Wiltshire - Ship Money List
This document is taken from an article which appeared in the newspaper "The Swindon Advertiser" on 7th and 14th November 1885.An explanation of the tax called Ship Money and the schedules printed here, may be found in the article, which is reproduced in full on the following page. The original article grouped people within parishes - here they are listed alphabetically by name, with their parish listed to their right. The far right column gives the amount of tax (in pounds, shillings and pence) they were charged.
The following parishes and tythings were covered by the article:
Cleeve Peper
Hilmarton ParishLiddington
Lyddyard Tregoze and Midghall
Lyneham Parishe
Tockenham Weeke
Wootton BassettTranscribed by: Clive R.G. Henly
9, Renfrew Drive,
Ship Money 1635 Page 1 Copyright C.R.G. Henly 1994 SOME OTHER RELICS, NOTES AND REMINISCENCES
One of the ancient forms of Taxation about which we, through the writings of the historian, know the most, was called "Ship Money", which was an imposition aciently charged upon the ports, towns, cities, boroughs and counties of the realm, by writs commonly called ship writs, under the great seal of England, for the providing and furnishing certain ships for the King's service. This imposition was revived by King Charles I, in the years 1635 and 1636; but by Statute 17 Carolus I, it was declared to be contrary to the laws and statutes of the realm, claim of right, liberty of the subject, etc. Before this was done, however, the imposition had led to most momentous consequences, and ultimately to the desposition of the King and the establishment of the Commonwealth.
Thomas Carlyle in his own quaint way refers to this "Ship Money" as follows:- "Two obscure individuals, Peter Aldridge and Thomas Lane, Assessors of Shipmoney, over in Buckinghamshire, had assembled a Parish Meeting in the Church of Great Kimble, to assess and rate the Shipmoney of the said Parish. There, in the cold weather, at the foot of the Chiltern Hills, 11th January 1635, the Parish did attend. John Hampden, Esquire, at the head of them, and by a Return still extant, refused to pay the same or any portion thereof - witness the above Assessors, witness also two Parish Constables whom we remit from such inexpected celebrity. John Hampden's share for this Parish is thirty one shillings and sixpence, for another Parish it is twenty shillings, on which latter sum, not on the former, John Hampden was tried." A little further on in his Cromwell's Letters and Speeches, Carlyle returns to the subject as follows:- On the 6th of November 1637, this important Process of Mr Hampden's began. Learned Mr St John, a dark tough man, of the toughness of leather, spake with irrefragable law-eloquence, law- logic, for three days running, on Mr Hampden's side; and learned Mr Holborn for three other days:- preserved yet by Rushworth in acres of typography, unreadble now to all mortals. For other learned gentlemen, tough as leather, spoke on the opposite side; and learned judges animadverted, at endless length, amid the expectancy of men. With brief pauses, the Trial lasted for three weeks and three days. Mr Hampden became the most famous man in England, by accident partly. The sentence was not delivered till April 1638; and then it went against Mr Hampden: judgment in Exchequer ran to this effect, "Consideratum est per eosdem Barones quod pr`dictus Johannes Hampden de issden viginiti solidis oneretur", - He must pay the twenty shillings, - "et inde satisfaciat". No hope in the Law Courts, then; Petition of Right and Tallagio non concedendo have become an old song.
In the County of Wilts the Tax was liked no better than ot was in Buckinghamshire, but the people appear to have done what they have done ever since - Namely, exercised the Englishman's privilege of paying and grumbling so that nothing more came of it.
In one of the schedules sent by Charles I, to the Sheriffs of counties for raising this Ship Money the following apportionment appears to have been made between several of the leading cities and boroughs of Wiltshire as follows:-
The city of New Sarum (besides the Close) £192 The borough town of Marlborough 60 The borough of Devizes 50 The borough of Chippenham 30 The borough of Wilton 5
Ship Money 1635 Page 2 Copyright C.R.G. Henly 1994 The collection of Ship Money, however, was not confined to cities and boroughs: it was carried on in every parish and hamlet in the country, no one who had property that could be taxed being allowed to escape. And this being so, these Ship Money schedules have always been accepted as a favourite medium for estimating the comparative importance of towns and places two hundred and fifty years ago, with each other, and then for seeing how huch the place has progressed or gone back. For instance, Waylen in his History of Marlborough remarks:- "The comparative wealth and importance of places, as exhibited by these schedules, contrast remarkably with their condition in modern times. Liverpool for instance was rated at an amount which was hardly the eighth part of the assessment on the city of Salisbury, and less than half of that imposed on the borough of Marlborough. The city of Bath appears to have been but very little larger than Marlborough, and less than the eleventh part of the size of Bristol. bristol was the second city in the kingdom, and alone was assessed for a ship of the value of £800. Newcastle-upon-Tyne appears to have come next, being valued at £700. No other provincial towns approached these two in importance."
These schedules, however, would seem to be of more than usual interest and importance when they embrace a complete district of a county, or division of a county, for then they serve to give not only a perfect assessment of the property, but also a census of the inhabitants, with their relative social positions. Following this we purpose by giving a copy of what is probably one of the most perfect of these Ship Money Schedules extant, for the Kingsbridge Hundred, which includes the parishes of Swindon, Wootton Bassett, and a considerable district around. The schedule from which we copy is an original document, in excellent preservation, and which has, we believe, remained in the possession of the descentants of those to whom it was originally addressed, and to whom we are indebted for the courtesy of being allowed to take a copy.
