Pigot's Directory of Gloucestershire, 1830
Transcribed from microfiche by Ted Wildy of Auckland, New Zealand © 1993
NAMES RANK / OCCUPATION ADDRESSES RINGER William Tobacco & Snuff Maker 22 High Street, Bristol RIPPINGALE Alexander Minature Artist 8 Lower Crescent, Bristol RIPPON Robert Baker 10 Milk Street, Bristol RITSON Charles Hat manufacturer / Dealer 3 Dolphin Street, Bristol RITTERBANDT Henry Working Jeweller 14 Upper Arcade, Bristol ROACH James Tailor Lower Maudlin Street, Bristol ROACH John Brick & tile Maker Easton Road, Bristol ROACH Margaret Shopkeeper / Dealer Hills Bridge Parade, Bristol ROBE Edward Master Pilot Pill, Bristol ROBERTS Misses 1 Windsor Terr, Clifton, Bristol ROBERTS & FRY Livery Stables Keeper St Michael's Hill, Bristol ROBERTS Arthur Tobacco Pipe Maker George Street, Bristol ROBERTS Benjamin Venetian Blind Maker Hotwell Road, Bristol ROBERTS Emma Miss Park buildings, Bristol ROBERTS Hester Boarding / Lodging House 43 Queen's Square, Bristol ROBERTS Isaac Bookbinder Taylor's Court, Broad St, Bristol ROBERTS John Boot & Shoe Maker Waterloo Place, Clifton, Bristol ROBERTS John & Co. Brick & tile Maker Hill's Bridge wharf, Temple Gate ROBERTS John & Co. Coal Merchant Hill's Bridge Wharf, nr Temple Gate ROBERTS John & Co. Lime Burner Hills-Bridge Wharf nr Temple Gate ROBERTS Joseph Shopkeeper / Dealer Love Street, Hotwells, Bristol ROBERTS Samuel Grocer / Tea Dealer Paul St, Kingsdown, Bristol ROBERTS Thomas Hop Factor / Dealer 8 Peter Street, Bristol ROBERTS Thomas Revd. St James Pl, Kingsdown, Bristol ROBERTS Thomas Tobacco Pipe Maker George Street, Bristol ROBERTS Thomas Rev. Baptist Minster Old King Street, Bristol ROBERTS William Blacksmith Durdham Down, Bristol ROBERTS William Master "The John" Bristol to Plymouth ROBERTS William Pawnbroker 5 College Street, Bristol ROBERTSON & FOTHERGILL Iron Merchants / Ironmonger Temple Street, Bristol ROBERTSON & Sons Sailmaker Grove, Bristol ROBERTSON Eliz. Milliner 10 Portland Pl, Clifton, Bristol ROBERTSON Thomas Livery Stables Keeper 10 Portland Pl , Clifton, Bristol ROBINSON Richard Esq. Richmond Cottage, Clifton, Bristol ROBINSON Richard Jun Merchant (West India) Grove, Bristol ROBINSON William Carpenter / Builder Clifton Place, Clifton, Bristol ROBLYN Thomas Surgeon Dove House, Dowry Square, Bristol ROCH Nicholas Esq. 1 Berkeley Sq, Bristol ROCH Nicholas Glue Maker Houlton St, Frome Bridge, Bristol ROCH Nicholas Parchment & Vellum Maker Houlton Street, Bristol ROCH Richard Esq. 30 Portland Sq, Bristol ROCHE William Merchant (Commission) Quay Head, Bristol ROCHE William & Co Shipping Agent Quay Head, Bristol ROCKE John, PANTER Co. Vineger Maker Houlton Street, Bristol ROCKE Susan Mrs. 4 Portland Sq, Bristol RODMAN Henry Apparitor Ecclesiastical Court 28 Broad Street, Bristol ROE Charles Corn, Flour and Seed Dealer 122 Redcliff Street, Bristol ROE Charles Hop Factor / Dealer 122 Redcliff Street, Bristol ROE Mary & Jane Milliner 23 Queens Square, Bristol ROGERS --- Dep Reg. - Ecclesiastical Court 28 Broad Street, Bristol ROGERS David Master "The Amity" Bristol to Cardiff ROGERS Francis Carpenter / Builder Love Street, Hotwells, Bristol ROGERS George Attorney 14 College Green, Bristol ROGERS George Boot & Shoe Maker 23 Paul Street, Bristol ROGERS James Carpenter / Builder Clifton Hill, Bristol ROGERS James Tavern / Public House General Draper, St Vincents Pl, ROGERS James Tavern / Public House Castle & Ball, Lower Castle Street ROGERS John Tailor 4 Paul St, Kingsdown, Bristol ROGERS John Tavern / Public House Cat & Wheel, Castle Green Bristol ROGERS Mary Day School Hotwell Road, Bristol ROGERS Miss Ladies' Boarding School 3 Royal York Cres, Clifton, Bristol ROGERS Samuel S. Attorney 14 College Green, Bristol ROGERS Samuel S. Proctor - Ecclesiastical Court 28 Broad Street, Bristol ROGERS Stephen Ladies'Boot & Shoe Maker 1 Wine Street, Bristol ROGERS William Coach Maker College Place, Bristol ROGERS William Maltster Christmas Street, Bristol ROGERS William Shopkeeper / Dealer 7 Castle Green Bristol ROGERS William & Son Iron Boiler Maker Redfield Place, Bristol ROGERS William Howard Tailor 5 High Street, Bristol ROLFE William D. Surgeon St Augustins Place, Bristol ROOM William Chair Maker Meadow Street, Bristol ROOM, GRAZEBROOK & Co. Iron Manufacturer Marsh Street, Bristol ROOM, GRAZEBROOK & Co. Iron Merchants / Ironmonger 19 Head of the Quay, Bristol ROOM, GRAZEBROOK & Co. Ironmonger - Furnishing 20 Clare Street, Bristol ROOTSEY Samuel Chymist / Druggist 6 North Street, Bristol ROOTSEY Samuel Oil of Vitriol Makers 6 North Street, Bristol ROSE Philip Bookseller/Stationer/Binder 20 Broadmead, Bristol ROSE Philip Library 20 Broadmead, Bristol ROSE Philip Printer - Letter Press 20 Broadmead, Bristol ROSEVEAR John Gent. Clarence Road, Bristol ROSEWELL Esau Boarding / Lodging House Park Row, Bristol ROSEWELL Esau Carpenter / Builder Horfield Rd, St Michael's Hill ROSSER Charles Shopkeeper / Dealer 3 Pipe Lane, Bristol ROSSER Robert Boarding / Lodging House 9 Meridian Place, Clifton, Bristol ROSSER William Spirit Dealer - Retail 74 Redcliff Street, Bristol ROSSITER Charles Tavern / Public House Old England Tavern, Rennisons Bath ROSSITER James Tavern / Public House Bell, 44 Welsh Back, Bristol ROSSITER Moses Brush, Sieve, & Mop Maker Penn Street, Bristol ROSSITER Robert Spirit Dealer - Retail Lawrence Hill, Bristol ROTHCHILD Joseph Clothes, &c, Salesmen 35 Redcliff Street, Bristol ROUCH Thomas & Son Timber Merchant & Dealer Milk St & Canons Marsh, Bristol ROUE George Boot & Shoe Maker 14 St John Street, Bristol ROULLRIGHT John Tavern / Public House Ship, Limekiln Lane, Bristol ROUSE James Tavern / Public House Boars Head, College Place, Bristol ROW J. Rev. Unitarian Minster Lewins Mead, Bristol ROW William Rev Roman Catholic Priest Trenchard Street, Bristol ROWE J. Revd. 2 Southwell St, Kingsdown, Bristol ROWE Mary Ann Pawnbroker Lewins Mead, Bristol ROWLAND Samuel Watts Teacher of Pianoforte Caroline Pl, Hotwells, Bristol ROWLAND Thomas Tavern / Public House Still, 34 Broad Quay, Bristol ROWLAND Thomas & Edwd Optician 50 Broad Quay, Bristol ROWLAND William Carpenter / Builder 18 Alfred Place, Kingsdown, Bristol ROWLAND William Shopkeeper / Dealer 18 Alfred Pl, Kingsdown, Bristol ROWLES George Currier / Leather Cutter Mitchell's Lane, Thomas Street, ROWLES Thomas Tavern / Public House Star, Pill, Bristol ROWLES William Tavern / Public House Rose & Crown, Pill, Bristol ROWLEY Thomas Straw Hat Maker 9 St Augustins Parade, Bristol ROYAL Maria Miss Old Park, Bristol RUDD S. Mrs. 10 Sion Row, Clifton, Bristol RUDD Sarah Boarding / Lodging House 6 Prince's Buildings, Clifton RUDHALL & CAMPLIN Silk Mercer 45 High Street, Bristol RUDWOOD Langford Mrs. 33 Royal York Cres. Clifton,Bristol RUGG James Plumber 34 Thomas Street, Bristol RUMBOLD Joseph Saddler & Harness Maker 6 Bath Street, Bristol RUMLEY Henry Architect & Surveyor 29 Clare St & 46 Queen's Sq,Bristol RUMLEY James Painter - House, Sign Etc 16 Back Street, Bristol RUMNEY William Pilot Pill, Bristol RUMNEY William Jun Pilot Pill, Bristol RUMSEY H. Miss 10 Hope Sq, Clifton, Bristol RUMSEY William Saddler & Harness Maker 17 North Street, Bristol RUSS Titus Brightsmith & Bellhanger Frogmore Street, Bristol RUSSELL Edward & Co. Pawnbroker 13 Parade, St James, Bristol RUSSELL James Graves Wine & Spirit Merchant 2 Frog Lane, Bristol RUSSELL Jos. Wine & Spirit Merchant 22 St James Barton, Bristol RUSSELL Robert Glazier 24 Stoke's Croft, Bristol RUTTER & Co. Brush, Sieve, & Mop Maker 18 Castle Street, Bristol RUVER ?? & Co. Bellows Maker 18 Castle Street, Bristol RYAN John Gent. Catherine Place, Bristol RYLAND John Esq. 21 Somerset St, Kingsdown, Bristol RYLAND Thomas Tyler Library 23 Stoke's Croft, Bristol SADLER Henry Spirit Dealer - Retail 60 Baldwin Street, Bristol SAGE & HETFORD Brick & tile Maker Easton Road, Bristol SAGE Abraham Butcher Love Street, Hotwells, Bristol SAGE John Painter - House, Sign Etc Hotwell Road, Bristol SAGE John Painter - House, Sign Etc Alden's Court, Broadmead, Bristol SAGE William Corn Factor 21 Narrow Wine Street, Bristol SAGE William Provision Factor 21 Narrow Wine Street, Bristol SAINSBURY Hannah Upholsterer 5 Rosemary Lane, Bristol SAINT Abraham Printer - Letter Press 54 Castle Street, Bristol SALE George Gent Montague Parade, Bristol SALMON Frances Mrs. 6 Unity Street, Bristol SALMON William Surgeon 23 Kings Square, Bristol SALTER Charles Baker Somerset Place, Redcliff, Bristol SALTER John Baker Redcliff Hill, Bristol SALTER John Grocer / Tea Dealer 21 Maryport Street, Bristol SALTER William Tailor 18 Gloucester Lane, Bristol SALVIDGE George Tavern / Public House The George, East St, Bedminster SALWEY James Shopkeeper / Dealer Colston St, Redcliff Mead, Bristol SAMPSON Charles Boot & Shoe Maker 13 Union Street, Bristol SAMPSON James Boot & Shoe Maker 24 Milk Street, Bristol SAMPSON John Boot & Shoe Maker Clarence Road, Bristol SAMPSON W.H. Captain 19 College Street, Bristol SAMPSON W.H. Master "The Lucy Anne" Bristol to Jamaica SAMPSON William Butcher 54 Exchange Shambles, Bristol SANDERS Ann Fishmonger / Dry & Salt fish 15 Broad St & Clifton Hill, Bristol SANDERS Francis Upholsterer Hanover Street, Bristol SANDERS Henry Wine & Spirit Merchant 9 Unity Street, College Green SANDERS John Pin Maker Chancery Cott, Stapleton Rd,Bristol SANDERS John Tavern / Public House Queens Head, Bread Street, Bristol SANDERS Mary & Elizbth Ladies' Boarding School 15 Somerset St, KIngsdown, Bristol SANDERS Susannah Milliner Clifton Pl, Clifton, Bristol SANDERS Thomas Pin Maker Wade St without, Bristol SANDERS Thomas & Co. Corn Factor 2 Bridge Parade, Bristol SANDERS Thomas & Co. Hop Factor / Dealer 2 Bridge Parade, Bristol SANDERS William Tailor Easton Road, Bristol SANGAR James B. Cabinet Maker / Upholsterer 13 St Augustine's Parade, Bristol SANSOM Philip & Co. Salt Merchant & Palm oil 4 Welsh back, Bristol SARGENT Daniel Sealing Wax & Wafer Maker Clarence Rd, St Philips, Bristol SARGENT George Boot & Shoe Maker 2 Baldwin Street, Bristol SARGENT Mary Patten Maker 55 Redcliff Hill, Bristol SAUNDERS Edward A. Baker 22 Castle Street, Bristol SAUNDERS John Plasterer / Tiler / Painter 5 Lower Castle Street, Bristol SAUNDERS Joseph Baker 10 Bridewell Lane, Bristol SAUNDERS Richard Boot & Shoe Maker Hotwell Road, Bristol SAUNDERS Robert Attorney 53 Queen's Square, Bristol SAUNDERS Robert Carrier on the Canals 13 Welsh Back, Bristol SAUNDERS S. Mrs. 54 St Michael's Hill, Bristol SAUNDERS Samuel Brightsmith & Bellhanger 5 West Street, St Philip, Bristol SAUNDERS Sarah Dress Maker 12 Lower Castle Street, Bristol SAUNDERS William Haberdasher 19 Upper Arcade, Bristol SAVAGE John & Francis Sugar Refiner Wilder Street, Bristol SAVAGE Thomas Stationer Colonnade, Hotwells, Bristol SAVAGE William Wine & Spirit Merchant Dowry Parade, Hotwells, Bristol SAVERY Charles Attorney 12 Corn Street, Bristol SAVILLE John Eating House Keeper 7 St Nicholas Street, Bristol SAVING T. & J. Carrier Bear Yard, St Thomas St, Bristol SAYER Abraham Corn, Flour and Seed Dealer 7 West Street, Bristol SAYER William Inspector of Corn returns 9 Oxford St, Kingsdown, Bristol SCAMP George Tailor 6 St Michaels Hill, Bristol SCAMP Peter Tavern / Public House Three Horse Shoes, Elbridge Passage SCARRETTS James Pilot Pill, Bristol SCARTH W. Master "The Charles" Bristol to Nevis & St Kitts SCHIMMELPENNING Lamber Esq, 8 Berkeley Sq, Bristol SCHUBERT Gottlief A.P. Tavern / Public House Horse & Groom, Limekiln La, Bristol SCHWEPPE James & Co. Soda Water Makers Bridge Street, Bristol SCORY George Shopkeeper / Dealer Durdham Down, Bristol SCOTT Elizabeth Haberdasher West St, St Philip's, Bristol SCOTT John Master "The Bristol Packet" Market Boat to Newport SCOTT Thomas Plasterer / Tiler / Painter