Brinkworth - Wills from Earliest Times - 1650
Copyright C.R.G. Henly 1994
Transcripts of Wills 1619 - 1650 (in date order)
I (Clive Henly) have compiled this document as part of my research into the social history of Brinkworth and the surrounding area. I propose to update this collection as I transcribe more Wills for the period, and also to publish further collections for later periods.
In addition to these wills, I have also collated a large amount of information about the area and have transcribed several manorial documents, dating back to the mid-sixteenth century. I am always happy to exchange information or to help fellow researchers where possible.
This collection is in three parts:
A List of Wills of Brinkworth residents up to the year 1650. This covers Wills proven at the Prerogative Court of Canterbury (PCC), Archdeaconry of Wiltshire (ADW) and the Consistory Court of Sarum (CS)
Because of the organisation of the calendars for these courts, this was not an easy list to compile accurately. Therefore, I cannot guarantee that it is complete.
Transcripts of some of the Wills listed in Section 1. This webpage contains the second part of the transcription, covering the period 1619-1650.
Index of People mentioned in transcribed Wills.
9, Renfrew Drive,
NG8 2FXLast update February 1994.
In the name of God Amen the 23rd day of December in the yere of our lord God one thousand six hundred and nynetene the last will & testament of Alice Scull late of Brinckworth in the diocese of Sarum widdowe nowe deceased uttered by worde of mouth in her extreme sicknes as followeth in the presence of Thomas Bowdley and Elizabeth Scull widdowe. Imprimis she gave & bequeathed unto Alice Pynnell her grand childe fortie shillinges to be paid 5s yearely from the 29th day of September next cominge after her disease to begin & commence untill the said some lawfully paid. And the same payment of five shillinges yerly to be paide unto John Cowles of Brinckworth aforesaide taillor to be by him sett forth to the best benifite & ymployment that he may or cann for the best advantage of the said Alice Scull untill shee shall accomplish the full age of 21 yeres. Also she gave unto William Scull her sonne one hall roome one chamber roome & halfe the garden ground belonginge unto the tenement wherin shee died and all that parte of the tenement wherin Agnis Balie now dwelleth payinge 6d yerly for the same to the cheef lord therof for & dureinge the terme of yeres therin to come & unexpired. All the residue of my goods & chattells as well movable as unmoveable I give & bequeath unto John Scull my eldest sonne whom I constitute make & ordayne to be my sole executor.
An inventory of all the goods & chattells and ymplements of Alice Scull of Brinckworth widdow diceased appraised by John Beck, Thomas Bowdley and William Mathewe the second daye of May in the yere of our Lord god one thousand six hundred & nynetene as followeth.
Imprimis one litle flockbed three sheetes a pillow & bedsted 16s Item one brase pott 2 little brase kettels & one platter 13s Item the treene plessells 3s Item one coffer a clenser a torne & a pittue 2s 6d Item her wearinge apparrell 10s Item the lease of the house £6
Brinkworth Wills to 1650 Page 41 Copyright C.R.G. Henly 1994 In the name of God Amen, the 25th day of November in the year of our Lord God One Thousand Six Hundred and Sixteen. I Geoffery Skull of Grittenham within the parish of Brinkworth in the county of Wilts being weak in body but thanks be unto God in perfect mind and memory do ordain and make by these present my testament containing therein my last will in manner and form following. First I bequeath my soul unto the hands of Almighty God to rest in the bosom of Abraham and my body to be buried in the churchyard of Brinkworth aforesaid there to remain until the resurrection when my soul shall receive the same body again to enter into life everlasting by a true and lively faith through Jesus Christ my Saviour and redeemer Amen. And as for my worldly goods I willingly dispose as followeth. First I give towards the reparations of the Mother Church of Sarum 6d. Also I give unto John Skull senior my son my cart horse and also I will that all the posts and pale about my now dwelling house shall remain unremoved to the use of the said John my son. Also I give more unto the said John my son my malt querne and I will that the benches boards or tacks about the house that are either pinned or nailed shall remain to the use of the said John unremoved. Also I give unto William Skull my son forty shillings of current English money. Also I give unto Geoffery Skull my son one cow and twenty shillings of like lawful money. Also I give unto Thomas Skull my son my best brass pot. Also I give unto John Skull the younger my son one cow and my best flock bed. Also I give unto Anne Burchall my daughter one flockbed. Also I give unto Agnes Vynes my daughter one cow. Also I give unto Thomas Vynes my kinsman one bullock of a year old. Also I give unto Francis Skull my kinsman my bedstead in the chamber beneath. Also I give more unto John Skull senior my son my Iron Barr. Also I give more unto William Skull my son my great chest saving that I will Margery my wife shall have the use of the said chest during her natural life if she remain unmarried. Also I give more unto Geoffery Skull my son my second best brass pot saving that the said Margery my wife shall have the use of him during her natural life if she remain unmarried. Also I give more unto Thomas Skull my son my press that is used to put clothes in saving that the said Margery shall have the use of the said press during her natural life if she remain unmarried. Also I give more unto John Skull junior my son my bedstead in the chamber above saving I will the said Margery my wife shall have the use of the said bedstead during her natural life if she remain unmarried. Also I give more unto Anne Burchall my daughter my copy bason saving that the said Margery shall have the use of the said bason during her natural if she remain unmarried. Also I give more unto Agnes Vynes my daughter my table board and frame in the hall saving that I will the said Margery my wife shall have the use of the said table board and frame during her natural life if she remain unmarried. All the rest of my goods and chattels both movable and unmovable not before my me given nor bequeathed my legacies and debts being paid and my funeral expenses ended, I will that Margery my wife shall have whom I ordain and make my whole executrix. And finally I ordain and make my wellbeloved in Christ John Wayte junior and William Trebrett of Grittenham aforesaid yeomen overseers of this my last will and testament to see that all things accordingly justly and truly be delivered contented satisfied and paid and for their pains taking herein I give unto them eighteen pence a peece.
Those bearing witness being called Geoffery Skull Frances Sherer his mark. William Lewen the writer
Brinkworth Wills to 1650 Page 42 Copyright C.R.G. Henly 1994 A true and perfect inventory of all the goods and chattels of Geoffery Skull of Grittenham in the parish of Brinkworth late deceased taken eight day of October in the seventeenth year of reign of our sovereign lord James by the grace of God King of England France and Ireland and of Scotland the fifty taken by Edmont Wayt William Trebrett and John Burchall praisers.
Imprimis eight kyne two yearlings and one wenling praised at £20 Item one mare at 20s Item three pigs and one stow 40s Item two stocks of bees at 10s Item the hay praised at £13 Item all the wood 30s Item brass and pewter £3 10s Item one feather bed and boulster 40s Item 3 flock beds with their boulsters 40s Item five coverlets 50s Item all the linen 30s Item one bedstead 13s 4d Item 3 chests 20s Item one press 13s 4d Item one bedstead 10s Item all the tweeing ware 50s Item malt mill & muster mill 13s 4d Item one table board & frame 6s 8d Item one iron bar 4s Item other iron ware 8s Item all bonds tacks & forms 50s Item carthorse & palls 16s 8d Item poultry 4s Item his wearing apparrel 40s The whole sum of this inventory is £61 19s 4d
Brinkworth Wills to 1650 Page 43 Copyright C.R.G. Henly 1994 Memorandum that Alice Wilshere late of brinckworth in the county of Wiltes widow deceased being sicke in bodie but in good and perfect remembrance did within intent declare her last will and testament by word of mouth and gave these legacies following about the beginning of Januarie last past in the yeare 1620 in it you (crossed through). Imprimis shee gave to her sonne John Wilshere 40s. Item she gave to her daughter Elizabeth Oven three smockes a payre of white knight stockins a white coverled and a kittle fowre coats two hatts. Item shee gave to her other three daughters vizt Marie Wilshere Ann Wilshere and Joane Wilshere all her money in Mr Ritchmans Hands with the use thereof and all other her goods whatsoever excepting only a primer and a libbet to her sister Margaret Sutton with an intent to make them her executors of her said last will and testament in the presence of Joane Scull the sister of the said deceased.
