
Hull Directory of Trades and Professions for 1834



The updates have been applied on the "anchor" issue on 27 July.

The issues are discussed here 

Details are also on the maintainers list.


Transcript of the entry of 'professions and trades'
for HULL in Pigot's Directory of 1834.

  • Post Office, Land of green ginger, Mr. Thomas Rodmell, Post Master.
Gentry and Clergy,
  • Alcock Mrs. Elizabeth, English st
  • Alder Mr. George, Prospect st
  • Allen Captain, 9 Wellington place, Beverley road
  • Allenby Mrs. ---, Kenwick house
  • Andrew Mrs. Elizbth. 31 Albion st
  • Atkinson Mrs. Sarah, Dairycoates ldg
  • Backwell Mrs. Ann, Osborne st
  • Baker Mrs. Susan, Worship st
  • Bancroft Mrs. Elizbth. 24 George st
  • Barker Mr. Richard, North parade, Beverley road
  • Barnby the Misses ---, Sutton
  • Barton Mrs. Ann, Church st, Drypool
  • Bedell Mr. Edw. Watson, 19 George st
  • Bentinct Rev. W.H.E. Sigglesthorpe
  • Bethell Richard, esq. M.P. Rise
  • Bertison Mr. Sl. Patrick Ground land
  • Bird Mr. Robt. 5 Trinity house lane
  • Blaine Mrs. Jane, Nile st
  • Blanshard Mr. Robert, Osborne st
  • Blezard Rev. John, 27 Charles st
  • Bouch Capt. John, Great Passage st
  • Bowser Mr. Henry, 44 Charles st
  • Boyle Richard, esq. West parade, Anlaby road
  • Boyle Mr. Richard, 28 Albion st
  • Bradshaw Mrs. Tabitha, 2 Worship st
  • Briggs Mr. William, Spring st
  • Broadley John, esq. South Ella
  • Bromby Rev. John Healey, M.A. South Church side
  • Brown Mrs. Betsey, Lister st
  • Brown Mrs. Elizabeth, Osborne st
  • Buck Mr. Christopher, English st
  • Burland Mr. William, York parade, Beverley road
  • Burton Mrs. Sarah, 4 Charles st
  • Cankrien John Christphr. esq. Anlaby
  • Casson Mr. John, 45 Dock st
  • Casson Mrs. Isabel, Wakefield st
  • Clark Mrs. Martha, 4 Jarratt st
  • Clarke Mr. Joseph, Marine row
  • Clarkson Mr. Benjamin, Witham
  • Clarkson Mrs. Martha, 12 Wellington place, Beverley road
  • Clay Mr. George, Thistleton, Sutton banks
  • Clifford Mrs. Ann, 19 Dock st
  • Cobb Mr. John, Prospect st
  • Collender Mr. John, Silvester st
  • Constable Rev. C. Wassand
  • Constable Sir Thomas Clifford, bart. Burton Constable
  • Cook Mr. Joseph, English st
  • Cooper Mr. William, 53 Salthouse la
  • Craven Mr. John, 5 Baker st
  • Craven Reuben, esq. 21 Charlotte st
  • Craven Mr. Thomas, Nile st
  • Croft Mrs. Mary Ann, Lister st
  • Croft Rev. William, 3 Pryme st
  • Crosley Mrs. J. Wilmington groves
  • Cross Mrs. Margaret, 4 Bond st
  • Cross Mr. Wm. Silvester st
  • Davies Rev. Geo. Jno. South Church side
  • Denton Mr. Henry, 4 York st
  • Denton Mrs. Margaret, 1 Savile st
  • Depledge Mrs. Mary, 10 Pryme st
  • Dikes Rev. Thos. Charter house lane
  • Dorrington Mrs. Elizabeth, 11 North st, Bridge st
  • Doyle Mr. Samuel, Lister st
  • Dring Mrs. ---, Charles st
  • Dring Mr. Henry, 6 Sykes st
  • Dwyer Mrs. Elizabeth, 24 Mason st
  • Ellerker Mr John Bilton, East parade, Holderness road
  • Ellis Mr. Robert, Storey st
  • Empson Miss Catherine, Silvester st
  • Ennis Mr. Henry, 23 Mason st
  • Esten Mr. William, New King st
  • Fell Mrs. Charlotte, 10 Fish st
  • Forman Mrs. Sarah, English st
  • Foster Mrs. Ann, Mason st
  • Frank Miss Ann, 15 Savile st
  • Frankish Mrs. Frances, Myton gate
  • Frost Miss ---, Sutton
  • Garfit Mr. John, 2 Bond st
  • Gowthorp Mrs. Sophia, 23 George st
  • Green Mrs. ---, Sutton
  • Green Mrs. Judith, Marine row
  • Green Mrs. Martha, 2 York st
  • Gunnell Mr. Benjamin, York parade, Beverley road
  • Hall Mr. Henry, 9 Trinity house lane
  • Hammond Mrs. ---, Ferriby
  • Harrison Mr. Chas. Richd. Sutton
  • Harrison Mrs. Jane, 20 George st
  • Harrison Mrs. John, 31 George st
  • Harrison Robt. esq. 15 Charlotte st
  • Haslewood Mrs. Mary, Nile st
  • Hawksley Mrs. Anna, North parade, Beverley road
  • Henderson Miss Elizbth. 11 Saville st
  • Hendry Mr. Thomas, Lister st
  • Hewitt Mr. Cornelius, North parade, Beverley road
  • Hewitt Mr. Thomas, 43 Charles st
  • Hewson Mrs. Ann, 10 Bourne st
  • Hildyard Mr. Richard, Lister st
  • Hobson Mrs. Jane, East parade, Holderness road
  • Holden Mrs. Ann, 5 Jarratt st
  • Holgate Major Bennett, Lister st
  • Holland Mr. Benjamin, Sutton
  • Hopper Mrs. Elizbth. Marine row
  • Horner Simon, esq. 28 High st
  • Horner the Misses, York parade, Beverley road
  • Hudson Mr. Fras. Popple st, Drypool
  • Hudson Mr. John, Nile st
  • Hunter Miss Hannah, 18 Charles st
  • Hutchinson Mrs. John Lister, 2 Parliament st
  • Irving Mr. William, 5 Lister st
  • Jackson Mrs. Mary Ann, St. James' st
  • Jackson Thomas, esq. Ferriby
  • James Lieutenant Robert Jeremiah Edward, St. James' st
  • Jarvis Wm. esq. Linnaeus st, Anlaby
  • Jewitt Miss Sarah, 8 Prospect st
  • Johnson Mrs. Ann, Prospect st
  • Johnson Mr. John, York parade, Beverley road
  • Kalin Captain, 16 North st, Bridge st
  • Keary Rev. William, Mason st
  • Keddey Mrs. Jane, 12 Nelson st
  • Kerr Edward, esq. 1 Albion st
  • King Rev. John, M.A. 7 Pryme st
  • Kirby Mr. William, Cogan st
  • Knight the Misses, Humber bank
  • Knight Rev. William, Lister st
  • Lalonel Mrs. Patricia, 9 Nelson st
  • Lambert the Misses, Lister st
  • Lane Rev. Samuel, 1 Regent square
  • Lee Rev. George, Postern gate
  • Lee Mrs. Mary Ann, 1 Baker st
  • Lee Mr. William, Great passage st
  • Leigh Mrs. Elizabeth, Nile st
  • Liddell George, esq. Sutton house
  • Lind Major George, 6 Storey st
  • Locke Ts. Bentley, esq. Hessle mount
  • Lumb Mrs. Hannah, English st
  • Lundie Mr. Robert, Lister st
  • Marsden Mrs. Elizh. Belle Vue ter.
  • Marshall Mrs. 35 Dock st
  • Mason Mrs. Jane, 18 Sykes st
  • Mellin Miss Frances, 19 Storey st
  • Metcalf Miss ---, 10 King st
  • Metcalf Mr. David, 6 Nelson st
  • Miller Mr. George, Lister st
  • Minnitt Mrs. Ann, Sutton bank
  • Minnitt Mr. Samuel, Pemberton st, Sutton lane
  • Moor Mr. William, St. James' st
  • Morley Rev. Ebenezer, Holburn st, Holderness road
  • Morton Mr. Robt. Tinkler, English st
  • Musgrave Mr. Ralph, Brook st
  • Newton Mr. Thomas, Witham
  • Northgraves Mr. Denton, Clarence place
  • Parker Mr. William, York parade, Beverley road
  • Parkin Mrs. Jane, Anlaby road
  • Patrick Mr. Chs. Kingston st, Pottery
  • Pattinson Mr. Robert, Wright st
  • Pease Joseph Robinson,esq. Hesslewood house
  • Petch Mr. Richard, 10 Francis st
  • Pitt Lieut. Wm. R.N. Hessle New rd
  • Plumer Mrs. Harriet, 25 Albion st
  • Potter Mr. Thomas, New King st
  • Prickett Marmaduke, esq. 13 North st
  • Raikes Robert, esq. Welton house
  • Richardson Miss Elizbh. Worship st
  • Richardson Mrs. Mary, 30 Albion st
  • Riddell Mrs. Jane, Prospect st
  • Robinson Mrs. Jane, North st
  • Robinson the Misses, 28 Albion st
  • Rodford Mr. John, Osborne st
  • Ruston Mrs. Ann, 2 North st, Bridge st
  • Savage Mr. Joseph, Lister st
  • Scholefield Mrs. Sarah A. English st
  • Scholfield Mrs. J.G. Nile st
  • Scott Rev. John, jun. 24 Prospect place, Drypool
  • Scott Mrs. Sarah, 16 Charles st
  • Seaton Mr. Herbert, English st
  • Senior Mr. William, opposite New gaol, Pottery
  • Sibsee Rev. James, Lister st
  • Simpson Mrs. Ann, 9 Sykes st
  • Smee Mr. William, English st
  • Smith Mrs. ---, Willerby
  • Smith Mrs. Elizabeth, 13 Castle st
  • Smith Misses Harriet & Mary, 21 Sykes st
  • Smith John Henry, esq. Whitefriar gate
  • Smith Mr. Simon, English st
  • Spencer Mr. John, Waterhouse lane
  • Stephenson Mr. Samuel, Carlton
  • Stockdale Mrs. Ann, Church st, Drypool
  • Storm Miss Elizabeth, 2 Parliament street
  • Stratten Rev. Thomas, Nile st
  • Sykes Mrs. Daniel, Raywell hall
  • Tarrington Mr. Thos. A. 5 Storey st
  • Taylor Miss Mary, 35 Dock st
  • Temple Mrs. Mary, 4 Bourne st
  • Thompson Misses ---, 14 Blanket rw
  • Thompson Mrs. Sarah, 10 Nelson st
  • Thornton Mr. John, 28 Albion st
  • Todd Mrs. Mary, 10 Savile st
  • Todd Mrs. Sarah, Mason st
  • Toft Mr. William, Prospect st
  • Topping Mr. Thomas, York parade, Beverley road
  • Trewfitt Miss Mary, 12 Albion st
  • Uppleby Rev. William, Sutton bank
  • Venn Rev. Henry, Great Union st
  • Wadding Mr. Nathaniel, Brook st
  • Waite Mrs. Martha, Castle row
  • Wake Mrs. Sarah, Holderness road
  • Walker Miss Elizabeth, 33 Dock st
  • Walker Mr. John, Jarratt st
  • Walton Mr. Nichls. Lime st groves
  • Walton Mr. Nichls. Edwd. Mason st
  • Walton Mr. Thos. 9 North st, Bridge st
  • Ward Mrs. ---, Somerstown
  • Ward Rev. Edward, Mason st
  • Watson James K. esq. 8 Albion st
  • Watson Mr. William, Silvester st
  • Wayne Mr. Thomas Rockliffe, 50 George st
  • Wells Mrs Eleanor, 24 Bourne st
  • Westerdale Mrs. Ann, 11 King st
  • Wharton Mr. William, 9 Prospect st
  • Whitaker Mr. John, 23 Charlotte st
  • Wilkinson Mr. Percival, Sutton bank
  • Wilson Mrs. ---, Melton
  • Wilson Mrs. ---, Spring st
  • Wilson Mrs. Abigail, 2 East parade, Holderness road
  • Wilson Mr. Richard, 13 Bourne st
  • Wilson Rev. Wm. South Church side
  • Wimble Mrs. Jane, 8 Pryme st
  • Wood Mr. William, Princess st, French's gardens
  • Woolf Mr. John, 29 Albion st
  • Wride Mr. Francis, Spring st
Academies, Seminaries and Public Schools,
Not otherwise described are Day Schools,
  • Agar Thomas, Trippett st
  • Barrett William, Great Union st
  • Bennington Christr. Church st, Drypool
  • Berridge Ann, English st
  • Blezard Rev. John, Mason st
  • Boulter Christiana, Kingston st
  • Bowdler Lucy (Boarding & day) St. James' st
  • Brailsford Mary Elizabeth, (ladies' boarding) 21 Storey st
  • Briggs Elizbth. & Jane, 25 Finkle st
  • Bromby E. & H. (brdng) Mason st
  • Burrell John, Mason st
  • Burton Fanny (ladies' boarding) 4 Charles st
  • Calvert Thomas, Princess st, French's gardens
  • Cape Caroline, Great Union st
  • Christ Church School, New King st --- Richard Turner, master
  • Cogan's Charity (girls') Salthouse lane --- Elizabeth Hesk, mistress
  • Cox Samuel, 127 High st
  • Cross John, 68 Myton gate
  • Cross Mary Ann (boarding) Nile st
  • Crozer John H. Davies st
  • Dalton Thomas Melton, Sykes st
  • Davye My. Albion pl, Holderness road
  • Dix James B. 9 Parliament st
  • Dursey John, Prospect st
  • Endowed School, Sutton --- Thos. Dibb, master
  • England Robert, English st
  • Forster Ann, Prospect st
  • Freebody Thomas (boarding & day) St James' st
  • French Sarah, 21 Bond st
  • Gawthorp George, Osborne st
  • Gelson Margaret, 7 Postern gate
  • Gould Edward, 21 Machell st
  • Grammar School, South Church side --- Rev. William Wilson, master
  • Gray Elizabeth Mary (ladies' boarding) 16 George st
  • Green John, South Church side
  • Hardy Mary Ann, Humber st
  • Harrison William, Spring st
  • Hartliff Elizabeth, 40 High st
  • Hewitt William, New George st
  • Higginson Edward, Silvester st
  • Hornby Sophia, Mason st
  • Hunter Sarah, 4 Fish st
  • Jones David, Marine row
  • Leng Joseph, Mason st
  • Leslie Sarah, 21 North st, Bridge st
  • Lingard Maria, Somerstown
  • Lumsden John, Brook st
  • Lundie Mary, 4 Salthouse lane
  • Meggitts Mary, 2 Popple st, Drypool
  • Moreland John Swales (boarding & day) Humber bank
  • National School, Drypool --- John Monkman, master; Emma Monkman, mistress
  • National Subscription School, Perrott st --- Robert Lamplough, master, Ann Cresser, mistress
  • Neatham Elizbth. Bell, 2 Brook st
  • Parkin Mary, 12 Sykes st
  • Pickering Mary & Sarah, 24 Bourne st
  • Robley Isabella, Great Passage st
  • Savings' Bank School, New King st --- James Smith, master
  • Sculcoates Subscription School (for boys) Carr st --- John Radcliffe, master
  • Sheriff Mary & Susan, 59 Prospect st
  • Smyth James (boarding & day) Castle row
  • Snowden Benjmn. Kingston court, Blanket row
  • Sollitt John D. Worship st
  • Stainton Elizabeth, 15 Dock st
  • Steel Maria, 7 North Church side
  • Stockdale Jane (ladies' boarding) 9 Albion st
  • Storey John, Holburn st, Holderness road
  • Taylor Elizabeth, Osborne st
  • Thompson My.& Maria, 21 Caroline st
  • Toothill John, York st, Wincolmlee
  • Trinity House School, 17 Trinity house lane --- Michl. Fullam, master Vicar's School, 15 Vicar lane --- William Wilson, master
  • Walter Cath. 9 King's place, Dock st
  • Ward Elizabeth, Silvester st
  • Welch Charles, Charlotte st
  • Broadbent William, 6 North walls
  • Inall George Revitt (and commissioner for taking special bail) Exchange alley
(See also Fire, &c. Office Agents.)
  • Marked * are Commission Agents.
  • Barnby, Faulkner & Co. (shipping) 47 High st
  • * Beadle William, 9 Bishop lane
  • Beaumont Phineas (to the Aire & Calder Navigation Compy.) near Humber Dock gates
  • * Bell William, Exchange alley
  • * Briggs C. & Son, 7 Bowl alley lane
  • * Brigham W. A. High st
  • Broadbent William (general) 6 North walls
  • Bromby & Bell (general & shipping) 21 High st
  • Brown Jonas & Co. (navy agents) 30 George st
  • Buckton Geo. (shipping) 56 High st
  • Campbell Thomas (shipping) 80 High st
  • * Carter John, 42 High st
  • * Cattley Richd. & Stephen Robt. 160 High st
  • * Clarkson and Milner, Charlotte st
  • Coates James (commercial) North st, Prospect st
  • * Coltish William, 21 High st
  • * Cook Robert, 1 Bishop lane
  • Croft Wm. (general) Prospect st
  • Cunnington Thomas (to Scottish Brewery Co. Edinbro') 51 High st
  • * Dales John, 20 High st
  • Farthing & Bowes (general) 29 High st
  • * Foster John (& for the Antwerp regular traders) 28 Bishop lane
  • * Gray & Co. (& shipping) 26 High st
  • * Hall John, 34 High st
  • * Hall Thomas George, 52 High st
  • * Halls, Todd, & Hassell, Blaydes staith, High st
  • Haworth Francis (general) 2 North walls
  • Heslewood Francis (for the sale of patent lead pipe and mill'd sheet lead)
  • Wellington place
  • Hewitt & Co. (shipping & general) Stewart's yard, High st
  • * Hill Jas. Thos. 5 Bowl alley lane
  • Holden & Sampson (shipping) 52 High st
  • * Hollingworth John, Bowl alley lane
  • * Hudson & Cobbey (& shipping) 87 High st
  • Husband Chas. Melton & Co. (shipping) 35 High st
  • * Keddey Rbt. (& shipping) 81 High st
  • * Keighley Matt. & Robt. 55 High st
  • Kipling John (shipping) 2 Broad entry, Scale lane
  • Knight Richard (wine and spirit) 6 North bridge, Witham
  • * Lamming & Bower, 13 Silver st
  • * Laverack Martin & Son, 1 Bishop la
  • Laverack Wm. (shipping) 70 High st
  • * Locking George, 12 High st
  • Lofthouse Dyas & Co. (shipping) 79 High st
  • * McIntosh William, 21 High st
  • Malcolm George and Sons (general & shipping) 22 High st
  • * Malleys Simeon, North side Old dk
  • * Mercer Fletcher, 11 Bishop lane
  • Moon George (to Lloyds) South side Old dock
  • * Newbald and Eyre, 26 High st
  • * Newbald William, 23 High st
  • * Norman William V. 25 High st
  • * Roberts and Trigg, 196 High st
  • * Ross Henry, 7 High st
  • Sanderson Jos. & Jno. (shipping) Pier st
  • Smith John (to Aberdeen Company) Humber st
  • Smith John & Co. (shipping) 82 High st
  • Smithson John (shipping) 60 High st
  • Spratt Jas. (for forwarding foreign & other wools) Bowl alley lane
  • Stamp Francis (general & broker) 12 Market place
  • * Staniforth Henry, 154 High st
  • * Stocks James B. 7 High st
  • Storry and Smithson (general) Garrison side
  • * Sykes Thomas, Marine row
  • Thompson John and Co. (general and shipping) 150 High st
  • * Thompson Widow & Collinson, 20 High st, and at Goole
  • Thorney Timothy (commercial) Worship st
  • Tomlinson Jas. (shipping) 80 High st
  • * Tootal Frederick, 41 High st
  • Tummon Joseph (shipping) 3 Popple st, Drypool
  • * Turner Thomas, South side Old dock
  • * Unthank Thomas, 29 High st
  • Waltham Thomas (to Malton traders) 60 High st
  • * Weddle & Brownlow, 62 High st
  • * Wood & Bell, 43 High st
Anchor Smiths,
  • Power Wm. Church st & Dock st
  • Pullan Benjamin & Son, near the Old dock bridge
(See also Builders)
  • Earle John, Osborne st
  • Jackson George, jun. 8 Prince st
  • Mountain Charles, Prospect st
  • Sherwood George, 26 Charles st
Artificial Flower Mkrs,
  • Caminada Cyprian (& plaster figure manufacturer) South st
  • Goldfinch Thomas Frederick (and ostrich feather) 4 Wellington mart
  • Livesey Jos. (portrait) 22 Savile st
  • Lowther Michl. Angelo (miniature) 13 Bond st
  • Lowther Phineas (portrait & landscape) 5 Savile st
  • Roberts John Lewis (landscape) Waterworks st
  • Wilson Thos. F. (portrait & animal) 46 Savile st
Artists' Repositories,
  • Lowther Phineas, 5 Savile st
  • Willoughby Jane, 23 Savile st
  • Anderson John, 11 Bishop lane
  • Ayre William, 23 Whitefriar gate
  • Bunney and Cracknell, 6 Whitefriar gate
  • Bunney William (secretary to the corporation of the Trinity house) 6 Whitefriar gate
  • Codd & Levett (Geo. Codd, town clerk) 6 Parliament st
  • Colver John, 2 Exchange alley, & at Ths. Coxton's, Lady gate, Beverley
  • Dickenson Stephen, 10 Dock st
  • Dryden William, 2 Bowl alley lane
  • England & Shackles, 7 Land of green ginger
  • Foster and Miller, 27 Bishop lane
  • Frost Charles (& solicitor to the dock company) Scale lane
  • Garforth Joseph, Exchange alley
  • Hill John, 13 Bishop lane
  • Holden & Galloway (Thos. Holden, solicitor to the commissioners of pilotage) 23 Bishop lane
  • Hugall & Snowball, 7 Bowl alley la
  • Iveson William, 160 High st, and at Hedon (attendance on Tuesday)
  • Jackson Richard, 19 Parliament st
  • Jalland Boswell & William Empson, 5 Parliament st
  • Johnson Anthony, 34 Bishop lane
  • Johnson Benj. Lawson, 156 High st
  • Joyce James, 1 Bishop lane
  • Kerry John, 30 Scale lane
  • King Robert, 24 Chapel lane
  • Lightfoot & Earnshaw (& clerks to the gas light company) Land of green ginger
  • Pearce William Henry (in the insolvent debtors court) Junction st
  • Perritt Thomas Carrick, 9 Salthouse lane
  • Phillips Chas. Henry (& clerk to the court of requests) 36 Salthouse la
  • Reeves & Jackson, 11 Parliament st
  • Richardson John Cressey (to Hull banking company) Junction place
  • Robinson James, 9 Scale lane
  • Rushworth Edward, 1 Scale lane
  • Saxelbye Thomas, 20 Parliament st
  • Scott Henry, 22 Parliament st
  • Tenney Jno. 2 Land of green ginger
  • Thompson Thos. 1 Parliament st
  • Thorney John (& to the guardians of the poor of Hull) 12 Parliament st
  • Walmsley William, 4 Parliament st
  • Wells Peter, 8 Parliament st
  • Wilkinson John, 12 North street, Bridge street
  • Wilson William, 13 Bowl alley lane
  • Woolley William, 16 Bowl alley lane
Auctioneers & Appraisrs,
  • Barnes William, Mason st
  • Daniels Thomas, 12 Bond st
  • Glen Geo. 16 Chariot st
  • Hyde Wm. Wilson, Exchange Sale rooms
  • Kelsey Jas. (appraiser only) Kingston court, Blanket row
  • Lamming and Bower, 13 Silver st
  • Pearce William, 2 St. John's st
  • Stamp Francis, 12 Market place
  • Taylor Fredk. John, 40 Whitefriar gt
  • Waite James, 20 Blackfriar gate
Bacon, Butter & Cheese Factors,
(See also Cheese Factors)
  • Bertie John, 52 Myton gate
  • Dickson William, 7 Lowgate
  • Everington Geo. Benjamin (wholesale) 63 High st
  • Heward Joseph, 190 High st
  • Hodgson James (wholesale) 34 Blackfriar gate
  • Horsley P. & Son, 32 Church lane
  • Lee John, 51 Market place
  • Pearson John (& flour) 27 Waterworks st, and Shambles
  • Petchell Saml. North bridge, Witham
  • Pickard James S. (and wholesale) 17 Blackfriar gate
  • Preston John, 4 Dock office row
  • Sanderson Henry, Brook st
  • Sissons Richard, 10 Junction st
  • Smith Samuel, West st
  • Stanfield William, 2 Junction st
  • Story Francis, 137 High st
Bakers & Flour Dealers,
Marked * are also Ship Biscuit Bakers
  • Abraham John, 14 Fish st
  • Anfield William, Waterworks st
  • Ansdell James, Raikes st, Drypool
  • Arnett John, 23 New George st
  • Arnett John, Prospect st
  • Arnett William, 145 High st
  • Bailey Jane, 15 Cook's court
  • Bailey John, 26 Blackfriar gate
  • Barker Robert, 49 Myton gate
