
Memorial Inscriptions in St Peter's Churchyard, Birley, Herefordshire




Addams, 85

Allen, 211

Amos, 100

Bagley, 123

Bailey, 80,110,112

Baker, 24

Baldwin, 81

Barber ST, 101

Bathurst, 37

[Bath?]e[w?], 13

Baynham, 78,79

Beavan, 109

Bengree, 90

Berey, 71

Bevan, 69,72

Bicclestone, 220

Bishop, 81

Botham, 44

Bounds, 25

Brooks, 64,65,77,91,92

Bywater, 128

Cave, 31,32

Clark, 8,13,19,52,210,215,216

Coiper, 27

Coll[--], 9

Corfield, 232

Croose, 45,70,71,73-75,96-98,

Cross, 111

Davies, 126,127

Dawson, 207

Dubberley, 11

Edgar, 76

Edwards, 7,8,9,10,43

Edwords, 10

Ellis, 101

Elmes, 67

Elton, 204

Evans, 76,103,104,221

Gittings, 120

Griffiths, 69,70

Harris, 59,122

Hedley, 122

Jay, 25,35,44,75,83,117

Jones, 67,93,209,213

King, 70,72,113,115,122,129

Kington, 113

Kin[-], 79

Law, 129

Lewis, 14

Lloyd, 99,105

Martin, 1,212

Mattey, 41

Millichap, 39,40,114

Moore, 46,49,76,82

Mossford, 106,121

Murgatroyd, 115

Nash, 233

Nott, 28

P., 18,205

Parry, 6,45,70-75,96-98,107,

Philpott, 234

Powell, 115

Preece, 36,48,201

Price, 19

Probert, 45,66

Pugh, 28,29,32,39,59,100,102,

R., 18

Rawlins, 76

Reynolds, 29

Robertson, 68

Ross, 57

Rowland, 108,206

S., R.L., 73

Savigar, 61

Scandrett, 2,106,116,119

Shaa, 231

Shepherd, 51,52

Sheriffe, 202-204

Southall, 86

So[---], 87

Stephens, 117

Stone, 210

Storr-Barber, 71,78,80,104,110

Tayler, 59

Thomas, 95,121

Tunks, 112,120

Virgo, 66,99,123,126,128

W., 23

Walker, 38

Watkins, 31,37,46,49,50,87,95

Weaver, 82

Webb, 24

White, 205,208

Willis, 209,213

Wind, 204

Winney, 118

Woodgate, 107

Woodhouse, 62,63

[----]rington, 27

[--]stone, 91

[-]lh, 53

                           INDEX OF PLACES

Bath, 207,210

Birley, 82,107,113,231,232

Birley Court, 71-75,96-98,

Birley Hall, 28

Birley Hill, 25

Bristol, 28

Broxwood, 24

Bucknell, 7-9

Burghill Lodge, 1

Bush Bank, 31,46,81,129

Commercial Rd. Hereford, 24

Croft, 128

Dilwyn, 67

Fencote, 204

France, 219

Fullbridge, 69

Hay, 205

Hereford, Hfd etc., 24,66,70,

Holmer, 1

Kings Pyon, 212

Knapton, 43,90,100,105,106,

K[----] Birley, 82

Ladye Grove, 107,108

Leominster, leo etc., 25,28,

Kyrle St. Hereford, 66,99,123

Little Dilwyn, 70

London, 48

Lower Field, 43

Lye Court, 31,32,48,201

Manchester, 115

Marcle Magna, 204

Monkland, 59

Pentonville, 48

Pervin, 6

Plough Farm, 113

Rogers Farm, 119

St Christopher Island, 221

St James's, 48

Sarawak, 71

Southern Cemetery,
             Manchester, 115

Stretford, 43,67

Thorne, The, 122,202,203,207,

Three Horse Shoes, 24

U.S.A., 78

Upper Hall [Hill?], 233

Upper Hill, 59

West View, 106

Wistaston, 212

[--]ford, 91

[-]ereford, 220

                      INDEX OF PROFESSIONS ETC

Carpenter, 57

J.P., 209

M.Sc., 73

Major, 72,219

Military Cross, 72,73,219

Organist, 211

Priest in Charge, 67

Revd, 27,205,208

Royal Artillery, 219

Sexton, 66

Vicar, 67,205,208,231,232

Yeoman, 48


INCUMBENT:  The Revd C M Burke
     address: The Vicarage, Brookside, Canon Pyon, Hereford.
     telephone: 01432 830802

RECORDING DATES: May - September 1994.

CUT OFF DATE: 1970. Bare details of some later memorials
are included to assist location af adjacent memorials.

RECORDER & TYPIST: Alec Whitfield, who also checked the
typescript against the memorials.

COPIES DEPOSITED WITH: Hereford Record Office, Hereford City Library,
Incumbent, Hereford's Deputy Diocesan Secretary, Society of Genealogists,
Herefordshire Family History Society.

DESCRIPTIONS: The following descriptions are used throughout:

Type of Stone (D in front of the monument type indicates a double grave.)

     A  = Altar Tomb      H  = Headstone        P  = Pedestal

     B  = Open Book       K  = Kerbstones       T  = Table Tomb

     C  = Coffin Stone    L  = Ledgerstone      X  = Cross

     F  = Footstone       O  = Obelisk          W  = Window

     WT = Wall Tablet     FS = Floor Stone

Condition of Monument

     CO = Collapsed       N  = Flaking           V  = Overgrown

     E  = Leaning         SD = Sound but displaced

     FA = Falling Apart   SS = Sound, in Situ

Condition of Inscription

     CW = Clear but worn    I  = Illegible        M  = Mint

     D  = Destroyed         J  = Traces           MD = MainlyDecipherable


     G  = Granite           MA = Marble          R  = Brass

     LS = Local Sandstone                        ?? = No material listed

When some words or letters are followed by "[sic]", it

denotes the spelling is as written on the memorial.


1    DL&K, SS, MD, LS.  [See No. 212]

 [Right Ledger] To the memory of / THOMAS MARTIN /   formerly of this parish
/ who died at BURGHILL   LODGE, / March 3rd 1866. / aged 78.  [Left Ledger]
To the memory of / ANN MARTIN / formerly   of this parish / who died at HOLMER
/ September   4th 1865. / aged 79.

2    H, NS, J, LS.

 [---]emory of / [WILLIA?]M SCANDRETT, / departed this   Life July 21ft 1829
/ [----] his Age / ----- /   ----- / ----- / Aged 87 Years.

