Index to The History of Warwickshire by William West (1830) - W
Surnames beginning with 'W'
Transcribed by Ted Wildy of Auckland, New Zealand © 1990
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - Y - Z
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WADDAMS, Samuel | Fellmonger, Sutton Coldfield | 584 |
WADE, Mrs | High St, Warwick | 670 |
WADE, Rev. A.S. | High St, Warwick | 670 |
WADSWORTH, Martha | Straw hat maker, High St, Warwick | 677 |
WAGGETT, Henry | Hat maker, Brrok St, Warwick | 677 |
WAGSTAFF, J. | Langdon & Wedenay Ends, Solihull | 588 |
WAGSTAFF, John | Carrier to Nuneaton, Atherstone | 556 |
WAGSTAFF, Saml. | Brazier, ironmonger, Market Pl, Nuneaton | 563 |
WAGSTAFF, Thos. | Maltster, Market Place, Nuneaton | 563 |
WAGSTAFF, Thos. | Innkeeper, Market Place, Nuneaton | 563 |
WAGSTAFF, Wm. | Victualler, Market Place, Nuneaton | 563 |
WAGSTAFF, Wm. | Victualler, Attleborough, Nuneaton | 563 |
WAGSTAFFE, Henry | Blacksmith, Southam | 746 |
WAGSTAFFE, Mrs. J. | Ladies' school, Hertford St, Coventry | 780 |
WAIN, Eliz. | Wine & spirit merchant, George St, Tamworth | 609 |
WAIN, Eliz. | Linen draper, George St, Tamworth | 609 |
WAIN, Elizabeth | Birmingham Fire Office, George St Tamworth | 606 |
WAINWRIGHT, Thos. | Academy, Lichfield St, Tamworth | 609 |
WAKE, C. | Alderman of Warwick | 669 |
WAKE, Dr. Chas. | Bath St, Leamington | 715 |
WAKE. Charles | Church St, Warwick | 670 |
WAKEFIELD, Miss | Ladies' School, Solihull | 590 |
WAKEFIELD, Thos. | Cooper of Henley | 507 |
WAKEFIELD, William | Tallow Chandler, Knowle | 593 |
WAKEFIELD, Wm | Cooper High St Alcester | 495 |
WAKELIN, Thos. | Grocer, Castle end, Kenilworth | 699 |
WALDON, Edw. | Tailor, Castle Bromwich | 575 |
WALE, Wm. | Mealman, Priory Mills, Coventry | 780 |
WALFORD, Wm. | Boot and shoemaker of Henley | 507 |
WALHOUSE, Rev. James | Clemens St, Leamington | 715 |
WALKER & AYRES | Coppersmiths & braziers etc, Corn Market | 677 |
WALKER, Chas. | Watch maker, Little Park St, Coventry | 780 |
WALKER, Jno. | Grocer & tea dealer, Market St, Nuneaton | 563 |
WALKER, John | Shoemaker, Church St, Stratford | 545 |
WALKER, John | Tallow chandler, Bridge St, Nuneaton | 563 |
WALKER, Michael | Moira Cottage, Leamington | 721 |
WALKER, Miss | Ladies' Boarding School,Newbold Comyn | 677 |
WALKER, Miss | Academy Newbold Comyn Ho., Leamington | 721 |
WALKER, Peter | Butcher, Jordan Well, Coventry | 780 |
WALKER, Rev, James | Clemens St, Leamington | 715 |
WALKER, THomas | Lodging ho., Upper Union Pde, Leamington | 721 |
WALKER, Thomas Esq | Newbold Range, Rugby | 735 |
WALKER, Wm Esq | Guy's Cliff House,Coventry Rd, Warwick | 670 |
WALKER, Wm. | Victualler. Hertford St, Coventry | 780 |
WALL & Lucas | Chemists, Henley St, Stratford | 545 |
WALL, Charles | Shoemaker, Sheldon | 579 |
WALL, Edw. | Builder, St John's Bridge, Coventry | 780 |
WALL, Eliz. | Milliner dressmaker, Spon st, Coventry | 780 |
WALL, George | Brazier, Solihull | 590 |
WALL, James | , High St, Kenilworth | 699 |
WALL, James | Royal Exchange Ass, Broadgate, Coventry | 778 |
WALL, Jas. | Grocer etc, Broadgate, Coventry | 780 |
WALL, Jeremiah | , High St, Kenilworth | 697 |
WALL, Wm. | Leicester Place, Coventry | 780 |
WALLACE, Mr | Clifford Rhyn | 545 |
WALLER, Edward | Butcher, Regent St, Leamington | 721 |
WALLINGTON, James | Farmer, Charlecote | 545 |
WALLINGTON, N. | Ladies' Boarding Sch, Church Lane, Nuneaton | 563 |
WALLIS, James | Victualler, Church St, Tamworth | 609 |
WALLIS, John | Farrier, Church St, Nuneaton | 563 |
WALLIS, Richard | Butcher, George St, Tamworth | 609 |
WALLIS, Wm. | Gun maker, Sheep St, Stratford | 545 |
WALLS, John | Farmer, Sheldon | 579 |
WALLWYNS, Benj. | Grocer, Crompton St, Warwick | 677 |
WALMSLEY, Wm. | Lodging ho., Wise St, Leamington | 721 |
WALTER, David Shakespear | Wines & spirits, High St, Coventry | 780 |
