Brinkworth - Wills from Earliest Times - 1650
Copyright C.R.G. Henly 1994
Transcripts of Wills 1563 - 1619 (in date order)
I (Clive Henly) have compiled this document as part of my research into the social history of Brinkworth and the surrounding area. I propose to update this collection as I transcribe more Wills for the period, and also to publish further collections for later periods.
In addition to these wills, I have also collated a large amount of information about the area and have transcribed several manorial documents, dating back to the mid-sixteenth century. I am always happy to exchange information or to help fellow researchers where possible.
This collection is in three parts:
A List of Wills of Brinkworth residents up to the year 1650. This covers Wills proven at the Prerogative Court of Canterbury (PCC), Archdeaconry of Wiltshire (ADW) and the Consistory Court of Sarum (CS)
Because of the organisation of the calendars for these courts, this was not an easy list to compile accurately. Therefore, I cannot guarantee that it is complete.
Transcripts of some of the Wills listed in Section 1. This webpage contains the first part of the transcription, covering the period 1563-1619.
Index of People mentioned in transcribed Wills.
9, Renfrew Drive,
NG8 2FXLast updated February 1994.
Transcripts of Wills 1563 - 1619 (in date order)
Andrew BARNES of Brinkworth 1563
In the name of God Amen the 26th daie of January in the yere of our Lord God 1563. I Andrewe Barnes in the parishe of Brinkworth in the diocese of Sarum beinge sicke in bodie and in perfect mind and memorie thankes be geven to allmightie God I do make and ordaine by thes present my testament containinge therein my last will in manner & form followinge that is to saye. First I bequeth my sole to allmightie God my maker and redemer and my body to be buried in the churche yard of Brinkworth aforesaid when it shall please God to call me by his visitacione. Item I geve and bequeth to the churche of Brinkworth 20d. Item I geve and bequeth to Johne my sonne a steare and my waine my yoke & strings to remaine to Jefrie my steare and if John my sone die my waine my yoke and strings to remaine to to Jefrie my sonne. Item I geve to Margaret my dauter a steare and to Christian my daughter a steare and if Elizabeth my wif do mary then halfe of my goods to be distributed amonge my children equally and if any of my children do die that parte to be devided amonge the residewe of my children equally. The residue of my goods not geven nor bequethed I frely geve and bequeth to Elizabeth my wif whom I do constitut and make min executrix of this my last will and testament dated at Brinkworth aforesaid the daie and yere above written. Thes beringe witnes John Somfeld parson ther, Thomas Teiter and I the said Andrew Barnes have also appointed and assigned my wellbeloved and trustie friend John Richemond to be the oversear of this my last will and testament.
Probate at Malmesbury 13th May 1563. Inventory £29 13s.
Brinkworth Wills to 1650 Page 7 Copyright C.R.G. Henly 1994 In the name of God Amen the 6th daye of Aprill in the yere of our lord God 1563. I William Gele in the parish of Brinkworth in the diocese of Sarum beinge sicke in body & prayse be to almighty God of hole mynd & memory do make and ordayne this my present testament contayned here in my last will in manner and forme followynge. First I bequeth my sole to allmightie God my maker and redeemer and my body to be buried in the churchyard of Brinkworth aforesayd when it shall please God to call me by his visitacion. Secondly I do geve to the mother church of Sarum 4d. Item I go geve to the church of Brinkworth 20d. Item I do geve to every on of my god children 4d a peece. Item I do geve Mathew Gele my sone £6 13s 4d, a cowe a bed and all therto belonging. Item I do geve to Thomas Jonnes 20s. Item I do geve to John Cumfilde parson of Brinckworth 3s 4d. The residue of all my goods and cattells not beinge before geven nor bequethed my debts & legacyes fullfilled and my funerall expenses dyscharged I do frely geve & bequeth both movable and unmoveable to Jone my wyff whom I do constiut and make my sole executrix of this my present last will and testament and she to see this my last wyll fulfilled in all things as she will answer before God the iudge of all truth. Also I have assigned and constituted my wellbeloved & trusty friends John Summfilde parson of Brinkworth & Thomas Jonnes to be the supervisors of this my testament, dated at Brinkworth aforesayd the daye & yere above written. Thes beinge witnes therto desyred & called John Summfild clerk, Thomas Jonnes, Harry Rychman and William Bele with others.
Probate at Malmesbury 13th May 1563.
Brinkworth Wills to 1650 Page 8 Copyright C.R.G. Henly 1994 In the name of God Amen the tenth daye of December Anno Domini 1570. I Richard Barens of Brinkworthe within the county of north Wiltes and diocese of Sarum husbandman beinge sicke in body but prayse be to God of hole and perfect memorye do make and ordaine this my parfecte testament contayninge here in my last will in manner and forme followinge. First I bequeath my soule to Almighty God my maker and Redemer and my body to be buried in the churchyarde of Brinkworthe when yt shall please God to call me by his visitacion. Secondly I geve to the church of Sarum 2d. Item I geve to the pore mens boxe 4d. Item I geve to my sonne William a yerlinge bullocke. Item I geve to my daughter Jone a cowe and a heifer and 6 shepe. Item I geve to my daughter Elizabeth a cowe a heifer and 6 shepe and my children shall have there porcions delivered them at the daye of there mariadge or at the death of their mother. Item I geve to William Barnes my kinsman my beste cotte. Item I geve to William Bushell my black jacket. The residue of all my goodes and cattels both moveable and unmoveable my debts and legacis fulfilled and payed I frely geve and bequeath to Maryan my wyffe whome I doe make my full and whole executrix of this my parfecte testament and see this my laste will fulfilled in all thinges as she will answer before God the judge of all truth. Also I desier my sone in lawe Thomas Henly and Water Arnould to be my oversears and I geve to every of them 12d. Thesse bearing wittness being cauled and desiered John White the parson, William Bushell the clerke, John Skoll with others the day and yere first above written.
Brinkworth Wills to 1650 Page 9 Copyright C.R.G. Henly 1994 In the name of God Amen the 25th daye of Februarie Anno Domini 1570. I John Pinnell of Brinckworthe in the countie of Wiltes wheeler beinge sicke in bodye prayse be to Almighty God of whole and perfect memorie do make and ordeyne this my present testament conteyninge therein my last will in manner and forme followinge. First I bequeath my soule to Almighty God my maker and redeemer and my body to be buryed in the churchyarde of Brinckworthe aforesaide when yt shall please God to call me by his visitacon. Secondlye I geeve to the poore mens boxe 4d. Item I geeve to my daughter Margaret one cowe one coffer & one saulte seller. Item I geeve to my daughter Jone one heifer of 3 yeares olde my best platter and my daughters Margaret and Jone shall have their porcions delivered them at the daye of their mariadge or at the age of 21 yeares. Item I geeve to my sone Michaell my best brasse pot. Item I geeve to my sone Nicholas my best brasse pan. Item I geeve to my son George my little brasse pot. Item I geeve to my sone John my middle brasse pan. Item I geeve to my sone Henrye my best canteene. Also those my sones before named shall have theire porcons delivered them imediatlie after the deathe of their mother. The residue of all my goodes and cattells both moveable and unmoveable my debtes payed and my legacies fulfilled I do geeve and bequeath to Agnes my wyffe whome I make and ordeyne my full & whole executrixe of this my present testament and last will and she to see this my last will fulfilled in all thinges as she will annswer before God the Judge of all truthe. Also I desire my brother in lawe William Walker of Weeke to be myne oversear of this my present testament and last will these beringe witnesse being called and desired John White parson, William Bushell parish clerke, William White with divers others.
