
Norton Fitzwarren Marriages 1726-1791



The updates have been applied on the "anchor" issue on 27 July.

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(Copyright Notice)   (Abbreviations Used)

The marriages were transcribed from fiche reference M4512/1 D/P/N FITZ 2/1/2.
This fiche contains no marriages for the period between 28 August 1756 and 24 December 1786.

Surname Forenames Spouse Marriage Date Other Information
Allen Rachel Richard Newton 18 Feb 1728 both otp
Bacon Joan William Clement 24 Apr 1791  
Ball John Elizabeth Rowe 06 Apr 1730 both Tsm
Bampton Rachel Samuel Bazley 08 Dec 1754  
Bartlett Samuel Mary Shattock 24 Nov 1754  
Bazley Samuel Rachel Bampton 08 Dec 1754  
Bellamy John Deborah Bennett 19 Apr 1731 both otp
Bennett Deborah John Bellamy 19 Apr 1731 both otp
Bessey Mary Thoms Burke 20 Nov 1752  
Bodey Rebecca James Reed 28 Aug 1756  
Body John Sarah White 19 May 1753  
Bond William Mary Pool 25 Feb 1727 Pitminster/otp
Born Thomas Mary Dyke 29 May 1732 otp/Bishops Lyddiard
Bryant James Mary Smith 10 Oct 1726 both otp
Bryant Mary David Poundsbury 31 Jul 1748  
Bryant Shuana Alixander Pile 26 Nov 1748  
Burge Robert Mary Richards 27 Feb 1736 otp/otp wd
Burke Thoms Mary Bessey 20 Nov 1752  
Burnett William Elizabeth Stuckey 03 Dec 1727 both otp
Caltis Elizabeth John Wills 27 Oct 1832 otp/Spaxton
Challes Martha William Dudderidge 10 Jun 1754  
Chappell Jasper Jane Hare 12 Oct 1740 otp/otp wd
Chappell Richard Mary Slape 03 Jul 1732 both otp
Chidley Wm Mary Hawkins 05 Nov 1753  
Clement William Joan Bacon 24 Apr 1791  
Coals George Mary Dunn 21 Jul 1752  
Comer Mary John Pulsford 17 Sep 1741 otp/Hillfarrence
Corner Betty Edward Welshman 14 Jun 1749  
Cornish Thomas Betty Summers 09 Mar 1787  
Cox Mary John Pool 15 Nov 1728 otp/Bradford
Cross Richard Elizabeth Jerman 03 Aug 1728 Bishops Lydiard/otp
Cross Richard Mary Newton 27 Oct 1730 otp/Tsj
Cross William Jane Ebson 05 Feb 1752  
Davey Sarah Benjaman Templet 12 Nov 1749  
Davis Richard Jane Slape 16 May 1734 both otp
Deacon John Ann Hare 22 May 1727 both otp
Dennis Anne Thomas Dyke 12 Oct 1788  
Denson John Dorothy Virgin 12 Mar 1740 both of Pitminster
Dolin Edith Wm Norcott 29 Jul 1748  
Down Thoms Mary Hawkins 03 Jul 1751  
Dudderidge Mary Daniel Twiner 08 May 1756  
Dudderidge William Martha Challes 10 Jun 1754  
Dunn Mary George Coals 21 Jul 1752  
Dutheridge Richard Rachel Norcott 27 Sep 1730 both otp
Dyke Mary Thomas Born 29 May 1732 Bishops Lyddiard/otp
Dyke Thomas Anne Dennis 12 Oct 1788  
Ebson Jane William Cross 05 Feb 1752  
Edwards Hannah John Saunders 04 Apr 1791  
Edwards Joseph Betty Lowe 11 Nov 1789  
Furze Mary Roben * 23 Dec 1751  
Gardiner Amy William Loward 23 Nov 1728 Bishops Hull/Milverton
Good Joan John Partridge 25 Dec 1730 /otp
Hacket John Henry Moore Betty Turner 17 Oct 1790  
Hagly Sarah Edward Williams 15 Jun 1750  
Hall Jane Thomas Hare 25 Nov 1740 otp wd/otp
Hancock Elizabeth William Miles 06 Nov 1787 lic
Harding Elizabeth George Parish 08 Jan 1737 both otp
Hare Ann John Deacon 22 May 1727 both otp
Hare Hannah John Smith 05 Jun 1727 both otp
Hare Jane Jasper Chappell 12 Oct 1740 otp wd/otp
Hare Thomas Jane Hall 25 Nov 1740 otp/otp wd
Harking William Mary White 21 Jun 1787  
Hartnell Richd Grace Pile 29 Dec 1748  
Hawkins Mary Wm Chidley 05 Nov 1753  
Hawkins Mary Thoms Down 03 Jul 1751  
Herneman Robert Martha Slape 29 Aug 1787  
Herneman William Jane Trevet 16 Sep 1787  
Hibes Joseph Joanna Newton 24042753  
Hill Frances Robert Parkman 24 Feb 1754  
Hill William Catherine Symmons 10 Dec 1731 both otp
Hind William Sarah Pool 19 Nov 1733 both otp
Horrice William Betty Thomas 09 Apr 1787  
Jerman Elizabeth Richard Cross 03 Aug 1728 otp/Bishops Lydiard