WALTER, Jno. | Ribbon maker, Much Park St, Coventry | 780 |
WALTER, Rd. & Son | Ribbon maker, Jordan Well, Coventry | 780 |
WALTER, Wm. | Butcher, Much Park St, Coventry | 780 |
WALTERS, Ann | Property taken for building Town Hall | 233 |
WALTHEW, John | Gardener, George St, Tamworth | 609 |
WALTON, Eliz. | dressmaker, Spon st, Coventry | 780 |
WALTON, Geo. | Greengrocer, 39, Regent St, Leamington | 721 |
WALTON, Hannah | Cooper etc, Old Square, Warwick | 677 |
WALTON, J. | , Castle end, Kenilworth* | 699 |
WALTON, James | Grazier of Henley | 507 |
WALTON, Jn. | Ribbon maker, White Friars Lane, Coventry | 780 |
WALTON, John | Victualler of Henley | 507 |
WANLEY, Humphrey | s/o Nathaniel b. Coventry 21/3/1761-2 | 112 |
WARD, Benj. | Coach proprietor, Guildpits, Stratford | 545 |
WARD, Benj. | Turner, Brook St, Warwick | 678 |
WARD, Edward | , Castle end, Kenilworth | 699 |
WARD, Edward | Tailor, Market St, Warwick | 678 |
WARD, Henry | Surgeon, Atherstone | 556 |
WARD, J. | Burgess of Stratford | 539 |
WARD, J. | Alderman of Warwick | 669 |
WARD, James | Bookseller, High St, Stratford | 545 |
WARD, James | Watch & clock maker, Chapel St, Stratford | 545 |
WARD, Jno. | Ribbon maker, Hill st, Coventry | 780 |
WARD, Jno. | Victualler, New Street, Coventry | 780 |
WARD, John | Victualler, High St, Stratford | 545 |
WARD, John | Millwright, Coleshill | 578 |
WARD, John | Victualler, Coleshill | 578 |
WARD, John | Farmer, Chace Farm, Kenilworth | 699 |
WARD, John | Victualler, West St, Warwick | 678 |
WARD, Jonah | Serjeants at Mace Stratford | 539 |
WARD, Jos. | Farmer, Castle Bromwich | 575 |
WARD, Jos. | Grocer etc, Cross Cheaping, Coventry | 780 |
WARD, Jos. | , Gosford Green, Coventry | 780 |
WARD, Jos. | Victualler, Hertford Place, Coventry | 780 |
WARD, Joseph | Grocer etc , Market Hill, Warwick | 678 |
WARD, R. | Boot & shoe maker, Church St, Tamworth | 609 |
WARD, Rev P.S. | Rector of Henley | 507 |
WARD, Rev. James | Regent St, Leamington | 715 |
WARD, Rev. P.S. | of Henley , Magistrate for Warwick | 669 |
WARD, Richard | Millwright, Rugby | 736 |
WARD, Robert | Master Free Sch. Burrowwell La, Kenilworth | 698 |
WARD, Robt. | Schoolmaster, Free Sch, Kenilworth | 699 |
WARD, Samuel | Butcher, Alverstone | 545 |
WARD, Samuel | Carrier to Fenneley from, Coventry | 784 |
WARD, Sarah | Milliner & dressmaker, Coleshill | 578 |
WARD, Sarah | Grocer etc, Broadgate, Coventry | 780 |
WARD, Seth | Cooper, Aldergate St, Tamworth | 609 |
WARD, Thomas | Ribbon maker, New St, Coventry | 780 |
WARD, Thomas | Butcher, Great Butcher Row, Coventry | 781 |
WARD, Thos. | Boot and Shoe maker, Church St, Nuneaton | 563 |
WARD, Thos. | Blacksmith, Church St, Nuneaton | 563 |
WARD, Thos. | Shoemaker, College Lane, Tamworth | 609 |
WARD, William | Slain April 1643 - Cutler | 163 |
WARD, Wm. | Basket maker, Coleshill | 578 |
WARD, WM. | Whitlox & Foshaws Ends, Solihull | 588 |
WARD, Wm. | Ribbon maker, White Friars St, Coventry | 781 |
WARD, Wm. | Gosford Green, Coventry | 780 |
WARD, Wm. | Commercial Traveller,Hertford Terr,Coventry | 780 |
WARDEN, Jos. | Hairdresser, Earl st, Coventry | 781 |
WARDEN, Thos. | Hairdresser, Jordan Well, Coventry | 781 |
WARDEN, Wm. | weavers engine maker,Jordan Well, Coventry | 781 |
WARING, Edmund | vict. Studley Alcester | 495 |
WARING, Edw. | rope maker, Regent St, Leamington | 721 |
WARING, Edward | Rope maker, Castle St, Warwick | 678 |
WARING, John | Baker, New St, Coventry | 781 |
WARING, Thos. | Grocer, High St, Warwick & Market StWarwick | 678 |
WARING, Wm | Cooper, Rugby | 736 |
WARING, Wm. | Maltster, Hertford St, Coventry | 781 |
WARMINGTON, M. | Stone mason, Wise St, Leamington | 721 |
WARMINGTON, Mrs. | Milliner, Windsor St, Leamington | 721 |
WARMINGTON, Richard | Dealer in earthenware of Henley | 507 |
WARNER, Hy. | Clerk to Canal Office, Coventry | 781 |
WARNER, Hy. | Res: Leicester Row, Coventry | 781 |