Ship Money 1635 Page 3 Copyright C.R.G. Henly 1994
Last Name: First Names: Notes: Parish: Tax Charged: Acreman Willi: Hilmarton Parish 0-5-0 Addams George Wanborough 0-1-2 Alexander Jeffery Clacke 0-1-0 Allin Henry Liddington 0-5-4 Allworth Gyles for Whithill Lyddyard Tregoze and Midghall 2-3-4 Allworth Gyles (Mr) for Southlease Elcombe 2-0-0 Allworth als Alder John Swindon 0-5-0 Archar Adam Lyneham Parishe 0-10-0 Arman Jo: Wootton Bassett 0-4-0 Arnold Willi: Hilmarton Parish 0-5-0 Arnolde Jo: Clacke 0-3-0 Avenill Willi: Swindon 0-1-0 Badbury Ellen Widow Lyneham Parishe 0-2-0 Badcockes Nicholas farmer Badbury 0-11-6 Baker Richard Ufcott 0-3-0 Baker Robert Lyddyard Tregoze and Midghall 0-5-0 Baker Thomas Ufcott 0-3-0 Barnard Henry Hilmarton Parish 0-10-0 Barnard Humfry Hilmarton Parish 0-10-0 Barnard John Swindon 0-5-0 Barnes Tho: Lyneham Parishe 0-5-0 Bartlett Willi: Woodlockshaye 0-3-6 Bartlott Willi: Clacke 0-0-6 Baskervnd Mrs for Uper Oadhill and Cupes Cleeve Peper 1-3-0 Bathe Jo: Lyddyard Tregoze and Midghall 0-8-4 Bathe Richard Wootton Bassett 0-16-0 Bathe Robert Senior Wootton Bassett 0-5-0 Batten Richard Wootton Bassett 0-6-0 Bayly Joffrey of Wroughton Swindon 0-3-4 Bayly John Hilmarton Parish 0-5-0 Bayly Tho: Hilmarton Parish 0-5-0 Baynard Edward gent Hilmarton Parish 3-0-0 Bell Henry Hilmarton Parish 0-5-0 Bennet Mr see Nicholas Churches Badbury Bishop Thomas farmer Chiseldon 0-2-1 Bishops Tho: farmer Badbury 0-2-1 Blissett Richard Wanborough 0-3-6 Blissett Willi: Broadtowne 0-4-0 Blomer John (Mr) Wanborough 0-12-8 Bloxsam Henry Liddington 0-2-4 Boxall John Wootton Bassett 2-0-0 Brewer Tho: Hilmarton Parish 0-10-0 Briend Anne Widow Wanborough 0-6-4 Briend Anne Widow Wanborough 0-2-7 Briend John Wanborough 0-6-4 Briend John (Mr) Wanborough 1-2-0 Briend John (Mr) for Sir Humfry Foster's land Wanborough 1-3-4 Briend Thomas (Mr) Wanborough 0-13-0 Brinsden Jo: Wootton Bassett 0-4-0 Brinsden Tho: Wootton Bassett 0-18-0
Ship Money 1635 Page 4 Copyright C.R.G. Henly 1994
Last Name: First Names: Notes: Parish: Tax Charged: Brinsden Willi: Wootton Bassett 0-10-0 Bristow Anthony for his stocke Badbury 0-1-0 Bristowe Henry Liddington 0-10-8 Brooke D. Broadtowne 0-4-0 Brookes Jo: Clacke 0-5-6 Brookes Robert Lyneham Parishe 0-4-0 Browne Elizabeth Widow Lyneham Parishe 0-6-0 Browne Henry Senior Lyneham Parishe 0-12-0 Browne Henry Junior Lyneham Parishe 0-3-0 Browne Jo: Tockenham Weeke 0-2-0 Browne Tho: for Huntleye's Tockenham 0-5-0 Browne Tho: Tockenham Weeke 0-8-0 Browne als Weare Richard Ufcott 0-3-0 Buckeridge Anthony Chiseldon 1-14-6 Buckeridge Thomas (Mr) Chiseldon 1-14-6 Bunce Robert for his stocke Badbury 0-1-0 Bunsell Oliver (Mr) Midghall 0-2-0 Burchall Edmund Senior Lyneham Parishe 0-5-0 Burchall Edmund Junior, for Gaye's Living Lyneham Parishe 0-7-6 Burchall Elizabeth Widow Lyneham Parishe 0-10-0 Burchall Jo: Lyneham Parishe 0-5-0 Burchall Nathaniell Lyneham Parishe 0-10-0 Burford Mr for the farme Thornhill 1-12-0 Burforde Mr for the Vicaridge Cleeve Peper 0-16-0 Burges Willi: Thornhill 0-8-0 Bushe Adam Tockenham 0-1-0 Butcher Humphry Tockenham Weeke 0-4-0 Button William (Sir) Hilmarton Parish 0-10-0 Button William (Sir) Kt and Barronett Tockenham 5-5-0 Button William (Sir) for his Parsonadge Tockenham 0-15-0 Button Willi: (Sir) for Roger Reeves Lyneham Parishe 0-6-0 Cambrey Richard Wootton Bassett 0-8-0 Carpenter Edward Woodlockshaye 0-5-6 Carpenter Jo: Hilmarton Parish 0-15-0 Carpenter Robert Swindon 0-2-0 Carter see John and Thomas Dearham Chiseldon Carter John Chiseldon 0-8-4 Cattle Alexander Swindon 0-2-6 Cawley Mrs widow Hilmarton Parish 0-10-0 Cawley Roger gent Hilmarton Parish 2-0-0 Cawley Willi: for Coxes Clacke 0-6-0 Cawley William (Sir) knight Chiseldon 10-6-3 Cawley Wm (Sir) for ye farme Overtowne 3-13-4 Chadwell Mr for ye farme Overtowne 3-13-4 Channdler Tho: Swindon 0-0-0 Chapperlayne Henry Tockenham 0-3-0 Cheeseman John Wootton Bassett 0-2-0 Chesterman Jo: Cleeve Peper 0-8-0 Chesterman Michaell Cleeve Peper 0-1-0
