
Norfolk: Limpenhoe


William White's History, Gazetteer, and Directory of Norfolk 1883

LIMPENHOE, 13 miles E.S.E. of Norwich, is a parish in Blofield hundred and union, Yarmouth county court and bankruptcy district, Blofield petty sessional division, Freethorpe polling district of South Norfolk, Blofield rural deanery and Norwich archdeaconry. It had 199 inhabitants in 1881, living on 1042 acres of land, exclusive of roads, &c., of a rateable value of £2015. The Rev. J. Emeris (the lord of the manor) and N.H.N. Burroughes' exors. own most of the soil.

The Rev. Theodore H.C. Day is impropriator of the great tithes, and patron of the vicarage, which is valued in the King's Book at £6 13s., and now annexed to the rectory of Southwood.

The CHURCH (St. Botolph) was rebuilt in 1881 and 1882, with the exception of the base of the tower, at a cost of £2100, the vicar, R. Neville's executors, A.J. Day. Esq., Mrs. Bullard, and the Rev. J. Emeris, subscribing the greater part. The tower was rebuilt at a cost of £320. The porch is particularly handsome, and the font is Norman workmanship. In 1852 three curious paintings were discovered on the north wall of the old church, representing the martyrdom of St. Catherine, who suffered in Alexandria under the Emperor Maximinus II. early in the 4th century.

The rectory house is situate in this parish, and is a good residence, which was purchased and altered in 1852 at a cost of £1000. Here are 10A. 2R. of glebe, and the poor have half an acre let for £1.

The NATIONAL SCHOOL was erected in 1850 at a cost of £150, and is attended by about 45 children.

The Primitive Methodists have a small chapel here, built in 1877.

POST from Yarmouth, via Reedham. Wall Letter Box cleared at 4.45 p.m. Nearest Money Order and Telegraph Office at Reedham, and Cantley is the nearest Railway Station.

         Boswell  Miss Mary       schoolmistress
         Bullard  Mrs Sophia      farmer
         Carter   William         farmer
         Day      Rev. Theodore   The Rectory
                    H.C., B.A.
         Hall     Wm. Fowler      parish clerk & frmr
         Hanton   Isaac           shoemaker
         Mallett  John            shopkeeper
         Mallett  William         farmer
         Peart    Thos.           farmer and coal dealer
         Sales    William         blacksmith and victualler, The Falcon
         Smith    John            shopkeeper
         Ward     Charles         farmer
         Waters   Robert          farmer

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See also the Limpenhoe parish page.

Copyright © Pat Newby.
March 2004