
Escrick Churchyard gravestones etc.


Escrick Churchyard gravestones etc..



This Churchyard is really well kept by volunteers and made taking photographs of the headstones exceptionally easy for me. In addition, in the church there is a list and map of all the (known) headstones. There is also a website associated with this.

The last photos of the Escrick Churchyard gravestones etc. were taken in 2022 and consequently no graves after this date appear here.

The index consists of a table of surnames (below), each being linked to the first image of that surname. To get to the rest of the same surname images, simply use the scroll facilities on each succeeding page.

The number for the photograph is given in the caption below the photograph.

No attempt was made to remove grass from overgrown graves (no tools) but tried to remove the moss etc. from the graves which consist of a cross.

If you can identify the names on the "Unknown" graves, please drop Colin a line by email (use the "Report Problems" link at the bottom of the relevant page).

There are three sizes of photos: the thumbnail images which link to a page containing a larger image (640 by 480 pixels), and then a full size image which is linked from the previously mentioned larger image. The full size image can of course be saved for your own personal use.

You will appreciate that there is ample scope for errors in this, so if you find any, please drop Colin a line - there is a link to the error form at the bottom of each page.

Happy hunting!

Colin Hinson.

!General  Adam  Allen  Anderson  Armitage  Arundale 
Ashton  Askew  Aylmer  Babies  Bailey  Bardwell 
Barrett  Barron  Barwood  Baxter  Bayston  Beckett 
Beckwith  Bedford  Bell  Bellerby  Bennison  Benson 
Binns  Birch  Bird  Bland  Bolsher  Bolt 
Boocock  Booth  Boothroyd  Bowes  Bradley  Braine 
Bramley  Briddon  Bridges  Britain  Brown  Buckle 
Burgess  Burniston  Calvert  Carlton  Carter  Cartman 
Cartwright  Cell  Coates  Cockerill  Comrie  Cooper 
Coulson  Cowley  Crawford  Crosby  Daniel  Darrall 
Davies  Davison  Dawes  Dawson  Day  Deaton 
DeJong  Denison  Dennison  Dickenson  Dickson  Digweed 
Dixon  Dobson  Drury  Duck  Dunkley  Dunn 
Eagle  Easterby  Eastwood  Eckles  Eley  Ellar 
Elletson  Elliott  Ellis  Elston  Emerson  Empsall 
Fairburn  Fairweather  Farmery  Fenwick  Field  Finch 
Fletcher  Forster  Foster  Fox  Foxton  Frankham 
Fraser  Free  French  Frost  Gallimore  Garner 
Gibson  Gillah  Gleichen  Goodall  Goodrum  Gossip 
Gowthorpe  Gratwick  Graves  Green  Greenwood  Haggar 
Haith  Haldane  Hale  Hamilton  Hampshire  Hardcastle 
Harman  Harrison  Haworth  Hetherington  Hewgill  Hinds 
Hobson  Hodgson  Holmes  Hope  Howes  Hughes 
Hugill  Hull  Hulley  Hustwick  Hutchinson  Hutton 
Ianson  Inge  Ives  Jackson  Jacques  Jeffrey 
Jeffreys  Jelley  Jelly  JL  Kendall  Kendra 
Kettlewell  Kidd  Kirby  KRL  Lancaster  Larmour 
Lawley  Lawn  Laycock  Leaf  Leeming  Lewis 
Lewsey  Lickard  Lister  Lloyd  Lockwood  Lofthouse 
Maltby  Mann  Margetson  Mason  Massicks  McCubbin 
McGuigan  Metcalf  Middleton  Milner  Mitchell  Moffat 
Moody  Moore  Moss  Musgrave  Nash  Newland 
Newsome  Newton  Nichols  Noble  Northgrave  Notley 
Nutt  O'Connor  Outhwaite  Owen  Parker  Parkin 
Parrish  Peckitt  Peel  Peirson  Penrose  Pharaoh 
Philpin  Pilcher  Platts  Porteus  Potter  Precious 
Price  Pyman  Quine  Raley  Raper  Reader 
Rehbein  Reid  Rhodes  Richard  Richardson  Riley 
Robbins  Robinson  Robson  Rochester  Rooke  Rose 
Ross  Roundell  Rowntree  Russell  Rymer  Sanders 
Sarginson  Scaife  Scoreby  Scott  Sell  Severs 
Shaw  Sherburn  Shermer  Shirreffs  Sigston  Simpson 
Skilbeck  Smith  Smurthwaite  Spencer  Spendlow  Stanton 
Stark  Steel  Stephenson  Stone  Storr  Stuart 
Tanton  Tasker  Tate  Taylor  Thirkill  Thomlinson 
Thompson  Thomson  Thorne  Thynne  Tibbles  Tomlinson 
Traves  Trollope  Troub  Tuffs  Tyne  Tyson 
Unknown  Vassie  Veall  Verity  Vokes  Walker 
Wardle  Watkinson  Watson  Websdale  Webster  Wells 
Wenlock  West  Westaby  Wharton  Whicher  White 
Whitehead  Whiteley  Whitmee  Wild  Wilkinson  Willetts 
Williams  Wilson  Withington  Witty  Wood  Woodman 
Wright  Wycherley  Yeoman