WARNER, J. | Coventry Canal Office, Bishop St, Coventry | 769 |
WARNER, Jno. | Grocer & tea dealer, Market Place, Nuneaton | 563 |
WARNER, John | Chemist & druggist Silver St, Nuneaton | 563 |
WARNER, Richard | Ribbon maker,Jordan Well, Coventry | 781 |
WARREN, A. | Victualler, Bridgetown | 545 |
WARREN, Jos. | Butcher, Abbey St, Nuneaton | 563 |
WARRILOW, Diana | Ladies' day & boarding School, Chapel St | 545 |
WARRILOW, Mrs | Bridge St, Stratford | 545 |
WARRINGTON, Robt. | Maltster, Bishop St, Coventry | 781 |
WARTON, Thomas | Poet visited Ansley Hall in 1758 | 558 |
WARWICK, The Earl of | Recorder of Warwick | 669 |
WASTINAGE, Mary | Victualler, Leicester Row, Coventry | 781 |
WASUIDGE, Edmund | Working cutler, Abbey St, Nuneaton | 563 |
WATERFALL, M. | , Castle end, Kenilworth | 699 |
WATERFALL, Nathaniel | Hairdresser, Burgess, Coventry | 781 |
WATERFALL, William | Watch maker, Spon st, Coventry | 781 |
WATERHOUSE, Thomas | Bricklayer Moors Alcester | 495 |
WATERMAN, Martha & Eliza | (Misses) Atherstone | 554 |
WATERSTON, Thomas | Tailor, Spon Street, Coventry | 781 |
WATHEW, Wm. | Turner, Mill lane, Coventry | 781 |
WATKINS, William | Builder etc, Wise St, Leamington | 721 |
WATSON & Co | Painters, plumbers etc Butter St Alcester | 495 |
WATSON, Arthur | Miller, Coleshill | 578 |
WATSON, Edw. | Builder, Nick's Wharf, Leamington | 721 |
WATSON, Han. | Mistress Free School, Market Pl, Nuneaton | 562 |
WATSON, Henry | Brush maker, Hertforsd St, Coventry | 781 |
WATSON, Jno. | Victualler, Ansley, Nuneaton | 563 |
WATSON, John | Butcher, Jury St, Warwick | 678 |
WATSON, Misses | Ladies' Boarding Seminary, WestOrchard | 781 |
WATSON, Mrs Elizabeth | Church St, Warwick | 670 |
WATSON, Mrs. Margaret | Toft, Rugby | 735 |
WATSON, Thos | Victualler, Little Park St, Coventry | 781 |
WATSON, Wm | Whitesmith Butter St Alcester | 495 |
WATSON, Wm. Donald | Surgeon, Jury St, Warwick | 678 |
WATTON, Samuel | Builder, Gun Gate, Tamworth | 609 |
WATTS, Arthur | Organist, High St, Kenilworth | 699 |
WATTS, Col. Mark | Union Terrace, Warwick St, Leamington | 715 |
WATTS, Edward | , Castle end, Kenilworth | 699 |
WATTS, Edward | Victualler & maltster, Smith St, Warwick | 678 |
WATTS, Geo. | Victualler, High St Alcester | 495 |
WATTS, John | Builder Priory St Alcester | 495 |
WATTS, John | Maltster, West St, Warwick | 678 |
WATTS, John | Victualler, Rugby | 736 |
WATTS, Robert | Carrier to Stretton upon Dunsmore ,Coventry | 784 |
WATTS, Thomas | Butcher, Rugby | 737 |
WAYHAM, John | Tailor & draper, New Bond St, Nuneaton | 563 |
WEAMAN, Mrs | Gave land for Chapel of St Mary 1774 | 224 |
WEARE, Jas. | Res: Hertford Terrace, Coventry | 781 |
WEARE, Jas. | Nursery & seedsman, Cross Cheaping | 781 |
WEATISLAW, Wm. Ferdinand | Attorney, Rugby | 737 |
WEAVER, Saml. | Shoemaker, Castle Bromwich | 575 |
WEBB, Henry | Painter plumber glazier, Abbey St, Nuneaton | 564 |
WEBB, Henry | Butcher, Gun Gate, Tamworth | 609 |
WEBB, Henry | Well street, Coventry | 781 |
WEBB, John | Surgeon Priory House, Alcester | 495 |
WEBB, John | Boot & shoe maker, Smith St, Warwick | 678 |
WEBB, John | Joiner etc, Clarendon St, Leamington | 721 |
WEBB, John | Baker, Little Park St, Coventry | 781 |
WEBB, John | Watch dial maker, Hill st, Coventry | 781 |
WEBB, Mary | Confectioner, Rugby | 737 |
WEBB, Misses | Sutton Coldfield | 583 |
WEBB, Rev Elias | of Sherbourn , Magistrate for Warwick | 669 |
WEBB, Rev. Elias | Sherbourne, Warwick | 670 |
WEBB, Richd | Butcher, Spon end, Coventry | 781 |
WEBB, Thomas | Wood St, Stratford | 545 |
WEBB, William | Artist, Gun Gate, Tamworth | 609 |
WEBB, William | Patten maker, Southam | 746 |
WEBB, William | Blacksmith, Southam | 746 |
WEBB, Wm. | Maltster, Rugby | 737 |
WEBB, Wm. | Plasterer, Cow Lane, Coventry | 781 |
WEBSTER, Ann | Milliner, Earl st, Coventry | 781 |
WEBSTER, John | Witnessed will of John Baskerville | 268 |