  • Barker William, Church st, Drypool
  • Bartle John & Son, 49 Whitefriar gt
  • Basket John, 48 Salthouse lane
  • Bores John, Great Union st
  • Bores William, 6 Finkle st
  • Botta Joseph, 22 Dock st
  • Bowes Etherington, 34 Scale lane
  • * Brittain Dean, Humber st
  • Brooks William, 15 Sykes st
  • Brown Saml. 33 Grimsby la, Market pl
  • Caley William, Sykes st
  • Chambers John, 43 Blanket row
  • Clark George & Son, 16 Brook st
  • Cockerill Wm. Stewart, 26 Mill st
  • Colley William, St. James' st
  • Conkerton Richard, 15 Bishop lane
  • Coxworth Richard, Manor st
  • Craft John, Wellington mart
  • Dent Joseph, Lower Union st
  • Else Joseph (& flour factor) 67 Lowgate
  • Farrow Joseph, Collier st
  • Finningley Edmund, 13 Bourne st
  • Finningley Thomas, 26 Blanket row
  • Gibbs Thomas, Chariot st
  • Gibson Jacob, Alfred st
  • * Gibson John, 47 Blackfriar gate
  • Hardisty William, Waterhouse lane
  • Hardy James, 37 Church lane
  • * Heward Joseph, 190 High st
  • Holliday Abraham, 24 Scale lane
  • * Jackson Joseph, 64 High st
  • * Jacob Thomas, 40 Church st
  • Johnson Joseph, 7 Dock office row
  • Leng Adam, 8 Myton place
  • Lowther William, 2 Prospect st
  • Marwood Samuel, Blackfriar gate
  • Marwood William, 114 High st
  • Maughan William, 24 Bond st
  • Morris William, Cogan st
  • * Morse John, Popple st, Drypool
  • Pauling Robert, Witham
  • Peacock Ann, Machell st
  • Pecket Robert, Lower Union st
  • Pentith John, 72 Myton gate
  • Pentith Samuel, 1 Trippett st
  • Raines Robert, Wincolmlee
  • * Randerson William, 117 High st
  • Sewel Ann, North st, Prospect st
  • Smith Joseph, Bridge st
  • * Snell Thomas, 100 High st
  • Steel Robinson, Church st, Sculcoats
  • Stonehouse Richard, 32 Chariot st
  • Tacey William, Garden st
  • Taylor James, 13 Sykes st
  • Thompson Christopher, 11 Myton gate
  • Tonge William, English st
  • Walker William, 15 Humber st
  • * West William, jun. 5 & 6 Trippett
  • Wilson John, 39 Humber st
  • Wilson John, Burton st
  • Witty Joseph, West st
  • Wray Thomas, 35 Blanket row
  • Bank of England (branch), Salthouse lane --- Benjamin Stocks, esq. agent; Henry May, sub-agent
  • Harrison, Watson & Locke, Whitefriar gate --- (draw on Sir Charles Price and Co. London)
  • Hull Banking Company, Silver st --- (draw on Barclay, Bevan & Co. London) --- Thomas John Buckton, manager & secretary
  • Pease and Liddells, 18 High st --- (draw on Sir Richard Carr Glyn and Co. London)
  • Raikes Thomas & Robert, jun. 12 Scale lane --- (draw on Curries & Co. London)
  • Smith Samuel, Brothers and Co. 5 Whitefriar gate --- (draw on Smith, Payne and Smiths, London)
  • Savings' Bank, Postern gate --- Geo. Robinson, secretary, treasurer, and acting manager
  • Egginton Joseph Smith, Kirk Ella
  • Picard John Kirkby, Granville place
  • Reynolds Andrew Fitzgerald, 7 Parliament st
Basket Makers,
  • Bartho Anthony, 142 High st
  • Beeton James, 129 High st
  • Dobson Robert, 122 High st
  • Loughborough William, Queen's alley, Blackfriar gate
  • Walker John, 28 Market place
  • Dick John, Humber bank
  • Malcolm J. Humber bank
  • Shaw Jno. (patent medicated vapour) 39 Dock street
Black Beer Brewers and Importers,
  • Dennison John, 20 Parliament st
  • Harling George, 18 Storey st
  • Richardsons' & Humble, 31 High st
Blacking Makers,
  • Banks Matthew Collyford, 8 Dock office row
  • Bullough William, 8 Finkle st
  • Ellison George, 9 New George st
  • Wallis John, North st, Prospect st
(See also Smiths)
  • Biglin William, Sutton
  • Cornell Edward (& farrier) Wells st
  • Dandy Joseph, North st, Prospect st
  • Denison John, Witham
  • Dodds John, 8 Chariot st
  • Fisher John, Hiperion st, Drypool
  • Garbutt William, Davies st
  • Halls Joseph, Hessle road
  • Kenningham Adam, Church st, Drypool
  • Larkin George, 2 Robert st
  • Lawn William, Finkle st
  • Lawn William, Hessle road
  • Marshall James (& farrier) 13 Trinity house lane
  • Marshall Richard, Prospect st
  • Newmarch William, 25 machell st
  • Poppleton John, Newland
  • Richardson Ann, Witham
  • Richardson Thomas, Witham
  • Robinson Daniel, Sutton
  • Turner John, Waterhouse lane
  • Woffinden John, Waterhouse lane
Boat Builders,
(See Ship and Boat Builders) Bone Dust Manufacturs,
  • Beckett William & Co. Somerstown
  • Darley and Geeve, Stewart's yard, High st
  • Simpson John and Son (and whale manure dealers) Groves Tripp Francis, Lime st
  • Bosomworth John Goodyear, 30 Church lane
  • Bradley Benjamin, Bowl alley lane
  • Harland Edward Robinson (and stationer) Prospect st
  • Howe John, 149 Scale lane
  • Hutchinson John, 3 Scale lane
  • Jubb Joseph, 69 Lowgate
  • Lambert Henry, (and stationery) 43 Savile street
  • Marshall Matthew, West end Old dock
  • Peck and Smith, 38 Lowgate
  • Penrose Elizabeth, 25 Bond st
  • Proctor Samuel, 4 Bowl alley lane
  • Purdon & Brown, 43 Whitefriar gate
  • Rayner John, 15 Lowgate
  • Smithson Richard, 30 Lowgate
  • Warwick William, 21 Bishop lane
  • Wilson Isaac, 49 Lowgate
  • Young James, 11 Bishop lane
Booksellers & Stationrs,
  • Barker Ann Eliza, 57 Market place
  • Craggs John, 9 Silver st
  • English Alfred Dale, 15 Silver st
  • Ferraby John, 44 Market place
  • Goddard & Brown, 51 Lowgate
  • Howe John, 3 Scale lane
  • Noble Jos. (& publisher) 23 market pl
  • Peck and Smith (& dealers in paper hanging borders) 38 Lowgate
  • Purdon & Brown, 43 Whitefriar gate
  • Purdon James, 65 Market place
  • Rayner John, ( and religious tract depository) 15 Lowgate
  • Simpson John Simeon, 22 Queen st
  • Stephenson William, 47 Lowgate
  • Wilson Isaac, 49 Lowgate
Boot & Shoe Makers,
  • Abbey Thomas, 10 Silver st
  • Aire Robert, Worship st
  • Atkin William, 34 Market place
  • Badley Jaques, 10 Church lane
  • Barker John, Sutton
  • Barker William, Lime st, Groves
  • Bates John, Witham
  • Bell William, Myton st
  • Benn Joseph, Anne st
  • Bingham George, Blanket row
  • Bird John, 121 High st
  • Blackston John, West st
  • Burgess James, 16 Humber Dock st
  • Calam Matthew, Davies st
  • Carrick James, Sutton
  • Carrick John, Sutton
  • Charlton Thos. (ladies') 21 Savile st
  • Clark Zachariah, 29 Salthouse lane
  • Coates Thomas, Collier st
  • Coldwell William, Junction st
  • Collison John, Cross st
  • Cook Joseph, Caroline st
  • Coxon John, jun. 26 North st, Bridge st
  • Craghill George, Myton st
  • Denton William, 34 New George st
  • Dixon Thomas, Newland
  • Dixon William, Waterworks st
  • Dobson John, 1 Carlisle st
  • Dobson William, 26 Trippett
  • Dunn David, 28 Scott st
  • Faulkner John Sharman, 4 Market place
  • Firth John, 34 Savile st
  • Fisher George, 15 Prospect st
  • Furness William, 45 Wincolmlee
  • Gardham John, 2 Trippett
  • Gilliard John, 12 Trippett
  • Glenton William, Middle st
  • Greenwood George, 23 Trippett
  • Groom John & Richard, 15 Queen st
  • Hall Richard, Grotto sq, Mason st
  • Hall Robert, West st
  • Haller Thomas, 50 Whitefriar gate
  • Hembrough William, 5 Grimsby lane, Market place
  • Hewitt John, Carr lane
  • Hill Robert, Grotto sq, Mason st
  • Hodgson George, 13 Myton gate
  • Holdsworth David, 62 Lowgate
  • Hornsby James, 2 Lowgate
  • Hornsey William, 30 Salthouse lane
  • Houghton Samuel, 18 Castle st
  • Hurdman John, Humber st
  • Hutchinson John, 114 High st
  • Irving George, 16 Castle st
  • Iveson John, Queen st
  • Jackson John, 5 Bishop lane
  • James John (warehouse) 8 Whitefriar gate
  • Jarratt George, Newland
  • Johnson William, Witham
  • Jones Samuel, 49 Dock st
  • Jones Thomas, 46 Savile st
  • Jones Thomas, 32 Bridge st
  • Kay Ralph, Witham
  • King George K. 3 Church st
  • Kirton William, St. James st
  • Lascelles Thomas, 17 Bond st
  • Lea George, Great Passage st
  • Lickis James, 44 Blackfriar gate
  • M'Cann Daniel, Great Union st
  • M'Lean John, 56 Whitefriar gate
  • Malton William, 194 High st
  • Marshall William, 7 Myton gate
  • Mearns James, Carr lane
  • Megson John, Humber st
  • Metcalf Richard, 4 Vicar lane
  • Morrell John, Waterhouse lane
  • Musgrave Saml. 67 Whitefriar gate
  • Needler John, Holmes row groves
  • Newson John, North st, Prospect st
  • Norris William, Waterhouse lane
  • Oats Robert, Lower Union st
  • Pattinson Charles, English st
  • Pickard Thomas, 5 Vicar lane
  • Pinder Charles, 57 Lowgate
  • Pottage Thomas, Great Union st
  • Prince John, 4 Duke st
  • Pullen Charles, Hessle road
  • Rawling John, Raikes st, Drypool
  • Reynolds Daniel, Canning st
  • Richardson George, 25 Trippett
  • Richardson John, 1 Church lane
  • Rogers Stephen, 65 Lowgate
  • Ruler William, South st
  • Sanderson John, Sutton
  • Scaum William, Prospect st
  • Shepheard Thomas, Sutton
  • Smith Robert, 35 Scale lane
  • Starkey Wm. Church st, Sculcoates
  • Staves Edward, 3 Salthouse lane
  • Staves William, 14 Humber Dock st
  • Stephenson William, Commercial court, High st
  • Storr Thomas, 18 Trippett
  • Tate Matthew, 15 Chariot st
  • Taylor Anthony, 14 Bridge st
  • Taylor Jonathan, 18 Sewer lane
  • Tesseyman John, 4 Junction st
  • Thompson Saml. 24 Salthouse lane
  • Trout John, 5 Church st, Wincolmlee
  • Turnbull John, 2 Blackfriar gate
  • Turnbull Robert, West st
  • Vallance John Hardy, 29 Lowgate
  • Varley Samuel, Carr lane
  • Vickers James, Cogan st
  • Vickers Thomas, Lower Union st
  • Wallis Samuel, 18 Sykes st
  • Walters Robert, West st
  • Walton Thomas Bambridge, Church st, Sculcoates
  • Ward James, 45 Myton gate
  • Watson John, 35 Myton gate
  • Whitecomb Thos. 3 Whitefriar gate
  • Williamson John (& leather cutter) 36 Church st
  • Willoughby George, 2 Scale lane
  • Wing Simon, Caroline st
  • Witting James, 2 Myton gate
  • Woodworth George, Osborne st
  • Woolley Edward, 23 Silver st
  • Wray William, 9 Blackfriar gate
Brass Founders,
  • Aydon & Read, Humber bank
  • Campbell Duncan (the executors of) Foundry row
  • Johnson Thos. (& engineer) 22 Humber st
  • Jones Geo. (& gas fitter) 34 Grimsby lane, Market place
  • Kitching Thos. Ward's entry, Whitefriar gate
  • Shipman David, (& gas fitter) 7 Trinity house lane
  • Stones Richd. (& gas fitter) 16 King st
  • Turner Edward, Upper Union st
Braziers and Tin-plate Workers,
  • Beaman John, 3 Blackfriar gate
  • Bell Michl. (brazier only) 38 Whitefriar gate
  • Bellamy John, Waterworks st
  • Burn William, Church st
  • Cambell James, 29 Finkle st
  • Clarkson William, 25 Lowgate
  • Crawford James, Little Albion st
  • Cudworth James, Great Passage st
  • England George, Witham
  • Falkner Thomas, 36 Blanket row
  • Featherstone Robert, 34 Church lane
  • French Henry, Trippett
  • Gardiner William, Queen st
  • Hanwell James, 48 Mill st
  • Headley John, 3 Charter house lane
  • Jefferson John, 26 Humber Dock st
  • Johnson John, Sewer lane
  • Jubb Thos. Humber st & Queen st
  • Metcalfe George, 7 Carlisle st
  • Platt Margaret, Shambles
  • Purdon Thos. 68 Whitefriar gate
  • Raines Robert, Waterhouse lane
  • Usher Thomas, 9 Vicar lane
  • Walker Robert, 10 Chariot st
  • Walker Wm. & Jonathn. 50 Lowgate
Brewers & Maltsters,
  • Bean Robert & Co. 24 Queen st
  • Bettison William, 5 Humber st
  • Bromby Septimus, Waterhouse lane
  • Chatterton Robert, Lime st groves
  • Croke Robert, 58 Market place
  • Dibb Emanuel & Joseph, 43 Mill st
  • Dossor James, Chapel lane
  • Edwards & Lister, Osborne st
  • Foster William, Vincent st
  • Gleadow Robert Ward, 6 Dagger la
  • Harling George, 18 Storey st
  • Hood Thomas, 38 Church lane
  • Hopwood & Co. Great Passage st
  • Liddell John, 29 Waterworks st & 31 Savile st
  • Pickering Wm. & Son, 197 High st
  • Platford John, Carlisle st
  • Rands Benjamin, Robert st
  • Rivis John, 165 Church st
  • Watson Thomas, Prospect st
  • Youil & Glossop, Lincoln st, Wincolmlee
Brick Makers,
  • Appleyard Frank, Osborne st
  • Burt William, Southcoates
  • Hudson Jno. jun. Dairycoates grange
  • Jackson George, 7 Prince st & Wilmington
  • Kay George, Hessle
  • Mayfield Jos. jun. Stepney la, Sculcoates
  • Rushworth Edward, Hull bank
  • Simonson Thomas, Danson lane
  • West Leonard, Summergangs
  • West Robert, Danson lane
  • Appleyard Frank, Osborne st
  • Barker James, Silvester st
  • Barker Thomas, Spencer st
  • Blakeston Marmaduke, Canning st
  • Clark John, 19 Castle st
  • Cooper James, Jenning st groves
  • Cotsworth William, 18 New King st
  • Croft William Joseph, Witham
  • Dales Frans. Albion pl, Holderness rd
  • Darley John, 12 Caroline st
  • Drewery Robert, Kingston place
  • Fewster John, Osborne st
  • Gilyard Benjamin, 26 Scott st
  • Glew James, 27 Trippett
  • Green Richard, Union st
  • Hall Ambrose, Sutton
  • Holmes Wm. Smith's place, Castle st
  • Jackson George, 7 Prince st
  • Jarvis Timothy, Francis st
  • King Thomas, New George st
  • Lotherington William, English st
  • Lowther John, Silvester st
  • Miller Benjamin, Garden st
  • Milner Stephen, Alfred st
  • Nichols John, Brook st
  • Peat Joseph, Hodson st, Lime st
  • Potterill Jonathan, Sutton
  • Ray John Samuel, John st, Drypool
  • Richardson John, Altass alley, Trippt
  • Robinson George, Osborne st
  • Sherbon George, Vincent st
  • Sherwood William, Princess street, French's gardens
  • Siminson Thomas, Chapel ct, Salthouse lane
  • Sissons & Downs, Edward st
  • Smith Isaac, 18 Lower Union st
  • Wales Thomas, John's pl, Drypool
  • Wass Jno. Princess st, French's gdn
  • West Thomas, Worship st
  • West Wm. Princess st, French's gdns
  • Westoby John, Upper Union st
  • Wilson Christopher, Adelaide st
Not otherwise described are Ship and Insurance Brokers,
  • Beadle William (flax) 9 Bishop lane
  • Bell John F. Minerva terrace
  • Bell William, 2 Exchange alley
  • Briggs Christr. & Son, 7 Bowl alley la
  • Brigham William Atkinson, High st
  • Broadbent William, 6 North walls
  • Brodrick John, 21 High st
  • Bromby & Bell, 21 High st
  • Buckton George, 56 High st
  • Catterson John (hide, skin & bark) 32 Lowgate & 2 High st
  • Coltish William, 21 High st
  • Cook Robert, 1 Bishop lane
  • Cowie & Brandstron, Parliament st
  • Farthing and Bowes (general) 29 High st
  • Foster John, 28 Bishop lane
  • Garbutt Robert, 6 North walls
  • Gill Robert & John, Exchange alley
  • Gray & Co. 26 High st
  • Hall Thomas & Son, 5 North walls
  • Haworth Francis, 2 North walls
  • Hewitt & Co. Stewart's yd, High st
  • Holden & Sampson, 52 High st
  • Hollingworth John, Bowl alley lane
  • Hudson & Cobby, 87 High st
  • Jackson Robert (bark, hide, &c.) Hanover square, Lowgate
  • Keddey Robert, 81 High st
  • Keighley Robert, 160 High st
  • La Marche John Bernrd. 200 High st
  • Lamming & Bower (genrl) 13 Silver st
  • Laverack William, 70 High st
  • Locking George, 12 High st
  • Lofthouse, Dyas & Co. 79 High st
  • McIntosh William, 21 High st
  • Malcolm George & Sons, 22 High st
  • Malleys Simeon & Charles Tweedy, Russia court, High st
  • Morehouse & Brown (oil & seed) 184 High st
  • Morley Thos. Bethel & Co. South end
  • Moxon Richard John, Bowl alley lane
  • Newbald & Eyre, 26 High st
  • North George (sloop) 151 High st
  • Park Godfrey & Richard, 21 High st
  • Pearson John, 48 High st
  • Pickard Joseph (sloop) 9 Featherston's entry, High st
  • Priest William, Lister st
  • Roberts & Trigg, 196 High st
  • Ross Henry, 7 High st
  • Shay Benjamin (ship) 60 High st
  • Slater Thomas (oil and seed) 37 Bishop lane
  • Smith John & Co. 82 High st
  • Stocks James B. 7 High st
  • Terry Richard & Sons, 41 High st
  • Thompson Caius, 1 Trinity house la
  • Thompson Widow & Collinson, 20 High st, and at Goole
  • Thorney Timothy (& timber) Garrison side
  • Weddle & Brownlow, 62 High st
  • Wilks John (flax & corn) 20 High st
  • Wood & Bell, 43 High st
Brush Makers,
  • Grey Thomas, Todd's entry, Silver st
  • Halden William, 27 Scale lane
  • Loft Benjamin, 13 Church lane
  • Morrod John, 24 Savile st
  • Thomas and Piercy, Commercial buildings, High st, & Wincolmlee
  • Weatherill George (& dealer in mechanics' tools), 63 Lowgate
  • Wilkinson Thomas, 17 Carr lane
(See also Joiners, & also Bricklayers)
  • Appleyard Frank, Osborne st
  • Brown John, Prospect st
  • Clark William, 14 Bond st
  • Darley John, 12 Caroline st
  • Hutchinson Wm. George yd, Lowgate
  • Jackson George, jun. 8 Prince st
  • Jarvis Timothy, Francis st
  • Lowther John, Silvester st
  • Marshall Samuel, Chariot st
  • Ray John Samuel, John st, Drypool
  • Sissons Thomas, East st, Drypool
  • Smith Isaac, Lower Union st
  • Tadman Francis, jun. Cogan st
  • Thorp David, 17 Carlisle st
  • Turner Robert, New King st
  • Watson George, 13 Wellington place, Beverley road
  • Witty Robert, jun. South end, High st, and Caroline st
  • Anfield Robert, 47 Market place
  • Anfield William, 11 Prince st
  • Arthur Thomas, 31 Salthouse lane
  • Ashton Jno. Shambles
  • Atkinson Parnell, Danson la, Holderness rd
  • Barnes William, Shambles
  • Burgess John, 60 Market place
  • Burgess John, Prospect st
  • Butters John Farrar, Shambles
  • Cade Thomas, 20 Castle st
  • Caley Chambers, 18 Witham
  • Carter George, 10 New George st
  • Chafer Thomas, Spencer st
  • Clubley William, West st
  • Cockerline John, Shambles
  • Cook Samuel, West st
  • Cooper Robert, 3 Carlisle st
  • Cooper Robert, 59 Whitefriar gate
  • Cottam William, 26 Myton gate
  • Davey John, 3 Market place
  • Davinson John, Shambles
  • Denton Samuel, Waterworks st
  • Dinmore Henry, 177 High st
  • Dixon George, 33 Myton gate
  • Dry Thomas, Lime st groves
  • Ellison John, 29 Postern gate
  • Finningley William, Upper Union st
  • Finningley William, Shambles
  • Flint Robert, Chariot st
  • Fox James, 1 Vicar lane
  • Fox James, 46 Market place
  • Fox John, 40 Bridge st
  • Freeman Edward, jun. 23 Trippett
  • Gale Frederick, 41 Myton gate
  • Garton Marmaduke, Waterhouse la
  • Geldard Robert, 26 Waterworks st
  • Gilson John, 144 High st
  • Grossop William, Caroline st
  • Haerfield James, 7 Church lane
  • Hall William, Shambles
  • Hamilton Edward, Prospect st
  • Harker Edward, 39 Bridge st
  • Harker John, 5 Lowgate
  • Harker John, 48 Market place
  • Harker Mattw. Johnson, Marine row
  • Harker William, Shambles
  • Harrison Benjamin, 10 Wincolmlee
  • Hart George, 13 Wincolmlee
  • Hepple Robert, 5 Trinity house la and Market pl
  • Hewitt John Miller, Witham
  • Holder John B. Church st, Wincolmlee
  • Houlden William, Machell st
  • Howard Thomas, Carr lane
  • Inman Thomas, Alfred st
  • Jackson George, Great Passage st
  • Jackson William, Shambles
  • Jones Justus, 1 Silvester st
  • Knight Robert, 21 Lowgate
  • Knott Reuben, 59 Lowgate
  • Leake William, Shambles
  • Lee George, 7 Junction st
  • Leonard John, 9 Lowgate
  • Leonard Thomas Palmer, Shambles
  • Leonard William Watts, Shambles
  • Mapelthorp Francis, 2 North bridge, Witham
  • Marshall John, Sykes st
  • Matcham William, Shambles
  • Mills James, Dinsdale square
  • Mills John, 1 Paradise row
  • Morrell Robert, Waterhouse lane
  • Mountain Richard, Shambles
  • Padgett John (pork) 26 Chariot st
  • Pearson John, Shambles
  • Petch Henry, 47 Scott st
  • Petty George, Garden st
  • Raines Thomas, Shambles
  • Rainford Thomas, 41 Lowgate
  • Rainford Thos. jun. 53 Market pl
  • Ramsay Richd. Worship st & John st
  • Ramsey Thos. Sissons, 3 Trippett
  • Richardson Jno. Church st, Drypool
  • Richardson Wm. 45 Blackfriar gate
  • Sadler James, Church st
  • Scott Wm. Albion place, Holderness rd
  • Smith John (pork) 14 Myton gate
  • Smith Thomas, 7 Market place
  • Smith Valentine, Church st, Drypool
  • Smith William, 4 Scale lane
  • Spencer Charles, 33 Chariot st
  • Spink John, Wincolmlee
  • Storey John, Sutton
  • Tune George, Waterworks st
  • Turner John, Bond st
  • Wallis Michael, 5 Salthouse lane
  • Wallis Richard, 68 Lowgate
