailor, name in Barker/Chitham case 1600   77
 PHILLIPS   Peter      Manningtree apparitor, extortion in 1591 @ Moze    92
 PHILPOTT   Mrs        Burnham, plot with Chaundler to kill her husband  199
 PHILPOTT   Mrs        Burnham, evidence om re Robt Gybbyns 1584         108
 PILBORROW  Mr         Lt Dunmow, called out Anthony Maxey re Jn Bust    125
 PILSEDON   Richard    Hatfield/bd/O ymn, threw Franke from his pew 1564 186
 PINCHON    John       Springfield gmn, ram stolen from him 1597         284
 PINDER     William    Stock rector (largely absent) 1580/1626            70
 PINDER     William    Stock rector 1580/1625, riot and discord !        144
 PINNER     Thomas     Stanford, s-i-law of Geo Dorrell, attacked Willett182
 PIRTON     Edmund     Colchester justice 1577                           215
 PIRTON     Edmund     Examined Jas Naylor 1593 re false papers           87
 PLAYFAIR   Thomas     Maldon labourer, treason charge 1580               41
 PLAYLE     Reginald   Fyfield ymn, charge of hunting @ Wthm Abbey 1596  239
 PLAYSE     John       Gt Bentley ymn, resisted arrest in chchyd 1598    188
 PLEDGER    Bridget    Chlmsfd, married Hugh Barker 1575                  77
 PLOMER     Thomas     Dunton, home burgled 1556                           3
 PLUMBE     Thomas jnr Belchamp Walter, was burgled 1601 (silver &c)     269
 POLEY      Alice      Gt Stambridge, w of Wm, heir of Edmund Shaa       118
 POLEY      William    Gt Stambridge, expelled Thos Shaa fm Colemans     118
 POLLE      Hugh       Witham, age 60+, evidence re bridge repairs        23
 POOLE      Goodman    Abbess Roothing, slandered Gilbert Aylett 1595     67
 POOLE      Thomas     Finchingfield, took part in trespasses 1577       134
 POPE       Clement    Chlmsfd glover d1598, Hugh Barker m his widow      74
 PORTER     John       W Ham fishmonger, stole Jn Shipman's crops 1567   133
 PORTER     John       Brentwood smith, not shoe c'stable's horse 1588   177
 POSTANS    John       Waltham Abbey ymn, bt Wm Cooke & svt 1575         114
 POTTER     Richard    Kelvedon smith, assaulted constable 1562          174
 POTTER     Robert     Colchester ymn, killed 1603 (duel with Wylbore ?) 152
 POWLE      Thomas     W Ham JP, apprehended Jn Thorowgood 1596           96
 PRAGELL    John       W Ham constable, wrote re riotous parishnr 1596   142
 PRATT      Edward     Lt Saling hsbdmn, kept unlicensed alehouse 1600   205
 PRATT      Roger      Saffrom Walden bookbndr, aided Wm in killing 1588 161
 PRATT      William    Saffron Walden, killed Gabriel Thurgood 1588      160
 PRENTICE   John       Colne Engaine ymn, extortion from Jn Fynche 1572   90
 PRENTICE   Stephen    Romford smith, in 1584 burglary (E of Arundel)    266
 PRESTMAN   John       Clchstr ymn, freed Robt Stowe from constables     106
 PRESTON    Richard    Chingford ymn, trespass/damage against Wm Uvedall 109
 PRICE      Frances    Tendring manor, ejected by Hy Wentford &c 1577    128
 PRICKETT   Roger      Moulsham, friend of the rogue Edmund Chevely      289
 PROFYTT               Langham, competing alehouse application 1601      206
 PROWE      Robert     E Donyland, break-in with Jn Jobson 1582 (v Nuse) 121
 PROWE      Robert     E Donyland gmn, illegal use of handgun 1582       254
 PRYCE      Thomas     Fambridge gmn, assaulted Richd Archer in chch     188
 PUDNEY     John       Wickham Bps labr, robbed Jn Maldon @ Messing      274
 PULLEN     William    High Easter tailor, disseisin of Rv Jn Holmes     130
 PULLEYN    Anthony    Hired Joan Smyth for 1 yr, prob as svt             32
 PULLYVER   John       Writtle, clerk, pilloried 1580 for unwise sermon   49
 PUNFORD    Thomas     Manuden, claimed title to rectory, via Harrys     162
 PUNT       Richard    Manningtree draper/constable, offered bribes 1600  95
 PUPLETT    Henry      Gt Horkesley ymn, indicted as barrator &c 1575    143
 PURKAS     Henry      Bocking, raid/assault by several men, 1587        271
 PURKYS     Timothy    Chlmsfd joiner, named in Barker/Chitham case 1600  71
 PURLE      William    Boreham miller, broke into Hatfield P Ch service  121
 PYCKETT    Elizabeth  High Easter, struck by Sam Phylpott in church     184
 PYE        John       Gosfield, fell & died during football, 1582       226
 PYGOTT     George     Thaxted ymn, expelled Jane Brooke from her pew    186
 PYGREM     Thomas     Kelvedon, falsely charged market traders 1589      93
 PYKE       Thomas     Shoebury, complaint about him by Vicar c1560      184
 PYKE       Thomas     E Hanningfield, hayfield in Panfield Mead         136
 PYLBOROWE  John       Hatfield Peverel, abduction of Susan Biglond 1572 195
 PYNCHON    Edward     Writtle gmn, assaulted in Brentwood inn 1562      162
 QUERNE     Thomas     Roydon, took Richd Swyfte's conies 1579           253
 QUICKE     Francis    Onger alehouse keeper, allowed gambling 1574      221
 QUILTER    Thomas     Writtle smith, burgled Beckett's windmill 1600    270
 RADLEY     Thomas     Dedham butcher, hired by Jn Sperlinge 1568, 40s pa 32
 RAIE       Robert     Wanstead ? Stole conies or bought them ? 1580     246
 RAINEBIRD  Henry      Downham, svt of Hy Tyrrel, killed in fight        159
 RAMME      Mr         Justices' clerk, recd letter from Edwd Bury JP    146
 RAMME      William    Clchstr gmn, riotous attack 1567 on boats         104
 RAMPSTON   Thomas     Walthamstow, lease of Salisbury Hall              103