WEBSTER, Jos. | Wire worker, Penn's Mills, Sutton Coldfield | 584 |
WEBSTER, Mrs Sarah | Lady Brdige Bank, Tamworth | 605 |
WEBSTER, Robt. | Shoemaker, Church St, Tamworth | 609 |
WEBSTER, Thos. | Blacksmith, Lichfield St, Tamworth | 609 |
WEET, John | Ironmonger, brazier, & tinman, Atherstone | 556 |
WEETMAN, R. | Coal dealer, Saltisford Wharf | 678 |
WEEVER, John | Butts Lane, Coventry | 781 |
WELCH, George | Butts, Coventry | 781 |
WELCH, John | Victualler, Spon street, Coventry | 781 |
WELCH, John | Ribbon weaver, Spon street, Coventry | 781 |
WELCH, Mr | Licensee of George Inn Park St Birmingham | 252 |
WELCH, Mrs Ann | High St, Warwick | 670 |
WELCH, Wm. | Butcher, 2,Court St, Leamington | 721 |
WELLS, Hy. | Grocer & tea dealer, Earl St, Coventry | 781 |
WELLS, Jno. | Watch case maker, Spon end, Coventry | 781 |
WELLS, T. | Shirley End, Solihull | 588 |
WELLS, William | Farmer, Sheldon | 579 |
WELLS, Wm. | Watch & clock maker, Solihull | 590 |
WELLS, Wm. | General shopkeeper, Cow Lane, Coventry | 781 |
WELLVISE, Thos. | Victualler Warwick Lane, Coventry | 781 |
WELTON, John | Butcher, Butts Lane, Coventry | 781 |
WESSON, Thos. | Straw hat maker, Butter St Alcester | 495 |
WEST, Benjamin | Victualler, Atherstone | 556 |
WEST, James Roberts Esq | of Aslcot Park Stratford | 539 |
WEST, Mary | Milliner etc, Earl st, Coventry | 781 |
WEST, Mrs | Resident of Main St Stratford | 532 |
WEST, Mrs | Old town Stratford | 539 |
WEST, Mrs Ann | Church St, Tamworth | 605 |
WEST, Thos. | Shoeing & whitesmith, Royal Parade,Leamingt | 721 |
WEST, Thos. | Surgeon, Earl St, Coventry | 781 |
WESTCOMBE, Saml. | Stamp Office High St Alcester | 495 |
WESTLEY, Rebecca | Beneficiary in John Baskerville's will | 267 |
WESTLEY, Thomas | Uncle of Isaac MARSTON | 266 |
WESTON, Ann | Straw hat maker, Fleet st, Coventry | 781 |
WESTON, Chas. | Victualler, Silver st, Coventry | 781 |
WESTON, Edw. | Butcher, Great Butcher Row, Coventry | 781 |
WESTON, Jno. | Watch maker, Jordan Well, Coventry | 781 |
WESTON, John | Maltster, Whitacre, Coleshill | 578 |
WESTON, John | Victualler, Lichfield St, Tamworth | 609 |
WESTON, Thos. | Smith, Snitterfield | 545 |
WESTON, Wm. | Victualler, Gun Gate, Tamworth | 609 |
WESTON, Wm. | Tailor, Bailey Lane, Coventry | 781 |
WETHERINGTON, Wm. | Bookkeeper, Henley St, Stratford | 545 |
WETTON, Jos. | Silk dyer, Park St, Coventry | 781 |
WHARR, Elizabeth & Mary | Ladies' boarding & day school, Coleshill | 578 |
WHATELEY, J.W. | Coroner ofr Hemlingford | 670 |
WHATELEY, Mr | Resident of Temple Row West Birmingham | 219 |
WHEAL, Richard | Confectioner, 7 Gloucester St, Leamington | 721 |
WHEATLEY, Henry | Silk dyer, Spon st, Coventry | 781 |
WHEELER, Ann | Smith, Smith St, Warwick | 678 |
WHEELER, Captain Ed. | Leamington Hastings, Rugby | 735 |
WHEELER, Chas. Jno Esq | Leamington Hastings, Rugby | 735 |
WHEELER, Edward | Alcester Road, Stratford | 545 |
WHEELER, Grocer, | Ely Place, Stratford | 545 |
WHEELER, Henry T. Esq | Leamington Hastings, Rugby | 735 |
WHEELER, John | Farmer Basall, Knowle | 593 |
WHEELER, Jos. | Miller. Charterhouse Mill, Coventry | 781 |
WHEELER, R | of Greenfield | 283 |
WHEELER, Thos. | Blacksmith, Smith St, Warwick | 678 |
WHEELER, William | Butcher, Old Sq, Warwick | 678 |
WHEELER, Wm. | Coal dealer & farmer, Knowle | 593 |
WHEELER, Wm. | Carpenter, Smithford St, Coventry | 781 |
WHEELEY, Henry | Gardener, Gun Gate, Tamworth | 609 |
WHELER, Robert Bell | Historian of Stratford on Avon | 520 |
WHELER, Robert Bell | Attorney Stratford | 540 |
WHILTON, Mary | Butcher, Castle Bromwich | 575 |
WHISSELL, George | victualler, Henley St Alcester | 495 |
WHISSELL, Jas. | Neeedle maker Henley St Alcester | 495 |
WHISSELL, Mrs | Milliner Stratford St Alcester | 495 |
WHITAKER, Joseph | Stay maker, Smith St, Warwick | 678 |
WHITALL, Hen. | worsted shoe maker, Windsor St, Leamington | 721 |