3    H, NS, I, LS.

4    F, NS, I, LS.

5    H, SN, I, LS.

6    C, SS, MD, LS.

 [North Face] To the Memory of / THOMAS fifth Son of   HENRY & ELIZABETH PARRY
/ who departed this life   Octr 29th 1842 / Aged 30 / Also of CHARLES their
 Son / who died Novr 13[?] 1844 / Aged 35.  [East Face] In / Memory of /
WILLIAM the / eldest son   of HENRY / and ELIZABETH PARRY / who departed
this life / the 11th of Septr 1818 / in the 12th   Year [-] his Age.  [South
Face] Sacred to the Memory of HENRY third Son   of JOHN and ANN PARRY, / late
of PERVIN in this   County, / who departed this life Febry 14th 1845   / Aged
69 / [---] ELIZABETH his wife / [-----]  [West FAce no inscription]

7    H, NS, MD, LS.  [See No. 8]

 To the Memory / of JOSEPH son of / JOSEPH & RACHEL   [----] / of BUCKNELL in
this Par[---] / he died   Novr 6th 1811 / Aged 4 Months. / The happy child
of God caul'd[sic] to rest / [--] body's here his   Soul is Blest / [-----]

8    H, SS, MD, LS.  Mason: J. CLARK

[Possible inscription at head of stone obscured by lichen]  / RACHEL the
Daughter / of JOSEPH & RACHEL / EDWARDS  of BUCKNELL / in this Parish. She
departed / this Life  Novr 17th 1812 / Aged 5 Years and 6 Months / Unhappy
Parents wipe away your tears / And think no more of  me. / My cares are ended
with my Years / And from all  pain am free.

9    DH, NS, J, LS.  Mason: T COLL[?][--]

 [Left Side] [--]he Memory of / [---]HAEL wife of /   [--]EPH EDWARDS / [---]
of BUCKNELL / [--] 16th   Sepr 1820 / [--] 39 Years. / [---] and drop a
Tear. / [--] I'm bury'd here. / [---] of   Beautey's Store / [---] could give
no more /   [--]lent the treasure / [more illegible lines]  [Right Side

10   H, SS, CW, LS.

 In / Memory of / EDWORD[sic] eldest son of / JOSEPH   and RACHEL / EDWORDS
/ of this Parish / He died   Feb 9th 1848 / Aged 44 Years / Dear Friends do
 not lament my fall / For death will triumph over   all / In midst of life i
felt his power / And   soon became a dying flower / If love or care   could
death prevent / Mi[sic] days had not so   soon be spent / B. EDWORDS [Not
clear whether   this is the Mason or the Poet]

11   H, NS, MD, LS.

 In Memory of MARGA[---] / the Wife of THOMAS   DUBBER[--] / who died May 15th
1812. / Aged 70. /   Alfo of THOMAS DUBBERLEY, / Who di[----]ugt 23d   1815
/ A[---] 83.

12   H, NS, I, LS.

13   H, NS, J, LS.  Mason: J CLARK

 [-----] / JOHN [BATH?]E[W?] / late of this Parish died   / Novr 26th 18[1?]9
Aged [6?-] / ELIZABETH / his   Widow died May 18th / 18[4?]9 Aged 78. / We
trust   their soul do lie with God on high / [-----]

14   H, NS, J, LS.

 In Memory of / [-]LINOR LEWIS / who died June 11 1774 /   [--] [71?] /
[illegible verse]

15   H, NS, J, LS.

 [-----] / 17[2?]9 Aged 59

16   H, NS, J, LS.

 [-----] / This toilsome world left behind / a crown of   Glory for to find.

17   H, NS, I, LS.

18   DL, SS, M, LS.

 [North Ledger] S.R.  [South Ledger] S.P.

19   H, SS, CW, LS.  Mason : J.CLARK.

 In Memory of / SARAH, the daughter of JOHN / and MARY   PRICE, who died /
March 4th 1805, Aged 12 Years.   / Weep not for me but pray repent / I was not
yours but only lent. / Wipe of[sic] thofe Tears   and weep no more, / I am
not Dead but gone   before.

20   DH, NS, J, LS.

 [Left Side] In / [--]ory / [-----] / [-----] /   [---]ecr 7th / [----]d 71.
[Right Side illegible]  [Below Both] Dear Husband now my life is paft / My
love for you so long did laft / Do you for me no   forrow take / But love my
children for my fake.

21   H, NS, I, LS.

22   F, NS, I, LS.

23   F, SS, M, LS.

 J.W. / 1882

24   H, SS, M, LS.  Mas          on: WEBB & BAKER / COMMR RD HERED.

 In Affectionate Remembrance of / JOHN WEBB, / Late of   BROXWOOD, in this
County, / Died at the THREE   HORSE SHOES, / in this Parish, / Nov 1. 1882,
 Aged 72. / "Thy will be done." / also of MARY /   Wife of the above / Died
Jan. 20. 1885, / Aged   74. / Come unto Me and rest.

25   H, SS, CW, LS.  Mason: J. JAY / LEO.

 In Affectionate Remembrance of / THOMAS BOUNDS, /   BIRLEY HILL in this
Parish, / who died the 15th   day of / June 1889, / aged 72 years. / His end
 was peace.

26   H, NS, I, LS.

27   H, NS, MD, LS.

 MAT[----]RINGTON / wa[-]Born Dec. 23d 1795. / Died   April 10th 96 / Here
lieth the Body of / the Rev.   JOHN COIPER / who departed the 2d Feby 1807 /
in   the 59th year [---]

28   H, SS, CW, LS.  Mason:  PUGH / LEOM.

 In Loving Memory of / JOHN NOTT / (BIRLEY HALL) / Who   Died March 14. 1907.
/ Aged 63 Years / His end   was peace. / Also of ALICE his beloved wife / Who
 died August 3. 1937. / Aged 89 Years. / Interred   at BRISTOL.

29   H, NS, MD, LS.  Mason: PUGH / LEOMR

 In Loving Memory of / GEORGE REYNOLDS, / Who Died   April 16. 1907. / Aged
68 Years. / "Until the day   break." / Also FANNY / beloved wife of above /
 Who Died Oct. 14. 1926. / Aged 78 Years. / Peace   Perfect Peace.

30   P, SS, M, LS. [150 mm high. Had supported a sundial,   now missing.]

 [West Side] Lost at sea May 1942 / Let his hours so   soon cut off, / Thus
complete their full course.  [Other Sides no inscription]

31   C, SS, CW, LS.  Mason: [J?]. WATKINS BUSH BANK

 [No inscription on sloping faces]  [West Side] THOMAS CAVE  [South Side] late
of LYE-COURT, he died Sept xxvii.   mdccclvii Aged lxxi Years.  [East Side]
EMILY LOUISA  [North Side] Daughter of THOMAS CAVE, she died Febry   xxviii.
mdcccliv Aged xi Years

32   X&K, SS, CW lead, MA.  Mason: PUGH. / LEOR

 In / Loving Memory / of / SARAH H. M. CAVE, / (late of   LYE COURT) / who
died May 13TH 1892, / Aged 55   years.