Probate Malmesbury 6th April 1570
Brinkworth Wills to 1650 Page 10 Copyright C.R.G. Henly 1994 In the name of God Amen the 16th daye of Februarii Anno Domini 1570. I Michell Thorne of Brinkworth in the diocese of Sarum husbandman beinge sicke in body but prayse be to Almighty God of hole and perfect memory do make and ordaine this my perfect testament containinge herein my last will in manner and forme followinge. First I beqeath my soule to Almighty God my maker and redemer and my body to be buryed in the churchyard of Brinkworth aforesayd when it shall please God to call me by his visitacion. Secondly I geve to the pore mens boxe 3s 4d. Item I geve to my daughter Joan Hatherell a wan rede heyfer. Item I geve to my daughter Elizabeth Hickes a cowe and 2s of lawfull money of England. Item I geve to John Bucke and to his sonne Nicolas all my weringe aparrell. Item I geve to my sonne William 20s that ys in the hande of Edmunt Hatherell my sonne in lawe and the bede that I lye one and my beste brasse pane and my malte querne and a skilate a ladder and a cheyer and a coule a stabine. Item I geve to Michell Hatherell the sonne of Edmunt Hatherell 2 shepe. Item I geve to John Beale the sonne of Thomas Beale my sonne in lawe a wane redd heyfer that ys in the handes of his father to be delivered to the sayd John at Holerode Day next ensuinge the date here of. Item I geve to Alis Henly the daughter of William Henlye 6s 8d which the sayd William Henly owith me that I lent unto hime. The residue of all my goodes and cattels both moveable and unmoveable my debts payd and my legacis fulfilled I doe freley geve and bequeath to Edmunt Hatherell my sonne in lawe whome I doe make my full and whole executor of this my perfect testament and last will and he to see this my laste will fulfilled in all things as he will answer before God the judge of all truth. Also I desier my sonne in lawe Thomas Beale and my neighbour Nicolas Messeter to be my oversears and I geve to every of them 8d. Thesse bearinge witnesse beinge called and desired John Wite the parson, William Bushell, William Whitte with others.
Brinkworth Wills to 1650 Page 11 Copyright C.R.G. Henly 1994 In the name of God Amen the 8th daye of September in the yeare of oure lorde God 1572. I Jone Norborne of Brinkeworth in the dioces of Sarum beinge sike in bodye but prayse be unto Almightye God of hole and perfect memory doe make and ordaine this my present testament contayning heare in my laste will in manner and forme followinge. Fyrste I bequeathe my soule to Almighty God my maker and Redemer and my body to be buried in the churche yearde of Brinkeworth aforesayd when yt shall please God to calle me by his visitacion. Secondly I geave to the mother churche of Sarum 6d. Item I geave to the church of Brinkworth a bushell of wheate. Item I geave to the pore mens boxe of Brinkeworth 2s. Item I geave to my eldest sonne Robartes two children to everye of them fyve shepe. Item I geave to my youngest sone Robarte 2 Bullockes of 2 years oulde and my best brasse potte and to every of his two children 5 shepe. Item I geave to my sonne Jeffris 20 shepe that be in the kepinge of Thomas Almars of Marden and 15s that is in the hands of Roger Lavington of Marden to be delivered him at the feaste of St Michill the Archangell next ensuinge the date here of and a cowe to be delivered hime to my sonne John immediately after my will ys proved. Item I geave to my daughter Edith Almers a cowe and to every one of her children a shepe. Item I geave to my daughter Milsone Lavintone a cowe. Item I geave to my daughter Faye a heifer bullocke and 4 shepe and my therde brasse potte and a brasse panne of thre galens and a fethere bede that I lye on with the appurtenances thereto belonginge. Item I geave to Alice Russell 2 shepe and to Agnis Russell 2 shepe and to Margaret Russell 2 shepe. Item I geave unto John Jeffris and to William Jeffris my sonnes children 2 shepe to every of them. Item I geave to Agnis Whit a lambe. Item I geave to Filis Whyt a lamb. Item I geave to Edward Whit a lambe and to Margerye Whit a lambe. Item I geave to William Bushell a bushell of wheat and a bushell of beanes and to his wife a whit petecotte and a smocke. The residue of all my goods and cattels both moveable and unmoveable any debts and legacis payd and fulfilled and my funerall expensis discharged I frely geav and bequeath to my sonne John Jeffris whom I doe make my whole and sole executrixe of this my parfect testament and laste will and he to see this my last will fulfilled in all things as he will answer before God the judge of all truth. Also I desiere my lovinge neighbours William Beale and Thomas Beale to be my oversears of this my parfect testament and I geave to every of them a bushell of wheat thes being witnesses John White parson, Jeffery Clerke, William Whit with divers others the daye and year first above written.
Brinkworth Wills to 1650 Page 12 Copyright C.R.G. Henly 1994 Will made 1st July 1580.
Mentions: Robert Norwaye, son of his daughter Alice Norwaye, and her other children all under 21 years of age.
Daughter Johan, wife of Thomas Raynoldes, and their children Robert & Grace.
Son Thomas Lewen
Son Robert Lewen
Daughter Edith Lewen
Daughter Margaret Lewen
Daughter Agnes Lewen
Daughter Elizabeth Lewen
Son John Lewen
Brinkworth Wills to 1650 Page 13 Copyright C.R.G. Henly 1994 In the name of God Amen the 29th day of October 1584. I Elizabeth Foscot of Brinkworth in the countie of Wiltes beinge sicke in bodie but praise be to almightie God of whole and perfect memorie do ordeine this my present testament conteyninge herein my last will [in manner] and forme followinge. First I [bequeath] my soule to Almightie God my [maker] and redeemer and my body to be [buried in the] churchyard of Brinkworth [.....] when it shall please God to [......] his visitacon. Secondly [.......] Sherer minor £4. is [......] Enlishe monie. Item I give to [......] mother Elizabeth Foscot [......] heifer of 4 yeares olde & the [......]. Item I give to John Vintson [......] in lawe John Vinsoms [......] one calf and a paire of holland [......]. I give to my god...... [......] Foscot the daughter of my [......] Foscot 2s. Item I give to [......] Scull, John Scull [......] and Susan Scull the sonne and daughters of my brother [......] Scull 2s to be devided betweene them. Item I give [......] Scull and Susanna Scull [......] and daughter of my brother [......] John Scull one heifer of [......] olde and the vantage to be [......] equally betwine them. Item [......] said Susanna Scull my [......] partlet. Item I give to [......] the daughter of my brother [......] John Scull my best silver [......] I give to my sister Agnis [......] my best stomacher. Item I give to my sister in lawe Alice Foscot the wife of my brother Walter Foscot my [......] best peticote. Item I give to [......] John Foscot 22s of lawefull monie of England my best gowne a paire of my best hostis and my best [......]. Item to my sister Joane Vinsom my second best gowne and 2 of my best smockes and my olde frist cassocke and my partelet. Item I give to John Foscott Edward Giles and [......] Foscot the sonnes & daughter of my brother Walter Foscot 22s of lawefull monie of England to be devided equally betweene them. Item I give to my brother Walter Foscot 25s of lawefull monie of England. Item I give to Christian Gregorie my longe brode peticote. Item I give to Joane Aust the daughter of Henrie Aust my reved peticote and to her sister Margerie Auste my old reved peticote. Item I give to Margerie Parrice the daughter of Elizabeth Parrice my old molly cassocke my best red peticote a paire of fustian slines & my old hatte. The rest of all my goodes cattle & debtes both moveable and unmoveable not before given nor bequethed my debtes paied my legacies fulfilled and my funerall expenses discharged I do freelie give and bequethe to my brother John Foscot whome I do make my full & whole executor of this my present testamente and he to see this my last will fulfilled in all things as he will answer before God the Judge of all truth. Also I desire my loving brother in lawe John Skull to be mine overseere.
Debtes yt I owe
Imprimis to my sister Joane Vinson 22s 6d
Item to William Tanner of Tetburie 2dDebtes owinge to me Imprimis my mother Elizabeth Foscot 40s
Item my mother oweth me 9s 6d due unto mee by the death of my brother Maurice Foscot
Item my brother John Foscot oweth me £9.The bearinge witnes beinge called and desired John Scull, Walter Foscot, Edward White & others.