  • Wand John, English st
  • Watts William, 17 Lowgate
  • Waudby John, 30 New George st, Wincolmlee
  • White John, Chariot st
  • Wilson Edward, Sutton
  • Wilson William, Moxom st
  • Wright David, Sutton
Button Mould Makers,
  • Clark James, Cumberland st, Wincolmlee
  • Wright Edward, Cumberland st, Wincolmlee
Cabinet Makers,
Marked # are also Upholsterers
(See also Upholsterers)
  • Barnby Tim. Wells st, Waterworks st
  • # Barry William (and paper hanger) 15 Junction Dock st
  • Brooks William, Anne st, Osborne st
  • # Brown Samuel, 25 Whitefriar gate
  • # Carlill Thomas & George, 45 Whitefriar gate
  • # Clark William, 17 Humber Dock street
  • Codlin William, Wellington mart
  • # Collinson Wm. 2 Junction Dock st
  • Cook John, 26 Wincolmlee
  • Darling William, Garden st
  • Dickin Edward, 80 Myton gate
  • # Dickon John, Junction Dock st & North side Old dock
  • # Dobson Robt. 5 Junction Dock st
  • Dunning William, Waterworks st
  • Ellerby Bartholomew, 15 Blackfriar gate
  • Empson Thos. North st, Prospect st
  • England Thomas, Witham
  • # Feetam Thomas, 62 Myton gate
  • Finlay John, Dock st
  • # Ford James, 17 Blackfriar gate
  • Fox James, 28 Bond st
  • Gresley Thomas, North st, Prospect st
  • # Grocock John, 3 Junction Dock st
  • Grover James, Middle st
  • Haywood James, Witham
  • Hicks John, 30 Blackfriar gate
  • # Holmes Joseph, 21 Humber Dock st
  • Kelsey Jas. jun. 9 Blackfriar gate
  • # Kenningham Hy. 2 Dock Office row
  • Kitching Mordecai, Blanket row
  • # Levett Wm. Day, Junction Dock st
  • # Levitt Thomas, 8 & 11 Junction Dock st
  • # Lovitt John & Thomas, 57 Whitefriar gate
  • Lyel Miles, Bridge st
  • Lyth John, Guildhall passage
  • Nicholson Edward, Johnson's entry, High st
  • Parker Henry, Charlotte street
  • # Parkinson Wm. 18 Humber Dock st
  • # Peck John, 23 Blackfriar gate
  • # Peck Thomas & Son, 12 Queen st
  • Pindar Wm. Thornton, Carr lane
  • Richardson Ths. Smith's pl, Castle st
  • Robinson Thomas, Cogan st
  • Rollit Richard, Great Union st
  • # Saner Elias, Waterworks st
  • Shackles Thos. Eaton st, Lowgate
  • Slingsby William, Witham
  • # Smith & Richardson, 19 Bowl alley lane
  • # Southern George, 15 Bond st
  • Tadman Hny. Anne st, Osborne st
  • # Walker Jno. 24 & 25 Blackfriar gate
  • Watson B.B. 31 Blackfriar gate
  • Watts John, Alfred st
  • # Waugh Robt. 6 Trinity house lane
  • Wimble Wm. Church st, Sculcoates
  • # Wright Robert, 38 Bond st
Carpet & Paper Hanging Warehouses,
  • Brown Samuel (and furniture) 25 Whitefriar gate
  • Fearne John, 8 Market place
Carvers and Gilders,
  • Brooks Thomas, 48 Savile st
  • Brown John, 28 Bridge st
  • Crackles Richard Slack, 28 Humber st
  • Gell Richard, 30 Savile st
  • Hollingsworth Wm. 27 Silver st
  • Howlett Elisha, 22 Savile st
  • Sansby Richard (ship) Grimston st
  • Sherwood William (& looking glass manufacturer) 37 Bond st
  • Ward Thomas, Waterworks st
  • Warddell John ( & looking glass manufacturer) 8 Bowl alley lane
Chain Cable Manufacturers,
  • Power Wm. Church st & Dock st
  • Richardson Robt. Stewart's yd, High st
  • Tyzack, Dobinson and Co. South end; manufactory at Shields
Chair Makers,
(See also Cabinet Makers and also Turners)
  • Pexton Wm. Blackfriar gate alley
  • Wells Geo. (& cane worker) Queen st
Cheese Factors,
(See also Bacon & Butter Factors)
  • Fearne Thomas, 17 Lowgate
  • Hodgson William & Co. 28 Chariot st
  • Newbald Charles, 79 High st
  • Ryder Thomas, 34 Scale lane
China, Glass & Earthenware Dealers,
(See also Earthenware Manufactrs)
  • Allanson Gawon, 38 Bridge st
  • Cowley William (& cut glass manufacturer) 53 Lowgate
  • Dorsey Robert, Chariot st
  • Eastwood James, Blanket row
  • Eland John, Witham
  • Grey Elizabeth, 20 Silver st
  • Jack George, Mason st
  • Jack Peter (earthenware only) Hessle road
  • Jackson Mary Ann, 44 Blanket row
  • Jenkinson John, 39 Lowgate
  • Lattin Ratcliff Ingham, 47 Blanket row
  • Moor Thomas, 20 Queen st
  • Ralph James, 59 Salthouse lane
  • Sacker Isaac, Waterworks st
  • Shiner John (glass only, & cutter) 2 Finkle st
Chymists & Druggists,
(See also Druggists & Drysalters)
  • Aldcroft Thomas, 5 Prospect st
  • Armstrong William (& apothecary) 43 Lowgate
  • Barker James Bell (& dealer in oils and colours) Waterhouse la
  • Bell Christopher, Whitefriar gate
  • Boulter Benj. Ordnance pl, Drypool
  • Briggs Robert, 3 Whitefriar gate
  • Brooks John, 5 Queen st
  • Chapman & Son, 3 Queen st
  • Cooke William & Co. Savile st
  • Duckett Robert, Great Union st
  • Fisher Saml. 5 North bridge, Witham
  • Fullam James (& dealer in oils and colours) 11 Myton place
  • Gardam Robert, Lower Union st
  • Gunnee Samuel, 35 Chariot st
  • Gunnell Wm. Anderson, 4 Prospect st
  • Hammond C. and T.D. 5 Witham
  • Healey George, 11 Queen st
  • Hembrough Francis, 10 Bond st
  • Holder William (& apothecary) 24 Wincolmlee
  • Hudson John (& importer of leeches) 28 Waterworks st, & 26 Hosier la, West Smithfld, London
  • Hunt and Son, Junction st
  • Kerman George, Wincolmlee
  • Kirkus Richd. Rayner, 55 Salthouse lane
  • Lathangue Rt. (& cupper) Carlisle st
  • Laybourn Robert, 10 Worship st
  • Lockwood Robert, 20 Lowgate
  • Lofthouse John & James, 15 Market pl
  • Manners Thomas, 58 Myton gate
  • Meggitt John Smith, 18 Whitefriar gate
  • Melson Thomas, 79 Myton gate
  • Mercer & Chivers, 60 Market place
  • Meynell Christpr. 61 Whitefriar gate
  • Meynell Thomas, 1 Lowgate
  • Moxon Benjamin, 22 Market place
  • Percy Wm. Brown, Waterworks st
  • Richardson John, 4 Worship st
  • Rigg Thomas, 24 Bridge st
  • Ross and Burton, 40 Lowgate
  • Saunderson Thos. 49 Market place
  • Slator Thomas, 30 Silver st
  • Thomas William Henry, Prospect st
  • Tossell Edward, corner of Oxford st, Church st, Wincolmlee
  • Wallworth James, Cross st
  • Ward Burnell, English st
  • Whitaker William, Spencer st
  • Wilkinson John, Dock office row
  • Wilkinson John, Brook st
Clothes Dealers,
  • Boulton George, 36 Bridge st
  • Clarke Thomas & M.W. 15 Queen st
  • Dawson Joseph, 15 Humber Dock st
  • Donaldson Adam, North walls
  • Duesberry Thomas, Cross st
  • Ellis Christopher, Carr lane
  • Franks John, Waterhouse lane
  • Gibson James, 11 Queen st
  • Hargrave Robert, 8 Lowgate
  • Harper John, 22 Lowgate
  • Kennedy Francis, 6 Lowgate
  • Knight John, Great Passage st
  • Levitt John, Waterworks st
  • Mason Christopher, 9 Chariot st
  • Mudd John, 12 Humber Dock st
  • Slingsby ---, 15 Postern gate, & 27 Myton gate
Coach Builders,
  • Goddard James, 27 Chariot st
  • Halley William, 23 Bourne st
  • Hustwick Robert, Carr lane
  • Pearce John, Holderness road
  • Thornhill John, Waltham st
Coal Merchants,
  • Ash John, Silvester st
  • English Marcus Cooke (& lime) 181 High st
  • English Thomas & Son, Lister st
  • Groves Richard, New King st
  • Jackson Christopher, King st
  • Lofthouse, Dyas & Co. (coal fitters) 79 High st
  • Rowntree John, Wincolmlee
  • Rust William, St. James' st
  • Smith Joseph, 41 Scott st
  • Trann James, Stone ferry
  • West William, 28 Trippett
  • Willson Jos. Prospect pl, Holderness road
  • Woodmancey Thos. Great Union st
Coffee Houses,
  • Hellier John (commercial and news room) 41 Market pl
  • Wilson Charles, 24 North st, Bridge st
Colour & Paint Manufrs,
  • Baruchson & Fawcett, Hessle road
  • Blundell Henry (& varnish) Beverley road
  • Dudding Joseph, 25 Dock st
  • Harrison John, 17 New George st
  • Hawkin Edward, Humber bank
  • Hewetson James & John & Co. 16 Wincolmlee
  • Popple George, Sons & Co. Groves
  • Sissons, Brothers & Co. Sculcoates
  • Storry & Smithson, Garrison side
  • Thomas & Piercy, Commercial buildings, High st, & Wincolmlee
  • Todd Wm. Richard, 186 High st
Comb Makers,
  • Mawson Thomas, 23 Upper Union st
  • Watkinson Richard, 38 Savile st
  • Barker Elizab. 44 Bridge st
  • Barker Robt. (wholesale) 49 Myton gate
  • Creighton Nathaniel, 3 Finkle st
  • Dickinson William, 2 Savile st
  • Dukes George, 28 Waterworks st
  • Dunn Mary Ann, 24 Whitefriar gate
  • Etty Thomas, 17 Church lane
  • Forbes Edward, Smeaton st
  • Fox Thomas, 8 Grimston st
  • Horner Jane (& bride cake maker) Lowgate
  • Horsley Elizab. 11 Humber Dock st
  • Jackson & Smith (& wholesale) 89 Myton gate
  • Mackenzie John, 2 Junction Dock st
  • Milner Frederick, 58 Whitefriar gate
  • Milner John Turner (& wholesale) 47 Friar gate
  • Nickols William, Hessle road
  • Ostler Robert, 60 Whitefriar gate
  • Reyner Saml. Tetalock, 31 Chariot st
  • Rymer Thos. ( & fruiterer) 5 Queen st
  • Seaton Ann, 17 Castle st
  • Simpson Wm. Laybourn, 20 Savile st
  • Thomas John, 1 Prospect st
  • Wales John, George st
  • Wales William, Waterworks st
  • Wilkinson William, 65 Whitefriar gate
  • Wiseman Caroline, 44 Savile st
  • America, Richd. Tottie, Minerva ter
  • Belgium, Henry Marris, 29 High st
  • Denmark, Wm. Caddy Good, Commercial buildings, High st
  • France, William Wilson, 13 Bowl alley lane
  • Hanover, Bethuel Boyes, 8 Castle street
  • Netherlands, John Christopher Cankrien, 18 Savile st
  • Oldenburgh (the Grand Duchy of) George Cammell, 196 High st
  • Prussia, John William Hentig, 24 High st
  • Russia, Thomas Firbank, 8 Charlotte st
  • Spain, Robert Keddey, 81 High st
  • Sweden & Norway (vice) John Clay, North side Old dock
  • Bartlett Wm. Duckett's yard, High st
  • Bell John & Geo. 172 & 173 High st
  • Bromby Thos. Stewart's yd, High st
  • Brown Thomas, Witham
  • Carr Christopher, 13 Chariot st
  • Carter Thomas, 19 Witham & Trippett
  • Clarke Peter, Dagger lane
  • Copass William, Cogan st
  • Dannatt Robert & Thos. Bridge st
  • Dick Benjn. George yard, High st
  • Finninglay John, 6 North walls
  • Harding Charles, Wells st, Waterworks st
  • Hudson Henry, Great Passage st
  • Moon George & Co. (Geo. Moon, king's cooper) South side Old dock
  • Pearson Joseph, 152 High st
  • Shields Henry, 29 Dock st
  • Taylor George, 18 Wellington st
  • Young John, Anne st
Cork Cutters,
  • Acaster Robert, 1 Union court, Church lane
  • Garton George, William & Henry, 19 Salthouse lane
  • Leaper Joseph, 127 High st
  • Oldfield R.S. 119 High st
  • Ross Thomas, Sewer lane
  • Wilkinson Thos. 14 Church lane
Corn Merchants & Factors,
(See also Merchants)
  • Alders & Hansell, 66 High st
  • Baker Aaron, 19 Chariot st
  • Bogden Frederick, Market place
  • Brigham W.A. (& seed) High st
  • Gedney Wm. Prospect pl, Drypool
  • Hall John (& seed) 34 High st
  • Hodgson John, 27 Dock st
  • Johnson Joseph (& dealer in Russia mats & bags) 58 High st
  • Laverack Martin & Son, 1 Bishop lane
  • Richardson John, 150 High st
  • Richmond Richard, Old Custom house buildings, 36 High st
  • Simpson Thomas, Princess st, French's gardens
  • Stubbing John, 55 High st
  • Sumpner John, 149 High st
  • Taylor & Clifford, 162 High st
  • Tootal Frederick, 41 High st
  • Watson Richard Barratt (factor & broker) 21 High st
  • West William, jun. 5 & 6 Trippett
  • Woodmancy Thomas, Gt. Union st
Curriers and Leather Sellers,
  • Aitkin John, 24 & 25 Myton gate
  • Clarkson Thomas, 39 Scale lane
  • Cookman George, 42 Market place
  • Harrison Thomas, 18 Bridge st
  • Jefferson Joseph, 28 Bishop lane
  • Jefferson Joseph, Prospect st
  • Jefferson Robert, White Horse yard, Market place
  • Johnson & Happey, Blue Bell entry, High st
  • Moor Christopher, 30 Lowgate
  • Rheam & Priestman, Blanket row
  • Seaton John Martin, 8 King st
  • Sissison William, Waterworks st
  • Tarbotton Wm. 4 North Church side
  • Tesseyman Francis, Edward st
  • Tesseyman Francis, Engine st
  • Tesseyman William, 9 Fish st
  • Thackray William, Chariot st
  • Thomas John, 23 Scale lane
  • Thompson Abraham, 37 Trippett
  • Williams Joseph, 44 Blanket row
  • Wing Joseph, 32 Lowgate
  • Hoyland Samuel (& truss maker) 9 Queen st
  • Jones William, Wells yard, Waterworks st
  • Robinson Daniel (& surgeons' instrument maker) 11 Queen st
  • Manne George Arthur, 11 Savile st
  • Richardson John, 4 Worship street
Druggists & Drysalters - Wholesale,
  • Baruchson & Fawcett, Hessle road
  • Lofthouse John & Co. 24 Church st
  • Smith Henry, 10 Blanket row
  • Brown William, Carr lane
  • Clark Robert, 18 George st
  • Collier Robert, 8 Lucas st
  • Deighton Richard, 37 Brook st
  • Middlemist Christopher, Castle row
  • Richardson William, 9 Beverley rd
  • Saunders Joseph, Waterworks st
  • White Joseph & Co. Waterworks st
  • Wright George, 12 Manor alley
Earthenware Manfctrs,
  • Bell William, Humber bank pottery
  • Lapish Jos. Church st, Wincolmlee
  • Mayfield Joseph, Stepney lane, Sculcoates
  • Mayfield Joseph, jun. Stepney lane, Sculcoates
Eating - Houses,
  • Barker James (and lodging) 87 Myton gate
  • Cooper Geo. (& lodging) 8 Myton gate
  • Dibb William, 32 Scale lane
  • Frankish Thomas, 18 Humber st
  • Garton Mary, 15 Blanket row
  • Hakney John, Humber st
  • Hall William, 80 Myton gate
  • Harland Leonard (& lodging) 24 Queen st
  • Hewson Mary Ann & Eliza (& lodgings) 26 Queen st
  • Hines Christphr. 23 Waterworks st
  • Holt John, 15 Scale lane
  • Hudson Jno. (& lodging) 25 Queen st
  • Langley James, 38 Scale lane
  • Marshall Thomas, 93 Myton gate
  • Parkes Richard, 7 Wellington st
  • Pinder Robert, 49 Blackfriar gate
  • Thompson George, 40 Scale lane
  • Wilkinson John, Waterworks st
  • Wright Hny. (& lodging) 21 Queen st
  • Oldham James, Silvester st
  • Overton James, Scott st
  • Timperley John (to the Dock Company) Mason st
Engravers and Copper-Plate Printers,
  • Bosomworth Jno. Goodyear (printer only) 13 Church lane
  • Goodwill & Lawson (& stationers) 22 Silver st
  • Greenwood John (& lithographic printer) 5 Bowl alley lane
  • Johnson Richard, 30 Scale lane
Fire, &c. Offices & Agents,
  • Alliance, John Smith & Co. 82 High st
  • Asylum (life) Chas. Hny. Phillips, 36 Salthouse la
  • Atlas, John Levett, 7 High st
  • Birmingham, Sl. Tomalin, Queen st
  • British (fire) & Westminster (life) William Moor, 1 St. James' st
  • County, Caius Thompson, 1 Trinity house lane
  • Crown (life) George Locking, 12 High st
  • Eagle (life) Briggs Carlill, 33 High st
  • Globe, Thos. J. Buckton, South side Old dock
  • Guardian, John & Wm. H. Holdsworth, 33 High st
  • Imperial, Jas. B. Stocks, 7 High st
  • Leeds and Yorkshire, Thomas Hewitt, jun. Stewart's yd, High st
  • London Assurance, Isaac Turner, 44 High st
  • London Union, Ths. Edw. Radford, 2 Dock side
  • Manchester, James Alsop, 48 Market place
  • Newcastle, Hannah Turnbull, 43 Dock st
  • Norwich Union, Thomas Owst Atkinson, 17 Bowl allet la
  • Palladium (life) Peter Wells, 8 Parliament st
  • Patriotic, Geo. Locking, 12 High st
  • Phoenix (fire) and Pelican (life) John Hill, 18 Parliament st
  • Protector, Briggs Carlill, 33 High st
  • Royal Exchange, John Bernard La Marche, 200 High st
  • Scotland, Chas. Newbald, 79 High st
  • Sheffield, John Thompson, 21 North walls
  • Suffolk and General County Amicable, John Hipsley, 8 Finkle st
  • Sun, Christopher Bolton, 21 High st
  • West of England, William Atkinson Brigham, High st
  • Yorkshire, Richard John Moxon, Bowl alley lane
  • Anderson William, 16 Queen st
  • Appleyard John B. 42 Queen st
  • Askew, Johnson & Todd, Queen st
  • Bradley John, 21 Chariot st
  • Bradley William, Bridge st
  • Brown Elizabeth, 13 Queen st
  • Crush & Co. (& wholesale & oyster dealers) 34 Queen st
  • Dannat Thomas, Witham
  • Deyes William, 21 Sykes st
  • Drewery John, 9 Queen st
  • Jennison Thomas (& dealer in game) 3 Queen st
  • Omand Robert, Great Union st
  • Simpson Ricd. (oyster dlr) Savile st
  • Varley John, 34 Myton gate
  • Ware William (& dealer in game) 1 Queen st
  • Watson John (& dealer in game) 41 Savile st
  • Wells George, Chariot st
  • Wilkinson Thomas, 25 Trippett st
  • Witty Richard, 37 Savile st
Flax Dressers,
  • Clarkson William (and canvass and sacking merchant) 59 High st & Witham
  • Edwards William, 103 High st
  • Irving Wm. & Thomas, 13 Queen st
Flour Dealers,
(See also Bakers & Flour Dealers, Grocers, & also Shopkeepers, &c.)
  • Allison James, Great Union st
  • Bainton & Oxtoby, 39 Wincolmlee
  • Baker Aaron, 19 Chariot st
  • Bowlby John, Witham
  • Campbell Thomas, 9 Finkle st
  • Chaffer William, Great Union st
  • Cherry John, North walls
  • Court William, 31 Wincolmlee
  • Dawson Thomas, 130 High st
  • Dawson Thomas, Wincolmlee
  • Gray Robert (& corn) Waterworks st
  • Green Richard, 22 Machell st
  • Green Thos. (oatmeal) 28 Church lane
  • Hebblewhite Francis, 51 Salthouse la
  • Hill Thomas, Wincolmlee
  • Johnson Lawrence, 11 Dock Office row
  • Johnston Maria, 46 Blanket row
  • Lambert Sarah, 9 Trippett
  • Lotherington John, 12 Vicar lane
  • Oliver James, 50 Salthouse la
  • Petchell Saml. North bridge, Witham
  • Quarton John, 77 Myton gate
  • Meden Elizabeth, Witham
  • Tesseyman Francis, Waterworks st
  • Thompson Henry, Wincolmlee --- John Davis, agent
  • Webster Jas. West end of Old dock
  • West William, jun. 5 & 6 Trippett
  • Dunn Mary Ann, 24 Whitefriar gate
  • Hague Thomas, 22 Grimsby lane, Market pl
  • Hornsby James (& orange merchant) Blanket row
  • Stamford Ann, North Church side
  • Stickney Abraham, 33 Bridge st
  • Tomlinson Henry, 7 Church lane
  • Waters Gavin, 23 Bond st
  • Wilkinson William, 65 Whitefriar gate
Furniture Brokers,
  • Addey William, 28 Blackfriar gate
  • Ashton Thomas, 9 Dock Office row
  • Atkinson Wm. 4 Junction Dock st
  • Barry William, 15 Junction Dock st
  • Brockbank Mary, Chariot st
  • Chisholm David, 16 Junction Dock st
  • Collison Wm. 2 Junction Dock st
  • Cowl George, 15 North walls
  • Dobson John, 1 Junction Dock st
  • Dobson Robert, 5 Junction Dock st
  • Ellerby Bartholomew, 15 Blackfriar gate
  • England Daniel, Witham
  • Finlay John, 34 New George st
  • Glen George, 16 Chariot st
  • Grocock John, 3 Junction Dock st
  • Guy Henry Remmington, 14 Junction Dock st
  • Guy Thos. 9 & 10 Junction Dock st
  • Hardy Jane, 15 Humber Dock st
  • Jaques Thomas (& chair painter) Humber st
  • Kelsey James, jun. 9 Blackfriar gate
  • Layell Susannah, 9 Castle st
  • Nixon Robert, 13 Humber Dock st
  • Porter Elizabeth, Trippett
  • Stockdale James England, Junction Dock st
  • Stockdale William, 20 Junction Dock st
  • Thompson Jno. 21 Junction Dock st
  • Waite James, 20 Blackfriar gate
  • Walker Richd. 13 Junction Dock st
  • Wilkinson C. 19 Humber Dock st
  • Williamson John, 36 Church st
  • Wright Robert, Junction Dock st
(See also Hat Manufacturers)
  • Carnagies William, 31 Lowgate
  • Forth John, 45 Market place
  • Goldfinch Thos. Frederick (ladies) 4 Wellington mart
  • Hargrave John, 28 Lowgate
  • Linskill Ann (ladies) Princess st, French's gardens
  • Newmarch George (ladies, and cap maker) Waterhouse la
  • Taylor Saml. (ladies) 28 Whitefriar gate
  • Wells Christopher, 12 Queen st
Gardeners & Seedsmen,
  • Barrell Robt. Hodgson st, Lime st
  • Calvert Joseph, Hessle road
  • Collinson William, Sutton bank
  • Cooper Thomas, Canning st
  • Dixon Edmund Philip (& florist) 1 Queen st
  • Grantham John, Pot house yard, Church st
  • Hall Robert, Strawberry gardens
  • Harrison Thomas, Sutton bank
  • Lockwood Catherine, Green lane, Wincolmlee
  • Neal Thomas, Humber bank
  • Shotton John, Sutton bank
  • Simpson Mary Ann (Brazil pleasure & tea gardens) Hessle road
  • Strachan James, Carr lane
  • Sudbury John, Cannon st, Wincolmlee
  • Topping Joseph, Great Union st
  • Tuxworth Robert, Danson lane
  • Waters Gavin, Bond st
  • Wheldale William, Sutton bank
Ginger Beer Makers,
  • Barker James Bell, Waterhouse la
  • Boynton Mark (& soda water)12 Waltham st
  • Hodgson John, 14 Humber st
Glue Manufacturers,
  • Wake & Officer, Wilmington groves
Grocers & Tea Dealers,
Marked # are also Flour Dealers
(See also Shopkeepers, &c.)