33   H, NS, I, LS.

34   F, NS, I, LS.

35   H, CO, CW, LS.

 In Loving Memory of / LOUISA JAY / Who died Nov 7   1898. / Aged 65 Years.
/ Gone but not forgotten.   / Also of JOHN JAY / husband of the above / who
 died Dec 23. 1901. / Aged 68 years.

36   DH, NS, MD, LS.

 [Left Side] In / Memory of / JAMES, son of / JAMES and   ANN / PREECE, who
died / Feby 7th 1832. / Aged   24.  [Right Side] Also / JAMES PREECE, / died
Sept 18th   1853. / Aged 70.  [Below Both Sides] A lingering ficknefs did me
 feize[sic], / And no Physician could me eafe, / I   fought for help but all
in [---] / Till God did   eafe me of m[----]/ [Further indecipherable   lines]

37   H, SS, MD, LS.  Mason: J WATKINS / LEO.

 In Loving Memory of / THOMAS BATHURST, / who died July   12, 1899. / aged 82
years. / also of ANN, wife of   the above / who died Feby 9th 1901. / aged 83
 years. / Thy will be done.

38   H, SS, M, LS.

 In / memory of / DOROTHY MARCELLA / WALKER / born June   26th 1888 / died
March 19th 1985 / Greatly loved   by all her friends.

39 to 42 are within a single kerb.

39   H, SS, CW, LS.  Mason: PUGH / LEOR

 In / Loving Memory / of / GEORGE MILLICHAP / born   April 19TH 1849. / died
April 13TH 1918. / Weep   not my dear ones, be content, / For I to you was
only lent / The Lord has only claimed His due /   And very soon will call on
you. / Also in Loving   Memory of / ELIZABETH / the dearly beloved wife   of
/ GEORGE MILLICHAP / born Oct. 5. 1848. / died   May 18. 1926.

40   H, SS, CW, LS.

 In / Loving Memory of / JOHN, / born JanY 25TH 1881 /   died DecR 18TH 1882
/ also of ALICE, / born March   23RD 1884. / died April 20TH 1884. / Also of
 THOMAS, / born JanY 24TH 1890 / died JanY 29TH   1890. / the beloved children
of / GEORGE &  ELIZABETH MILLICHAP. / suffer little children to   come unto

41   H, SS, M, LS.

 In / Loving Memory / of / BENJAMIN MATTEY, / who died   June 7TH 1961 / aged
74 years. / soldiers of   Christ arise. / also of his wife / DORA MATTEY /
who died August 23RD 1962 / aged 74 years. / In   Heaven we part no more.

42   Space within kerb, but no memorial.

43   H&K, SS, CW, LS.

 In / Loving Memory of / MARY, / widow of the late /   EDWARD EDWARDS, / of
LOWER FIELD STRETFORD / who   died at KNAPTON May 15. 1901. / aged 66 years.
/   "Absent from the body present with / the lord."

44   H, SS, M, LS.  Mason: J.JAY / LEOM

 In Loving Remembrance of / ANN, / beloved wife of /   JOHN BOTHAM, / who died
FebY 17TH 1891, / aged 64   years. / Farewell dear friends a long farewell,
/   for we shall meet no more, / Till we arrive at   Christ's right hand / On
Zion's happy shore.

45   X&P, SS, M, LS.

 [East Side] This memorial cross / was erected by / the   parishioners / in
sorrow and pride / a grateful   tribute to / ARTHUR CROSSE PARRY / and /
WALTER   JAMES PROBERT / who gave their lives / in the   Great War / 1914 -
1919[sic]  [West Side] Their bodies are buried in / peace, but   their name
liveth / for evermore. / ECCLUS   XLIV.14  [North and South Sides no

46   H, SS, CW, LS.  Mason: J WATKINS BUSH BANK.

 "For so he giveth his beloved sleep." / in memory of   MARY daughter of /
THOS & SARAH MOORE / who died   NovR 6TH 1849, aged 14 years / also of EMILY
 their daughter / who died FebY 4TH 1866. aged 19.   / also of ELIZABETH their
daughter / who died   DecR 25TH 1868. aged 23. / also of ANNE their   daughter
/ who died DecR 20TH 1873 aged 36.

47   H, NS, J, LS.

 [------] / [--]o died [-]ov. 15th 1789 / Aged 4 Months   / [---] and eafy
wa[----] / [---] horror   fhoo[---] / [---] eafy fleep [---] / [-----]

48   H, NS, MD, LS.

 [-----] / [S?]on of the late THOS PREECE, / Yeoman   deceaf'd of LYE COURT
/ [-]his Parifh, who died   the 8th / Day of Novr 1828. Aged 45. / [---] of
 THOS fecond son of the above / named, who changed   Time for / Eternity the
30th of April 1835. who /   lies buried at Saint James's PENTONVILLE /
LONDON. Aged 49. / God only knows who next must   follow me, / Reader prepare
perhapse it may be   thee / Here shall sof[---]arity repair and break   the
bonds of grief / Down the hurr[-]d Couch of   care, Man to Man must bring

49   H, SS, CW, LS  Mason: WATKINS.

 IHS / In Affectionate Remembrance of / WILLIAM / son   of / THOS & SARAH
MOORE / who died / July 15TH   1880 / Aged 41 Yrs. / "He that overcometh shall
inherit all things / and I will be his god, and   he shall be my son." / also
the above / THOMAS   MOORE, / who died May 4TH 1882, aged 77 years. /   "The
Lord is my shepherd I shall not want." /   also SARAH, / wife of the above
THOMAS MOORE, /   who died Decr 28TH 1893. / In the 81ST year of   her age.

50   H, NS, J, LS.  Mason: J WATKINS

 [------] / [---] we tremble to convey / [---]ys to the   tomb? / [---] the
flesh of Jesus lay / [----]eet   perfum[--] / [------] / And M[----] / who
d[--] /   Oct 24th [---]

51   H, NS, J, LS.

 [---]Memory of / [-]OHN SHEPHERD / who died the 7 of /   [De?] [----] /
[-----] / Great God I own thy   [---] / And nature muft [---] / Yielding my
body   to the duft / To dwell with fellow clay.