Brinkworth Wills to 1650 Page 14 Copyright C.R.G. Henly 1994 [In the name of God] Amen the 24th day of March 1591 and in the 34th year of the raign [of our] gracious sovraign lady Queen Elizabeth. I Jone Webb of Brinkworth [in the county] of Wiltes widow being sicke in bodye but prayse be to Allmighty God of whole [and perfect memory] do make & ordayne this my present testament conteyning herein my last will in [manner and forme] following. First I bequeath my soul to allmighty God my maker & Redeemer [and my body] to be buried in the churchyard of Brinckworth afforesaid when it shall [please God to call] me by his visitation. Secondly I give to my daughter Alice Davis my floce [bed ...... ] one boulster, 1 pilue, my best sheet that came from Bullyn & one other [.......] sheet my redd kyverlyn that lyeth on me & the blanckett that is under me and [......] cassocke my worst redd petycoate my white wastecoate one partlet & 1 kerchief. [Item I] give to Alice Foscott the wiffe of Walter Foscott my olde white petycoate & one [......] smocke. Item I give to Christian Webb the daughter of my sonne Geoffery Webb [......] cassocke one platter & one pottenger & to her sister Elioner Webb my best [......] with ...... bodice one platter & one potenger, and to theyr sister Anys Webb one [......] one potenger & one saltsiller. Item I give to my godson John Webb the sonne of Geoffery [......] 1 knife & my beste brosse pott. Item I give to his brother Richard Webb 1 brosse [......]. Item I give to Thomas Webb theyr brother my beste brosse candlesticke and to [theyr] sister Alice Webb one little brosse postnott. Item I give to George [Webb the] sonne of my sonne Geoffery Webb my second best brosse candlesticke & to his [brother] Nicholas Webb one coffer & to theyr brother Henrye Webb one coffer & to theyr [brother] Robert Webb 1 white brosse poine, and to theyr brother Geoffery Webb 1 brosse [......] ponne & to theyr brother Roger Webb 1 brosse ....... Item I give to Thomas Davis the sonne of my sonne in lawe John Davis one brosse pott. Item I give to Nicholas Webb the sonne of my sonne Robert Webb 13s 4d. The reste of all my goods and chattels & debts both movable & unmovable not before given nor bequethed my debts being payed my legacies fullfilled & my funeral expensis discharged I do frely give & bequeth to Geoffery Webb my sonne whom I doe make my full & whole executor of this my perfect testament & last will & he to see this my last will fullfilled in all things as he will answer before God the judge of all truth. Allso I do desire my loving neighbours Richard Becke & Thomas Shearer to be my overseers & I give to every of them 12d. These beringe wittnesse being called & desired Richard Becke, Thomas Shearer, Edward White & others.
Brinkworth Wills to 1650 Page 15 Copyright C.R.G. Henly 1994 The Inventory of all & singuler the goods & chattels of Jone Webb of Brinckworth in the countie of Wiltes widow deseased made taken & praysed by William Beal Junior, Thomas Shearer, Richard Becke, Thomas Bowdler & others the 7th day Aprill Anno Domini 1592.
First 5 kyne & 1 heighfor price £12 6s 8d Item 1 fetherbedd with his apparrel price 40s Item 1 flockebedd 1 boulster 1 pilue the best sheete that came from Bullen 1 other canvuas sheete 1 .... kyverlyn & 1 blanckett 25s Item a blacke frise cassocke the worst redd petycote a white wastcoate a partlett & 1 kercheffe price 10s Item 4 sheetes & here apparrel 26s 8d Item 3 bedsteeds 1 chest 2 coffers 1 huch & 1 old cubbord 20s Item 2 vates & 1 weybeem & skales 5s 8d Item 1 iron barr & 2 wedges 4s Item 1 table bord & form & 1 deyte borde 5s Item 3 platters 3 potengers 2 salsers & 1 saltsiller 4s Item 2 brosse potts 2 brosse ponds 1 caldron 1 brosse chaffyndy 2 brosse postnots 30s Item 1 broach 1 payres of andyers & 1 dryppyupon 4s Item 1 olde malte querne 10s Item 1 Iron barr & hyngyns 3s 4d Item all other small implements 20s The whole some is £22 14s 4d
Brinkworth Wills to 1650 Page 16 Copyright C.R.G. Henly 1994 Wiltes. In the name of God Amen the third daye of February in the yere of our Lord God accordinge to the computation of the Church of England 1600. I Agnes Dobbes of Brinckworth in the county aforesaid widowe beinge weake in bodye but in perfecte memory thankes I geve to God for it doe by these presentes ordeyne and make this my testament conteyninge herein my last will in manner and forme followinge hereby makeing void all former willes gifts graunts & bequests whatsoever by me made. First I geve and bequeath my soule to almightie God my onely maker redeemer and Saviour and my body to be buried in the church yeard of Brinckworth aforesaid when it shall please God to call me.
Item I geve to our Lady Church of Sarum 2d.
Item I geve to my sonne William Dobbes my best cowe the heriott beinge paide and my worst cowe and five poundes of currant Englishe money my best fetherbedd & bedstead my best boulster a paire of my best sheetes my second brasse pott & one platter & 1 pottenger and 1 brasse candlsticke 1 blankett and one rynge. The which my will is shalbe all payd & delivered unto him at the yeres end after my decease.
Item I geve to my sonne Nicholas Dobbes my 2 best cowe the heriott beinge payde and syxe poundes of currant Englishe money my best brasse pott exceptinge twoo my best caldron 1 sheete & 1 blanckett one platter 1 pottenger & 1 saltseller my greatt brasse candlesticke 1 pied keverled 1 fether peele of puke & 1 canvas peele 1 cubberd and 1 tuke boulster and 35s more in money 1 brocke and 1 payre of iron andirons, and to his wiefe my best redd pettycoate 1 smocke 1 canvas apron & 1 canvas bord clothe & 1 locrum kercheffe 1 ciffer 1 barrell 1 stobyne & my bigest tryndle.
Item I geve to my sonne Richard Dobbes my 3 best cowe the heriott beinge paide and eight poundes of lawefull Englishe money 1 canvas sheete my best brasse pott 1 brasse candlesticke and 6s 8d more in money besides 20s which he oweth me 1 platter 1 tryndle 1 canvas peele one flock bed and my best towell.
Item I geve to my daughter Anne Combly the wife of Aldam Combly three poundes five shillinges of lawefull Englishe money my best charcheffe my locrum board cloth 1 brasse catherne my best coverled my 4th best cowe the heriott beinge payd my best cassocke 1 litle tryndle 1 kive and my weddinge rynge and five shillinges more in money.
Item I geve to Johan Combly the daughter of the said Aldam Combly forth shillinges of lawefull Englishe money and my brasse panne & 1 tuke peele 1 sheete 1 platter my fyne apron my tatch shockes and my second best towell and my litle coffer.
Item I geve to Margaret Dobbes the daughter of Nicholas Dobbes my sonne one flocke bedd 1 canvas boulster 1 sheete 1 blanckett 2 platters my second best cassocke and five shillinges in money.
Item I geve unto Nicholas Dobbes the sonne of the said Nicholas Dobbes fifteene shillinges of currant Englishe money.
Item I geve to John Combly the sonne of Aldam Combly 5s of lawefull Englishe money.
Item I geve to Richard Combly the sonne of the said Aldam 5s of like lawefull money.
Item I geve to Margarett Combly the daughter of the said Aldam 5s and a platter.
Item I geve to Anne Combly the daughter of the said Aldam 5s.
Item I geve to John Dobbes the sonne of Richard Dobbes 20s and a platter.
Item I geve to Elizabeth Dobbes Johane Dobbes and Margarett Dobbes the daughters of the said Richard Dobbes 15s that is to saye 5s a peece, and I geve more to the said Johane one red coverlyd.
Item I geve to Edmond Dobbes the sonne of the said Richard Dobbes 10s.
Item I geve to Johane Dirram the daughter of Richard Dirram 25s of lawefull Englishe money my second best carcher and a possnett.
