Scarborough Directory of Trades and Professions for 1829
Transcript of the entry of 'professions and trades'
for SCARBOROUGH in Pigot's Directory of 1829.
Post Office, - Merchant's-row, Scarborough, Rachael Woodall Post Mistress.
- Letters for London, Bridlington, Beverley, Hull and the South are despatched every night at half-past nine, and arrive every night at twelve.
- Letters for Whitby are despatched every night at twelve, and arrive every evening at half-past six.-Letters for York, Scotland, Ireland and the West are despatched every afternoon at three, and arrive every day at twelve.
- Office hours:The London letters are delivered at eight in the morning, and those by the other mails shortly after their arrival. The box closes half an hour prior to the departure of the mails, but letters are received at the window until the time of departure, upon payment of one penny.
- Appleby John, gent. Cook's row
- Armitage Mrs. Ann, Auboro street
- Atty Miss, Longroom street
- Bean William, gent. Without the gate
- Beard Rev. James, B. Queen street
- Beswick George, gent. Longroom street
- Biass Mrs. E. Queen street
- Bielby ---, gent. Churchstair street
- Bottomley Mrs. Ann, Long Westgate
- Bottomley Rev. Samuel, Churchstair street
- Bowler Mrs. Mary, Newborough street
- Briggs John, gent. Batty place
- Cameron Colonel D. 'roller gate
- Clark Francis, gent. Merchant's row
- Clark Miss Margaret, Castle gate
- Clarkson Lieut. Js. Mount pleasant
- Clubley George, gent. Princess street
- Colling Mrs. Ann, Batty place
- Cooke Henry, esq. Queen street
- Cooper Mrs. Elizabeth, Queen street
- Cooper Mrs. Mary, Newborough street
- Dale Mrs. Mary, Falsgrave
- Davies George, gent. Albion place
- Dowker Rev. Edmund, Huntriss row
- Duff Mrs. Queen street
- Elders Mrs. Jane, Queen street
- Elliott John, gent. Mount pleasant
- Evans Rev. Benjamin, Long Westgate
- Fowler Benjamin, gent. Princess street
- Fowler Valentine, gent. Castle gate
- Fox Mrs. Hannah, Palace hill
- Fox Mrs. Harriet, Granby place
- Grant Mrs. Bellevue
- Gray Mrs. Elizabeth, Granby place
- Gurley Mrs. E. Huntriss row
- Hague Rev. William, Sandside
- Hall Mrs. Ann, Cook's row
- Hall Mrs. Christiana, Queen street
- Harding Robert, gent. Auboro street
- Harrison Mrs. Francis, St. Sepulchre street
- Harrison William, gent. Long Westgate
- Headley Miss Margaret, Sandside
- Hebden Edward H. gent. Albion place
- Hebden Miss Grace, Bowling green
- Herbert Mrs. Jane, Queen street
- Hick Mrs. Barbara, Cook's row
- Highmore Mrs. E. Auboro street
- Hodgson Mrs. Cross street
- Hornby Mrs. Long Westgate
- Huntriss Miss Ann, Huntriss row
- Husband William, gent. Friar's entry
- Ibbotson Miss Sarah, Long Westgate
- Irvin Rev. Thomas, Queen street
- Jordan Thomas, gent. Princess street
- Kirk Mrs. Dorothy, Long Westgate
- Leasley Henry, gent. Westfield house
- Leyne Rev. James, Long Westgate
- Ling Mrs. Princess street
- Lund John, gent. Princess street
- Maling George, gent Churchstair street
- Marsh Mrs. E. Huntriss row
- Miller Rev. J. Vicarage
- Nesfield Mrs. Auboro street
- Nicholson Mrs. Elizabeth, Brunswick place
- Parkin Misses, West Sandgate
- Parnther John, gent. Albion place
- Pearson John, gent. Queen street
- Pearson Mrs. Falsgrave
- Porrett Robert, gent. Cook's row
- Prince Mrs. Jane, Cook's row
- Rennison Mrs. Charlte, Churchstair street
- Roberts Charles, gent. Brunswick terrace
- Robinson Benjamin, gent. Castle gate
- Robinson Mrs. Mary, Dumple street
- Rowntree Mrs. Elizabeth, Princess street
- Scott Mrs. Mary, Long Westgate
- Seaman Mrs. Rosamund. Longroom street
- Sedman William, gent. Batty place
- Shaw Misses, Castle gate
- Shore John, gent. Brunswick terrace
- Simpson Pinkney, gent. Queen street
- Skelton Rev. Joseph, Long Westgate
- Snowball Mrs. Jane, Long Westgate
- Stephens George, gent. Queen street
- Stopford Mrs. Brunswick terrace
- Taylor Misses, Newborough street
- Temple Mrs. Janet, Newborough street
- Thompson Mrs. Albion place
- Tindall John, esq. Cliff
- Topham Miss Mary, Princess street
- Topping Miss Mary, Princess street
- Travis Mrs. Dorothy, Queen et
- Turner Mrs. Jane, Batty place
- Vickerman Joseph N. gent. Queen street
- Wellburn Mrs. Mary, Batty place
- Wharton John, esq. King street
- Wharton Samuel, gent. Queen street
- Williamson Richard, gent. Longroom street
- Willis John, gent. Princess street
- Wilmer Mrs. Belle vue
- Wilson Richard, esq. Cliff
- Wolley Lieut. G. L. Granby place
- Woodall John, esq. Longroom street
- Woodall Thomas D. gent. Newborough street
- Young Mrs. Elizabeth, Bolts
Not otherwise described are Day Schools.