Probate granted to Marie Wilshire maiden of Brinkworth, and John Wilshire tyler of Brinkworth, 22nd June 1621.
Brinkworth Wills to 1650 Page 44 Copyright C.R.G. Henly 1994 A true inventorie of the goods of Alis WILSHIRE of Brinckworth late deceased.
Praysed by William Scull, Richard Clarke, John Beck, Robert Yong and Hennery Pinnill Anno Domini 1620.
Imprimis one mare at £5 Item one parcell of hay at £1 6s 8d Item in the hall one cubberd thre kettles one skillet six peece of peuter two sausers two candelsticks and one soultseller at 20s Item in the chamber one bedstead, on presse, thre old coffers, one chear, on broch and one paire of andierns and a barrell at 5s Item in the kitchen one dough trowe, three trendles one payle two turnes & one payre of cares at 6s 8d Item in the lofte one stockbed three coverlets on blankett on boulster two pille att £1 6s 8d Item three sheets one broad cloth and her wearing apparell 40s Item one dray bridle one moultsure, one sake with all other implements 2s 6d Item in money £10 10s Item for the keping of five sheepe at on Lady Day due to be payd unto her 10s Item for the keping of two beasts 13s 4d Sum total £22 14s 10d
Shown at Marlborough by Marie Wilshire
Salut in Jesu, I pray you shee .... .... favour upon may to .... orphans, fatherless, motherless and porre, then your porre mother, in the hearing of her sister bequeathed as followeth & this now to me to sweare thereunto
- to her sonne 40s
- to her daughter Oven, 3 smocks, a payre of knit stockenes, a white coverled, 2 kettles, 4 coats, 2 hats
- all her money in Mr Ritchmans Hand with the use she gave to her other 3 daughters, with all other her goods, excepting a primer & a kettel to h e r sister Margaret Sutton
- In respect of his idleness & undutisnes towards her, she bequeathed nothing to her eldest sonn Thomas Wilshere.
Your loving friendEdward Hutchins
Brinkworth Wills to 1650 Page 45 Copyright C.R.G. Henly 1994 In the name of God Amen. I John Richman of Brinckworth in the county of Wiltes gent being sicke of body but of sounde & perfecte memorie thankes be to Allmightie God doe make & ordeine this my laste wille & testament in manner & forme followinge. And first I comend my soule into the hands of allmightie God my creator, being fully assured of a joyfull resurrecion through the meritts & mediation of our blessed Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ my redeemer & my bodie to be buried at the discretion of my executo. And as for my worldly goods I dispose of them in menner & forme following. .... whereas Mary my late deceased wife did give unto Mary Richman the eldest daughter of my sonne Anthony my best silver gilte salte, and unto Mary Richman daughter of my sonne Henry my gilte silver bolle, & unto Richard Gynes my grandchilde my greate silver bolle, & unto my grandchilde Mary Gynes my lesser silver bolle and unto my sonne Henry Richman his now wife my little gilte salte, I doe hereby ratify establishe confirme & allowe the gifts & bequests aforesaid of my said late deceased wife. Item I give unto the poore of the parish of Brinckworth 20s to be distributed amongst them att my funerall by the discretion of my executor hereafter named. Item I give unto my servante Phillis Mathewe 20s in golde to be paidd ymediatelie after my decease. Item I give unto my servante Elizabeth Carpenter 10s in golde to be likewise paied ymediately after my decease. And as for all the rest of my goods & chattells moveable & unmoveable I give & bequeath unto my sonne Silvester Richman whom I make my whole & sole executor. And I doe desire Elias Woodroffe clerke Rector of Grittleton & William Clarke the elder of Brinckworth yeoman to be overseers of this my last will & testament to see the same duelie performed. In witness whereof I have putt my hande & seale & published it the seaventh daye of May in the first yeare of the reigne of our sovereigne lord Charles by the grace of God Kinge of England Scotland France & Ireland Defender of the Faith etc. Anno Domini 1625.
Debts owinge unto me assent specialitie my sonne Francis Richman £10 my sonne Henry Richman £7 John Richman Published in the presence of Henry Parke The marke of Thomas Pinnell Senior Probate at Malmesbury 22nd April 1626.
Brinkworth Wills to 1650 Page 46 Copyright C.R.G. Henly 1994 Wiltes. A true and perfecte inventory of all and simguler the goodes and chattells of John Richman gent late of Brinckworth in the county aforesaid deceased, take and praised by Thomas Walter, William Clarke Senior, Anthony Fry and Thomas Pynnell of Brinckworth aforesaid yeomen, the 21st day of Aprill Anno Domini 1626.
Imprimis nyne rother beastes and one horse beaste £30 Item one hogg pigge 15s In the hall
Item one table board and frame a carpet cloth five cushions and 6 joynd stooles and a chayer 20s Item a payer of brasen iron andirons and iron doggs 20s Item a litle cubboard a bible booke and other bookes 20s In the parlour
Item a table board and frame 2 formes a carpett cloth and tenn needle worke cushions £4 Item a lynen cubboard and cubboard cloth and a cushion 24s Item a needle work chaire and 2 needle worke stooles 20s In the seller
Item tenn barrells & a syne 23s 4d In the chamber over the parlor
Item a standing beddsteede a fether bedd a paire of blancketts a coverlead a boulster and 2 pillowes and curtaynes and a truckle bedsteed 5s Item one chest and a lynen cubboard and cubboard cloth 16s In the chamber over the hall
Item a standing bedsteede a fetherbedd a paire of blanketts a rugg coverleade a boulster a pillow the curtaynes and hangings £10 Item a needle worke chaire and 2 needle worke stooles 20s Item a lynen cubboard bason & ewer 20s Item one chest and a chaire 10s Item a presse to putt clothes and a litle chaire 8s In the chamber over the buttery
Item a french beddsteede a flockbedd a paire of blancketts 2 coverleades and a boulster 23s 4d Item a french beddsteed a flockbedd a paire of blancketts 2 coverleades a boulster and a pillow £3 Item an old chaire and a stoole 7d Item a joynd beddsteede a fetherbedd a paire of blancketts 3 overleades 2 boulsters and a pillow, the curtaynes & curtayne rodds £4 10s Item a trucklebeddsteede a flockbedd a paire of blancketts a rugg coverlead and a boulster 26s 8d Item a lynen cubboard bason & ewer 8s Item a chest a trucke and 3 boxes 20s Item a helming chaire a round box a paire of fire tonges & a deske 5s Item certeyne cheese 20s Item a looking glasse 2s 6d In the cocklofte