Ship Money 1635 Page 5 Copyright C.R.G. Henly 1994
Last Name: First Names: Notes: Parish: Tax Charged: Christopher Samuell Lyddyard Tregoze and Midghall 0-2-0 Church Nicholas for his stocke Badbury 0-3-0 Church Nicholas Bincknoll 0-10-0 Church Richard Tockenham Weeke 0-2-0 Church Robert Midghall 0-4-0 Church Willi: Wootton Bassett 0-10-0 Church William Cleeve Peper 0-3-0 Churches Nicholas farmer, Mr Bennet Badbury 1-9-0 Clarcke Frances Widow Wanborough 0-1-7 Clarke John Wanborough 0-5-8 Cleeter Christopher Ufcott 1-0-0 Cleeve Alexander for Inlands Wanborough 1-15-4 Cleeve Alexander Wanborough 0-5-0 Clements Robert Hilmarton Parish 1-10-0 Collett Henry Badbury 0-14-3 Collings Willi: (Mr) Swindon 0-10-0 Collman George Elcombe 0-2-0 Collman Lyonell Broadtowne 0-2-0 Combe Alexander for his stocke Badbury 0-2-0 Combe Robert Chiseldon 0-8-4 Combe William and his sonne Chiseldon 0-5-2 Combs William Senior Badbury 0-7-4 Cooper Widow Thornhill 0-2-0 Corlis John Swindon 0-2-6 Costowe Farme Midghall 2-13-4 Coventrey John Wanborough 0-2-6 Coventrey Widow Wanborough 0-2-6 Cowles Richard Clacke 0-0-6 Cowles Richard Tockenham Weeke 0-5-0 Cowles Robert Tockenham Weeke 0-6-0 Cox John (Mr) Wanborough 0-17-0 Cox Kathrine Wanborough 0-6-0 Cox Thomas Junior Wanborough 0-4-0 Cox Thomas of the West Side Wanborough 0-0-6 Cripse Tymothy Wootton Bassett 0-4-0 Crooke Tho: Badbury 0-6-3 Crosby John Carpenter, for his stocke Badbury 0-2-6 Crosly John Badbury 0-11-6 Crosly Thomas Badbury 0-11-6 Cruse Gabriell Wootton Bassett 0-4-0 Curtis Richard Wootton Bassett 0-2-0 Daly John (Mr) Wanborough 0-4-9 Danvers Mr Tockenham Weeke 1-0-0 Dearham John Chiseldon 0-5-2 Dearham John for Carter's living Chiseldon 0-4-2 Dearham Thomas Chiseldon 0-5-2 Dearham Thomas for Carter's living Chiseldon 0-4-2 Denson Willi: Clacke 0-0-6 Dicaridge Tho: Wootton Bassett 1-10-0 Dier Willi: Swindon 0-10-0 Earle Jo: Clacke 0-2-0 Earle Jo: Woodlockshaye 0-1-0 Edney Thomas Swindon 0-13-4
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Last Name: First Names: Notes: Parish: Tax Charged: Edwards Anthony for the Greate Cargayne Wanborough 2-10-8 Edwards Anthony Wanborough 0-4-0 Edwards Mrs Liddington 0-9-4 Edwards Thomas Wanborough 0-8-10 Edwards William of the Streete Wanborough 0-3-6 Eliott Widow Wanborough 0-11-2 Elliott Thomas Wanborough 0-6-0 Elmes Thomas Wanborough 0-0-9 Englefield Frances (Sir) Thornhill 0-7-0 Englefield Frances (Sir) Barronett Wootton Bassett 5-0-0 Englefield Frances (Sir) deceased, his executors Wootton Bassett 15-0-0 Essingdon Robert Hilmarton Parish 0-6-0 Euerid John Chiseldon 1-11-3 Euerid John for Mr King's living Chiseldon 0-16-9 Euerid Noahe Chiseldon 1-11-3 Evans Lewes Chiseldon 0-1-0 Evens Thomas Liddington 0-1-4 Ewen Jo: Senior Swindon 0-5-0 Ewen Jo: Junior Swindon 0-3-4 Ewen Roger Swindon 0-3-4 Ewen Tho: Swindon 0-1-0 Ewen Willi: Swindon 0-6-8 Farmer Henry Senior Swindon 0-10-0 Fewtwill Edward Swindon 0-3-4 Fisher Henry (Mr) Liddington 3-4-0 Fisher Henry (Mr) Wanborough 2-18-0 Fisher William (Mr) Senior Liddington 1-12-0 Fisher William (Mr) Junior Liddington 2-8-4 Fisher William (Mr) Wanborough 0-4-9 Fluce Jo: Swindon 0-2-0 Fluce Willi: Swindon 0-1-0 Foster Humfry (Sir) see Mr John Briend Wanborough Frankline Mr for the tyth of these