WHITBY, Henry | Gent MD, Atherstone | 554 |
WHITCHMAN, Jos. | Whitesmith, Regent Grove, Leamington | 721 |
WHITE, Geo. Hill | Clerk of St Michael's Bailey Lane, Coventry | 781 |
WHITE, Jno. | Chemist etc, Cross Cheaping, Coventry | 781 |
WHITE, John | , Castle end, Kenilworth | 699 |
WHITE, John | Carrier to Frankton from , Coventry | 784 |
WHITE, John | Butcher, Great Butcher Row, Coventry | 781 |
WHITE, N,. | , Castle end, Kenilworth | 699 |
WHITE, Rev. Thomas Henry | Jordan Well, Coventry | 765 |
WHITE, Sarah | Tea & wine warehouse, Cross Cheaping, Coven | 781 |
WHITE, T,. | Gardener, Kenilworth St, Leamington | 721 |
WHITE, Thos. | Timber merchant, Atherstone | 556 |
WHITE, Thos. | Butcher, Cross Cheaping, Coventry | 781 |
WHITE, Wm | Grocer & druggist High St Alcester | 495 |
WHITE, Wm jnr | Agent to Norwich Union Fire, High St | 495 |
WHITE, Wm. | General shopkeeper, White Friars St,Coventr | 781 |
WHITE. R. | Bread weighers for Stratford | 539 |
WHITEHALL, Mr | Slain April 1643 - a minister | 163 |
WHITEHEAD WESTON GREENWAY | & GREAVES, bankers, High St, Warwick | 678 |
WHITEHEAD, Chas. | Bookbinder, Hertford St, Coventry | 781 |
WHITEHEAD, D.S. | Gentlemens' Academy, Providence Pl,Coventry | 781 |
WHITEHEAD, James | County Fire Office, Southam | 746 |
WHITEHEAD, James | Stone mason, Southam | 746 |
WHITEHEAD, James | Victualler, Southam | 746 |
WHITEHEAD, John Esq | Barford, Warwick | 671 |
WHITEHEAD, Jos. | Boot & shoe Maker, Bailey Lane, Coventry | 781 |
WHITEHEAD, Richard | Bookbinder, Cow Lane, Coventry | 781 |
WHITEHEAD, T.S. | Maltster, Butts, Warwick | 678 |
WHITEHEAD, Wm. | Mealman, Butts, Warwick | 678 |
WHITEHOUSE & Co | Canal Carriers (fly boats), Southam | 747 |
WHITEHOUSE, Ann | Glass and China dealer, Sutton Coldfield | 584 |
WHITEHOUSE, J. | Langdon & Wedenay Ends, Solihull | 588 |
WHITEHOUSE, Mrs | of Alverstoke | 539 |
WHITEHOUSE, Mrs | of Alveston | 512 |
WHITEHOUSE, Thomas | Farmer, Meriden | 599 |
WHITFORD, Thos. | Hairdresser & net maker, High St Alcester | 495 |
WHITFORD, Wm. | Seedsman Bleachfields, Alcester | 495 |
WHITING, Geo. | Butcher, Bishop St, Coventry | 781 |
WHITING, George | Victualler, Bishop St, Coventry | 781 |
WHITING, J. | Langdon & Wedenay Ends, Solihull | 588 |
WHITLOCK, Wm. | Victualler, High St, Coventry | 781 |
WHITMORE, John | Butcher, Market St, Warwick | 678 |
WHITMORE, Jos. | Victualler, Much Park St, Coventry | 781 |
WHITTELL, Wm. | Patten maker, Hampton St, Warwick | 678 |
WHITTEM & Son | Wines & spirits, Smithford St, Coventry | 781 |
WHITTEM & Son | Shroud makers, Smithford St, Coventry | 781 |
WHITTEM, GATER & Co | Curriers, Earl St, Coventry | 781 |
WHITTEM, John | Shopkeeper, Meriden | 599 |
WHITTINGHAM, James | Hosier Church St Alcester | 495 |
WHITTINGTON, John | Farmer of Wootton | 507 |
WHITTINGTON, Thomas | Farmer of Wootton | 507 |
WHITWELL, Catherine | Portrait painter, Cross Cheaping | 781 |
WHITWELL, Isaac Nind | Maltster, Ironmonger Lane, Coventry | 781 |
WHITWELL, Saml. | Surgeon, Cross Cheaping, Coventry | 781 |
WHITWORTH, Thomas | Grocer & tea dealer, Sutton Coldfield | 584 |
WICKSTEAD, Matthew | Butcher, Boleridge St, Tamworth | 609 |
WIGGETT, Phoebe | China & glass warehouse, Henley St, | 545 |
WIGLEY, G. J. | Norwich Union Ins Office, West Orchard | 776 |
WIGLEY, Geo. John | Norwich Union Fire Off. West Orchard | 781 |
WIGRAM, Mrs. Cape | Near, Saltisford, Warwick | 678 |
WIKINS, Wm. | Tailor & habit maker, Henley St, Stratford | 545 |
WILCOX, Catherine | Grocer, Lichfield St, Tamworth | 609 |
WILCOX, Chas. | Cooper, Lichfield St, Tamworth | 609 |
WILCOX, Jas. & Saml. | Lace makers, Church St, Tamworth | 609 |
WILCOX, S. & J. | Norwich Union Fire Off. Silver St, Tamworth | 608 |
WILCOX, Saml. | Victualler, Church St, Tamworth | 609 |
WILCOX, Samuel & James | nail, patten, makers, Lichfield St,Tamworth | 609 |
WILCOX, T.B. | Plumber, Aldergate St, Tamworth | 609 |