Item 2 cheese rackes 3s Item one old boarded beddsteede 2s 6d Item 2 french beddsteedes 2 flockbedds one paire of blancketts 3 coverleades 3 boulsters 50s Item 8 paire of canvas sheetes and an old sheete £5 9s one of the 8 paire holland sheetes Item 3 paire of pillowbeares 9s Item five table clothes 30s Item thre dossen and an halfe of napkins (that ys to say) one dossen of dieper one dossen of flaxen & a dossen and halfe of canvas 30s Item syxe towells 3s Item three silver bowles twooe silver saltes and tenn silver spones £20 Item the pewter vessells of all sortes being syxe score & 4 poundes £5 3s 4d Item pann brasse and ketle brasse syxe score and 13 poundes £5 10s Item pott brasse syxe score 10 poundes £4 16s In the kytchen
Item a table board and frame and forme 4s Item five broches and twooe dripping panns 20s Item a paire of iron rackes and a paire of iron dogges 2 fire panns a fire potte and a fire .... 16s Item an iron barr and 2 paire of hangels & a brandiron 6s Item a warming pann 5s Item a frying pann & 2 fymers 12d Item 4 dossen of trenchers 2s Item one mault myll and a trow 8s Item an old trow 2s 6d Item 2 old whitches twooe old kynes twoo done kevers 2 vargbarrells 13s 4d Item 2 bushells of barly 6s Item one old tryndl and 9 cheese tackes one willow & 3 sackes & 14 cheesevates 10s Item a yoteing stone a cheese presse 12s Item the rest of the coupery vessells 13s 4d Item planckes and certeyne tackes 3s 4d Item his weareing apparrell £5 In the stable
Item his rideing sadle & packsadle and bridles 13s 4d Item a yoke and stringe a wayne bedd and cart bedd and other plow tymber aboute the house 30s Item a turkey cocke and 4 turkey hens 10s Item certeyne oates upon the ground 50s Item hatchets bills iron weddges and other ymplements aboute the house 10s Item in money left in the house and oweing upon specialtie £140 Item twooe flitches of bacon 20s Item one parcell of hay 20s Item one muskett 30s Sum tot £288 18s 6d
Brinkworth Wills to 1650 Page 49 Copyright C.R.G. Henly 1994 Memorandum that upon the fourth day of March in the year of our Lord God 1628, Richard Sherer of Grittenham within the parish of Brinkworth in the county of Wilts husbandman being in perfect remembrance did dispose of his worldly goods by word of mouth in the presence of Jeffery Ody and William Beale Junior as followeth. Item I give unto Joane my wife my best bed and all things belonging to it. Item I give unto William my son a little pot and caldrone or a brass pan which my executor think fit. Item I give unto Edward my son the bed and bedstead standing in the loft. Item I give unto Elizabeth my daughter one Brode? goose. Item I give unto John Newnton that dwelleth with my son John one goose. All the rest of my goods both moveable and unmoveable my debts being paid and my funeral discharged I give unto John my son whom I do make my full and whole executor, desiring him to see all things performed as he will answer to the contrary before God the judge of all truth.
Witnesses William Beale, Jefery Ody.
Probate near Cricklade at the court of Doctor Lyme the second of October 1629.
A true and perfect inventory of all and singular the goods and chattles credits and debts of Richard Sherer late of the parish of Brinkworth in the county of Wilts yeoman deceased valued and praised the thirteenth day of March anno domini 1628 by John Ayliffe gent Humphry Jones and John Beale.
Imprimis a bedstead and bedding 40s Item one pot two pans and three kettles 26s 8d Item two brass candle sticks 2s 6d Item half a dozen of pewter 10s Item a table board and form 3s 4d Item a cuppry vessel 10s Item a cupboard 6s Item four coffers 6s 8d Item two broches one Andyer a bradyer and other old iron 6s 8d Item cheese and other poultry 10s Item benches bonds tacks and other implements 13s 4d Items his wearing apparell 26s 8d Item an other bed and bolster 20s Sum £9 1s 10d
Brinkworth Wills to 1650 Page 50 Copyright C.R.G. Henly 1994 In the name of God Amen the 14th day of July in the yere of our Lord God 1628. I John Fry the elder of Brinckworth in the county of Wiltes beinge weake in body but thankes be unto almightie God in perfecte mind and memory doe ordeine and make by these presents my testament conteyning herein my last will in manner and forme followinge. First I geve and bequeath my soule into the handes of almightie God to rest in the bosome of Abraham and my body to be buried in the churchyeard of the parrishe of Brinckworth aforesaid there to remayne untill the resurrection when my soule shall receave the same body againe to enter into life everlasting by a true and lively fayth throughe Jesus Christ my onely Saviour and Redeemer Amen. And as for my worldly goodes I willingly dispose as followeth. First I geve and bequeath unto Michaell Fry my sonne tenn shillings. Item I geve unto Elizabeth Fry my daughter a fetherbedd that was my vuckells. Item I geve unto my kinsman John Portlocke a yearling calfe. Item I geve unto all the rest of my daughters children twelve pence a peece. Item I geve unto my fower daughters twelve pence a peece. Item I geve unto John Fry and Thomas Fry my sonnes tenn poundes of currant Englishe money viz. five poundes a peece and my will and meaneing is that my overseers within one quarter of a yere after my decease shall sell suche cattell as I leave to raise the said some of tenn poundes and be putt out by them at their discretion to the most comoditie of my said twooe sonnes untill they shall accomplishe the age of 21 yeres excepting that I will my wife shall have the use or morease of their stockes towards theire breedinge untill they shall accomplishe the age of 14 yeres. But yf either of my said twooe sonnes fortune to decease before he shall accomplishe the age of 21 yeres then his stocke so deceased shall redowne to the other. All the rest of my goodes and cattells both moveable and unmoveable not before by me geven nor bequeathed my legacies and debtes being paide and my funerall expences ended I will that Alice my wife shall have whom I ordeine and make my whole executrixe. And finally I ordeine and make my welbeloved in Christ Michaell Fry my sonne and John Fry of Brinckworth my kinsman overseers of this my last will and testament to see that all thinges accordingly iustly and truely be delivered contented satisfied and paid and for theire paynes takeing herein I geve unto them 12d a peece. Also further my will and meaneing ys that yf the said Alice my wife after my decease shall fortune to marry then all suche my houshold stuffe and goodes that become due unto her by reason of executrixshipp shall redowne wholely unto my said twooe sonnes John and Thomas. Those beareing wittnesse being called John Frye his marke William Lewen the writer John Smyth his marke a wittnes
Probate at Malmesbury 9th April 1630.
Brinkworth Wills to 1650 Page 51 Copyright C.R.G. Henly 1994 An inventorie taken the 19 daie of February in the yere of our Lord Christ one thousand six hundred twenty and nyne of all the goodes and cattells & houshold stuffe of John Frye of Brinckworth in the county of Wiltes husbandman deceased appraised by William Clarke John Frye Michaell Frye and Robert Wayte & others as followeth.