 RAMPSTON   Thomas     Walthamstow, m Margaret widow of Roger Ascham     268
 RAMSEY     David      Moulsham labr, accused as papist 1588, discharged  56
 RAND       John       Langham, alehouse near the church 1601            206
 RANDALL    William    Langdon Hills, minister (prob temp) 1592           86
 RATTELL    John       Stanford/l/h, refuge for Willett when attacked    182
 RAVENS     Henry      Dedham shearman, broke Robinson's fencing 1567    136
 RAYE       George     Stansted M/f, contempt of court 1592, 10pd fine    67
 RAYE       John       Stansted M/f, contempt of court 1592, 5pd fine     67
 RAYE       Nicholas   Stansted Mountfitchet, bt Thremhall Priory         67
 RAYMONDE   James      Dagenham, ejected Jn Legatt fm Eastbrook End 1569 128
 RAYNEBEARD Nicholas   Stansted, poor, discharged from court w/out fine   67
 RAYNOLDS   Edward     Gt Oakley gmn, svts stole £5 10s, 1560            260
 READE      John       Heydon, informed against Rv Wm Shepherd 1580       49
 READE      Richard    High Laver ymn, received Thos Howell's horse 1596 291
 REDGEWAY   Randall    Heybridge glover, abused the watchmen 1580        177
 REED       Robert     Finchingfield, involved in trespasses 1577 + wife 135
 REEDE      Richard    Mistley, bronze kettle stolen by Hugh Sheppheard   27
 RENDISSHE  Edmund     Cambs, his cattle stoeln in Brentwood 1576        284
 REVE       John       Blackmore mercer, locked up in church 1588, freed 188
 REYNOLD               High Easter, 1587, meeting in his house            94
 REYNOLDES  William    Maldon ymn, stole fm chest of Jn Steven 1579      265
 REYNOLDS   Nicholas   Foulness, disseised by 3 locals 1593              128
 REYNOULDES Edward     Nayland Park, expelled by Nayland men 1573        128
 RICHE      Edward     Horndon esq, JP, big burglary 1600 (plate &c)     268
 RICHE      Joan       Horndon/o/t/Hill, w of Edward Riche               268
 RIDDESDALE John jnr   Finchingfield, aka Jn Loker                       274
 RIGBY      John       Woodford, victim of affray Epping Forest 1573     102
 RINGE      Henry      Fyfield miller, attacked 1600, female abducted    196
 ROBBINS    John       Gt Bromley sawyer, murdered Jn Elder 1571, guilty 148
 ROBERTS    John       Gt Bromley, aka Jn Robbins                        148
 ROBIANT    Thomas     Good Easter hsbdmn (or Robjant)                    94
 ROBIANT    William    Orsett ymn, murdered Thos Waight                  148
 ROBIAUNTE  Thomas     H Easter ymn, hunted in Pleshey Pk with kpr 1575  242
 ROBINSON   Edmund     Dedham wvr, Nether Hall meadow fence broken down  136
 ROBINSON   Henry      Fairsted rector, barn fired 1599 by Mary Mascall   99
 ROBOTHAM   James      Upminster gmn, bur in chch, exhumed & reburied    188
 ROBSON     John       Upminster warrener, night netting of conies 1578  244
 ROBYNSON   Robert     London ymn, 1584 Romford burglary (E of Arundel)  266
 ROCHESTER  John       Terling esq.                                      195
 ROCHESTER  John       Terling, ejected from acre of land by Wm R 1571   127
 ROCHESTER  Richard    Terling hsbdmn, ejected tenant from Bettes 1596   127
 ROCHESTER  Thomas     Lost £140 in highway robbery nr Feering 1599      273
 ROCHESTER  William    Terling family dispute with John R, disseised     127
 RODES      Richard    Kelvedon innkeeper, £26 stolen by 2 ostlers 1568  277
 ROGERS     Richard    Wethersfield lecturer (preacher) 1580s            141
 ROGERS     William    London gmn, in party that burgled Clement Sisley  265
 ROLFE      Michael    Wix, badly injured in assault/affray 1592         112
 ROLFE      Richard    Danbury, f/law of Wm Thrustell, tanner (re Bynder) 61
 ROSE       Richard    Lt Clacton hsbdmn, feud with Hy Sylles, 1581       98
 ROTHMAN    Edward     Pleshey ymn, abused church lecturer 1586          188
 ROULSTON              Wethersfield, kept victualling house              141
 ROWE       William    Leyton esq, guardian of Thos Hale                  61
 ROWLAND    Robert     Greenstead rector, gambled @ Ongar alehouse 1574  221
 ROWLEY     Ralph      Chelmsford, succeeded Geo Burghley, date unknown  196
 ROYSE      Stephen    Coggeshall wvr, stole wool fm Thos Shortland 1601 297
 RUDDING    ChristopherBrentwood, lost £30 in highway robbery 1567       273
 RUDDLESTON John       Bocking, extortionate fees as Bp's Registrar 1595  92
 RUDYART    Thomas     Lt Hallingbury clerk, stole rectory books 1575    258
 RUNWELL    William    Stole 10 horses in 1596 (Widford &c)              286
 RUST       William    Felsted vicar, criticised Ld Rich, slander charge 142
 RUST       William    Felsted vicar 1582, slander against Lord Rich      67
 RYCARD     William    Lt Ilford rector 1555/83, mare stolen 1572 (£5)   286
 RYGGESBY   John       Waltham gmn                                       153
 RYPTON     John       E Tilbury smith, indicted 1574 for papist sedition 43
 SABYN      John       Stortford, ex-employer of Jn Gyll                 283
 SACHE      George     Gt Tey, injured Grace Garbett in tithes dispute   170
 SAFFOLD    John       Heybridge hatter, abused the watchmen 1580        177
 SALINGE    Thomas     Ch Ongar btchr, conspired to defame Thos Sampford  66
 SALMON     Robert     Broxted, Chawreth Hall, his ferret stolen 1601    248
 SALMON     William    Copford Turner, stole hawks from Jn Stokes 1575   251
 SAME       Mary       Castle Hdnghm widow, lost £53 stolen 1594         258