Item I geve to John Dirram the sonne of the said Richard Dirram 10s.Item I geve to John Vinson one of the wittnesses 6d. Item I geve to John Vinson his wife one lockerum kercheffe and my blacke wollen apron.
Item I geve to Geoffery Skull 6d.
Item I geve to William Dobbes Nicholas Dobbes and Richard Dobbes my sonnes all my wood to be equally divided amongest them.
Item I will that the said William, Nicholas, Richard and Richard Dirram their brother shall have the boardes equally divided amongest them.
All the rest of my goodes & chattells both moveable & unmoveable not before by me geven nor bequethed my legacyes and debtes beinge payd and my funerall expences discharged I doe freely geve and bequeathe to Richard Dirram my sonne whom I ordeine and make my whole executor of this my perfecte testament and last will & he to see this my last will fullfilled in all thinges as he will answere before God the judge of all truth. Also I doe desire my loveinge neighbour William Beale Junior yeoman and my sonne in lawe Aldam Combly to be my overseers and for their paynes takeing I geve to every of them 12d a peece.
These bearinge wittnesse beinge called Aldam Combly, John Vinson and me The marke of the said Agnes Dobbes. William Lewen the writer. Probate 15th October 1603.
Brinkworth Wills to 1650 Page 18 Copyright C.R.G. Henly 1994 Wiltes. A true and perfecte inventory of all and singuler the goodes and chattells of Agnes Dobbes widowe late of Brinckworth in the county aforesaid deceased taken and praysed by William Beale Senior of Brinckworth aforesaid yeoman and Aldam Combly of the parrishe of Broad Somerford in the county aforesaid husbandman the 27th day of September in the first yere of the reigne of our Soveraigne Lord James by the grace of God of England Scotland Fraunce and Ireland Kynge Defender of the Faith & Anno Domini 1603.
Imprimis five kyne £9 In the hall
Item one cubboard 3s 4d Item one table board the deyce board and one cheyre 5s Item one broche and a payre of iron andirons 3s 4d Item 4 brasse potts 20s Item one brasse panne 8s Item twoe catherns a skillett and a dripping panne 9s 6d Item the pewter vessells viz 7 platters 2 pottengers 2 saucers and 2 saltsellers 10s In the chamber above
Item 2 flocke bedds and 3 boulsters 40s Item 5 coverleads 40s Item 4 blancketts 13s 4d Item 3 payre of sheetes 2 boardclothes and 2 towells 40s Item 2 coffers 5s In the chamber beneath
Item one fether bedd 2 fether boulsters and 2 fether pyllowes 33s 4d Item the coupery vessells 12s Item the wood 30s Item certeine boardes 6s Item a paire of billowes and other ymplements 10s Item her apparrell 40s Suma totalis £25 8s 10d
Brinkworth Wills to 1650 Page 19 Copyright C.R.G. Henly 1994 In the name of God Amen the 10th daie of Januarie in the yeare of our Lord God 1601 & in the 44th yeare of the raigne of our gracious convreigne ladie Elizabeth by the grace of God of England France & Ireland Queene Defender of the Faith. I Thomas Beale of Brinckworth in the countie of Wilts being sicke in bodie but in perfect mind & memorie thanks I give to God for it doe ordeyne and make by theis presentes my testament contayning herein my last will in manner & forme following. First I give my soule to almightie God my onlie maker redeemer and Saviour & my bodie to be buried in the church yeard of Brinckworth aforesaid when it shall please God to call me. Also I give unto Thomas Beale my sonne the oken bord that standeth in my chamber wher I lodge. Also I give unto Jeffery Beale my sonne the deysebord in the hall. Also I give unto John Skull my godsonn one sheep. Also I give unto Elinor Skull the daughter of William my kinsman one sheep. Also I give unto Marie Wilshire my kinswoman one sheep. Also I give unto Francis Sutton my kinsman one sheep. Also I give unto Alice Beale the daughter of Christopher Beale my sonne two sheepe. All the rest of my goods & cattells both moveable & inmoveable my legacies and debts paid & my funerall expences ended I give will and bequeath unto Anthonie Beale my sonne whom I ordeyne and make my whole executor. And finally I doe ordeyne and make my welbeloved to me Roger Wickes Robert Beale Senior of Brinckworth aforesaid yeoman overseers of this my last will & testament to see that all things accordinglie iustlie and truly be delivered contented satisfied & paid & for their pains taking herein I give unto them 12d a peece. Witnesse hereunto Mr William Lewen the writter.
Thomas Beale his marke.Probate at Marlborough 14th December 1602.
Brinkworth Wills to 1650 Page 20 Copyright C.R.G. Henly 1994 In the name of God Amen the thirde daie of Julie Anno Domini 1602. I George Wilshere of Brinckworth in the countie of Wiltes husbandman being weake in bodie but in perfecte minde and memory thanks I give unto God for it do ordaine and make by thesse presentes my testament conteyning herein my last will in manner & forme following. First I give & bequeath my soule to almightie God my only maker redeemer and Saviour & my bodie to be buried in the churchyeard of Brinckworth aforesaide when it shall please God to call me. Also I give unto Thomas my sonne my brasse that which was mine before I was married. Also I give unto John my sonne my malte querne saving that I will theire mother shall have the use thereof dureing her natural life. Also I give unto these my sonnes afore named two sheepe a peece. Also I give unto George my sonne my cart and the tackling thereunto & also two sheepe. Also I give Elizabeth Marie and Agnes my daughters two sheepe a peece such as everie of them already knoweth. Also I owe unto John Beale of Alcaning sixe pounds to be paid at Michaelmas next. Also I owe unto John Cylmar fortie shillings. Also Ambrose White oweth unto me 21s to be paid at St James ... next. Also John Rodman oweth unto me 3s 8d. Also Samuell Leetch oweth unto me 20d. All the rest of my goods and chattells moveable and unmoveable my legacies & debts being paid & my funerall expenses ended I will that Alice my wife shall have whome I ordeyne & make my whole executrixe. And finally I doe ordeyne and make my welbeloved in Christ Thomas Beale my father in lawe and William Skull of Brinckworth aforesaid yeomen overseers of this my last will & testament to see that all things accordingly iustly and truly be delivered contented satisfied & paid, these beareing witness being called Humfri Beale & William Lewen.
Probate at Malmesbury 10th October 1602.
Brinkworth Wills to 1650 Page 21 Copyright C.R.G. Henly 1994 In the name of God Amen. The 26th day of June in the year of our Lord God 1605. I Elinor Beale of Brinkworth in the county of Wilts widow being sick in body but of good minde and memory thanks I give to God for it, do ordeine and make by these present my testament conteining herin my last will in manner and forme followinge. First I give and bequeath my soule to allmightie God my only maker redeemer and Saviour and my body to be buried in the churchyard of Brinkworth aforsaid when yt shall please God to call me. Also I give unto Geoffery Beale my sonne 5s of currant English money. Also I give unto Thomas Beale my sonn five shillings of lawfull English money. Also I give unto Humphrey Beale my sonne 20s of currant English money. Also I give unto Alice Wilshire my daughter 2 sheep. Item I give unto my goddaughter Mary Wilshire one sheep. Also I give unto Anne Wilshire the daughter of the said Alice Wilshire one sheepe. Also I give unto Jone Wilshere the daughter of the said Alice Wilshire one sheepe. Also I give unto Johan Scull my daughter 2 sheepe. Also I give unto Elinour Scull my goddaughter my medly goune cloth. Also I give unto Margaret Sutton my daughter 40s of currant English money to be delivered at Holyroode Day next after my decease. Also I give unto the said Margaret my daughter a h... meis. .. her children six shillings and 10d of like lawfull money. Item I give more unto the said Margaret my daughter my second best medly goune my second best petocote one smock one wollen shite wastcot. Also I give more unto Alice Wilshire my daughter my best medly goune my new peticote cloth my best hatt my best fustian wastcoat my best kerchife my best partlett my best white apron & my smok with lecram bodice. Also I give unto Francis Beale my kinsman one browne marked wealing calfe. Also I give unto Alice Beale my kinswoman one vallow wealing calfe. Also I give unto the poor of the said parishe of Brinkworth 3s 8d to be distributed amongst them at the discresion of my overseers. Also I give towards the mother church of Sarum 6d. All the rest of my goods and cattles both moveable and unmoveable not before by me given nor bequeathed my legacies being paid and my funerall expences ended I will that Antony my sonn shall have, whome I ordaine and make my whole executor and finally I do ordaine and make my will beloved in Christ Robert Beale Senior and William Skull of Brinkworth aforesaid yeomen overseers of this my last will and testament to see that all things accordingly justly and truely be delivered contented satisfied and paid and for their pains taking herein I give them 8d apeece.