52   DH, NS, J, LS.  Mason: JA. CLARK

 [Left Side] [-----] / [---] SHEPHERD / who died / 19th   Sep 1787 / Aged 64
[Right Side no inscription]  [Below Both] [--] God I own Thy [---] / And
[----] /   [--]ing my Body [---] / [-----]

53   FS, NS, MD, LS.


54   DH, NS, I, LS.

55   H, NS, I, LS.

56   H, NS, I, LS.

57   DH, SS, CW, LS.

 [Left Side] Also to / the Memory of / JOHN ROSS, /   Carpenter, late / of
this Parifh, / he died Febry   8th / 1847. Aged 76  [Right Side] Sacred / to
the Memory / of SARAH, Wife /   of JOHN ROSS, / Carpenter, fhe / died March
2nd /   1834. Aged 62  [Below Both Sides] Hufband and children my life is
paft, / My love for you so long did laft, / Do   you for me no forrow take,
/ but love eah[sic]   other for my fake.

58   DH, NS, I, LS.

59   H, SS, MD, LS.  Mason: W PUGH

 Sacr[sic] Sacred / to the Memory of MARY, / Wife of   ZACHARIAH HARRIS / who
departed this Life /   December 15th 1834 / Aged 62 Years / Also In   Memory
of MARY ANN / TAYLER of UPPER HILL and   FARM, / MONKLAND who died Feb. 12.
1877. Aged 73   / The best of Wives and Mothers dear, / A   faithful friend
lies buried here. / We little   thought her glafs was run / Until we saw her
 breath was gone.

60   H, NS, I, LS.

61   H, NS, J, LS.

 In affectionate remembrance / of / WILLIAM SAVIGAR /   who died / JanY 2ND
1865 / aged 54 / Remember me   as you pass along / And think how soon my life
 has gone. / Death does not always warning give, /   Therefore be careful how
you live. / Also of   THOMAS son of WILLIAM / & MARY SAVIGAR died June   7 /
1876 aged 11 years / If love and care could   [---] / [-----]

62   H, SS, M, MA. [personal details only]

 HAROLD WOODHOUSE / died 2nd August 1991 / Aged 61

63   H, SS, M, MA. [personal details only]

 EDITH MAY / WOODHOUSE / died 17th May 1988 / Aged 76   Also / JOSEPH RICHARD
/ died 24th November 1992 /   Aged 83

64   H, SS, M, MA. [personal details only]

 HERBERT BROOKS / "UNCLE HERBIE" / Died 13 June 1987 /   Aged 89

65   H, SS, M, MA.

 CONSTANCE / BROOKS / Died 17 Feb 1979 / Aged 87

66   H, SS, M, MA.  Mason: A.J.VIRGO / KYRLE STREET / Tel.   HEREFORD 2713

 In God's keeping / a dear husbandand father / GEORGE   JOHN PROBERT / for
many years / sexton of this   parish / died 2nd Nov 1967 aged 80 / ROSE HANNAH
PROBERT / died 14TH Oct 1975 aged 89 / a faithful   servant of this / church
/ gone to rest

67   H, SS, M, MA.  Mason: A.[N?].JONES

 In / loving memory of / STANLEY MARTYN / ELMES / Vicar   of DILWYN with
STRETFORD / and Priest in Charge   of this Parish / * February 16 TH 1895 /
 ­ February 18TH 1966 / thank my God upon every /   remembrance of you / Also
/ IDA PHYLLIS ELMES /   * August 5TH 1905 / ­ October 13TH 1992

68   H, SS, M, MA. [personal details only]

 IAN STUART ROBERTSON / 16th July 1931 - 27th Nov. 1993

69   H, SS, M lead, MA.

 In ever loving memory of / THOMAS HENRY / GRIFFITHS /   of FULLBRIDGE, / died
Jan. 9TH 1968 / in his   88TH year / also his wife DOROTHY BEVAN /   GRIFFITHS
/ died July 19TH 1980 / in her 86TH   year. / Within the everlasting arms

70   K, SS, M lead, MA.  Mason: KING & CO. / HFD

 [South Kerb] In loving memory of ALICE MARY, 3RD   daughter of THOMAS CROOSE
PARRY and beloved wife   of  [East Kerb] THOMAS HENRY GRIFFITHS. LITTLE
DILWYN.   Born 15. April 1848. Died 19. June 1932.  [North Kerb] also of
THOMAS HENRY GRIFFITHS. Born 6.   March 1854. Died 10. March 1937.  [West Kerb
no inscription]

71   X&P&K, SS, M lead, MA.  Mason: STORR-B / HFD

 [Top Step] In / loving memory / JOHN BEREY  [Bottom Step] 5th son of the late
/ THOMAS CROOSE and   SUSANNA / PARRY of BIRLEY COURT / died Feb 20.   1927
in his 71ST year  [South Kerb] In loving memory of KATHERINE wife of   J.BRRY
/ died Jan. 30. 1971. in her 103RD year  [East Kerb] Grant him O Lord eternal
rest / and let   light perpetual shine upon him.  [North Kerb] BRIAN BEREY
PARRY, killed in SARAWAK by   enemy action September 1942.

72   H&K, SS, M, MA.  Mason: KING & CO

 [Headstone] In / ever loving memory / JOSEPH MATTHEW   PARRY, / of BIRLEY
COURT. / born May 2ND 1861, /   died Jan. 27TH 1939. / also of his widow /
LOUISA   SARAH, / born Dec. 31ST 1859, / died Jan. 15TH   1949.  [South Kerb]
In loving memory of my daughter MARION   BEVAN PARRY wife of / Major J.KRRY
MC. died   11TH Nov. 1978 aged 88 years.  [East and North Kerbs no

73   X&P&K, SS, M lead, MA.

 [Top Step] In ever / loving memory / of  [Middle Step] MATTHEW CROOSE PARRY
M.C. M.Sc. /   beloved husband of VIOLET / and elder son of   JOSEPH MATTHEW
/ and LOUISA SARAH PARRY of BIRLEY   COURT / born Dec. 11TH 1885. died Feb.
5TH 1931.   / Steel-true and blade-straight. / The great   artificer made my
mate. R.L.S.  [Bottom Step] and his beloved wife / VIOLET, / born   21ST Oct.
1893 - died 27TH Jan. 1982.