- Addison Robert, (boarding & day) Queen street
- Amicable Society School, North street-Richard Suggitt, master;
- Ann Marshall, mistress
- Bayles Elizabeth, Dumple street
- Beach George, Falsgrave
- Beard Rev. James B. Queen street
- Bullock George, Huntriss row
- Bulmer Sarah, Newborough street
- Dalton Sarah, Long Westgate
- Fox Gilbert, Cross street
- Gill Charles, Seamer
- Hornsey Robert, St. Sepulchre street
- Infant School, St. Sepulchre st H. E. and Ann Hutchinson, master and mistress
- Irvin Rev. Thomas, St. Mary's church
- King Margaret (ladies' boarding & day) Queen street
- Kyte Mary (ladies' boarding & day) St. Sepulchre street
- Lancasterian School, High Toller gate-John Gillott, master; Hannah Jackson, mistress
- Milburn Richard, Quay street
- Peckston Thomas, St. Sepulchre street
- Potter William, (boarding & day) King street
- Reynoldson Victoria, Seamer
- School Of Industry, Cook's row; Mary Chatwin, mistress
- Skelton Rev. Joseph (boarding and day) Long Westgate
- Trott Francis, Long Westgate
- Wainman Nancy, Cook's row
- Wood William, King street
(See also Fire, &c. Office Agents.)
- Hill Francis (to Lloyd's) Quay street
- Redhead Joseph, (land) Long Westgate
- March W. & B. Quay end
- Cornwall John, Queen street
- Hesp & Uppleby, Tanner street
- Page William S. (and notary) Newborough street
- Shore Arthur, Queen street
- Thornton William D. Newborough street
- Wardell Thomas M. Tanner street
- Woodall & Dormer, Longroom street
- Woodall John (and town clerk) Longroom street
- Laybourn Thomas, Longroom street
- Nattriss John, King street
- Simpson William, St. Helen's square
- Vaile John, Longroom street
(See also Flour Dealers.)
- Anderson Launcelot, Castlegate
- Clarke Daniel, Princess street
- Drake Godfrey (& ship biscuit) Quay street
- Nedby William, Globe street
- Newton Charles, Newborough street
- Pecket Christopher, Longroom street
- Scott Thomas, Cross street
- Shaw Benjamin, East Sandgate
- Sleightholm Storry, Carr street
- Stonehouse Robert (& ship biscuit) Merchant's row
- Taylor David, West Sandgate
- Waine George, Newborough street
- Ward George, (gingerbread) Dumple street
- Savings' Bank, King st-Thomas Smurwaite, secretary
- Woodall, Tindall, Cooke and Co. Queen street-(draw on Joseph Denison & Co. London)
- Dobson Spawforth, Carr street
- Stainer John, Longroom street
- Champley John, Cliff
- Harland William M. D. Vernon place
- Sea Bathing Infirmary, Quay street
- Thompson Daniel, M. D. Quay street
- Travis William, M. D. Cliff
- Candler Cant, Seamer
- Farthing Thomas, Queen street
- Larkin Thomas, King street
- Morris Francis, Falsgrave
- Nicholson John, Tanner street
- Spencer Richard, Seamer
- Skelton John, Sandside
- Smith James, Sandside
- Ainsworth Jane, Newborough street
- Cole John, Newborough street
- Todd Christopher (& copper plate printer) Newborough street
- Abbey Jonathan, Longroom street
- Abbey William (& leather cutter) Merchant's row
- Andrew Jonathan, Merchant's row
- Atkinson Sleightholm, Long Westgate
- Baker Robert, Long Westgate
- Binnington Edward, Leading post street and Newborough street
- Bradshaw George, Queen street
- Brown Thomas, Toiler gate
- Buck John, Seamer
- Clarke William, Quay street
- Cooper William, Falsgrave
- Crowhurst William, Dumple street
- Davidson Robert, Seamer
- Dennis Francis, Quay street
- Ellis Isaac, High Westgate
- Filburn John, Newborough street
- Flinton William, Quay street
- Gibson James, Carr street
- Goodill William, Falsgrave
- Hume Walter, Princess street
- Jackson John, St. Sepulchre street
- Johnson Thomas, Cook's row
- Lamb Richard, Castle gate
- Laybourn William, Long Westgate
- Leake Francis, Newborough st & Cliff
- Leighton Thomas, Dumple street
- Marshall George, Whitehead lane
- Marshall Thomas, Merchant's row
- Megginson J. Long Westgate
- Merry Joseph, King street
- Moore Joseph, St. Sepulchre street
- Nichols John, Bland's cliff
- Nixon John, Coulson's row
- Peacock William, Leadingpost street
- Peckston John Palace hill
- Percy George, Newborough street
- Roberts William, Tanner street
- Smith Joseph, Long Westgate
- Stephenson Thomas, Seamer
- Stringer John, Longroom street
- Thompson Christopher, Cross street
- Tomlinson John, Newborough street
- Tranmar Bethuel, Cross street
- Turner Edward, Dumble street
- Vickerman William, St. Helen's square
- Weatherill Peter, Leadingpost street
- Wright Samuel, Churchstair street
- Wrigley John, Leadingpost street
- Bye Deodatus (and brass founder) Newborough street
- Crosby James, Low Conduit street
- Dale John, Newborough street
- Good Thomas, Leading post street
- Goodbarn Joseph, Leadingpost street
- White Thomas, Carr street
- Dale John, Tanner street
- Nesfield George & Son, High Toller gate
- Boyes James, Churchstair street
- Clark John, Queen street
- Garnett Robert, Dumple street
- Garnett William, Dumple street
- Luccock Thomas, St. Sepulchre street
- Sanderson Thomas, Anboro street
- Thompson Jonathan & Son, Wellington place
- Barry John, Common
- Newton Charles, Ramsden
- Thompson Jonathan & Son, Wellington place
- Barry John, Long Westgate
- Vickerman Jonathan, Marine-house beach
- Anderson Jonathan, St. Helen's square
- Bailey James, St. Helen's square
- Bland Wellborn, New shambles
- Boreman Ringrose, New shambles
- Cass James, Dumple street
- Cass William, New shambles
- Donkin William, St. Helen's square
- James John, New shambles
- Leake Francis, Sandside
- Leake Robert, Newborough street
- Lyth John, Princess street
- Megginson John, New shambles
- Newton John, Sandside
- Pearson John, New shambles
- Rickinson Robert, Seamer
- Rowbotham Isaac, New shambles
- Sedman William, New shambles
- Taylor George, St. Helen's square
- Vazey William Henry, New shambles
- Waudby John, New shambles
- Wilson Thomas, Newborough street
Marked thus* are also Upholsterers.