fower tythingElcombe 3-13-4 Frankline Widow Lyddyard Tregoze and Midghall 0-3-4 Gaele Jo: Clacke 0-4-0 Gaele John Woodlockshaye 0-0-6 Gaele Richard Cleeve Peper 0-6-0 Gale Jo: Hilmarton Parish 0-15-0 Gallimore Mr for his Parsonage Chiseldon 0-10-0 Gallimore Tho: Ufcott 0-3-0 Gardiner Anthony Liddington 0-10-0 Gardiner Jo: Wootton Bassett 0-2-0 Gardiner John Wanborough 0-3-0 Gardiner John Wanborough 0-2-0 Gardiner Joyce Liddington 0-5-4 Garlicke Robert Broadtowne 0-8-0 Garlicke Tho: Broadtowne 0-3-0 Garlicke Willi: for Little Towne Farme Bincknoll 0-16-0 Garrard Anthony (Mr) for the farme Broadtowne 1-4-0 Garrard Tho: (Mr) Thornhill 0-8-0 Gaye see Edmund Burchall Lyneham Parishe
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Last Name: First Names: Notes: Parish: Tax Charged: George Thomas Wanborough 0-3-0 George Thomas for grasebreache Wanborough 1-3-4 Gillham Giles for Mr Surbye's land Bincknoll 0-19-3 Goddard Edward (Mr) Wanborough 0-3-8 Goddard Mr Cleeve Peper 0-6-0 Goddard Thomas Esq. Liddington 4-0-0 Goddard Thomas Esq. Swindon 5-0-0 Godwin Robert Liddington 0-10-8 Goffe Tho: for his stocke Badbury 0-1-0 Goffe Thomas Robert King's farmer Chiseldon 0-4-2 Goldsmith Jo: of Witcombe, gent Hilmarton Parish 3-0-0 Goodman Humphy Hilmarton Parish 0-5-0 Goodman Robert Clacke 0-0-6 Graunt John Tockenham 0-0-6 Gray Henry Liddington 0-5-4 Gray John Liddington 0-2-0 Greenaway Jo: Ufcott 0-15-0 Greenaway John Wanborough 0-1-0 Greenwood Jo: Lyddyard Tregoze and Midghall 0-4-0 Greenwood Jo: Lyddyard Tregoze and Midghall 0-2-0 Gregory William Tockenham Weeke 0-2-0 Griffin Widow Thornhill 0-2-0 Gybbons Jo: Lyneham Parishe 0-1-6 Gybbs Henry Clacke 0-1-0 Gybbs John Badbury 0-12-6 Gybbs William Lyddyard Tregoze and Midghall 0-4-0 Haggard Henry Liddington 0-5-4 Haggard Henry Wanborough 0-5-4 Haggard Samuell Swindon 0-1-0 Haggarde Edward Wanborough 0-8-3 Hall Richard Wootton Bassett 0-10-0 Hamam Henry Liddington 0-5-0 Haman Henry Wanborough 0-4-2 Haman Willi: see Richard Morse Badbury Hancock John for the Greate Cargayne Wanborough 2-10-8 Hancocke William Wanborough 0-1-2 Harding Nicholas Badbury 0-9-5 Harding Oliver Wootton Bassett 0-2-0 Harding Richard Badbury 0-11-6 Harding Tho: Badbury 0-11-6 Hardinge Elizabeth Widow Badbury 0-18-10 Harper Edward Hilmarton Parish 0-5-0 Harris Roger Swindon 0-5-0 Harte Willi: of Penn Hilmarton Parish 0-10-0 Harward Jo: Vicar Wanborough 1-10-4 Haukes Emma Liddington 0-5-4 Haukes Paull Liddington 0-8-8 Haukes Raphe Liddington 0-2-0 Haukes William Liddington 0-5-4 Haynes Thomas (Mr) Wanborough 0-11-6 Hayward Edward Hilmarton Parish 0-10-0
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Last Name: First Names: Notes: Parish: Tax Charged: Hayward Thomas Cleeve Peper 0-6-0 Head Thomas Wanborough 0-0-6 Heale George Wootton Bassett 0-3-0 Hearing John Junior Liddington 0-4-0 Hearing John Wanborough 0-3-6 Hearing John Wanborough 0-5-0 Hearing Margary Wanborough 0-5-0 Hearing Thomas Junior Wanborough 0-1-2 Hearing Thomas for the Greate Cargayne Wanborough 2-10-8 Hearing Thomas Wanborough 0-4-2 Hearing William Junior Wanborough 0-3-8 Hearing William Wanborough 0-4-6 Hearinge John Senior Liddington 0-12-0 Heath Tho: Senior