  • Atkinson Parnell, Danson lane, Holderness road
  • # Bailey John, 26 Blackfriar gate
  • # Barnett Thomas, 4 Trippett
  • Baruchson & Fawcett (& chicoree manufacturers) Hessle rd
  • Bertie John, 52 Myton gate
  • Blenkin Wm. (wholesale) 67 High st
  • Bloome Thomas, 92 Myton gate
  • Bristow Charles, 14 Queen st
  • Brown William, 10 Myton place
  • Buck Joesph, Patrick Ground land
  • Bywater Benjamin, Fawcet st
  • Caley William, 43 Bridge st
  • Coates Thos. Richardson, 19 Market pl
  • Cobb George, 13 High st
  • # Colley Wm. St. James' st
  • # Constable Joseph & Son, English st
  • Cook & Frankish, 33 Market pl
  • Craggs William, 27 Bridge st, and 6 Jennings st, Groves
  • # Cunningham Alexander, 31 Myton gate
  • # Dales William, Church st, Drypool
  • Darnill Christopher, 11 Chariot st
  • Des Forges Joseph and Sons, 85 High st
  • # Duffill Ann, 115 High st
  • Fearne Thomas, 17 Lowgate
  • Fewson Thos. Cousitt, 36 Lowgate
  • Field Wm. (& wholsale) 11 Market pl
  • Freeman Robert, 57 Salthouse lane
  • # Garbutt Elizabeth, 14 Sykes st
  • Gelson Thomas, Savile st, corner of George st
  • # Gibson William (& bacon factor) 90 Myton gate
  • Gibson Wm. and Sons, 33 Salthouse lane
  • Glover George, 14 Junction st
  • Goldsmith William, 19 Bridge st
  • Gray John, Kingston st, Pottery
  • Grayburn William, 44 Lowgate
  • Green Thomas, Vincent st
  • Hair George, 42 Blanket row
  • # Halley Edmund, Worship st
  • Harper Thomas & Co. 49 Market pl
  • Harrison Joseph, Davies st
  • Harrison William, 1 Myton place & English st
  • Hodgson Ralph, Salthouse la and Lowgate
  • Hodgson William, Waterworks st
  • Hodgson Wm. & Co. 28 Chariot st
  • Hutchinson Jonthn. 17 Whitefriar gate
  • # Jackson John & Son, Witham
  • # Jackson Ralph, 6 Queen st
  • Jaques James, 10 Spencer st, Prospect st
  • Jaques William, 16 Spencer st, Prospect st
  • Jenkins Robert, Postern gate
  • # Johnson Harriet, Osborne st
  • Johnson Timothy, 33 Chariot st
  • Kershaw John, 48 Lowgate
  • # Knight Richard, 6 North bridge, Witham
  • Lambert George, 56 Market place
  • Levett William & Son (wholesale, and importers of seed and fruit), 30 Market place; office and warehouse, 71 High st
  • Lundy Henry, 44 Scott st
  • Mason William, Postern gate
  • Middleton Thomas, 21 Silver st
  • Milner Ann & Son, 4 Witham
  • # Mitchell David, osborne st
  • Murgatroyd William, Waterworks st
  • Newton Isaac, jun. 50 Myton gate
  • Ouston Joseph, 42 Prospect st
  • Parrott Geo. Princess st, French's gardens
  • Petty George, 48 Myton gate
  • # Pickard James S. (& importer of seeds, &c.) 27 Blackfriar gate
  • # Rowntree William, 14 Wincolmlee
  • Ryder Benjamin Moxon, Scott st
  • Ryder Benjamin Moxon, Prospect st
  • Ryder Thomas, 34 Scale lane
  • Saul & Co. Humber st
  • Savage Joseph & Co. Queen st
  • # Smith George, jun. Witham
  • Smith John Lee & Co. (wholesale) 38 Market pl
  • # Smith Thomas, Osborne st
  • # Smith Tobias, Witham
  • Smith Wilfred Johnson, Gt Union st
  • # Smithson William, 39 Scott st
  • Story Thomas, 14 Lowgate
  • Thomas William Henry, 47 Prospect st
  • Tonge William (& foreign provision importer) 25 Scale lane
  • # Tweed Richard, Great Passage st
  • West Leonard (& dealer in British wines) 12 Silver st
  • White Thomas, 35 Market pl
  • Whitehead Charles, 61 High st
  • Wilcockson Edward, 10 Queen st
  • Woodell John, 25 Waterworks st
  • Woods Henry, Caroline st, corner of New King st
  • Wolton William, 37 Savile st
Gun Makers,
  • Blauch John, 26 Silver st
  • Humphreys and Brown, 20 Myton gate
  • Mozeen Samuel, 86 Myton gate
(See also Linen Drapers, and also Hosiers)
  • Henson Sidney, 44 Dock st
  • Johnson Thomas, 18 Myton gate
  • Redhead Henry, 46 Market place
  • Towers William Franck (& laceman) 16 Whitefriar gate
Hair Dressers,
(See also Perfumers)
  • Barker Nathaniel, 45 Bridge st
  • Bellamy Robert, Blanket row
  • Brown Andrew, Dagger lane
  • Bulman John, 1 Bowl alley lane, & 27 Sykes st
  • Collinson Henry, Waterhouse lane
  • Daulton Charles, 1 Thornton st, Drypool
  • Drant John, Waterhouse lane
  • Elliott James, 62 Lowgate
  • Foster William, Cross st
  • Glover Charles, Humber st
  • Harrison William, 18 Castle st
  • Healess Edward K. 20 Prospect st
  • Hudson George, Great Union st
  • Hudson Thomas, Waterworks st
  • Jackson William, 37 Bridge st
  • Jackson William, Lower Union st
  • Johnson Richard, 174 High st
  • Lloyd James, North Church side
  • Lucas Joseph, 33 Blanket row
  • Luddington William, 19 Bishop lane
  • Nixon Joseph, 31 Postern gate
  • Phillipson Michael, 91 Myton gate
  • Reeder Westoby, 29 Wincolmlee
  • Robinson John, 131 High st
  • Salmon George, 91 High st
  • Sansby John, Witham
  • Simpson John, Queen st
  • Smith Thomas, West st
  • Souter Gabriel, 133 High st
  • Stubbs William, Trippett
  • Tankersley Christopher, Carr lane
  • Tate William, 28 Myton gate
  • Taylor William, 41 Bridge st
  • Thistleton James Morris, 84 High st
  • Thomas John, 1 Prospect st
  • Thornhill James, 6 Blackfriar gate
  • Trumble Stephen, 153 High st
  • Tummon George, 19 Queen st
  • Varley Richard, 34 Chariot st
  • Wakelin Thomas, Humber st
  • Welburn George, 32 Salthouse lane
  • Wells Thomas, 46 Myton gate
  • Wilberforce Walter, 21 Scale lane
  • Woolfitt Maw, Chariot st
  • York William, Wincolmlee
Hardware Dealers,
  • Johnson Thomas, 18 Myton gate
  • Lundy Robert (Sheffield ware) 10 Junction Dock st
  • Parker Jas. (& travelling jeweller) 12 Myton gate
  • Selvea G. (& barometer repairer) 25 Grimsby lane, Market pl
  • Simpson Thomas, 17 Queen st
Hat Manufacturers and Hatters,
Marked # are Manufacturers.
  • # Appleton William, Stubb's Buildings, West st
  • Ashworth Samuel & Co. 43 Market place
  • # Dean John, 52 Salthouse lane
  • # Forth John, 45 Market place
  • Gresham John, 13 & 14 Queen st
  • Kitching Thomas Geo. 9 Queen st
  • # Moss William, 16 Scale lane
  • Osbourne George, 27 Queen st
  • Place Thomas, 16 Silver st
  • # Preston Henry & Co. 26 Market pl
  • # Salsbury Charles, 31 Market place
  • Tinkler John, 58 Lowgate
  • # Whinham Robert, Waterhouse lane
  • # Wadham Wm. (silk) 60 Lowgate
  • # Wells Christopher, 12 Queen st
Hop & Seed Merchants and Dealers,
  • Baruchson & Fawcett (seed) Hessle road
  • Blenkin George, 67 High st
  • Brittain James, 58 High st
  • Clark William & Co. 62 High st
  • Levett William & Son, 30 Market pl and 71 High st
  • Murgatroyd William, Waterworks st
  • Newbald Charles (seed) 79 High st
  • Oldfield R.S. 119 High st
  • Stephenson Robert, 61 High st
Hosiers & Glovers,
  • Cart John, 18 Lowgate
  • Cobb George, 13 High st
  • Gardener John, Waterworks st
  • Hammond H.W. (& linen draper) 4 North bridge, Witham
  • Johnson Ann, 20 Scale lane
  • Kidd John Gillies, 52 Market place
  • Peters William, 24 Lowgate
  • Robinson Michl. & Sons, Queen st
  • Scholey Marmaduke (& linen draper) Queen st
  • Towers Wm. Franck, 16 Whitefriar gate
  • Whitehead William, 16 Lowgate
Ink Makers,
  • Perkins John (writing & copying) 9 Bowl alley lane
  • Withington Samuel, Bishop lane
Inns & Hotels,
(See also Taverns & Public Houses)
  • Bull & Sun (commercial) Mary Banks, 1 Myton gate
  • Cross Keys (commercial) Thomas Geldard, 32 Market pl
  • George (commercial & posting) Hanh. Woolley, 66 Whitefriar gate
  • Kingston Hotel (commercial & posting) John Dean, 5 Market pl & 13 Scale la
  • Vittoria (commercial & posting) William Boyes, Nelson st
  • White Hart (commercial) James Hemsworth, 25 Silver st
Iron Founders,
  • Aydon & Read, Humber bank
  • Campbell Duncan (the executors of) Foundry row, Sculcoates
  • Overton James, Scott st
Iron Merchants,
  • Beckinton, Wilson & Co. (foreign) 14 Salthouse la
  • Bell Michael, 38 Whitefriar gate
  • Cowie & Brandstron, 16 Parliament st
  • King, Turner & Peach, 59 Market pl
  • Spence Edward, 167 High st
  • Sykes Joseph and Sons, Bowl alley lane
  • Wilkinson, Whittaker & Co. 47 High st
  • Aston Wm. Pearce, 12 Junction st
  • Bell Michael, 38 Whitefriar gate
  • Blackburn John, 4 Queen st
  • Gleadow Robert, 24 Market place
  • King, Turner & Peach, 59 Market pl
  • Lundy Robert, 10 Junction Dock st
  • Moor William Belwood, 35 Lowgate
  • Purdon Thomas, 68 Lowgate
  • Sherwood George, jun. 6 Market place
  • Thompson John (& saw maker) 21 North walls
  • Tomalin Samuel (& button factor) Queen st
  • Walker Wm. & Jonathan, 50 Lowgate
  • Wimble & Preston, 50 Market pl
  • Wimble William, 9 Lowgate
  • Wright John, 18 Market place
  • Young James, 6 Waltham st
(See also Watch & Clock Makers)
  • Alexander George, Silver st
  • Barnby Bishop, 13 Market place
  • Barnett Joseph, 55 Market place
  • Blanchard Wm. & Son, 11 Silver st
  • Cay William (working) Union court, Church lane
  • Daniel Isaac (travelling) 25 George yd, Lowgate
  • Dunn John, 33 Finkle st
  • Ferrier Wm. Thornton (& foreign money exchanger) 10 Queen st
  • Forrester Patrick, 17 Market place
  • Gardner Chas. (working) 33 Bishop lane
  • Gresham John, 13 & 14 Queen st
  • Harrison Robt. (working & jet ornament manufacturer) 39 Savile st
  • Jacobs Israel & Son (& gold and silversmiths) 7 Whitefriar gate
  • James Jno. (working) 1 Blackfriar gate
  • Northen Richard, 46 Lowgate
  • Shipham John (& foreign money exchanger) 21 Market place
  • Symons Julia (& dealer in ancient foreign coins) Queen st
  • Terry William, 68 Lowgate
(See also Builders)
  • Alcock & Preston, West end Old dock
  • Anfield John, Humber Dock st
  • Arnold John, St. James' st
  • Barron Thomas, Great Union st
  • Beet Matthew, Blanket row
  • Bennington Wm. Raikes st, Drypool
  • Benton Cornelius Luke, Silvester st
  • Blenkin William, Witham
  • Blossom John, 52 Scott st
  • Boddy Matthew, 151 High st
  • Briggs Thomas, 36 Scott st
  • Brown Richard, 1 Valance pl, Blanket row
  • Buchanan John, 10 Sewer lane
  • Chapman Edward, Princess st, French's gardens
  • Clark Thomas, Brown's entry, High st
  • Crosby Richard, Grimston st
  • Dales Henry, Bluebell entry, High st
  • Ellis John, Great Passage st
  • Fillingham Thomas, 35 New George st
  • Gowland George, Lime st groves
  • Grassby Richard, West end Old Dock
  • Harrison Joseph, Davies st
  • Hay Richard, Smeaton st
  • Hockney John, Union pl, Great Union st
  • Hodgson Sherlock, Stewart's yd, High st
  • Humphrey Ths. & Son, Wellington st
  • Hunt William, Silvester st
  • Jackson William, Quay st
  • Johnson Wm. Lincoln st, Wincolmlee
  • Kelsey John, Walker sq, Mason st
  • Lawton John, North side Old dock
  • McLeon William, Adelaide st
  • Martin & Son, 34 Dock st
  • Martin Robert, 20 Sykes st
  • Metcalf John, 7 Machell st
  • Morehead Thos. 17 Upper Union st
  • Parkin James, 12 Sykes st
  • Pedge Thomas, 18 Trippett
  • Pickwell Richard, 1 Lucas square
  • Pitts Benj. Hewitt's yd, 42 Whitefriar gate
  • Purdon David Watson (& builder) North side Old Dock
  • Sanderson Henry & Jos. St. John's st
  • Sanderson Joseph, 23 Finkle st
  • Simpson Geo. North st, Prospect st
  • Simpson Saml. North st, Bridge st
  • Skinner Edward, 29 Osbourne st
  • Spencer James, senr. Spring st
  • Stephenson George, Burn's Head passage, Whitefriar gate
  • Tindell Thomas, Hodgson st, Groves
  • Turner Robert, Silvester st
  • Walker Henry, English st
  • Walker John, 27 Bond st
  • Walker William, Little Albion st
  • Webster Robert, North st, Prospect st
  • White William, 12 Manor alley
  • Wilford James, Chapel st
  • Wills William, Little Albion st
  • Wilson John (& cabinet maker) Wellington mart
  • Wilson Matthew (& cabinet maker) 50 High st
  • Wittingham George, Grimsby la, Market pl
  • Witty Robert, Trippett st
  • Young Andrew & Son, Anne st
Lace Manufacturers and Dealers,
  • Duke William, Queen st
  • Hickman John, 6 Silver st
  • Locking William, 4 Silver st
  • Pickering Benjamin, 28 Silver st
Lath Renders,
  • Fewster James, West end Old dock
  • Ingsley George, Queen st
  • Ireland Wm. North side Old dock
  • Johnson Robt. North side Old dock
  • Parrott John, North side Old dock
  • Whincup John, North side Old dock
  • Whincup Richard, West end Old dock
Law Stationer,
  • Inall George Revitt (& parchment dealer) Exchange alley
Marked # are Circulating
  • # Barker Ann Elizb. 57 Market place
  • # Craggs John, 9 Silver st
  • # Gardner Enoch, 26 Humber st
  • # Gell Ann Eliza, 37 Waterhouse lane
  • # Howe John, 3 Scale lane
  • Hull (subscription) 2 Parliament st --- George Uppleby, librarian
  • Lyceum (subscription) 8 Parliament st --- Robert Knox Wilson, librarian
  • # Montgomery Benjamin, 23 Lowgate
  • # West Mary, Witham
Lighter Owners,
  • Bolton James, Witham
  • Freer Thomas, 2 Little lane, Blackfriar gate
  • Haworth Francis, 2 North walls
  • Massam Robert, 18 Chapel lane
  • Pere Milner, 7 Paradise row
  • Pere Samuel, 52 Salthouse lane
  • Reed Christopher, 28 Salthouse lane
  • Richardson Thomas, Witham
  • Ward Samuel, Bourne st
Lime Burners,
  • Appleyard & Storrer, Church st, Sculcoates
  • Trann James, Stone ferry
Linen & Woollen Drapers and Silk Mercers,
  • Benington Harriet, 12 Sykes st
  • Blyth John, 31 Whitefriar gate
  • Eastwood Anthony & Son, Queen st
  • Fearne John, 8 Market place
  • Garbutt Samuel (linen) 8 Silver st
  • Green William, 5 Market place
  • Greenwood William, 68 Lowgate
  • Grime Geo. & Jas. 36 Whitefriar gate
  • Hebblewhite Benjamin, 17 Silver st
  • Hebblewhite John, 20 Market place
  • Johnson Richard, 8 Carlisle st
  • Jones Joseph and Co. 66 Market pl & 1 Silver st
  • Kidd John Gillies, (linen only) 52 Market pl
  • King John, Market place, corner of Queen st
  • kirk, Bolton and brown (& wholesale) 29 Silver st
  • Lamb Benjamin, 4 Carlisle st
  • Lambert Joseph James (linen only) 36 Savile st
  • McCartan Edward & Co. (linen only) 2 Whitefriar gate
  • Nicol John and Son, 19 Silver st
  • Pexton & Maw, 12 Dock Office row
  • Pinn John, 6 Old Dock buildings
  • Raynor William, 41 Whitefriar gate
  • Redhead Henry, 46 Market place
  • Rhodes & Rutherford, 61 Market place
  • Richardson Timothy, 11 Lowgate
  • Sawdon George and Co. 14 Silver st
  • Somerscales Joseph, 10 Market pl
  • Stephenson Joshua H. 9 Myton gate
  • Tadman Thomas & Richd. 1 Whitefriar gate and Trinity house la
  • Ullathorne and Hudson, Market place
  • Underwood John, 14 Market place
  • Wake Hny. Boyes, 62 Whitefriar gate
  • West Thomas, 5 Junction st
  • Wray Charles, 39 Market place
Linen Manufacturers,
  • Irving William & Thomas (& linen yarn spinners) 13 Queen st
  • Jack William, 6 Church lane
Livery Stable Keepers,
  • Atkinson Robert Johnson, Bowl alley lane
  • Bowlby John, Witham
  • Danby Matthew, Bourne st
  • Davie William (stand for Burt & Watson's hackney cabs) Carr Lane
  • Dinsdale John, 78 Myton gate
  • Howdle Robert, Engine st
  • Huzzard John, 52 Salthouse lane
  • Lyon Matthew, Carr lane
  • Miles Edward, Carr lane
  • Norton William, 14 Carr lane
  • Roginson John, Great Union st
  • Rooms John, 16 Dock st
  • Wardell Charles, Land of Green Ginger
  • Wilson Joseph, 13 King st
  • Wing John, Witham
  • Wing Thomas, Bourne st
Looking-Glass Manufacturers,
(See Carvers & Gilders) Lunatic Asylums,
  • The Refuge, Sculcoates --- John Walker, master
  • The Retreat, Holderness road --- Jane Gofton, matron
(See Brewers & Maltsters) Marine Stores -- Dealers in,
  • Boyd Samuel, Chariot st
  • Capes Ann, Great Union st
  • Carlill John, North side Old dock
  • Carmichael Thomas, Blanket row
  • Cartwright Thomas, 182 High st
  • Clark Thos. North side Old dock
  • Dove John, Waterhouse lane
  • Franks John, Waterhouse lane
  • Fugill Thomas, Witham
  • Gale Thomas, 154 High st
  • Godfrey William, Lime st, Groves
  • Gray Samuel, Trundle st
  • Hudson Robert, 9 Wincolmlee
  • Jackson John, 10 North walls
  • Johnson William, Waterhouse lane
  • Leighton John, 17 Mill st
  • Morehead Henry, Carr lane
  • Page Thomas, 12 North walls
  • Rayner George, 152 High st
  • Rayner George, 189 High st
  • Ryley William, 111 High st
  • Scarth Magnus, 9 Hanover square
  • Sharp George, Humber dock st
  • Sudds William, 52 Humber st
  • Tossell John, Great Passage st
  • Walker James, Humber dock st
Mast, Oar, Block & Pump Makers,
  • Atkin John, North side Old dock and Humber st
  • Newton Isaac & Son, North side Old dock
  • Westerdale William, South end Humber dock & West end Old dock
(See also Ship Owners)
  • Barkworth George, 36 High st
  • Beadle John & Co. 8 North walls
  • Beckett William & Co. (bark, hides, &c.) Somers town
  • Beckinton, Wilson & Co. 14 Salthouse lane
  • Bell W.H. & Co. 1 Scale lane
  • Bell William, Exchange alley
  • Bincks Richard, 12 High st
  • Blundell Henry, Beverley road
  • Blyth Robert & Co. 33 High st
  • Bolton Christopher & Son, 21 High st
  • Bolton William W. 7 High st
  • Bourne William, Quay st
  • Boyes Bethuel, Castle st
  • Boyes Faulkner, 21 High st
  • Brady Edward, 36 High st
  • Briggs Christopher & Son, 7 Bowl alley lane
  • Briggs John Blackshaw, 13 Albion st
  • Brodrick John, 21 High st
  • Brown Jonas & Co. 30 George st
  • Buckton George, 56 High st
  • Burstall Samuel, Frans. & Geo. High st
  • Cammell George, 196 High st
  • Cankrien Jno. Christopher, 18 Savile st
  • Carlill & Co. (Russia) 33 High st
  • Carter John, 42 High st
  • Clarkson & Milner, Charlotte st
  • Clay & Squire, North side Old dock
  • Collinson Wm. & Son, Garrison side
  • Cowie & Brandstron (commission) 16 Parliament st
  • Craven John (Baltic) 22 High st
  • Darley & Geeve, Stewart's yard, High st
  • Depledge W.N. & Brothers, 49 High st
  • Dossor William, Chapel lane
  • Earle George & Thomas, 44 High st
  • Egginton Gardner & Joseph & Sons, 8 North walls
  • Eyre William & Francis, 7 High st
  • Firbank Thomas, 8 Charlotte st
  • Gee, Loft and Co. Pier st
  • Good William Caddy, Commercial buildings, High st
  • Gooddy and McKee, 35 Trippett
  • Goodwin George, 20 North walls
  • Greenwood George, Commercial buildings, 29 High st
  • Hall John, 199 High st
  • Hall Thomas & Son, 5 North walls
  • Hall Thomas George, 52 High st
  • Halls, Todd & Hassell, Blaydes staith, High st
  • Henting & Co. 24 High st
  • Hipsley John & Co. 8 Finkle st
  • Holderness & Chilton, Exchange buildings
  • Holdsworth John & Wm. Heckson, 33 High st
  • Horsley John, Exchange alley
  • Husband Charles Melton & Co. 35 High st
  • Keighley Matthew & Robert, 55 High st
  • La Marche Jno. Bernard, 200 High st
  • Levett John & Henry & Co. 7 High st
  • Levett William & Son, 30 Market pl and 71 high st
  • Locking George, 12 High st
  • Marris Henry, Commercial buildings, 29 High st
  • Mee John, 27 Paradise place
  • Moon George, South side Old dock
  • Morehouse & Brown (commission) 184 High st
  • Morley Thomas Bethel & Co. South end
  • Norman William V. 25 High st
  • North William, 80 High st
  • Ostler John (hide) 42 High st
  • Park Godfrey & Richard, 21 High st
  • Parker Jno. (copper) 19 Blackfriar gate
  • Petchell John, 1 Scale lane
  • Petchell Thos. opposite 1 Scale lane
  • Popple George, Sons & Co. Groves
  • Prissick Thomas, 36 High st
  • Ringrose William & Christopher Leake, 42 High st
  • Samuelson Sml. Hny. Humber dock
  • Sanderson Joseph & John, Pier st
  • Shackels John, 36 High st
  • Smith John & Co. 82 High st
  • Spence Edward (Baltic) 169 High st
  • Storry & Smithson, Garrison side
  • Strother John, Commercial buildings, 29 High st
  • Swift Edward, 196 High st
  • Sykes Joseph & Sons, Bowl alley lane
  • Terry Richard & Sons, 41 High st
  • Thompson Caius, 1 Trinity house lane
  • Thompson Ths. 23 Humber Dock st
  • Thornton, Watson & Co. Lime st, Groves
  • Torr John & Co. (Baltic) 47 High st
  • Torr Thomas William, 36 High st
  • Tottie Richard, Minerva terrace
  • Wake & Officer, Wilmington, Groves
  • Ward Thomas, 18 Bowl alley lane
  • Ward William, 5 North walls
  • Weddle & Brownlow, 62 High st
  • Wells Peter, 51 High st
  • Westerdale Samuel, 25 High st
  • Wilkinson Ralph, Trippett
  • Wright, Bowden and Co. (Russia) 18 High st
  • Young Robert Cummin, 29 high st
  • Barker Francis, Stepney mill, Beverley rd
  • Bartle John & Son, 49 Whitefriar gate and Holderness rd
  • Chambers John, Holderness road
  • Dales William, Danson lane
  • Empson James, Hessle road
  • Leake William, Holderness road
  • Lewis John, William st, Drypool
  • Marshall William, Summergangs
  • Old Anti Mill Co. Holderness road
  • Ouston Joseph, Newland
  • Penrose William, Summergangs
  • Petchell Thos. opposite 1 Scale lane
  • Plewis William, Holderness rd
  • Rogers Robert, Drypool mill
  • Rooks James, Blockhouse mill, Holderness road
  • Sergent Henry, Sutton
  • Subscription Mill Co. Danson lane
  • Teanby John, Holderness road
  • Turner Stephen, Danson lane
  • Waddingham John, Holderness road
  • West William, jun. 5 & 6 Trippett
  • Wood Thomas, Holderness road
Milliners & Dress Makers,
  • Calvert Jane, Kingston st
  • Dearman Eliza, 65 Myton gate
  • Frost Hannah, 14 Savile st
  • Gilry Elizabeth, 27 Bond st
  • Hargrave Eliza, 44 Savile st
  • Horsley Ann, 11 Dagger lane
  • Hutchinson Isabella & Eliz. 33 Savile st
  • Hyde Hannah & Mary, 32 Bond st
  • Jackson Jane, 8 Dagger lane
  • Johnson Mary Ann, 14 Carlisle st
  • Marshall Ann, 16 Parliament st
  • Maxwell Ann, 3 Whitefriar gate
  • Meats Maria, 30 Bridge st
  • Morris Fanny, 16 Bond st
  • Reed Ellen, 3 Duncan place
  • Riby Ann, 6 Vicar lane
  • Robinson Hannah, 18 Bond st
  • Slingsby Elizabeth, 14 Postern gate
  • Turner Mary Ann, 43 George st
  • Wallis Jane, 23 Sykes st
  • Watson Mary Ann (& draper) 84 Myton gate
Mill-Stone Makers and French Burr Dealers,
  • Boyd George & William, Witham
  • Campbell Duncan (the executors of) Foundry row, Sculcoates
  • Cuss William, 10 Trippett
  • Kennedy William, Summergangs
  • Maris George, New George st, and at Leeds
  • Boyd George & William, Witham
  • Kennedy William, Summergangs
  • Michael & Dunwell, Summergangs
  • Oldham William, 37 Trippett
Music & Musical Instrument Sellers,
  • Atkinson George, 27 George st
  • Atkinson William & Son (and stationers) 42 Whitefriar gate
  • Blumfield & Fagg, 52 Whitefriar gate
  • Dimoline James (piano forte maker & tuner) 49 Savile st
  • Retalic George, 14 Bishop lane
Mustard Manufacturers,
  • Baruchson & Fawcett, Hessle road
  • Carrick W.B.& T. ( & importers of saxony smalts) 9 Grimsby lane, market pl
  • Earle George & Thomas, 44 High st
  • Ellison George (& drysalter) 9 New George st
  • Hipsley John & Co. 8 Finkle st
  • Mann Samuel, Summergangs
  • Popple George, Sons & Co. Groves
  • Reader, Dobson & Co. (& drysalters) Princess st, French's gardens
  • Thomas & Piercy, Commercial buildings, High st, & Wincolmlee
Nail Makers,