 SAMES      Francis    London, aka Francis Morris                        266
 SAMES      John       Witham farmer, repaired Witham Bridge              22
 SAMMES     Henry      Kirby gmn, broke/entered Gregory Stone's ho 1598  262
 SAMMES     John       Wickham Bishops gmn, £19 stolen by cook           258
 SAMON      Margery    Rochford, w of Walter, assault by Eliz Cannoudon  166
 SAMON      Walter     Rochford                                          166
 SAMPFORD   Agnes      Willingale Doe, w of Thos, hit by Richd 1565      187
 SAMPFORD   Ellen      Willingale, conspired to defame Thomas Sampford    66
 SAMPFORD   Ellen      Willingale, w of Richd, hit Thos S                187
 SAMPFORD   Richard    Willingale Doe, kin of Thos ?                      67
 SAMPFORD   Richard    Willingale Doe, hit Richd Bright w dagger in chyd 187
 SAMPFORD   Thomas     Willingale Doe, falsely defamed for theft 1565     66
 SAMPFORD   Thomas     Willingale Doe, hit by Richd Sampford 1565        187
 SANDER     Thomas     Takeley, his watercourse blocked by Mr Langley     18
 SANDES     Ann        Chlmsfd, named in the Barker/Chitham case 1600     71
 SANDES     Cecily     Woodham, Edwins Hall, violently attacked 1594     122
 SANDES     Henry      Woodham, s of Cecily ? Attacked Roger Gittins 1594122
 SANDES     Miles      Woodham, s of Cecily                              122
 SANDFORD   Thomas     E Colne, burgled 1601 (book/cash/musket)          267
 SANSOM     John       Wethersfield hsbdmn, evidence re poaching 1589    237
 SANSOM     Josias     Wethersfield, mentioned in poaching case 1589     237
 SANSOM     Josias     Wethersfield, witness against John Walford 1583   141
 SARLE      John       Elmdon, assaulted by Jn Parker 1562               166
 SATERLEY   John       Stock ymn, licence 1576 for open-air games/sport  228
 SAUNDERS   Robert     Orsett, conying charge in S Ockendon 1600         245
 SAWEN      Agnes      Stock, trial for witchcraft 1576                   69
 SAWFER     Elizabeth  Beaumont, probably a vagrant, false papers 1592    87
 SAWYN      Richard    Lt Waltham innkpr, allowed cards, dice &c 1572    220
 SAWYNE     John       Hatfield Peverel Priory, attacked 1572 (Jobson &c)120
 SAYE       Nicholas   Colchester ymn. Charge of raising revolt 1567      63
 SAYER      John       Danbury tanner, witness in Bynder case             61
 SAYER      Thomas     Wrabness rector 1566-1608, raped 26-yr old, 1584  197
 SCOTT      ChristopherFelsted ymn, surety for Eves of H Easter 1583     174
 SCOTT      William    Pebmarsh, hoarded wheat illegally for a year       27
 SCOTTE     Richard    Feering, applied for alehouse licence 1601        208
 SCREVENER  John       Liston, labr, stole wool from Borley Hall 1556      3
 SEGRAVE    John       Barking mariner, not guilty of forgery 1567        80
 SEGRAVE    Richard    Goldhanger ymn, abducted Margery Ardleigh 1597    195
 SELL       John       Audley End, kept common dicing house 1602         220
 SEPON      Henry      Shenfield, clothing stolen by maidsvt 1565        260
 SERICHE    John       High Easter hsbdmn, felony charge 1587             94
 SERLY      Richard    Dedham shearman, broke Robinson's fencing 1567    136
 SERREDGE   William    High Easter, burgled of bacon/clothing 1598       274
 SEWARDDE   William    Queen's purveyor, actions questioned Witham 1568?  31
 SEWELL     John       Gt Dunmow ymn, football/assault/disturbance 1585  226
 SEWELL     John ygr   Gt Dunmow, charge of writing/singing libels 1585   68
 SEWELL     William    Halstead, arbitrator re conduct of Hercules Turner178
 SEWTING    John       Gt Dunmow clothwkr, took partridge 1574 @ Felsted 251
 SEXTEN     Isaac      Burnham hsbdmn, often drunk and disorderly, c1600 212
 SHAA       Edmund     Gt Stambridge, d 1532 (Alice Poley then 4yrs old) 118
 SHAA       Thomas     Terling gmn, forced fm Colemans, Prittlewell 1555 118
 SHAKERLEY  Peter      Shoebury gmn, disseised Jas Valentine of Ulting   125
 SHARPE     Thomas     Chlmsfd, aged 8 yrs, stole 13/- from Lennard      302
 SHAWE      Thomas     W Ham ch/wdn, wrote to Assize re riotous parishnr 142
 SHEPHERD   William    Heydon, unfortunate sermon re Jesuits 1580         48
 SHEPPHEARD Hugh       Mistley, stole from several local people           27
 SHERIF     John       Heydon, informed against Rv Wm Shepherd 1580       49
 SHERLOCK   Thomas     Chlmsfd, hit 3 people in Bradwell chchyd 1598     188
 SHERMAN    Richard    Kelvedon, made lame by sorcery of Joan Cocke       28
 SHIPMAN    John       W Ham, cultivated a close in New Marsh, 1567      133
 SHORTLAND  Thomas     Coggeshall? 36lb of his wool stolen 1601          297
 SHOVELARD  Thomas     High Ongar tailor, pilloried for extortion 1590    90
 SHOYLE     Robert     Kelvedon "Bull", allowed cards, dice, &c 1585     221
 SIDEY      William    Bures St Mary, elder, gmn, his grain stolen 1555    3
 SIMPSON    John       Chlmsfd grocer/svt, chased conies @ Moulsham 1569 247
 SISLEY     Clement    Barking JP, burgled 1567 by men with guns/swords  265
 SKELTON    John       Braintree, stole Manne's hay 1568                 136
 SKINGLE    George     Witham, his Faulkebourne pty broken into 1602     115
 SKYNNER    Leonard    Braxted, svt of Wm Hutte, brought home ducks 1581 248
 SKYNNER    Martin     Braintree haberdasher                             168