- Archer Tristram, St. Sepulchre street
- Burton William, Low Conduit street
- *Jameson Daniel, Newborough street
- Lee James, Long Westgate
- Simpson William, St. Helen's square
- Smailes John, Tanner street
- Thornton Samuel, Leadingpost street
- Tindale George, Dumple street
- *Tissiman Peter, Globe street
- White Daniel, Merchant's row
- Colley William, Tuner street
- Hall John, King street
- Hell Christopher, Seamer
- Simpson Launcelot, Seamer
- Spencer John, Seamer
- Baker Joseph B. Newborough street
- Champley John, Newborough street
- Cooper Gen. A. Merchant's row
- Procter Harrison, Newborough street
- Turner Samuel H. Newborough street
- Bradshaw George, Queen street
- Peacock William, Queen street
- Atkinson Thomas, Low Conduit street
- Dalton William, Low Conduit street
- Lund Sarah, St. Sepulchre street
- Midgley Richard, St. Sepulchre street
- Potter George, Without the gate
- Scaley Matthias L. Without the gate
- Coats Jane, Cross street
- Cooper Hannah Eliza, Huntriss row
- Grayson Benjamin, Newborough street
- Newton Charles, Newborough street
- Snare Barton, Longroom street
- Waine George, Newborough street
- Chapman Richard, Carr street
- Cooper Thomas, Seamer
- Morwan Robert, Quay street
- Lawson Richard, Cross street
- Lawson Thomas, Cross Street
- White George, Cross street
- Gibson William, Low Scawby Mill
- Newton Charles, Ramsden
- Newton Samuel, Plantation Lodge
- Pennock John, Cayton & Boythorpe
- Robinson Joseph, Scawby Mill
- Stubbs Ward, near Falsgrave
- Fletcher Thomas, Cross street
- Thompson Christopher, Dumple street
- Wilson Robert, Cross street
- Bird Thomas, Queen street
- Collier John, St. Sepulchre street
- Kirkby Francis, Quay street
- Murphy Mary, Dumple street
- Thacker, John, Cross street
- Twiddy William, Globe street
- Atlas, Arthur Shore, Queen street
- British, Benjamin Fowler, Princess street
- County, Joseph B. Baker, Newborough street
- Globe, Thomas Smurwaite, Longroom street
- Hope, William S. Page, Newborough street
- Leeds & Yorkshire, Jonathan Uppleby, Tanner street
- Manchester; Peter Tissiman, Globe street
- New Castle, Thomas Hart, St. Sepulchre street
- Phoenix, Robert Ward, Queen street
- Royal Exchange, Jonathan Cornwall, Queen street
- Suffolk, Jonathan Rowntree, Carr street
- Sun, Timothy Hardcastle, Queen street
- Yorkshire, Robert Marflitt, Bland's cliff
- Coulson Stephen, Cross street
- Crake Christopher, East Sandgate
- Fletcher Joseph, Without the gate
- Jameson Daniel, Newborough street
- Newton Thomas, Merchant's row
- Pennock James, Newborough street
- Robinson John (& bacon) Newborough street
- Shaw Jonathan, Castle gate
- Whittall John, St. Sepulchre street
- Jackson John, St. Sepulchre street
- Rawson Elizabeth, Leadingpost street
- Anderson Thomas, Bowling green
- Chatwin Robert, Dumple street
- Chatwin William, St. Helen's square
- Harper Jasper, Seamer
- Hick John, Without the gate
- Pearson Richard, (& florist) Falsgrave
- Walshaw Thomas, King street
- Bye Deodatus, Newborough street
- Corbett B.P. (china) Merchant's row
- Simpson Mary, Carr street
- Smith John (& earthenware) Long Westgate
- Topham George, St. Helen's square
- Boyes William, Queen street
- Burnett Robert, (& flour) Princess street
- Dobson Thomas, Newborough street
- French Robert, Merchant's row
- Jackson William, King street
- Lacey Edward, Longroom street
- Lawson John, St. Helen's square
- Leadlay William, Palace hill
- Leighton Gen. & Jonathan, Newborough street
- Lord Paul, Newborough street
- Middleton Samuel, Merchant's row
- Nedby William, Globe street
- Nelson Skelton, Carr street
- Pattison John, Newborough Street
- Peacock Daniel, Newborough street
- Preston George, Seamer
- Purnell Thomas, Newborough street
- Rowntree John, Carr street
- Smith Isabella, Merchant's row
- Smith Richard, Newborough street
- Tesseyman John, Newborough street
- Tinker William, Cross street
- Ullathorne William, Newborough street
- Watson Mary, (& draper) Merchant's row
- Wellburn Zachariah, Trenmar (& seedsman) Newborough street, and Churchstairs street
- Woodall Thomas, Merchant's row
- Wrongham Henry, West Sandgate
- Atkinson Allison, Sandside
- Atkinson William, Dumple street
- Austin James, Tanner street
- Brooks Samuel, Cliff
- Collin George, Castlegate
- Gibson John, Merchant's row
- Monkman Richard, Newborough street
- Nichols William, St. Helen's square
- Taylor George, Merchant's row
- Westerman John, Longroom street and Leadingpost street
- Westerman Joseph, Prospect place
- Westerman Thomas S. Newborough street
- Lacy Kemeys, Newborough street