74   H&K, SS, M lead, MA.

 [Headstone] In loving memory / of / SUSANNA EMILY   PARRY, / second daughter
1846, died Nov. 1. 1933, / aged 87.  [East Kerb] With Christ

75   O&P, SS, CW, LS.

 [South Face] In / affectionate remembrance / of /   SAMUEL JOHN / third son
of THOMAS CROOSE / and   SUSANNA PARRY, / born April 10TH 1850, / died
November 28TH 1900. / "The grace of our Lord   Jesus Christ" / Thess 5.28
[East Face] In / affectionate remembrance / THOMAS   CROOSE PARRY, / of BIRLEY
COURT, / born June 24TH   1819, / died June 11TH 1881. / also of SUSANNA, /
 Widow of the Above, / Born March 7TH 1819, / Died   April 4TH 1901. /
"Praying always" Eph 6.18  [North Face] To the / beloved memory of / JAMES JAY
 PARRY / second son of / THOMAS CROOSE and /   SUSANNA PARRY, / of BIRLEY
COURT, / he was born   21ST July 1844 / and died 28TH August 1862. / He   was
a cheerful merry hearted / youth / cut down   like tender grass.  [West Face
no inscription]

76   C, SS, MD, LS.

 [South Face] In Affectionate Remembrance of / HENRY   RAWLINS EVANS, / Died
January 21ST 1878, Age 52.   / Also of PARTHENIA, Wife of the above, / Who
Died July 1ST 1907, Aged 76 Years. / "For ever   with the Lord."  [North Face]
HENRY RAWLINS EVANS, Died November 5TH   1878, Age 82. / JANE MOORE, Daughter
of H&P.   EVANS, Died May 23RD 1883 Age 21. / also of FRANK   MOORE, Died
February 14TH 1881, Age 14. /   PARTHENIA MOORE, Died August 10TH 1874, Age
4.   MARGRET EDGAR, Died October 15TH 1874 Age 2

77   H, SS, M, LS.

 In / loving memory / of / EMMA / Wife of JOSEPH BROOKS   / who died Feb. 13.
1912 / aged 74 years / Peace,   perfect peace. / also of JOSEPH BROOKS / died
 July 8. 192[2?] / aged 82 years / Thy will be   done.

78   H, SS, M, LS.  Mason:  STORR-BARBER / LEO.

 In loving memory of / WILLIAM BAYNHAM, / who died Aug.   11. 1901, / aged 70
years. / Thy will be done. /   also of / ELIZABETH / wife of the above / died
 Oct. 9. 1929, / aged 87. / at rest. / also of /   EMILY, their daughter, /
died Oct. 29. 1939, /   aged 68 years. / interred in U.S.A. / ever

79   H, SS, CW, LS.  Mason: KIN[-] / [HEREFORD?]

 In / Loving Memory of / ELIZABETH, / eldest daughter   of / W. & E. BAYNHAM,
/ of this parish, / Who Died   April 7TH 1886, / Aged 24 Years. / "Even so
Father for it so seemed good / in thy sight."

80   H, SS, CW, LS.  Mason: STORR-BARBER / LEO.

 In Loving Memory of / IHS / WILLIAM BAILEY / who died   July 16, 1897, / Aged
65 Years. / also of / SARAH   BAILEY / his wife, who died April 18, 1911, /
 Aged 73 Years. / Come unto Me ye weary and heavy   / laden and I will give
you rest.

81   H, SS, M, LS.

 In / loving / memory of / FRANCIS BISHOP, / late of   BUSH BANK, / who died
Feb. 20TH 1900, / aged 57   years. / also / SARAH BALDWIN, his wife, / who
died Sep. 9TH 1927, / aged 83 years. / died in   peace.

82   H, SS, J, LS.  Mason: WEAVER / HERED

 In Loving Memory of / ANNE MARIA MOORE, / beloved wife   of BENJAMIN MOORE
/ of K[----] BIRLEY / who fell   asleep [---]ec 10TH [--] / [----] / Also of
 [----] / who [----] / [-----] / also / MARIA   MOORE, / who died March 11TH
1924, / Aged 74   Years. / Even so come to Lord Jesus.

83   H, SS, CW, LS  Mason: J.JAY. / LEOR.

 In Loving Memory of / JOHN JAY, / Who died November   14TH 1888, / Aged 67
Years. / "In my father's   house are many mansions." / Also of FRANCES JAY,
 / wife of the above / Who died August 17TH 1929,   / Aged 100 years.

84   H, NS, I, LS.

85   H, SS, CW, LS.

 In Memory of / MILES ADDAMS / who died June ye 18 1768   / Aged 55 Years /
A Faithful Friend & Husband   dear / A Loving Father Lieth here / Our lofs was
Great as we suftain / But Christ will make our   lofs again

86   DH, NS, MD, LS.

 [Left Side] In / Memory of / JAS SOUTHALL / of this   Parifh / who died July
/ 25th 1827. Aged / 80   Years.  [Right Side] In / Memory of / FRANES wife of
/ JAS   SOUTHALL / who Departed this / Life April th 1ST   / 1846. Aged 92 /
Years.  [Below Both Sides inscription lost]

87   H, NS, J, LS.  Mason: J. WATKINS

 [-----] / WILLIAM SO[---] / died [----] / [-----]

88   H, NS, I, LS.

89   H, NS, I, LS.

90   DH, SS, CW, LS.

 [Left Side no inscription]  [Right Side] In / Memory of / WM BENGREE / late
of   KNAPTON, / who died Sept. 16th / 1830, Aged 60.  [Below Both] A sincere
friend lies buried here, / A   husband kind and Father dear, / An industrious
 Man free from pride, / Honeft he lived, beloved   he died, / Great is the
lofs that we fustain, /   In Heaven we hope to meet again.

91   H, SS, M, LS.  Mason: [--]STONE / [--]FORD

 In affectionate remembrance of / JOHN son of JOSEPH &  BEATRICE BROOKS, /
Who Died February 22ND 1878,   Aged 24 Years / Also of BEATRICE, the beloved
 wife of / JOSEPH BROOKS, / Who Died March 23RD   1883, Aged 67 Years. /
"washed in the blood of   Jesus." / 4 children who died in their infancy. /
 Also of JOSEPH BROOKS, / died FebY 27TH 1899,   Aged 88. / With Christ which
is far better.

92   H, SS, MD, LS.

 JOHN BROOKS / 187[2?]

93   DH, NS, MD, LS.

 [Left Side no inscription]  [Right Side] In / Memory of / SARAH, Wife of /
WILLM   JONES, / who died Feby 12th / 1833 Aged 52.  [Below Both Sides
inscription lost]

94   H, NS, I, LS.

95   H, SS, MD, LS.  Mason: J.WATKINS

 In affectionate memory / of / TRACEY THOMAS / who died   / Feb. 3RD 1873. /
aged 58 / Also SARAH His Wife   / Who Died  / April 19TH 1880, Aged 75 Years.
/   The time we have allotted here, / We highly out   to prize, / And seek to
make salvation sure, /   Ere death do close our eyes.