 SKYNNER    Rachel     Braintree, w of Martin, still-born child 1582     168
 SKYNNER    Richard    Braintree, cloth on tainter stolen 1568           298
 SKYNNER    William    Braintree, witness Skynners' depositions 1582     169
 SLACK      James      Gt Easton hsbdmn, stole steers in Billericay 1600 284
 SLATER     Stephen    London weaver, spoke at Pleshey 1585 re Queen      55
 SLAUGHTER..John       Horndon, attacked by Thos Hollowell in church 1594184
 SMITH      Francis    Blackmore gmn, released prisoner locked in church 188
 SMITH      John       Wethersfield, witness against John Walford 1583   141
 SMITH      John       Belchamp St Pauls, barley stolen by Jn Smith gmn  111
 SMITH      John       Belchamp St Pauls gmn, in affray on Jn Smith 1586 111
 SMITH      William    Theydon esq (Hill Hall), conies poached 1588      247
 SMYTH      Charles    Blackmore, stole horse @ Writtle 1589 (w Daniell) 286
 SMYTH      Charles    Blackmore gmn? Freed from arresting c'stable 1589 175
 SMYTH      Joan       Hired by Anthony Pulleyn for 1yr, 16/- + petticoat 32
 SMYTH      William jr Shalford gmn, killed doe in Bardfield Gt Pk 1573  241
 SMYTHE     Barnaby    Berechurch ? Attacked Ellys/Johnson on h'way 1578 181
 SMYTHE     Edward     Halstead tailor, victim of Thos Keape 1587        110
 SMYTHE     George     Pentlow gmn, expelled Walles/Strachie x glebeland 130
 SMYTHE     John       Lamarsh c'stable, played bowls in 1582            222
 SMYTHE     John       Brentwood ymn, assaulted Paynter/Strutt 1577      276
 SMYTHE     John       Belchamp St Paul, lost his purse 1574             259
 SMYTHE     Nicholas   Fryerning gmn, surety for Edwd Tunbridge 1578     249
 SMYTHE     Thomas     Cressing, svt of Francis Harvey JP 1583           245
 SMYTHE     Thomas     Sheering, burgled by Fludd/Waker 1562             162
 SMYTHE     Thomas,sir Theydon Mt, trespass by Richd Ferrers 1576        133
 SMYTHER    William    Chlmsfd btchr, stole 17 sheep 1564 at Steeple     285
 SNELLOCK   Francis    Castle Hdnghm, poached deer at Gosfield 1597      241
 SNELLOCK   Henry      Castle Hdnghm, poached deer at Gosfield 1597      241
 SNELLOCK   Henry jr   Toppesfield gmn, tried to kill Thos Harrold 1596  163
 SNELLOGE   Thomas     Gt Bardfield, resisted arrest, jailed 1593        176
 SNELLOKE   Henry      Toppesfield gmn, trespass/assault vs Hy Brokhole  133
 SOLME      Robert     Sandon, deer poaching in Danbury Park 1595        242
 SOLME      Zachary    Sandon, charge of conying in Gt Baddow 1595       245
 SOME       Ralph      Sandon, suspected of harbouring poachers 1595     238
 SONGER     Rooke      Witham, poaching at Creeksee Place ? 1581         236
 SOUTHWELL  Richard    Berechurch, seditious words at Easter 1576         46
 SOUTHWELL  Richard    Robbed of gold chain plus £60 in 1593             258
 SOUTHWELL  Richard    Berechurch esq, attacked by some 35 persons 1576  105
 SPACKMAN   Robert     Chigwell ymn, lessee of Jas Calshill, St Pauls    130
 SPARKE     John       Woodham Mortimer, aka Jn Peter                     94
 SPENCER    John       Aveley vicar, accused by Margt Lewty 1591, unruly  59
 SPENCER    Robert     Roydon, took Richd Swyfte's conies 1579           253
 SPERLINGE  John       Dedham butcher, hired Thos Radley in 1568          32
 SPONER     John       Coggeshall fuller, trespass charge 1567           134
 SPRINGFIELDJohn       Chlmsfd brickie, 1589 burglary in Wickford        269
 STACKFORDE William    Woodford, multiple attacks from Robt Wynche 1584  182
 STACYE     Francis    Epping gmn, horses stolen 1596 (Bascoe/Wyldinge)  286
 STAFFORDE  Thomas     Stock, sang libellous song in street 1585          70
 STAMFORD              Witham, killed in dring affray with Thos Cooke    150
 STANDISHE  Jonas      Springfield haberdasher, 1589 burglary in Wickford269
 STANLEY    Agnes      Leigh unmarr, accused of heresy re sacrament        4
 STANLEY    Thomas     Margaretting fmr, poaching charge 1582 (Crondon?) 240
 STANLEY    William    Liston, aka Wm Longthorpe                         298
 STANNERD   Benjamin   W Tilbury cooper, sought alehouse licence 1603    209
 STANTON    Ferdinand  Boreham ? Gmn                                     236
 STANTON    Richard    W Ham gmn, charged Jn Thorowgood re false charge   96
 STANTON    Richard    W Ham gmn, charged 1597 as a common barrator      140
 STARLYING             Thaxted glazier, in attack on Rich Brooke 1586    120
 STARLYNGE  Elizabeth  Castle Hdnghm, stole £53 fm My Same widow 1594    258
 STAUNTON   Robert     W Ham gmn (New Barns), break-in by 11 men 1567    129
 STEBBINGE  John       Stambourne ymn, victim of affray/assault 1585     109
 STEBBINGE  Nicholas   Finchingfield, surety in affray case 1585         109
 STEBBINGE  Thomas     Thaxted tanner, poaching in Horham Park 1587      237
 STEBBYNG   Thomas     Belchamp Walter butcher, stole a sheep              3
 STEMPE     Thomas     Burnham curate, assault on Allyson family 1589    112
 STEPHENS   William    Benfleet, his conies poached 1563                 246
 STEVEN     John       Maldon innkpr/draper, "New Inn" burgled 1579      265
 STEVENS    William    Fyfield labr, 1597 remark re death of the Queen    62
 STEWARD    Philip     Birchanger, kept disorderly alehouse              204
 STODDARD   Thomas     Abridge collier, surety for Wm Clements 1579      288
 STOKES     John       Rivenhall gmn, hawks stolen from him 1575         251