These bearing wittnesse being called Robert Beale Elinor Beale William Skull William Lewen
Brinkworth Wills to 1650 Page 22 Copyright C.R.G. Henly 1994 In the name of God Amen. The 16th daye of June in the yere of our Lord God [one] thousand syxe hundred and seaven. I John Hayes of brinkworth [in the] countye of Wiltes husbandman being sicke in body but in perfect [mind and] memory thanks I geve to God for it doe ordeine and make [this] my testament conteyninge therein my last will in manner [and form following]. First I geve and bequeathe my soule to almightie God [my redeemer] and Saviour and my body to be buryed in the churchyard [of Brinkworth] aforesaide when it shalle please God to call me. Also I geve [to the mother church of] Sarum 3d. Also I geve unto Thomas Hayes my sonne [syxe pounds of] currant Englishe money to be payed unto him by myne executrix [in manner] and forme followinge (that ys to saye) in and upon the feast [daye] of our blessed lady Saint Mary the Virgine next ensueinge after my [decease three] poundes and in and upon the feast daye of Saint Michaell Th[archangel] next and imediately followinge thother three poundes. Also I geve [to ......] Davis the sonne of William Davis of the parrishe of Pirton in the [countye] of Wiltes tenne shillinges. Also I geve towardes the releife of [the poor] people of the parrishe of Brinkckworth aforesaide 6d. All the rest of my goodes and chattells both moveable and unmoveable my legacyes and debtes beinge paide and my funerall expences ended I will that Alice my wife shall have whom I ordeine and make my whole executrix. And finally I ordeine and make my welbeloved to me John Skull Senior of Brinckworth aforesaid yeoman and Richard Tanner of the same parrishe carpenter overseers of this my last will and testament to se that all thinges accordingly justly and truely be delivered contented satisfied and paide and for theire paynes takeinge herein I geve unto them 4d a peece. These beareinge wittnesse beinge called
Richard Tanner
William Lewen
Anthony Beale
Brinkworth Wills to 1650 Page 23 Copyright C.R.G. Henly 1994 Will made 20th July 1609
probate 16th February 1609/10Mentions: sons Thomas Pynnell, John Pynnell, Raphe Pynnell
daughters Elizabeth Pynnell, Anne Pynnell, Jane Pynnell
wife Mary
brother in laws John Richman, William Hendley
witnesses John Richman, John Ailiff, Raphe Weekes
Brinkworth Wills to 1650 Page 24 Copyright C.R.G. Henly 1994 In the name of God Amen the first day of July in the year of our Lord God One Thousand Six Hundred and Ten. I John Skull the Elder of Brinkworth in the County of Wiltes yeoman being sick in body but thanks be unto God in perfect mind and memory do make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form following. First I give and bequeath my soul into the hands of Almighty God to rest in the bosom of Abraham and my body to be buried in the churchyard of Brinkworth there to remain until the resurrection when my soul shall receive the same body again to enter into life everlasting by a true and lively faith through Jesus Christ my Saviour and redeemer Amen. And as for my worldly goods I willingly dispose as followeth. Imprimis I give towards the maintenance of the mother church of Sarum 6d. Also I give towards the relief of the poor people of the parish of Brinkworth 6s 8d to be distributed amongst them on the day of my funeral by my overseers (with the consent of Mr Edward Hutchins). Also I give towards the repair of the church home 2s 6d to be employed there where most need is according to the discretion of the supervisors. Also I give unto Gyles Skull my son two kyne and ten weather sheep and the table board and frame standing in the Guesten chamber and my docet tagled mare. All the rest of my goods and chattels both movable and unmovable my lagacies and debts being paid and my funeral expenses ended I will that Alice my wife shall have whom I ordain and make my whole executrix. And finally I ordain and make William Hendly and Thomas Lewen of Brinkworth aforesaid yeomen overseers of this my last will and testament to see that all things accordingly and truly be delivered contented satisfied and paid. And for their pains taken herein I give unto them 12d a piece. Also I give unto William Lewen one of the witnesses 3s 4d.
Those being witness being called John Skull William Scull William Lewen Senior
Brinkworth Wills to 1650 Page 25 Copyright C.R.G. Henly 1994 In the name of God Amen the 9th daye of October 1611. I Geoffery Clarke of Brinckworth in the county of Wiltes beinge sicke in body but thankes be unto God in perfect minde and memory doe make constitute and ordaine this my last will and testament in manner and forme followinge. First I bequeth my soule into the handes of almighty God to rest in the bosome of Abraham and my body to be buried in the churchyard of Brinckworth there to remaine untill the generall daie of iudgment when my soule shall receive the same body againe to enter into everlasting life by a true and lively faith through Jesus Christ my Saviour and redeemer Amen. And for my worldly goodes I willinglie despose as followeth. First I give and bequeth unto Johane Clarke my daughter one cow, one flock bed, one coverlead, one long boustow, a paire of sheetes and a paire of blancketts. Item I give unto Elizabeth Clarke my daughter twooe kyne, one flockbed, one coverlead, one boustow, a paire of sheetes and a paire of blancketts. Item I give unto John Clarke my sonne one blacke heifer, one coffer which is mine owne. Item I give unto Hugh Clarke my sonne one heifer and one coffer. Lastly I give and bequeth unto Alice my wife the rest of all my goodes and chattells not before by me given both moveable and unmoveable my legacyes and debts beinge paid and my funerall expences ended, I give and bequeath unto Alice my wife whom I ordeine and make whole executrix of this my last will and testament. Finally I ordaine and make my wellbeloved in Christ to me Anthony Fry my kinsman and Richard Clarke my brother overseers of this my last will to see that all thinges effectually iustly and truely be performed accordinge to the true entent and meaneing of this my last will and testament.
The marke of Geoffery Clarke
These beareing witnes being called
Morris Heale his marke
David Lewen minor
Brinkworth Wills to 1650 Page 26 Copyright C.R.G. Henly 1994 A true and perfect inventory of all the goods chattells utensiles implements & ...sall stuff of Jeffery Clarke lat of Brinckworth in the county of Wiltes husbandman decessed taken & praised the 21st day of October 1611 by Morris Heall, Anthony Fry, Richard Clark & Henry Pinell as followeth.