  • Beet John, Groves
  • Tranter Isaac, Alfred st
  • Wilkinson Thomas, Witham
  • Wilson William, Witham
  • Hull Advertiser & Exchange Gazette (Friday) --- William Kennedy, editor & publisher , 26 Lowgate
  • Hull Packet (Friday) --- Goddard & Brown, publishers, 51 Lowgate
  • Hull Rockingham (Saturday) --- John Perkins, publisher, 9 Bowl alley lane
Notaries --Public,
  • Cracknell Wm. 6 Whitefriar gate
  • Frost Charles, Scale lane
  • Skeet Henry Francis (& conveyancer) Bowl alley lane
Nursery & Seedsmen (See Gardeners & Seedsmen),
Oil Merchants,
Marked # are also Seed Crushers,
  • # Bell W.H. & Co. 1 Scale lane
  • # Blundell Henry, Beverley road
  • # Briggs Jane, Anlaby road
  • # Egginton Gardner and Joseph & Sons, 8 North walls
  • Fea & Co. (refiners) 29 High st
  • Garton George, William & Henry, 19 Salthouse lane
  • Haggerstone Edward, 29 High st
  • # Hawkin Edward, Humber bank
  • # Hewetson James & John and Co. 16 Wincolmlee
  • Hewitt & Co. Stewart's yd, High st
  • Lee & Tall, 50 Church st, Sculcoates
  • # Levett John & Henry & Co. 7 High st
  • Marshall Thomas Harrison & Richard, Mason st
  • Petchell John, 1 Scale lane
  • Pickard James S. 27 Blackfriar gate
  • Sissons, Brothers & Co. (& importers of Saxony smalts & black beer) Sculcoates
  • Smith Henry, 10 Blanket row
  • Spyvee & Cooper, Lime st, Groves
  • Stocks James B. 7 High st
  • Thomas & Piercy, Commercial bdgs, 29 High st, and Wincolmlee
  • # Trigg Matthew Thomas, 21 High st
  • Wake & Officer, Wilmington, Groves
  • Wilkinson Ralph, 42 Trippett
Painters --- House, Sign, &c.,
  • Andrew Thomas, Upper Union st
  • Barker James, 15 Trippett
  • Binks Thomas, 45 Salthouse lane
  • Binks William, 196 High st
  • Buck Francis, 150 High st
  • Cass John, Admiral's place & Carr lane
  • Charlton John, Silvester st
  • Coaks Samuel, Trippett st
  • Conkerton Richard, 15 Bishop lane
  • Cooper John Pudsey, 8 Catherine square, Mason st
  • Coupland Francis, 32 Lowgate
  • Cripling John Robinson, Old Dock Office row
  • Davie William, Carr lane
  • Dowson Thomas, 1 Duke st
  • Farrow John, Bell's yard, Waterworks st
  • Fewster Thomas, 7 Charter house lane
  • Gardner Enoch, 26 Humber st
  • Garton Robert, Carr lane
  • Green John, 16 Savile st
  • Harbron John, 15 Carlisle st
  • Harford George, 38 Myton gate
  • Hudson Joseph, Waterhouse lane
  • Hudson Timothy, Sewer lane
  • Jackson James, 12 Castle st
  • Jackson John (coach) Waterworks st
  • Jebson Joseph, corner of New Garden st
  • Leake William, Ward's entry, Whitefriar gate
  • Lowther Frederick, Savile st
  • Meek Henry, 7 Parragon place
  • Meggitt Thomas & Son, George yard, Lowgate
  • Mills Alexander, West st
  • Milner Wm. Milner's court, West st
  • Mowbray Richd. C. Great Union st
  • Naylor John, Carr lane
  • Newton William, Witham
  • Parkin Edmund, 29 George st
  • Peck Henry, Queen st
  • Poynter George, 21 Bridge st
  • Reed Joseph, 15 Wincolmlee
  • Reynolds John, 8 Sewer lane
  • Roberts John Lewis, Waterworks st
  • Shields John, 29 Dock st
  • Slight David M. Kingston st, Church st
  • Smales Robert, Lime st, Groves
  • Steeple Widow & Son, 31 Scale lane
  • Storry William, 20 Witham
  • Stothard Thomas, 2 Paradise row
  • Todd William Richard, 186 High st
  • Tute John, St. John's st
  • Ward John, 23 North st, Bridge st
  • Waudby William, 20 Chapel lane
  • Westoby Anthony Wm. 120 High st
  • Wilkinson John, 10 Postern gate
  • Willoughby Jane, 23 Savile st
  • Wrangham Richard Bartlett, 49 Blanket row
Paper Hanging Manufacturers,
  • Gould William, Osborne st
  • Hardy Thomas, 46 North st, Prospect st, & 25 Bridge st
  • Ward Benjamin, 33 Bond st
Paper Maker,
  • Smithson Thomas Paley, near Beverley road, Sculcoates
Patten, Last & Boot-Tree Makers,
  • Banks Matthew Collyford, 8 Dock Office row
  • Dibb Samuel, 4 Myton gate
  • Duval John Wood, 83 Myton gate
  • Eaton James, 15 Myton gate
  • Ellison George, 9 New George st
  • Gale Thomas, 35 Humber st
  • Stickney Abraham, 33 Bridge st
Marked # are Dealers in Plate.
  • Ansdell James, 18 Hanover square
  • Ansdell James, 31 New George st
  • Appleyard William, Waterhouse lane
  • Bee Joseph, 12 Broadley st
  • Bursell David, 15 Grimsby lane, Market place
  • Cade George, 17 Bridge st
  • Campleman William, West st
  • Carr Charles, 13 Trippett
  • Clarke & Spencer, Great Union st
  • # Dale Joshua, 14 Prince st
  • Fenwick Dorothy, 14 Mill st
  • Grant Joseph, 16 Scott st
  • # Greaves & Cowham, Engine st
  • Harrison Robert, 10 Sykes st
  • Hill Joseph, North court, Dock st
  • Hutchinson Maria, Burden st
  • # Jackson Edward, 6 Fish st
  • Kirk Kezia, 29 Grimsby lane, Market place
  • Kirkham Joseph, 10 Mill st
  • Mayfield Jno. 3 Waltham st
  • Mitchell John, Princess st, French's gardens
  • Morehouse Robert, 28 Salthouse lane
  • Moxon Mary, Quickfall's ct, Witham
  • Oates Bartholomew, 18 Blackfriar gate
  • Percy Elizabeth, Great Passage st
  • Spence Thomas, 25 New George st
  • Steel Thomas, English st
  • Taylor David, 5 Chapel lane
(See also Hair Dressers)
  • Brooks Benjamin & Son, 20 Whitefriar gate
  • Brooks Samuel, 32 Whitefriar gate
  • Champley John, 27 Savile st
  • Dunning Thomas, 2 Silver st
  • Goodill William, 11 Junction st
  • Hopper Richard, 47 Savile st
  • Jones Isaac, 64 Whitefriar gate
  • Ridgway John (& fishing tackle maker) 3 Lowgate
  • Alderson James, 4 Charlotte st
  • Ayre Joseph, 35 George st
  • Bodley William Hulme, 4 Albion st
  • Chalmers Matthew, Savile st
  • Gillett Joseph, 6 Prince st
  • Gillett Zaach, 6 Prince st
  • Horner Fewster Robt. Charlotte st
  • Longstaff George Dixon, 22 Whitefriar gate
  • Office, Nelson Street.
  • Michael Jordan, commodore of pilots
  • Bee Benjamin, No. 5 Boat
  • Bell Robert, No. 2 Boat
  • Chambers William, No. 6 Boat
  • Hearfield John, No. 3 Boat
  • Winter Francis, No. 1 Boat
  • Winter John, No. 4 Boat
Uknown Heading - maybe Plasterers?:
  • Atkinson William
  • Bee George
  • Blazier John
  • Blazier John, jun.
  • Bodley George
  • Brown Joseph
  • Brown Samuel
  • Burgess James
  • Campbell James
  • Chambers Richard
  • Chapman Corney
  • Clifton R.H.
  • Crowhurst Edward
  • Cumpston William
  • Darley C.
  • Ellis J.B.
  • Fenwick Thomas
  • Foster Thomas
  • Fraser William
  • Howgill Thomas
  • Jennison B.
  • Kenny William
  • Knight William
  • Machen Samuel
  • McIntosh James
  • Mellon William
  • Page Sowler
  • Page William
  • Parkin John
  • Patrick James
  • Peters Joseph
  • Postel Francis
  • Powel William
  • Ross William
  • Smith Robert
  • Smith William
  • Stables Thomas
  • Turner John
  • Walker Henry
  • Walker Henry, jun.
  • Wardell Christopher
  • Wray George
Plumbers & Glaziers,
  • Appleton Jane, 42 Savile st
  • Bailey Henry, 26 Blackfriar gate
  • Binnington Edward, 14 Chapel lane
  • Capes John, 2 Lime st, Groves
  • Conkerton Richard, 15 Bishop lane
  • Frith William, 24 Silver st
  • Holmes David, 26 Bond st
  • Horner Sarah, 17 Witham
  • Kay Geo. 50 Blanket row
  • Leake Wm. Ward's entry, Whitefriar gate
  • Linwood Joseph, Wincolmlee
  • Merrikin William, 12 Trippett
  • Pearson Francis, Salthouse lane
  • Pearson John, 16 Prospect st
  • Read Thomas T. 42 Market place
  • Richardson William, 17 Brook st, Prospect st
  • Setterington John, 22 Waterworks st
  • Smith Ths. Princess st, French's gardens
  • Steeple Widow & Son, 31 Scale lane
  • Streawson Richard, Waterworks st
  • Thompson James, 15 Church st
  • Vickerman David, Roper st
  • Ward Thos. Abrhm. 42 Myton gate
Porter Merchants,
  • Bowlby Jesse (sole agent for Marsden & Powell, Dublin) 13 Lowgate
  • Bromby & Morley, Waterhouse lane
  • Cunnington Thos. (& ale) 51 High st
  • Dewear & Harrison, 21 Parliament st
  • Fisher Robert, 36 Trippett
  • Ganderton John, 16 Parliament st
  • Hipsley John & Co. 8 Finkle st
  • Knight Richard, 6 North bridge, Witham
  • Lewis William, 2 Wellington st
  • Reckitt John, 62 Myton gate
  • Shaw George (Battley's ale and porter) 20 High st
  • Stephenson George (ale) 60 High st
  • Stork John, Bowl alley lane
  • Williamson Thos. (& cider) 2 High st
  • Wilson William, 5 Dock Office row
  • Fieldhouse Martha, Sewer lane
  • Fuller Robert, 21 Bridge st
  • Garforth Hannah, West st
  • Green Mary, 27 Church lane
  • Holdsworth John, 8 Bishop lane
  • Hunter Joseph, 32 Saville st
  • Turner Mary, 6 Grimsby lane, Market place
  • Whittingham Geo. 11 Grimsby Lane, Market place
Printers --- Letter Press,
  • Craggs John, 9 Silver st
  • Eden Jabez, White Horse yd, Market place
  • English Alfred Dale, 15 Silver st
  • Ferraby John, 44 Market place
  • Goddard & Brown, 57 Lowgate
  • Goodwill & Lawson, 22 Silver st
  • Howe John, 149 Scale lane
  • Hutchinson John, 3 Scale lane
  • Jackson John, 6 Blanket row
  • Jubb Joseph, 69 Lowgate
  • Kennedy Wm. & Co. 26 Lowgate
  • Montgomery Benjamin, 23 Lowgate
  • Noble Joseph (& publisher) 23 Market place
  • Peck & Smith, 38 Lowgate
  • Perkins John, 9 Bowl alley lane
  • Purdon & Brown, 43 Whitefriar gate
  • Purdon James, 65 Market place
Professors & Teachers,
  • Atkinson Geo. (music) 27 George st
  • Blanchard Pickwith (drawing) 19 Charles st
  • Blumfield & Fagg (music) 52 Whitefriar gate
  • Bregazzi Dominico (drawing & Italian language) 12 Fish st
  • Cassella Peter (drawing) 29 George st
  • Foster Richd. (dancing) Canning st
  • Gibson Geo. (music) 6 Robinson row
  • Gregoire Eugene (French & drawing) Mason st
  • Jackson Edmund (dancing) 12 Fish st
  • Lambert Casimer Joseph (French) 43 Savile st
  • Lowther Fras. Sebastian (drawing) 5 Savile st
  • Lowther Michael Angelo (drawing) 13 Bond st
  • Martin Thomas (music) 23 Dagger lane
  • Retalic Geo. (music) 14 Bishop lane
  • Skelton George James (music & organist) 20 Storey st
  • Wilson Robt. Knox (languages) 7 Cogan st
Rag Merchants,
  • Norris Thomas, 58 Salthouse lane
  • Richardson Thomas (and bone) 29 Chariot st
Roman Cement Manufacturers,
  • Appleyard & Storrer, Church st, Sculcoates
  • Earle George & Thomas (& Paris white and plaster of Paris) 44 High st
  • Thomas & Piercy, Commercial buildings and Wincolmlee
Rope & Twine Makers,
  • Barker George, Great Passage st
  • Butterworth George, Wincolmlee
  • Clarkson Wm. 95 High st, & Witham
  • Foster John, Carr lane
  • Gale Thomas, 154 High st
  • Hall John & Co. 199 High st
  • Irving William & Thomas, 13 Queen st, & Humber bank ropery
  • Kitching Nainby, Witham
  • Rayner George, 189 High st
  • Richmond John, Carr lane
  • Spyvee & Cooper, Lime st, Groves
  • Young John, Witham
  • Gibson Thomas, Chariot st
  • Huntley George, 1 Witham
  • Kenningham John, Witham
  • Smith Francis, Witham
  • Southern William, 25 Savile st
  • Thorp Jonathan, 13 Junction st
  • Toft Edward, 23 Scale lane
  • Walker Solomon, Waterworks st
Sail-Cloth & Canvass Manufacturers,
  • Cross George & Sons, Waterhouse lane
  • Fussey Thomas, Osborne st
  • Hall John & Co. 199 High st
  • Jack William, 6 Church lane
  • Jameson William & Co. Carr lane
  • Kitching Nainby, Witham
  • Whitaker Isaac, Mulgrave st, Sculcoates
Sail Makers,
  • Clark Henry, 42 High st
  • Collinson Robert, 60 High st
  • Dring & Thackray, North side Old dock
  • Dutchman Thos. West end Old dock
  • England William, Pier st
  • Grayburn John, Wellington st
  • Hall Francis, 5 North walls
  • Hunter William, Broadley st
  • Jordan Richd. Old Dock Office row
  • Mosey William, Scale lane, Staith
  • Rusling Joseph, North side Old dock
  • Stone John, 106 High st
  • Tall John, 144 High st
  • Ware Francis, Anne st
  • Whitaker Isaac, Dock Office row
Salt Merchants,
  • Brittain James, 58 High st
  • Smith John & Co. 82 High st
  • Wilson William, 75 High st
Marked # Saw by Power.
  • # Barker Francis (& brush board & veneer cutter) Beverley road
  • Barron George, Dock st
  • Binning & Cottle, North side Old dock
  • Clark Ralph (& timber dealer) Osborne st
  • Day Joseph, North side Old dock
  • Padley John & Co. Queen st
  • # Thornham & Co. Scott st
  • Walker William, Holderness road
Sheriff's Officers,
  • Daniels Thomas (for the county) 12 Bond st
  • Stamp Francis (for the town & county of Hull) 12 Market place
Ship & Boat Builders,
  • Backhouse Wm. (boat) Garrison side
  • Coulson William (boat) 14 Church st, Wincolmlee
  • Dikes & Gibson, North side of Old dock basin
  • Drewry Joseph (boat) 31 Queen st
  • Gibson Edward, Garrison side
  • Humphrey & Co. 1 High st
  • Mason John (boat) Garrison side
  • Mason Thos. (boat) Lime st, Groves
  • Medley John, Humber bank
  • Miller William & Co. Humber bank
  • Naylor Jas. Jackson's wharf pottery
  • Wake & Sissons, Groves
  • Wilkinson William, Wincolmlee
  • Wright John, Garrison side, & Church st, Sculcoates
Ship Chandlers,
  • Carlill John, North side Old dock
  • Driffill Yhomas, West end Old dock
  • Fishwick Charles, West end Old dock
  • Flint Thomas, 34 Whitefriar gate
  • Good John, 60 Salthouse lane
  • Grant James (& chart seller) 35 Queen st
  • Lee Newmarch, 166 High st
  • Pearson Robert, North side Old dock
  • Pinder Wm. & Son, North side Old dock
  • Stone John, 106 High st
  • Sudds William, 52 Humber st
  • Wood James, North side Old dock
Ship Owners,
(See also Merchants)
  • Marked # are also Masters.
  • Anderson Christopher, English st
  • Beadle John & Co. 8 North walls
  • Bell Thomas, Wincolmlee
  • Bennett John, Jarratt st
  • Blundell Henry, Beverley road
  • Bolton Christopher & Son, 21 High st
  • Bolton William W. 7 High st
  • Brass William, English st
  • Brodrick John, 21 High st
  • Carlill Thomas, 35 George st
  • Cobb William, Holderness road
  • Collinson Wm. & Son, Garrison side
  • Craven John, 22 High st
  • Dannatt Philip, 31 Prospect st
  • Depledge W.N. and Brothers, 49 High st
  • Egginton Gardner & Jos. & Sons, 8 North walls
  • Field William, Jarratt st
  • Fussey Thomas, Osborne st
  • Gee, Loft & Co. Pier st
  • Gibson Edward, Garrison side
  • Gill Robert, 3 Bond st
  • Gill Robert & John, Exchange alley
  • Goodwin George, 20 North walls
  • Grayburn John, Wellington st
  • Hall John, 199 High st
  • Harrison Richard, Silvester st
  • Headley Elizabeth, Osborne st
  • Holden & Sampson, 52 High st
  • Holderness Thomas, Exchange buildings
  • Holland Benjamin, 20 High st
  • Hopwood William, 33 High st
  • Humphreys Richd. Wallis, English st
  • # Hunter Francis, 20 Sykes st
  • Keddey Robert, 81 High st
  • Keighley Robert, 160 High st
  • Laverack William, 70 High st
  • Lee & Tall, Church st, Sculcoates
  • Locking George, 12 High st
  • # Maddison Josiah, 6 Caroline st
  • Marshall Thomas Harrison and Richard, Mason st
  • Priest William, Lister st
  • Sampson George, Witham
  • Sanderson Joseph & John, Pier st
  • Shadforth Giles, Humber bank
  • Smith John & Co. 82 High st
  • Spyvee & Cooper, Lime st, Groves
  • Staniforth Johnson, 13 Caroline st
  • Stephenson William, 4 Ocean place, Anlaby road
  • Stocks James B. 7 High st
  • Sugden John, English st
  • Sutton George Fowler, 14 Sykes st
  • Thompson Caius, 2 Trinity house lane
  • Thompson Thos. 23 Humber Dock st
  • Tonge William, New King st
  • Torr Thomas William, 36 High st
  • Voase John, 23 High st
  • Ward Samuel, Osborne st
  • Ward Thomas, 18 Bowl alley lane
  • Ward William, 5 North walls
  • Webster Alexander, 16 Ocean place, Anlaby road
  • Weddle & Brownlow, 62 High st
  • White Thomas, 35 Market place
  • Wright, Bowden & Co. 18 High st
  • Wright Wm. Kingston st pottery
Shopkeepers & Dealers in Groceries & Sundries,
  • Agers George, 11 Finkle st
  • Aislabie Thomas, 60 Myton gate
  • Allen Michael, Jackson st, Humber bank
  • Andrew James, New George st
  • Appleyard John, 5 Church st
  • Atkinson Elizabeth, 5 Junction Dock st
  • Atkinson Nicholas, Medley st
  • Backhouse Jane, Jennings st, Groves
  • Banks Robert, Myton st
  • Barchard William, Church st
  • Barrick John, Grimsby lane, Market pl
  • Beckitt Mary, Dock st
  • Beecroft George, Canning st
  • Beecroft Robert, Upper Union st
  • Binks William, Lower Union st
  • Birket George, Spencer st
  • Birmingham Ann, Broadley st
  • Bosomworth Ann, 31 Church lane
  • Bradley William, 19 Sewer lane
  • Brewer John, Church st, Sculcoates
  • Brothill Sarah, 179 High st
  • Broughton James, Church st, Sculcoates
  • Brown Henry, Cogan st
  • Brown Robert, Scott st
  • Burniston Peter, 10 Finkle st
  • Burrows Samuel, 7 Blackfriar gate
  • Butler Richard, West st
  • Button Edward, Marvel st, Drypool
  • Calam Matthew, Davies st
  • Capes Peter, Raikes st, Drypool
  • Chaffer William, Great Union st
  • Chapman Hannah, 21 Carr lane
  • Chapman Thomas, West st
  • Charity Ann, Collier st
  • Cherry Thomas, 6 Robinson's row
  • Clark Mary, Finkle st
  • Clark Robert, Great Passage st
  • Clark William, Osborne st
  • Clough John, Engine st
  • Cockerline John, Grotto square, Mason st
  • Codd William, Collier st
  • Cook John, Collier st
  • Coulson John, Wellington mart
  • Cowen John, 4 Church st
  • Creamer Elizabeth, Prospect st
  • Davison Mary, 48 Blanket row
  • Denton James, 141 High st
  • Desforges Robert Donkin, Brook st
  • Dixon John, North st, Prospect st
  • Drew Elizabeth, 17 New George st
  • Ellis John, Great Passage st
  • Faram John, New King st
  • Finlay John, Dock st
  • Fisher George, English st
  • Gaines Edward, Burton st
  • Gardam Robert, Lower Union st
  • Gardiner Margaret, 7 Carr lane
  • Gearton Luke, West st
  • Gibson Thomas, 23 Salthouse lane
  • Gilliard John, New George st
  • Gilsom Thomas, Newland
  • Gorwood James, Smeaton st
  • Grainger William, Grotto square, Mason st
  • Green Mark, West st
  • Grimsby Mary Ann, 25 Humber st
  • Habbisha Thos. Neptune st, Humber bank
  • Harrison Andrew, Mill st & Chariot st
  • Hartliff William, 40 High st
  • Hazelwood Joseph, 22 Humber bank st
  • Heaton Thomas, Mill st
  • Herring Elizabeth, West st
  • Hesk Peter, Middle st
  • Hewson William, Vincent st
  • Hill Joseph, 37 Scott st
  • Hind William Lamb, 12 Grimston st
  • Hodgson James, West st
  • Hodgson Sarah, Sutton
  • Hoggard John, 25 Waterhouse lane
  • Holberry Thomas, New King st
  • Holiday Beilby, North st, Prospect st
  • Holroyd Thomas, 23 Blanket row
  • Hood Catherine, Edward st
  • Horton William, Middle st
  • Hudson Edward, 9 Humber st
  • Humble Thomas, Moxon st
  • Ireland William, 47 Dock st
  • Jackson Eleanor, West st
  • Jackson John, North st, Prospect st
  • Jackson Mark, Sutton
  • Jackson William, Mill st
  • Jefferson Henry, 13 Fish st
  • Jerom William, 75 Myton gate
  • Jones Daniel, Little Passage st
  • Keeton Mary, 126 High st
  • Kelsey John, Grotto square, Mason st
  • Kirton John, 60 Carr lane
  • Lamb William, 20 Salthouse lane
  • Lambert James, 27 New George st
  • Laverack George, Roper st
  • Layton Mary, Ann st, Osborne st
  • Leonard John, North st, Prospect st
  • Linskill William, Beverley road
  • Linton John, Catherine st
  • Lison Edward, St. James' st
  • Lister William, 5 Bond st
  • Lyons Ann, Lime st, Groves
  • McLean Daniel, Cross st
  • McLeod Benjamin, Great Passage st
  • Mann Joseph, 2 Fish st
  • Manners Mary, 14 Humber dock st
  • Maples William, 4 Moxom st
  • Markham Richard, Church st, Sculcoates
  • Marshall George, 38 Wincolmlee
  • Maw John, Church st, Drypool
  • Maxwell William, Vincent st
  • Milne David, West st
  • Mitchell William, Chariot st
  • Moody John, Osborne st
  • Moses Ellen, Lime st, Groves
  • Munn Meshach, Prospect st
  • Murphy Richard, West st
  • Newton Robert, 19 Bond st
  • Nicholson Elizabeth, Edgar st
  • Nicholson Robert, 73 Myton gate
  • Ogle Thomas, Church st, Wincolmlee
  • Oliver Robert, Chariot st
  • Oliver William, North st, Prospect st
  • Oxtoby George, 29 Trippett
  • Padley John, Collier st
  • Parks John, Alfred st
  • Pennick George, Queen st
  • Penrose George, Mechanic lane
  • Pexton James, Holderness road
  • Pexton John, 169 High st
  • Pinder William Thornton, Carr lane
  • Plaskitt Thomas, St. James' st
  • Pool William, Air st, Sculcoates
  • Potter Joseph, Dagger lane
  • Potterill Jonathan, Sutton
  • Priestman William, Myton st
  • Prior John, Church st, Sculcoates
  • Pritchett William, Trundle st
  • Procter Mary, West st
  • Purdon Francis, Jennings st, Groves
  • Rayward Robert, 6 Prospect st
  • Redfearn Margaret, Edward st
  • Rhodes William, Great Union st
  • Richardson William, Beverley road
  • Roberts Elizabeth, 1 Bourne st
  • Robinson John, Myton st
  • Robinson Mary, 15 Trinity house lane
  • Robinson William, English st
  • Robson James, Collier st
  • Rogers Philip, Collier st
  • Rutherford John, West st
  • Sales Thomas, 195 High st
  • Sargeson William, Mill st
  • Scadlethorp John, Beverley road
  • Scarr John, Humber bank
  • Scott George, Cleveland st, Groves
  • Sherwood Thomas, Witham
  • Shilburn Robert, St. James' st
  • Shore John, Humber st
  • Simon William, Jennings st, Groves
  • Simpson John, Sykes st
  • Simpson Peter, 162 High st
  • Slingsby Thomas, Great Union st
  • Smith Isaac, Lower Union st
  • Smithson Thomas, 30 Wincolmlee
  • Southwick Robert, Chapel lane
  • Spence Barbara, West st
  • Spencer Joseph, Spring st
  • Stephenson Robert, Francis st
  • Stockton John, Cross st
  • Storey James, Cogan st
  • Storey Thomas, Alfred st
  • Taylor Mary, Brook st
  • Thompson Richard, 187 High st
  • Thornton George, 11 George st
  • Tindell Thomas, Hodgson st, Groves
  • Tinegate John, Church st, Drypool
  • Tinker George, Witham
  • Trott Elizabeth, 124 High st
  • Trueman Jane, Great Union st
  • Trueman Mary, Waterhouse lane
  • Tutill Mercy, 24 Finkle st
  • Unthank Jane, 1 Francis st
  • Walker Mary, Blanket row
  • Wallas Ann, 11 Grimston st
  • Wallis John, North st, Prospect st
  • Wallis Samuel, 23 Sykes st
  • Wardale Robert, 70 Myton gate
  • Waterhouse Vinson, Anne st, Osborne st
  • Watson George, 112 High st
  • Watson John, Collier st
  • Watson Thomas, 2 Salthouse lane
  • Welburn William, Spencer st
  • Wells Frances, 47 Humber st
  • West Harriet, 22 Trippett
  • West John, 31 New George st
  • White Jonas, 13 Church st
  • Whitehead Elizabeth, North st, Bridge st
  • Whitfield Thomas, Lower Union st
  • Widdup Mary, Spencer st
  • Wiley Ann, Mill st
  • Wilkin Hannah, Church st, Drypool
  • Williamson Jane, West st
  • Wilson William, 38 Bishop lane
  • Wittingham George, Grimsby lane, Market place
  • Woodmansey John, 8 Humber st
  • Wray Sarah, Blanket row
  • Youle Michael, West st
Slate Merchants & Slaters,
  • Dawber William & Son, North side Old dock
  • Fawcett Henry & Son, North side Old dock
  • Mountain James, West end of Old dock
  • Thornton Gregory & Co. West end of Old dock
Smiths & Bell-Hangers,
Marked # are also Ship Smiths.