 STOKES     John       Harlow jury foreman, re bridge at N Weald Bassett   6
 STONARD    Benjamin   W Tilbury, aka Stannerd                           209
 STONARD    William    Stock, named in libel charge in 1585               69
 STONE      Gregory    Gt Bromley ymn, his house bugled 1598             262
 STOWE      Robert     Colchester, killed Jn Eve with his sword          160
 STOWE      Robert     Colchester, severely injured Jn Eve, caught/freed 106
 STRACHIE   Thomas     Saffron Walden draper, disseised by Rev Bushe &c  130
 STRANGUYSHEEdward     Braintree gmn, burgled Jas Wilkinson 1597         269
 STREETES   Henry      Chignal St J, disseised Wm Eve of Hottofts 1590   125
 STREETES   James      Chignal St J, disseised Wm Eve of Hottofts 1590   125
 STROND     George     Castle Hdnghm, tried to help Robt Cokerell 1569   181
 STRUTT     Benedict   S Hanningfield ymn, affray on Stock Common 1580   114
 STRUTT     Michael    Brentwood ? Assaulted/robbed 1577, cash/cloth     276
 STRUTT     Richard    Lt Maplestead, illegal/unruly alehouse             34
 STRUTT     Thomas     Henny, rescued Wm Strutt from custody 1594        173
 STRUTT     William    Ballingdon, assaulted by bailiff 1592              90
 STRUTT     William    Lt Henny rector, arrest re trespass v Thos Fuller 173
 STUDHANGER William    Hatfield Peverel gmn, victim of assault 1579      135
 STURLEY    Thomas     Kirby gmn, robbed Thos Cookuc of £3 1581          257
 SUTTON     Thomas     Saffrom Walden esq, his horses stolen 1588        287
 SWALLOWE   Thomas     Gt Chesterford? Helped Nicholas harvey 1575       172
 SWEETINGE  William    Halstead innkeeper, surety for Giles Claydon 1600  95
 SWETINGE   Edward     Margaretting c'stble, abused by Edwd Hoye 1578    178
 SWETINGE   John       Margaretting hwy surveyor, abuse by Edwd Hoye 1578178
 SWETINGE   Thomas     Roxwell wvr, condemned for counterfeit coins 1577  80
 SWYFTE     Richard    Roydon gmn, poaching in his grounds 1579          253
 SYLLES     Cecily     Lt Clacton, w of Hy, accused of arson/sorcery      98
 SYLLES     Henry      Lt Clacton hsbdmn, feud with Richd Rose 1581       98
 SYMNELL    William    Gt Birch, sheep stolen by Wm Crowche 1558         281
 SYMONS     William    Waltham Abbey drover, evidence re poaching 1581   235
 SYMPSON    David      Runwell gmn, ch/wdn? Attacked beating bounds 1578 113
 SYMPSON    Edward     Terling, arrested as vagrant 1581                  84
 SYMPSON    William    Lambeth minstrel, to keep away from Barking wife  200
 TABOR      Edward     Fryerning innkeeper, spoke seditious words 1587    55
 TABOR      John       Stow maries, assaulted by Richd Denham 1596, 3/4d 276
 TABOR      Robert     Stock, stabbed by Robt Twydy 1579, died           152
 TABOR      Robert     Stock, sang libellous song in street 1585          69
 TABOR      Thomas     Brentwood innkeeper, customers attacked Ed Pynchon162
 TADLY      John       Gt Parndon gmn, assault on Buckberds 1586 ?       137
 TAILOR     John       Wanstead, evidence re Wanstead Park conies 1580   246
 TAMISTIE   Robert     Servant of Sir Jn Petre, 1580s                     50
 TAMWORTHE  Mr         Sandon esq, provided 2 bridges ?                    7
 TANSYE     John       Stock, named in libel charge in 1585               69
 TAPP       John       W Ham gmn (?), stole 2000 lb starch 1600          300
 TAPPES     Arthur     Blackmore gmn, poached Petre deer at Writtle 1578 240
 TATAM      ChristopherChlmsfd innkeeper, bailed a defendant 1590        175
 TATEM      John       Chlmsfd, wounded by Hy Andrew's dagger 1584       167
 TAVERNER              Gt Ilford victualler, inhospitality charge 1597   209
 TAYLOR     Henry      Nazeing. lodged with Geo Duckett                   56
 TAYLOR     John       Thaxted ymn, expelled Jane Brooke from her pew    186
 TAYLOR     Robert     Chelmsford labr, accused of seditious speech 1560  10
 TAYLOR     William    Tendring smith, recovered 14/1d damages in court  174
 TENDRING   John       Walton, house burgled 1571, ton of cheeses stolen 127
 TENNATT    John       Chelmsford shopkeeper, shop burgled, date ?       263
 TEWKE      Peter      Clchstr esq, riotous assault on Richd Alcock 1583 106
 TEY        Thomas     Colchester justice 1577                           215
 THEDAM     William    Lt Waltham, 12yr-old svt killed by his wife       155
 THEEDAM    Henry      Billericay draper, suffered minor burglary 1566   266
 THOROWGOOD John       W Ham ch/wdn, wrote to Assize re riotous parishnr 142
 THOROWGOOD John       W Ham, procured false evidence vs Jn Stanton 1596  96
 THORPE     John       Colchester Hall, Takeley                            2
 THROGMORTONDeodatus   L Easton ? Money stolen by Wm Melbrook 1589       258
 THRUSTELL  William    Purleigh ymn, accuser of Thos Bynder 1595          61
 THURGOOD   Gabriel    Saffrom Walden, killed 1588 by Wm Pratt           160
 THURGOOD   Robert     Chief constable at Ongar sessions 1562             29
 THURGOOD   William    Finchingfield ymn, hurt by Thos Crackeneale       167
 THURROLD   Anthony    Belchamp S Paul, falsely vouched for Jn Coo        35
 THURSBY    Edward     Bocking gmn, received stolen horse 1597           291
 THURSTON              Newport, fought in church with Akershed 1577      184
 THURSTON   John       Gt Holland, will proved 1588                      127