In the hall
Imprimis in the hall one tablebord & frame 3s 4d Item two joyn stowles praised at 18d Item one meall trowe praised at 3s Item 3 payles & two stobbins praised at 3s 4d Item two benches two shelfes & two short bouds praised at 16d Item one brasse pott three sandron & one still at 13s 4d Item nine pottampels 4 sawsors one isentor pott on saltsellar one candlesticke & half a dozen of spoones 8s Item one paire of pothenyalls & one hangell praised at 1s In the chamber
Item in the chamber one joyned bedsted praised at 16s Item one bed one boulstow a paire of sheets a paire of blancetts one coverled praised at 40s Item one coffer & one presse for clothes 6s 8d Item in the loft over the cember one coffer & two little bedsteds praised at 5s Item two flockbeds two paire of blancetts two paire of sheets 4 coverleds & 2 boulstows £3 6s 8d Item one rack & cheesse presse praised at 5s Item in the whythouse three barrells 3 trundles one clic.... & twoe tu... 8s Item 1 broche & 1 frying pane 1s Item one planck fowre earthen jares two seffes 2 bottow coules a dozen & a halfe of tremlars & other implements 6s 8d Item his apparell 20s Item the wood & pulli about the house one howell one pack sadle one sithe & some other instruments of husbandry 17s Item 4 kine & onewenling calfe £11 13s 8d Item two yearlinge heyfors praised at £4 Item the haye praised at £6 Item two podges praised at 20s Soma totall is £33 19s 2d
Morrice Heall his mark, Anthony Fry Richard Clarke his mark Henry Penell
The debtes of the testator is as followeth
To Hugh Fry £11 To John Wayt 10s To Richard Clark 10s To Edward Clarke 10s
Brinkworth Wills to 1650 Page 27 Copyright C.R.G. Henly 1994 In the name of God Amen the 20th day of October in the yere of our Lord God 1612. I David Lewen Senior of Brinckworth in the County of Wiltes weaver being weake in body but thankes I give unto Almighty God in perfect minde and memory doe ordeyne & make this my last will and testament in manner and forme following. First I bequeath my soule into the hands of Almighty God to rest in the bosome of Abraham and my body to be buryed in the Churche yeard of Brinckworth there to remayne untill the generall day of Judgment when my soule shall receve the same body agayne to enter into everlasting life by a true & lively fayth & through Jesus Christ my onely redemer and Saviour Amen. And for my worldly goodes I willingly despose as followeth. Item I give unto the children of John Fry 6d apeece. Item I give unto Will Fry my Godsonne 2s and to Will Fry and Mychaell Fry his sonnes 6d apeece. Item I give unto John Clarke, Hugh Clarke, Johane Clarke & Elizabeth Clarke the sonnes & daughters of Geoffery Clarke decesed 6d apeece. Item I give unto the children of Richard Clarke that he now hath at the makeing of this my will 6d apeece. Item I give unto Johan Sherer wife of Will Sherer my godaughter 12d. Item I give unto John Sherer the sonne of Will Sherer 6d. Item I give unto John Fry the sonne of Mychaell 6d and to Christyan Fry the daughter of the sayd Mychaell Fry 6d. Item I give unto the children of Anthony Fry that he now hath 6d apeece. Item I give unto Richard Lewen the sonne of Richard Lewen 6d and to Elizabeth Lewen & Josion Lewen his daughters 6d apeece. Item I give to John Fry the sonne of Will Fry miller my kinsman 6d and to Ales his daughter 6d. All the rest of my goods and chattells both moveable and unmoveable whatsoever not befor by me given my legacyes and debts being payd and my funerall expences ended I will give and bequeth unto John Fry my kinesman whom I ordeine and make my whole executer of this my last will and testament. Finally I ordeine and make my wellbeloved in Christ to me Anthony Fry my godsonne and Richard Lewen my kinsman overseers of this my last will and testament to see that all things effectually justly and truly be performed and done according to the true entent and meaninge of this my last will and testament and for their paynes therein I give unto the sayd Anthony Fry 13s 4d and to the sayd Richard Lewen 6s 8d. Also my desier is that my Brother in lawe Richard Sherer may have my wering apparrell after my decesse.
Those bearing witnesse beinge there unto called Anthony Richman, Mychaell Fry, Hugh Heale (mark). The mark of David Lewen Senior.
Brinkworth Wills to 1650 Page 28 Copyright C.R.G. Henly 1994 An inventorie of all the goodes and chatteles of David Lewen of Brinkworth late deceased praysed by Jefferye Pinele, Mychaell Fry and William Beale Junior the 28th day of November Anno Domini 1612.
Imprimis the haye £3 6d 8d Item one cowe and one heifer £3 Item two brase pottes & one brase spone 33s 4d Two ketteles and one skillet Item two platters fower pottengers and two sasers six spones & one salt seller 7s Item fower candel stickes & one spice mort 7s Item one bottel & one lanthorne 12d Item one broch and a payre of andirnes two payre of potthockes & two payre hangels 3s 4d Item one fier pane one gredier & a shewing horne a payre of sheers & a chopping knife 2s 6d Item one flockbed with his aparrel 46s 8d Item another flockbed two pellowes one sheete a payre of blacketes & a rowge 20s Item one table cloth and two bages 2s 6d Item his wearing apparrel 23s 4d Item one search with other coperie stuffe 14s Item one chayre & fower cushinges 2s 8d Item two hatchets two weages one handsore one agere one twigging hook & one flesh hock 3s 4d Item one cock and one heene 12d Item one coobord one table bord & a forme a daysebord & benches 13s 4d Item one prese one cheese rack a reele & two tackes 3s 4d Item two beedsteedes & two cofferes 8s 6d Item one dowe lener two old tobbes and a mons snatch 2s Item the planckes and bordes 8s Item one cutting knife a spaide a scuppe & a bille 16d Item one tworne one stalle of beefe & two hives 6s Item two ladderes certaine pale hoppleges and rayles 12d Item two pickes and two rakes 18d Some is £17 6s 1d
Brinkworth Wills to 1650 Page 29 Copyright C.R.G. Henly 1994 Will made 3rd August 1616
probate 15th January 1616/7Mentions: Henry Wayte, eldest son
John Wayte, second son
Jeffery Wayte, son, under 21
Edmund Wayte, youngest son
Richard Wayte, son
John Wayte, son
Witnesses: Giles Beynes, Henry Pinnell, John Skull
Brinkworth Wills to 1650 Page 30 Copyright C.R.G. Henly 1994 In the name of God Amen the 15th day of March in the year of our Lord according to the computation of the Church of England one thousand six hundred and seventeen. I William Davis als Taylor of Brinkworth in the county of Wilts yeoman being weak in body but thanks be unto Almighty God in perfect mind and memory do ordain and make by these present my testament containing therein my last will in manner and form following. First I bequeath my soul into the hands of Almighty God to rest in the bosom of Abraham and my body to be buried in the churchyard of Brinkworth aforesaid there to remain until the resurrection when my soul shall receive the same body again to enter into life everlasting by a true and lively faith through Jesus Christ my Saviour and redeemer Amen. And as for my worldly goods I willingly dispose as followeth. First I give towards the relief of the poor people of the parish of Brinkworth aforesaid 3s 4d to be distributed amongst them on the day of my funeral. Also whereas Robert Rowles my son-in-law oweth unto me the sum of ten pounds of current English money as by bond appeareth if he the said Robert do purchase an estate of his house in Malmesbury with the commodities of the same, unto some of his children, then I give unto the said Robert towards the buying thereof the sum of six pounds of the said sum of ten pounds that he oweth as aforesaid. Also I give unto William Pitt my godson 12d. Also whereas I am indebted and do owe unto sundry persons certain sums of money if Thomas Davis als Taylor my son will discharge and pay all such debts as I owe, then I give and bequeath unto the said Thomas my son the messuage or tenement called Sabins wherein I dwell with all and singular the appurtanences to the same belonging during all the time term and number of years yet to come and unexpired. All the rest of my goods and chattles both moveable and unmoveable my legacies and debts being paid and my funeral expenses ended, I also give unto the said Thomas my son, whom I ordain and make my whole executor. And finally I ordain and make my well-beloved in Christ Robert Beale and Richard Spencer os Brinkworth aforesaid yeomen overseers of this my last will and testament, to see that all things accordingly justly and truly be delivered contented satisfied and paid, and for these pains taking therein I give unto them six pence a piece. Also I give unto Anthony Davis als Taylor my son my spice morter and mustard mill. Also I give unto Christopher Lea my son-in-law one of my best shirt bands. Also I give unto my son-in-law Thomas Packer the best pair of my stockings. Also I give to my son-in-law William Norborne a black velvet gamble that is now in my chest
Brinkworth Wills to 1650 Page 31 Copyright C.R.G. Henly 1994 The inventorie of the goodes and chattles of William Davis als Tayler of Brinckworth in the countie of Wilts deceased which were att Weston Birt in the diocesse of Glouc att the time of his death, made and priced by William Ford and Walter Clerke the tenth day of May Anno Domini 1619.
