
Halse Marriages 1559-1812

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Surnames DANIEL to HYLL

Surname Forenames Spouse Marriage Date
Daniel Anne Robert Olliver 15 Jul 1654
Daniel Simon Wilmot Palmer 09 Jun 1655
Daniell Agnes Willm. Nott 16 Apr 1608
Daniell Johane John Venn 11 May 1637
Daniell Simon Elianour Stephens 04 Nov 1622
Daniell Thomas Elizabeth Brabier 10 Nov 1606
Darch Agnes James Pole 10 Jun 1667
Date John Johane Bryer 12 Sep 1634
Daviderson[?] Joane Georg Miles 17 Apr 1599
Davis Abraham Betty Winter 15 Dec 1791
Davis Susannah Robert Farthing 01 Jul 1763
Davy William Ann Perry 01 Sep 1796
Davye John Jane Norris 23 Mar 1658
Daw Agnes [-] Fursey 25 Nov 1602
Daw Aldred Catherine Gunningham 16 Feb 1807
Daw Robert Betty Bond 15 May 1764
Deark Mary William Trott 25 Dec 1755
Denbury Robert Joane Cheke 07 Jun 1570
Dene Elizabeth John Baker, the elder 17 Sep 1559
Derborowe Johan Nicholas Cornishe 22 Jan 1619
Dernant Mary William Jutsomrne 02 Oct 1639
Deyment Benjamin Jane Warre 27 Feb 1786
Deymont George Kateren Comer 04 Dec 1609
Dight Eliener John Shepherd, of Lydiard Epi. 09 Jun 1641
Dight Elizabeth John Norman 05 Jun 1682
Dight Hannah Henry Bailey 31 Oct 1755
Dight Lamech Mary King 04 Aug 1794
Dight Willm. Temperance Batten 28 Nov 1611
Dirm Ann John Winter 12 Jul 1778
Donne John Mary Hancock, lic. 01 Jun 1770
Donne Mary John Hancock 22 Feb 1802
Durbrow John Jane Cheek 01 Aug 1788
Dyer James Nanny Arscott, of Fitzhead 16 Apr 1751
Edney Nicholas Anne Keene 24 Mar 1651
Ellworthy William Elizabeth Lock 22 Apr 1717
Else Ann William Winter 05 Nov 1735
Elworthy Elizabeth Henry Radford 26 Aug 1750
Elworthy John Elizabeth Rossiter 02 Jul 1751
Elworthy Sarah Thomas Sealy 28 Jul 1751
Evens Bridget John Gardner 04 Oct 1712
Evens Morgan Mary Webber 22 Jun 1659
Farr George Susanna Stevens 24 Dec 1789
Farthing Jane William Herniman 18 Dec 1800
Farthing Richard Elizabeth Parsons, of Wellington 27 May 1797
Farthing Robert Susannah Davis 01 Jul 1763
Farthing Robert Elizabeth Temlett, s. 11 Jul 1774
Farthing Sarah Burnett Richard Richards, of Lydeard St. Laurence 24 Jun 1806
Ferris Francis Agnes Webber 17 Sep 1672
Fisher Henry Agneis Strange 31 Aug 1566
French Thomas Katherine Smale 22 May 1674
Fryer David Elizabeth Clotworthy 01 Sep 1653
Furse Henry Mary Poole 12 Nov 1656
Furse Richard Mary Tilly 22 Feb 1654
Furse Thomas Joane Blakemore 25 Jul 1593
Furse Thomas Elizabeth Truckwell 23 Jul 1618
Fursey [-] Agnes Daw 25 Nov 1602
Fursey Agnis James Cade 02 Jul 1610
Fursey Frauncis Georg Cornishe 12 May 1615
Fursey Valenten Fraunces Mylles 28 Sep 1609
Fursy Agneis Thomas Slocoke 16 Oct 156-
Furzon William Ann Oen 31 Sep 1717
Gad Robert Elizabeth Spuring 30 Nov 1710
Gadd Samuel Mary Maurell 25 May 1703
Gale Henry Agnes Cookesley 13 Jun 1631
Gardner John Bridget Evens 04 Oct 1712
Garrett Ann Thomas Bailey 25 Jan 1780
Gater Ann Jonathan Pole 27 Apr 1717
German James Alice Bond 27 Nov 1679
Geryford John Alice Bishopp 02 Oct 1595
Gibbens Frauncis John Williams 20 Oct 1590
Gibbs George Alse Burdges 12 Oct 1613
Giles als. Turner Priscilla Samuel Bard, of this p. 05 Nov 1721
Gill Joane Henry Norman 09 Feb 1670
Goading Richard Jane Shorney, of Lydeard St. Laurence 03 Mar 1772
Goodding Eleanor John Hearing 22 Oct 1615