- Monkman Richard (& caps) Newborough street
- Nichols William, St. Helen's square
- Stickney Isaac (manufacturer) Newborough street
- Bradshaw Elizabeth, Newborough street
- Coward William, (and leather cap maker) Merchant's row
- Garbutt Sarah (& draper) Carr street
- Smith John (& hatter) St. Sepulchre street
- Walker Dorothy, Carr street
- Bell (commercial & posting) Richard Hopper, Bland's cliff
- Blacksmith's Arms (commercial) John Ruddock, Queen street
- George (commercial) Esther Fox, Newborough street
- Golden Ball, Robert Morwan, Quay street
- Hotel (& assembly room) Edward Donner, Longroom street
- Houston's Hotel (& posting) John Houston, Without the gate
- London (commercial and posting) James Coates, Newboro' street
- New Inn, Jeremiah Hudson, Newboro' street
- Old Globe, Jonathan Chapman, Globe street
- Plough, Stephen Wright, Tanner street
- Star, William Cross, King street
- Talbot (commercial and posting) Jane Hutchinson, Queen street
- Dale John, Newborough street
- Lord John & James, New borough street
- Cracknell William Willis (and fancy warehouse) Longroom street
- Crawford Alexander, Cliff
- Lyon Harris, Leadingpost street
- Sadler Edwin (working) Tanner street
- Todd Matthew, Newborough street
- Vassalli Jerome, Merchant's row
- Belt John, St. Sepulchre street
- Cottom Robert, Princess street
- Crosby George, Sandside
- Feaster John, Tanner street
- Jordan Samuel, Dumple street
- Ness Thomas, Dumple street
- Percy Robert, Tanner street
- Staveley & Taylor, Bland's cliff
- Stockdale John, Waterhouse lane
- Stonehouse Richard, Falsgrave
- Tindall Richard, Falsgrave
- Woodall Thomas, Leadingpost street
- Bown Peter (and manufacturer of Derbyshire spar) Huntriss row
- Carter John (& collector of organic remains) Longroom street
- Vassalli Jerome (and jet worker) Merchant's row
- Ainsworth Jane, Newborough street
- Cole John, Newborough street
- Free (religious) Newborough street
- Subscription, and News Room, King street
- Brown Peter, Newborough street
- Cooke & Pinder, Newborough street
- Cullen Gaven, Newborough street
- Fowler John, Newborough street
- Lacy Kemys, Newborough street
- Law Thomas (& manufacturer) Carr street
- Lawson John, St. Helen's square
- Leadley John, Newborough street
- Lewis William & Co. (& silk mercers) Huntriss row
- Mennell Isaac, Newborough street
- Smith Hodgson, Newborough street
- Stickney Isaac, Newborough street
- Stubbs Henry, Newborough street
- Ullathorne William, Newborough street
- Beecroft Matthew, Huntriss row
- Coates James, Newborough street
- Coates John, Huntriss row
- Donkin William, Cross street
- Dove Mark, Tanner street
- Dove Robert, St. Sepulchre street
- Gambles Robert, Tanner street
- Glaves Thomas, Tanner street
- Harrison John, Tanner street
- Holmes Joseph, St. Sepulchre street
- Major Jonathan, Longroom street
- Mosey Ann, East Sandgate
- Nicholson Thomas, Newborough street
- Peacock William, Tanner street
- Rainton William, Newborough street
- Wilson Thomas, Newborough street
- Allison John, Merchant's row
- Andrew John, Merchant's row
- Banks Ann, Merchant's row
- Bielby John, Leadingpost street
- Binnington Edward, Leadingpost street
- Bradshaw Ann, Merchant's row
- Bradshaw Joseph, Newborough street
- Brown Peter, Newborough street
- Coates James (London Inn) Newborough street
- Coates John, Huntriss row
- Cockerill Joseph. Cliff
- Cooper Hannah Eliza, Huntriss row
- Cooper James, Sandside
- Coward William, Merchant's row
- Crosby Thomas, King street
- Dobson John, Huntriss row
- Donner Edward (hotel & assembly room) Longroom street
- Edmond Richard, Prospect place
- Estill Ann, Albion place
- Featherstonehaugh Dorothy, Cliff
- Fox Esther (George Inn) Newborough street
- French Robert, Merchant's row
- Gibson Ambrose, Merchant's row
- Hanson Mrs. E. Longroom street
- Harrison Nathaniel, Vernon place
- Hebden Robert, Huntriss row
- Henderson Robert. Cliff
- Hodgens Elizabeth, Huntriss row
- Holmes Joseph, Merchant's row
- Hopper Richard (Bell Inn) Bland's cliff
- Houston John (Houston's Hotel) Without the gate
- Huntriss Ann, Huntriss row
- Hutchinson Jane (Talbot Inn) Queen street
- Law Thomas, Carr street
- Leake Francis, Longroom street
- Lilley John, jun. Merchant's row
- Lilley Richard, Bland's cliff
- Ling Christopher, Cliff
- Marshall Thomas, Merchant's row
- Mason James, Merchant's row
- Miller Robert (Nag's Head) Newborough street
- Moorsom Elizabeth, Sandside
- Nesfield Mrs. E. Cliff
- Newham William, King street
- Newton Samuel, Plantation lodge
- Nicholls John, Bland's cliff