Swindon 0-13-4 Heath Thomas Junior Swindon 0-3-4 Heath William Hilmarton Parish 0-5-0 Heathe Jo: Senior Swindon 0-2-6 Heathe Jo: Junior Swindon 0-2-6 Heathe Willi: Solthworke Swindon 0-1-0 Henley Jeffery Wootton Bassett 0-4-0 Hill Widow Cleeve Peper 0-8-0 Hinton Martha (Mrs) Wanborough 2-18-0 Hollister Jo: Wootton Bassett 0-2-0 Holloway Jo: for his owne living Clacke 0-5-0 Holloway Jo: Woodlockshaye 0-3-0 Holloway John for Bradenstocke Clacke 1-15-0 Holloway John Swindon 0-5-0 Holloway Miles Swindon 0-2-0 Holloway Nicholas Swindon 0-2-0 Holloway Richard Clacke 0-5-0 Holloway Widow Cleeve Peper 0-10-0 Hopkins Edward of Cleevancy Hilmarton Parish 1-0-0 Hopkins Jo: Hilmarton Parish 1-0-0 Hopkins Richard Swindon 0-2-0 Horne Jo: Swindon 0-3-4 Horne Thomas Wanborough 0-7-0 Howells John Liddington 0-2-0 Hughes Ferdinand Liddington 0-6-8 Humber Lancelot Cleeve Peper 1-4-0 Huntley Tho: Lyneham Parishe 0-5-0 Huntly Richard Senior Lyneham Parishe 0-5-0 Huse Bartholomew Badbury 0-10-5 Huse John Swindon 0-13-4 Jacob Thomas for the land he holds,
late Sir FrancesWootton Bassett 5-0-0 Jacob Willi: Tockenham Weeke 0-12-0 Jacobb John Wanborough 0-12-0 Jacobb Richard Tockenham Weeke 0-7-0 Jacobb Robert Midghall 0-0-11 Jeffery John Hilmarton Parish 0-5-0 Jones Tho: Thornhill 0-4-0 Kemme Anthony Bincknoll 0-8-3 Kemme Richard for the parte Elcombe 1-0-0 Kemme Richard for his 5 yard lands Elcombe 0-16-8 Kent Widow Bincknoll 0-7-0
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Last Name: First Names: Notes: Parish: Tax Charged: Kent Widow Midghall 0-8-4 Kibblewhite Peter for Meighington Lyddyard Tregoze and Midghall 3-6-8 Kimber Anthony Badbury 0-7-4 Kimber John Badbury 0-7-4 King Jane of Penn, widow Hilmarton Parish 0-10-0 King Mr see John Euerid Chiseldon King Robert see Thomas Goffe Chiseldon King Robert of Penn Hilmarton Parish 0-10-0 King Tho: Hilmarton Parish 0-10-0 King Thomas and his sonne Chiseldon 0-9-5 Kingstone Jo: for Rosiers Cleeve Peper 0-4-0 Lamborne William and his sonne Badbury 0-8-4 Lanford Henry Lyneham Parishe 0-10-0 Lanford Widow Tockenham 0-2-6 Langton Oliver Midghall 0-2-0 Lanne Samuell Swindon 0-3-4 Larance Willi: Swindon 0-15-0 Lathe Robert Wootton Bassett 0-8-0 Lawe Roger for Toothill Lyddyard Tregoze and Midghall 3-6-8 Lecy als Hedges Henry Wanborough 3-1-8 Lecy als Hedges John Wanborough 0-1-0 Long Jane (Mrs) Clacke 0-4-0 Long Jane (Mrs) for her Parsonadge Lyneham Parishe 0-5-0 Long Richard Esq. for his temporals Lyneham Parishe 2-0-0 Long Richard Esq. for his Parsonadge of Lyneham and Clacke Lyneham Parishe 0-10-0 Looker James Junior Swindon 0-6-8 Looker Jo: Swindon 0-6-8 Looker Tho: Swindon 0-5-0 Lord John and his sonne Chiseldon 0-13-9 Lovday William for Inlands Wanborough 1-15-4 Loveday Anthony Liddington 0-3-4 Loveday Edmond Wanborough 0-3-2 Loveday John Wanborough 0-7-9 Loveday Thomas Wanborough 0-2-4 Loveday Thomas Wanborough 0-5-0 Loveday William Wanborough 0-5-0 Lovelocke William for his stocke Badbury 0-1-0 Lyddall Robert Wootton Bassett 1-0-0 Macy David Hilmarton Parish 0-15-0 Marloe Mr Archdeacon Lyddyard Tregoze and Midghall 2-10-0 Martin Edward (Mr) of Upham Swindon 0-3-4 Martin Henry (Mr) Swindon 1-0-0 Martin Jane Liddington 0-6-8 Martin Richard Swindon 0-4-0 Maskeline Jane Wootton Bassett 0-6-0 Maskeline Mr for the Parsonage Ufcott 0-16-0 Maskeline Robert Wootton Bassett 0-6-0 Maskelyne Anne Widow Wootton Bassett 0-10-0 Mathew William Liddington 0-3-4 May Jo: of Penn Hilmarton Parish 0-5-0