Gooden William Mary Surrage, p. Fitzhead 17 Nov 1751
Goodgroom William Gertrude Ley 15 Apr 1713
Gooding Henry Mary Cade 17 Jul 1654
Gooding Henry Joane Musgrave 19 Feb 1660
Gooding Mary Richard Winter 12 May 1667
Gooding Richard Mary Jewry 09 Dec 1759
Gooding Sarah William Page, junr. 17 Feb 1716
Goodinge Johane Thomas Govier 30 Jan 1625
Goodman Mary Robert Perry 30 Mar 1766
Goodman Roger Mary Pool, p. Wivelscombe 20 Aug 1750
Goodwud Elinor Robert Markes 12 Nov 1640
Goodyng Marryan Charles Ley 17 Sep 1620
Govett Mary Christopher Comer 18 Dec 1656
Govier Elizabeth Thomas Tagbert 12 Sep 1655
Govier Solomon Alice Hawkins 24 Nov 1580
Govier Thomas Johane Goodinge 30 Jan 1625
Gradden Phillip Betty Jones 22 Jun 1788
Granger Betty David Joans 24 Apr 1733
Grant Jane Charles Lovelace 16 Oct 1743
Gredye James Johan Cowling 30 Oct 1606
Greed William Jane King 07 Nov 1760
Greedy Ann Samuel Winter 20 Oct 1766
Greedy Joseph Elizabeth Talbot 20 Feb 1759
Green Sarah William Templer 26 Dec 1720
Greenslade Elizabeth William Hill, of Bishops Lydeard 26 Mar 1811
Grudy Robert Mary Merry 26 Nov 1799
Grudy Sarah William Temlett, of Tollard 09 Oct 1780
Gunningham Betty John Towills 03 Sep 1801
Gunningham Catherine Aldred Daw, of Lydeard St. Laurence 16 Feb 1807
Gunningham Grace Michael Mear, of Elworthy 02 Jun 1800
Gunston Agnes Robart Koopley 24 Sep 1607
Gunston Ales Richard Hill 19 May 1617
Gunston Anstis Thomas Tucker 21 Jan 1610
Gunstone Thomas Elner [-]t 27 Jan 1563
Guppery John Sarah Hill 04 Feb 1676
Gybbs Joane Water Howper 18 Feb 1573
Gyll Ann James Mowle 16 Aug 1627
Haddridge Katherine William Wyne 26 Nov 1674
Hadgeindge Henry Anne Blake 20 Jan 1640
Hall John Grace Smarle 31 Dec 1718
Hallat Robert Mary Smeeth 25 Aug 1684
Hallet Robert Elizabeth Baker, of Halse 15 May 1735
Hambro Mary John Clark 04 Apr 1774
Hanckcocke Henry Anstice Sparke 11 Jun 1667
Hanckocke Joane [-] Kidworthy 07 Sep 1663
Hancock Ann Thomas Radford 15 Feb 1734
Hancock Ann Henry Hancock, of Wiveliscombe 20 Apr 1767
Hancock Henry Jane Morse 20 Jun 1614
Hancock Henry Ann Hancock, lic. 20 Apr 1767
Hancock Jane Thomas Cridland 26 Feb 1719
Hancock Jane Robert Cheek 01 Sep 1765
Hancock Joan Thomas Radford 14 Jan 1725
Hancock Joan William Walden, of St. James, Westminster 23 May 1797
Hancock Joane William Hancock 13 Aug 1702
Hancock Johan John [? Win]don 17 Jan 1604
Hancock John Jane Baker 09 Feb 1742
Hancock John Mary Donne 22 Feb 1802
Hancock Maria John Anthony Hermon, of St. James, Westminster 16 Nov 1797
Hancock Mary Nicholas Hooper 18 Jun 1697
Hancock Mary John Donne, of Shipton Beauchamp 01 Jun 1770
Hancock Mary George Stevens, sojourner 05 Jan 1780
Hancock Mary Joseph Bright, of St. Andrew's, Plymouth 08 Dec 1797
Hancock Molly Benjamin Woolcott 09 Feb 1781
Hancock Philip Mary Bond 25 Dec 1757
Hancock Phillip Sarah Bond 21 Jun 1715
Hancock Sarah John Strong 19 Jun 1743
Hancock Thomas Betty Blake, lic. 04 Apr 1768
Hancock William Joane Hancock 13 Aug 1702
Hancocke Abraham Agnes Pearse 26 May 1655
Hancocke Anne Thomas Lea 28 Apr 1676
Hancocke Elizabeth Thomas Bone 04 Nov 1672
Hancocke John Mary Tagbert 28 May 1656
Hancocke Katherine George Wescombe 07 Apr 1660
Hancocke Mary Philip Hancocke 11 Nov 1672