Imprimis his apparrell there 10s Item one flocke bede 30s Item three coveringes 30s Item one blanket 10s Item one sheet 5s Item the little boxe 2s William Ford his marke
Walter Clerke his markeWiltes. A true and perfecte inventory of all and singuler the goodes and chattells of William Davis als Taylor late of Brinckworth in the county aforesaid deceased taken and praised by William Clarke and Richard Spencer of Brinckworth aforesaid yeomen the 17th day of May in the yere of our Lord God 1619.
In the hall
Imprimis the table board and frame 12s Item the pewter vessells 16s Item the brasen vessells 50s Item a paire of iron andirons a broache and a drippinge pann and other iron stuffe 8s Item the coupery vessells 8s In the chamber over the hall
Item 2 chests one coffer 10s Item one litle round table board and frame 2s Item 3 joynd beddsteedes 35s Item one fetherbedd 2 fether boulsters one sheete and a coverlead 40s Item one carpett cloth 3 cushions 10s Item one meate cloth a towell and 2 table napkins 6s 8d Item certeyne tackes and shilfes about the howse 3s 4d In the upper howse
Item a mault querne and a cheese presse 15s Item 2 hatchetts 3 peekes and other implements about the howse 10s Item his apparrell and money in his purse £6 Item certeyne tymber and wood and 4 ladders and reyles for 2 rickhayes £5 Item his chattell lease £300 Sume: £322 6s
Brinkworth Wills to 1650 Page 32 Copyright C.R.G. Henly 1994 In the name of God Amen the last daye of August in the yere of our Lord God 1617. I Margery Pynnell of Brinckworth in the county of Wiltes widow beinge weake of bodye but thanks I give almighty God of perfect minde and memory doe ordaine and make this my testament conteininge herin my last will in forme followinge. First I bequeath my soule into the hands of almightie God & my body to be buried in the churchyard of Brinckworth aforesaid there to remaine until the generall daie of iudgment when my body shalbe ioyned to my soule againe to enter into everlasting life through Jesus Christ my redeemer and Saviour Amen. And for my worldly goods I willingly dispose as followeth. I give my bed to William Hendly my sonne. Item I give to William Hendly sonne of William Hendlye my son 10s. Item I give to Agnes Hendly daughter of William Hendly my best gowne. Item I give to Jeffery Hendly sonne of William Hendly my sonne 10s. Item I give to Jayce Hendly daughter of William Hendly 10s. Item I give to Thomas Hendly sonne of William Hendly my sonne 10s my best coverlead my best boulstow my best blanckett & my best canvas sheete. Item I give to Catheren Pantinge a locarium sheete and a locarium smocke. Item I give to Margery Boulton my goddaughter my best petticoate my hullam apron and my best carchiefe. The rest of my goods both moveable & unmoveable not before by me given I give and bequeath to William Hendly my sonne my legacyes and debts beinge paide & my funerall expences ended whom I make whole executor of this my last will. In witnes hereof I have setto my hand and subscribed my marke in the presence of these witnesses.
David Lewen the marke of Margery Pinnell Mary Baker her marke
Probate granted 4th February 1618 to Alice Henly, widow of William Henly of Brinkworth. Witness William Clarke, husbandman of Brinkworth.
A true and perfecte inventorie of all and singuler the goods and chattles of Margerie Pinnell late of Brinckworth in the countie of Wiltes deceased taken and praised by George Penn gent, William Clarke, Thomas Hendly and William Burtchall of Brinckworth aforesaid yeomen the ninteenth daye of Januarie Anno Domini 1618.
Imprimis on flocke bed with the apurtenances 46s 8d Item her wearinge aparrell 50s Item her lininge clothes 30s Item two coffers and an owld cheste 10s Item in money owinge her upon bond £4 The whole some cometh unto £10 16s 8d
George Penn
Thomas Hendly
William Burtchall his markeCharges of the funerall - 33s 4d.
Brinkworth Wills to 1650 Page 33 Copyright C.R.G. Henly 1994 In the name [of God Amen on the ....... ] daye [of] September in the years of the reign of our most gracious soveriegn Lord and Kinge James by [the] grace [of God of England] France and Ireland defender of the faith the fifteenth and of Scotland the one and fiftieth and in the year of [our Lord] God one thousand six hundred and seventeenth. I William Henly of Brinkworth in the county of Wilts yeoman being sick in body but hearty thanks I give to God therefore in perfect mind and memory do ordain and make this my testament containing herein my last will in forme following. First I give and bequeath my soul into the hands of Almighty God who made it and my body to be buried in the churchyard of Brinkworth aforesaid there to remain until the general day of judgement when my soul shall be joined to my body again to enter into everlasting life by a true and lively faith through Jesus Christ my redeemer and Saviour Amen. And as for my worldly goods I willingly dispose as followeth. First I give unto the poor people of the parish of Brinkworth 6s 8d to be distributed amongst them where most need shall be. Item I give towards the maintenance of the mother church of Sarum 12d. Item I give unto Thomas Henly my son five pounds of current English money, one cow, and one hundred of elm board laying in the barn. Item after the decease of my executrix I give more unto the said Thomas Henly my greatest brass cauldron. Item I give unto William Henly my son the sum of twenty pounds of current English money, at the end of two years next after my decease. Item I give more unto the said William Henly my son, my woodpine adjoining to the closeydate, the standing join bedstead in the chamber and my best brass pan, but my will is that my executrix shall have the use of the said bedstead and brass pan during her natural life. Item I give unto Jeffery Henly my son the sum of twenty pounds of like lawful money of England at the full end and term of three years after my decease, and the woodpine at the Streetyeate, the French bedstead standing in the loft over the buttery and my second best brass pan, but my will likewise is that my executrix shall have and use the said bedstead and brass pan during her life. Item I give unto Jayce Henly my daughter my best featherbed, a feather boulster, my best coverlet and one other white coverlet, a pair of canvas sheets and a pair of blankets and my third best brass pan. Item I give unto Agnes Henly my daughter the sum of ten pounds of lawful English money at the end of two years next after my decease. And after the decease of my executrix I give more unto the said Agnes Henly my daughter one flockbed, a flock boulster, a pair of white coverlets, a pair of canvas sheets and a pair of blankets. Item I give unto William Henly my godson one yearling heifer. Item I give unto William Taylor my godson one yearling heifer. Item I give unto Nicholas Panting my godson one yearling heifer. Item I give unto Anthony Taylor son of Thomas Taylor one chilver sheep. Item I give unto Mary Henly daughter of Thomas Henly one chilver sheep. Item to Alice Henly daughter of Thomas Henly I give one chilver sheep. Item I give unto Elizabeth Taylor my daughter after the decease of my executrix the frame of the tableboard in the chamber. Item I give unto Alice Taylor my daughter my red rug coverlet and a canvas sheet after my executrix decease. Item I give unto Katherin Panting my daughter my biggest graned pewter platter. Item my will and meaning is that if any of my children or childrens children shall happen to decease before the time shall be expired that they should receive the legacies or gifts by me given, that then his or her legacies or gifts so deceased shall remain unto my executrix. All the rest of my goods and chattles both moveable and unmoveable not before by me given or bequeathed, my legacies and debts being paid and my funeral expenses ended, I will give and bequeath unto Alice my wife whom I make sole executrix of this my last will. Finally I ordain and make my well beloved in Christ to me, Thomas Henly my son, Anthony Taylor and Robert Panting my sons in law, overseers of this my last will to see that all things be performed according to the true intent and meaning hereof.