Pithay, Bristol SCOTT Vincent D. Baker 79 Redcliff Street, Bristol SCOTT William Corn, Flour and Seed Dealer 25 Old Market Street, Bristol SCOTT William Surgeon 11 North Street, Bristol SCOTT William Timber Merchant & Dealer Nova Scotia Wharf, Cumberland Rd SCOTT William & Son Ship & Boat Builder Wapping, Bristol SCRASE Sarah Tripe Curer Rope Walk, Bristol SCRASE Stephen Plumber 97 Temple Street, Bristol SCRIVEN Elizabeth Mrs. 1 Granby Place, Clifton, Bristol SCROOPE Simon Esq. 15 Royal York Cres, Clifton,Bristol SCUTT William Cooper 7 Easton Road, Bristol SEAGAR Stephen Tavern / Public House Phoenix, Pile St, Bristol SEAGER Robert Hunt Currier / Leather Cutter West St, St Philip, Bristol SEALEY John Gardener / seedsman Barton Hill, Bristol SEALY Henry Esqa. 29 Berkeley Square, Bristol SEALY Thomas Esq. Saville Place, Clifton, Bristol SEAMEN Daniel Grocer / Tea Dealer East St, Bedminster, Bristol SEARGANT Josiah Saddler & Harness Maker 72 Redcliff Street, Bristol SEARL Charles Tailor 3 St Michaels Hill, Bristol SEARL Henry Furniture Broker 3 Penn Street, Bristol SEARL John Clarke Surgeon 84 Stokes Croft, Bristol SEARL Sarah Day School 3 St Michael's Hill, Bristol SEASON Ann Straw Hat Maker Hotwell Road, Bristol SEATON Matthew M. Attorney Corn Street, Bristol SEBRY John Boot & Shoe Maker 31 Lower Arcade, Bristol SEDWICK William Silversmith / Jeweller 2 Tower Lane, Bristol SEIFFERTH Benjamin Gents' Boarding School 52 St Michael's Hill, Bristol SELFE Isaac Chymist / Druggist 42 Old Market Street, Bristol SELFE William Hairdresser 58 Broadmead, Bristol SELLERS Samuel Boot & Shoe Maker Bridewell Lane, Bristol SELSBY John Baker 5 Nelson PLace, Clifton, Bristol SENNINGTON Joseph Plasterer / Tiler / Painter 4 Horse Fair, Bristol SENNINGTON Samuel Plasterer / Tiler / Painter Leek Lane, Milk Street, Bristol SENTER Jacob Tavern / Public House Mermaid, Lewins Mead, Bristol SERASE Henry Tavern / Public House Cock & Bottle,Castle Green, Bristol SERJENT Charles Barton Benevolent School St James' Barton, Bristol SERLE Samuel Boot & Shoe Maker Brandon Street, Bristol SEVIER James Esq. 20 Richmond Terr, Clifton, Bristol SEVIER John Ford Attorney 9 St John Street, Bristol SEVIER Rebecca Furniture Broker St James's Back, Bristol SEYER Samuel Revd. 6 Berkeley Square, Bristol SEYMOUR Mrs. 39 Lower Crescent, Clifton, Bristol SEYMOUR Edward Plasterer / Tiler / Painter Wilder Street, Bristol SEYMOUR Samuel Breeches maker & Glover 9 Castle Mill Street, Bristol SHACKLETON J. Revd. 15 Lower Cres, Clifton, Bristol SHADWELL Richard Esq. 11 Stoke's Croft, Bristol SHAPCOTT Alexander Butcher 15 Christmas Street, Bristol SHAPLAND & WREFORD Linen Dealer 22 Wine Street, Bristol SHARLAND Samuel Currier / Leather Cutter 3 Old Market Street, Bristol SHARMAN Margaret Mrs. 55 College Street, Bristol SHARP Charles Fencing Master 20 Small Street, Bristol SHARP John Gardener / seedsman Horfield Road, Bristol SHARPLES E. Mrs. Lower Harley Pl, Clifton, Bristol SHARRAM Thomas Currier / Leather Cutter 112 Temple Street, Bristol SHATTOCK Jno. Tavern / Public House Old Globe, Christmas St, Bristol SHATTOCK Richard Machine Maker (Agricultural) 25 St Thomas St, Bristol SHAW & Co. Carrier on the Canals Bull Wharf, Redcliff St, Bristol SHAW & Co. Wharfinger Bull Wharf, Redcliff St, Bristol SHAW Robert Day School 87 Redcliff Street, Bristol SHAW William Hairdresser 1 Nelson Place, Clifton, Bristol SHEAT James John Tavern / Public House Three Crowns, John Street, Bristol SHEERING Ann Tavern / Public House Glass House, Lawrence Hill, Bristol SHEERING Samuel Tavern / Public House Crown, Lawrence Hill, Bristol SHEERING William Tavern / Public House Woolpack, Eugene Street, Bristol SHEFFIELD James Tavern / Public House Bear & Ragged Staff, Peter St SHELL T. Master "The Dochfour" Bristol to Grenada. SHELL Thomas Furniture Broker St James's Back, Bristol SHELTON John Wheelwright Avon Street, St Philips, Bristol SHEPHARD Richard Boot & Shoe Maker 11 Ellbroad Street, Bristol SHEPHERD James Leather Seller St George's, Bristol SHEPHERD Richard Boot & Shoe Maker Moorfields, Bristol SHEPHERDSON Ann & Mary Misses Hillfield House, Clifton, Bristol SHEPPARD Elizabeth Mrs. 2 Dove Street, Bristol SHEPPARD Joseph Confectioner 60 Redcliff Street, Bristol SHEPPARD M. Mrs. 9 Freeland Pl, Clifton, Bristol SHEPPARD Thomas Corn Factor Little King Street, Bristol SHEPPARD Thomas Pilot Pill, Bristol SHEPPARD Thomas Provision Factor Little King Street, Bristol SHEPPARD William Dealer in Patent Medicines Richmond Villa, Clifton, Bristol SHEPPARD William & Co. Timber Merchant & Dealer Baltic Wharf, Cumberland Rd,Bristol SHERBORNE J. Carrier Bell, St Thomas St, Bristol SHERIFF Deborah Confectioner 62 Park Street, Bristol SHERMAN Thomas Clock Maker Merrifields ct, Redcross St,Bristol SHERRIFF Philip Furniture Broker Church Lane, St Philip's, Bristol SHERRING Jos. B. Gent 28 St James's Pl, Kingsdown,Bristol SHERRING Rd. Brodribb Gent 25 Somerset St, Kingsdown, Bristol SHEW & Son Surgeon Dentist 51 Park Street, Bristol SHEWRING Hester Furniture Broker 118 Temple Street, Bristol SHEWRING Luke Auctioneer / Appraiser 1 Bridge Street, Bristol SHEWRING Luke Commission Agent 1 Bridge Street, Bristol SHILSTONE Mrs. & Miss Boarding & Day School 11 Somerset Square, Bristol SHORE Keturah Tavern / Public House Jolly Sailor, Guinea St, Bristol SHORLAND John Surgeon 4 Kings Square, Bristol SHORLAND William Shopkeeper / Dealer Warder Street, Bristol SHORT Francis Attorney 37 Corn Street, Bristol SHORT John Boot & Shoe Maker 42 Broad Street, Bristol SHORT John Carpenter / Builder 24 Newfoundland Street, Bristol SHORT Samuel & Co. Oil & Colourman 16 West Street, Bristol SHORT Thomas Butcher 6 Castle Mill Street, Bristol SHORT Thomas Hat manufacturer / Dealer 158 Redcliff Street, Bristol SHORT Thomas Hall Fishmonger / Dry & Salt fish Back Street, Bristol SHORTMAN Daniel Tavern / Public House Duke of Marlborough, Cheese Lane SHORTMAN William Boarding / Lodging House 6 Albermarle Row, Hotwells, Bristol SHURMER R. Carrier 13 Temple Street, Bristol SHURMER Richard Corn, Flour and Seed Dealer 13 Temple Street, Bristol SHUTE John Carpenter / Builder Griffin Lane, Bristol SIDNEY Robert Baker East Street, Bedminster, Bristol SIDWAY John Painter - House, Sign Etc 25 Temple Street, Bristol SILCOCKS Edward Blacksmith Portwall Lane, Bristol SILCOCKS Thomas Blacksmith Thomas Street, Bristol SILCOX James Baker 17 Old Market Street, Bristol SILCOX James Shopkeeper / Dealer Bread St, St Philips, Bristol SILVER John Gardener / seedsman Pennywell Road, Bristol SILVEY William Sheriff's Officer Horfield Road, Bristol SIMEON Monsr. Teacher of French Alfred Pl, Guinea Street, Bristol SIMMONDS Peter Boarding / Lodging House Saville Place, Clifton, Bristol SIMMONS Jn. Gent Eugene St, without, Bristol SIMMONS Richard Shopkeeper / Dealer 10 Philadelphia Street, Bristol SIMMONS Samuel Gent 6 St Paul's Street, Bristol SIMMS Richard Tailor Ellbroad Street, Bristol SIMPKIN John Baker 74 Redcliff Street, Bristol SIMPSON Mrs. Brislington, Bristol SIMPSON William Surgeon 57 St Michaels Hill, Bristol SIMPTON Hiram Hairdresser Paul St, KIngsdown, Bristol SIMS & Co. Carrier on the River Severn Quay, Bristol SIMS Phineas Perfumer / Hairdresser 9 & 10 Upper Arcade, Bristol SIMS Phineas Toy Manufacturer & Dealer 9 & 10 Upper Arcade, Bristol SIMS Robert Tavern / Public House Cask, Hotwell Road, Bristol SIMS Thomas Rope and Twine Maker Temple Gate, Bristol SIMS William Patten Maker Ann Street without, Bristol SINCLAIR John Merchant (Herring) Grove, Bristol SIONS Frederick Hat manufacturer / Dealer 4 Castle Street, Bristol SIRCOM Jno Teacher of Mathematics 2 Dove Street, Bristol SKEATES Edward Saddler & Harness Maker 24 Old Market Street, ,Bristol SKEATES Robert Wick Iron Co. - Agent Castle Green Bristol SKEEL John Boot & Shoe Maker Love Street, Hotwells, Bristol SKENFIELD Ann Timber Merchant & Dealer 36 Welsh Back Street, Bristol SKINNER Daniel Glazier Frog Lane, Bristol SKINNER James Tin Plate Worker 11 Old King Street, Bristol SKINNER William Gent Ashley Place, Bristol SKONE William Boarding & Day School 19 Newfoundland St, Milk St,Bristol SLADE Christopher Maltster Upper Easton, Bristol SLADE Edward Accountant Small Street Court, Bristol SLADE Edward W. Baker 1 Park St, College Green, Bristol SLADE Jno. Dyke Chymist / Druggist 10 St James's, Barton, Bristol SLADE John Haberdasher Gloster Lane, Bristol SLADE Robert Boot & Shoe Maker 15 Narrow Wine Street, Bristol SLADE T. & J. Carrier Bell, St Thomas St, Bristol SLAUGHTER Richard Carpenter / Builder Morgan's Court, Limekiln La,Bristol SLEEMAN John Shopkeeper / Dealer Avon Street, Great Gardens, Bristol SLOCOMBE George Inn / Hotel Keeper Greyhound, Broadmead, Bristol SLOPER & GARDNER Broker Commercial 10 Queen's Square, Bristol SLOPER & GARDNER Commission Agent 10 Queen's Square, Bristol SLOPER Ann Tavern / Public House Rose, Temple St, Bristol SLOPER Richard Tailor 7 St Vincents Place, Bristol SMALE William Tavern / Public House Globe, East St Bedminster, Bristol SMALL John Pawnbroker 3 Broad Weir, Bristol SMALL Mary Hallier (sic) Hellier/slater? 89 Stoke's Croft, Bristol SMALL Richard Master "The Vigilant" Bristol to Guernsey & Jersey SMALLCORN George Tailor Thunderbolt Street, Bristol SMART John & Jacob Coal Merchant Avon Street, St Philip's, Bristol SMART John & Jacob Lime Burner Avon Street, St Philip's, Bristol SMART Robert Steam Packet Agent 1 Quay, Bristol SMART Robert Tavern / Public House Hole in the Wall, Princes St, SMART Thomas Coach Maker Hotwell Road, Bristol SMART Thomas Dyer / Calenderer 28 Charles Street, Bristol SMERDON Charles Surgeon 1 Portland Place, Clifton, Bristol SMITH & KING Cabinet Maker / Upholsterer 13 Trenchard Street, Bristol SMITH & MORGAN Sheriff's Officer Trinity Street, Bristol SMITH Abraham Jones Surgeon 27 Orchard Street, Bristol SMITH Anm Shopkeeper / Dealer Old Park, Bristol SMITH Ann Day School 5 Trotman's Bds. Lodge St, Bristol SMITH Ann Miss 13 Marlboro' Hill, Bristol SMITH Ann Straw Hat Maker 6 Lower Castle Street, Bristol SMITH Ann Tavern / Public House White Horse, West St, Bedminster SMITH Ann, Mary,Hannah Ladies' Boarding School 7 Portland Street, Bristol SMITH Arthur Butcher East Street, Bedminster, Bristol SMITH Benjamin Tailor 25 Union Street, Bristol SMITH Brooke Attorney 1 Small Street, Bristol SMITH Charlotte Dress Maker 2 Cumberland Street, Bristol SMITH Elizabeth Stay Maker 41 College Green, Bristol SMITH Francis Horse Hair Chair Seating maker 8 Merchant Street, Bristol SMITH Francis Wheelwright St George, Bristol SMITH Fred Stationer 18 Welsh Back, Bristol SMITH Frederick Paper maker 11 Welsh back, Bristol SMITH George Butcher 137 Redcliff Street, Bristol SMITH George Grocer / Tea Dealer 2 Castle Mill Street, Bristol SMITH George B. Corn Factor 9 Castle Green Bristol SMITH Harriet Day School 85 Stoke's Croft, Bristol SMITH Henry Attorney 19 Clare Street, Bristol SMITH Henry B. Esq. 59 Queen;s Square, Bristol SMITH Isaac Carpenter / Builder 3 Newfoundland Street, Bristol SMITH James Cabinet Maker / Upholsterer Ann Street, Bristol SMITH James Tavern / Public House Cross Keys, 27 Welsh Back, Bristol SMITH John Chair Maker Bridewell Lane, Bristol SMITH John Chymist / Druggist Clarence Road, Bristol SMITH John Hosier 6 Wine Street, Bristol SMITH John Master "The Regulator" Bristol to Barnstaple SMITH John Organ Builder 69 Castle Street, Bristol SMITH John Perfumer / Hairdresser 10 Nelson Pl, Clifton, Bristol SMITH John Printer - Letter Press 6 Broad Weir, Bristol SMITH John Tavern / Public House Full Moon, 31 Broad Street, Bristol SMITH John Tin Plate Worker 12 Denmark Street, Bristol SMITH John Woollen Draper Bristol Bridge, Bristol SMITH John & George Plasterer / Tiler / Painter Little George