
Wiverton Hall



The updates have been applied on the "anchor" issue on 27 July.

The issues are discussed here 

Details are also on the maintainers list.


"Wiverton Hall, formerly a fortified place, with a demesne of 1,002 acres of fine grazing and arable land, forms an extra parochial liberty, bounded on the east by the River Smite, and on the west by Tithby parish, and distant 2½ miles south of Bingham. After the Conquest, Wiverton, or as it is commonly called Werton, was of several fees, and gave name to a resident family who became its principal owners, and gave part of it to Welbeck and Thurgarton monasteries. The whole manor subsequently passed to the Bassets, Brets and Caltofts. The heiress of the latter carried it in marriage to Sir Wm. Chaworth, in the reign of Edward III, previous to which, Thoroton says, it had become utterly depopulated, though under the date 1257 he found "many mentions in the ledger book of Thurgarton Priory, of the church of Wiverton", but he never could discover any other document to show there ever was a church here, except what referred to the domestic chapel in the house, which was there in ruins."  In the reign of Henry VI, sir Thomas Chaworth, by his marriage, became possessed of the estates of the ancient and wealthy families of Alesbury, Pabenham, Engaine, Basset and Kayne, "and he made a park here, in which he built a large and beautiful mansion, sufficient in the castellated style, to be a garrison for the king in the civil wars, which occasioned it ruin;" since then, Thoronton says, (1677) most of it has been pulled down and removed, except for the old uncovered gatehouse, which yet remains a solitary memorial of departed grandeur and ancient hospitality."
[White's "Directory of Nottinghamshire," 1853]


Archives & Libraries

The Community Library at Bingham is an excellent resource.

The Library at Nottingham will prove useful in your research.



  • The parish was in the Bingham sub-district of the Bingham Registration District.
  • The table below gives census piece numbers, where known:
Piece No.
1861R.G. 9 / 2484
1871R.G. 10 / 3547
1891R.G. 12 / 2717

Church History

  • There is no record of a church, nor a chapel, being constructed in the parish.

Civil Registration

  • The parish was in the Bingham sub-district of the Bingham Registration District.
  • Civil Registration started in July, 1837.

Description & Travel

Wiverton Hall is mainly an English country house not far from Tythby. Most of the original Manor House was destroyed during the English Civil War. The River Smite runs through the western portion of the parish.

The village has become completely depopulated. If you are planning a visit to the village:

  • This hamlet is on the Bingham Road between Bingham and Langar (to the south-east), south of the A52 trunk road.
  • John POYSER has a photograph of a footbridge over the River Smite on Geo-graph, taken in December, 2006. The river is relatively small here.
You can see pictures of Wiverton Hall which are provided by:







  • Wiverton Hall is a Grade II structure with English Heritage. The original Hall dates from about 1450.
  • The present house, incorporating the gatehouse, was built in 1814.
  • After World War II the house became the home of Major General Sir Miles GRAHAM and his wife.
  • Kate JEWELL has a photograph of Wiverton Hall on Geo-graph, taken in October, 2005.
  • Alan MURRAY-RUST also has a photograph of Wiverton Hall on Geo-graph, taken in January, 2011.


  • See our Maps page for additional resources.

You can see maps centred on OS grid reference SK713364 (Lat/Lon: 52.920294, -0.940984), Wiverton Hall which are provided by:


Military History

Wiverton Hall was a Royalist stronghold during the English Civil War. Unfortunately this led to the destruction of the house


Politics & Government

  • This place was an ancient extra-parochial area in county Nottingham and became a modern Civil Parish after 1858.
  • The place was in the ancient Bingham Wapentake (Hundred) in the county.
  • The citizens of this lightly populated parish have elected to join with those of Tithby and hold joint Parish Meetings to discuss civil and political issues. There is no formal Parish Council.
  • District governance is provided by the Rushcliffe Borough Council.

Poor Houses, Poor Law

  • Bastardy cases would be heard in the Bingham petty session hearings.
  • The Common Lands were enclosed here in 1510.
  • After the Poor Law Amendment Act of 1834 and the elevation of this area to a Civil Parish in 1858, this parish became part of the Bingham Poor Law Union.