96   H&K, SS, M lead, MA.

 [Headstone] In loving memory of / LOUISA ROSETTA   PARRY, / youngest daughter
of / THOMAS CROOSE /   and SUSANNA PARRY, / of BIRLEY COURT, / born June   16.
1859 / died November 18. 1937.   [Kerb Foot] Peace.

97   X&K, SS, M, MA.

 [South Kerb] In Loving Memory of ANNE BEATRICE PARRY,   eldest daughter
Born March 31ST 18.41 Died May 10TH 1905.   Jesus only.  [West Kerb no

98   X&P&DK, SS, M, MA.

 [Top Step] In / Loving Memory of / THOMAS CROOSE   PARRY,  [Middle Step] (of
BIRLEY COURT) / born March 6TH   1843, / died February 22ND 1901. / called
unto   eternal glory by Christ Jesus.  [Bottom Step] also of his beloved wife
/ SARAH / born   November 17TH 1846 / died January 18TH 1929.

99   DK, SS, M lead, MA.  Mason: A.J.VIRGO / KYRLE STREET /   Tel. HEREFORD

 [West Kerb] in loving memory of  [South Kerb] ANN LLOYD, died 29TH Dec. 1962,
Aged 78.  [East Kerb] re-united  [North Kerb] STANLEY LLOYD, died 4TH Nov.
1961, aged   81.

100  H, SS, M, LS.  Mason: PUGH / LEOR

 In Loving Memory of / OLIVIA, / the dear wife of   EDWARD AMOS, / (of
KNAPTON) / who died  Jan.   28TH 1929, / aged 77 years. / "Come unto Me all
 ye that labour and / are heavy laden and I will   give you / rest." / also
of / EDWARD AMOS / who   died Aug. 3RD 1939, / Aged 88 Years. / My help
cometh from the Lord. / also their daughter /   FRANCES / who died Jan. 4TH
1962 /aged 79 years.

101  H&DK, SS, CW, LS.  Mason: BARBER ST / LEO.

 In loving memory of / JOHN WILLIAM ELLIS, / of this   parish / who died Feb.
27. 1908. / Aged 71 Years.   / Waiting for the coming of our Lord Jesus
Christ. / Also of / SARAH, / the beloved wife of   the above, / Who died June
27. 1925, / Aged 84   Years. / Until the day break.

102  H, CO face down, Probably Mint, LS.  Mason: PUGH / LEOR

103  H, SS, M, LS.  Mason: PUGH / LEOR

 In / Loving Memory of / WILLIAM EVANS, / Who died Sept   23rd 1914, / aged
66 years. / The Lord is loving   unto every man and his / mercy is over all
his   works. Psa. 145, 9.v. / Rest in the Lord

104  Small H, SS, M, LS.  Mason: STORR-BARBER / LEO.

 In / loving / memory / of / JOHN WILLIAM / EVANS /   died May 27. 1927 / aged
9 months / Jesus called   a little child.

105  H&DK, SS, M lead, MA.  Mason: PUGH / LEOR

 In / Affectionate Remembrance / of / THOMAS LLOYD, /   the dearly beloved
husband of / ELIZABETH LLOYD,   / (of KNAPTON,) / who died October 20th 1924,
/   aged 64 years. / "Peace, perfect peace, with   loved ones / far away. /
In Jesus' keeping we are   safe, and they." / Also to the loving memory of /
 ELIZABETH LLOYD, / wife of the above / who died   Feb. 7th 1940, / in her
81ST year. / At Rest.


 [Headstone] To The Dear Memory / Of / a beloved wife   and mother / FANNY
ELIZABETH SCANDRETT / "of   KNAPTON" / passed away 3RD Jan. 1958, / aged 69
 years. / also her beloved husband / CHARLES   RICHARD SCANDRETT / "of WEST
VIEW" / passed away   28TH March 1974 / aged 84 years, / Reunited.  [Kerb
Foot] "In life, in death O Lord abide with me."

107  K, SS, CW lead, MA.

 [West Kerb] In Loving Memory of  [South Kerb] MARY EVELYN, wife of GERALD N.
WOODGATE,   and elder daughter of  [East Kerb] WILLIAM R. and MARY PARRY,
[North Kerb] of LADYE GROVE, BIRLEY, Born July 7th   1883, Died May 10th 1914
"Thy will be done."

108  DK, SS, M, MA.

 [South Kerb] In Loving Memory / WILLIAM ROWLAND PARRY   of LADYE GROVE, died
July 9TH 1921, aged 69   years.  [East Kerb] Also THOMAS ROWLAND PARRY / who
died March   26TH 1962, aged 80 years.  [North Kerb] Also MARTHA MARY ANN, his
wife,/ who died   July 11TH 1948, aged 92 years.  [West Kerb no inscription]

109  H&K, SS, M, LS.

 IHS / In Loving Memory of / HERBERT JOHN / BEAVAN, /   who died Jun 11. 1923,
aged 16 years. / "With   Christ which is far / better"

110  H, SS, M, LS.  Mason:  STORR BARBER / HFD

 In Loving Memory of/ IHS / THOMAS BAILEY / Died May 9.   1922 / Aged 75
Years. / His end was Peace. / Also   of / EMILY BAILEY / beloved wife of above
/ Died   March 25. 1931 / Aged 76 Years. / Nearer, my God   to Thee, nearer
to Thee

111  H&K, SS, M, MA.

 Dear Mum and Dad / ELIZABETH and EDWARD / CROSS / For   ever with the Lord

112  K, SS, CW, LS  Mason: TUNKS LEO.

 [West Kerb] In Loving Memory  [North Kerb] of our dear sister MATILDA BAILEY
Who   Died Feb. 7th 1939.  [East Kerb] Aged 44 Years.  [South Kerb] Peace,
Perfect Peace.

113  H&K, SS, CW lead, MA.  Mason: KING & CO

 In loving memory of / ELIZABETH MARY, / beloved wife   of JAMES KINGTON, /
PLOUGH FARM, BIRLEY, / who   departed this life May 30. 1935, / aged 61 years.

 / Peace, perfect peace.

114  H, SS, M, LS.  Mason: PUGH. / LEOR

 IHS / In Loving Memory of / EMMA, / the dear wife of /   BENJAMIN MILLICHAP
/ who died June 2ND 1927 /   aged 57 years. / "Thy will be done" / also her
 beloved husband / BENJAMIN MILLICHAP / who died   April 14TH 1957, / aged 82
years. / re-united

115  H&K, CO, CW, LS.  Mason: KING & CO / HERED

 IHS / In / Loving Memory of / WILLIAM POWELL, / born May 14TH 1852, / died
April 18TH 1918 / "Rest in the Lord." / also of / SARAH POWELL, / born April
1ST 1840, / died Feb. 10TH 1930. / also of / AGNES E. MURGATROYD, / daughter
of above / died June 5TH 1930 / interred in SOUTHERN CEMETERY MANCHESTER.