- Noel John, Longroom street
- Page William S. Cliff
- Parkinson Barton, St. Sepulchre street
- Peacock Mrs. Cliff
- Rawson Elizabeth, Leadingpost street
- Redhead Mrs. Long Westgate
- Robinson Elizabeth, Huntriss row
- Rouse James, Without the gate
- Ruddock John (Blacksmiths' arms) Queen street
- Sedman Thomas, Leadingpost street
- Siddall Thomas, (King's Arms) King street
- Skelton Isaac, Cliff
- Sleightholm Ann, Churchstairs street
- Smith Isabella, Merchant's row
- Sollitt William, Cliff
- Southwell John, Brunswick place
- Stalker William (Britannia) Merchant's row
- Thompson Elizabeth, Sandside
- Tindall Mrs. Huntriss row
- Todd Mrs. Without the gate
- Vickerman John, Marine house, Beach
- Watson Margaret, Albion place
- Weatherill Peter, Leadingpost street
- Wellburn William, Huntress row
- Westerman Joseph, Prospect place
- White Jane, Merchant's row
- White Thomas, Carr street
- Williamson John, Cliff
- Wood William, Cliff
- Woodall John, Merchant's row
- Hammond Joseph, Paradise
- Hutchinson Margaret, Tanner street
- Shaw Francis, Without the gate
- Friendly, B. Fowler, secretary
- General, Hardcastle & Ward, sectys
- Scarborough, B. Fowler, secretary
- Star, Thomas Stork, secretary
- Henry William, Sandside
- Jackson Christopher, Quay street
- Terry, Hill & Co. Sandside
- Breckon Joseph (& furrier) Newborough street
- Campion Ellen, Queen street
- Cape Elizabeth, King street
- Chambers Elizabeth, Granby place
- Clarke Mary, Queen street
- Cooke Frances, Tanner street
- Hamcoat Rachael, Tollergate
- Holden William, Newborough street
- Johnson Barbara & Elizabeth, Tollergate
- Kell Mary, King street
- Mackenzie Esther, Dumple street
- Ramshaw Milcah, Granby place
- Rudduck Margaret, Without the gate
- Thompson Mary Ann, West Sandgate
- Tindall Rachael, Granby place
- Williamson Elizabeth, Cliff
- Cole John, Newborough street
- Todd Christopher Robert, Newborough street
- Wilson William, (& piano-forte manufacturer) Longroom street
- Baynes Matthew, Newborough street
- Gambles George, St. Sepulchre street
- Harrison Thomas, Sandside
- Hunter Robert, St. Sepulchre street
- Pecket John, Tollergate
- Potter Charles, (& coach) Newboro' street
- Sleightholm Thomas Skelton, Merchant's row
- Todd Christopher Robert, Palace hill
- Woodall Robert, Dumple street
- Woodall Thomas, Merchant's row
- Harland William, Newborough street
- Murray Peter, Belle vue
- Thompson Daniel, Without the gate
- Travis William, Newborough street
- Bielby John, Leadingpost street
- Gibson Ambrose, Merchant's row
- Goodbarn William, King court
- Robinson William, Merchant's row
- Smith Edward, Globe street
- Stephenson Henry, Dumple street
- Hammond Joseph (& ale & cider) Queen street
- Pattison John, Newborough street
- Tissiman Peter, Sandside
- Baynes Matthew, Jan. (painting) Newborough street
- De Meuron C. (French & German) Granby place
- Hartley Joseph (music & drawing) Huntriss row
- Jackson George (painting) Princess street
- Wilson Walter (music) Toller gate
- Fowler George & Dickinson, Ropery
- Jones John & Son, Globe street
- Oliver Joseph, Castle dykes
- Posgate Thomas, Church row
- Stalker Herbert, Sandside
- Anderson William, Tanner street
- Frankland William, Newborough street
- Price Thomas, Newborough street
- Prudames Robert, Huntriss row
- Turtle John, Newborough street
- Watson William, (& trunk mkr) Queen street
- Dale John Owston, Sandside
- Fowler George, Quay street
- Mosey James, Sandside
- Newham William, King street
- Porrett George Woodhouse, Send. side
- Tindall William James & Robert, Sandside
- Appleton John, Paradise
- Atkinson Allison, Sandside
- Barry William, Sandside
- Batty William, Cross street
- Beswick Anthony, St. Sepulchre street
- Beswick Samuel, Cross street
- Bird Thomas, Princess street
- Boldero William, West Sandgate
- Bottomley William, Churchstairs street
- Brown Fenwick, Cook's row
- Brown George F. Cook's row
- Brown James, Long Westgate
- Brown Welford, Palace hill
- Chapman William, Churchstairs street
- Cornwall Frederick, St. Sepulchre street
- Coulson John Hill, Queen street
- Crathorne George, St. Sepulchre street
- Davison Clark, Merchant's row
- Donkin Charles, Cook's row
- Duesbery Robert, East Sandgate
- Edmond Richard, Prospect place
- Edmond Thomas, Long Westgate
- Edmund William, West Sandgate
- Fitzwilliam Thus. Whitehead hill
- Fligg Isabella, Castle gate
- Fowler Bartholomew, Princess street
- Fowler George, Sandside
- Fowler William Bean, Princess street
- Fox Edward, Dumple street
- French Robert, Merchant's row
- Galtrey Matthew, Dumple street