Street, Bristol SMITH John C. Tailor 25 Upper Arcade, Bristol SMITH John Clare Grocer / Tea Dealer 35 Old Market Street, Bristol SMITH John H. Auctioneer / Appraiser 13 Bridge Street, Bristol SMITH Jos. Butter factor Charlotte Street, Queen's Sq, SMITH Joseph Assessor Court of Requests Council House, Bristol SMITH Joseph Barrister Guildhall Chambers,Broad St,Bristol SMITH Joseph Cabinet Maker / Upholsterer Frogmore Cliff, Bristol SMITH Joseph Ironmonger 137 & 138 Thomas St, Bristol SMITH Joseph Tavern / Public House John Bull, Meadow St, Bristol SMITH Joseph Grace Barrister Guildhall Chambers,Broad St,Bristol SMITH L. Gent St Michael's Hill, Bristol SMITH Mary Mrs. 22 Trinity Street, Bristol SMITH Mary Shopkeeper / Dealer Back Street, Bristol SMITH Nathaniel Surgeon 31 Park Street, Bristol SMITH Orton Gent 2 Berkeley Cres, Berkeley SqBristol SMITH Prince William Currier / Leather Cutter 16 Christmas Street, Bristol SMITH Richard Surgeon 38 Park Street, Bristol SMITH Richard Tailor 13 Upper Arcade, Bristol SMITH Richard Tavern / Public House Glass House, Avon St, St Philips SMITH Robert Saddler & Harness Maker 7 Nelson Pl, Clifton, Bristol SMITH Samuel Tavern / Public House Kings Head, Philadelphia St,Bristol SMITH Sarah Mrs. Montague Hill, Bristol SMITH T. Master "The Airthry Castle" Bristol to New Brunswick SMITH Thomas Baker Tower Hill, St Philip's, Bristol SMITH Thomas Carpenter / Builder Beaufort Pl, Lower Montague St, SMITH Thomas Currier / Leather Cutter 12 Milk Street, Bristol SMITH Thomas Tavern / Public House Royal Oak, Princes St, Bristol SMITH William Baker 37 Old Market Street, Bristol SMITH William Bookbinder 41 College Green, Bristol SMITH William Boot & Shoe Maker All Saints Street, Bristol SMITH William Brush, Sieve, & Mop Maker Church Lane, Castle St, Bristol SMITH William Carpenter / Builder Ellbroad Street, Bristol SMITH William Chair Maker 33 King Street, Queen's Square SMITH William Corn Factor 24 King Street, Queen's Sq, Bristol SMITH William Horse Dealer West Street, Bristol SMITH William Livery Stables Keeper Clifton Hill, Clifton, Bristol SMITH William Merchant (Commission) 24 King St, Queen's Sq, Bristol SMITH William Printer - Letter Press 41 College Green, Bristol SMITH William Provision Factor 24 King St, Queens Square, Bristol SMITH, SON & BAKER Linen & Manchester Merchant 24 Small Street, Bristol SMYTH Edward & Son Tin Plate Worker 29 Temple Street, Bristol SMYTH F.G. Colonel Down Place, Clifton, Bristol SNAPE D. Mrs Saville Place, Clifton, Bristol SNELL & Co. Carrier St Thomas Street, Bristol SNELL Abraham Tailor 7 Broad Street, Bristol SNOOK John Wood Turner Temple Back, Bristol SNOWDEN William Hairdresser Love Street, Bristol SOLLIS John Cabinet Maker / Upholsterer Frogmore Street, Bristol SOLOMON Alexander Sale Rooms 9 Broad Street, Bristol SOLOMON Barnard & Co. Cabinet Maker / Upholsterer 81 Redcliff Street, Bristol SOLOMON Israel L. Pawnbroker 81 Redcliff Street, Bristol SOLOMON Samuel Clothes, &c, Salesmen 9 Broadmead, Bristol SOLOMON Simon Clothes, &c, Salesmen 68 Castle Street, Bristol SOLOMON Simon Furniture Broker All Saints Street, Bristol SOMERTON William Henry Printer - Letter Press 9 Narrow Wine Street, Bristol SORTING Samuel Baker 21 Berkeley Pl, Clifton, Bristol SOULE John Carrier on the River Severn Quay Head, Bristol SOUTH Elizabeth Shopkeeper / Dealer Rownham Pl, Hotwells, Bristol SOUTH Thomas Gent Somerset Villa, New Cut, Bristol SOUTHCOTE Sarah Toy Manufacturer & Dealer 34 Old Market Street, Bristol SOUTHCOTT William Watch & Clock Maker 4 Lower College Street, Bristol SOUTHEY Jos. Tavern / Public House Prince Regent, College Pl,Bristol SOUTHWELL Jno. Boarding / Lodging House Charlotte St, Park St, Bristol SOWDEN Elizabeth Shopkeeper / Dealer 48 Stokes Croft, Bristol SOWERBY Francis Grocer / Tea Dealer 1 Peter Street, Bristol SPARE Henry Tailor 49 St Micheals Hill, Bristol SPARE William Carpenter / Builder Pennywell Rd, Bristol SPENCER George Stone & Marble Mason West Street, Bristol SPENCER Henry Hallier (sic) Hellier/slater? Love Street, Bristol SPENCER John Chymist / Druggist 10 Broadmead, Bristol SPIKES John Hairdresser Frogmore Street, Bristol SPILLER William Tavern / Public House Swan with Two Necks, Little Ann St SPINING Elizabeth Dress Maker 65 Milk Street, Bristol SPIRING Thomas Tavern / Public House Pack Horse, Lawrence Hill, Bristol SPIRING William Accountant 3 Stoke's Croft, Bristol SPOKES John Stoneware Potter Avon Street, Bristol SPOKES Jonathan Shopkeeper / Dealer 77 Temple Street, Bristol SPRAGG George Painter - House, Sign Etc Quay Street, Bristol SPRODER Mises Brislington, Bristol SPURIER ?? W. Master "The Charlotte" Bristol to New Brunswick SPURRIER Charles Cabinet Maker / Upholsterer 26 St Augustine's Parade, Bristol SPURRIER Charles Carver / Guilder 26 St Augustin's Parade, Bristol SPURWAY Henry Carpenter / Builder Guilford Cottages, Ashley Road SQUIRES John Master "The Dispatch" Bristol to Bridgewater St VINCENT Mrs. 5 Grove Place, Durdham Down,Bristol STABBINS Joseph Butcher St Nicholas Street, Bristol STACEY George Shopkeeper / Dealer 8 Host St, St Michaels, Bristol STACEY Jonas & Son Baker Milk Street, Bristol STACEY Jonas & Son Grocer / Tea Dealer 20 Milk Street, Bristol STACEY Joseph Maltster Pill, Bristol STAFFORD George Stone & Marble Mason Milk Street, Bristol STAITE John & Son Brewer 76 Stoke's Croft, Bristol STAITE John & Son Maltster 76 Stoke's Croft, Bristol STALLARD James Timber Merchant & Dealer Thomas Street, Bristol STAMBREY Philip Shopkeeper / Dealer College Place, Bristol STAMBURY James 2nd Clerk to the Collector Excise Office, Queens Sq, Bristol STANFIELD Frances Mrs. 3 Dean Street, Bristol STANSBURY John Adolphu Gent 23 St James' Pl, Kingsdown, Bristol STANTON Daniel Wholesale Grocer. Counterslip, Bristol STANTON William Coal Merchant Butts, Bristol STANTON William Maltster Thomas Street, Bristol STANTON William Tavern / Public House Duke of York, Thomas St, Bristol STANWORTH R. Master "The General Wolfe" Bristol to Quebec & Montreal STAPLES Jos. Surgeon 8 Unity Street, Bristol STARKEY James Baker 5 Bedminster Parade, Bristol STARKEY Jno. Tailor Langton St, Redcliff Mead, Bristol STARR George Shopkeeper / Dealer Bedminster Parade, Bristol STEEL & GRACE Corn Factor Welsh back, Bristol STEEL James Sup. Soc. of Merchant Venturer Bonded Dock Yard, Cumberland Basin STEEL Thomas Printer - Letter Press St Stephens Avenue, Bristol STEELE & GRACE Miller Welsh Back, Bristol STEELE John Stone & Marble Mason 88 Thomas Street, Bristol STEGER Robert Woollen Draper 2 Bridge Street, Bristol STENSON Thomas Hosier 17 Union Street, Bristol STEPHENS & DOUBTING Milliner Horse Fair, Bristol STEPHENS & GOODHIND Attorney 19 Small Street, Bristol STEPHENS Felix Shopkeeper / Dealer Tower St, Great Gardens, Bristol STEPHENS Isaac Cheese Factor / Dealer 19 Maryport Street, Bristol STEPHENS Isaac Grocer / Tea Dealer 19 Maryport Street, Bristol STEPHENS Isaac jun Grocer / Tea Dealer 46 Castle Street, Bristol STEPHENS James Gardener / seedsman 17 Alfred Pl, Kingsdown, Bristol STEPHENS James Hairdresser 31 Maryport Street, Bristol STEPHENS John Baker 63 Stoke's Croft, Bristol STEPHENS John Teacher of Music 68 Stokes Croft, Bristol STEPHENS John jun Keeper Exchange Corn Street, Bristol STEPHENS Mary Shopkeeper / Dealer 21 Newfoundland Street, Bristol STEPHENS Nathaniel Carver / Guilder 8 Nelson Street, Bristol STEPHENS Redigen Boarding / Lodging House 10 Richmond Terr, Clifton, Bristol STEPHENS Robert & Jas. Gunsmith 54 Broad Quay, Bristol STEPHENS Samuel Tavern / Public House Hop Pole, Back St, Bristol STEPHENS Thomas Horse Dealer 46 Thomas Street, Bristol STEPHENS William Diocesan School Nelson Srteet, Bristol STEPHENSON Daniel Pawnbroker Redcross Street, Bristol STERLING Elizabeth Boarding / Lodging House 13 Paragon, Clifton, Bristol STERLING Susan Boarding / Lodging House 4 Paragon, Clifton, Bristol STEVENS & FIELD Brightsmith & Bellhanger Frog Lane, Bristol STEVENS James Butcher 23 Somerset St, Redcliff, Bristol STEVENS John Tailor 36 Temple Street, Bristol STEVENS Richard Carpenter / Builder 30 Harford Street, Bristol STEWARD Hamilton Mrs. 49 Royal York Cres, Clifton,Bristol STEWARD S. Mrs. 11 Paragon, Clifton, Bristol STEWART Mark Working Jeweller 6 St Nicholas Street, Bristol STEWART T. Master "The New Volunteer" Bristol to Demerara STICHE Mrs. Brislington, Bristol STIFF & BEDDOE Starch Manufacturer 29 Redcliff Street, Bristol STILES Stephen Trunk Maker Pithay, Bristol STINCHCOMB James Furniture Broker 46 Stoke's Croft, Bristol STINTON Elizabeth Tavern / Public House Carpenters Arms, 89 Old Market St STIVENS John Fruiterer 15 High Street, Bristol STIVENS John Merchant (Leghorn) High Street, Bristol STOATE Richard & Son Cabinet Maker / Upholsterer 33 Braod Quay, opp Draw Bridge, STOATE Richard & Son Undertaker 33 Broad Quay, opp Draw Bridge STOATE Thomas Carpenter / Builder Earl Street, Bristol STOCK Charles Boot & Shoe Maker 31 Castle Street, Bristol STOCK Maria Milliner 8 Union Street, Bristol STOCK Richard Butcher 18 North Street, Bristol STOCK Robert Cupper 22 Orchard Street, Bristol STOCK William Hairdresser 102 Temple Street, Bristol STOCKDALE M. Mrs. Colston's Cott, Redland, Bristol STOCKDALE Peregrine Esq. Paul Street, Bristol STOCKDALE Sarah Mrs. Portland St, Kingsdown, Bristol STOCKER Nathaniel Tavern / Public House Blacks Head, Clarence Rd, Bristol STOCKER Walter Nail Maker Lawrence Hill, Bristol STOCKER William Senr. Gunsmith Lawrence Hill, Bristol STOCKFORD Richard Tailor St James Church Yard, Bristol STOCKHAM John Baker 125 Redcliff Street, Bristol STOCKHAM Mary Ladies' Boarding & Day School Church Lane, Castle Green Bristol STOCKWELL Ann Dress Maker 4 Cathay, Bristol STOCKWELL William Basket Maker Peter St, Bristol STOCKWELL William jun Basket Maker 20 Peter Street, Bristol STOKES Daniel Boarding / Lodging House 2 Nelson Street, Bristol STOKES James Basket Maker Hotwell Road, Bristol STOKES James Butcher East St, Bedminster, Bristol STOKES Joseph Painter - House, Sign Etc 22 Orchard Street, Bristol STOKES Richard Butcher East St, Bedminster, Bristol STOKES Samuel Inn / Hotel Keeper The Bush, Corn Street, Bristol STOKES William Butcher 16 Bedminster Parade, Bristol STONE James Pawnbroker 6 Old Market Street, Bristol STONE James Tavern / Public House Swan, Temple Street, Bristol STONE James Tavern / Public House Ring of Bells, Thomas St, Bristol STONE Jane Tavern / Public House Ship & Castle, Marsh St, Bristol STONE John Tailor 10 Wine Street, Bristol STONE John Tavern / Public House Old Crown, Broad Weir, Bristol STONE Philip Auctioneer / Appraiser 19 St Augustine's Place, Bristol STONE Samuel Boot & Shoe Maker 31 Old Market Street, Bristol STONE Samuel Cooper Easton Road, Bristol STONE Sarah Milliner Frogmore Street, Bristol STONE Thomas Carpenter / Builder 11 Denmark Street, Bristol STONE Thomas Carver / Guilder (furniture) 8 Horse Fair, Bristol STOOKE William Inn / Hotel Keeper York Ho Hotel, Dowry Square,Bristol STOREY Esther Milliner 1 Parade St, St James, Bristol STOREY George Master "The Langport" Bristol to Bridgewater STOREY R. Assistant Surveyor Excise Office, Queens Sq, Bristol STOTT Ann Mrs. Wellington Place, Bristol STOWELL William Boot & Shoe Maker 9 Corn Street, Bristol STRACHAN Charlotte Milliner 6 Granby Pl, Clifton, Bristol STRACHAN James Accountant 25 Orchard Street, Bristol STRACHAN John & Co. Tailor 60 Park Street, Bristol STRADLING John Shopkeeper / Dealer George Street, Bristol STRANGE George Plasterer / Tiler / Painter Limekiln Lane, Bristol STRANGE Mary Boarding / Lodging House 8 Trinity Street, Bristol STRANGFORD Dowager Viscountess 12 Gloucester Row, Clifton, Bristol STRATTON James Boarding / Lodging House 2 Boyce Buildings, Clifton, Bristol STRATTON Richard