Hancocke Philip Mary Hancocke 11 Nov 1672
Hancocke Susanna Simon Crudland 22 May 1656
Hancocke Thomas Joane Osmond 16 Jan 1670
Hancocke William Ellinor Comer 01 Jun 1657
Hancoke John Alice Comer 01 Jul 1577
Hankcocke John Agnes Lovelis 01 May 1667
Hardman Richard Margaret Rossiter, of Halse 04 Nov 1726
Harniman Joan Thomas Stone 15 May 1775
Harris Margaret John Steevens 03 May 1595
Harris Robert Tamsen Steven 28 Jan 1584
Harris Tamsen William Webber 14 Nov 1611
Harrise Ann Robert Lock 17 Oct 1703
Hartin Sarah Thomas Croft, of Combe Florey 05 Feb 1769
Hartnell Betty John Pole, sojourner 30 Mar 1812
Hartnell Thomas Jane Huckleburge 11 May 1779
Hartnoll Robert Amy Chorley, p. Fitzhead 10 Nov 1751
Haukins Anne John Shorland 09 Sep 1759
Haviland Matthew Mary Theker 14 Jul 1715
Hawis Willm. Cisley Barrell 16 Apr 1604
Hawkins Alice Solomon Govier 24 Nov 1580
Hawkins Grace Faithful Pole 08 May 1797
Hawkins Joane Nicholas Winter 11 May 1669
Hawkins William Mary Lovelace 22 May 1716
Hayes Susanna William Winter 16 May 1732
Hayne Elizabeth Raphe Strong 29 Apr 1624
Hayse Alice John Thomas 01 Feb 1565
Hearing John Eleanor Goodding 22 Oct 1615
Heart Phillip John Pryde 11 Jul 1620
Hebbere Charity William Stone 15 Apr 1800
Hembrough Samuel Hannah White 03 Nov 1802
Hermon John Anthony Maria Hancock 16 Nov 1797
Herne Edith Robert Merry 15 Nov 1660
Herniman Jane William Stone, sojourner 19 Apr 1789
Herniman Richard Mary Strong 05 May 1776
Herniman Robert Joan Merry 23 Mar 1761
Herniman William Jane Farthing 18 Dec 1800
Hernyman John Mary Winter 15 Sep 1736
Hewes Marye John Land 30 Oct 1615
Hewitt Elizabeth George Rexworthy 02 Dec 1807
Hill Agnes John Cooksley - Jun 1663
Hill Agnes Robert Woolcot 01 Nov 1673
Hill Edward Rebecca Arscott, p. Fitzhead 16 Sep 1751
Hill Hester Israel Withey 06 Nov 1710
Hill Margarett John Slocoke 29 Aug 1575
Hill Mary Henry Radford 14 Feb 1762
Hill Mary William Busson, sojourner 01 May 1797
Hill Richard Ales Gunston 19 May 1617
Hill Sarah John Guppery 04 Feb 1676
Hill Simon Anstice Hoopper 21 Jun 1617
Hill William Elizabeth Greenslade 26 Mar 1811
Hillary William Elnor Truche 18 Jun 1570
Hite Joanane Richardus Taylor 28 Jan 1650
Hobbs David Betty Bond 19 Feb 1764
Hockelburge Richard Jane Trott 26 Apr 1714
Hodge Thomas Sarah Winter 15 May 1775
Holcumb Margaret Amyas Mantell 05 May 1620
Honyford Jeffery Joane Welber 08 Nov 1589
Hook John Agnes Jordane 17 Jan 1709
Hooper Nicholas Mary Hancock 18 Jun 1697
Hooper Robert Joan Irish, of Halse 19 Apr 1727
Hoopper Anstice Simon Hill 21 Jun 1617
Hoopper Marie Robert Lovelesse 06 Nov 1634
Hore Humfrey Joane Bulford 15 Jun 156-
Hore Humfrey Christen Stone 19 Sep 1567
Horsey Agneis Richard Cape 09 Sep 1583
How Thomas Anne Caswell 26 May 1731
Howe Agnes William Burge 11 Jun 1628
Howper Water Joane Gybbs 18 Feb 1573
Huckleburge Jane Thomas Hartnell 11 May 1779
Huett Agnes Nicholas Pile 09 Oct 1651
Hurford John Jane Bruford 27 Jun 1797
Hurford Mary Chrystopher [-] 30 Oct 1600
Hurley Edeth John Keene 12 Oct 1635
Hurley Hughe Susanna Pinne, w. 11 Jun 1632
Hyatt Steven Eleanor Bishop 26 Nov 1789
Hydon Esther Benjamin Cridland, als. Lock 20 Nov 1764
Hyll Edward Johan Bruford 26 Nov 1600

Transcription by Roy Parkhouse
Email: roy[at]parkhouse.org[dot]uk