
Brompton By Sawdon Parish information from Bulmers' 1890.



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Geographical and Historical information from the year 1890.

Wapentake of Pickering Lythe - Petty Sessional Division of Pickering Lythe East - Electoral Division of Snainton - Poor Law Union and County Court District of Scarborough - Rural Deanery of Malton - Archdeaconry of Cleveland - Diocese of York.

This parish lies on the road from Scarborough to Pickering, 8 miles southwest of the former place, and 10 east of the latter. It comprises the townships of Brompton-with-Sawdon, Troutsdale and the chapelry of Snainton. Brompton and Sawdon were amalgamated by a Local Government Order, which came into operation March 25th, 1886. The first rate for the joint townships was levied in July, 1886. The total acreage is 9,423; rateable value, £11,907; and the population, 1,689. Brompton-cum-Sawdon contains 4,032 acres; rateable value, £5,814; population, 854.

The principal landowners in Brompton are Sir George Cayley, Bart., lord of the manor; Mr. Hugh Cayley, and Sir Edward Harland, Bart. In Sawdon the chief land proprietors are the Commissioners of the Duchy of Lancaster, who exercise manorial rights; and the trustees of Thomas Rivis. The soil varies in quality in different situations, and we find oolite limestone, gravel, and loam; with a subsoil of clay and gravel. The principal crops are wheat, turnips, barley, and oats. Limestone, in which some fossils are found, is quarried for building, and some thin stone is used for roofing.

The church of All Saints is a building of stone in the decorated and perpendicular styles, having a nave with side aisles, a chancel with north aisle, and a tower containing three bells and a clock. In 1750 the chancel was shortened. The interior of the tower shows that it has been constructed out of the materials of a Norman edifice, many remains of Norman mouldings being built in the wall. In 1879-80, the church was partially restored at a cost of about £1,200, chiefly borne by the patron, Sir Digby Cayley. The floor of the chancel was raised, and the high pews removed. The five-light window in the east wall was removed, and the present small perpendicular one substituted. Two other stained windows were inserted to the memory of C. S. Cayley, who died in 1884. One by his widow, and the other by servants and tenantry. In 1882 a very handsome chandelier in brass, the model of one at Aix-la-Chapelle, was presented to the church by Sir Tatton Sykes. The register dates from 1584. The poet Wordsworth was married in this church in 1802. The following extract is taken from the register:- "Wm. Wordsworth, of Grasmere, in Westmorland, gentleman, and Mary Hutchinson, of Gallows Hill, in the parish of Brompton, were married in this church by license this 4th day of October, in the year one thousand eight hundred and two.

John Ellis, officiating minister.

This marriage was solemnized between us, Wm. Wordsworth,
Mary Hutchinson.

in the presence of Thos. Hutchinson.
Joanna Hutchinson,
John Hutchinson.

The living is a vicarage, and was augmented in 1880 by the patron, Sir Digby Caley, with a sum yielding £47 per annum, and a like sum from the Ecclesiastical Commissioners, raising the value to £183 per annum. The present vicar is the Rev. Francis Oswald Chambers, M.A., Oxon; curate, Rev. Arthur Hughes.

The churchyard was enlarged by three roods in 1885, presented by the present patron, and it was consecrated by the Bishop of Sodor and Man. It is situated opposite the station. In 1889 a chapel was erected in the grounds.

The Wesleyans have a chapel in the village, as have also the Primitive Methodists, each having accommodation for 200.

There is a Board School in the village, with an average attendance of 90.

CHARITIES. - Free dwellings for two widows "without encumbrance," left by Mrs. Pearson, of Falsgrave. In 1851, Mr. Stericker left the interest of £200 for the poor of Sawdon. Mrs. Smith, of York, in 1813 left the rent of a garth of two acres at Swine Brompton, for the poor of that place.

High Hall, the seat of Sir G. Allanson Cayley, is a plain stone mansion, at the west of the village. It was enlarged and internally improved in 1887, when electric light was introduced into the house. At present new stables, coachhouse, and cottages are being built.

Sawdon village is two miles from Brompton, and eight miles W.S.W. of Scarborough. Here is a small building erected in 1823, and restored in 1884, in which the Wesleyans worship.

On Sawdon Heights are two farms, on one called Basin Howe is a large tumulus, hollow in the centre like a basin, whence the etymology of the name of the farm. The other, "Whin Floor Hall" is so called from the whins used here as a cover for foxes.

TROUTSDALE is situate on the moors, in a deep and narrow dale, five miles N.E. of Snainton, and 11 miles W. of Scarborough. The proprietors of the land are the trustees of E. Lloyd, A. H. Robinson, Scarborough; and Hugh Cabry, London, The hillsides of the vale are clothed with plantations of larch. There are some excellent stone quarries here.

SNAINTON Chapelry stands about half-a-mile west of Brompton, and 8½ south-west of Scarborough.

The chapel was a structure originally erected in 1150. Having become decayed, the present building was raised on its site in 1835, at a cost of £750, raised by subscription. It was newly seated in 1882. The church is dedicated to St. Mary. There is no evidence for the last 300 years of a perpetual curate living here. It is used as a chapel-of-ease to Brompton. The Wesleyans and Primitive Methodists have each a place of worship here. The chapel of the latter was built in 1868, at a cost of £680, and will accommodate 270.

[Description(s) from Bulmer's History and Directory of North Yorkshire (1890)]


  • Transcript of the entry for the Post Office, professions and trades in Bulmer's Directory of 1890.

Scan, OCR and html by Colin Hinson. Checking and correction by Peter Nelson.