Wheelwright Clark St, St Pauls, Bristol STRAWBRIDGE George Stone & Marble Mason Lower Montague Street, Bristol STREET Jno. Esq. Somerset Hse, Clifton, Bristol STREET Margaret Boarding / Lodging House Clifton Hill, Clifton, Bristol STRICKLAND & Son Attorney Baldwin Street, Bristol STRONG William Bookseller/Stationer/Binder 25 Clare Street, Bristol STROUD John Agent for John Jones 10 Tontine Warehouse, Quay Head STROUD John Agent for Samuel Oakley 10 Tontine Warehouse, Quay Head STROUD Thomas Plumber 18 Narrow Wine Street, Bristol STRUTH N. Rev Rector St Peters, Bristol STUART John Chas & Edw Ironmonger 10 Welsh Back, Bristol STUART John Chas &Edwd Iron Merchants / Ironmonger 10 Welsh Back, Bristol STUART Simeon Sir 12 Mall, Clifton, Bristol STUBBS Thomas Butcher 14 St Nicholas St, Bristol STUCKEY Abraham Carpenter / Builder Canynge Street, Bristol STUCKEY John Master "The Mary" Market Boat to Newport STUCKLEY George Tailor 10 Horse Fair, Bristol STURGE Henry Violin Maker Lower Maudlin St, Bristol STURGE James Shopkeeper / Dealer 41 Milk Street, Bristol STURGE YOUNG & JACOB P Surveyor 1 Broad Street, Bristol SUGG Benjamin Gardener / seedsman Gloucester Road, Bristol SULLIVAN Thomas Glass Warehouse 3 College Place, Bristol SULLIVAN Thomas Wine & Spirit Merchant 2 College Place, Bristol SUMMER William Patten Maker Ellbroad Street, Bristol SUMMERELL Samuel Carpenter / Builder Butts, Bristol SUMMERLAND Timothy Wainbrook Iron Co., Agent Redfield Place, Bristol SUMMERS John Brazier / Tin Plate Worker Griffin Lane, Bristol SUMMERS William Boot & Shoe Maker 6 Wellington Pl, Clifton, Bristol SUMPTION John Boot & Shoe Maker Lawrence Hill, Bristol SUPLE Robert Linen Dealer 22 Union Street, Bristol SURRAGE John & Co. Undertaker 44 High Street, Bristol SURRAGE John & Co. Woollen Draper 44 High Street, Bristol SURRAGE Thomas Lyddon Surgeon 2 York Buildings, Clifton, Bristol SURTEES John Rev Vicar St Augustins, Bristol SUTTON Richd Lindsay Haberdasher 3 Peter Street, Bristol SWAIN Elizabeth Dress Maker Walker St, Kingsdown, Bristol SWAIN James Sailmaker Broad Quay, Bristol SWAINE Edward Gent 6 Dighton Street, Bristol SWASH Thomas Boot & Shoe Maker 41 Castle Street, Bristol SWAYNE John C. Surgeon St James' Barton, Bristol SWAYNE Ray & Hoyte Attorney 15 Bridge Street, Bristol SWEET Isaac Tavern / Public House George & Dragon, St Georges, SWEET James Rudhall Basket Maker 28 Maryport Street, Bristol SWEET Mary Tavern / Public House Queens Head, Upper Easton, Bristol SWEETMAN John Machine Maker (Agricultural) East St, Bedminster, Bristol SWEEY & HOUNSELL Tailor 21 St Augustins Parade, Bristol SWETE J. Dr. Lecturer St James, Bristol SWETE John Revd. Dr. Redland Hil, Bristol SWETE Rev Dr. Chaplain Orphan Asylum Chapel, Bristol SWETE Revd. Dr, Jno Boarding School Redland Hill House, Bristol SWIFT & Co. Carrier on the River Severn Welsh Back, Bristol SWIFT Hezekiah & Sons Timber Merchant & Dealer Canons Marsh & on the Back, Bristol SYDES Edward Gent Montpelier, Bristol SYLE Robert Hosier 32 Old Market Street, Bristol SYMONS E.H. Miss Park Row, Bristol TABBENOR William Grocer / Tea Dealer Clarence Rd St Philip's, Bristol TAGGART Mrs. 10 Horfield Rd, Bristol TALBOT Joseph Gent 7 Bishop Street, Bristol TANBY William Rev. Rector St Werburghs, Bristol TANDY Jno. Mayo & Son Accountant 25 Union Street, Bristol TANDY John Mayo Agent Salamander Insurance 25 Union Street, Bristol TANKINS John Butcher 115 Exchange Shambles, Bristol TANKINS William Butcher 121 Exchange Shambles, Bristol TANNER ---- Carrier White Lion, St Thomas St, Bristol TANNER & BAYLIS Carrier Bell, St Thomas St, Bristol TANNER Daniel Carpenter / Builder 72 Old Market Street, Bristol TANNER Jas. Perfumer / Hairdresser 31 St Augustins Parade, Bristol TANNER John Leather Factor Back St, Baldwin Street, Bristol TANNER John Tanner Earls Mead, St Pauls, Bristol TANNER William & Son Attorney Shannon Court, Bristol TANTON Daniel Brightsmith & Bellhanger 74 Thomas Street, Bristol TAPRELL Sarah Mrs. 16 Orchard St, Bristol TARR James Stone & Marble Mason Gloster Street, Bristol TARR Jane Shopkeeper / Dealer Lower Church Lane, Bristol TARR Richard Grocer / Tea Dealer Lawrence Hill, St Philip's, Bristol TASKER Richard Watch Glass Maker Maryport Church Yard, Bristol TAUNTON William P. Barrister Exchange Buildings, Bristol TAWTON Hugh Tavern / Public House Old Rose & Crown, St Philips Plain TAYLER Edwin Grocer / Tea Dealer 69 Castle Street, Bristol TAYLER Francis Spirit Dealer - Retail 1 Milk Street, Bristol TAYLER Frederick Grocer / Tea Dealer 4 Old King Street, Bristol TAYLER Frederick Soap & Candle Maker 4 Old King Street, Bristol TAYLOR Ann Tin Plate Worker 6 Gloucester Lane, Bristol TAYLOR Benjamin Tailor 27 Milk Street, Bristol TAYLOR Charles Silversmith / Jeweller 37 High Street, Bristol TAYLOR Charles Watch & Clock Maker 37 High Street, Bristol TAYLOR Edward Shopkeeper / Dealer 6 Christmas Street, Bristol TAYLOR Elizabeth Shopkeeper / Dealer Avenue, Kings Square, Bristol TAYLOR George Gent Catherine Place, Bristol TAYLOR George Maltster Cathay, Bristol TAYLOR George Wine & Spirit Merchant 21 Redcliff Street, Bristol TAYLOR George Edward Attorney 14 St John Street, Bristol TAYLOR Henry Broker Commercial Broad Quay, Bristol TAYLOR James Butcher 36 Old Market Street, Bristol TAYLOR James Revd. Harley Place, Clifton, Bristol TAYLOR James Stone & Marble Mason Stapleton, Bristol TAYLOR James Rev Minister Clifton Church, Bristol TAYLOR Jno. Tavern / Public House Golden Bottle, 23 Welsh Back, TAYLOR Jno.Breathwaite Physician 12 Kings Square, Bristol TAYLOR John Brightsmith & Bellhanger 56 Stoke's Croft, Bristol TAYLOR John Brightsmith & Bellhanger 15 Berkeley Place, Clifton, Bristol TAYLOR John Newspaper Publisher Bristol Mirror, 20 Small Street. TAYLOR John Printer - Letter Press 20 Small Street, Bristol TAYLOR John Shopkeeper / Dealer Lewins Mead, Bristol TAYLOR John Trunk Maker 12 Philadelphia Street, Bristol TAYLOR Joseph Butcher Old King Street, Bristol TAYLOR Joseph Gent 45 College Street, Bristol TAYLOR Louisa Milliner Limekiln Lane, Bristol TAYLOR Maria Dress Maker Ellbroad Street, Bristol TAYLOR Mary Shopkeeper / Dealer 15 Gloucester Lane, Bristol TAYLOR Michael Tavern / Public House Cross Keys, Hotwell Rd, Bristol TAYLOR Miss Boarding School Lower Redland, Bristol TAYLOR Philip Corn, Flour and Seed Dealer 48 Old Market Street, Bristol TAYLOR Richard Butcher 82 Redcliff Street, Bristol TAYLOR Richard Lace Maker / Dealer 55 Wine Street, Bristol TAYLOR Samuel Brush, Sieve, & Mop Maker 7 Lower Arcade, Bristol TAYLOR Sarah Hat manufacturer / Dealer 35 Castle Street, Bristol TAYLOR Thomas Brightsmith & Bellhanger Redcliff Back, Bristol TAYLOR Thomas Cooper Water Street, Bristol TAYLOR Thomas Shopkeeper / Dealer 2 Bedminster Parade, Bristol TAYLOR Thomas Tavern / Public House Sugar Loaf, Water Street, Bristol TAYLOR Walter & Alice Grocer / Tea Dealer 27 St Augustin's Parade, Bristol TAYLOR William Corn Factor 15 Catherine Pl,Stoke's Croft TAYLOR William Hallier (sic) Hellier/slater? Black Horse Lane, Bristol TAYLOR William National School Brislington, Bristol TAYLOR William Printer - Letter Press 62 Redcliff Street, Bristol TAYLOR William Trunk Maker 3 Thomas Street, Bristol TAYNTON William Tailor 109 Redcliff Street, Bristol TEMPLAR Benjamin Dyer / Calenderer 27 Redcliff Street, Bristol TERRELL Frederick Surgeon 3 Charlotte St, Queens Sq, Bristol TERRELL William Boot & Shoe Maker 4 Cathay, Bristol TERRELL William & Son Butter factor 33 Welsh Back, Bristol TERRELL William & Sons Corn Factor 33 Welsh back, Bristol TERRELL William & Sons Hemp and Flax Dresser 17 Back, Bristol TERRELL William & Sons Rope and Twine Maker 17 Welsh Back, Bristol TERRELL William & Sons Sack & Sacking Maker 17 Welsh Back, Bristol TERRELL William & Sons Wharfinger 33 Welsh Back, Bristol TERRETT Thomas Pawnbroker Gloucester Road, Bristol THACKWELL Thomas Watch & Clock Maker 95 Redcliff Street, Bristol THAYAR Temperance Butcher 2 All Saint's Row, Bristol THOMAS Alfred Grocer / Tea Dealer 5 Bridge Parade, Bristol THOMAS Ann Haberdasher 34 Old Market Street, Bristol THOMAS Arthur Pilot Pill, Bristol THOMAS Benjamin Boarding / Lodging House King St, Queen's Sq, Bristol THOMAS Benjamin Esq. Bedford Place, Bristol THOMAS Charles Baker 39 Castle Street, Bristol THOMAS Charles Baker Somerset Parade, Redcliff, Bristol THOMAS Charles Carrier on the Canals 13 Welsh Back, Bristol THOMAS Charles Corn Factor 13 Welsh back, Bristol THOMAS Charles Wharfinger 13 Welsh Back, Bristol THOMAS David Robert Boot & Shoe Maker Gloucester Lane, Bristol THOMAS Edward Grocer / Tea Dealer Clifton Place, Clifton, Bristol THOMAS Edward Porter & Bottle Liquor Merchan Clifton Pl, Clifton, Bristol THOMAS Edward Tobacco Pipe Maker Little George St, Bristol THOMAS Edward Wine & Spirit Merchant Clifton Place, Clifton, Bristol THOMAS Elizabeth Mrs. 8 Lodge Street, Bristol THOMAS Elizabeth Mrs. 2 Queen's Parade, Bristol THOMAS Ellen & Sisters Ladies' Boarding School Pritchard St, St Paul's, Bristol THOMAS Fred. S. Gent Lower Redland, Bristol THOMAS Frederick Portrait Artist Park Row, Park Street, Bristol THOMAS Frederick Teacher of Drawing Park Row, Park Street, Bristol THOMAS George Tailor 20 North Street, Bristol THOMAS Henry Boot & Shoe Maker Upper Maudlin Lane, Bristol THOMAS Henry Carpenter / Builder Lower Maudlin Street, Bristol THOMAS Henry Gent. Durdham Down, Bristol THOMAS James Agent Palladium Insurance 1 St Stephen Street, Bristol THOMAS James Boot & Shoe Maker 2 Clare Street, Bristol THOMAS James Capt. Redland, Bristol THOMAS James Coppersmith / Brazier 4 West St, St Philip's, Bristol THOMAS James Inn / Hotel Keeper The Full Moon, North St, Bristol THOMAS James Undertaker 52 Castle Street, Bristol THOMAS Jno. Sons & Co. Wholesale Grocer. 18 Redcliff Street, Bristol THOMAS John Basket Maker 12 Lower Arcade, Bristol THOMAS John Chymist / Druggist West St, Bedminster, Bristol THOMAS John Master "The Providence " Bristol to Carmarthen THOMAS John Shopkeeper / Dealer Ellbroad Street, Bristol THOMAS Joseph Boot & Shoe Maker 35 Maryport Street, Bristol THOMAS Joseph Carver / Guilder 23 Broadmead, Bristol THOMAS Joseph Perfumer / Hairdresser 26 Upper Arcade, Bristol THOMAS Josiah & Son Tailor 6 Trotmans Buildings, St Michael Hl THOMAS Laby Carpenter / Builder 4 Cumberland Place, Bristol THOMAS Llewellin Plasterer / Tiler 20 Marlboro' Street, Bristol THOMAS Mary Mrs. 9 Upper Berkeley Pl,Clifton,Bristol THOMAS Mary Shopkeeper / Dealer 9 St Michaels Hill, Bristol THOMAS Mary Soap & Candle Maker 79 Castle Street, Bristol THOMAS Richard Butcher 7 Old King Steet, Bristol THOMAS Robert Mrs. 1 Dove Street, Bristol THOMAS Sarah National School Clifton Gloucs Terr, Hot wells, THOMAS Stephen Soap & Candle Maker 22 West Street, Bristol THOMAS Thomas Boot & Shoe Maker 18 North Street, Bristol THOMAS Thomas Hallier (sic) Hellier/slater? 