
Tipton & Wednesbury Family History Society


Aims of Society

To promote and encourage the public study of British Family History, genealogy, heraldry and allied subjects with particular reference to the ancient Towns of Tipton and Wednesbury.

To promote the preservation, security and accessibility of archival material.

The Society aims to cater for the needs of Family Historians with ancestors in the Towns and surrounding area of Tipton and Wednesbury, namely :- Tipton, Coseley, Great Bridge, Moxley, Darlaston, James Bridge, Wednesbury, Hill Top, The Delves, Bescot, Horseley Heath, Swan Village, Kings Hill, Hall Green (both of them!), Bradeley, Princes End, Roseville, Golds Green, Greets Green, Hateley Heath, Friar Park, Wood Green, Hall End, Bird End, Charlemont, Churchfield, Dudley Port, Tividale, New Town, Brades Village Guns Village and Swan Village. (Plus a few more bits and bobs here and there).


The name of the Society shall be The Tipton and Wednesbury Family History Society

The objectives of the Society should be:
(A) To promote and encourage the public study of British Family History, genealogy, heraldry and allied subjects with particular reference to the ancient towns of Tipton and Wednesbury
(B) To promote the preservation, security and accessibility of archival material.
In furtherance of the above objectives but not further or otherwise the Society shall have the following powers:
(i) To hold lectures and discussions and organise research visits for Society members and interested members of the general public.
(ii) To hold and maintain a library of printed and other works for the use of the Society members and members of the general public.
(iii) To preserve and transcribe or publish original source materials including documents and monumental inscriptions.
(iv) To pursue collaborative actions with similar societies and with established supportive bodies such as churches, libraries, record offices and educational institutions.
(v) To support the activities of the Federation of Family History Societies in its pursuit of these and similar objectives.

This Society shall be affiliated to the Federation of Family History Societies (as soon as the FFHS joining criteria are met). It may also be affiliated to other charitable organisations whose objectives are deemed compatible and mutually supportive.

(A) Membership in the Society shall be open to all persons showing genuine interest in the support of the Society's objectives. Application for membership will be on the prescribed form.
(B) Classes of membership: These shall be as determined by the Executive Committee of the Society and may include such categories as: (1) Full member, (2) Family members at one address, (3) Overseas member, (4) Honorary member (to be conferred as agreed by the Committee).
(C) Subscriptions shall be payable at the time and at the rate determined by the Executive Committee.
(D) The Executive Committee may suspend from membership any member whose activities, in their opinion, are determined to be prejudicial to the Society. Such members will have the right of appeal at the next subsequent AGM.

(A) The Society shall be administered by an Executive Committee consisting of not more than 12 members. The Honorary Officers of this Committee shall be the Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and Editor of the Society. A quorum will consist of five members.
(B) The Honorary Officers and Committee members shall be elected annually by the membership and their terms of office shall commence with the declaration of election results and the Annual General Meeting. The term of office for all committee members shall be three years with an option of a further three years for Honorary members. Ordinary committee members must leave a gap of one year between terms of office. Nominations may be submitted in writing beforehand or may be made from the floor of the Annual General Meeting.
(C) The Executive Committee may in addition appoint not more than two co-opted members but so that no-one may be appointed as a co-opted member if, as a result, more than one third of the members of the Executive Committee would be co-opted members.
(D) The electorate shall consist of all fully paid-up members of the Society. Voting will be conducted at the Annual General Meeting. Family members are entitled to one vote per subscription.
(E) All Committee members shall be eligible for re-election upon completion of their term of office (with the proviso contained in 5 (A) - (F). A computer may be used to store names and addresses of members for mailing purposes.
(G) The Executive Committee shall determine the number of Branches or Groups of the Society and their location. Each Branch or Group shall have the power to elect Branch Officers for the purpose of conducting the affairs of the said Branch or Group, but Branch Officers must act in accordance with directives from the Executive Committee.

(A) An Annual General Meeting shall be held during the month of September when the Officers shall present their reports. Notice in writing of this meeting shall be given at least twenty eight days prior to the event.
(B) An Extraordinary General Meeting may be convened at the request of the Executive Committee or at the request of twenty five members with prior written notice furnished to the membership at least twenty eight days before the Meeting. A Quorum at such a Meeting shall consist of not less than 5% of the membership (or 50 members) whichever is the lesser. Decisions at the Meeting shall be by simple majority.

Except for matters dealing with the annual rate of subscription the decisions may be amended by a simple majority of the full paid-up membership present and voting at a General Meeting. Notification of such Meeting shall be given to all full paid-up members. The Constitution shall be amended only if two thirds of those attending and voting vote for such amendment. The rules governing annual subscription rates may be amended at a General meeting in the same way as the other rules save that the vote of one half of those attending and voting shall be sufficient for such alteration. The Chairman of the Meeting shall in this instance have a casting vote or a second vote. Voting shall be by show of hands. No alteration or amendment shall be made to the Constitution which would cause the Society to cease to be a charity at law.

(A) The income and property of the Society, whencesoever derived, shall be applied solely towards the promotion and execution of the objectives of the Society as defined at paragraph (2) above, and no portion thereof shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly in any manner by way of profit to any member of the Committee or Society; providing that nothing herein shall prevent the payment in good faith of reasonable and proper repayment of out-of-pocket expenses incurred on behalf of the Society.
(B) The Committee or the Treasurer on its behalf shall cause proper books of account to be kept with respect to all sums of money received and expended by the Society and the matters in respect of which such receipts and expenditures take place.
(C) Once at least in every year, the Society's accounts shall be audited by one or more qualified auditors. The results of this audit shall be presented to the members of the Society.

The Society may be dissolved by a resolution passed by not less than two thirds of those members present with voting rights at either an Annual or Extraordinary General Meeting called for the purpose and for which twenty eight days prior notice has been given in writing. Such a resolution may give instructions for the disposal of any assets held by the Society after all debts and liabilities have been paid, the balance left to be transferred to some other charitable institution or institutions having objectives similar to those of the Society.

Subscription Rates

Membership of the society is currently free. There are no subscriptions payable until at least April 2002 when the position will be reviewed.
On receipt of your application form, you will be issued with a membership number and welcome pack which includes contacts, copies of old OS sheets of the area plus other useful information.

Membership Application Form