 THURSTON   John       Walton Hall, disseised 1571                       127
 THURSTON   Robert     Gt Holland, will proved 1571                      127
 TILER      Thomas     Birdbrook, extortion as apparitor, 1582            92
 TILLAR     Richard    Beaumont, evidence in case of Jas Naylor           87
 TITERELL              Wethersfield, kept alehouse 1589                  237
 TOFTES     William    Danbury, killed by sword 1603 (by Davenant)       152
 TOMPSON    Eleanor    Layham Sfk, w of Robt, hurt in attack 1579        180
 TOMPSON    Robert     Layham Sfk gmn, hurt in attack by Coles 1579      180
 TOMSON     Elizabeth  Takeley unmarr, in Takeley burglary 1557            2
 TOMSON     Hugh       Dunmow, poor, alehouse accusation 1573            208
 TOMWORTH   John       Waltham Cross, esq, wheat stolen from his granary  10
 TONBRIDGE  George     Layer Marney cook, took hawks from Jn Stokes 1575 251
 TOOLEY     Nicholas   Ipswich ymn, helped Ipswich woman to poison hsbd  150
 TOOSE      Thomas     Dedham clothier, indicted 1556, aided a heretic     4
 TORRELL    Edward     Mount Bures rector, stole grain 1555                3
 TOWNSEND   Nicholas   W Ham, his wife the subject of obscene libel       68
 TOWSE      Richard    North Weald, bachelor, not in service 1562         29
 TOYSE      Thomas     Gt Braxted, burglary, guilty but remanded, young  302
 TRIGG      John       Newport, playing cards in alehouse 1595           221
 TRIPLOVE   John       Ickleton Cambs, assault to free Hy Calton 1592    173
 TROUGHTON  John       Rawreth, master mariner, fought in church 1602    185
 TROWGHTON  John       London shoemaker, attacked Wm Casse (H Bensted)   103
 TRUDY      George     Moze, aka George Egle                               5
 TUCK                  Roydon, his house entered 1579, a[pples stolen    253
 TUKE       Elizabeth  Layer Marney, w of Peter, dispute re church pews  187
 TUKE       Peter      Layer Marney gmn, 1598 dispute about church pews  187
 TUNBRIDGE  Edward     W Hanningfield, disseised from house 1591         196
 TUNBRIDGE  Edward     Cressing ymn, took partridges 1578 at Rivenhall   249
 TUNBRIDGE  Zeafora    W Hanningfield, d of Edwd, abducted in 1591 attack196
 TURKE      Thomas     Romford gmn, committed several robberies 1585     274
 TURKE      Thomas     Romford, chief constable 1576                     263
 TURNER     Agnes      Lt Ilford widow, suspected of lewd life           200
 TURNER     Hercules   Halstead, very disorderly, in stocks 1592         177
 TURNER     John       Walthamstow schmstr, attack on Jn Casse 1567      103
 TURNER     John       Lt Maplestead, presentment vs Richd Strutt 1567    34
 TURNER     Thomas     W Ham ymn, hit/killed at football 1582 (v Warde)  226
 TURNER     Thomas     Earles Colne weaver, surety for Hy Wright         304
 TURNER     Valentine  Writtle ymn, surety for Hugh Barker 1602           71
 TURNER     William    Halstead weaver, fr of Hercules, disorderly too   177
 TURNOR     Edward     Gt Parndon, disseised by two men 1587             124
 TURNOR     William    Coggeshall Hall, failed to repair roads            17
 TURNOUR    Edward     Gt Parndon (Canons) esq, ejected by Robt Buckberd 137
 TUSSER     Clement    Rivenhall gmn, bro of Thos (Good Husbandrie)      129
 TUSSER     John       Rivenhall gmn, bro of Thos (Good Husbandrie)      129
 TWEDY      Thomas     Stock, br of Richd, stabbed/killed Robt Tabor     152
 TWYDY      Richard    Stock, will of 1575 to build Stock almshouses     152
 TYE        Richard    Chlmsfd smith, surety for Hugh barker 1602         71
 TYFFYN     John       Wakes Colne gmn, case against him 1600             96
 TYLER      Jeremy     Coggeshall, received stolen wool 1601             297
 TYLER      Thomasine  Brentwood, led the riot at B school 1577          106
 TYLER      William    Gt Canfield hsbdmn, svt left 1569 with clothing &c260
 TYLER      William    Maldon grocer, stole nets/fish at Heybridge 1588  252
 TYNGE      William    Stanford Rivers, warning not to associate, 1562    29
 TYRELL     Edmund     Rawreth (Beeches), 4 daughters                    128
 TYRELL     Edmund     Esq, JP                                             4
 TYRRELL    Edmund     Rawreth, esq, trespass on his land, 1567 ?        133
 TYSDALE    Thomas     Corringham (ex Kent?), highway robberies 1575     272
 UNDERWOOD  Clemence   Saffron Walden, w of Robt, issued false coin 1601  82
 UNDERWOOD  Robert     Saffron Walden glazier 1601                        82
 USHER      Robert     Beeleigh miller, several thefts 1580              300
 UVEDALL    Henry      Chingford, bro of Wm Uvedall ?                    109
 UVEDALL    Peter      Chingford gmn, invaded Salisbury Hall land 1566   103
 UVEDALL    William    Chingford, leased land there c 1585               108
 VALENTINE  James      Ulting, disseised 1601 by Bakers/Shakerley        125
 VAUGHAN    Richard    Gt Dunmow vicar 1591                               90
 VEISEY     William    Wix gmn, nasty mass assault on Michael Rolfe 1592 112
 VENYALL    Edward     Braintree, appr to martin Skynner 1582            169
 VERE       Barbara    Finchingfield, w of Robt, also trespassed 1577    134
 VERE       Robert     Finchingfield esq, took part in trespasses 1577   134
 VERNAM     Thomas     E Colne, aka Thos Farnam                          282
 VERNON     William    Maldon bailiff 1583                                85