WILCOX, Thos. Brittain | Globe Fire Office, Aldergate St, Tamworth | 607 |
WILCOX, W. | Poulterer, Regent St, Leamington | 721 |
WILCOX, Wm. | Farmer, Knowle | 593 |
WILD, Rev | Claverton, Warwick | 671 |
WILDAY, Jos & Co | Bankers (Veres & Co LND), Atherstone | 556 |
WILDAY, Joseph | Wholesale hat manufacturer, Atherstone | 556 |
WILDAY, Joseph | Advert: Royal Hotel New Street Birmingham | opp 788 |
WILDAY, Mr | Royal Hotel Owner,Newly opened, Birmingham | 789 |
WILDING, Thomas | Blacksmith, Sutton Coldfield | 584 |
WILFORD, Samuel | Ribbon maker, Child's Moor, Coventry | 781 |
WILKES, Harriet | Milliner, Clemens St, Leamington | 721 |
WILKES, Wm. | Standing overseer, Solihull | 590 |
WILKINS, Benj. | Chandler, Castle end, Kenilworth | 699 |
WILKINS, Benjamin | Saddler, Sutton Coldfield | 584 |
WILKINS, Daniel | Spade maker, Blabs, Sutton Coldfield | 584 |
WILKINS, Daniel | Boot and Shoe maker, Sutton Coldfield | 584 |
WILKINS, George | Butcher, Sutton Coldfield | 584 |
WILKINS, Miss | Milliner, Bath St, Leamington | 721 |
WILKINS, R. | Ladies shoe maker, Bridge St | 545 |
WILKINS, THomas | Maltster, Sutton Coldfield | 584 |
WILKINS, Thomas | Tailor of Henley | 507 |
WILKINS, William | Corn miller, Southam | 746 |
WILKINS, Wm. | Tallow Chandler, Sutton Coldfield | 584 |
WILKINSON, Charles | Tailor, Church St, Tamworth* | 609 |
WILKINSON, Isaac | Lodging ho., Union Parade, Leamington | 721 |
WILKINSON, Isaac Esq | Union Parade, Leamington | 715 |
WILKINSON, Jas. | Basket maker, West Orchard, Coventry | 781 |
WILKINSON, John | Wharfinger, Coton, Nuneaton | 564 |
WILKINSON, Jos. | Watch & clock maker, WestOrchard, Coventry | 782 |
WILKS, G. | Fireman at Stratford | 545 |
WILKS, John | Auctioneer, Solihull | 590 |
WILL, Wm. | Grocer & tea dealer, Gosford St, Coventry | 781 |
WILLARD, John | Tailor, Rugby | 737 |
WILLARD, Mary | Milliner | 737 |
WILLCOX, Miss Catherine | , High St, Kenilworth | 697 |
WILLERTON, Thos. | Chemist etc, Much Park St, Coventry | 782 |
WILLETT, M. Esq | Pailton, Rugby | 735 |
WILLEY, John | Mentioned in King Edward 6th's Charter | 196 |
WILLEY, Willoughby | Victualler of Henley | 507 |
WILLEYTON, William | Mentioned in King Edward 6th's Charter | 195 |
WILLIAMS, Edmund | Tailor, Clemens St, Leamington | 721 |
WILLIAMS, James | Maltster, Smith St, Warwick | 678 |
WILLIAMS, Jno. | Regent Hotel, Lwr Parade, Leamington | 721 |
WILLIAMS, John | Upholsterer etc, Smith St, Warwick | 678 |
WILLIAMS, John | Plasterer, Theatre St, Warwick | 678 |
WILLIAMS, John Preston | Tailor, High St, Stratford | 545 |
WILLIAMS, Lt Gen. Henry | , Warwick St, Leamington | 715 |
WILLIAMS, Mrs Frances | Importer of Wines, Henley St Alcester | 495 |
WILLIAMS, Philip | Carpenter, Jury St, Warwick | 678 |
WILLIAMS, Rev. J. Henry | Union Parade, Leamington | 715 |
WILLIAMs, Thomas | Breeches maker & glover, High St Stratford | 545 |
WILLIAMS, Wm. | Lace maker, Smith St, Warwick | 678 |
WILLIAMS, Wm. | Plasterer, Theatre St, Warwick | 678 |
WILLIAMS, Wm. | Brush maker, Chauntry Place, Coventry | 781 |
WILLIAMS. M. | Surgeon, Rugby | 737 |
WILLIAMS. Martha | Lodging ho., Upper Union Pde, Leamington | 721 |
WILLIAMSON, J. | silk & ribbon maker, Union Row, Coventry | 781 |
WILLIAMSON, John | Carrier to Grandborough from, Coventry | 784 |
WILLINGTON, Francis Esq | Cole Hill, Tamworth | 605 |
WILLINGTON, Thomas | Attorney, Cole Hill, Tamworth | 609 |
WILLINS, Lucy | Milliner , Jury St, Warwick | 678 |
WILLIS & GOOLD | Milliners, Smith St, Warwick | 678 |
WILLIS, James | Academy, Church St, Tamworth | 609 |
WILLIS, Wm | Baker & maltster, Rother market | 545 |
WILLMOT, Thos. Jas. | Solicitor, Hay Lane, Coventry | 782 |
WILLN, Richard & Son | Ironmongers, braziers & tinmen, Atherstone | 556 |
WILLN, Richard & Son | Builders, Cabinet makers etc, Atherstone | 556 |
WILLNER, Joseph | Shopkeeper, Southam | 747 |