116  K, SS, CW, MA.

 [West Kerb] In Loving Memory of[South Kerb] THOMAS WILLIAM SCANDRETT born
March 12TH 1887, died April 19TH 1917[East Kerb] He hath done all things
well.[North Kerb] MARY ADDIS SCANDRETT, born Oct. 12TH 1914, died Dec. 11TH

117  DK, SS, CW lead, MA.

 [South Kerb] In loving memory of ANNIE BEATRICE STEPHENS devoted sister of
ISABELLA JAY died April 8. 1955 / Aged 88 Years. Worthy Remembrance.[North
Kerb] To the cherished memory of JOHN JAY died March 12. 1939. Aged 78 Years.
/ Sleep on beloved sleep[East & West Kerbs no inscription]

118  H&DK, SS, M, MA.

 In loving memory of / GEORGE WINNEY, / who died March 25. 1938. / aged 73
years. / also of MARY ELIZABETH, / beloved wife of the above, / who died Dec.
19TH 1943, / aged 74 years.

119  DK, SS, M lead, MA.

 [West Kerb] In loving memory of[North Kerb] WILLIAM SCANDRETT, of ROGERS
FARM, KNAPTON. Born July 22. 1859. Died Jan. 31. 1935.[East Kerb] at
rest.[South Kerb] also of MARY ANN, his wife born October 9. 1863. died August
13. 1936.

120  K, SS, M, LS.Mason: TUNKS. / LEO.

 [West Kerb] In Loving Memory of[North Kerb] KATHLEEN MAY GITTINGS who died
Nov. 5TH 1934[East Kerb] Aged 31 Years.[South Kerb] Resting where no shadows
fall, in perfect peace she awaits us all.


 [West Kerb] In loving memory of[North Kerb] JOHN STANLEY THOMAS, / died 5TH
Sept. 1957. aged 71 years.[East Kerb no inscription][South Kerb] also his wife
FLORENCE / died 28TH Sept. 1957. aged 69 years.

122  H, SS, M, MA.Mason: KING

 THOMAS HEDLEY HARRIS / died Oct. 3. 1950, aged 81. / CLARA JANE HARRIS / died
Feb. 18. 1946, aged 77. / at THE THORNE.

123  H&K, SS, M lead, MA.Mason: A.J.VIRGO / 9, KYRLE ST / HEREFORD

 Treasured Memories of / a darling daughter & sister / MIRIAM BAGLEY / Whom
God called home on / 16TH Dec. 1946. Aged 18½ Years. / Bud on earth, a flower
in heaven.

124  Small H, FA, I, LS.

125  K, CO, M, LS.Mason: H.PUGH / LEOMINSTER

 [East Kerb] Resting

126  K&F, SS, M, LS.Mason: A.J.VIRGO / HEREFORD.

 [Foot Stone] In memory of my dear wife / GLADYS DAVIES. / 1920 - 1953

127  K, SS, M lead, MA.Mason: Fixing holes, but no plate.

 [West Kerb] In memory of a dear mother[South Kerb] ELIZABETH DAVIES, who fell
asleep July 9TH 1960, Aged 74.[East Kerb] loved by us all[North Kerb no

128  H&DK, SS, M lead, MA.Mason: VIRGO / HEREFORD.

 In loving memory of / a dear wife & mother / LUCY BYWATER / died 11TH
November 1957, aged 68. / Loved by all / A dear husband & father / HENRY CYRIL
BYWATER / died 12TH October 1961, aged 72. / (both late of THE CROFT,
KNAPTON.) / at rest.

129  H&K, SS, M, MA.Mason: KING & CO / HEREFORD

 In loving memory of / a dear wife and mother / ANNIE ELIZABETH LAW, / of BUSH
BANK, / passed away August 4TH 1964, aged 85. / at rest. / also of her husband
/ FREDERICK JAMES LAW, / passed away May 31ST 1973, aged 95.


 201  WT, SD, MD, LS.

 [----] lieth the body / of THOMAS PREECE of LYE / COURT who died Feby 19th
1800 / Aged 41 / [several illegible lines of verse] / [---] remains of ANNE
/ Relict of Mr THOMAS PREECE / who departed this Life the 31st / day of July
1826 Aged 66 / [----]

202  WT, SD, M, LS.

 Near this place lieth the Body / of THOMAS SHERIFFE / Gent: of THE THORN who
/ Died ye 13th of June 1758 / Aged 61 years

203  WT, SD, M, LS.

 Mementomori / In Spe Resurectionis / ad aeternam vitam / JOHANNES SHERIFFE
/ de THORNE in hac / parochia Generosus / Sepultus fuit sub hoc / Loco 24o die
Maji / Anno Dni 1729 / Aetartis Suae 69.

204  WT, SD, M, LS.

 MARTHA Conjux / THOMAE SHERIFFE hujus / Parochiae Generofi et filia / PETRI
ELTON de MARCLE / MAGNA in hoc Comitatu / Generofi Luxta hunc locum / Sepulta
fuit 8vo die Xbris 1721o / aetatis suae 26o / MARIA etiam altera Conjux /
THOMAE SHERIFFE, et filia / IOHANNIS WIND de FENCOTE / in Comitatu prae dicto
/ Generofi infra hunc / locum Sepulta fuit / 13o die Ianrji 1728.

205  WT, SD, M, LS.Mason: I P / HAY

 In / Memory / of THOMAS Son of / the Revd BENJAMIN / WHITE Vicar if this
Parish / by HANNAH his wife / He died March the 27th / 1747 / Aged 53 years.
/ In Memory also of / ESTER / their Daughter who / July the 4th 1747 / Aged
17 years

206  WT, SS, M, R.

 To the Glory of God / and in loving memory of / WILLIAM ROWLAND PARRY / who
died July 9TH 1921. / This Belfrey was converted into / a Baptistry by / his
widow MARY PARRY.Aug. 1925.

207  WT, SD, M, LS.

 Sacred to the Memory of / RICHARD DAWSON, a Youth of amiable / Manners and
blameless Life / who died at THE THORNE / of a lingering Confumption, (which
he / bore with pious Refignation to the / divine will.) To the great Grief of
/ his affectionate relatives, the 28th of / December 1803, in the 22d Year of
his / Age. / The Lord gave and the Lord hath / taken away, / Blefsed be the
name of the Lord. / This fmall tribute of Refpect to / his dear Memory, was
erected by his / affectionate Uncle JOHN DAWSON / of BATH.