- Gardiner Thomas, Castle gate
- Gray Daniel, Palace hill
- Grime Arthur, Long Westgate
- Hague Thomas, Tuthill
- Hall Thomas, Queen street
- Hall William, Queen street
- Hardcastle Timothy, Queen street
- Harland William, Newborough street
- Harrison Christopher, St. Sepulchre street
- Harrison Jane, Leadingpost street
- Harrison John, Cook's row
- Harrison Jonathan, Princess street
- Hart Johnson, Auboro street
- Hart Thomas, St. Sepulchre street
- Hebden Edward H. Albion place
- Henry William, Sandside
- Herbert Thomas, Churchstairs street
- Herbert Thomas, jun. Cook's row
- Hick Thomas, Princess street
- Hill Christopher, Long Westgate
- Hill Francis, Quay street
- Hill John, Batty place
- Hornsby George, Churchstairs street
- Hudson Jeremiah, Newborough st West Sandgate
- Hudson Jeremiah, jun. Quay street
- Hutchinson Ralph, Palace hill
- Kirk William, St. Sepulchre street
- Knox Robert, Long Westgate
- Leasley Henry, Westfield house
- Lownsborough Thomas, Auboro street
- March William, Quay street
- March William, jun. Quay street
- Marflitt Robert, Bland's cliff
- Middleton John, Merchant's row
- Newham William, King street
- Oxley James, Sandside
- Porrett George Woodhouse, Sandside
- Posgate Thomas, Long Westgate
- Pulleine John, Sand side
- Purnell Thomas, Newborough street
- Reed William, Queen street
- Riby George, Huntriss row
- Richardson John, Quay street
- Robson Richard, Newborough street
- Rolen Spouse, Princess street
- Sherwood Mary, Spring cottage
- Skelton John, Sandside
- Smith Edward, Globe street
- Smith James, Sandside
- Smith Matthew, Long Westgate
- Smith Matthew, jun. Sandside
- Smith Robert, Princess street
- Smith William, Newborough street
- Staines Ann, Longroom street
- Stalker Herbert, Sandside
- Steward John, Long Westgate
- Stork Thomas, Sandside
- Stork Thomas, jun. Sandside
- Sutherland Robert, Sandside
- Sutherland Robert, jun. Sandside
- Sutton Henry, Palace hill
- Sutton Theophilus, Long Westgate
- Taylor John, Palace hill
- Thistlethwaite Thomas, Queen street
- Tindall James, Long Westgate
- Tindall Robert, Long Westgate
- Tindall Robert, jun. Long Westgate
- Tinker William, Cross street
- Travis William, Newborough street
- Walker Thomas Burlinson, Long Westgate
- Watson George, Princess street
- Wear William, East Sandgate
- Wharton Samuel, jun. Tanner street
- White John, Merchant's row
- Whiting Richard, Longroom street
- Whitwell Mark, Churchstairs street
- Williamson Thomas, Princess street
- Willis George, Princess street
- Wilson Richard, Cliff
- Woodall John, Longroom street
- Woodall John, jun. Newborough street
- Woodall William, Palace hill
- Belt John, St. Sepulchre street
- Birch Ann, Tuthill
- Boyes James, Dumple street
- Burn Robert, Castle gate
- Carclough Andrew, Merchant's row
- Clark Elizabeth, Long Westgate
- Cockerill William, Churchstairs street
- Cottons Ursula, Cook's row
- Crawford Hannah, Quay street
- Davison Mary, Quay street
- Donkin James, Newborough street
- Gilman John, Merchant's row
- Graham Thomas, St. Sepulchre street
- Hepworth John, Seamer
- Hustler Richard, Seamer
- Laycock William, Merchant's row
- Macbean Elizabeth, Globe street
- Nicholson John, Tanner street
- Otterburn William, Cross street
- Potter Charles, Newborough street
- Simpson Hallowell, Falsgrave
- Skelton John, Dumple street
- Smith John, Falsgrave
- Taylor Richard, Leadingpost street
- Taylor Richard, St. Sepulchre street
- Thompson Hannah, Quay street
- Tindall William, Long Westgate
- Tranmer Matthew. Cross street
- Trott Elizabeth, Merchant's row
- Waterworth Joseph, Castle gate
- Webb James, Long Westgate
- Wilkinson Thomas, Long Westgate
- Willis John, Seamer
- Brown Peter, Newborough street
- Foxton John, Merchant's row
- Hart Thomas, St. Sepulchre street
- Stephens Matthew, Cook's row
- Tissiman Peter, Sandside
- Wellburn Zachariah Trenmar, Church stairs street
- Williford William, St. Helen's square
- Wrongham Henry, West Sandgate
- Barry John, Long Westgate
- Coates George, Falsgrave
- Coulson George, Coulson's row
- Crosby Robert, Without the gate
- Hawxwell Joseph, Tanner street
- Hovington William, Waterloo place
- Rain James, Seamer
- Ward William, Wellington place
- Breckon Joseph, Newborough street
- Holden William, Newborough street
- Jackson Christopher, Longroom street
- Vaile Elizabeth, Longroom street
- Dunn & Travis, Newborough street
- Harland William, Newborough street
- Jackson Robert, Churchstairs street
- Weddell Thomas, Queen street
- Willis Wingfield Richard, Newborough street
Marked thus * are also Drapers.