 VICARS     Richard    Ingrave, complaint against Jn Patricke 1563       247
 VINCENT    Thomas     Waltham X armourer, charge 1564 as common barrator140
 VIRGIN     Thomas     Gt Dunmow mason, svt beaten by Jn Sewell 1585     226
 VIRGYN     Faith      Dunmow ? Sought after by Jn Sewell ygr            200
 VIRGYN     Thomas     Dunmow ?                                          200
 WADE       Robert     Gt Birch, sheep stolen by Wm Crowche 1558         281
 WAIGHT     Thomas     Margaretting, murdered by Wm Robiant (no date)    148
 WAIGHTE    BartholomewWethersfield, witness against John Walford 1583   141
 WAKELYN    Alice      Gt Bardfield, murdered by Thos marshe (no date)   149
 WAKELYN    John       Finchingfield, cows stolen 1577                   134
 WAKEMAN    John       Lost £180 in Peckham/Iseley robberies             272
 WAKER      John       Dunmow, (Walter?) burgled Sheering house 1562     162
 WALDEGRAVE William    Lt Ilford gmn, surety for poachers (Aldrsbrk)1581 239
 WALDEN     Silvester  Lt Dunmow gmn, struck/wounded constable 1568      174
 WALDEN     Silvester  Lt Dunmow gmn, indicted 1567 as common barrator   143
 WALFORD    Alexander  Shalford, land dispute with Wm Cranford           160
 WALFORD    John       Wethersfield ymn/hsbdmn, common barrator 1583     140
 WALKER     Peter      Colchester priest, seditious, put in stocks 1562   43
 WALLES     Nicholas   Pentlow rector, expelled from glebe by Geo Smythe 130
 WALLINGER  Thomas     Willingale, attorney for Richd Sampford           187
 WALLIS     Nicholas   Pentlow rector 1571-, bound to keep peace 1586    144
 WALLIS     Nicholas   Pentlow rector, unspecified offence in 1586       200
 WALLYGAR   Juny       Braxted, svt (male) of Wm Hutte                   248
 WALWORTHE  Giles      Colchester, suspected of coining 1586              82
 WANTE      Nicholas   Newport, playing cards in alehouse 1595           221
 WARD       George     Hunsdon miller, trespass vs Wm Cole of Gt Parndon 137
 WARD       Richard    Gt Yeldham, stole some hides 1566                 300
 WARD       Thomas     Roydon, fished Chris Ayston's ponds 1579          253
 WARD       William    Bradwell, gave evidence re Robt Gybbyns           108
 WARDE      John       E Ham labr, hit/killed Thos Turner @ football 1582226
 WARDE      Lancelot   Wethersfield, witness against John Walford 1583   141
 WARE       Thomas     Writtle gmn, surety for Wm Ware, 1580 conies case 246
 WARE       William    Wanstead, warrener for Lord Leicester 1580        246
 WARNER     Edward     Coggeshall clothier, piece of cloth stolen 1590   298
 WARNER     Francis    Gt Warley clerk, assaulted bailiff re horses 1569 172
 WARNER     John       Finchingfield miller, affray on Pasfield &c 1585  109
 WARNER     Matthew    Pattiswick, named in evidence re conying charge   245
 WARNER     Peter      Pattiswick, lent his cony haye to neighbour 1591  245
 WARNER     Richard    Brentwood, common dicer & carder, 1656            219
 WARNER     Richard    Brentwood pointer, stole skins from Maslyn 1567   300
 WARNER     Thomas     Langham, alehouse licence sought for him 1601     206
 WARNER     Thomas     Coggeshall ymn, killed by Geo Haven 1592          152
 WARREN     John       Suit against Richd Young gmn for debt 1576        173
 WASHER     William    Upminster rector 1562/1609, info re cony poaching 244
 WASLINGTON Thomas     Clchstr mcht, securety for Hy Ravens & others     136
 WATKYN     Richard    Rainham ferry, illegally keeping alehouse           6
 WATNALL    William    Abridge collier, surety for Wm Clements 1579      288
 WATSON     John       Rivenhall gmn, with others stole Harvye's hay     135
 WATSON     John       Rivenhall gmn, timber stolen (v Burnett) 1582     107
 WAYLANDE   John       Fordham? Watchman, attacked by villagers 1586     176
 WAYTE      Henry      Foxearth, corn-cart upset/damaged 1568            104
 WAYTE      Henry      Elmstead, cheese stolen by Revd Medcalfe 1595 ?   294
 WELCHMAN   Thomas     Finchingfield, aka Thomas Poole                   134
 WELLS      John       Ingrave, svt of Jas Pattryke, conying 1582        244
 WENDEN     Thomas     Aldham ymn, accused his parson of sedition 1589    42
 WENT       Henry      Ardleigh weaver, imprisoned 1596, seditious speech 64
 WENTFORD   Henry      Tendring, ejected Frances Price fm Tendring manor 128
 WESTE      John       Aldham tailor, reported the words of Thos Wenden   42
 WESTE      John       Moulsham, gave false evidence in court             96
 WETHERINGE Mr         W Ham, a judicial officer of some sort             96
 WHALE      Elizabeth  Chlmsfd, married Clement Pope 1589                 77
 WHALE      John       Chelmsford tailor, surety for Thos Chitham 1602    71
 WHALE      Mary       Chelmsford, w of Jn Whale                          71
 WHALE      Robert     Gt Baddow maltster, Clement Pope was his trustee   77
 WHALE      Sibyl      Gt Baddow, widow of Robt Whale                     77
 WHATS      James      Childerditch, sold ale/bread without licence 1598 211
 WHEATLEY   George     Newport, disseised 1586 by Edwd Huberd            124
 WHELER     Thomas     Epping, poaching in Nazeing Wood (Mr Grevyll)1581 235
 WHETSTONE  Bernard    Woodford, lord of the manor, 1572                 101
 WHISKARDE  Charles    Stock, miller, d 1587                              69
