
Coven Muster Roll 1539





Thes persons next foloing be abull men with bowes and have harnes and artilarie as foloith their names.
In primis, John Bradeschawe a bowe.
Item, Ric. T'rant.
Item, Thomas Crowe a jacke a sallet a bowe and arrowea.
Item, Harry Cartwright a gesturne.

Thes persons next foloing be abull men with bylls and have harnes and artilarie as foloith their names.
In primis, Thomas Flecher a gesturne and a gorget.
Item, John Acton a salet and a bill.
Item, John Newall a gesturne.
Item, John Prestwood a gesturne and a bill.
Item, John Alsope.
Item, Nicholas Brigge.
Item, John Cocket a peir of splentes.
Item, Richard Chewe.
Item, Roger Pereson a bowe and a scheiff of arrowes.
Item, William Ball a salet.
Item, Nicholas Undurhyll a gesturne.

Thes persons foloing have harnes as hereafter ensuith their names.
In primis, William Oeverton a bill.
Item, William Rocke a bowe.
Item, John Trant a gesturne and a bill.
Item, John Waturs a bill.
Item, Thomas Neywall a salet a bill and a peir of splentes.
Item, Alisander Trant a bill.


          Transcribed by Mike Harbach 2021