(See also Blacksmiths)
  • # Appleby William, 137 High st
  • Bell Robert, Myton st
  • Boothman John, Witham
  • Boumer Thomas, 152 High st
  • Brown Joseph, Alfred st
  • Burton Thomas, Dagger lane
  • Chapman Joseph, 13 Vicar lane
  • Cook Richd. Holderness road
  • # Crosskill John Watson, 17 Blanket row
  • Dawson James, 7 Chariot st
  • Headley Geo. Weddell, 27 Lowgate
  • Hudson Robert, 36 Blanket row
  • # Hulme Joseph, 41 Humber st
  • # Livingston Catherine, Perrott st
  • Livingston James (& engineer) 23 Waterhouse lane
  • Livingstone Wm. (& copying machine maker) Princess st, French's gardens
  • Nelson John, Dixon square, near Fetter lane
  • # Officer William, North walls
  • Pinder Richard, 9 Chapel lane
  • # Pullan Benjamin & Son, near the Old dock bridge
  • Richards Jno. Sml. Church st, Sculcoates
  • Richardson Rt. Stewart's yd, High st
  • Shaw John, Robert st
  • Taylor Robt. & Alexander, New George st
  • # Wilby Edward, Anne st
  • Wilson Henry & Son, 41 Scale lane
Soap Boilers,
  • Bennett Samuel, Wincolmlee
  • Crosse & Co. Lime st, Groves
  • Foster Robert, Trundle st
  • Jackson Thos. & Son, 36 Church lane
  • Oliver Alfred, Great Union st
  • Oliver Thomas, Dagger lane
  • Savage Joseph & Co. Queen st
Spirit Dealers - Retail,
(See also Spirit Merchants, and also Wine & Spirit Merchants)
  • Bowlby Jesse, 13 Lowgate
  • Cross Lucy & Co. 9 Queen st
  • Dennis John, 39 Whitefriar gate
  • English Ann, 4 Queen st
  • Evans George & Co. 12 Lowgate
  • Fisher Robert, 36 Trippett
  • Gibson John (wholesale) 19 High st
  • Hunt Robert, 63 Whitefriar gate
  • Marshall Edward, 10 Grimsby lane, Market place
  • Shaw John, 44 Whitefriar gate
Spirit Merchants,
(See also Spirit Dealers, and also Wine & Spirit Merchants)
  • Acrid Robert, 5 Robinson row
  • Denison John, 20 Parliament st
  • Dibb Emanuel & Joseph, Mill st
  • Ganderton John, 16 Parliament st
  • Gibson John, 19 High st
  • Hannah John, King st
  • Thacker Anthony, 18 Queen st
Starch Manufacturers,
  • Thompson Robert Stickney, Blockhouse mill yard, Holderness road
  • Todd Wm. Goodlad, 51 High st
(See also Booksellers & Stationers)
  • Dunn William, Worship st
  • Gardner Enoch, 26 Humber st
  • Gell Ann Eliza, 37 Waterhouse lane
Stay Makers,
  • Alcroft Ann, 28 Dock st
  • Blanchard Charles D. 20 Chariot st
  • Boraman Sarah, Blanket row
  • Dimoline Elizabeth, 49 Savile st
  • Elias Eliza, 3 Dagger lane
  • Foster Ann, 48 Whitefriar gate
  • Gilder Sarah Peake, Upper Union st
  • Green Ann, 36 Bond st
  • Jesper Jane, Charterhouse lane
  • Morton Sarah & Ellen, 3 George yard
  • Oates Mary Ann, St. James' st
  • Pilmore Mary, Roper st
  • Tadman Priscilla, 22 Myton gate
  • Templeton Eleanor, 18 Savile st
Steam Engine Boiler Manufacturers,
  • Barrett John & Son, West Humber bank
  • London Steam Packet Co. Pottery
  • Overton James, Scott st
Steam Engine Makers,
  • Aydon & Read, Humber bank
  • Johnson Thomas, 22 Humber st
  • Overton James, Scott st
Stone & Marble Masons,
  • Clark Thomas (& scagliola works) Spring bank
  • Dean George, 21 Witham
  • Earle George, jun. 29 Whitefriar gate & Junction dock st
  • Earle John, jun. (& sculptor) St. John's square
  • Kendal Marble Works, Waltham st -- David Thorp, agent
  • Lenham Henry, Osborne st
  • Middleton George, New George st
  • Myers & Wilson, Prospect st, & Carr lane
  • Storry William, Adelaide st
  • Summers Anthony, jun. Patrick ground land
  • Waudby John (& statuary) Waltham st
Straw & Leghorn Hat Makers,
  • Birkinshaw Ann, 45 Savile st
  • Birks Martha, Carr lane
  • Bridge James, 3 Duncan place
  • Brown Mary, 5 Myton gate
  • Brown Mary Ann, Davies st
  • Carnagies William, 31 Lowgate
  • Charlton Caroline, 21 Savile st
  • Cherry Frances, 16 Carlisle st
  • Cook Mary, Great Union st
  • Curtois Eleanor & Mary, 28 Savile st
  • Davis Mary, 2 John st
  • Drake Wm. 6 Bryant's court, High st
  • Duke William, 71 Myton gate
  • Gibson Mary Ann, 6 Robinson's row
  • Gill George, 9 Carlisle st
  • Hargrave John, 28 Lowgate
  • Hewson Stephen, 66 Lowgate
  • Kitching George, 9 Whitefriar gate
  • Levett John, 29 Savile st
  • Lundy Charles, 58 Lowgate
  • Morris Elizabeth, 10 Myton gate
  • Morris William, Queen st
  • Mozeen Dorothy, 86 Myton gate
  • Neach Ann, 9 Savile st
  • Remmington Geo. Church st, Sculcoates
  • Sanderson Mary Ann, Brook st
  • Sargeson Eliza, Cogan st
  • Simon Esther, 7 Robinson's row
  • Stanger Mary, Spencer st
  • Taylor Samuel, 28 Whitefriar gate
Sugar Refiners,
  • Thornton, Watson & Co. Lime st, Groves
  • Bell John Pearson, St. James' st
  • Boulter Benj. Ordnance pl. Drypool
  • Buchanan Thos. (C.M.) 17 Myton gate
  • Burnham Edward, 3 Salthouse lane
  • Casson Richd. 14 North st, Bridge st
  • Cooper Henry, 34 George st
  • Craven Robert, 13 George st
  • Craven Robert Martin, 2 Albion st
  • Dossor James, 20 Charlotte st
  • Fielding George & George Hunsley, Silvester st
  • Fullam John Martin, 7 Savile st
  • Hardey Robert, 203 High st
  • Henesy Edward, Storry st
  • Huntington Frederick, 17 George st & 29 Bond st
  • Jenkins Richard, 6 Carlisle st
  • Johnston Peter, 3 Trippett st
  • Lee Henry Wm. 25 Bishop lane
  • Lowther Geo. W. 8 Blackfriar gate
  • Lunn & Cooper, Charlotte st
  • Lyon Isaac, 12 Dock st
  • Morley Joseph, Cogan st
  • Munton Edward, 26 George st
  • Scott John, 9 Blanket row
  • Sharple Richard, 14 Castle st
  • Sherwin Henry Charles, Mason st
  • Sleight Robt. Peasegood, 71 Lowgate
  • Wallis Edward, 4 Whitefriar gate
  • Webster Walter, 19 Trinity house lane
  • West Charles Turner, 8 North st, Bridge st
  • Wilson John R.N. De la Pole place, Drypool
  • Barnes William (ship) Mason st
  • Dixey James (for Lloyd's) Cogan st
  • Ingram James (of taxes) 5 Bourne st
  • Tadman Francis, sen. (to the Hull Corporation) Lister st
  • Thorp David, 17 Carlisle st
  • Walker John (of taxes) Jarratt st
  • Wilkinson George (land) Land of Green Ginger & 11 Bourne st
Marked # are also Drapers.
  • Armstrong Thomas, Upper Union st
  • Arundel William, 4 Finkle st
  • Atkinson Jas. Todd's entry, Whitefriar gate
  • Atkinson John, Medley st
  • Baker Wm. Milner's court, West st
  • Bedford Colley, 10 South Church side
  • Beet William, 3 Trinity house lane
  • # Bellard Robert, 3 Dock Office row
  • Benwell William, 1 King st
  • # Bewell William, 12 Queen st
  • Brown Joseph, 26 Myton gate
  • # Butler John, 16 North walls
  • Butler Richard, West st
  • # Castle George, 14 Queen st
  • # Cook George, 8 Carlisle st
  • # Corden Enoch, 51 Humber st
  • # Croft Clayton, corner of Myton gate
  • Croft James, Witham
  • Cuttel Thomas, 16 Cook's court
  • Davison Thomas, 2 King st
  • Drewery Joseph, Church st, Drypool
  • Elliott John, 4 King st
  • Etherington Richard, Cogan st
  • Gibson James, 11 Queen st
  • Goulding Robt. 12 Robinson's row
  • # Gresham John, 13 & 14 Queen st
  • # Hargrave Robert, 8 Lowgate
  • Hebblewhite Francis, 193 High st
  • Hill Joseph, 37 Scott st
  • Hodgson John, Edward st
  • Holmes Samuel, 15 King st
  • Hooton Wm. G. 13 North Church side
  • Hopper Jas. Church st, Sculcoates
  • Howlett Francis, Grotto sq, Mason st
  • Howlett John, Osborne st
  • Howlett Robert, 9 Trippett
  • # Jarratt Thomas, 58 market place
  • Jones Lewis, 14 King st
  • # Kennedy Francis, 6 Lowgate
  • # Kitching Richard, 16 Queen st
  • # Kitching Thomas, 10 Queen st
  • Kitching William, 35 Bridge st
  • Langdale Marmaduke, 128 High st
  • Lascelles Ralph, 45 Savile st
  • Mason Christopher, 9 Chariot st
  • Mason William, 8 Vicar lane
  • # Newton Thomas, Witham
  • Ockerby William, 14 High st
  • Odlin John, 7 Chapel lane
  • Ostler Robert, 18 Fish st
  • # Pudsey Wm. 20 Trinity house lane
  • Radge John, Church st, Sculcoates
  • Rea John, Sutton
  • # Rhodes & Rutherford, 61 Market place
  • Riby Robert, 28 Humber dock st
  • Robinson George, New King st
  • # Saner John & Co. 27 Whitefriar gate
  • Sharp George, Sutton
  • # Shaw James, 44 Wincolmlee
  • Simpson G. Wellington mart
  • Simpson William, 20 Savile st
  • Sissons John, 4 Vincent st
  • Slingsby William, 16 Fish st
  • # Stray Geo. 10 & 12 Salthouse lane
  • # Summers Joseph, 15 Bowl alley lane
  • Surr John, 7 King st
  • Toft Richard, Bryant's court, High st
  • Walker Edward Parker, South end
  • Walker John, 6 Quay st
  • Ward Robert, Collier st
  • Watson John, 15 Bridge st
  • Watson John & Son, 6 King st
  • # Watson William & Co. 3 savile st
  • Wilbe Richard, 33 Postern gate
  • Wilson John, 14 Robinson's row
Tallow Chandlers,
  • Armstrong William, 29 Lowgate
  • Atkin John, 25 Chariot st
  • Bell Thomas (& wax) Wincolmlee
  • Foster Robert, 32 Myton gate
  • Freeman Robert, 57 Salthouse lane
  • Hare John, Waterworks st & South Church side
  • Jackson John, 42 Market place
  • Jackson Thos. & Son, 36 Church lane
  • Mitchell & Co. 9 Market place
  • Oliver Alfred, Great Union st
  • Oliver Thomas, Dagger lane
  • Saul & Co. Humber st
  • Savage Joseph & Co. Queen st
  • Stephenson John, 58 Lowgate
  • Casson Benjamin & Henry, Providence row, Beverley road
  • Holmes John & Sons, Sculcoates & Anlaby road
  • Hutchinson George, Burton
  • Stuart Francis (& morocco & oil leather dresser) Groves
Tar & Turpentine Distillers,
  • (and Manufacturers of Rosin, Pitch & Varnish)
  • Garton George, William & Henry, Salthouse lane
  • Lee & Tall, 50 Church st, Sculcoates
Taverns & Public Houses,
  • Albion, Jane Cook, Great Union st
  • American Coffee House, Cath. Bogg, Duke st
  • Anchor, Robert Hunt, 63 Whitefriar gate
  • Anchor, William Wetwand, 191 High st
  • Andrew Marvell, Thomas Walker, 35 Whitefriar gate
  • Angel, William Waudy, 20 Chapel lane
  • Angel, Thomas Wing, Bourne st
  • Bacchus, John Spence, Myton gate
  • Baltic Tavern, William Eyere, English st
  • Baltic Tavern, Wm. Sherwood, 20 Dock st
  • Barrel, Edmund Murray, North walls
  • Barrel, John Train, New George st
  • Bay Horse, Francis Foster, 22 Wincolmlee
  • Bee Hive, Thomas Dixon, 29 Church lane
  • Bee Hive, Christr. Wilson, Upper Union st
  • Beverley Arms, Hanh. Johnson, Spencer st
  • Black Boy, George North, 151 High st
  • Black Eyed Susan, William Harrison, 37 Blanket row
  • Black Horse, Matthew Lyon, Carr lane
  • Black Horse, Wm. Tesseyman, Witham
  • Black Swan, Simon Gardam, Myton gate
  • Black Swan, Francis Richardson, Dock st
  • Blacksmiths' Arms, Wm. Lawn, 7 Finkle st
  • Blue Ball, John Beck, Blackfriar gate alley
  • Blue Ball, John Binks, Air st, Sculcoates
  • Blue Ball, George Haddon, Dixon's entry
  • Blue Bell, John Caley, Witham
  • Blue Bell, Sarah Cook, 100 High st
  • Blue Bell, Robert Croke, 58 Market place
  • Blue Bell, Joseph West, Waterworks st
  • Blue Bell, Benjamin Wright, Prospect st
  • Board, John Boxted, 16 Charterhouse lane
  • Board, Thos. Glasby, Stewart's yard, High st
  • Board, John Hornsby, Leadenhall square
  • Board, James Longhorn, Spring bank
  • Boar's Head, Hannah Lison, 105 High st
  • Bonny Boat, John Mason Bevis, 10 Trinity house lane
  • Bowling Green, Robt. Benson Kirby, Waltham st
  • Boy & Barrel, Robert Agers, Dagger lane
  • Brickmakers' Arms, George Best, Cleveland st, Groves
  • Bridge Coffee House, Thos. Swift, corner of Trippett
  • Britannia, Wm. Pinkney, Humber dock st
  • Britannia, Joseph Raper, Trippett
  • Brotherton Tavern, Rt. Hayton, 84 High st
  • Bull, Thomas Moore, Beverley road
  • Burlington Tav. John Robinson, Manor st
  • Burns' Head, John Dennis, Whitefriar gate
  • Butchers' Arms, John Alderson, Shambles
  • Byron's Head, Thos. Monkman, Prospect st
  • Canteen, Wm. Jubb, Garrison
  • Carpenters' Arms, John Woodmancy, Great Union st
  • Coach & Horses, Jas. Mew, 9 Myton gate
  • Commercial Tav. Jane Holden, Myton gate
  • Commercial Tav. John Rollit, Gt. Union st
  • Corn Exchange, Ambrs. Melson, Market place
  • Crooked Billet, Robert Fisher, 36 Trippett
  • Crown, John Allison, 29 Bridge st
  • Crown, Jane Humphrey, Wincolmlee
  • Crown, John Newham, Mile house, Holderness road
  • Crown & Anchor, Wm. Milner, Humber st
  • Crown & Anchor, Hy. Scott, Waterhouse lane
  • Crown & Cushion, Wm. Hird, Silver st
  • Dock Arms, William Wilson, 5 Dock office row
  • Dock Coffee House, Mary Ann Cross, South side Old dock
  • Dog & Duck, Thos. Langley, 86 High st
  • Duke of Cumberland, Jn. Morris, Church st
  • Duke of York, Hannah Crossland, Blackfriar gate
  • Duke of York, William Waite, Garden st
  • Duke of York, John Walton, Newland
  • Duke of York, Diana Westoby, Sutton
  • Duncan Arms, Richd. Johnson, Manor st
  • Durham Ox, James Baines, Blanket row
  • Earl Grey, Richard Bennett, Scale lane
  • Earl Grey, James Owen, Manor alley
  • Edinburgh Packet, Jas. Mearns, 163 High st
  • Elephant & Castle, Jno. Fowler, 155 High st
  • Elm Tree, William Wheldale, Sutton bank
  • Fisherman's Hut, George Anfield, Saint Quintin's place, Drypool
  • Fleece, William Amery, 197 High st
  • Fleece, George Morley, 44 Market place
  • Flying Horse, Thos. Robinson, 22 Sewer lane
  • Founders' Arms, Benj. Brown, Drain bank
  • Fox & Grapes, Robert Jackson, English st
  • Freemasons' Arms, John Shields, West st
  • Full Measure, Wm. Driffield, Lower Union st
  • Full Measure, Henry Hilken, High st
  • Full Measure, Casimar Lambert, 66 Lowgate
  • Full Measure, Hanh. Ringrose, Trippet st
  • Full Measure, Joseph Shark, Mill st
  • Full Ship, John Buttler, North walls
  • Gainsborough Coffee House, Sarah Stone, 107 High st
  • Garrick's Head, Wm. Patrick, 4 Blackfriar gate
  • Gate, Thomas Medley, 21 Trippett
  • Gate, Stephen Milner, Alfred st
  • Gate, Charles Russell, Lime st, Groves
  • General Elliott, Richmond Tomlinson, 88 High st
  • George & Dragon, Wm. Brown, 32 Grimsby lane
  • George & Dragon, Benjamin Dick, George yard, High st
  • George & Dragon, Geo. Pottage, 102 High st
  • Globe, Thomas Cartwright, 182 High st
  • Golden Ball, Edwd. Brown, 21 Salthouse lane
  • Golden Ball, Richard Wilson, Middle st
  • Golden Cup, John Brumhead, 64 Myton gate
  • Golden Cup, Samuel Duncan, West st
  • Golden Cup, Wm. Monkman, Humber st
  • Golden Cup, Ann Stephenson, Blanket row
  • Golden Gallon, Alex. McClannan, Myton gt
  • Grapes, Ann Christie, 20 Waterhouse lane
  • Grapes, John Dick, Humber bank
  • Grapes, William Drury, Lime st, Groves
  • Grapes, George Dyer, Salthouse lane
  • Grapes, Elizabeth Garbutt, 22 Sykes st
  • Grapes, Benj. Middleton, Waterhouse lane
  • Grapes, Benjamin Miller, Brook st
  • Grapes, John Nicholson, Lower Union st
  • Grapes, Mary Osgerby, 17 Chariot st
  • Grapes, James Whitaker, Fawcett st
  • Grapes, William Wood, Stone ferry
  • Greenland Fishery, Saml. Jackson, Bridge st
  • Greenland Fishery, Geo. Markham, Groves
  • Greenland Tavern, Geo. Graham, Dock st
  • Hammer in Hand, Jas. King, 188 High st
  • Hand & Glass, Hy. Tate, Little lane, South end
  • Holderness New Inn, John Wing, Witham
  • Hope & Anchor, Wm. Suddaby, 7 Bishop lane
  • Hope & Anchor, Jonas Tempest, Little Passage st
  • Humber Tavern, James Risdale, Humber st
  • John Watson Schooner, Jane Russell, 170 High st
  • Joiners' Arms, Thomas Baxter, West st
  • Junction Dock Tavern, Joseph Sivers, Junction Dock st (original said Silvers)
  • Junction Dock Tavern, Jos. Wheatley, Castle st
  • Juno Tav. Chas. E. Lenty, 33 Church lane
  • King William, John Oxtoby, Dagger lane
  • King William, John Pettingell, Trundle st
  • King William, Robert Pool, 20 Bond st
  • King William, Sarah Sugden, 50 South end
  • King's Arms, Ann Naylor, Witham
  • King's Coffee House, Rd. Gorforth, High st
  • King's Head, Richard Purdon, Myton gate
  • Leeds Tavern, Geo. Dunwell, Blanket row
  • Lincoln Arms, Benjamin Shay, 59 High st
  • Lion, Thos. Brown, Church st, Drypool
  • Lion & Key, Sarah Pearson, 48 High st
  • London Tavern, James Glover, 19 Queen st
  • Lord Brougham, John Watson, 15 Bridge st
  • Lord Collingwood, Sml. Smith, 42 Lowgate
  • Lord Nelson, Francis Bailey, Great Union st
  • Lord Nelson, David Matthews, Marvel st
  • Lugger, Lancelot Tottle, 92 High st
  • Malt Shovel, Jas. Waugh, North Church side
  • Manor House, Thos. Baker, Manor house st
  • March of Intellect, Rachael Walker, Waterworks st
  • Marrow Bone & Cleaver, Wm. Parker, Fetter lane
  • Mason's Arms, Wm. Wilson, 22 Chapel lane
  • Measure, Thomas Kates, Brook st
  • Mermaid, Edward Cherry, 5 Silver st
  • Minerva, Richard Cortis, Minerva terrace
  • Nag's Head, Margt. Chapman, Summergangs
  • Nag's Head, John Raby, 132 High st
  • Neptune, Hy. Lister, Neptune st, Humber bank
  • Neptune, Amos Procter, 2 Chapel lane
  • New Dock Tavern, Wm. Field, Humber Dock st
  • Noah's Ark, John Sowersby, Witham
  • North Bridge Inn, Henry Richardson, Garrison side
  • Norwegian Tavern, Wm. Findlay, Dock st
  • Odd Fellows' Arms, Thos. Ford, Cross st
  • Old Dock Tavern, John Andas, South side Old dock
  • Old Harbour, Francis Bell, 116 High st
  • Old Lincolnshire Tavern, Samuel Rhodes, 44 Humber st
  • Old Minerva Tavern, Charlotte Bainbridge, 5 Prince st
  • Ordnance Arms, Thos. Simon, Great Union st
  • Painters' Arms, Samuel Coaks, Trippett st
  • Paragon Inn, David Bonsell, Chariot st
  • Phoenix Tavern, Jas. Johnson, 37 Myton gate
  • Plough, John Turner, 22 Robinson's row
  • Prince Blucher, Robt. Hindson, 28 Finkle st
  • Prince George, John Robinson, 195 High st
  • Queen's Coffee House, Elizabeth Shimells, 2 Bishop lane
  • Rampant Horse, Joseph Dinsdale, Myton gate
  • Red House, George Harrison, Drypool
  • Red Lion, John Shaw, 44 Whitefriar gate
  • Regatta Tavern, Thos. Barker, 106 High st
  • Reindeer, Thomas Wilson, Market place
  • Robin Hood, Jno. Acey, Myton place
  • Robin Hood, Mary Ann Forrest, Gt. Passage st
  • Robinson Crusoe, George Linton, Cogan st
  • Rose, John Fleming, Sykes st, corner of Caroline st
  • Rose & Crown, John Tomlinson, 5 Blackfriar gate
  • Rowland Burdon, Eliz. Whiting, Bridge st
  • Royal George, Mary Colley, 14 North walls
  • Royal Oak, Geo. Gibson Foster, Postern gate
  • Royal Oak, John Jardine, Spencer st
  • Royal Oak, Edwd. Thorp, 42 Blackfriar gate
  • Royal William, John Whitton, Cook's court
  • Sam's Coffee House, George Howe, South Church side
  • Saracen's Head, John Welburn, Grimsby lane
  • Scarborough Arms, Wm. Potter, 16 Dock st
  • Sculcoates Arms, Henry Lundy, Scott st
  • Sculcoates Tavern, Jas. Cade, 32 Wincolmlee