38 Welsh Back, Bristol THOMAS Thomas Master "The Ebenezer" Bristol to Cardiff THOMAS Thomas Tailor 20 Berkeley Pl, Clifton, Bristol THOMAS Thomas Tavern / Public House Ostrich, Guinea St, Bristol THOMAS Uriah Shopkeeper / Dealer All Saints Lane, Bristol THOMAS W. Master "The Clara" Bristol to Jamaica THOMAS William Attorney 61 Broad Street, Bristol THOMAS William Butcher Ann Street without, Bristol THOMAS William Hairdresser 22 North Street, Bristol THOMAS William Hosier & Undertaker 14 Wine Street, Bristol THOMAS William Livery Stables Keeper Portland House, Bristol THOMAS William Tailor Sion Pl, Stapleton Rd, Bristol THOMAS William Tavern / Public House Hotwell Tavern, Charleton Pl,Hotwel THOMAS William Tavern / Public House Cross Keys, Temple St, Bristol THOMAS William Timber Merchant & Dealer 5 Rosemary Lane, Bristol THOMAS William H. Linen Dealer 23 Bridge Street, Bristol THOMPSON Charles L. Blacksmith Brislington, Bristol THOMPSON Daniel Boarding / Lodging House 4 Prince's Buildings, Clifton, THOMPSON Richard Last / Boot Tree Maker 42 Merchant Street, Bristol THOMPSON Ross Esq. 4 Rodney Pl, Clifton, Bristol THOMPSON Stephen Painter - House, Sign Etc Lower Maudlin Lane, Bristol THOMPSON Theodosia Boarding School Horfield Road, Bristol THOMSON Martha Miss 5 Belle Vue, Clifton, Bristol THORN Jno. Boarding / Lodging House 8 Albermarle Row, Hotwells, Bristol THORN Jno. Carpenter / Builder 8 Albemarle Row, Clifton, Bristol THORN John Brush, Sieve, & Mop Maker 27 Broadmead, Bristol THORN John Tavern / Public House Old Crown, Redcross St, Bristol THORN Richard Cabinet Maker / Upholsterer All Saint's Street, Bristol THORN William Earthenware Dealer 1 St Michael's Hill, Bristol THORN William Mrs. Spring Hill, Bristol THORNE Ann Butcher 14 Exchange Shambles, Bristol THORNE George Butcher 64 Temple Street, Bristol THORNE George Esq. Portland House, Kingsdown, Bristol THORNE James Butcher 42 Temple Street, Bristol THORNE Mary Dress Maker Dove Street, St James', Bristol THORNE Thomas Merchant (Newfoundland) Quay, Bristol THORNE W. Master "The Wilberforce" Bristol to Newfoundland THORNLEY Chas Fredk. Hat manufacturer / Dealer 21 Clare Street, Bristol THORP Alfred Surgeon 5 Pritchard St, St Pauls, Bristol THORP Elizabeth Mrs. 4 Pritchard Street, Bristol THORP William Revd. 5 Pritchard Street, Bristol THORPE George Tavern / Public House Seven Stars, Thomas Lane, Bristol THORPE William Rev. Independent Minister Castle Green, Bristol THORSBY Charlotte Day School 36 Princes Street, Bristol THRESHER Jno. Broker Commercial Exchange Buildings, Bristol THRINGS & NEWTON Milliner 6 Portland Pl, Clifton, Bristol THRISSELL Edward Gent. Stapleton Rd, Bristol THWAITES George Linen Dealer 49 Wine Street, Bristol TIBBATTS William Upholsterer 27 Bath Street, Bristol TIBBITS Elizabeth Straw Hat Maker Ellbroad Street, Bristol TIDCOMBE & Co. Carrier Bell, St Thomas Street, Bristol TILLADAM Mrs. 16 St Michael's Hill, Bristol TILLEY John Tavern / Public House Red Lion, Pill, Bristol TILLEY John Austin Watch & Clock Maker 9 Bath Street, Bristol TILLEY William Chair Maker 30 Redcliff Hill, Bristol TILLY John Maltster Upper Easton & Broad Plain, Bristol TILLY Thomas Clifford Glazier 13 Horse Fair, Bristol TILLY Thomas Clifford Plumber 13 Horse Fair, Bristol TIMLETT Mary Milliner 17 St Augustins Parade, Bristol TIMMINS Thomas Optician 33 Lower Arcade, Bristol TIPPET Francis Furniture Broker 13 Merchant Street, Bristol TIPPETT Francis Currier / Leather Cutter Wade Street, Bristol TIPPETT Joseph Ship & Boat Builder Cannons Marsh, Bristol TOBIN H.H. Mrs. 6 Harley Place, Clifton, Bristol TOCKEY Elias Butcher 17 College Street, Bristol TODD W.R. Fire Office Agent - Atlas Miles' Bank, Corn Street, Bristol TOFT Benjamin Furniture Broker 70 Milk Street, Bristol TOLEMAN Richard jun Stay Maker Upper Maudlin Lane, Bristol TOLEMAN Samuel Druggist & Paper Hangings 17 Broad Street, Bristol TOLEMAN Samuel Stay Maker 26 Castle Street, Bristol TOMBS Samuel Brightsmith & Bellhanger Hotwell Road, Bristol TOMKINS John senr Gent Brislington, Bristol TOMKINS Joseph Shopkeeper / Dealer Brislington, Bristol TOMPKINS & RICE Tin Plate Worker 13 Maryport Street, Bristol TOMPKINS George Tin Plate Worker Little George Street, Bristol TOMS Ann Dress Maker 62 College Street, Bristol TOOMER & HILLIER Stay Maker 23 Berkeley Pl, Clifton, Bristol TOOP John Tavern / Public House Dolphin, New Street, Bristol TORR James Cabinet Maker / Upholsterer 11 Bedminster Parade, Bristol TOTHILL Charles & Co. Chymist Manufacturing Temple Back, Bristol TOTHILL Charles & Co. Roman Cement & Plaster Maker Tample back, Bristol TOTNESS Mary Milliner 26 College Green, Bristol TOTTLE William Gent Redland Parade, Bristol TOTTLE William Shopkeeper / Dealer Frogmore Street, Bristol TOVEY & GRANGER Tripe Curer St James Back, Bristol TOVEY George Tavern / Public House Plough & Windmill, West St, Bedmstr TOVEY James Breeches maker & Glover 85 Castle Street, Bristol TOVEY John Coach Lamp Maker Cannon St, St James's, Bristol TOVEY Luke Whip & Thong Maker 21 Union Street, Bristol TOVEY Robert Clothes, &c, Salesmen 69 Castle Street, Bristol TOVEY Robert Pawnbroker 69 Broadmead, Bristol TOVEY Thomas Butcher West Street, Bedminster, Bristol TOWERS John Soda Water Makers 47 High Street, Bristol TOWNLEY John jun Slate Merchant Merchant Quay, Bristol TOWNLEY John senr Sailmaker Quay, Bristol TOWNSEND Isaac Boot & Shoe Maker Griffin Lane, Bristol TOWNSEND Richard Butcher Thunderbolt Street, Bristol TOWNSEND Sarah Chymist / Druggist 4 Nelson Pl, Clifton, Bristol TOWNSEND William Surveyor 1 Corn Street, Bristol TOWNSEND, Son & Co. Coach Proprietors Bush Coach Office, Corn Street TOWNSHEND George Tavern / Public House Duke of York, Brandon St, Bristol TOYE Elizabeth Mrs. 18 Belle Vue, Clifton, Bristol TRAIL Clarissa Mrs. 8 Mall, Clifton, Bristol TRAPNELL Henry Last / Boot Tree Maker Queen Street, St Philip's, Bristol TRAPNELL Robert Wire Manufacturer George Street without, Bristol TRATMAN James Colour Manufacturer 77 Broad Quay, Bristol TRATMAN James Ironmonger 77 Broad Quay, Bristol TRATMAN James Oil & Colourman 77 Broad Quay, Bristol TRATMAN James Ship Chandler 77 Broad Quay, Bristol TRATT James Tailor 3 & 4 Thomas Street, Bristol TRATT Jane Boarding / Lodging House Rownham Place, Hotwells, Bristol TREBY Charlotte Milliner 4 Redcross Street, Bristol TREBY John Tailor 4 Redcross Street, Bristol TREEN William Tailor Hotwell Road, Bristol TREMLETT Alfred Watch & Clock Maker Lower Maudlin Street, Bristol TREMLETT George Bookseller/Stationer/Binder 43 College Green, Bristol TREMLETT George Library (Circulating) 43 College Green Bristol TREMLETT George Stationer 43 College Green Bristol TRENFIELD James Gent. Stapleton Road, Bristol TRIBE Edward Surgeon 9 Portland St, Kingsdown, Bristol TRICKEY & Son Carpenter / Builder 11 Denmark Srteet & Under the bank, TRICKEY Robert Harding Plasterer / Tiler / Painter 14 College Green Bristol TRIGGS Robert Baker 77 Redcliff Street, Bristol TRIMNELL Thomas Saddle Tree Maker 22 College Street, Bristol TRIPP Elizabeth Butcher St Nicholas Street, Bristol TRIPP Henry Carpenter / Builder Pembroke Street, Bristol TRIPP Henry Carpenter / Builder 11 Gloucester Pl, Gloucester St TRIPP J. Master "The Bristol" Bristol to Jamaica TRIPP John jun. & Co. Tailor 47 Corn Street, Bristol TRIPP Robert & Co. Tailor 28 & 29 Bath Street, Bristol TROTMAN Mrs. 6 York Place, Clifton, Bristol TROTMAN & ADAMS Blacksmith Hotwell Road, Bristol TROTMAN Richard Tavern / Public House Adam & Eve, Wine Street, Bristol TROTT Jno. Grocer / Tea Dealer 12 Berkeley Place, Clifton, Bristol TUCK Robert Livery Stables Keeper Duck Lane, Bristol TUCKER Ann Butcher 13 Christmas Street, Bristol TUCKER Anthony Hairdresser 100 Temple Street, Bristol TUCKER Benjamin Gent 6 Caroline Row, Bristol TUCKER James Infant School Merchants Pde Ave, Hotwells,Bristol TUCKER James Tailor 1 Nelson Pl, Clifton, Bristol TUCKER John Tavern / Public House Nelsons Hotel, East St Bedminster TUCKER John Millard Surveyor Post Office Chambers, Bristol TUCKER John Whaitfield Ship & Boat Builder Mardyke, Bristol TUCKER Jos. Master "The Bude Packet" Bristol to Bude TUCKER Joseph Carpenter / Builder Temple St, Bristol TUCKER Mark Hallier (sic) Hellier/slater? Redcross Street, Bristol TUCKER Nicholas Master "The Lanson Castle" Bristol to Bude TUCKER Robert Maltster Lawrence Hill, Bristol TUCKER Thomas Shopkeeper / Dealer 19 Berkeley Pl, Clifton, Bristol TUCKER William Tavern / Public House Duke of Devonshire, Ann St, Bristol TUCKETT & Co. Woolstapler Wool Hall, Thomas Street, Bristol TUCKETT Elias Helton Tea Dealer 18 Clare Street, Bristol TUCKEY & Son Plumber 26 Milk Street, Bristol TUGWELL George Shopkeeper / Dealer 1 Sion Place, Clifton, Bristol TULLY Mrs. St James' Place, Kingsdown, Bristol TURBEVILLE George Warehouse Keeper Excise Office, Queens Sq, Bristol TURK Ann Shopkeeper / Dealer Providence Pl, Hotwells, Bristol TURNBULL Johnson Wm. Furniture Broker Christmas Street, Bristol TURNER Mrs. 7 Polygon, Clifton, Bristol TURNER George Teacher of Pianoforte & singin 7 Old Park, Bristol TURNER James Cabinet Maker / Upholsterer West St, St Philips. Bristol TURNER Jane Soap & Candle Maker Gloucester Road, Bristol TURNER Jno. Brass Founder & Gas fitter 51 Thomas Street, Bristol TURNER John Coach Trimmer Limekiln Dock, Bristol TURNER Joseph Blacking Maker (Paste & Liquid 41 Broadmead, Bristol TURNER L. Mrs. 1 York Buildings, Clifton, Bristol TURNER Thomas Master "The Thomas" Bristol to Plymouth TURNER William Cooper 22 Back Street, Bristol TURNER William Currier / Leather Cutter Little Ann Street, Bristol TURNER William Lime Burner Lower Redland, Bristol TURNER William Revd. York Buildings, Clifton, Bristol TURPIN John William Bookbinder & Account Bookmaker 5 Small Street, Bristol TURVEY Robert Livery Stables Keeper Wilder Street, Bristol TUTTON Thomas Surgeon 8 Langton St, Redcliff Mead,Bristol TWIGG John Grindery Dealer 10 Withingtons Crt, Horse Fair TYLER & HOARE Stone & Marble Mason Frogmore Street, Bristol TYLER Edith & Co. Milliner 4 St Augustins Parade, Bristol TYLER John Tavern / Public House Bell, Gloucester Lane, Bristol TYLER Laban Inn / Hotel Keeper King's Arms, Durdham Down, Bristol TYLER Samuel Hallier (sic) Hellier/slater? 27 Philadelphia Street, Bristol TYLER William Gent. Sion Cott, Cumberland Rd, Bristol TYLEY & Son Stone & Marble Mason Under the Bank, Bristol TYLEY John Butcher 16 Lower Castle Street, Bristol TYLEY Peter Stone & Marble Mason Stapleton, Bristol TYSON William Bookseller/Stationer/Binder 21 Clare Street, Bristol UNDERHILL George Oil & Colourman 3 Bridwell Lane, Bristol UNDERHILL George Painter - House, Sign Etc 3 Bridewell Lane, Bristol UNDERHILL Richard Shopkeeper / Dealer 8 Maudlin Street, Bristol UNDERWOOD Charles Architect Exchange Buildings, Bristol UNDERWOOD Charles Surveyor Exchange Buildings, Bristol UNDERWOOD S. Rev. Independent Minister Callow Hill Street, Bristol UNDERWOOD Stephen W. Day School Callow Hill Street, Bristol UNDERWOOD Thomas Leather Hat & Fur Cap Maker 8 St James Street, Bristol UNDERWOOD Wm. Seymour 17 Bishops Street, Bristol UPHAM M.A. & E. Child Bed Linen Warehouse Barton Alley, Bristol URCH Miss Urch's Cott, Clifton Down Bristol URCH & PRICHARD Wine & Spirit Merchant 11 Denmark Street, Bristol URCH James Cabinet Maker / Upholsterer Temple Street, Bristol USHER Misses 4 Chapel Row, Hotwells, Bristol USHER Richard Tavern / Public House Golden Heart, Passage St, Bristol VALENTINE John Patten Maker Opp Temple Church, Temple Street. VALENTINE John Stay Maker Temple Street, Bristol VALENTINE Thomas Last / Boot Tree Maker 38 Castle Street, Bristol VANDERHORST Miss 47 Royal York Cres, Bristol VARLOW Samuel Hairdresser Gloster Lane, Bristol VARNHAM William Earthenware Dealer 72 Temple Street, Bristol VAUGHAN Mrs 31 Royal York Cres, Bristol VAUGHAN & GOFF Linen Dealer 27 College Green, Bristol VAUGHAN Daniel Master "The Friends" Bristol to Cardiff VAUGHAN James George Painter - House, Sign Etc 2 Mall Place, Clifton, Bristol VAUGHAN Jno. & Philip Merchant (West India) 29 Corn Street, Bristol VAUGHAN Mary Chair Maker 7 All Saints Street, Bristol VAUGHAN Samuel Furniture Broker 4 Broadmead, Bristol VAUGHAN Theophilus Shopkeeper / Dealer Avon St, Great Gardens, Bristol VAUGHAN William Brightsmith & Bellhanger 61 Redcliff Street, Bristol VAUGHAN William Shopkeeper / Dealer West St, St Philip, Bristol VAUGHAN William George Agent Droitwich Salt Co. Tontine Warehouse, Bristol VAUGHAN William George Corn Factor 7 Tontine Warehouse, Head of Quay VAUGHAN William junr Brightsmith & Bellhanger 72 Stoke's Croft, Bristol VEAL William Cabinet Maker / Upholsterer 