Imprimis in the hall one tablebord one forme one plancke & br... and one litle forme one olde cheir being a short tack bord 6s One fire pan one paire of tonges 2 brotches and three iron andirons at 5s Item 2 brasse pannes £2 Item one great brasse kettle at 16s Item 2 litle brasse crookes one broken spice morter at 21s Item 3 paier of pothockes at 12d Item 10 pale of pewter 6 spones a litle salt one sauser one skimber a litle candlesticke 1 old friinge pan 20s Item 3 old poules one pondring a tubb 3 barrells 2 koules and one butter churne at 13s In the chamber within the halle
Item one olde cubbord one presse for buyinge clothes one bedstide of bords one old trough 3 olde coffers and one box at 14s Item 2 tacke bordes 4 old cheesefates at 18d Item one olde serch an old stick & one butter baskett at 20d Item one fetherbedd with a canvas case at 10d Item 2 paier of old sheetes at 13s Item one flock bolster one lift coverlide one blanket at 8s 8d In the lift over the chamber
Item one cheese rack one old pairr of skales 2 kevers one old barrell one old coffer with other old ymplements at 4s Item tenn litle cheeses 3 shall flitches of bacon and one peece of salt byffe at 30s Two pannes of hopps 1 turn & one reele at 2s In the chamber over the hall
Item 2 borded bedstides 1 coffer 1 shorte forme at 5s Item one fether bedd one flock bedd 4 bolsters 4 coverings one rudgg one pair of blanketts at £4 Item his weareing apparrell at 40s Item one parcell of woode & some old bordes at 20s Item 3 keyne at £7 10s Item 3 heyfers and one litle bull at £4 10s Item two yerling calves at 20s Item in hey in the grounde standinge for the cattell £3 Item for eight geese wherof 3 ganders at 4s Item one olde litle grindinge stone at 10d Item one other blacke tagle cowe at 50s Some £35 10s 2d Shown at Malmesbury 9th April 1630
Brinkworth Wills to 1650 Page 52 Copyright C.R.G. Henly 1994 In the name of God Amen the twentie sixth day of January in the yeare of our Lord God one thousand six hundred thirtie and two and in the eight yeare of the raigne of our Sovraigne Lord Charles by the grace of God of England Scotland Fraunce & Ireland King Defender of the Faith &c. I Thomas Davis als Taylor of Brinckworth in the countie of Wilts yeoman being sick in body but whole in minde & of good & perfect remembrance thankes be given to God doe make and ordaine this my present will & testament (revocking all former willes by me made) in manner & forme following. First I commit & commend my soule into the handes of Allmightie God trusting onelie in his mercie to be saved by the merits of the death & passion of his deare sonne Jesus Christ my only & alone sufficient Saviour and my body to be buried in the church yeard of Brinckworth aforesaid. Item I give & bequeath unto Alice Davis my wiffe ten poundes of good & lawfull money of England preised & taken yearely forth of my messuage or tenement in Brinckworth in the countie aforesaid with theappurtanences called or knowen by the name of Sabyns & forth of the rents of all & singuler the meadowe groundes & pastures belonging to the said messuage & tenement for and during the whole terme of three score & ten yeares if the said Alice Davis als Taylor shall happen so long to live for (the maintenance of her self & children and to raise portions & legacies for my three children William Davis, Anthony Davis & Alice Davis as she shall be able to such somme & sommes as my overseers shall appoint or in there opinions thinke fite). Item I give & bequeath unto my sonne Edward Davis als Taylor & his assignes all that my messuage or tenement & all & singuler landes meadowes pastures commons profits & advantages whatsoever thereunto belonging or in anywise appurtaining with my indenture of lease of the said premisses together with all my possession right tithe & interest & all the terme of yeares yet unexpired & yet to come of the yeares expressed & recited in & uppon the said indenture of Lease. And allso all other my goodes & chatles (the aforesaid annuitie excepted to be payed as aforesaid) I give and bequeath unto my said sonne Edward Davis als Taylor. And I make & ordaine my said sonne Edward Davis als Taylor my whole and sole executor of this my last will & testament. And I doe nomynate & appoynt my beloved Brother in Law Christopher Leigh Clark my brother Anthony Davis als Taylor & William Clark the Elder my overseers of this my last will & testament whereof I the said Thomas Davis als Taylor to this my last will & testament have set my hand & seale the day & year first above written.
Read signed sealed & delivered in the presence of us Christopher Leigh Clark the mark of Anthoney Davis William Clarke the elder William Clarke the younger the marke of Thomas Davis als Taylor Probate Sarum 18th September 1639
Brinkworth Wills to 1650 Page 53 Copyright C.R.G. Henly 1994 A true & perfect inventory of all and singuler the goods & chattelles of Thomas Davis als Taylor late of Brinckworth in the countye of Wilts deseased taken & prised by William Clarke the Elder Anthony Frie & Jeffery Henly of Brinckworth aforesaid yeomen the 7th day of February 1632.
In the hall
Imprimis the table board & frame & forme a chaire & a cubboard with five stooles 14s Item the pewter vessells 15s Item the brassen vessells £2 10s Item a paire of iron andirons a broth & a dripping pann & other iron stuffe 8s Item the coup vessells 10s In the chamber over the hall
Item 2 chests & one coffer with a box & a trunck 12s Item one litle rounde table board & frame ) 35s Item 3 ..... bedsteedes ) Item one fetherbead 2 feather boulsters one sheet & a coverleat 40s Item one carpett cloth 3 chriskinge 10s Item one meat clothe a towell & two table napkines 5s Item certaine tackes & shilfes about the house 3s 4d Item two flocke beddes 10s In the upper house
Item a maulte querne & a cheese presse 15s Item 2 hatchets 3 peekes & other implements about the house 10s Item his wearing apparell £10 Item 2 ladders 2s Item 2 kine & yearling £6 Item his chattle leace of his messuage or tenement with thappurtanences in Brinckworth £340 Sume tot £378 9s 8d
Brinkworth Wills to 1650 Page 54 Copyright C.R.G. Henly 1994 In the Name of God Amen. I John Ayliffe of Grittenham within the parish of Brinkworth [......] weake in body but of good and perfect memory (thanks be unto the Lord of all) doe make herein [......] followinge. Imprimis I commend my soule into the hands of God my [......] and my body I committ to the earth to be buryed in the Chancell of the parish church of Brinkworth [......] my worldly goods wherwith the lord hath indued me, them I devise as followeth. [......] I have bestowed all my daughters now maryed already with competent portions [......] provyded for all my [......] reasonable means to maintaine her estate and [......] as myne estate and [......] the tyme of mer mariage hereof delivered by and unto every of them certaine summes of money [......] I doe now bequeath [......] to every of my sayd sonnes and daughters who shalbe alyve at my decease a gold ring [......] in token of my love and last remembrance. Item I bequeath and give to my daughter Sarah [......] payd to her so long as she is not maryed if her means of maintenance fall out [......] other courses by me intended already as hearafter to be devized and no longer. And the same termes [......] payed to her at michalmas and at ladyday by equall portions by myne executor to be named hearafter in this my last will, and what is by an agreement concluded betwene me and my now wife (and mother to the sayd my daughter Sarah) before a [......] that she my sayd wife would be contented and satisfied with two hundred pounds at my day of death, if she should survive. which two hundred pounds was agreed upon to be for and in lieu of a wynter or any other comoditye and [......] yearly [......] of my landes & lyvings by way of goods or other dowrye whatsoever but contrary to [......] made the sole purpose and intend to clayme the [......] of all my lands and hereditance which may [......] undoinge of my sonne and heires, and whereas I was againe willinge of a peaceable [......] have earnestly desired her to accept of all the profits and benefits that may arise forth of my manor of Foxley to be [......] by her and her assignes duringe her naturall life if she shall survive me [......] which she consented and yealded as her sayd daughter [......] be provided for by [......] pounds for and [......] a mariage portion and to that purpose there was made a certaine feofment [......] delivered to my sonne Thomas Smith for the selling of all goods and cattell as I had in and upon my sayd manor of Foxley, Dansey Park and in Grittenham Forest [......] of the sayd portion according to honestie and to the [......] mighte accept of her sayd wynter [......] after my sayd sonne and heire by whose means [......] daughter Sarah was [......] of all considerations notwithstandinge my now wife [......] as she yielded and [......] and for the [......] causes I am moved to ordayne as followeth that is to say. [......] and devise that Sir George Ayliffe my eldest sonne and heire shall receive and take into his [......] goods and cattle as [......] by mee conteyned as above is mentioned to his owne propper use and benefit [......] accept of the wynter afore mentioned. And [......] her intent is to rayse up so much means out of myne estate [......] I [......] my said daughter Sarah be provided for by her sayd mother as concerninge her mariage portion [......] at my time of my weakness made of conveyed to the sayd Thomas Smith. Item I doe give & bequeath to [......] of Foxley parish and pore relief the summe of fourty shillings yearly to be payed for ever [......] parson of the sayd parish for the time being to be delivered by him quarterly to the sayd pore at his discretion [......] and leave to my said wife Elizabeth a gold ring worth thirtie shillings besied the gold and jewellry which [......] with myne owne hand at the time of the makinge of this my last will. Item I appointe my [......] and set up at his discretion a fit and decent toombe for me and my three former wives that [......] [......] Lastly I doe abrogate all and every former will or wills my me at any time made and doe hereby make my eldest son George Ayliffe executor of this my last will, unto whom I give and leave all my goods and chattels moveable and unmoveable whatsoever. And further I doe ordaine and my will is that if any controversie or contention shall chance to aryse [......] any matter [......] or sentence which may seem doubtful in this my last will,
that Robert Foster now Rector of the said Foxley shall explaine and determine such question accordinge the true meaninge hereof, who best and most of all men hath [......] my purpose herein. And for the overseers of this my will I appointe my sonne in law Thomas Smith, John Ayliffe, Arthure Ayliffe and Thomas Ayliffe, and in respect of their friendly countenance [......] executor of the same I give to every of them fyve pounds. In witness whereof I have fully established the same in the presence of these present as witnesses the tenth day of December 1630 in the sixth yeare of the reign of our Sovereign Lord Charles by the grace of God King of England Scotland France & Ireland Defender of the Faith.