WILLOUGHBY, Jas. | Smith, Tachbrook Rd, Leamington | 721 |
WILLS, Thomas | Tailor, Southam | 747 |
WILLSON, John | Gent., Solihull | 589 |
WILMOT, Sir J. E.E. | of Berkswell,Magistrate for Warwick | 669 |
WILMOT, Sir J.E.E. | Chairman of Quarter Sessions, Warwick | 670 |
WILMOT, Thomas | Property taken for building Town Hall | 233 |
WILMSHURST, J. | Alderman of Warwick | 669 |
WILMSHURST, John | Surgeon, Church St, Warwick | 678 |
WILSON & HARRIS | Coal dealers, Guy's Cliff Wharf, Warwick | 678 |
WILSON & HARRIS | coal merchants, Bishop St, Coventry | 781 |
WILSON, Charles | Dealer in patent medicine High St Alcester | 495 |
WILSON, Dorothea | Grocer & tea dealer, Sutton Coldfield | 584 |
WILSON, Eliz. | Rounsell's Farm, Kenilworth | 699 |
WILSON, James | Baker. Old Square, Warwick | 678 |
WILSON, Jas. | Basket maker, West Orchard, Coventry | 782 |
WILSON, Jno. | Watch & clock maker, Church St, Nuneaton | 564 |
WILSON, Jno. | Blacksmith, Abbey St, Nuneaton | 564 |
WILSON, Jno. | Coal merchant, Hertford St, Coventry | 781 |
WILSON, John | Hairdresser, Bridge St, Stratford | 545 |
WILSON, John | Butcher, Atherstone | 556 |
WILSON, John | Farmer, Solihull | 590 |
WILSON, John | Livery stables, Satchwell St, Leamington | 721 |
WILSON, John | Globe Ins Office, Hertford St, Coventry | 771 |
WILSON, Jos. | Maltster & Victualler, West Orchard | 782 |
WILSON, Jos. | Swanswell Terrace, Coventry | 781 |
WILSON, Messrs | Farmer of Wootton | 507 |
WILSON, Thomas | Plumber & glazier, Jordan Well, Coventry | 782 |
WILSON, Thos. | Victualler, Back St, Nuneaton | 564 |
WILSON, W, | Langdon & Wedenay Ends, Solihull | 588 |
WILSON, W. | Educationalist of Walthamstow Essex | 216 |
WILSON, Wm | Farmer of Wootton | 507 |
WILSON, Wm. | Cooper & Sieve maker, Jordan Well, Coventry | 781 |
WILSON, Wm. | Cooper, Jordan Well, Coventry | 782 |
WIMBRIDGE, Mrs, C. | Solihull | 590 |
WINBUSH, John | Hay dealer, West St, Warwick | 678 |
WINBUSH, Wm. | Gardener etc West St, Warwick | 678 |
WINCOTT, Mary | Dressmaker, Smith St, Warwick | 678 |
WINDRIDGE, Thos. | Tailor, Fleet St, Coventry | 782 |
WINFIELD, Mr | Maker of brass bedsteads | 273 |
WINFIELD, Thos. | Car Prop:, Park St, Leamington | 721 |
WINGRAVE, Mary & Ann | Milliners, Hay Lane , Coventry | 781 |
WINKLEY, Edward | Boot & shoe Maker, Southam | 747 |
WINKLEY, John | Grocer etc, Windsor St, Leamington | 721 |
WINN, Thos. | Butcher, Swan St, Warwick | 678 |
WINTER, Jno. | Blacksmith, Rugby | 737 |
WINTER, Josh. | coal dealer, Gosford St, Coventry | 782 |
WINTER, Richard | Victualler, Atherstone | 556 |
WINTER, Samuel | Butcher, Atherstone | 556 |
WISE, Henry | Farmer, Knowle | 593 |
WISE, Jacob | Langdon & Wedenay Ends, Solihull | 588 |
WISE, M. | Owner of health spa well nr Leamington | 708 |
WISE, Matthew Esq | Tachbrook Rd, Leamington | 715 |
WISE, Matthew Esq | Owner of manor, Tachbrook Rd Leamington | 710 |
WISE, Rev. Henry | , Warwick | 671 |
WISE, Rev. John | Martin, Warwick | 671 |
WISE, Wm. | Solicitor, Rugby | 737 |
WITHERING, Dr | 106 | |
WITHERINGTON, William | Wharfinger, Long Itchington, Southam | 747 |
WITHERS, John | Bishops Statute 21/10/1676 Birmingham | 200 |
WITTON, Wm. | Ribbon maker, Little Park St, Coventry | 782 |
WOOD, Eliz. | Straw hat maker, Spon St, Coventry | 782 |
WOOD, Jno. Boulton | Excise Officer, Spon St, Coventry | 782 |
WOOD, Jno. Boulton | Watch pendent maker, Spon St, Coventry | 782 |
WOOD, John | Langdon & Wedenay Ends, Solihull | 588 |
WOOD, Miss Luana | , Southam | 745 |
WOOD, Miss Sarah | Coleshill | 576 |
WOOD, Mr | Surgeon of Humane Society 1803 | 248 |
WOOD, Richard | Governor of B'ham school 1830 | 207 |
WOOD, Thomas Esq | , Southam | 745 |
WOOD, Timothy | Builder, Sutton Coldfield | 584 |
WOOD, Wm. | Confectioner, Regent St, Leamington | 721 |
WOODBRIDGE, Mr | Deaf and Dumb Instructor from America | 284 |
WOODCOCK & CALDICOTT | Ribbon makers, Much Park St, Coventry | 782 |