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Last Name: First Names: Notes: Parish: Tax Charged: Miller Willi: Broadtowne 0-6-0 Mills John and his mother Wanborough 0-4-0 Morecocke Thomas Liddington 0-4-8 Morecocke Widow Wanborough 0-0-11 Morecocke William Wanborough 0-3-2 Morse Henry Liddington 0-6-0 Morse Richard his farmer Willi: Haman Badbury 0-8-0 Morse Richard Liddington 0-10-0 Morse Robert Liddington 0-2-4 Morse Tho: for Oadhill Cleeve Peper 2-0-0 Morse Widow and her sonne Badbury 0-11-7 Morse William (Mr) 1-11-0 Badbury Morse William (Mr) Liddington 0-5-4 Moyse Adam Clarke Lyneham Parishe 0-2-0 Nevill Thomas Elcombe 0-3-4 Newcombe Thomas Lyneham Parishe 0-3-0 Newnton Edward Tockenham Weeke 0-2-0 Newnton Marrian Widow Tockenham 0-16-0 Noake Joane Widow Badbury 0-8-4 Norborne Jo: gent of Gotacre Hilmarton Parish 1-10-0 Nordne Mr his farmers Badbury 3-15-0 Norris Charles Wootton Bassett 0-3-0 Norris Tho: Broadtowne 0-10-0 Norris Thomas Wanborough 0-5-0 Norris Widow Elcombe 0-1-8 Norton William Midghall 0-2-0 Nuthe Marke Wootton Bassett 0-2-0 Orchard Jo: Thornhill 0-6-0 Palmer Richard of Penn Hilmarton Parish 0-10-0 Palmer Willi: clarke Hilmarton Parish 1-0-0 Pannell Edward Lyddyard Tregoze and Midghall 0-0-8 Pannell Jo: Lyddyard Tregoze and Midghall 0-1-8 Pannell Jo: Lyddyard Tregoze and Midghall 0-1-4 Parker Anne Wootton Bassett 1-0-0 Parris Widow and her son Edward Bincknoll 0-9-6 The Parsonadge Liddington 2-0-0 Parsons Jo: for ye remayning parte
of Bincknoll FarmeBincknoll 0-5-3 Parsons Jo: Broadtowne 0-8-0 Parsons Richard Thornhill 0-8-0 Payne Willi: Hilmarton Parish 0-10-0 Perkins Daniel of Wordye Swindon 0-0-9 Perkins Gyles for a copyhold he rents at Cotmse Bincknoll 0-12-10 Perkins Gyles for ye half-yard land Bincknoll 0-3-11 Perkins Gyles Bincknoll 0-11-6 Perkins Jo: for Sir John St John land Lyddyard Tregoze and Midghall 4-6-8 Perkins Jo: Lyddyard Tregoze and Midghall 0-6-8 Pervier Jo: Thornhill 0-2-0
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Last Name: First Names: Notes: Parish: Tax Charged: Phillips Henry Wanborough 1-0-0 Phillips Owen for parte of Bincknoll Farme Bincknoll 2-4-11 Phillips Richard of Wanboroughe Swindon 0-2-6 Phillips Richard Wanborough 0-3-0 Phillips Widow for the farme Cleeve Peper 1-12-0 Phillips Willi: of Litlecot Hilmarton Parish 1-0-0 Phillips Willi: Thornhill 0-6-0 Picke Christopher Bincknoll 0-8-4 Pinniger Blanch Widow Tockenham 0-3-0 Pittman Elizabeth Widow Tockenham 0-1-0 Player Jo: Lyddyard Tregoze and Midghall 0-2-0 Pleydell Charles (Sir) Kt for his demaynes Midghall 12-11-0 Plott Tho: Wootton Bassett 0-2-0 Ponting Edward Hilmarton Parish 0-4-0 Ponting James Hilmarton Parish 0-5-0 Porter Widow Hilmarton Parish 0-10-0 Pound John Wanborough 0-3-2 Pound Mathew Ufcott 0-3-5 Prater Richard for Sir John St John land Lyddyard Tregoze and Midghall 2-10-0 Prater Richard Lyddyard Tregoze and Midghall 0-8-4 Prator Willi: Wootton Bassett 0-2-0 Pullin Thomas Tockenham 0-7-0 Pyle Francis (Sir) see Roger Spackman Broadtowne Pyle Francis (Sir) Cleeve Peper 0-3-5 Quintin Willi: of Corton, gent Hilmarton Parish 2-10-0 Quintyne Edmund Tockenham Weeke 0-4-0 Reade Joh. Wanborough 0-17-6 Reade Phillis Wanborough 0-4-9 Reade Thomas Liddington 0-2-8 Reade Thomas Senior Wanborough 0-4-9 Reade Thomas Wanborough 0-5-0 Reason Richard Wanborough 0-1-3 Reason William Wanborough 0-0-5 Reeve Tho: Clacke 0-0-6 Reeves Roger see Sir Willi: Button Lyneham Parishe Reeves Widow Tockenham 1-5-0 Restirop Widow Swindon 0-3-4 Richman Nicholas Chiseldon 0-4-2 Richman Noahe Badbury 2-15-0 Richman Richard for his stocke Badbury 0-6-3 Richman Richard Chiseldon 0-13-8 Richman Thomas Chiseldon 0-13-8 Richman Thomas Hilmarton Parish 1-10-0 Richman Toby Bincknoll 0-10-4 Richman Toby for Blagroves Elcombe 2-13-4 Robbins Simon Wootton Bassett 0-5-0 Robins Jo: Hilmarton Parish 0-5-0
