
Norfolk Newspapers -


Norfolk Chronicle

Extracts from January 1780

These are the main topics. Please scroll down the page to see all the extracts.

  • January 1st
    Apology by William Pooley to Jeoffery Towler.
  • January 22nd
    Theft by William Broughton of a horse from Thomas Vincent.
  • January 29th
    Sale of the horse by Mary Parlet; Advert by Sarah Sayer.
See also Other Extracts from Norfolk Newspapers.

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Copyright © Pat Newby
March 2005

Norfolk Chronicle Extracts from January 1780

Transcription and notes copyright © Janelle Penney.

These transcriptions have been made from microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library, which holds the copyright of the images. If you cite from, or download any part of, these transcriptions you must include this paragraph to acknowledge the British Library Newspaper Library as the source of the material.

Note: the Norfolk Chronicle was published in Norwich. When no place is referred to exactly, or the term "this city" is used, Norwich is the place referred to. Similarly, mentions of "the Castle", the City Gaol" etc refer to institutions in Norwich.

1 January 1780

Page 3, column 3.

Whereas I William POOLEY, of Hargham, in the County of Norfolk, Shepherd, did lately propagate a scandalous Report tending to injure the Reputation of Jeoffery TOWLER, of Rockland in the said County, Farmer, for which he has justly ordered an Action to be brought against me; but has kindly consented to forgive me on my acknowledging my Crimes, and asking his Pardon, which I do in this public Manner, and do declare that such Report was false, and groundless, and raised without the least Foundation in Truth. Witness my Hand this 30th Day of December, 1779.
William POOLEY his mark X
Witness William ALGAR

22 January 1780

Page 3, column 1

Monday was committed to the castle by John FENN Esq., William BROUGHTON of Barton Bendish in this county, charged with stealing a brown mare, the property of Mr Thomas VINCENT of Criplesham, farmer. This mare was advertised last Saturday in the Ipswich paper, by the association held at Downham, offering a reward of five guineas for apprehending the person who stole her. The above young gentleman, although only 22 years of age, has been connected with a gang of smugglers a long time, and stole this mare on the 21st December last, for the purpose of conveying smuggled goods from the sea coast. The owner has not yet recovered her.

29 January 1780

Page 3, column 3

Wretton, 24 January 1780.

Left at the Red Lion at Wretton, on Sunday the 19th December, 1779, by William BROUGHTON, lately committed to Norwich Castle for Horsestealing [sic] a Chestnut Mare, with a Blaze down her Face, four white legs, and a Saddle and Bridle. If the said Mare, Saddle and Bridle, be not taken away, and the Expences [sic] paid before the 21st Day of February next, they will be sold for the Payment of the keeping and other Expences [sic]. Mary PARLET.

Page 4, column 1

All Persons indebted to the Estate and Effects of Matthias SAYER, Linen Weaver, at Ditchingham, lately deceased, are hereby desired to pay their several Debts to Sarah SAYER, his Widow and Administratrix, or to John BETTS, of Tibenham, forthwith. And all Persons, to whom the said Matthias SAYER stood indebted, are desired to send in their Accounts, in order they may be discharged.

Mrs SAYER returns Thanks for all Favours conferred on her late Husband, and begs a Continuance of them. She has several Hundred Clew of White Yarn to dispose of, with some Looms, and other Things in the Weaving Trade. -- The Cloth in the Shop at Norwich, in the Weaver's Lane, is selling off at Prime Cost. Attendance will be given on Saturdays and Wednesdays, where all Shopkeepers and others that want a Quantity, may be supplied as above. There is likewise a Parcel of white Thread, Shoe Tare, and Shoe Thread to be disposed of at a very low Rate, and some home-made blue Linseys.

Transcription and notes copyright © Janelle Penney.

These transcriptions have been made from microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library, which holds the copyright of the images. If you cite from, or download any part of, these transcriptions you must include this paragraph to acknowledge the British Library Newspaper Library as the source of the material.