  • Seven Stars, Wm. Hurst Wilson, Fish st
  • Shakespeare, Joseph Allison, Humber st
  • Shepherd, William Barrett, Witham
  • Shepherdess, John Hodson, Myton st
  • Ship, John Black, Beverley road
  • Ship, Jas. Bolton, Prospect place, Drypool
  • Ship, William Clark, Anlaby road
  • Ship, Jane Dixon, Postern gate
  • Ship, Robt. Hutchcroft, Hodgson st, Groves
  • Ship, Jas. Middleton, Church st, Sculcoates
  • Ship, John Robinson, 159 High st
  • Ship, William Stephenson, Sutton
  • Ship, Robert Winter, Witham
  • Ship & Plough, Francis Daly, Salthouse lane
  • Ship & Plough, Charlotte Dick, North st
  • Ship Chance, Hamilton Atkinson, High st
  • Ship Diana, Robert Wood, 18 Church lane
  • Ship Glory, Robert Brian, 4 Church lane
  • Ship Inn & North Country House, Thomas Buckton, 74 Lowgate
  • Ship Launch, John Ward, Lime st, Groves
  • Ship Victory, John Eddington, 20 Finkle st
  • Ship's Hold, James Robinson, Church st, Sculcoates
  • Sir John Falstaff, John Cook, 17 Humber st
  • Sir John Falstaff, Wm. Mackey, Church st
  • Sir Ralph Abercrombie, James Simpson, 39 High st
  • Sloop, Philip Jackson, Stone ferry
  • Sloop, William Wales, Church st
  • Society Tavern, John Montgomery, Dagger lane
  • Spread Eagle, John Lamplugh, Lime st, Groves
  • Spread Eagle, Thomas Piper, 59 Market place
  • Talbot, John Holt, 15 Scale lane
  • Tally Ho, James Lloyd, Bond st
  • Tam o' Shanter, Geo. Waudby, 25 Blanket row
  • Tap & Barrel, Chas. Godfrey, Sewer lane
  • Three Crowns, David Mitchell, Market place
  • Three Crowns, Charlotte Shilling, Lime st, Groves
  • Three Tuns, Jas. Trees, Great Passage st
  • Three Tuns, John West, Humber bank
  • Tiger, John Clarkson, 40 Waterworks st
  • True Blue, John Robinson, 35 Grimsby lane
  • Turk's Head, Wm. Joseph Croft, Witham
  • Turk's Head, Jos. Jarvis, 39 Myton gate
  • Tynemouth Castle, Wm. Walker, Osborne st
  • Unicorn, Joseph Bee, 192 High st
  • Unicorn, Hannah Grant, 49 Salthouse lane
  • Union, Thomas Whitaker, 19 North walls
  • Union Hotel, Henry Ockerby, Bishop lane
  • Vauxhall Tavern, Geo. Naylor, Hessle road
  • Vine Tavern, Thos. Maltby, 59 Whitefriar gate
  • Vittoria Tap, Michael Lawson, Nelson st
  • Waterloo Tavern, William Stather, Harcourt St, Drypool
  • Wellington Hotel, Adolphus Gray, Junction Dock st
  • Whitby Tavern, Chas. Dyett, Salthouse lane
  • White Hart, Edw. Scott, 11 Salthouse lane
  • White Horse, William Davie, Carr lane
  • White Swan, William Carr, 77 High st
  • White Swan, Ralph Martindale, South st
  • White Swan, William Milner, Mill st
  • White Swan, John Spink, Wincolmlee
  • Whittington & Cat, Sml. Wood, Castle row
  • Windmill, Wm. Bennison, Trinity house lane
  • Windmill, Sarah Stephenson, Witham
  • Yarmouth Arms, Davies Cornall, Humber st
  • Yarmouth Arms, Philip Goodison, High st
  • York Tavern, John Jameson, Whitefriar gate
Retailers of Beer,
  • Andrew Thomas, North court, Dock st
  • Atkinson Maria, Wellington st
  • Atkinson Parnell, Holderness road
  • Bailey Sarah, Mason st
  • Barwick William, 16 Hanover square
  • Beedham Robert, 9 Broadley square
  • Beharell Sarah, Popple st, Drypool
  • Binks James, Scott st
  • Binning John, West end Old dock
  • Blissett William, 98 High st
  • Bolton Benjamin, Great Union st
  • Booth Edward, New George st
  • Booth William, Church st, Sculcoates
  • Bowling Jane, Queen st
  • Brenan Thomas, Mill st
  • Brewer Elizabeth, 5 Finkle st
  • Brown Eliza, Chapel st
  • Bulmer John, Collier st
  • Burke Bridget, 9 Grimsby lane, Market pl
  • Carter Ann, Jennings st, Groves
  • Chapman Edmund, Princess st
  • Clarkson Flinton, Hessle
  • Close John, St. Quentin's place, Drypool
  • Collinson William, Sutton bank
  • Coupland Ann, Chariot st
  • Cribb John, Air st, Sculcoates
  • Dodds John, Carr lane
  • Downes George, Spring st
  • Faram John, New King st
  • Fenton Mary, Church st, Sculcoates
  • Fisher George, English st
  • Goulding John, Mill st
  • Gray John, Kingston st
  • Green Henry, Humber bank
  • Gresley Thomas, North st, Prospect st
  • Harrison Thomas, Sutton bank
  • Harwood Robert, Aldborough st
  • Hayton John, Church st, Sculcoates
  • Hemingway John, Canning st
  • Hewitt Charles, 3 Myton gate
  • Hewson John, Witham
  • Hind William, Collier st
  • Holiday Beilby, North st, Prospect st
  • Howdle Robert, Engine st
  • Hudson Edward, 9 Humber st
  • Hurst William, Francis st
  • Irwin Daniel, Mill st
  • Jackson Thomas, Church st, Drypool
  • Jepson Henry, Bourne st
  • Kirkwood Hy. (& oyster dealer) Queen st
  • Knight Margaret, 14 Chariot st
  • Ledger David, 13 Scott st
  • Legg John, Edward st
  • Lewis William, 2 Wellington st
  • Loggin Robert, 123 High st
  • Marshall Thomas, 93 Myton gate
  • Marshall Thomas, 15 Carr lane
  • Mickelfield Peter, Dock Office row
  • Moloney Daniel, 14 Charter house lane
  • Morrow Isaac, North st, Prospect st
  • Parkes Richard, 7 Wellington st
  • Pattisson John, Roper st
  • Pere William Dennis, 16 Wincolmlee
  • Pettinger John, Medley st
  • Pickard William, Drain bank
  • Pickersgill Thomas, 11 North walls
  • Preston Edward, 1 Fish st
  • Roward Richard, Wincolmlee
  • Rydsdale William, Jennings st, Groves
  • Scarr John, Humber bank
  • Shaw John, West st
  • Smith George, St. James' st
  • Smith Richard, 11 New George st
  • Smith William, Prospect place, Drypool
  • Stephenson John, 183 High st
  • Stubbs William, 109 High st
  • Summers Anthony, Patrick ground land
  • Sutherland Robert, Church st, Drypool
  • Varley John, 34 Myton gate
  • Vickers James, Cogan st
  • Walker Anthony, Anlaby road
  • Walker George, Church st, Wincolmlee
  • Walker John, Lower Union st
  • Ward William, Beverley road
  • Watson William, Air st, Sculcoates
  • Westoby Thomas, Church st, Drypool
  • Young John, 4 Sykes st
Tea Dealers,
(See also Grocers & Tea Dealers)
  • Foster Rebecca, Caroline place
  • Harper Thomas & Co. 49 Market pl
  • Hollidge Edward (& wholesale) 37 Market place
  • Lowden Saml. (travelling) New King st
  • Masterman Henry, 64 Market place
  • Peasegood Robert (and wholesale & coffee roaster) 8 Lowgate
Timber & Raff Merchants,
  • Barkworth & Spaldin, North side Old dock
  • Clay & Squire, North side Old dock
  • Dalton Henry & Co. Garrison side
  • Foord & Smith, North side Old dock
  • Harrison Richd. & Jno. Garrison side
  • Kirkwood Stephen, Queen st
  • Lilley Edwin (mahogany and hard wood, and manufacturer of bent timber) North side Old dock
  • Malleys Simeon, North side Old dock
  • Monday Wm. North side Old dock
  • Morley Wm. & Sons, North side Old dock
  • Newmarch John & Sons, Garrison side
  • Peacock Dennis, North side Old dock
  • Runton William & Son, Witham
  • Savage Sarah (mahogany) Postern gate
  • Simpson & Whaplate, North side Old dock
  • Staniland Thomas, North side Old dock
  • Tealby, Hodgson & Co. Garrison side
  • Wade Richard, Sons & Forster, Garrison side
  • Wallsam Stephen, Witham
  • Ward & Oliver (mahogany) North side Old dock
  • Wells & Co. North side Old dock
  • Whincup John (mahogany) North side Old dock
  • Witty Robert, jun. South end High st & Caroline st
  • Youle John & Henry, North side Old dock
Tobacco & Snuff Manufacturers & Dealers,
Marked # are Manufacturers.
  • Baruchson & Fawcett (importers & dealers in cigars) Hessle road
  • # Carrick W.B. & T. (& importers of Saxony smalts) 9 Grimsby lane, Market pl
  • Clarke Michl. Wrangles, 8 Junction st
  • # Cox, Ashton & Co. 2 Postern gate
  • # Downes & Thorp (& cigar) 13 Blanket row
  • # Garton, Little & Co. 54 Market place & at Cottingham
  • Hayes Samuel, 33 Queen st
  • Milner Frederick, 58 Whitefriar gate
  • # Mitchell & Co. 9 Market place
  • Rymer Thomas, 5 Queen st
Tobacco Pipe Makers,
  • Askwith Joshua, 36 Blanket row
  • Blyth Edward Dennison, Collier st
  • Hirst John, Collier st
  • Pacy William, Trafalgar square
  • Ross Charles, Myton st
  • Scott Joseph, Stewart's yard, High st
  • Smith Stephen, Waterhouse lane
Tool Manufacturers & Dealers,
  • King, Turner & Peach (plane makers) 59 Market place
  • Taylor Robt. & Alexander (coopers' tools) New George st
  • Thacker Anthony (& saw maker) 48 Dock st
Toy Dealers,
  • Carrall Roger (& fancy bazaar) Queen st
  • Jeffells Jane & Esther, 1 Market place
  • Johnson Thomas, 18 Myton gate
  • Nicholson Robert, (& earthenware) 73 Myton gate
  • Sansby John, Witham
  • Varley Richard, 34 Chariot st
  • Watkinson Johnson (& comb & whalebone) 11 Lowgate
  • Wells Thomas, 46 Myton gate
Trunk Makers,
  • Boraman Zachariah, Blanket row, corner of Finkle st
  • Free Thomas, Queen st
  • Pool Robert, 6 Silver st
Turners in Wood,
  • Blackston Wm. North side Old dock
  • Dewick George, 30 Queen st, & West end Old dock
  • Foster George (& washing machine maker) Waltham st
  • Glen Henry, West end Old dock
  • Knight John, Blanket row
  • Leavens Robert, Burns' Head passage, Whitefriar gate
  • Lenham Thomas, West end Old dock
  • Meadley Geo. North side Old dock
  • Pexton Wm. Blackfriar gate alley
  • Stockdale John E. 22 Dock st
  • Walker William, Holderness road
  • Ward & Oliver, North side Old dock
Umbrella Makers,
  • Johns William, 27 Lowgate
  • McCarthy John, 15 Charter house lane
  • Mapplebeck William, 34 Lowgate
  • Newmarch Ann, Walker sq, Sykes st
  • Briggs Robert C. 7 Bowl alley lane
  • Carlill Briggs, 33 High st
  • Collinson John, 202 High st
  • Craven John, 22 High st
  • Gee Joseph, Pier st
  • Hopwood William, 33 High st
  • Horsley John, Exchange alley
  • Loft Thomas, Pier st
  • Park Richard, 21 High st
  • Smith John, 82 High st
  • Arton Isabella, Anne st, Osborne st
  • Leak George, Upper Union st
  • Litgett Esther, Upper Union st
Veterinary Surgeon,
  • Mitchell Benjamin Bower (& infirmary for horses) Mason st
Warehouse Keepers,
  • Clark Peter, 6 Bowl alley lane
  • English Marcus Cooke, 181 High st
  • English Thomas, Garrison side
  • Hodgson John, 27 Dock st
  • Walker William, 37 High st
  • Woodmancy Thomas, Great Union st
Watch & Clock Makers,
  • Alexander George, Silver st
  • Armstrong George, 9 Myton gate
  • Arthur James, 1 Dock Office row
  • Barnby Bishop, 13 Market place
  • Barrett Joseph, 55 Market place
  • Bedell Peter, North bridge, Witham
  • Blanchard Wm. & Son, 11 Silver st
  • Cooper Matthew, 2 Witham
  • Crackles Samuel, Queen st
  • Drescher John, 67 Myton gate
  • Dann John, 33 Finkle st
  • Ferrier Wm. Thornton, 10 Queen st
  • Forrester Patrick, 17 Market place
  • Goddard Edward, 4 Bishop lane
  • Harrison James (church clock) Hessle road
  • Jacobs Emanuel, Beverley road
  • Jacobs Israel & Son, 7 Whitefriar gate
  • Larard Thomas, 32 Market place
  • Northen Richard (& optician) 46 Lowgate
  • Payne Robert, Waterworks st
  • Ross John, Waterworks st
  • Saul Robert, 15 Church lane
  • Shipman John, 21 Market place
  • Shwerer Matthew (clock only) 21 Myton gate
  • Symons Julia, Queen st
  • Terry William, 68 Lowgate
  • Thornham Geo. Todd's entry, Silver st
  • Wise Featherstone, 27 Wincolmlee
Whalebone Cutters,
  • Crackles, Horncastle & Wallis (& bristle merchants) Wincolmlee
(See also Warehouse Keepers)
  • Barnby, Faulkner & Co. 47 High st
  • Beaumont Phineas, near Humber Dock gates
  • Bromby & Bell, 21 High st
  • Buckton George, 56 High st
  • Clarke Peter, 6 Bowl alley lane
  • Cobb George, 13 High st
  • Gray & Co. 26 High st
  • Holden & Sampson, 52 High st
  • Hudson & Cobby, 87 High st
  • Keddey Robert, 81 High st
  • Malcolm George & Sons, 22 High st
  • Malleys Simeon & Charles Tweedy, Russia court, High st
  • Newbald & Eyre, 26 High st
  • Newbald William, 23 High st
  • Smith John & Co. 82 High st
  • Smithson John, 60 High st
  • Thompson John & Co. 150 High st
  • Tomlinson James, 80 High st
  • Walker William, 37 High st
  • Weddle & Brownlow, 62 High st
  • Armit Edward, Wells st
  • Bailey George, Witham
  • Blenkin William, Witham
  • Calvert Walter, Sutton
  • Cowl John, Sutton
  • Cowl John, jun. Sutton
  • Dunwell William, Holderness road
  • Hall John, Trundle st
  • Richardson Thomas, Witham
  • Robinson Thomas, Sutton
  • Sowerby Thomas, Wincolmlee
  • Stephenson William, Chariot st
  • Thompson Benjamin, Church st
  • Wakes Thomas, Castle st
  • Walgate Thomas, Witham
  • Watson Jas. Wellington st & Queen st
  • Watson Thomas, Roper st
  • Whitfield George, Hessle road
  • Wright Robert, Junction Dock st
White Lead & Paint Manufacturers,
  • Athorpe Thomas & Co. South side Old dock
  • Brownlow William Bachelor & Co. Wincolmlee
  • Picard John Kirkby, Groves
Whiting Manufacturers,
  • Hewetson James and John & Co. 16 Wincolmlee
  • Simpson John & Son, Wilmington
  • Turner Stephen, Danson lane
Wine & Spirit Merchants,
(See also Spirit Merchants, & also Spirit Dealers)
  • Bowlby Jesse, 13 Lowgate
  • Bromby & Morley, Waterhouse lane
  • Cattley Richard & Stephen Robert, 160 High st
  • Christie John, 23 Myton gate
  • Corlass & Bamford, 70 Lowgate
  • Day William B. 58 High st
  • Dewear & Harrison, 21 Parliament st
  • Dykes Thomas, jun. 16 Parliament st
  • Evans George & Co. 12 Lowgate
  • Foster & Hopwood, 55 High st
  • Garton George, William & Henry, 19 Salthouse lane
  • Gelson Richard, Savile st, corner of George st
  • Gildart & Jackson, 49 High street
  • Goodwin Joseph, 52 High st
  • Hayes & Whitakers, 3 High st
  • Hill John & Sons, 18 Parliament st
  • Hopwood William, 33 High st
  • Hyde William, Exchange alley
  • Lambert John Beever & Son, 8 Quay st
  • Leaper John, 24 High st
  • Liddell William & Co. Commercial buildings, 29 High st
  • McBride & Tapp, 64 Lowgate
  • Palmer Thomas William, 69 High st
  • Parker John Cowham & Sons, 61 High st
  • Pearce Wm. (wine only) 2 St. John street
  • Richardsons' & Humble, 31 High st
  • Ross Chas. 20 High st, & at Beverley
  • Soulby & Dobson, Market place
  • Stamp Francis, 12 Market place
  • Stork John, Bowl alley lane
  • Tomlinson James, 80 High st
  • Turner Thos. South side Old dock
Wire Workers & Drawers,
  • Allinson William (& fender maker) 54 Lowgate
  • Lambert Ann (& ironmonger) 17 Junction Dock st
  • Stillwell George, 16 Humber st
  • Tadman William (& bird cage maker) 22 Myton gate
Woollen Drapers,
  • Alsop James (& agent for Mackintosh & Co.'s air & waterproof fabrics) 48 Market pl
  • Banks William, 2 Myton gate
  • Biglin William, 29 Market place
  • Gleadow Clarkson, 42 Market place
  • Harrison Beilby, 40 Market place
  • Hebblewhite John, 20 Market place
  • Holderness & Holden, 37 Lowgate
  • Laycock Richard, 22 Chariot st
  • McTurk Thomas, 2 Market place
  • Popplewell Joseph, 16 Church lane
  • Rudson, Preston & Atkinson (& linen merchants) 27 Market place
  • Sadler John, 22 Market place
Worsted Manufacturers,
  • Eastwood Joseph, West st
  • Sharp Joseph, 21 Blackfriar gate
Yeast Dealers,
  • Britton James, 32 Finkle st
  • Edwards James, Engine st
  • Hewitt Charles, 3 Myton gate
  • Holdsworth John, 8 Bishop lane
  • Holsworth Thomas, Witham
  • Jackson William, West st
  • Ward John Edward, 32 Bishop lane
  • Ball Wm. stocking maker, 28 Wincolmlee
  • Beck William, calico glazer, Farrow's entry, Whitefriar gate
  • Birch Samuel, hair seating & curled hair manufacturer, Fawcett st & Cogan st
  • Brown Jos. gig owner for hire, Prospect st
  • Brown Thomas, composition ornament manufacturer, Prospect st
  • Cammell George, assistant dock master, Kingston st Pottery
  • Chaffer Robert Johnstone, mail contractor & coach proprietor, Silvester st
  • Cooper Jas. tripe dresser, 8 New George st
  • Dales Saml. conveyancer, 66 Myton gate
  • Davidson Abhm. chiropodist, New King st
  • Dunn William Boynton, animal preserver, 10 Castle st
  • Elliot Robt. bone setter, Holderness road
  • Greaves Thomas R. saddle tree maker, Portland st
  • Grove Mary, register office for servants, 22 Parliament st
  • Halls J.H. officer of excise, 6 Sutton bank
  • Harrison Robert, lapidary & animal preserver, Osborne st
  • Hawdon John, dealer in game, 38 Blanket row
  • Hellier John, proprietor of the coffee house subscription news' rooms, 41 Market pl
  • Hill William, commercial traveller, 3 Lime st, Groves
  • Hodgson William, billiard rooms, Stewart's yd, High st
  • Hudson Robert, cotton wick maker, 9 Wincolmlee
  • Ireland Joseph, glove maker, 34 Blanket row
  • Kirtlan John Wilson, whip & whip thong maker, 18 Chariot st
  • La Mott Thomas, general agent for the North & East Ridings for Morrison's patent medicines, 5 Wellington street
  • Lamb Edward, earthenware dealer, 6 Carlisle st
  • Lambert Jos. corn inspector, 49 South end
  • Lee Henry, keeper of the house of correction, Fetter lane, Market pl
  • Lockhart Walter, botanist, Brook st
  • Marsh Joseph, clerk to the guardians of the poor of Sculcoates, 19 New George st
  • Martin Wm. pig dealer, Great Union st
  • Nixon John, scavenger, New George st
  • Nornabel John, chief constable of the Holderness division, 9 Somerstown
  • Norris Thomas, glover & breeches maker, 13 Scale lane
  • Perkins John, newspaper agent, 9 Bowl alley lane
  • Rayner John, calico glazer, 21 Sewer lane
  • Rippon Pickering, ship rigger, 38 Dock st
  • Ryley Saml. organ builder, 1 Robinson row
  • Saunders John, plough maker, Holderness road
  • Settle Thomas Harris, deputy clerk of court of requests, Sutton bank
  • Sills Richard, keeper of the exchange, & manager of the exchange news' rooms
  • Stark Jeremiah, collector of rates, Osborne st
  • Stephenson Mary, ready-made linen warehouse, 21 George st
  • Stokes Mary, varnisher, 43 Savile st
  • Straton Wm. potato, &c. dealer, English st
  • Thompson Isaac, piano tuner, 8 Caroline st
  • Todd Thomas, patent fire engine pump manufacturer, 18 Robinson row
  • Wilson James, clerk to the Advertiser office, 6 Myton place
  • Wright & Schemedis, scum boilers, Wincolmlee
Public Buildings, Offices, Institutions, &c.:
Infirmary, Prospect Street,
  • Physicians --- Wm. Hulme Bodley, Matt. Chalmers, Jas. Alderson
  • Surgeons --- Geo. Fielding, Fredk. Huntington, Robert Craven
  • House surgeon, apothecary & secretary --- John Higson
  • Matron --- Elizabeth Smith
Dispensaries, St John Street,
  • Physicians --- Matthew Chalmers, Fewster Robert Horner
  • Surgeons --- Jno. Martin Fullam, Chs. Turner West, Henry Wm. Lee
  • Dispenser --- W.H. Davies
  • Treasurer --- Jno. Cowham Parker --- Hon. Sec. --- Wm. Laverack
For Diseases of the Eye & Ear, 17 Myton gate,
  • Surgeon --- Thomas Buchanan, C.M.