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Last Name: First Names: Notes: Parish: Tax Charged: Robins Margret widow Hilmarton Parish 0-5-0 Rogers Frances Ufcott 0-3-6 Rolfe John (Mr) Wanborough 1-0-0 Romayne Jo: Hilmarton Parish 0-5-0 Romayne Margaret widow Hilmarton Parish 0-5-0 Rudle Jo: Senior Swindon 0-1-0 Rymell Willi: Clacke 0-0-6 Sadler Jo: Broadtowne 0-6-0 Sadler Jo: Wootton Bassett 0-8-0 Sadler John gent Hilmarton Parish 0-10-0 Sadler Jo: (Mr) Senior Overtowne 1-16-8 Sadler Jo: (Mr) Junior Overtowne 1-16-8 Sadler Jo: (Mr) for Chilton Westlecot 2-0-0 Sadler Mary Widow Wootton Bassett 0-3-0 Sadler Tho: Wootton Bassett 1-0-0 Sadler William (Mr) Elcombe 0-16-8 Sanders Ambrose Bincknoll 0-8-3 Sargeant Jeremy Liddington 0-6-8 Saunders Willi: Lyddyard Tregoze and Midghall 0-6-8 Saunders Willi: for Rachelle Lyddyard Tregoze and Midghall 0-10-0 Say Jo: Wootton Bassett 0-6-0 Say Joane Widow Wootton Bassett 0-6-0 Saymore Jo: Lyddyard Tregoze and Midghall 0-6-8 Shaile Richard Wanborough 0-1-6 Shepheard Mary widow Lyneham Parishe 0-2-0 Sherur Jo: Tockenham Weeke 0-6-0 Shifferde John Wanborough 0-5-0 Shorte Tho: Wootton Bassett 0-4-0 Simpson Jo: Badbury 0-16-9 Simpson Willi: Badbury 0-16-9 Skeate Jo: Senior Wootton Bassett 0-12-0 Skeate Jo: Junior Wootton Bassett 0-5-0 Skilling Henry Swindon 0-5-0 Smarte Edward Wanborough 0-1-0 Smarte Thomas Senior Liddington 0-10-0 Smith Andrew Junior Chiseldon 0-1-6 Smith Jo: Thornhill 0-9-0 Smith Jo: for Barnehill Wootton Bassett 0-12-0 Smith Jo: Wootton Bassett 0-2-0 Smith Thomas Wanborough 0-11-0 Smith Tho: (Mr) Cleeve Peper 0-9-0 Smith Willi: Swindon 0-3-4 Smith Willi: Thornhill 0-6-0 Snett Edward gent Hilmarton Parish 0-10-0 Sotton Mr Swindon 0-3-4 Spackman Edmond Bincknoll 0-10-0
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Last Name: First Names: Notes: Parish: Tax Charged: Spackman Edmund for the halfe-yeard lands Bincknoll 0-2-0 Spackman Roger Broadtowne 0-8-0 Spackman Roger for Sir Francis Pyle's farme Broadtowne 0-13-0 Spackman Roger Thornhill 0-4-0 Spackman Tho: Cleeve Peper 0-2-0 Sparrow Robert Lyneham Parishe 0-10-0 Spence Willi: Hilmarton Parish 0-5-0 Spencer William for Quidhampton Salthrop 2-0-0 Spensen Richard for the farme Elcombe 1-13-4 Spicer Edward Ufcott 0-18-0 Stichall Elizabeth Widow Swindon 0-10-0 Stichall Jo: Swindon 0-1-0 Stichall John (Mr) Swindon 1-0-0 Stichall Lewrnce Swindon 1-0-0 Stichall Thomas Swindon 0-2-0 Still Mr Tockenham Weeke 0-8-0 St John John (Sir) Kt and Barronett, for his land Lyddyard Tregoze and Midghall 2-3-5 Stoute William Wanborough 0-4-0 Streete Anthonie Swindon 0-5-0 Strong Samuell Swindon 0-1-0 Strong Willi: Elcombe 0-1-8 Stronge Anthony Elcombe 0-3-4 Studley Farme Midghall 5-6-8 Surbye Mr see Giles Gillham Bincknoll Symmons James Wootton Bassett 0-8-0 Tailor Thomas Chiseldon 0-4-2 Tanner Thomas his farmer Badbury 0-6-0 Tarrant Oliver Lyneham Parishe 0-6-0 Tayler Benedicke Badbury 0-4-2 Tayler Richard Tockenham Weeke 0-4-0 Taylor Ambrose Swindon 0-1-0 Taylor Tho: Badbury 0-12-6 Thrushe Edward Swindon 0-1-0 Tucke Adam Lyneham Parishe 0-10-0 Tucke Adam Woodlockshaye 0-1-0 Tucke