These bearing witness being duly called The mark of William Henly William Clarke David Lewen Anthony Taylor his mark Robert Panting his mark Probate 14th April 1618
Brinkworth Wills to 1650 Page 35 Copyright C.R.G. Henly 1994 Wiltes A True and pfecte Inventory of all and singuler the goodes and chattells of William Hendly late of Brinckworth in the county aforesaid deceased taken and praised by Georg Penn Gentleman Robert Beale Thomas Lewen William Clarke and William Skull of Brinckworth aforesaid yeomen The Fiveth daye of Marche Anno domini 1617
Imprimis 19 mylch kyne £49 Itm twooe heifers of thage of twooe yeres £5 Itm Five yearlinge calves £5 Itm twooe Mares £7 Itm 20 Sheepe hogge £5 Itm 10 ewes and lambes and 3 other sheepe £6 Itm Twooe Sowe pigges 26s 8d Itm The Tymber and Woode £14 Itm The Haye £8 Itm a cocke of Hay Thatche 2s Itm Three Sheepe Skyns 5s in the Hall
Itm The Table Board and forme and frame and Twooe cheyrs and one joyned stoole 13s 4d in the kytchen
Itm Three Brasse Potts 4 Brasse Panns and Three brasse kettles & posnette £4 Itm twooe frying panns 3s Itm a Gander and Twooe Geese 3s Itm a payre of Iron Andirons and one Broche and a driping pann 6s 8d Itm a kibleinge Sawe & 3 Iron wedges 5s Itm a Cheese Presse a Salting Trow and a Goose cubb 8s Itm The coupery vessells 50s Itm The Pewter vessells and 4 brasen candlstickes 50s in the Inner chamber beneath
Itm a standinge Beddsteede a frame of a Board and a forme 30s in the Whitehouse
Itm the earthen vessells and fower leather Bottles 8s Itm certayne wheate Barly & Mault 20s Itm certayne Wooll £9 Itm a waight of yearne 30s Itm fower Beddsteedes 15s Itm one Fetherbedd 2 fether boulsters twooe flockebedds The blancketts and coverleaves £13 6s 8d Itm 6 coffers a litle boxe to put clothes in and an old whitche 20s Itm The butter and cheese £5 Itm The Tallow and candles 10s Itm The Napery £4 Itm a Bible booke & other small bookes 12s Itm his apparrell £10 3s Itm Syxe Flitches of Bacon and other Rowffe and Powdered meate £6 Itm a Redd Sadle a Side Sadle and a packe Sadle and Bridles 20s Itm a Mault Myll 10s Itm Twooe payre of hangles a paire of Billowes a fire shoule a hatchett Billes Pickes and Rakes 10s Itm certeyne ladders Spyning Tourns Tackes and Shilfes and other ymplements within and aboute the house 20s --- Itm debtes oweinge as by bond appeareth £37 13s 4d Itm more in money oweinge £7 6s 8d Itm more in money £27 6s 8d Sume £241 14s
Brinkworth Wills to 1650 Page 37 Copyright C.R.G. Henly 1994 Will made 4th March 1618
probate 27th April 1619Mentions: Wife Margaret
Friends William Clarke the Elder, John Beale
Brother in laws Adam Blanye & John Blandie overseers
Witnesses John Barfoote, Thomas Hayward, Thomas Clarke
Brinkworth Wills to 1650 Page 38 Copyright C.R.G. Henly 1994 In the name of God Amen the second daie of February in the sixteenth yere of the raigne of our most gracious sovraigne Lord James by the grace of God of England Fraunce and Ireland Kynge defender of the faith &c. and of Scotland the twoe and fiftieth I Richard Pinnell of Brinckworth in the county of Wiltes husbandman beinge weake of body but thanks I give unto allmightie God therfore in perfecte minde and memory doe constitute ordaine and make this my testament containinge herin my last will in manner and forme following. First I give & bequeath my soule into the hands of my heavenly father to rest in the kingdome of heaven untill the general iudgement when my soule shalbe ioyned to my body againe to enter into everlasting life by a true and constant faith in Jesus Christ my redeemer and Saviour Amen. And my body to be buried in the churchyard of Brinckworth aforesaid. And as for my worldly goods I willingly dispose as followeth. First I give unto the mother church of Sarum 4d. Item I give unto Richard Pinnell the sonne of Nicholas Pinnell 10s. Item I give unto Robert Pinnell and Richard Pinnell the sonns of William Pinnell 6s apeece. And my will is that the money by me before given unto my sonns children shall within sixe monthes next after my decease by my executrixe be delivered unto Henry Pinnell and Robert Looker my overseers to be imployed by them to and for the best advantage they can untill the said Richard Pinnell sonne of Nicholas Pinnell & Robert Pinnell & Richard Pinnell sonns of William Pinnell shall accomplishe the severall ages of 21 yeares and then my will is that when they have accomplished the age of 21 the legacyes by me to them given shall be to them delivered with the increase that shall arise but if one or twoe of my said sonns children shall happen to die before the age of 21 yeres aforsaid then my will and meaninge is that his or theirs legacyes soe dyinge as aforesaid shall remaine unto the survivors or survivor then beinge livinge. Item I give unto Alice Pinnell my daughter 40s to be delivered by my executrix unto my overseers within one moneth after my decease by them to be imployed to the best profitte they can, and the said 40s with the increase to be then paid unto my said daughter Alice when she shall happen to be married. Item I give unto my sonn Frauncis Pinnell £3 and my best brasse potte to be paide & delivered unto him when and att such tyme my executrixe shall thinke fitte. Item I give unto Elizabeth Pinnell my youngest daughter £3 and my best caldron to be paide & delivered unto her att the discretion of my executrixe. All the rest of my goods and chattells both moveable & unmoveable my legacyes and debts beinge paide and my funerall duetyes and expences ended I give and bequeath unto Margery Pinnell my wife whom I make whole executrixe of this my last will. And I doe request Henry Pinnell senior and Robert Looker my father in law to be overseers of this my last will and testament to see the true performance of all things herin contained and for their paines takinge therin I give unto them 12d apeece. And in witnesse of this my last will I have putto my hand and seale published the daie in the yere above written.
In the presence of The marke of Richard Pinnell David Lewen the writter Jane Pinnell her marke Probate at Devizes 2nd June 1619
Brinkworth Wills to 1650 Page 39 Copyright C.R.G. Henly 1994 Wiltes. A true and perfecte inventory of all and singuler the goodes and chattells of Richard Pinnell late deceased taken and praised the 5th day of Marche in the yere of our Lord God one thousand syxe hundred and eighteene by Thomas Lewen and Thomas Pynnell of Brinckworth aforesaid yeomen. Videlicet
In the hall
Imprimis the table board and frame and forme 2s 6d Item one old table boarde standing against the wall 6d In the chamber beneath
Item one beddsteede 4 coffers and a presse to putt clothes in 13s Item one new coverleade and one overwarne coverleade 10s Item one old flockebed 6s 8d Item twoe paire of sheetes and a lynne tester over the bedd 6s Item one boulster 2 pillowebeares a table cloth and 3 towells 9s In the loft over the chamber
Item one bedsteade a boulster a blanckett and a coverleade & a litle pillowe 10s Item certeyne old boardes and a payre of truckles 5s In the Buttery
Item the pewter vessells 12s Item one spice morter a brasen chafeing dishe 2 candlesticks and a salt seller 7s Item 2 brasse potts one litle brasse pann a kitle and a bason & a fryinge pann 27s In the chamber over the hall
Item one beddsteade 2s Item a payre of scales and waites of leade belonging to them 6s 8d Item 2 flitces of bacon & a trow to silt meate 13s In the kitchen
Item the coupery vessells 22s Item a broche 12d Item a cocke and 6 hens 3s 4d Item a gander and 2 geese 3s Item one stocke of bees 2s Item his weareing apparrell 40s Item 2 old sadles 2 spyning tournes 2 tennant sawes an axe a hatchett and a bill 2 peekes and other implements aboute the howse 12s
Brinkworth Wills to 1650 Page 40 Copyright C.R.G. Henly 1994
The transcripts and indexes provided here are the copyright of:
C.R.G. Henly, 9 Renfrew Drive, Wollaton, Nottingham NG8 2FX.
They are made available for the private use of genealogical researchers who may copy them and extract data from them for their personal use. They are not to be reproduced or republished in any other form whatsoever.