- Allen Richard, Quay end
- Armstrong James, Palace hill
- Belt John, Newborough street
- Bulmer Joseph, Newborough street
- Coulson Francis, Longroom street
- Ellis William, Dumple street
- *Flounders William, Tanner street
- Gibson Edward, Newborough street
- Gray William West Sandgate
- Jefferson Richard, Globe street
- Kirton John, Longroom street
- Laycock William, Quay street
- Nares George, Lung Westgate
- Parkinson Barton, St. Sepulchre street
- Parkinson John, Dumple street
- *Powley Jackson, Newborough street
- Riby Francis, Seamer
- Sedman Joseph, Long Westgate
- Skelton William, St. Sepulchre street
- Sleightholm Isaac, Cook's row
- *Taylor John & Son, Dumple street
- Woodall John, Merchant's row
- *Woodall Robert, Merchant's row
- Foster Richard F. Cross street
- Lawson John, St. Helen's square
- Leighton George & Jonathan, Newborough street
- Lord Paul, Newborough street
- Middleton & Purnell, Cross street
- Cooke George, Falsgrave
- Bay Horse, Edward Liddle, Queen street
- Blacksmith's Arms, Jonathan Ruddock, Queen street
- Black Swan, John Coates, Longroom street
- Boot, James Walker, Dumple street
- Britannia, William Stalker, Merchant's row
- Buck, John Oxley, Quay street
- Buoy, John Skelton, Sandside
- Carpenter's Arms, Jane Duncanson, Long Westgate
- Cart and Horse, Thomas Clarke, Merchant's row
- Cliff Bridge, Jonathan Nattriss Huntriss row
- Denison's Arms Thomas Ward, Seamer
- Dog & Duck, William Burton, Quay street
- Dolphin, Richard Leaf, West Sandgate
- Elephant & Castle, Jonathan Lawson, Cross street
- Fishmonger's Arms, Mary Potter, Greece lane
- Fountain Mary Sedman, Leadingpost street
- Golden Fleece, Richard Livingston, Churchstairs street
- Golden Last, Frances Goodbarn Cart street
- Grey Horse, Francis Morris, Falsgrave
- Hope, Ann New, Sandside
- King's Arms, Thomas Siddall, King street
- King's Head, Mary Barker, Dumple street
- King's Head, Jane Halder, Sandside
- Lamb, John Brown, Cross street
- Letters, Esther Bee, Whitehead hill
- Letters, Jane Colley, Churchstairs street
- Letters, Mary Crooks, Quay street
- Letters, Sarah Curtis, Burr bank
- Letters, John Dousten Low Conduit street
- Letters, Ann Gibson, Tanner street
- Letters, John Goodill, Falsgrave
- Letters, Ann Harper, Porrett's lane
- Letters, Mary Harrison, Long Westgate
- Letters, Martha Hewson Castle gate
- Letters, Thomas Hoggett, Long Westgate
- Letters, Betty Jackson, St. Sepulchre street
- Letters, Isabella Park, Porrett's lane
- Letters, Thomas Reed, Princess street
- Letters, Jane Smith, St. Sepulchre street
- Letters, Dorothy Stork, East Sandgate
- Letters, Jane Ware, Quay street
- Letters, Robert Woodall, Dumple street
- London Packet, William Allison, E. Sandgate
- Lord Nelson, William Trott, Pattison's lane
- Malt Shovel, William Gibson, Leadingpost street
- Mariner's Arms, Elizabeth Westlake, Longroom street
- Mason's Arms, Elisha Davison, Dumple street
- Nag's Head, Robert Miller, Newborough street
- New Globe, John Gill, Newborough street
- Newcastle Packet, James Oxley, Sandside
- New Inn, Joseph Carlisle, Falsgrave
- Old King's Arms, Thomas Mosey, E. Sandgate
- Queen's Head, Francis Johnson, Palace hill
- Red Lion, Edward Hall, Cross street
- Rose and Crown, Thomas Topham, Merchant's row
- Sailor's Return, Catharine Manning, Sandside
- Scarborough Arms, Jonathan Doran, E. Sandgate
- Ship, Francis Boyce, West Sandgate
- Ship, Jane Stephenson, East Sand gate
- Smith's Arms, John Freer, East Sandgate
- Spaw Inn, Francis Shaw, Without the gate
- Spread Eagle, Mark Tissiman, Quay end
- Steam Packet, John Dale Allan, Merchant's row
- Sunderland Bridge, Ann Race, East Sandgate
- Wheat Sheaf, William Cross, Cross street
- Wheat Sheaf, William Tissiman, Quay street
- Whitby Abbey, Joseph Buckley, Churchstairs street
- White Bear, Mary Reed, St. Helen's square
- White Horse, John Megginson Seamer
- White Horse, John Newlove, Tanner street
- White Swan, William Harrison, Longroom street
- White Swan, William Simpson, Dimple street
- Cole John, Newborough street
- Harrison William. Newborough street
- Simpson M. (& tobacconist) Carr street
- Smith Edward, Globe street