208  WT, SD, M, LS.

 Near this Place Lieth the / Body of the Reverend / BENJAMIN WHITE / Vicar of
this Parifh / 48 Years. He departed this / Life June ye 26th 1767. Aged 77.
/ Near this Place Lieth the / Body of BENJAMIN the / Son of the Revd BENJN and
/ SARAH WHITE he died / March ye 7th 1769 Aged 25.

209  WT, SS, M, R.Maker: JONES & WILLIS LTD

 This window was erected as a / token of esteem / to the memory of / THOMAS
CROOSE PARRY Esqre J.P., / by subscription raised by his tenants / and work
people on / BIRLEY COURT Estate / 1902. / "The memory of the just is blessed."

210  WT, SD, M, LS.Mason: J. CLARK

 Sacred / to the Memory / of HENRY STONE / of THE THORNE Efqr / (late of BATH)
/ who departed this Life / the 4th Day of April 1803 / Aged 70 Years. /
Reader, prepare to meet thy God.

211  WT, SS, M, Slate.

 In grateful memory of / MABEL CHRISTINE ALLEN / organist for 34 years / who
died 15th July 1982 / aged 93.

212  WT, SD, CW, MA.[See No. 1]

 Beneath this monument rest the remains of / ISAAC MARTIN Esq. / late of this
parish and formerly of WISTASTON / in the parish of KINGS PYON in this county
/ who died January 7 1833 Aged 77 years. / In him were united the various
virtues that / could endear him to his family / friends and aquaintences /
distress never failed / to find relief in his bounty / unfortunate merit /
refuge in his generosity / also SARAH his beloved wife / who died Aug 30 1837
aged 90 years. / In a vault outside this chancel, are buried the / remains of
THOMAS and ANN MARTIN, son and daughter / of the above named ISAAC and SARAH
MARTIN. / ANN MARTIN died September 24th 1869 Aged 79. / THOMAS MARTIN died
March 5th 1866 Aged 78.

213  WT, SS, M, R.Maker: JONES & WILLIS LTD

 To the Glory of God / and in loving memory of / my dear husband / THOMAS
CROOSE PARRY, JNR / who entered into rest Feb. 22ND 1901, / and in humble
gratitude / for untold mercies. / This Reredos is erected / by SARAH PARRY.

214  WT, SD, M, MA.

 Sacred to the memory of / THOMAS PARRY Esqr / of BIRLEY-COURT in this Parish
/ who died 17 May 1823 / in the 51ST year of his Age / Much of his time and
attention / was zealously and successfully devoted / to those subjects of
rural Economy / which are most valuable in this County. / Under his care the
cultivation of / the apple and the hop / was materially improved and / the
general pursuits of agriculture / were not neglected. / In private life, / he
was a good master, liberal to the poor / and much respected. / His widow and
only son / dedicate this marble / to his beloved memory.

215  WT, SD, M, LS.Mason: J CLARK

 Underneath / are depofited the Remains / of MATTHEW CROOSE, / who died Augt
20th 1798, / in the 52ft Year of his Age. / Near this place are depofited /
the Remains of ESTHER, / Relict of THOS PARREY [sic], / who died July 10th
1800, / in the 51ft year of her age.

216  WT, SD, CW, LS.Mason: [-] CLARK.

 Sacred to the Memory of / THOMAS CROOSE Esq / of BIRLEY COURT in this Parish
where he resided / for more than half a Century, a man / of good
oeconomy[sic], but liberal to the / Poor; one who brought agriculture /
Improvement to a great perfection / as most men of his time, / he bore a long
and painful illness, with / christian Fortitude, through Life / respected, in
Death lamented / he departed this Life January the / XXI MDCCCXII, in the
LXVII Year of his age.

217  WT, SS, M, R.

 To the beloved / memory of THOMAS / CROOSE PARRY / of BIRLEY COURT, / Born
June 24TH 1819 / died June 11TH 1881.

218  WT, SD, M, LS.

 Near this place lieth the / Body of / THOS CROOSE, / who departed this life
/ the 15th of Oct. 1775, in the / 51ft Year of his Age. / Alfo three Children
/ SARAH / ANN / ROWLAND / died infants. / Alfo RACHEL, Relict of / THOS
CROOSE, who died / the 12th April 1788, Aged 74.

219  WT, SS, M, MA.

 In loving memory of / MATTHEW CROOSE PARRY / Major Royal Artillery 1914 - 18
/ who received the Military Cross for / conspicuous bravery in FRANCE and was
/ three times mentioned in despatches / for distinguished service in the
field. / This tablet is erected as a memorial by his wife. / "I thank my God
upon every remembrance of you."

220  WT, SD, CW, MA.Mason: [-----]EREFORD J. BICCLESTONE

 Sacred to the memory of / Anne widow of / THOMAS PARRY Esqr of BIRLEY COURT
/ in this parish / who died February 22ND 1857 / in the 79th year of her age.
/ This tablet is erected as a lasting / remembrance to / a good and dear

221  WT, SD, M, MA.

 Sacred to the memory of / DAVID EVANS Esqr, / late of the ISLAND of ST
CHRISTOPHER, / who died 11TH August 1837 / in the 568TH year of his age



 EDWARD SHAA Vicarius de BIRLEY / defunctus 16o die Junii 1679 / anno aetatis
suae 85 ad huc loquitur / Quinquis Succefor mihi fuerit ad altere mei


 Hic BRIDGETTA conjux dianifima RICARDI CORFIELD / Vicari de BIRLEY, Sepultra
fuit Septimo Vicefinio / die Novbris 1681 annq: aetat: 35 / Quid Si[x?], quid
fueris / Quid eris, semper mediteris / Pulvis et umbra sumus.


 ROGER NASH of the UPPER HALL [HALL?] Gent was buryed Novr 1673


 HENRY PHILPOTT of this Parish was here buryed Feby 22ano {sulutus 1693 /
{aetatus 49 / Resurgam


Credits and Copyright


INCUMBENT: The Revd C M Burke

address: The Vicarage, Brookside, Canon Pyon, Hereford.
telephone: 01432 830802

RECORDING DATES: May - September 1994.

CUT OFF DATE: 1970. Bare details of some later memorials are included to assist location af adjacent memorials.

RECORDER & TYPIST: Alec Whitfield, who also checked the typescript against the memorials.

COPIES DEPOSITED WITH: Hereford Record Office, Hereford City Library, Incumbent, Hereford's Deputy Diocesan Secretary, Society of Genealogists, Herefordshire Family History Society.

19 Aug 1994