Thomas Ayliffe Robert Foster ....... White Rector of Foxley Ayliffe White Mem that this will was shewed unto Thomas Ayliffe at the tyme of his ......
to the 15th ...... as the ...... the ...... by us
Thomas Tyndale
Arch Hampton
Brinkworth Wills to 1650 Page 56 Copyright C.R.G. Henly 1994 In the name of God Amen the seaventh day of October in the yere of our Lord God one thousand syxe hundred thyrtie five. I Anthony Fry of Brinckworth in the county of Wiltes mercer being weake in body but thankes be unto God in perfecte minde and memory doe ordeine and make by these presents my testament conteyning herein my last will in manner and forme followinge. First and before all thinges I geve and bequeath my soule into the handes of Almightie God to rest in the bosome of Abraham and my body to be buried in the churchyeard if Brinckworth aforesaid there to remayne untill the resurrection when my soule shall receave the same body againe to enter into life everlastinge by a true and lively faith through Jesus Christ my Saviour and redeemer Amen. And as for my worldly goodes I willingly dispose as followeth. First I geve unto Anthony Fry my sonne the three poundes that he oweth unto me. Also I geve unto Michaell Fry my sonne all my weareing apparrell excepting my best coate. Also I geve unto Jeffery Fry my sonne three poundes of currant English money. Also I will that Elizabeth Fry my daughter shall have the fetherbedd that her grandmother gave to her, one sheete, one boulster a payre of blancketts and a coverleade, a pewter platter and a pottenger of that sort that was her mothers, one coffer and a boxe. All the rest of my goodes and chattells not before by me geven nor bequeathed, both moveable and unmoveable, my legacies and debtes being payde and my funerall expences ended, I will that Elizabeth my wife shall have whom I ordeyne and make my whole executrixe. And finally I ordeyne and make my welbeloved in Christ Frauncis Richman and Jeffery Pynnell of Brinckworth aforesaid yeomen overseers of this my last will and testament to see that all thinges accordingly and truely be delivered contented satisfied and paide.
These beareing wittnes being called Anthony Fry William Lewen the writer William Clarke Probate at Chippenham 22nd July 1636.
Brinkworth Wills to 1650 Page 57 Copyright C.R.G. Henly 1994 November the 5th Anno Domini 1635 A true and perfect inventory of all & singuler the goods chattells cattells utellties & houshould stuffe of Anthony Fry late of Brinckworth in the countie of Wilts mercer had & taken by William Clarke Senior Francis Richman Jeffery Pinnell & Jhon Fry the day & yeare first above written.
Shown at Chippenham 22nd July 1636.
Brinkworth Wills to 1650 Page 59 Copyright C.R.G. Henly 1994 In the name of God Amen the eighteenth day of September Anno Domini 1637. I William Barnes of Brinkworth in the county of Wiltes yeoman being weake in body but of good & perfect memory thankes be to God therefore doo make this my last will & testament in fourme following that is to say. First I comend my soule into the hands of allmightie God & my bodie to be buried in Christian buriall hopeing assuredly for a joyfull resurrecon of the same by the meritts of Christ my Saviour. Item I give unto the poore of the parish of Brinkworth 5s. Item I give unto my sonn Richard Barnes 10s. Item I give unto every of my daughters 5s a peece and unto my godchildren William Sherer, William Tarrant, Ann Beck & Alice Wayte 5s a peece. Item I geve unto Oliver Tarrant all my wearing apparrell. The rest of my goods I geve unto my sonn William Barnes whome I doo make sole executor of this my will. In witnes whereof I have hereunto sett my hand & seale & published this to be my last will the day & yeare above written in the presence of
William Coqeurr Junior William Barnes Jone Tarrant her marke Alice Wayte Probate Marlborough 11th December 1638.
A true and perfect inventory of all & singuler the goods & chattells of William Barnes late of Brinckworth in the county of Wiltes yeoman deceased taken the seaventh day of September Anno Domini 1638 by George Sherer Henry Wayte & Oliver Tarrant as followeth viz.
Brinkworth Wills to 1650 Page 62 Copyright C.R.G. Henly 1994 In the name of God Amen. I Agnes Clarke of Brinckworth in the County of Wilts widdow beinge sicke in body but sound in minde (thankes be unto Allmighty God) doe ordaine and make this my last will and testament as followeth. First I bequeath my soule to Allmighty God who gave it mee, and my body to bee buried in the churchyard of Brinckworth. And of my worldly goods I dispose thus. Imprimis I give unto William Clarke, John Clarke and Tobias Clarke the sonnes of Jeffry Clarke late deceased to either of them ten poundes apeece to be payd unto them without increase of usury at the age of one and twenty yeeres. And if it soe happen that any or either of them dye before they come to the age aforesaid that then the porcion or portions thus given shall redowne or bee divided to the survivor or survivors of them, and my will is that they receive these portions severally as soone as they attaine the age aforesaid or within a month following the expiration of the sayd yeares. Item I give unto Hanna Dirrham the daughter of Richard Dirrham eight poundes to be payd unto her at the age of one and twenty yeares or at the day of marriage which of them shall first happen. Item I give unto Elizabeth Robbins twoe poundes, my best goune, twoe holland aprons, twoe of my best holland kercheifes and my best cuffe. Item I give to Mary Dirrham my best petticoate my cloake and my blacke silke apron. Item I give unto Alice Hooke my sister tenne poundes to bee payd unto her within three monthes after my decease. Furthermore I give unto the sayd Alice all the rest of my wearinge apparell not before by mee given to be delivered unto her within twoe dayes after my buriall. And if it soe happen that Alice Hooke dye before shee receive both the monye and apparrell that then both apparrell and money shalbee given unto Elizabeth Robbins aforesaid. Item I appoynt for the Lords herriot three poundes. Item to the mother church of Sarum 1s. Item to the poore of the parish of Brinckworth 20s to bee distributed by my overseers at the day of my funerall. Item I make Richard Dirrham sole executor of this my last will and testament. Lastly I nominate and desire Tobias Crispe Minister, rector of Brinckworth, Jeffry Pinnell and William Clarke the younger to bee overseers of this my last will and testament. Finally I doe by this act make voyd all former wills heretofore by mee made beareinge what date soever and doe ordaine this for my last will and testament. In witnesse whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and seale the three and twentyeth day of May in the yeere of our Lord God one thousand six hundred thirtye and eight.
