Census Returns 1801-1911
Availability and use of Census Records for Gloucestershire Family History research
This web page provides information about online resources for census research - transcriptions, indexes, searchable databases, &c. Select a year below, or start with 'All Years' and browse the whole page.
All Years | 1821 | 1841 | 1851 | 1861 | 1871 | 1881 | 1891 | 1901 | 1911 |
Original census returns are held by The National Archives and are not available generally for direct research, but copies on film or fiche are available at LDS Family History Centers worldwide. Copies of census on microfilm are available at the Gloucestershire Archives for most parishes in Gloucestershire (exceptions are parishes which have changed county over the years). Copies for local areas may also be available in the larger District Libraries in Gloucestershire and South Gloucestershire, but please check availability with the Offices themselves before your journey. For more general information, see GENUKI's Census of England and Wales.
Census - Sources for All Years
- FreeCEN is an ongoing volunteer-based project to provide a 'free to view' online searchable database of the 19th century UK census returns. Volunteers are being sought to assist with transcribing - visit the FreeCen Project page to see each county's status as well as a FAQ for volunteers.
- Index of names, and downloadable images of Census 1841-1901 are available from Ancestry.co.uk. Access is by Annual subscription, or Pay-per-View. A subscription includes access to other Ancestry resources.
- Index of names, and downloadable images of Census 1841-1911 are also available from findmypast.co.uk. Access is by Annual subscription, or PayAsYouGo. A subscription includes access to other findmypast resources. Added 23 Feb 2010. The index and details but not the full images are available from Family Search
- A selection of Census years and counties are also available from British Origins. Access is by Daily, Monthly, or Annual subscription which includes access to other Origins resources.
- Maureen Surman has transcribed the census for Boats lying at Worcester Wharf, Birmingham, 1841-1891. Here is a list of Gloucestershire Strays. Maureen has also included those names where place of birth is not known or listed. For families with one member born in Gloucestershire, everyone is listed.[Not now available online]
- Census statistics on a parish-by-parish basis taken from Volume II of the Victoria History of Gloucestershire (1907) - Gloucestershire Population Tables, 1801-1911 - available via (GSIA) Links to Industrial Archaeology.
Census - Sources for 1911
- The 1911 census is available exclusively online from findmypast.co.uk. Searching is free and payment is required to view results. Payment options are PayAsYouGo, Vouchers or Subscription. A subscription can include access to other findmypast resources. Added 23 Feb 2010.
Census - Sources for 1901
- Search the 1901 Census online for free. Pay-per-image by Vouchers or Credit Card to view an image of the original return. Originally a pioneering effort by QinetiQ, now being developed by Genes Reunited.
- Free search by name of the 1901 Census at Ancestry.com. Access to images is by Annual subscription, or Pay-per-View. A subscription includes access to other Ancestry resources.
- The 1901 census is also available for searching at findmypast.co.uk.
Census - Sources for 1891
- Free search by name of the 1891 Census at Ancestry.co.uk. Access to images is by Annual subscription, or Pay-per-View. A subscription includes access to other Ancestry resources.
- The 1891 Census is also available for searching at findmypast.co.uk.
- The 1891 South Gloucestershire & Bristol census is being indexed as part of the FreeCEN project.
Census - Sources for 1881
- Free search by name of the 1881 Census at Ancestry.co.uk. Access to images is by Annual subscription, or Pay-per-View. A subscription includes access to other Ancestry resources. The index for this service is provided by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS); images are reproduced by courtesy of The National Archives.
- The same 1881 data is also available for searching free of charge at FamilySearch - Census Records, but without access to the digital images. It is also available for purchase on CD from various outlets.
- The 1881 Census is also available for searching free of charge at findmypast.co.uk.
Census - Sources for 1871
- Free search by name of the 1871 Census at Ancestry.co.uk. Access to images is by Annual subscription, or Pay-per-View. A subscription includes access to other Ancestry resources.
- The 1871 Census is also available for searching at findmypast.co.uk.
- Gloucestershire 1871 Census is also available for searching at British Origins.
Census - Sources for 1861
- Free search by name of the 1861 Census at Ancestry.co.uk. Access to images is by Annual subscription, or Pay-per-View. A subscription includes access to other Ancestry resources.
- The 1861 Census is also available for searching at findmypast.co.uk.
- The 1861 Gloucestershire census is being indexed as part of the FreeCEN project.
Census - Sources for 1851
- Free search by name of the 1851 Census at Ancestry.co.uk. Access to images is by Annual subscription, or Pay-per-View. A subscription includes access to other Ancestry resources. Added 23 Nov 2005.
- The 1851 Census is also available for searching at findmypast.co.uk.
Census - Sources for 1841
- Free search by name of the 1841 Census at Ancestry.co.uk. Access to images is by Annual subscription, or Pay-per-View. A subscription includes access to other Ancestry resources. Added 10 May 2006.
- The 1841 Census is also available for searching at findmypast.co.uk.
Census - Sources for 1821
- Notes from the 1821 Census for Gloucestershire, suggesting reasons for local population changes, transcribed by Alan Longbottom.