
Danby Supplementary



The updates have been applied on the "anchor" issue on 27 July.

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In 1822, the following places were in
the Parish of Danby:

"AINTHORPE, in the parish of Danby, wapentake and liberty of Langbargh; 2 miles ESE. of Danby, 9 miles SE. of Guisborough, a small hamlet, situated at the eastern extremity of Danby Dale. There is here a small Methodist chapel, built about 12 years ago, and a stone bridge, remarkable for its antiquity, crossing the river Esk."

"CASTLETON, a hamlet in the parish of Danby, wapentake and liberty of Langbargh; 1½ miles W. of Danby, 9 miles SE. of Guisborough. Situated on a small eminence rising from Danby dale, and surrounded by the Cleveland moors; the places of worship are a Methodist chapel, built in 1813, and a Friends' Meeting house, erected about 40 years ago. The only manufactory is linen thread, for the spinning of which there is a neat and commodious stone building, erected a few years ago, the machinery of which is put in motion by the power of water. The lord of the manor is Lord Downes. The river Eske passes on the N. side in its way to Whitby.

Castleton appears to have been so called, from an ancient castle which stood here; and of which there are still some evident remains; but at what period this fortification, which seems to have been of a circular form, was erected, our accounts are silent. -Graves. It is now the principal place in Danby-Dale."

"COMMONDALE, in the parishes of Guisborough and Danby, wapentake and liberty of Langbargh; 3 miles WNW. of Danby, 8 miles SE. of Guisborough. This is a narrow secluded vale, forming the southern boundary of the parish; at which place there was formerly an hermitage or cell to the priory of Guisborough. Population, 86."

"DALE END, a hamlet in the township and parish of Danby, wapentake of Langbarugh; ¼ mile N. of Danby, 9½ miles from Guisborough, 12½ from Whitby."

"DANBY BEACON, in the township and parish of Danby; 2 miles ENE. of Danby, 10½ miles from Guisborough and Whitby."

"DANBY LODGE, (the seat of Lord Downe) in the township and parish of Danby, east-division of Langbarugh; ½ mile E. of Danby, 9 miles Guisborough. This is a modern built house, and intended merely as a Shooting-Box."

"GLAISDALE, a chapelry, in the parish of Danby, wapentake and liberty of Langbargh; 4½ miles ESE. of Danby, 9 miles WSW. of Whitby. A new chapel was erected here in 1793, upon the site of the old one, which was consecrated in the year 1388; the living is a perpetual curacy, in the patronage of the Archbishop of York. Here is likewise a new Wesleyan Methodist chapel. erected by subscription in 1821. The population return is 1043 for the whole of the township of Glaisdale, comprising the following villages and hamlets, viz. Fryup, Lealholm, Lealholm Bridge, Halsike, and Green Houses. The Dale is remarkably fertile, surrounded on every side with barren hills, which, when contrasted give that imposing appearance which never fails to produce the most delightful sensations."

"GREAT FRYUP, (and Little Fryup) dales in the parish of Danby, wapentake and liberty of Langbargh; 2½ miles SE. of Danby, 11 miles SE. of Guisborough."

"HOULSYKE, a hamlet in the parish of Danby, wapentake & liberty of Langbargh; 1¾ miles E. of Danby, 11 miles from Whitby."

"LEALHOLM, (and Lealholm Bridge) a hamlet in the parish of Danby, wapentake and liberty of Langbargh; 3½ miles E. of Danby, 9 miles W. of Whitby."

"LEALHOLME HALL, a farm house in the township of Glaisdale, and parish of Danby; 4 miles E. of Danby, 8½ miles from Whitby."

"STONEGATE, in the parish of Danby, wapentake & liberty of Langbargh; 4¼ miles E. of Danby, 8 miles from Whitby."

[Description(s) edited mainly from various 19th century sources by Colin Hinson. ©2010]