 WHISTOCK   Thomas     W Notley, rough football with bloodshed 1599      226
 WHITE      Edward     Colchester weaver. Charge of raising revolt 1567   63
 WHITE      George     Hutton (Hall), burgled 1591 (book/carpet)         267
 WHITE      Richard    Runwell, enquiry re Grysted Hall in Rochford 1597  96
 WHITE      William    Tolleshunt Kts, cheated of 7/- by Cogg. labr 1589  97
 WHITE      William    Pleshey, lodgekpr at Gt Park, besieged by Ld Rich 124
 WHITEFIELD Thomas     Lost £5 18s in highway robbery nr Feering 1599    273
 WHITEHAND  Thomas     Wethersfield, witness against John Walford 1583   141
 WHITLOCKE  Ralph      Gt Warley, visited by illegal mummers              27
 WHYTE      John       Ramsey vicar, barratry/disturbance of peace, 1584 145
 WIGGON     William    Lt Wakering hsbdmn, tormented widow of Jn Marshall147
 WIGNALL    John       Sible Hedingham yeoman, surety 1585               110
 WILBORE    John       Gt Maplestead vicar, d 1571                       137
 WILBRAND   Thomas     Theydon Mt, crops ruined by Nich Fuljambe &c 1562 133
 WILKINSON  James      Braintree, innkpr "George", burgled 1597          269
 WILKINSON  John       Stansted m/f vicar 1573/91                        142
 WILKINSON  John       Pleshey mercer/alehouse, surety for Eve c1583     174
 WILLETT    Mr         Stanford/l/h, attacked by Pinner/Dorrell gang     182
 WILLIAMS   John       Grays vicar, his preaching held seditious 1578     47
 WILLIAMS   Owen       Kelvedon smith, made h'way attack at W Ham 1600   182
 WILLIAMS   Peter      Latchingdon rector 1584/1608, quarreller/fighter  144
 WILLIAMS   Peter      Latchingdon rector, quarreller/gamester &c 1589   219
 WILLMOTT   Robert     Horndon-o-t-Hill vicar 1594                       184
 WILSON     Richard    Gt Bromley, svt of Jn Robbins, murder of Jn Elder 148
 WILSON     Richard    Stock innkeeper, charged with cozenage 1602        97
 WILSON     Sarah      Bocking widow (The Gatehouse), linen stolen 1591  298
 WINCKFIELD Thomas     Brentwood gmn, killed a woman 1600, fled          154
 WISEMAN    Ralph      Rivenhall esq, assaulted Thos Burnett 1582        107
 WITHERS    George     Danbury clerk, riotous damage vs Thos Emerye 1585 136
 WIXSTED    Thomas     Dedham saltpetreman, charge of sedition 1579       47
 WOLMER     John       Suffolk assize clerk 1588                         155
 WOLSON     Thomas     Essex vagrant carrying false documents 1583        84
 WOLVERSTONEPhilip     Mistley gmn, his sack stolen by Hugh Sheppheard    27
 WOOD       Bridget    Lt Baddow, burglary of purse by Jn Pepper 1581    270
 WOOD       George     Walthamstow robbery from Hy Field 1600            273
 WOOD       John       Greenstead (Ongar), one svt killed another, 1586  164
 WOOD       Mr         Stanford Rivers, dug sandpit in the highway, 1562  19
 WOODDER    George     Maldon wvr, stole nets/fish at Heybridge 1588     252
 WOODFORD   Henry      Hatfield Bd oak, involved in Takeley burglary 1557  2
 WOODHOUSE             Maldon, innkeeper "Saracen's Head" 1582           199
 WOODMANSEY Robert     Queen's purveyor, actions questioned Witham 1567   31
 WORROLL    John       Belchamp Walter, surety for Jn Low 1570           105
 WRIGHT     Arthur     Stebbing tailor, required to give evidence 1583    54
 WRIGHT     John       Shellow Bowells rector 1564/73                    130
 WRIGHT     Thomas     Kelvedon Hall? Purse stolen by pickpocket, no date259
 WRIGHTE    Hugh       Stoke sfk, horse theft charge 1591                290
 WYBERD     John       Takeley house                                     249
 WYGGES     John       Colchester, aka Wykes                             105
 WYGGMORE   John       Harwich gmn, stole cattle in 1560, Crondon(Stock) 283
 WYGON      William    Lt Wakering, aka Wiggon                           147
 WYKES      John       Colchester, involved in attack on Richd Southwell 105
 WYLBORE    Edward     Colchester, killed Robt Potter with rapier 1603   152
 WYLDE      John       Writtle debtor, seized by bailiff but rescued 1588188
 WYLDINGE   Richard    Stratford w/wright, stole Epping horses 1596      286
 WYLSON     Hugh       E Tilbury, false pretences charge 1590             91
 WYLTON     John       Aldham, convicted 1586 for defacing prayer book    43
 WYNCHE     Robert     Woodford grocer, attacks on Wm Stackforde 1584    182
 WYNDE      Alexander  Kirby mason, one of assailants of Wm Gosling 1591 167
 WYNG       John       Mistley, 2 sheep+kettle stolen by Hugh Sheppheard  27
 WYTHEPOLL  Edmund     Frating esq, let a house to Peter W, D.D.         128
 WYTHEPOLL  Peter D.D. Frating tenant, assault in his house 1597         128
 WYTHERS    George     Witham gmn, burgled 1588, lost silver cup         268
 YELDHAM    Thomas     Finchingfield hsbdmn, prob his son appr Skynner   169
 YELDHAM    Thomas     Braintree, appr to Martin Skynner, assault 1582   168
 YORKE      Edward     Colchester gmn, attacked Hatfield Priory 1572     120
 YOUNG      George     Roydon, fished Chris Ayston's ponds 1579          253
 YOUNG      Henry      E Ham gmn, surety for poachers (Aldersbrook) 1581 239
 YOUNG      James      Roydon alehouse, in evidence re fish poaching 1579253
 YOUNG      Richard    E Hanningfield gmn, resisted arrest for debt 1576 173
 YOUNG      Thomas     Hockley gmn, 6 pigs stolen 1569                   285
 YOUNG      William    High Roothing gmn (bro of Richd of Hanningfield ?)173