Sealed and delivered in the presence of Henry Pinnell Cleric the mark of Margreat Pinnell Probate Malmesbury 19th May 1640.
Brinkworth Wills to 1650 Page 63 Copyright C.R.G. Henly 1994 A true and perfecte inventorie taken of all the goods of Agnes Clarke widdow latte deceaced. June 3 1639.
Imprimis thirty pounds of monny uppon bond of John Derham.
Item ten pounds of monney uppon bond of the widdow Wayte.
Item in her lodging chamber one chayer three lettle pellowes & blanckettes
one bed and to peare of sheettes praysed att one pound thirtyne shillinges foure pence.
Item monny in her possession twenty poundes.
Item in the ketching to lettle kettles to lettle skelletes and other smale thinges praysed att eleven shillings.
Item in the chese lofte chese cackes a chese racke and a peare of skealles with other thinges praysed at fifteene shillinges.
Item in the kitchinge of coppry stoose one cowle three barrelles with other coppry stoose praysed at fifteene shillings.
Item her hates and her gownes and all her wearing apparrell praysed at six pound ten shillinges.
Item wood about the house and palles praysed at forty shillings.Praysed by Thomas Hayward, Robbertte Morris, John Derham.
Brinkworth Wills to 1650 Page 64 Copyright C.R.G. Henly 1994 Administration granted to Elizabeth Henly, widow relict, and John Beale, yeoman of Brinkworth 30th October 1638.
A true and perfect inventory of all and singular the goods, ...., chattles, credits and debts of Jeffry Henly of Brinkworth in the county of Wilts teoman deceased intestate taken valewed and indifferently praysed the 19th day of September Anno domini 1638 by George ........ ........ Panting and others.
Imprimis debts oweing to the deceased £1 10s 0d Item two maers £9 0s 0d Item two mylch kynne £6 13s 4d Item 100 sheepe £30 0s 0d Item 3 weyrling calves £2 0s 0d Item a wood pylle and other wood £6 0s 0d Item 2 hoggs and 2 steer piggs £3 6s 8d Item his apparell £6 13s 4d Item money in his pursse £3 10s 0d Item butter and cheese Item woole and yearne £32 17s 0d Item two peeces of cloth £1 4s 0d Item a bible booke £0 10s 0d Item a feather bed 4 pillows a coverlet a peir of blainkets a pear of sheets and a flock bed £3 10s 0d Item a carpet a table cloth two qushings one blaynket and a sheet £1 0s 0d Item a pillow casse £0 4s 0d Item a table bord & frame and one coffer £0 10s 0d Item a bedsteed a bed cusse two coverlets and a pear of blaynkets and a bouster £1 0s 0d Item a ketle a panne & a spete £1 0s 0d Item 19 peeces of pewter £1 18s 0d Item a coffer a boxe & a candlesticke £0 8s 0d Item bridles sadles picks rakes and other lumber and emplements of houshould stuffe in and about the house £0 10s 0d Item two stocks of bees £0 10s 0d Item 6 gallyns of oyle £0 18s 0d Sume £114 12s 4d
Brinkworth Wills to 1650 Page 65 Copyright C.R.G. Henly 1994 The accompt of Elizabeth Henly the relict and administratrix of all & singuler the goods chattles & credits of Jeffery Henly late of Brinkworth in the county & Archdiarsonry of Wilts intestate deceased made at Malmesbury the 27th day of April 1639 followeth viz.
Charge The Inventory £114 12s 4d Discharge For the charges of the funerall of the deceased enyway £6 Payd to Stephen Franklin a debt due from the deceased of £18 3s Payd to ..... Clarke widow a debt due from the deceased the sum of £5 4s Paid to Nicholas Ponting for rent due in the deceaseds ..... £3 5s There is a debt alsoe of the deceased due to Andrew Marke yet unpayed £10 8s There is a debt due from the deceased to William Day yet unpayed of £12 There is another debt due from the deceased to William Wallis yet unpayed £11 There is another debt due to William Walker from the deceased yet unpayed of £12 Due to this accompte another from the deceased yet unpayed of £5 Another debt yet unpayed due to John Skull of £6 For the fees of seeing out the .... of administration 14s 8d For the fees of this accompt 40s Sum £81 14s 8d Leaving £22 17s 8d
Children: William Henly 11 Thomas Henly 9 Alix: Henly 8 Geoffery Henly 5 Adam Henly 2
Brinkworth Wills to 1650 Page 66 Copyright C.R.G. Henly 1994 In the name of God Amen the 7th day of Aprill Anno Domini 1639. I Anthony Bealle of Brinckworth in the county of Wiltes husbanman being sicke in bodie by prayse be to allmightie God of wholle and perfect memorie to make and ordaine this my testament and last will in maner and forme followinge. First I bequeth my soule to allmightie God my maker and redemer and my bodie to be bured in the churchyard of Brinckworth when it shall plese God to take me by his visitation. Item I bequeth to the churche of Brinckworth 12d. Allso I give Mary Edwardes the wife of William Edwardes the message and teneyment that now I leve in withe the Apurtanence ther unto belongen after the deathe of Mary my wife that now is. Item I give to William Edwardes my godson 20s a yeare so loung as Mary my wife that now is shall live and if the said William Edwardes shall hapen to dy then it shall remaine to be paied to the reste of his brothers and sisters by yeven and equall porsions. Item I geve the same William on bedsted and bede withe the apurtancies ther unto belongen more I give to the same William my best coverled. Item I give him my best ketell and my best potte and my tabellborde and the cobord to be delivered after the desese of my wife that now is. Item I give to John Willshere five shellenes a yere. Item I give to William Owenes wife 5s a yeare. Item I geve to Georg Sotton five shellenes a yere. Item I geve to An Williames five shellenes a yeare due to be paied to thesse fower parties and to theyer asignes by yeven and eaquall porsions as it is be foore given due to be paid as long as my wife shall live. Item I give to my brother Thomas Bealle of Henton 12d. Item I geve to my sester Jhone Skull 12d. Item I give to Margret Sotton my sester 12d. Item my will is that Mary my wife shall pay eight poundes a yeare of good and lawfull money of England unto those parties unto whom it shall hapen to be due unto for the space of fower yeares shell the just som of thirty and to poundes be paied. Item my will is that yf my wife should hapen to die befoore and of thes severall sumes be paied that them my will is that William Edwardes husbane of the afore named Mary Edwardes shall pay or cause to be paied those somes of good and lawfull money of England to the value of thirty and to poundes unto those parties unto whom it shall hapen to be dewe. All the rest of my goodes chattles and debtes to me owene after my debtes paid and my funerall expenses performed I will that Mary my wife shall have whom I ordaine and make my wholle executrix. And finally I ordaine and make my wellbeloved in Christ Hendry Coulborne my father in lawe and William Edwardes overseares of this my last will and testament to se that all thinges acordingely justly and truely be delivered contented satisfied and paied. Anthoney Bealle his marke. Those bering wittnes William Clarke. Sined and sealed and delivered in the presents of us. Tobias Crispe D.D. and Rector of Brinkworth William Clarke.