WOODCOCK & TWIST | Solicitors, Bailey Lane, Coventry | 782 |
WOODCOCK, James | Victualler, St John's Street, Coventry | 782 |
WOODCOCK, Jno. | Boot and Shoe maker, Solihull | 590 |
WOODCOCK, Joseph | Victualler, George St, Tamworth | 609 |
WOODCOCK, Rich. | Hair dresser, Market St, Tamworth | 609 |
WOODCOCK, Thos. | cooper, Much Park St, Coventry | 782 |
WOODFIELD, Ed. | vict. Maltster etc Wise St, Leamington | 721 |
WOODHOUSE & HADDON | Linen drapers etc , Bath St, Leamington | 721 |
WOODHOUSE, Christopher | Silk & ribbon maker, Earl St, Coventry | 782 |
WOODHOUSE, Edwin | Lodging ho., Union Parade, Leamington | 721 |
WOODHOUSE, Eliz. | Spirit Vaults, Earl St, Coventry | 782 |
WOODINGTON, Rev | Hampton in Arden, Meriden | 599 |
WOODINGTON, Rev.Henry TB | , Warwick | 671 |
WOODS, Miss Catherine | Coleshill | 576 |
WOODS, Mrs Mary | Coleshill | 576 |
WOODWARD, John | Victualler, West St, Warwick | 678 |
WOODY & TOMPSON | Surgeons, Lichfield St, Tamworth | 609 |
WOODY, Robert MD | Tamworth Lunatic Asylum | 602 |
WOODYATT, Richard | Saddler, Swan St, Warwick | 678 |
WOOLISON, John | Plumber etc, Park St, Warwick | 678 |
WOOLLEY, James | Governor of B'ham school 1830 | 207 |
WOOLLEY, Wm. | Carver & gilder, Smith St, Warwick | 678 |
WOOLLISON, J. | Plumber & glazier, Morris St, Leamington | 721 |
WOOLLLARD, Samuel | Baker St John St, Warwick | 678 |
WOOLRIDGE, P. | Langdon & Wedenay Ends, Solihull | 588 |
WOOLSTON, John | Plumber, Saltisford, Warwick | 678 |
WOOTTON, J. | County Fire Office, George St, Tamworth | 607 |
WOOTTON, John | Poulterer, Henley St, Stratford | 545 |
WOOTTON, John | Carpet maker, George St, Tamworth | 609 |
WOOTTON, John | Draper, George St, Tamworth | 609 |
WOOTTON, John | Provident Fire Office,George St, Tamworth | 608 |
WOOTTON, Thos. | Dealer in sundries, Atherstone | 556 |
WOOTTON, Wm. | Ribbon maker, Little Park St, Coventry | 782 |
WORCESTER, Jos. | Grocer etc, Much Park St, Coventry | 782 |
WORCESTER, M. | Ladies' School, Spon St, Coventry | 782 |
WORCESTER, Mrs. | Ladies Boarding sch., Bedford St, Leamingto | 722 |
WORRALL & PUNKER | Plumbers, painters etc, High St Stratford | 545 |
WORRALL, W. | Bread weighers for Stratford | 539 |
WORRALL, Wm | Confectioner, High St, Stratford | 545 |
WORTHAM, F. | Linen draper, Clemens St, Leamington | 721 |
WORTHINGTON, Miss | , Rugby | 735 |
WORTON, Wm. & Son | Whitesmith & bell hangers, Earl St,Coventry | 782 |
WREN, Mrs | Wroxall Abbey, Warwick | 671 |
WRIGHT, George | Maltster, Bridge St, Stratford | 545 |
WRIGHT, Jessey | Hatter etc, West St, Warwick | 678 |
WRIGHT, John | Maltster, Minworth, Coleshill | 578 |
WRIGHT, John | Author of 1643 | 121 |
WRIGHT, John | Baker, Attleborough, Nuneaton | 564 |
WRIGHT, John | Malster of Studley Alcester | 495 |
WRIGHT, John | Chair maker, Cole Hill, Tamworth | 609 |
WRIGHT, John | Baker,Kenilworth St, Leamington | 721 |
WRIGHT, Josiah | Shoemaker Bleachfields Alcester | 495 |
WRIGHT, Maria | Dressmaker, West St, Warwick | 678 |
WRIGHT, Mrs | of Henley | 507 |
WRIGHT, Mrs. | Lodging House, Brook St, Warwick | 678 |
WRIGHT, Richard | Victualler, Attleborough, Nuneaton | 564 |
WRIGHT, Thomas | Farmer, Dodwell | 545 |
WRIGHT, Thomas | Gent, Coleshill | 576 |
WRIGHT, Thomas Samuel Esq | , Southam | 745 |
WRIGHT, Thos. | Butcher, Regent St, Leamington | 721 |
WRIGHT, Thos. | Car Prop;,Park St, Leamington | 721 |
WRIGHT, Wm. | Boot & shoe maker 8,Park St, Leamington | 721 |
WRIGHTON, John | Paper maker of Aston Cantlow Nr Alcester | 495 |
WYATT, Thos. | Bishop St, Coventry | 782 |
WYATT, Wm. | Tea & grocery, Earl St, Coventry | 782 |
WYERLY, John | Hertford Street, Coventry | 782 |
WYLDE, Rev Rob | of Claverton | 507 |
WYLERLY, John | Late Justice of the Peace | 280 |
[Transcribed by the late Ted Wildy of Auckland, New Zealand, 1st January 1990.
Prepared for GENUKI by Peter Abbott]