2 King St, Queen's Sq, Bristol VELVIN Daniel Surgeon 16 Queens Square, Bristol VENN John Clothes, &c, Salesmen Pithay, Bristol VENN John Tailor Lodge Place, Bristol VENN Thomas Yandell Agent for Belsham & Co. 6 Tontine Warehouse, Bristol VENN Thomas Yandell Commission Agent 6 Tontine Warehouse Head of Quay VENN Thomas Yandell Dealer in Stourbridge Clay etc 6 Tontine Warehouse, Head of Quay VENN Thomas Yandell Roman Cement & Plaster Maker 6 Tontine Warehouse, Quay Head, VENN Thomas Yandell Wharfinger 6 Tontine Warehouse, Quay Head, VENOUR M.A. Miss 12 Hope Sq, Clifton, Bristol VERNEY & LEE Nursery & Seedsman 24 Lower Arcade, & Barton Hill VERNUM George Brightsmith & Bellhanger Temple Back, Bristol VERNUM Henry Bellows Maker 70 Temple Street, Bristol VERRIERE Guillaume L Merchant (French & Italian) Quay, Bristol VERRY Mary Ann & Son Coal Merchant Passage Street, Bristol VERSTEIN Christopher Teacher of Music 14 Culver Street, Bristol VERYARD Robert Hemp and Flax Dresser Bristol Bridge & Cathay, Bristol VERYARD Robert Rope and Twine Maker Bristol Bridge & Cathay, Bristol VERYARD Robert Sack & Sacking Maker Bristol Bridge & Cathay, Bristol VICARY Jno Tailor 33 King Street, Queens Square, VICKARY William Shopkeeper / Dealer St Philips Plain, Bristol VICKERY Jane Milliner 7 Wellington Pl, Clifton, Bristol VICKERY Joseph Boot & Shoe Maker 11 Withington Court, Horse Fair VICKERY Levy Fishmonger / Dry & Salt fish 4 Nelson Place, Clifton, Bristol VICKERY Thomas Stone & Marble Mason 48 Milk Street, Bristol VIGOR Timothy Stonehse Revd. 15 Royal York Cres, Clifton,Bristol VIGORS Jane & Sisters Day School 2 Charlotte Street, Bristol VILOSOLA & DANSON Merchant (Wool) St Stephen's Avenue, Bristol VINCENT Richard Tailor 48 & 53 Broad Quay, Bristol VINER Miss 13 Clarence Pl, Kingsdown, Bristol VINES Benjamin Soap & Candle Maker 128 Redcliff Street, Bristol VINEY Joseph Auctioneer / Appraiser Baldwin Street, Bristol VINING Charles Corn Factor 34 Welsh back, Bristol VINING Charles Maltster Tower St, Great Gardens, Bristol VINING Joseph Broker Commercial 21 Small Street, Bristol VINING Sarah Mrs. 3 Portland St, Bristol VINING Thomas & Son Corn Factor 5 Welsh back, Bristol VINING William Grocer / Tea Dealer 4 Bridge Parade, Bristol VIRTUE Francis Bookseller/Stationer/Binder 26 Bath Street, Bristol VISGER Harman Consul for America 6 Brunswick Square, Bristol VIVIAN John Master "The Pendarves" Bristol to St Ives & Hale VIZARD Mary Ann Dress Maker Middle Ave, Queen's Sq, Bristol VIZER Robert Willis Agent Sun Life Insurance Bath Street, Bristol VOISEY Humphrey Carpenter / Builder Three Queen's Lane, Bristol VOISEY William Furniture Broker Queens St, St Michaels, Bristol VOWLES John Machine Maker (Weighing) 38 St Thomas Street, Bristol VOWLES John Shopkeeper / Dealer Waterloo Pl, Clifton, Bristol VOWLES Mary Dress Maker 3 Cathay, Bristol VOYES Isaac Tailor 8 St Michaels Hill, Bristol WADE Josiah Gent. 3 Rownham Place, Bristol WADE L.C. Proctor - Ecclesiastical Court 28 Broad Street, Bristol WADE Nathaniel Cabinet Maker / Upholsterer Under the Bank, Bristol WADE Susan Dress Maker 2 Park Pl, St Michael's Hill, WADE Thomas Carpenter / Builder 81 Stoke's Croft, Bristol WADGE John & Son Carpenter / Builder Anchor Lane, Bristol WADLEY Mary Mrs Matron Marlborough St Infirmary, Bristol WAGG Michael Tavern / Public House Black Horse, Stokes Croft, Bristol WAIT & JAMES Corn Factor Welsh back, Bristol WAIT & JAMES Merchant Welsh Back, Bristol WAIT & JAMES Tin Plate Merchant Welsh Back, Bristol WAIT Charles Sailmaker Broad Quay, Bristol WAIT Elizabeth Boarding / Lodging House 30 St James' Pl, Kingsdown, Bristol WAIT Emanuel Clerk to Gas Light Company Avon Street, St Philips, Bristol WAIT George Chymist / Druggist 8 Castle Street, Bristol WAIT George Oil & Colourman 8 Castle Street, Bristol WAIT Henry Furniture Broker West St, St Philip's , Bristol WAIT William Revd. 9 King's Square, Bristol WAITE John Straw Hat Maker 16 Lower Arcade, Bristol WAITE John Tavern / Public House Wheat Sheaf, Horse Fair, Bristol WAKEFIELD Benjamin Hairdresser 68 Broad Quay, Bristol WALCOT John Fringe & Coach Livery Lace Mfr 7 Denmark Street, Bristol WALDO Edward Surgeon 4 Church Lane, St Michaels, Bristol WALDRON & GILES Chymist / Druggist 52 Royal York Cres, Clifton,Bristol WALDRON Jno. Speed Chymist / Druggist Rownham Place, Hotwells, Bristol WALDRON John Gardener / seedsman Love Street, Bristol WALDRON Thomas Brightsmith & Bellhanger Love Street, Hotwells, Bristol WALES James Currier / Leather Cutter 110 Thomas Street, Bristol WALKER ---- Gent 2 Sion Hill, Clifton, Bristol WALKER Charles Capt. Stapleton, Bristol WALKER Charles Houlden Attorney 30 Broad Street, Bristol WALKER David Tea Dealer Wilson Terrace, Bristol WALKER George Shopkeeper / Dealer Bridewell Lane, Bristol WALKER Harriet Mrs. Redland, Bristol WALKER James Shopkeeper / Dealer Hotwell Road, Bristol WALKER John Working Jeweller 2 Upper Arcade, Bristol WALKER Jos. Ford Currier / Leather Cutter 7 Old King Street, Bristol WALKER Sarah Shopkeeper / Dealer 22 Redcliff Hill, Bristol WALKER William Plasterer / Tiler / Painter Ann Street without, Bristol WALKER William Steel Manufacturer Mill Lane, Bedminster, Bristol WALL Ann Linen Dealer 3 Merchant's Parade, Bristol WALL Frank Surgeon 14 Clarence Pl, Kingsdown, Bristol WALL Jno. Brown Undertaker Princes Pl, Milk Street, Bristol WALL John Stone & Marble Mason Navarino Place, Bristol WALL John Brown Auctioneer / Appraiser Princes Pl, Milk Street, Bristol WALL M. Mrs. 12 Alfred Place, Kingsdown, Bristol WALL Richard Smart Teacher of Music 14 Clarence Pl, St Michaels Hill WALLER & JOHNS Milliner 1 Park Street, College Green WALLER Edmund H. Timber Merchant & Dealer Hotwell Road, Bristol WALLINGTON Jacob Oil & Colourman Broad Quay, Bristol WALLINGTON Jacob Painter - House, Sign Etc Broad Quay, Bristol WALLIS & MILES Architect Lower College Green, Bristol WALLIS George Physician 30 Park Street, Bristol WALLIS Jn. & Sl. Boot & Shoe Maker 2 Parade St, St James, Bristol WALLIS John Butcher 13 Portland Pl,Clifton, Bristol WALLIS Sarah Miss 15 Trinity Street, Bristol WALLIS Swaine Woollen Draper 3 Castle Street, Bristol WALLIS William Biscuit Maker - Ship 28 Frogmore Street, Bristol WALSH & Co. Linen Dealer 7 Castle Street, Bristol WALSH Richard Brick & tile Maker Easton Road, Bristol WALTER Jos. Stationer 1 St Augustins Parade, Bristol WALTER Jos. Umbrella & Parasol Maker 1 St Augustins Parade, Bristol WALTER Richard Tavern / Public House Three Boars Heads, Horse Fair, WALTER Sarah Baker 3 College Street, Bristol WALTERS Daniel Master "The Castle" Bristol to Cardiff WALTERS David Hosier 25 High Street, Bristol WALTERS George Tin Plate Worker Clarence Road, Bristol WALTERS Henry Tavern / Public House Jolly Sailor, East St, Bedminster WALTERS Thomas Painter - House, Sign Etc Upper Maudlin Street, Bristol WALTERS Thomas & Co. Confectioner 5 North Street, Bristol WALTON Mrs. 12 Dowry Sq, Hotwells, Bristol WALWYN Mrs. 48 Royal York Cres, Clifton,Bristol WANKLYN John Vineger Maker 12 Small Street, Bristol WANSBROUGH John Printer - Letter Press 12 Redcliff Street, Bristol WANSBROUGH John Stationer 12 Redcliff Street, Bristol WARD Mrs. 29 Royal York Cres, Clifton,Bristol WARD George Shopkeeper / Dealer 7 Grove Pl, Durdham Down, Bristol WARD Henry Perfumer / Hairdresser 33 College Green, Bristol WARD Jno. Surgeon 17 Pritchard St, St Pauls, Bristol WARD Mary Pawnbroker Guinea Street, Bristol WARD Robert Painter - House, Sign Etc 9 Lower Castle Street, Bristol WARD Robert Thomas Painter - House, Sign Etc Lower Castle Street, Bristol WARD William Boot & Shoe Maker East St, Bedminster, Bristol WARE George Cooper Hotwell Road, Bristol WARE Henry Esq. York Place, Clifton, Bristol WARE Samuel Tailor 1 Dolphin Street, Bristol WARING Catherine Milliner 11 Upper Arcade, Bristol WARING Jno. Merchant 11 Somerset St, Kingsdown, Bristol WARING Samuel Merchant (Commission) 25 King St, Queen's Square, Bristol WARING Samuel Porter & Bottle Liquor Merchan 25 King St, Queens Square, Bristol WARNE Jno. Revd. Wellington House, Clifton, Bristol WARNE John Esq. Wellington House, Clifton, Bristol WARNE John Rev. Curate Clifton Church, Bristol WARNE William Tavern / Public House Duke of Cumberland, Pill, Bristol WARNER Samuel Alfred Timber Merchant & Dealer Sea Bank, Bristol WARR & PIGGOTT Tailor 32 Corn Street, Bristol WARREN Benjamin Stone & Marble Mason Passsage St, St Philips, Bristol WARREN Henry Revd. 27 Royal York Cres, Clifton,Bristol WARREN J.N. Miss St Vincent's Parade, Hot Wells, WARREN Martha Boarding / Lodging House 3 Richmond Terr, Clifton, Bristol WARREN Thomas Butcher 28 Temple Street, Bristol WARREN William Butcher 89 Temple Street, Bristol WARRY John Watch & Clock Maker 101 Redcliff Street, Bristol WASBROUGH William Attorney 11 Corn Street, Bristol WASBROUGH, HALE & Co. Brass Founder & Gas fitter Narrow Wine Street, Bristol WASBROUGH, HALE & Co. Clock Maker Narrow Wine Street, Bristol WASBROUGH, HALE & Co. Coach Lamp Maker Narrow Wine Street, Bristol WASBROUGH, HALE & Co. Coppersmith / Brazier Narrow Wine Street, Bristol WASHER Harriet Matilda Day School 36 Redcliff Hill, Bristol WASHER Jn. Edmonds Painter - House, Sign Etc 36 Redcliff Hill, Bristol WASHER Selina Ann Day School 36 Redcliff Hill, Bristol WASON James & Co. Timber Merchant & Dealer Sea Bank, Bristol WASSON Js. Consul for Prussia Cannon's Marsh, Bristol WATERS James Glue Maker Frome Bridge, Bristol WATERS James Spirit Dealer - Retail 26 Stokes Croft, Bristol WATERS Richard Architect Wilson Street, Bristol WATHEN Charles Carpenter / Builder 10 Princes Street, Bristol WATKINS Ann Straw Hat Maker St James' Church yard, Bristol WATKINS Fredk. Nelson Grocer / Tea Dealer Rownham Place, Hotwells, Bristol WATKINS James Shopkeeper / Dealer Love Street, Hotwells, Bristol WATKINS Jn. Webb Boot & Shoe Maker Rownham Pl, Hotwells, Bristol WATKINS John Baker Rose St. Grt Gardens, Bristol WATKINS John Hairdresser 8 Lower College Street, Bristol WATKINS John Plasterer / Tiler 6 Horse Fair, Bristol WATKINS Thomas Breeches maker & Glover 23 Peter Street, Bristol WATKINS Thomas Brightsmith & Bellhanger Moon Street, Bristol WATKINS William Butcher Rownham Place, Hotwells, Bristol WATKINS William Optician 16 St Augustins Parade, Bristol WATMORE John Hairdresser 12 Lewin's Mead, Bristol WATSON Bristol & Co. Wine & Spirit Merchant 29 Broad Street, Bristol WATSON John Carpenter / Builder 6 Pipe Lane, Bristol WATSON John Carpenter / Builder Broad Quay, Bristol WATSON R. Rev Rector Christ Church, Bristol WATSON Robert Carver / Guilder Somerset Street, Redcliff, Bristol WATSON Robert Shopkeeper / Dealer Redcliff Mead Lane, Bristol WATSON Thomas Attorney 30 Broad Street, Bristol WATTS Elizabeth China, Glass &c Dealer 10 Lower College St, Bristol WATTS George Attorney Exchange Buildings, Bristol WATTS George Boot & Shoe Maker 6 Bedminster Causeway, Bristol WATTS Henry Butcher 8 Exchange Shambles, Bristol WATTS Isaac Sailmaker Broad Quay, Bristol WATTS Jacob Boot & Shoe Maker 22 Peter Street, Bristol WATTS James Grocer / Tea Dealer 13 Peter Street, Bristol WATTS William Baker 17 Gloucester Lane, Bristol WATTS William Tavern / Public House St Michaels Porter Ho, Host Street, WATTS William Tavern / Public House Wheat Sheaf, Callow Hill St,Bristol WAUGH Benjamin Tailor Montague Place, Bristol WAY John Dyer / Calenderer Quay Street, Bristol WAYLAND Joseph Plumber 84 Stokes Croft, Bristol WAYMAN Josiah Butcher Love Street, Hotwells, Bristol WAYTE Fras. Grocer / Tea Dealer 3 Union Street, Bristol WEARE Benjamin Tin Plate Worker Christmas Street, Bristol WEARE Robert Brightsmith & Bellhanger Captain Carey's Lane, Bristol WEARE William Esq. Gt George St, Bristol WEAVER Edwin Wine & Spirit Merchant Shannon Crt, Corn