Memorandum before the sealine her of I give to Elizabeth Coulborne dafter of Hendery Coulborne of Charlton 20s.
More I give to Sarra Clifford my god dafter 10s
More I give to the pore of Brinckworth 4s. My will is that docter Crissp shall have the given and despossen of it.
Anthony Beale.Probate Malmesbury 28th December 1639.
Brinkworth Wills to 1650 Page 67 Copyright C.R.G. Henly 1994 Wiltes. A true and perfecte inventory of all and singular the goods and chattells of Anthony Beale late of Brinckworth in the county aforesaid deceased taken and praysed by Thomas Lewen the elder Robert Maslyn and William Edwards of Brinckworth aforesaid yeomen the 25th day of July in the yere of our Lord God one thousand syxe hundred thyrtie nyne.
Imprimis one heyfer praysed at £3 Item a parcell of hay 20s Item eleven geese 5s 6d In the hall
Item twooe brasse potts 20s Item twooe brasse kettles and a skillett 18s Item the pewter vessells 6s Item the table board frame and forme one joynd stoole and a cheyre 6s Item one old culboard 3s Item the coupery vessells 10s Item a payre of iron andirons on broach a payre of hangels and a frying pann 6s 8d In the chamber over the hall
Item one boarded beddsteed 8s Item twoo old beddes twooe coverledes 30s Item twooe boulsters and twooe pillowes 10s Item a payre of sheetes a payre of blancketts twooe pillow cases and an old coverlead 6s 8d Item 4 coffers and a boxe and a strawen chayre 6s 8d Item a truckl beddsteede and twooe boardes 4s Item the lynnen clothes 5s Item a parcell of wooll 4s Item certeyne cheeses 4s Item his weareing apparrell 30s Item parte of a flitch of bacon 4s Item a payre of myllstones spyninge tournes and other ymplements aboute the howse 6s Item the estate of his tenement that he lately held dureing the life of Mary his wife £60 Item sperat debt £2 Some £73 14s 8d Shown at Malmesbury 28th September 1639.
Brinkworth Wills to 1650 Page 68 Copyright C.R.G. Henly 1994 In the name of God Amen the 27th day of March anno domini 1639. I Edward Sherrer of Grittenham in the county of Wilts yeoman being weak in body but in perfect mind and memory thanks I give to God for it do ordain and make this my last will and testament in manner and form following. First I give and bequeath my soul and spirit into the hands of Almighty God to rest in the bosom of Abraham and my body to be buried in the churchyard of Brinkworth when it shall please God to call me there to remain until the resurrection when my soul shall receive the same body again to enter into life everlasting by a true and lively faith through Jesus Christ my Saviour and Redeemer Amen. And as for my worldly goods I willingly dispose as followeth. Item I give unto William Sherrer my brother twelve pence. Item I give unto John Sherrer my brother twelve pence. Item I give unto Elizabeth White my sister twelve pence. Item I give unto Elizabeth Sherrer and Margery Sherrer the daughters of John Sherer my brother twelve pence apiece. Lastly all my goods and chattels both moveable and unmoveable not before by me given nor bequeathed my debts being paid my legacies performed and my funeral expenses ended my will is that John Sherrer the son of William Sherrer my brother shall have whom I ordain and make my full and whole executor of this my last will and testament. And finally I do ordain and make my wellbeloved in Christ Arthur Ayliff gent and Henry Wayte senior overseers of this my last will and testament desiring them to see that all things herein be truly delivered contented satisfied and paid and for their pains taken therein I give unto them 12d apiece. The mark of Edward Sherer
Those being witnesses Arthur Ayliffe, Henry Wayte probate at Malmesbury 27 April 1639.
Brinkworth Wills to 1650 Page 69 Copyright C.R.G. Henly 1994 A true and perfect inventory of all and singular the goods household stuff and implements of household stuff of Edward Sherer late of the parish of Brinkworth in the county of Wilts yeoman deceased truly taken and praised the third day of April anno domini 1639 by George Palmer John Potter and William Wayte as followeth viz.
£ s d Imprimis one standing bedstead 0 - 6 - 8 Item one other old bedstead 0 - 3 - 0 Item all his bedding 1 - 10 - 0 Item all his brass 0 - 8 - 0 Item all his pewter 0 - 13 - 4 Item certain working tools 0 - 12 - 0 Item one chest one press and one box 0 - 10 - 0 Item all his wooden vessells 0 - 50 - 0 Item one coffer two chairs and two stools 1 - 3 - 0 Item all his iron stuff 0 - 3 - 0 Item two picks and one prikestale 0 - 2 - 0 Item one grindstone 0 - 2 - 6 Item two sieves 0 - 3 - 0 Item one old bible and other old books 0 - 50 - 0 Item all his wearing apparell 1 - 10 - 0 Item all his other lumberment 1 - 0 - 0 Item one old frame of a table board in the custody of John Sherrer the testators brother 0 - 2 - 0 Debts owing to the testator upon speciality
Imprimis one bond of £10 wherein William Beale and George Sherer standeth firmly bounden unto the testator with condition for the true payment of £5 2s upon the 5th day of February last 1638
Item one bond of £4 wherein Walter Foskett and Jane Foskett standeth firmly bounden to the testator with condition for the true payment of £2 1s 7d upon the 21s day of December 1635
Sum is £15 2s 1d
Brinkworth Wills to 1650 Page 70 Copyright C.R.G. Henly 1994 In the name of God Amen the to and twenty day of October in the yeare of our Lord God on thousand six hundred thirty and nine I Jone Skull in the parishe of Brinckworth in the county of Wilts beinge sicke in bodie but in perfect mind and memory thanks be unto God for it I do ordeyne and make by thes presentes my last will in maner and forme followinge. First I bequethe my soull and spirit to the hands of the Allmightie God to rest in the bosom of Abraham and my body to be buried in the churchyard of Brinckworth aforesaid ther to remaine untill the resurection when my soulle shall receave the same bodie againe to enter into life everlastinge through Jesus Christ my Saviour and Redemer Amen and as for my worldly goodes I willingely dispose as followeth. First I give to William Reve my kinsman forty shellenes on bord and forme which standeth in the halle more I geve a bed and a bedsted on Ruge on blanket on shete on boulster. Item the best yoote. Item I give to William Edwards the yonger twenty shellenes. Item I geve to my dafter Mary Edwardes my best coverled. Item I geve by best kettell to Edward Edwardes the son of William Edwardes. Item I geve to Hanna Edwards a bouster casse and Item I give Mary Edwardes the younger a pillow casse. Item I give to Thomas Knape on standing bedsted and a fether bed and a fether bouster and on coverled on huland shete and one of the best pillowe casses. Item I geve to William Knape the son of Thomas Knape eight poundes which is in Thomas Knapes hand which is the father of the afoore named William Knape my will is that the said Thomas Knape shalle give bonde to the overseares for this eight poundes within sixe monthes after the desese of his mother in lawe to be paid when William Knape his son shall acompleshe the age of on and twenty yeares with the use ther of. Item I give to my dafter Kattren on flocke bed and a carpete clothe on potte on chaier the best. Item I give to Francis Cliford the worst kettell. Item I geve to Sarra Clifford on cillat. Item I geve to Francis Clifford ten poundes. Item I geve Sarra Clifford ten poundes. Item I give to William Walker five shellenes. Item I give to John Walker five shellenes. Item I geve to Jone Walker ten shellenes more I give to the same Jone a pillowe. Item I give more to the afore named William Reve on kettell pote one cobord. Item I give to An Reve on brasse pan on boxe. Item I give to Jone Reve on gret cofer. Item I give to Francis Skull my son twenty shellenes. Item I give to An Skull five shellenes. Item I give to Magdalen Skull five shelenes. Item I give to Thomas Skull five shellenes. Item I geve more to Jone Skull ten shellenes. Item I give to the afoore named Thomas Knape the planckes that be losse in the cowe house. Item I geve to Thomas Knape such lossewood that lieth aboute the housse. Item I give to Margret Sotten ten shellenes. Item to my brother Thom Bealle twelvpence. Item I give to Thomas Reve twellvepence more to John Reve twellpence more to Jone Reve twellpence. Item I give to Cattren my dafter and Mary Edwardes my dafter and to Jone Knape my dafter all my wering aparell to be devided by even and equawll porciones. Item I give to the poore of the parishe of Brinckworth ten shellenes. The rest of my goodes chattelles and debtes to me owen after my debtes paid and my funerall expences performed I will that William Edwardes shall have whom I ordaine and make my wholle executer and fineally I ordaine and make my wellbeloved in Christ Thomas Lewen the elder and William Bealle overseares of this my last will and testament to se that all thinges acordingly justly and trewelly to be delivred contented satisfied and paied. Jhone Skull her marke. Thes bering wittnes Thomas Lewen, William Bealle, William Clarke the writter.