Jo: Lyneham Parishe 0-5-0 Tucke John Hilmarton Parish 0-10-0 Tucke Margret Widow Lyneham Parishe 0-12-0 Tucke Richard Ufcott 0-3-0 Tucke Robert Lyneham Parishe 0-9-0 Tuckey Richard Swindon 0-3-4 Tuckey Robert Senior Swindon 2-0-0 Tuckey Robert Junior Swindon 0-5-0 Tuffe John Chiseldon 0-3-4 Tuffe William Chiseldon 0-3-4 Venn Tho: Lyneham Parishe 0-0-6 The Vicaridge Liddington 0-12-8 Vines Henry Clacke 0-0-6 Violet Rich: (Mr) for Westleaze Westlecot 3-13-4 Violett Arthur Swindon 0-15-0 Violett Thomas Swindon 1-15-0 Wake John Wanborough 0-2-0 Wakeham Edward Hilmarton Parish 0-10-0
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Last Name: First Names: Notes: Parish: Tax Charged: Walter Thomas Liddington 0-5-4 Walter Thomas Tockenham Weeke 1-14-0 Warman Anthony Wanborough 0-2-0 Warman Christian Wanborough 0-2-0 Warman John Wanborough 0-3-6 Warman Thomas Liddington 0-5-4 Warman Thomas Liddington 0-1-4 Warman William Liddington 0-2-8 Warman William Liddington 0-5-4 Warren William Wanborough 0-12-0 Watson Jo: Lyneham Parishe 0-1-6 Wayte John Tockenham Weeke 0-4-0 Wayte Willi: Clacke 0-1-6 Wayte Willi: Hilmarton Parish 0-5-0 Wayte Willi: Hilmarton Parish 0-5-0 Webb Edward Thornhill 0-1-3 Webb Frances Wootton Bassett 0-2-0 Webb Henry Wootton Bassett 0-6-0 Webb Jo: Lyddyard Tregoze and Midghall 0-6-0 Webb John of Wanboroughe Swindon 0-2-6 Webb Noahe of Draycot Swindon 0-3-0 Webb Richard Senior, of Draycott Swindon 0-0-9 Webb Robert Chiseldon 0-4-2 Webb Robert Liddington 0-18-0 Webb Tho: Thornhill 0-3-0 Webb Thomas Wootton Bassett 0-18-0 Webb William Liddington 0-4-8 Weeke Edith Widow, Preston Lyneham Parishe 1-0-0 Weekes Jo: Tockenham Weeke 0-2-0 Weekes Roger for parte of Bincknoll Farme Bincknoll 2-12-8 Weekes Thos Wootton Bassett 0-16-0 Weeks George Tockenham Weeke 0-4-0 Wells John Wanborough 0-2-8 Welsted Roger Thornhill 1-0-0 West John for Eastblagrove Elcombe 2-0-0 West John Wanborough 0-3-6 Wheeler Edward Wootton Bassett 0-18-0 Wheeler Jo: Wootton Bassett 0-6-0 Wheeler Thos Wootton Bassett 0-8-0 Whig Robert (Mr) Liddington 0-12-0 White Tho: Thornhill 0-8-0 White Tho: for ye farme Westlecot 2-13-4 Wholforde Frances Wanborough 0-1-6 Wilde Miles Swindon 0-2-0 Wilde Tho: Swindon 0-1-6 Wilkes Hughe Elcombe 0-6-8 Wilkes Widow Elcombe 0-5-0 Wilkins Amos Swindon 0-1-0 Wilkins Widow of Horpit Wanborough 0-3-0 Willis Thomas Tockenham Weeke 0-8-0 Wilshire William Wootton Bassett 0-2-0 Witt Edmond Broadtowne 0-6-0 Witt Tho: Broadtowne 0-6-0 Wixe Alexander Chiseldon 0-9-4
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Last Name: First Names: Notes: Parish: Tax Charged: Woolforde Henry Lyddyard Tregoze and Midghall 0-5-0 Woolforde Willi: Lyddyard Tregoze and Midghall 0-3-4 Wylde Richard Swindon 0-1-0 Wythers Jo: of Penn Hilmarton Parish 0-10-0 Yeatall Jo: Midghall 0-1-4 Yeatall Jo: for Reeve's land Wootton Bassett 0-8-0 Yong Jo: (Mr) Lyneham Parishe 0-2-0 Yorke Jo: for Sir John St John land Lyddyard Tregoze and Midghall 1-14-0 Yorke John Wanborough 2-0-4 Yorke William (Mr) for Salthrop Salthrop 2-10-0 Yorke William (Mr) for Cancourt Salthrop 3-0-0
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The transcripts and indexes provided here are the copyright of:
C.R.G. Henly, 9 Renfrew Drive, Wollaton, Nottingham NG8 2FX.
They are made available for the private use of genealogical researchers who may copy them and extract data from them for their personal use. They are not to be reproduced or republished in any other form whatsoever.