Street, Bristol WEAVER John Shopkeeper / Dealer Limekiln Lane, Bristol WEAVER John N. Tailor 5 Denmark Street, Bristol WEAVER Richard Tavern / Public House Two Anchors, Guinea St, Bristol WEBB A. Mrs. 13 Portland St, Kingsdown,Bristol WEBB Ann Rule Maker Earl Street, Bristol WEBB Charles Brush, Sieve, & Mop Maker 20 & 52 Wine Street, Bristol WEBB George Accountant 22 Union Street, Bristol WEBB George & Co. Oil & Colourman Butts, Bristol WEBB George & Co. Paper Hanging Manufacturer Butts, Bristol WEBB George Radford Furniture Broker 50 Broadmead, Bristol WEBB George Redford Auctioneer / Appraiser 50 Broadmead, Bristol WEBB James Chymist / Druggist 79 Castle Street, Bristol WEBB John Iron Merchants / Ironmonger Marsh Street, Bristol WEBB Joseph Master St Peters Hospital for the poor WEBB Mary & Sisters Linen Dealer 10 Castle Street, Bristol WEBB Robert Tavern / Public House Crown, Jamaica Street, Bristol WEBB Robt Henry & Wm. Provision Factor 22 Clare Street, Bristol WEBB Robt, Henry & Wm. Cheese Factor / Dealer 22 Clare Street, Bristol WEBB Stephen Clement Conveyancer 10 Dighton Street, Bristol WEBB Susan Miss Clifton Down, Bristol WEBB Thomas Gent. 45 Picton Street, Bristol WEBB Thomas & Co. Wine & Spirit Merchant 4 Queens Square, Bristol WEBBER George Baker 3 Christmas Street, Bristol WEBBER George Boarding / Lodging House 19 Mall, Clifton, Bristol WEBBER Joseph Furniture Broker Pithay, Bristol WEBBER Robert Stone & Marble Mason Ellbroad Street, Bristol WEDLOCK Jeremiah Tin Plate Worker Horfield Road, Bristol WEDMORE Ann Milliner Hotwell Road, Bristol WEDMORE Elizabeth Shopkeeper / Dealer Temple Street, Bristol WEEKS Jas Saunders Tavern / Public House Cardiff Boat, Welsh Back, Bristol WEEKS John Shopkeeper / Dealer St Philips Plain, Bristol WEEKS Samuel Wood Turner Wilder Street, Bristol WEEKS Susannah Basket Maker St James' Church Yard, Bristol WEEKS William Leather Hat & Fur Cap Maker West St, St Philips, Bristol WEIR H. Master "The Nelson" Bristol to Barbados WEIR Mary Ann Hosier 61 Broad Street, Bristol WELCH Thomas Hairdresser 79 Temple Street, Bristol WELDY William Henry Captain. 6 Caroline Row, Hotwells, Bristol WELLINGTON & PANTERS Starch Manufacturer Meadow Street, Bristol WELLINGTON James junr Attorney 19 Bridge Street, Bristol WELLON Mary Shopkeeper / Dealer 8 Berkeley Place, Clifton, Bristol WELLON William Tavern / Public House Duncan, St Nicholas St, Bristol WELSH Bartholomew Shopkeeper / Dealer Jacobs Well, Bristol WENSLEY & SHEPPARD Provision Factor 62 Castle Street, Bristol WERE Ann Mrs. Long Ashton, Bristol WERE Joseph Ellis Tanner Bedminster, Bristol WERE Thomas Esq. 21 Richmond Terr, Clifton, Bristol WESLAKE James Baker Montague Street, Bristol WEST Ann Boot & Shoe Maker East St, Bedminster, Bristol WEST Edward Hill Auctioneer / Appraiser 1 Shannon Court, Bristol WEST Sarah Clothes, &c, Salesmen Captain Carey's Lane, Bristol WEST Sarah Milliner Rownham Pl, Hotwells, Bristol WEST Stephen Hairdresser 5 Lower Castle Street, Bristol WEST Thomas Coal Merchant Penner Wharf, Redcliff St, Bristol WEST Thomas Fringe & Coach Livery Lace Mfr 4 Upper Arcade, Bristol WEST, TAYLOR & Co. Corn Factor Head of Quay, Bristol WEST, TAYLOR & Co. Merchant Quay Head, Bristol WESTACOTT Michael Chymist / Druggist 23 Union Street, Bristol WESTALL Jno. Hairdresser 36 King's St, Queen's Sq, Bristol WESTAWAY Richard Carpenter / Builder 24 Trenchard Street, Bristol WESTCOTE Thos.Potenger Gent. 8 Granby Hill, Clifton, Bristol WESTCOTT Jasper Brass Founder 40 Thomas Street, Bristol WESTCOTT Jasper Coppersmith / Brazier 40 Thomas Street, Bristol WESTCOTT Nathl Rees Coppersmith / Brazier 64 Recliff Street, Bristol WESTCOTT Nathl. Rees Brass & Bell Founder 64 Redcliff Street, Bristol WESTEURA Joshua Colonel 16 Richmond Terr, Clifton, Bristol WESTLAKE Jno. Capt. 3 Dowry Place, Bristol WESTLEY & BINGHAM Bookseller/Stationer/Binder 13 Broad Street, Bristol WESTLEY & BINGHAM Newspaper Agent 13 Broad Street, Bristol WESTON John Painter - House, Sign Etc Redcross Street, Bristol WESTON Joseph Boot & Shoe Maker Portland Pl, Clifton, Bristol WESTON Thomas Shopkeeper / Dealer 46 Marlborough Street, Bristol WESTWOOD Thomas Ironmonger East St, Bedminster, Bristol WETHERHILT James Tavern / Public House Crown & Anchor, Hotwell Rd, Bristol WEYMOUTH William Chair Maker 73 Thomas Street, Bristol WHARBURTON Elizabeth Tavern / Public House Wheat Sheaf, Bedminster Pde,Bristol WHARTON Thomas Day School 9 Union Street, Bristol WHATLEY James Tavern / Public House Ship & Pilot Boat, Broad Quay, WHEDDON Eliz. Day School 14 King's St, Queen's Sq. Bristol WHEDDON Jn. Carpenter / Builder 14 King Street, Queen's Square WHEELER Mary Day School Somerset Sq Ave, Bristol WHEELER Thomas Master "The Brothers" Bristol to Cardiff WHEELER Walter Daniel Surgeon 15 St Pauls Street, Bristol WHEREAT Joseph Tin Plate Worker 70 Castle Street, Bristol WHEREAT Samuel Shopkeeper / Dealer 88 Old Market Street, Bristol WHIMPLE Henry Master "The Unity" Bristol to Barnstaple WHIPPIE Thomas Esq. Clifton Wood, Bristol WHISH M.R. Rev. Perpetual Curate & Lecturer St Thomas, Bristol WHISH M.R. Rev. Vicar St Johns Bedminster, Bristol WHISH M.R.Rev Minister St Mary Redcliff, Bristol WHISH Martin Revd. 73 Ratcliff Hill, Bristol WHITCHURCH George Surgeon 26 Somerset Street, Bristol WHITCHURCH James Esq. 32 Lower Cres, Clifton, Bristol WHITCHURCH Jos. Esq. Somerset St, Kingsdown, Bristol WHITE Mrs. 2 Beaufort Bldgs, Clifton, Bristol WHITE Ann Milliner 52 Princes Street, Bristol WHITE Charles Boarding / Lodging House 44 Queen's Square, Bristol WHITE Charles Pump Maker 69 Milk Street, Bristol WHITE Eliz. Eating House Keeper Cumberland Basin, Hotwells, Bristol WHITE George Tavern / Public House Red Lion, Lawrence Hill, Bristol WHITE James Hairdresser Back Street, Bristol WHITE James Shopkeeper / Dealer 2 Montague Street, Bristol WHITE John Patten Maker 1 Marlboro Street, Bristol WHITE John Saddler & Harness Maker 1 College Street, Bristol WHITE Joseph & James Potter Redcross Street, Bristol WHITE Joseph sen Tobacco Pipe Maker Redcross Street, Bristol WHITE Mary Mrs. Berkeley Cott, Berkeley Sq, Bristol WHITE Samuel Attorney 24 King's Square, Bristol WHITE Thomas Gent 38 Lower Cres, Clifton, Bristol WHITE William Brightsmith & Bellhanger Ann Street without, Bristol WHITE William Carpenter / Builder 16 Penn Street, Bristol WHITE William Carver / Guilder 64 Old Market Street, Bristol WHITE William Haberdasher Avenue, King's Sq, Bristol WHITE William Hairdresser Princess Street, Bristol WHITE William Wine & Spirit Merchant 29 Clare Street, Bristol WHITEAIRE Catherine Milliner (fancy) Lower Berkeley Pl, Clifton, Bristol WHITEHALL James Gent. 38 Castle Green, Bristol WHITELOCK Jn. Esq. 5 Windsor Terrace, Clifton, Bristol WHITFORD James Baker 7 Old Market Street, Bristol WHITING Thomas Brightsmith & Bellhanger 54 Broadmead, Bristol WHITLAW Abraham Teacher Tankards Close, St Michaels,Bristol WHITMARSH & Co. Carrier Bell, St Thomas Street, Bristol WHITMORE Robert Whip & Thong Maker 14 Thomas Street, Bristol WHITNEY John Shopkeeper / Dealer Moorfields, Bristol WHITNEY Luke Esq. Stapleton, Bristol WHITNEY William U. Chymist / Druggist 30 Redcliff Hill, Bristol WHITNEY William W. Surgeon 30 Redcliff Hill, Bristol WHITTING Charles Plumber 53 Baldwin Street, Bristol WHITTINGTON Thomas Auctioneer / Appraiser Blackhall Tavern, St Nicholas Steps WHITTOCK Jos. Gent 8 King's Square, Bristol WHITTUCK Charles Attorney Guildhall Chambers, Bristol WICKETT Thomas Boot & Shoe Maker Hotwell Road, Bristol WIDGERY William Leather Seller 1 Merchant Street, Bristol WIDGERY William Jun. Leather Seller Broad Weir, Bristol WIGMORE John Patten Maker 33 Philadelphia Street, Bristol WILBRAHAM Jane Mrs. 2 Granville Pl, Hotwells, Bristol WILCOX George Wood & Stone Turner Church Lane, St Philips, Bristol WILCOX William Hilhous Registrar Court of Conscience All Saints Lane, Bristol WILD Ann Glass Bender 1 Horse Fair, Bristol WILDE James Soap & Candle Maker Pill, Bristol WILDGOOSE James Shopkeeper / Dealer West St, St Philips, Bristol WILKINS Benjamin Confectioner 14 Broad Street, Bristol WILKINS Cann Esq. 7 York Place, Clifton, Bristol WILKINS Charlotte Dress Maker 10 Cumberland Street, Bristol WILKINS Henry Surgeon 11 St James' Barton, Bristol WILKINS Thomas Brightsmith & Bellhanger 16 King St, Queen;s Sq, Bristol WILKINS William Pawnbroker 40 Castle Green Bristol WILKINSON David Saddler & Harness Maker 24 Broadmead, Bristol WILLCOCKS Roger Carpenter / Builder 4 Lower Castle Street, Bristol WILLCOX Caroline Day School Wilson Terrace, Bristol WILLETT & VICARY Straw Hat Maker 7 Parade, St James, Bristol WILLETT Emma Teacher of Music 5 Picton Street, Bristol WILLEY John Cabinet Maker / Upholsterer St Michael's Hill, Bristol WILLIAMS Miss 3 Harford Place, Bristol WILLIAMS Mrs. 2 Granby Place, Clifton, Bristol WILLIAMS & HARRIS Linen Dealer 39 & 40 Wine Street, Bristol WILLIAMS & PARKHAM Clothes, &c, Salesmen Pithay, Bristol WILLIAMS Ann Child Bed Linen Warehouse 5 Bridge Street, Bristol WILLIAMS Ann Milliner 5 Bridge Street, Bristol WILLIAMS Ann Tavern / Public House Goat in Armour, Broad Quay, Bristol WILLIAMS Ann Tobacco Pipe Maker Lamb Street, Bristol WILLIAMS Benjamin Cooper 62 Redcliff Street, Bristol WILLIAMS Charles Carpenter / Builder Canynge St, Pennywell Rd, Bristol WILLIAMS Charles Marine Stores Dealer 28 Old Market St, Bristol WILLIAMS Charles Stationer 61 Old Market Street, Bristol WILLIAMS Charlotte Dress Maker Hanover Street, Bristol WILLIAMS Daniel Linen Dealer 146 Redcliff Street, Bristol WILLIAMS David Tailor 2 Lower College Street, Bristol WILLIAMS Edward Shopkeeper / Dealer Frogmore Street, Bristol WILLIAMS Eliz. Tavern / Public House White Swan, Stokes Croft, Bristol WILLIAMS Eliza Dress Maker Charlotte Street, Bristol WILLIAMS Elizabeth Tavern / Public House Chequers, Broad Weir, Bristol WILLIAMS George Teacher of Music Clarence Place, Bristol WILLIAMS George Watch & Clock Maker 61 Broad Quay, Bristol WILLIAMS Henry Butcher East Street, Bedminster, Bristol WILLIAMS Henry Plasterer / Tiler / Painter Parsons Court, Bristol WILLIAMS Hester Brush, Sieve, & Mop Maker 60 Redcliff Street, Bristol WILLIAMS Isaac Tavern / Public House Red Cow, West St, Bedminster, WILLIAMS Isaac & Co. Brewer Bath, WILLIAMS J.P. Surveyor 22 Broad Street, Bristol WILLIAMS James Accountant Small Street Court, Bristol WILLIAMS James Baker 18 West Street, Bristol WILLIAMS James Boarding / Lodging House 58 Park Street, Bristol WILLIAMS James Boot & Shoe Maker Barr's Street, Bristol WILLIAMS James Fire Office - British & Westtr Shannon Court, Corn Street, Bristol WILLIAMS James Shopkeeper / Dealer Hotwell Road, Bristol WILLIAMS James Tavern / Public House Three Tuns, King St, Bristol WILLIAMS James Shuter Salt Merchant West Street, Bristol WILLIAMS Jno. Cooper Cannon St, Bedminster, Bristol WILLIAMS Jno. Sheriff's Officer Rivers Cottage, Clifton, Bristol WILLIAMS Job Shopkeeper / Dealer Avon St, Great Gardens, Bristol WILLIAMS John Coach Maker Coronation Road, Bedminster Bridge WILLIAMS John Master "The Spraycombe" Bristol to Weymouth, Poole, Portsmt WILLIAMS John Soap & Candle Maker Hotwell Road, Bristol WILLIAMS John Tailor Ellbroad Street, Bristol WILLIAMS John Tavern / Public House Marquis of Granby, St James Back, WILLIAMS John Tea Dealer 28 Broadmead, Bristol WILLIAMS John Shutter Agent London Assurance 47 High Street, Bristol WILLIAMS John Shutter Attorney 47 High Street, Bristol WILLIAMS Joseph Boot & Shoe Maker 15 Clare Street, Bristol WILLIAMS Josiah Hairdresser Back Street, Bristol WILLIAMS Josiah Tavern / Public House Windsor Castle, Back St, Bristol WILLIAMS Margaret Grocer / Tea Dealer 1 Wellington Pl, Clifton, Bristol WILLIAMS Mary & Fanny Milliner 1 St Michaels Hill, Bristol