  • Crowle's, Sewer lane
  • Gee's, Chapel lane
  • Gregg's, Postern gate
  • Lister's, South side Trinity Church
  • Harrison's, Chapel lane
  • Lying-In, Robinson's row --- Ellen Jackson, matron
  • Ratcliffe's, Dagger lane
  • Watson's, North Church side
Custom House, Whitefriar gate,
  • Collector --- Charles Lutwidge, esq
  • Comptroller --- Thomas Rodmell, esq.
  • Comptrolling surveyor of warehouses --- Mr. William Harbord
  • Collector's clerks --- Walter Beilby, Edward Baron, George Hick, H. Stephenson, John Rodd, James Pollock, Jos. Jackson
  • Comptroller's clerks --- Edward Buckton, Henry W. Roe
  • Comptrolling surveyor's clerk --- H. Harbord
  • Landing surveyors --- John Roberts, Peter Cockey, --- Wintergill
  • Searchers and landing & coast waiters --- William Wiseman, John Bell, Marmaduke Hare, Samuel C. Walker, William Wilson, William Kempley, George Smithson, Robert Hyde, John Louthen, Nicholas Osbourne, Thomas J. Lundie, Richard Evanson, Joseph Lister, Oliver Grindell, Charles Somerscales, John Exley, James Bennett, John Scott, William Perkins, Thomas Osbourne
  • Jerquer --- Edward Davison
  • Warehouse keeper --- William Burke
  • Warehouse keeper's clerk --- J.H.Eggleston
  • Tide surveyors --- Jas. Gleadow, Matt. Christopher, W.E.Lucas
  • Timber measurer --- Joseph Bee
  • Appointer of weighers --- Thomas White
  • Mate & superintendent of quarantine --- H. Hayter
  • Coast waiter (at Gainsborough) --- T.W.Crompton
  • Coast waiter (at Keadby) --- E.Coates
Excise Office, Land of Green Ginger,
  • Collector --- William Cramp, esq.
  • Collector's clerk --- Geo. Isle
  • Supervisors --- Joseph Dawson, Thomas Russell
  • Export officer --- Tillden Vander Kiste
  • Officers --- Alexander Moffat, Robert Welsh, Robert Jaques, William Muir, Thomas Gleaves
  • Permit writers --- Thomas Foster, William P. Whitehead
Dock Office, North end of High street,
  • Principal clerk --- Thomas Edward Radford
  • Collector of duties --- William Mabb
  • Engineer --- John Timperley
  • Dock and haven master --- John Scholes
  • Assistant dock masters --- Walter Bilton, Jno. Newton, Peter Jamesson
  • Warehouse keeper --- William Wilkinson
Miscellany of trades
  • Charter House, Charter House lane, Trippett
  • Master & Chaplain --- Rev. Thomas Dikes
  • Surgeon --- William Lunn
Trinity House, Trinity House lane,
  • Wardens --- John Hall, --- Field
  • Elder brethren --- John Thackray, J.Woolf, William Collinson, William Collinson, jun. George Hall, J.Alder, B.Holland, Capt. T. Whitaker, R.N., T.H.Marshall, J.Masterman
  • Chaplain --- Rev. George John Davies
  • Chapel clerk --- A. Shaw
  • Secretary --- William Bunney
  • Surgeon --- George Fielding
  • Land agent --- R. Stubbing
  • Receiver of buoyage --- Charles Lutwidge
  • Warden's clerk --- W.T. Beilby
  • Assistant clerk --- W. Wilson
  • Matron --- S. Robinson
Garrison, Drypool
  • Fort major --- Robert Simson
  • Surgeon --- J. Kirkman
  • Barrack master & store keeper --- Alexander Gordon Carte
  • Clerk --- Joseph Tarn
  • Armourer --- Thomas Liggins
Mansion House
  • House steward --- Isaac Colley
  • Town husband --- William Bolton
  • Mayor's officer and silver mace bearer --- Daniel Taylor
  • Gold mace bearer --- Richard Andrews
  • Sword bearer --- Thomas Oglesby
  • Beadles --- John Ward, James Haddon
Gaol and House of Correction, Kingston st,
  • Governor --- Francis Coates
  • Chaplain --- Rev. David Jones
  • Surgeon --- William Lunn
  • Kingston upon Hull, Whitefriar gate --- Henry Briggs, master, John Moxon, clerk, Mary Smithson, matron, William Lenton, constable
  • Drypool, Great Union street --- George Charters, master
  • Sculcoates, Wilson's row --- John Vickerman, master
  • Sutton --- Eleanor Dunderdale, matron
Gas Works
  • Kingston upon Hull, Broadley street --- John Malam, acting proprietor, Richard Holme, secretary to the company, George Porter, chief clerk
  • London British Gas Light Co. Sculcoates --- David Sandell, manager
Miscellany of trades
  • Botanic Gardens, Linnaeus street --- David Smith, curator
  • Corn and Seed Meter's Office, Commercial buildings
  • Exchange --- Richard Sills, keeper
  • Mechanics' Institution, Charlotte street --- James Young, librarian, Bishop Barnby & Robert Harrison, secretaries
  • Merchant Seaman's Registry Office, Minerva Terrace --- John F.Bell, registrar
  • News Rooms --- Coffee House Subscriptions, 41 Market st. --- John Hellier, proprietor --- Exchange Buildings --- Geo. Inall, manager --- Exchange --- Richd. Sills, manager
  • Repository for the Church Missionary Society, 13 Carlisle st --- Mrs Marsland, secretary, Mrs Bodley, treasurer
  • Stamp Office, 7 Parliament street --- Andrew Fitzgerald Reynolds, esq. distributer for the county and town of Hull and the East Riding.
  • Subscription Rooms (public) Jarratt st --- Thos. Stringfellow, keeper
  • Sutton Parish Office, Witham --- John Pearson, assistant overseer, Henry Leng, constable
  • Vagrant Office, 9 Quay Street --- William Linton, constable
  • To London, Nottingham, Birmingham, Lincoln, Cambridge, and all parts of the South, Deacon, Nicholson & Co.'s Waggons (by way of New Holland) --- John Catterson, agent, Dagger lane, and Wilson and Watton's Waggons --- George Ashton and Charles Marshall, agents, both every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday.
  • To Aldborough, James Rogerson, from the Blue Bell, Robert Witty, from the Rein Deer, both in the Market place, and John Mainprise, from the Bonny Boat, every Tuesday and Saturday.
  • To Alford, John Raynor, from the Boar's Head, every Friday.
  • To Arnold & Ritson, Thomas Allison, from the Blue Bell, and John Dunn, from the Rein Deer, both in the Market place, every Tuesday.
  • To Atwick, ---- Miller, from the Blue Bell, Market place, every Tuesday.
  • To Beeford, Marmaduke Wildman & William Woodhouse, from the Rampant Horse, every Tuesday.
  • To Beverley, John Linley, from the King's Head, and James Swaby, from the Rein Deer, daily --- Taylor & Donkin, from the King's Head, and John Coulson, from the Rampant Horse, every Tues. & Fri. and William Taylor, from the Black Swan, Myton gate, Tuesdays.
  • To Bishop Burton, Thomas Robson, from the Three Crowns, Market place, every Tuesday.
  • To Bonby, Richard Drinkle, from the General Elliott, and John Holmes, from the Dog & Duck, every Tues. and Fri.
  • To Brands Burton, T. Miller, from the King's Head, Myton gate, & Thomas Freer, from the Coach & Horses, Myton gate, every Tues
  • To Brantingham, Jno. Underwood, from the Black Horse, Carr lane, and Thomas Haslewood, from the Bonny Boat, every Tues & Fri
  • To Bridlington, Taylor & Donkin, and Mary Boyle, from the King's Head, Myton gate, John Coulson, from the Rampant Horse, Myton gate, and John Carr, from the Coach & Horses, Myton gate, every Tuesday & Friday.
  • To Burton Pidsea, Robert Binnington, from the Spread Eagle, Market place, every Tuesday, & Thomas Solomon, from the Fleece, Market place, every Friday.
  • To Caistor, John Maddison, from the Humber Tavern, every Tuesday --- Wm. Proctor, from the Durham Ox, and James Jibb, from the London Tavern, every Friday --- and ---Watmore, from the Vittoria, every Tuesday & Friday.
  • To Catwick & Skipsea, Thomas Agar, from the Rampant Horse, Tuesday.
  • To Cherry Burton, William Stott, from the Rampant Horse, every Tuesday.
  • To Coniston --- see Thirkleby.
  • To Cottingham, Johnson Morrard, Charles Morrard, and John Newton, from the Mermaid, Silver street, every Tuesday & Friday.
  • To Cowden, John Usher, from the Blue Bell, Market place, Tuesday.
  • To Cranswick, John Booth, from the Three Crowns, every Tuesday.
  • To Driffield & Malton, Taylor and Donkin, from the King's Head, Myton gate, and Bell & England, from the Black Swan, Myton gate, every Tuesday & Friday.
  • To Easington, John Appleby, from the Coach & Horses, Myton gate, every
  • Tuesday, & Thomas Kitson, every Friday.
  • To Ellerby & West Newton, William Harker, from the Blue Bell, Market pl, every Tuesday.
  • To Ellerker --- see Welton
  • To Elloughton, Henry Binnington and Thomas Easingwold, from the Black Horse, Carr lane, Tuesday & Friday.
  • To Elsterwick, --- Ford, from the Blue Bell, Market place, & Elizabeth Sigworth, from the Rein Deer, Tuesday.
  • To Etton, Robt. Fowse, from the Three Crowns, Market place, Tues. & Fri.
  • To Ferriby, Joseph Woodforth, from the Black Horse, Carr lane, & Joseph Mowfen, from the Fleece, Market place, every Tuesday & Friday.
  • To Flamborough & Bridlington, William Jefferson, from the Black Swan, Myton gate, every Tuesday & Friday.
  • To Foston, Lowson Meadley, from the Rein Deer, every Tuesday.
  • To Frodingham, William Hall, from the Bull and Sun, every Tuesday.
  • To Garton, George Robson, from the Bonny Boat, every Tuesday.
  • To Gemlin, George Mainprise, from the Rein Deer, every Friday.
  • To Halsham --- see Bonby.
  • To Hatfield, John Hastings, from the Bull & Sun, every Tuesday.
  • To Hedon, William Rawson and Mary Robinson, from the King's Head, Myton gate, every Tuesday & Friday.
  • To Hessle, Robert Speck, Robert Wallace, & James Welburn, from the Black Horse, Carr lane, and Robert Wallis, from the Rein Deer, every Tues. & Fri.
  • To Hollym, Thomas Greensides, from the Spread Eagle, Market place, Tuesday.
  • To Horncastle, William Proctor, from the Durham Ox & William Allen, from the London Tavern, every Friday.
  • To Hornsea, David Robinson, and Charles Wray, from the Rampant Horse, and
  • Thomas Leek, from the Rein Deer, every Tuesday & Friday.
  • To Hotham, --- Lundy, from the King's Head, Myton gate, every Tues. & Fri.
  • To Howden, George Cook, every Tuesday, & William Simpson, every Friday, from the Black Horse, Carr lane.
  • To Humpleton, Robert Downs, from the Rein Deer, every Tuesday & Saturday.
  • To Keyingham, Edward Ellis, from the King's Head, and John Capes, from the Black Swan, Myton gate, every Tuesday & Friday.
  • To Kilham, Jno. Milner, from the Coach & Horses, Myton gate, Tues. & Fri.
  • To Kirk Ella, John Burn, from the Black Horse, Carr lane, & John Bond, from the Bonny Boat, Tuesday & Friday.
  • To Kirton, by Steam Packets.
  • To Leven, --- Greensides, from the Blue Bell, Market place, every Tuesday.
  • To Lincoln, see London.
  • To Little Weighton, Marmaduke Constable, from the Fleece, Market pl, every Tues.
  • To Lockington, William Brown, from the Coach & Horses, Myton gate, and William Taylor, from the Black Swan, Myton gate, every Tuesday.
  • To Louth, John Wright, from the London Tavern, every Tuesday & Friday, and John Swaby, from the Dog & Duck, Friday.
  • To Malton, Hornby & Wilson, from the Black Swan, Myton gate, every Tuesday & Friday.
  • To Mappleton, Thomas Shaw, from the Spread Eagle, Market place, and John Platts, from the Rein Deer, Market place, every Tuesday.
  • To Market Rasen, John Maddison, from the Humber Tavern, every Tuesday.
  • To Market Weighton, Robert Gardam, from the Rampant Horse, Myton gate, and John Holmes, from the Coach & Horses, Myton gate, and Wm. Atkinson, from the Black Swan, every Tuesday and Friday.
  • To Marton, William Wright, from the Coach & Horses, Myton gate, every Tuesday & Friday.
  • To Newbald, Wm. Atkinson, from the Black Swan, Myton gate, Tues & Fri.
  • To North Cave, Robert Lundy and William Slater, from the Black Horse, Carr lane, every Tuesday and Friday.
  • To Otteringham & Winstead, Jno. Willingham, from the King's Head, Myton gate, & Joseph White, from the Black Swan, Myton gate, Tuesday & Friday.
  • To Oustwick, William Ford, from the Blue Bell, Market place, every Tuesday.
  • To Patrington, William Barrett, from the Rein Deer, every Tuesday & Friday.
  • To Paul, Geo. Wright, from the Coach & Horses, Myton gate, Tuesday & Sat.
  • To Pocklington, Robert Manners, from the Coach & Horses, Myton gate, every Tuesday & Friday.
  • To Preston, Robert Brown & John Burnham, from the Coach & Horses, Myton gate, every Tuesday and Friday.
  • To Rimswell, John Batty, from the Spread Eagle, every Tuesday.
  • To Riston, Thomas Allison, from the Blue Bell, Market place, every Tuesday.
  • To Roos & Tunstall, Marshall and Thomas Hutton, every Tuesday, and Thomas Collinson, every Friday, from the Blue Bell, Market place, and Stephen Ganton, from the Coach & Horses, Myton gate, every Tuesday.
  • To Ryehill, Christopher Smith, from the Blue Bell, Market place, Tuesday.
  • To Sancton, Isaac Turner, from the Rampant Horse, every Tuesday.
  • To Scarborough and Whitby, Taylor and Donkin, from the King's Head, Myton gate, & Bell and England, from the Black Swan, Myton gate, every Tuesday & Friday.
  • To Seaton, John Miller, from the Blue Bell, Market place, every Tuesday.
  • To Skeffling, --- see Frodingham.
  • To Skidby, Reuben Jefferson, from the King's Head, Myton gate, & George Hall, from the Bull & Sun, Tuesday.
  • To Skipsea, --- Denton, from the Rampant Horse, Myton gate, every Tuesday.
  • To Skellow, John Lyon, from the Blue Bell, Market place, and John Blashell, from the Rein Deer, every Tuesday & Friday.
  • To South Cave, Richmon Cussons, John Fenwick, and J. Donkin, from the Black Horse, Carr lane, Tuesday & Friday.
  • To South Dalton, Robert Carling, every Friday, and --- Horsefield, every
  • Tuesday, from the Three Crowns, Market place.
  • To Sproatley, Thos. Hodgson, from the Three Crowns, Market place, and --- Hancock, from the Fleece, Market place, every Tuesday & Friday.
  • To Sunk Island, Jos. White, from the Black Swan, Myton gate, Tues. & Fri.
  • To Swanland, Thomas Butler & John Clayton, from the Black Horse, Carr lane, every Tuesday.
  • To Thirkleby & Coniston, from the Fleece, Market place, Tues. & Fri.
  • To Thorne, --- see Patrington.
  • To Thorngumbald, John Green, from the Blue Bell, Market place, Tuesday.
  • To Thornholme, --- Philip, from the Coach & Horses, Myton gate, Tuesday.
  • To Tunstall, --- see Roos.
  • To Welton, Thomas Nicholson, from the Black Horse, Carr lane, every Tuesday and Friday, and Thos. Smith, every Mon. Wed. Thurs, and Sat.
  • To Whitby, --- see Scarborough.
  • To Willerby, Matthew Andrew and John Richardson, from the Black Horse, Carr lane, every Tuesday & Friday.
  • To Winstead, --- see Otteringham.
  • To Winterton and Brigg, George Gilding, from the General Elliott, and Thomas Wells, from the Dog & Duck, every Tuesday and Friday.
  • To Witheringsea, William Wray, from the Coach & Horses, Myton gate, every Tuesday and Friday.
  • To Witheringwick, John Dent, from the Blue Bell, Market place, every Tues. & Fri.
  • To Wotton, George Munday, from the Durham Ox, every Tuesday & Friday.
  • To York, Leeds, & Manchester, Ann Wilson's waggons, from Dagger lane, every Tuesday & Friday --- John Catterson, agent; and Charles Marshall, from Wellington Street, every Tuesday and Friday.
Conveyance by Water,
Steam Packets,
  • To London, the Prince Frederick, Geo. Wilkinson, master, and the Yorkshireman, Charles Bell, one of which vessels sails every Wednesday & Saturday --- Weddle & Browlow, agents, 62 High street; and the Enterprise, Wm. Jackson, sails every Thursday --- Hudson and Cobby, agents, High st.
  • To Barton, the Royal Charter Mail Packets, every morning at seven and ten, and afternoon at one and four ; application to be made at the General Coach Office, 32 Queen st --- a Horse Boat to Barton water side, daily.
  • To Brigg & Ferriby, the Elizabeth, John Walker, master, sails every day (Thursday excepted) ; application to be made at the General Elliott.
  • To Gainsborough, the Trent, James Siddle, master, and the Atlas, Robert Wise ; one of which vessels sails every Tuesday, Thursday, & Saturday --- Thos. Campbell, agent, 80 High st : the Dart, Robert Waterland, the Mercury, William Williamson, and the British Queen and Albion, James Bell ; one of which vessels sails every day (Sun. ex.) --- Wm. Lewis, agent, 2 Wellington street.
  • To Goole, the Ayre and Calder Navigation Company's packets, namely, the Eagle, William Collier, master, the Echo, John Thompson, the Calder, Thomas Bromby, and the Wellington, --- Fish ; one of which vessels sails every day (Sun. ex.) from the Humber dock basin --- Weddle and Browlow and Phineas Beaumont, agents. -- On the arrival of the above packets at Goole, goods are forwarded to Leeds, Bradford, Halifax, Huddersfield, Manchester, and all parts of Lancashire.
  • To Grimsby, the Pelham, Thos. Waterland, master, sails every day (Sun. ex.) --- Wm. Lewis, agent, 2 Wellington street.
  • To Hamburgh, the Transit, William Draper, master, and the Monarch ; one of which vessels sails every Saturday with the post office letter bag --- Richard Tottie, Minerva Terrace, and Weddle & Brownlow, High street, agents.
  • To Lynn, the Lord Nelson, J. Smith, master, sails every Wednesday at high water --- Thos. Campbell, agent, 80 High street.
  • To Rotterdam, the Gazelle, W. Bouch, master, sails every Saturday --- J. and J. Sanderson, agents, Pier street.
  • To Selby, the Adelaide, James Parker, master, and the Leeds & Sovereign, Thos. Crudas ; one of which vessels sails every day (Sun. ex.) --- George Pottage, agent, High street.
  • To Thorne, the John Bull, John Jacklin, master, and the Rockingham, William Colbridge ; one of which vessels sails every day (Sun. ex.) --- Weddle and Brownlow, agents, High street.
  • To Yarmouth and Norwich, the A1 Steamer, William Turner, master, sails every Monday --- Dyas Lofthouse & Co. agents, 79 High street.
Trading Vessels & Fly Boats,
  • To London, weekly, to Stanton's wharf --- Weddle & Brownlow, agents, 62 High st: every Thursday, to Griffin's wharf --- William Laverack, agent, High st : and the Cheesemonger's Schooners, every week --- Robt. Keddy, agent, 81 High street.
  • To Aberdeen, the Aberdeen and Hull Shipping Company's smacks, weekly, with goods & passengers --- John Smith, agent, Humber street.
  • To Alnmouth, every ten days during the wool season --- Robert Keddy, agent, 81 High street.
  • To Berwick, every eight days --- George Malcolm & Sons, agents, 22 High st.
  • To Blakeney, every ten days --- Holden & Sampson, agents, High street.
  • To Boroughbridge, see York.
  • To Colchester, every fourteen days --- Robt. Keddy, agent, 81 High street.
  • To Doncaster, Rotherham, & Sheffield, every seven days --- Dyas Lofthouse & Co. 79 High street, and Holden and Sampson, High street, agents.
  • To Driffield, twice a week --- apply at the Unicorn Tavern, High street.
  • To Dundee, weekly --- John Thompson and Co. agents, High street.
  • To Gainsborough, every four days --- George Buckton, agent, 56 High street.
  • To Halifax, daily --- John Thompson & Co. agents, High street.
  • To Huddersfield, every six days --- William Laverack, agent, High street.
  • To Ipswich, every ten days --- Robert Keddy, agent, High street.
  • To Leeds, every alternate day --- Bromby & Bell, agents, 21 High st : and weekly --- William Procter, agent, 41 High street.
  • To Leeds & Liverpool, every third day --- Robt. Keddy, agent, 81 High street.
  • To Leith & Edinburgh, weekly --- Bromby & Bell, 21 High st, George Malcolm & Sons, 22 High st, Robt. Keddy, 81 High st, and Holden & Sampson, 52 High street, agents.
  • To Lincoln, Hooker & Hill's vessels, weekly --- Wm. Hird, agent, Silver street.
  • To Louth, Mrs Nell's vessels, weekly --- William Hird, agent, Silver street.
  • To Lynn, every ten days --- Holden & Sampson, agents, 52 High street.
  • To Malton, every six days --- Thomas Waltham, agent, High street.
  • To Manchester, Rochdale, Liverpool, and all parts of Lancashire, daily --- John Thompson & Co. 150 High st, and Barnby, Faulkner & Co. 47 High st, agents.
  • To Newcastle upon Tyne, every ten days --- John Smithson, 80 High st, and George Buckton, 56 High street, agents : and every eight days --- George Malcolm and Son, agents, 22 High street.
  • To Nottingham, Shardlow, & Birmingham, every four days --- George Buckton, agent, 56 High street.
  • To Ripon, see York.
  • To Sheffield, every alternate day --- Wm. Laverack, agent, High st, and Carrill and Co.'s vessels, weekly --- George North, agent, High street.
  • To Spalding & Wisbeach, every ten days --- Holden & Sampson, and Geo. North, agents, High street.
  • To Stirling, every fourteen days during the wool season --- Robt. Keddy, agent, 81 High street.
  • To Stockton, on the 1st and 16th of each month --- George Buckton, agent, 56 High st.
  • To Stockton & Sunderland, every eight days --- George Malcolm & Sons, agents, 22 High street.
  • To Wakefield, Dewsbury, & Huddersfield, every Wednesday --- Dyas Lofthouse & Co. agents, 79 High street.
  • To Wakefield, Dewsbury, Huddersfield, Saddleworth, Oldham, Manchester, Liverpool, and all intermediate places, John & Luke Marsden's Fly boats, daily --- Phineas Beaumont, agent, Humber dock gates : and James Buckley, Kershaw & Co.'s Fly boats, daily --- George Pottage, agent, High street.
  • To Wells, every fourteen days --- Holden & Sampson, agents, 52 High st.
  • To Whitby, every fourteen days --- Geo. Buckton, agent, 56 High street.
  • To Yarmouth & Norwich, every eight days --- Bromby & Bell, 21 High st, John Smith & Co. 82 High st, and Gray & Co. 26 High st, agents.
  • To York, Boroughbridge, and Ripon, every four days --- Robt. Keddy, agent, 81 High st: and Mills & Co. weekly --- George North, agent, High street.

Transcribed by Steve Garton. ©2000