Langford Abrm Sarah Porter 20 May 1753  
Lapthorne George Mary Richards 12 Oct 1754  
Loward William Amy Gardiner 23 Nov 1728 Milverton/Bishops Hull
Lowe Betty Joseph Edwards 11 Nov 1789  
Mead Mary William Richards 04 May 1743 by lic
Melford Robert Mary Shutt 08 Jun 1733 both otp
Miles William Elizabeth Hancock 06 Nov 1787 lic
Morris Edward Joan Trood 03 Jan 1734 both otp
Newton Joanna Joseph Hibes 24042753  
Newton Mary Richard Cross 27 Oct 1730 Tsj/otp
Newton Richard Rachel Allen 18 Feb 1728 both otp
Norcott Rachel Richard Dutheridge 27 Sep 1730 both otp
Norcott Wm Edith Dolin 29 Jul 1748  
Norrish John Ann Olsh 12 Jan 1750 ?sname
Oaten Elizabeth James Pring 30 Sep 1730 Trull/Bradford
Olsh Ann John Norrish 12 Jan 1750 ?sname
Palmer Mary Thomas Rodbar 06 May 1734 both otp
Parish George Elizabeth Harding 08 Jan 1737 both otp
Parkman Robert Frances Hill 24 Feb 1754  
Parrish George Elizabeth Rodbar 22 May 1754  
Partridge John Joan Good 25 Dec 1730 /otp
Pile Alixander Shuana Bryant 26 Nov 1748  
Pile Grace Richd Hartnell 29 Dec 1748  
Pool John Mary Cox 15 Nov 1728 Bradford/otp
Pool Mary William Bond 25 Feb 1727 otp/Pitminster
Pool Sarah William Hind 19 Nov 1733 both otp
Porter Sarah Abrm Langford 20 May 1753  
Poundsbury David Mary Bryant 31 Jul 1748  
Pounsbury Agnes James Webber 02 Feb 1742  
Pring James Elizabeth Oaten 30 Sep 1730 Bradford/Trull
Pring Thomas Sarah Temple 14 Feb 1790  
Pulsford John Mary Comer 17 Sep 1741 Hillfarrence/otp
Reed James Rebecca Bodey 28 Aug 1756  
Richards Ann Robert Yandle 10 May 1739 otp/Kingston
Richards Mary George Lapthorne 12 Oct 1754  
Richards Mary Robert Burge 27 Feb 1736 otp wd/otp
Richards William Mary Mead 04 May 1743 by lic
Rodbar Elizabeth George Parrish 22 May 1754  
Rodbar Thomas Mary Palmer 06 May 1734 both otp
Rowe Elizabeth John Ball 06 Apr 1730 both Tsm
Saunders John Hannah Edwards 04 Apr 1791  
Shattock Mary Samuel Bartlett 24 Nov 1754  
Shutt Mary Robert Melford 08 Jun 1733 both otp
Slape Hannah David Turner 24 Apr 1750  
Slape Jane Richard Davis 16 May 1734 both otp
Slape Martha Robert Herneman 29 Aug 1787  
Slape Mary Richard Chappell 03 Jul 1732 both otp
Smith John Hannah Hare 05 Jun 1727 both otp
Smith Mary James Bryant 10 Oct 1726 both otp
Spurdel Betty James Yendal 24 Dec 1786  
Stuckey Elizabeth William Burnett 03 Dec 1727 both otp
Summers Betty Thomas Cornish 09 Mar 1787  
Symmons Catherine William Hill 10 Dec 1731 both otp
Temple Sarah Thomas Pring 14 Feb 1790  
Templet Benjaman Sarah Davey 12 Nov 1749  
Thomas Betty William Horrice 09 Apr 1787  
Thomas Fanny John Tythesleigh -- --- 1755 [no date entered]
Thorne Solomon Ann Turner 30 Jun 1741 Bishops Lyddiard/otp
Trevet Jane William Herneman 16 Sep 1787  
Trood Joan Edward Morris 03 Jan 1734 both otp
Turner Ann Solomon Thorne 30 Jun 1741 otp/Bishops Lyddiard
Turner Betty John Henry Moore Hacket 17 Oct 1790  
Turner David Hannah Slape 24 Apr 1750  
Turner Richard Sarah Turner 30 Sep 1735 both otp
Turner Sarah Richard Turner 30 Sep 1735 both otp
Twiner Daniel Mary Dudderidge 08 May 1756  
Tythesleigh John Fanny Thomas -- --- 1755 [no date entered]
Virgin Dorothy John Denson 12 Mar 1740 both of Pitminster
Webber James Agnes Pounsbury 02 Feb 1742  
Welshman Edward Betty Corner 14 Jun 1749  
White Mary William Harking 21 Jun 1787  
White Sarah John Body 19 May 1753  
Williams Edward Sarah Hagly 15 Jun 1750  
Wills John Elizabeth Caltis 27 Oct 1832 Spaxton/otp
Yandle Robert Ann Richards 10 May 1739 Kingston/otp
Yendal James Betty Spurdel 24 Dec 1786  
* Roben Mary Furze 23 Dec 1751  

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Transcription by Roy Parkhouse
Email: roy[at]parkhouse.org[dot]uk