WILLIAMS Peter Tobacco Pipe Maker Ann Street, Bristol WILLIAMS Philip Carpenter / Builder Durdham Down, Bristol WILLIAMS R. Master "The Maria" Bristol to Jamaica WILLIAMS Richard Thos. Surgeon 4 Old Park Hill, St Michaels WILLIAMS Robert Silversmith / Jeweller 5 Tower Lane, Bristol WILLIAMS Robert Timber Measurer Commercial Road, Bristol WILLIAMS Robert Timber Merchant & Dealer Commercial Rd, Bedminster Bridge WILLIAMS Samuel Gents' Boarding School 7 Royal York Cres, Clifton, Bristol WILLIAMS Samuel Stationer Clarence Rd, St Philips, Bristol WILLIAMS Samuel Surgeon 23 College Street, Bristol WILLIAMS Thomas Cork Cutter 5 Thomas Street, Bristol WILLIAMS Thomas Tavern / Public House White Hart, 29 Welsh Back, Bristol WILLIAMS Thomas John Tailor 50 Park Street, Bristol WILLIAMS Walter Brewer Lawrence Hill, Bristol WILLIAMS Walter Coach Maker Temple Gate, Bristol WILLIAMS Walter Pump Maker Johnsons Court, Bristol WILLIAMS William Attorney All Saints Lane, Bristol WILLIAMS William Boarding / Lodging House 3 Paragon, Clifton, Bristol WILLIAMS William Boarding / Lodging House 3 Boyce Buildings, Clifton, Bristol WILLIAMS William Boot & Shoe Maker 14 Bedminster Parade, Bristol WILLIAMS William Boot & Shoe Maker 7 Dolphin Street, Bristol WILLIAMS William Butcher 11 Gloucester Lane, Bristol WILLIAMS William Carrier Broadmead, Bristol WILLIAMS William Coach Maker Lampblack Hill, Gloucester Rd, WILLIAMS William Colston's Blue Coat School Temple Street, Bristol WILLIAMS William Grocer / Tea Dealer Hotwell Road, Bristol WILLIAMS William Iron Founder 43 & 44 Milk Street, Bristol WILLIAMS William Ironmonger 43 & 44 Milk Street, Bristol WILLIAMS William Master "The Dart" Bristol to Liverpool WILLIAMS William Master "The Fidelity" Bristol to Weymouth, Poole, Portsmt WILLIAMS William Shopkeeper / Dealer 9 Hill Grove Street, Bristol WILLIAMS William Tailor 52 Broad Quay, Bristol WILLIAMS William Tavern / Public House Bacchus, Temple Street, Bristol WILLIAMS William Wheelwright Lampblack Hill, Bristol WILLIAMS William sen Master "The Sisters" Bristol to Weymouth, Poole, Portsmt WILLIS Francis Painter - House, Sign Etc Lawrence Hill, Bristol WILLIS James Pawnbroker 17 King Street, Bristol WILLIS John Cabinet Maker / Upholsterer Under the bank. Bristol WILLIS Samuel Infants' School Jonny Baugh Lane, Bristol WILLIS T. Master "The Salvage" Bristol to Newfoundland WILLIS William Tobacco Pipe Maker Ann Street, Bristol WILLMENT John Baker 21 Montague Street, Bristol WILLMOTT Eliz & Martha Haberdasher Broad Weir, Bristol WILLMOTT Eliz & Martha Tea Dealer Broad Weir, Bristol WILLMOTT William Cabinet Maker / Upholsterer 9 College Place, Bristol WILLS Eliza Teacher 5 Lodge Street, Bristol WILLS H.O. Mrs. 2 Portland Square, Bristol WILLS James Basket Maker 93 Old Market Street, Bristol WILLS Mary Tavern / Public House The George, Narrow Wine Street WILLS,DITCHETT & WILLS Tobacco & Snuff Maker 110, 11 & 112 Redcliff Street, WILLSHIRE Joseph Livery Stables Keeper 7 Milk St, Bristol WILLSHIRE Thomas Stone & Marble Mason Navarino Place, Bristol WILLWAY Susannah & Son Dyer / Calenderer 6 Denmark Street, Bristol WILLWAY William Dyer / Calenderer Christmas Street, Bristol WILMOT Mrs. 5 Lower Cres, Clifton, Bristol WILMOT Daniel Glass Manufacturer Bedminster, Bristol WILMOT Johanna Boarding / Lodging House 55 Park Street, Bristol WILMOT Samuel R. Brewer 107 Redcliff Street, Bristol WILMOT Samuel R. Maltster 107 Redcliff Street, Bristol WILMOT William R. Carpenter / Builder 8 Temple Street, Bristol WILSON Christopher Registrar Ecclesiastical Court 28 Broad Street, Bristol WILSON John Hairdresser Rosemary Lane, Bristol WILSON William Merchant 7 Queen's Parade, Bristol WILTON John Shopkeeper / Dealer Upper Maudlin Lane, Bristol WINCHESTER Samuel Tavern / Public House Kings Head, Passage St, St Philips WINDEY Nathan Gent. 24 Park Street, Bristol WINDHAM George Baker Pill, Bristol WINDOW John Nail Maker Temple Back, Bristol WINE James Plasterer / Tiler / Painter 122 Temple Street, Bristol WINE John Chymist / Druggist 27 Temple Street, Bristol WINGATE Thomas Attorney 34 Queen's Square, Bristol WINNIATT Jno. Baker 15 Alfred Place, Kingsdown, Bristol WINNIATT Richard Brewer (Retail) Jacob's Well, Clifton, Bristol WINSCOMBE Samuel Boot & Shoe Maker 15 King Street, Bristol WINSCOMBE William Carpenter / Builder Frogmore Street, Bristol WINTER Andrew Comb Maker 26 Bridge Street, Bristol WINTER Andrew Cutler 26 Bridge Street, Bristol WINTER Andrew Hardwareman 26 Bridge Street, Bristol WINTER Jno. & Son Comb Maker Jacob St, St Philip, Bristol WINTER T. Rev. Baptist Minster Counterslip, Bristol WINTER Thomas Carpenter / Builder 9 Horse Fair, Bristol WINTERSON Samuel Smith Boot & Shoe Maker 16 Upper Aracade, Bristol WINTERSON William Gardener / seedsman 22 Upper Arcade, Bristol WINTERSON William Plasterer / Tiler / Painter 7 Penn Street, Bristol WINTLE Mrs. 8 St James' Pl, Kingsdown, Bristol WINTLE James Fishmonger / Dry & Salt fish 9 Baldwin Street, Bristol WINTLE James & Co. Linen Dealer 3 Bridge Parade, Bristol WINTLE Thomas & Jos. Linen Dealer 7 & 8 Clare Street, Bristol WINWOOD John & Co. Iron Boiler Maker Cheese Lane, St Philip's, Bristol WINWOOD John & Co. Iron Founder 43 & 44 Milk Street, Bristol WINWOOD John & Co. Iron manufacturers & Engineers Cheese Lane, St Philip's, Bristol WINWOOD John & Co. Steam Engine Manufacturer Cheese Lane, St Philips, Bristol WISE Thomas Carpenter / Builder Bath Parade, Temple Gate, Bristol WISE Wm. Henry St Augustine's Charity School Butts, Bristol WISHART Mrs. 2 Gloucester Row, Clifton, Bristol WITCHELL William Corn Factor 140 Redliff Street, Bristol WITCHELL William Hop Factor / Dealer 140 Redcliff Street, Bristol WITHERINGTON William Captain Brislington, Bristol WITHERS George Hat manufacturer / Dealer All Saints Street, Bristol WITHERS Isaac Cooper Captain Carey's Lane, Bristol WITHERS John Carver / Guilder All Saints Street, Bristol WITHERS William Cooper 20 Small Street, Bristol WITHEY John Butcher 22 Berkeley Place, Clifton, Bristol WITHINGTON Robert Gent 17 St James', Barton Bristol WITHY, LITTLE & WITHY Woollen Draper 11 Bridge Street, Bristol WOOD & OWEN Cooper Townsend's Yard, Broadmead,Bristol WOOD George Bookseller/Stationer/Binder 13 Castle Street, Bristol WOOD Henry Grocer / Tea Dealer Griffin Lane, Bristol WOOD Henry Statuary College Place, Bristol WOOD James Agent Phoenix & Pelican Ins 32 High Street, Bristol WOOD James Chymist / Druggist 32 High Street, Bristol WOOD James Organ Builder Lewins Mead, Bristol WOOD John Inn / Hotel Keeper The Bell, St THomas Street, Bristol WOOD Rev. Methodist Minister Old King Street, Bristol WOOD Susannah Truss Maker 17 Redcliff Street, Bristol WOOD Thomas Cabinet Maker / Upholsterer 136 Thomas Street, Bristol WOOD Thomas Tavern / Public House King of Prussia, Alders Quay, WOOD William Tailor Pithay, Bristol WOOD Wm & Son Cabinet Maker / Upholsterer 43 Redcliff Street, Bristol WOODCOCK William M. Brush, Sieve, & Mop Maker 1 Parade, St James', Bristol WOODHAM & BUSH Millwright & Engineer Temple Back, Bristol WOODHOUSE John Day School Cumberland Street, Bristol WOODHOUSE Lucy Shopkeeper / Dealer 2 Temple Street, Bristol WOODINGTON William Boot & Shoe Maker St Georges, Bristol WOODLAND William Toy Manufacturer & Dealer 9 Temple Street, Bristol WOODLAND William Unitarian Free School Stoke's Croft, Bristol WOODMAN & DAVIES Carpenter / Builder 38 Grove, Bristol WOODMAN John Hat manufacturer / Dealer 53 Castle Street, Bristol WOODMAN William Gold Beater & Refiner 14 Small Street, Bristol WOODMAN William Silversmith / Jeweller 14 Small Street, Bristol WOODROFFE George Tobacco & Snuff maker 12 Welsh Back, Bristol WOODS George Tavern / Public House Lamb, Crews Hole, St Georges, WOODWARD & Co. Soap & Candle Maker 5 Christmas Street, Bristol WOODWARD John Wheelwright 65 Thomas Street, Bristol WOODWARD M. Surgeon 11 St James' Place, Bristol WOOLDRIDGE John Rev. Independent Minister Newfoundland Street, Bristol WOOLES Samuel Tavern / Public House Blue Bowl, Totterdown, Bristol WOOLES William Undertaker 57 Castle Street, Bristol WOOLLEY Mrs Admiral 25 Royal York Cres, Clifton,Bristol WOOLLEY George Silversmith / Jeweller 25 Broadmead, Bristol WOOLLEY George Watch & Clock Maker 25 Broadmead, Bristol WOOLRICH Richard Linen Dealer 11 Castle Street, Bristol WORKMAN Ann Mrs. 7 York Street, Bristol WORKMAN Ruth Day School 13 Dighton Street, Bristol WORLOCK John Tavern / Public House Bell, Stapleton, Bristol WORLOCK John Veterinary Surgeon Stapleton, Bristol WORLOCK Robert Butcher 90 Exchange Shambles, Bristol WORNELL Thomas Haberdasher 14 High Street, Bristol WORRALL Elizabeth Mrs. 7 Paragon, Clifton, Bristol WORRELL Sophia Straw Hat Maker Hotwell Road, Bristol WORSLEY Sarah Mrs. The Fort, Bristol WORTHINGTON Jno. Gent. 9 Mall, Clifton, Bristol WREFORD & GERARD Corn Factor Baldwin Street, Bristol WREFORD & GERARD Merchant Baldwin Street, Bristol WREN William Teacher of Music Tankards Close, St Michaels,Bristol WRIGHT & BAGNALL Bookseller/Stationer/Binder 35 Bridge Street, Bristol WRIGHT & BAGNALL Printer - Letter Press 35 Bridge Street, Bristol WRIGHT George Banker - City Bank High Street, Bristol WRIGHT J. Secy: Refuge Female Penitents Lower Castle Street, Bristol WRIGHT Thomas Timber Merchant & Dealer 16 Catherine Place, Stokes Croft, WRIGHT William Wood Turner 3 Penn Street, Bristol WRIGHTE A.B. Miss 1 Rodney Place, Clifton, Bristol WRIGHTEN Sarah Emily Ladies' Boarding School 43 St Michael's Hill, Bristol WYATT Francis Livery Stables Keeper Clifton Pl, Clifton, Bristol WYATT John Maltster 30 High Street, Bristol WYATT John Tavern / Public House Angel, 30 High Street, Bristol WYATT William Cooper 6 Horse Fair, Bristol WYLD George & Sons Distiller / Rectifiers 83 Redcliff Street, Bristol WYLD George & Sons Hop Factor / Dealer 83 Redcliff Street, Bristol WYLD George & Sons Wine & Spirit Merchant 83 Redcliff Street, Bristol WYMAN Richard Shopkeeper / Dealer 52 Princes Street, Bristol WYNDOWE Mary Mrs. 32 Portland Square, Bristol WYNDOWE William C. Conveyancer 5 Exchange Buildings, Bristol YABBICOMB Henry Sugar Mould Potter Temple Back, Bristol YABBICOMB Henry & Thos Stoneware Potters Avon Street, Bristol YALE John Shopkeeper / Dealer New Street, Bristol YATES Charles Cooksey Barrister 28 Corn Street, Bristol YATES George Boot & Shoe Maker Brandon Hill, Bristol YATES Maria Milliner Brandon Hill, Bristol YEATES Martha Tavern / Public House Lamb, West St Bedminster, Bristol YEATES William Commission Agent 3 Emerald Place, Easton Rd, Bristol YEATMAN Morgan Surgeon St James' Square, Bristol YEO & VINE Stay Maker 5 College Place, Bristol YEO Eliza Tavern / Public House Horseshoe & Talbot, West St. St Ph YEO P. Mrs. Granby House, Hotwells, Bristol YERBURY Jno. Esq. 2 Rodney Place, Clifton, Bristol YORK Mrs. 7 Gloucester Row, Clifton, Bristol YORK James Boot & Shoe Maker 23 Newfoundland Street, Bristol YORK Richard Shopkeeper / Dealer Hotwell Road, Bristol YOULTEN William Grocer / Tea Dealer 14 Christmas Street, Bristol YOUNG Mrs. 17 Clarence Pl, Kingsdown, Bristol YOUNG Edward Merchant (Newfoundland) Lewin's Mead, Bristol YOUNG Elizabeth Dress Maker 9 Wells Street, Bristol YOUNG George Baker 24 Maryport Street, Bristol YOUNG James & Co. Cork Cutter 18 Thomas Street, Bristol YOUNG John B. Butcher Pill, Bristol YOUNG Thomas Boot & Shoe Maker St James's Churchyard, Bristol YOUNG William Stone & Marble Mason Durdham Down, Bristol ZACHARY Mary Mrs. Ashley Place, Bristol ZINCRAFT Edward Gent. Ashley Place, Bristol ZINCRAFT Robert Gomer Spirit Dealer - Retail 15 Peter Street, Bristol
![]() | Surnames ABBOT to DUFFETT | ![]() | Surnames DUFETT to JOSEPH | ![]() | Surnames JOSEPH to RINGER |
[Transcribed by the late Ted Wildy of Auckland, New Zealand in January 1994]