Probate Malmesbury 19th May 1640.
Brinkworth Wills to 1650 Page 71 Copyright C.R.G. Henly 1994 The inventorie of all and singuler the goodes and cattelles and debtes of Jone Skull widdow of Brinckworth in the county of Wiltes made taken and praised by Thomas Lewen the elder William Bealle John Walker with otheres. 20th day of November anno domini 1639.
Imprimis first seven pound and ten shellenes dewe from Francis Skull which is dewe upon bond Item Hendry Fry and Anthony Fry the Elder £2 3s Item Hendry Fry and Anthony Fry the younger £4 10s Item Thomas Knap on bond of £10 Item Thomas Knap more £8 Item John Clifford on bond of £3 4s 9d Item on pille of wood £5 Item bordes and planckes and som other wood 3s In the halle on potte on kettell 26s 8d Item to other pottes on kettell on skellat 15s Item on spisse mortter on candellsticke on coppe on salte fower dishes 7s Item on broche on haingles on paire of andenes with other diergere 3s 4d Item on borde and frame more on frame 5s Item on chaier to gindstolles on brasse pan to other stolles 5s Item to barrelles on coulle on paille with other copryewarre 6s Item the chamber within the hall on bedsted on fetherbed on fether bouster on coverlede on huland shete and on of the best pillow casses 3s 6d Item on coverled 30s Item to fether pillowes 3s Item on cobbord on chaies on cofer on boxe on carpet clothe 33s 4d Item the chamber above the staires on bed and bedsted on ruge on blanket on shete and bouster 20s Item on bede 3s Item on cappen and thre henes to pesses of baken apelles and concomers 6s Item her wering aparrill £4 Item bordes and thornes that lieth losse from the moundes with other impellments 10s Item thre kornes with pickes and rakes and all other impellments 5s The som tottall is forty nine poundes five shellenes ten pence
Brinkworth Wills to 1650 Page 72 Copyright C.R.G. Henly 1994 In the name of God Amen I Arthur Ayliffe perfect and sound in body for the better ........ my three young sons Francis Anthonie and Tobias .... do leave and bequeath unto them three leases ..... called by the name of Mount Wicklands and the other called New Lease and the lane the other called Hatchett. I give to my third son Anthonie that ....... Wicklands being a house and four grounds being next to John Ovens house the ....... adjoining to the house then I give to my ........... ground and lane called the Mowe Lease and ...... my second son Francis one ground called ..... and five pounds apiece out of that thing called ..... lands to be paid yearly by my son Anthonie to my son Francis at the two feasts Michaelmas and ... Lady by equal portions during the lives of Giles J.... and ...... Juge by whose lives my children do enjoy their leases, but if it shall happen for my son John Ayliffe to die then my son Francis being the next ..... in my ..... Pinnells Place my intent and meaning is that my son Francis Ayliffe shall have not Hatchett Plott .... five pounds from my son Anthonie Ayliffe ..... have the five pounds go to my son Anthonie Ayliffe ... Hatchett Plott to my son Tobias during the lives of Giles Juge and William Juge, and if it shall happen for my son Anthonie to die my intent and meaning is that my son Francis should have that house and four groves called Mount Wicklands during the lives, and my son Tobias to have Hatchett Plott and the New Lease and ..... And if it shall happen for my son Tobias to die my meaning is that my son Francis shall have the New Lease and the Hatchett Plott, so my son John Ayliffe being alive, but if my eldest son John should die my intent and meaning is my son Francis Ayliffe shall have nothing to do with the three said leases but be cleave void of them, all without any claim or interest from them, and if it shall happen for my son Francis Ayliffe to die my meaning and intent is my son Anthonie Ayliffe to have the four grounds as aforesaid called Mount Wicklands and house and my son Tobias Hatchett Plott and the New Lease and lane, but if it shall happen for my son Francis Ayliffe and my son Anthonie to die my meaning is my son Tobias Ayliffe to enjoy all the leases during the lives, and if (it) shall happen that my son Anthonie Ayliffe and my son Tobias Ayliffe to die my meaning is my son Francis Ayliffe to enjoy all the leases during the term of lives, and if (it) shall happen for my son Francis Ayliffe and my son Tobias Ayliffe to die my intent and meaning is my son Anthonie Ayliffe to enjoy them all during the lives upon them, and those leases to be let out for four years at the best advantage to make portions of money for my said three sons equally divided between them, if the said Francis, Anthonie and Tobias be then living, if two of them be living the money to be divided between then two or one be living the money to be given to this son of the three who it shall please God then to pre... the money being put to use this is my desire that you are to see this done and performed justly for your labour I give you four pounds apiece to be paid when this is done, and I make my wife my whole executrix with and without only I give to my son John Ayliffe the furnace one pot one kettle one feather b..... that belong unto it and my board in the hall after his mothers decease in witness to this I put my hand and seale my overseers Thomas Bennett, Daniel Weekes, Francis Skull and John Dobbs. Arthur Ayliffe
If my three young sons shall die my meaning is my son John Ayliffe to enjoy all the leases during the lives upon them
I further give to my son Francis Ayliffe that ground in Braidon for ..... performed when it shall be taken in or enclosed or the benefit of it during the lives
Brinkworth Wills to 1650 Page 73 Copyright C.R.G. Henly 1994 An inventorie of the goods and chatells moveable and inmoveable of Arther Ayliffe gent deceased by those whose names are under written July 31st anno domini 1645.
Thomas Bennett Thomas Lewen Daniel Weekes Francis Scull John Derham
Brinkworth Wills to 1650 Page 75 Copyright C.R.G. Henly 1994
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