- Beswick Anthony & Son, Sandside
- Henry William, Sandside
- Terry, Hill & Co. Sandside
- Bown Peter, Huntriss row
- Griffin Jemima, Newborough street
- Howes Henry, Carr street
- Marshall Thomas, Merchant's row
- Simpson Mary, Carr street
- Todd Matthew, Newborough street
- Tomlinson George (and fruiterer) Carr street
- Adamson Thomas, Cross street
- Bancroft William Frank, Newboro' street
- Bracewell Hartley, St. Helen's square
- Crawford Alexander, Cliff
- Crawford Walton, Newborough street
- Owston Michael, Newborough street
- Dale John, Newborough street
- Dove William, Dumple street
- Freer John (ship) East Sandgate
- Laycock George, Globe street
- Lord John & James, Newborough street
- Robinson Benjamin, Bolts
- Skelton John (ship) Sandside
- Thompson James, St. Sepulchre street
- Whitehead Thomas, King street
- Allanson Francis, Newborough street
- Donner Edward, Longroom street
- Hugall Henry, Queen street
- Leighton George & John (& porter) Newborough street
- Noel John, Longroom street
- Park John (& porter) Queen street
- Park Joseph (& porter) Cross street
- Parkinson Charles, Carr street
- Thirlwall & Smurwaite, Longroom street
- Ullathorne William, Newborough street
- Barry William, pier master, Long Westgate
- Chambers William, architect, Toller gate
- Davison Henry, marine store dealer, Sandside
- Edmondson Thomas, timber measurer, Tuthill
- Flinton Thomas, poulterer, Tanner street
- Hammond Joseph, coach proprietor, Queen street
- Henland Richard, lace manufacturer, Tanner street
- Holmes John, supervisor, Cross street
- Hopwood Thomas, tobacco-pipe maker, West Sandgate
- Jennings John, bacon dealer, St. Sepulchre street
- Lilley Robert, bathing machine keeper, Newborough street
- Linwood Charles, piano forte hirer, Cross street
- Lownsbrough John, linen manuf. Auboro street
- Lyon Harris, slopseller, Leadingpost street
- Mason James, stay maker, Merchant's row
- Milligan Peter, leather seller, Globe street
- Milson Joseph, bookbinder, Cross street
- Noble John, turner, St. Sepulchre street
- Outhell Thomas, governor of goal, Newboro street
- Parkinson Robert, pawnbroker, Leadingpost street
- Pennock Henry, lime burner, Seamer
- Purnell Thomas, stamp distributer, Newborough street
- Purnell, Southwell & Co. bone dust manufacturers. Greengate
- Riddle James, millwright, Globe street
- Roberts E. poulterer, Tanner street
- Sandwith William, fellmonger, Peasholm
- Smith Thomas, carver, Porrett's lane
- Southwell John, bathing machine keeper, Brunswick place
- Sutherland Robert, harbour master, Sandside
- Tindall John, esq. receiver-general of taxes Queen street
- Travis William, esq. ordnance store keeper, Newborough street
- Turtle Mary, glover, Newborough street
- Wadeson Thomas, gun maker, Newborough street
- Waite Matthew, carver & gilder, Merchant's row
- Wharton John, sail cloth manufacturer, West Sandgate Sedbergh
- Woodall Thomas, lime burner, Seamer
- Wrangham William, tobacco and snuff manufacturer, Newborough street
- Henry Fowler, esq. collector-George
- Harrison, esq. comptroller & Surveyor-Mr. Jonathan Young, searcher landing & coast waiter-Five coal meters and tide waiters.
- To Hull, the Royal Union (from Whitby) calls at the Bell, the Talbot & the New Inn, every morning (Sundays excepted) at seven.
- To Leeds, during the season, the Blucher, from the Talbot, every morning (Sundays excepted) at seven-the True Blue, from the Bell, every morning (Sundays excepted at eight-and the Ebor, from the Talbot, every morning (Sundays excepted) at ten.
- To Whitby, the Royal Union (from Hull) calls at the Talbot, the Bell and the New Inn, every afternoon (Sundays excepted) at four.
- To York, the Royal Mail, from the Bell Inn, every afternoon at three.
- To Bridlington, Robert Owston, from the Star Inn, every Friday; goes through Hunmanby.
- To Cayton, William Keld, from the George Inn, daily.
- To Filey, Jackson Parkinson, from the White Bear, every Thursday.
- To Helmsley, Robert Pearson, from the King's Arms, every Thursday; goes through Kirkbymoorside.
- To Hull, Bell & England, from Cross street, and William Waugh, from Tanner-st, every Monday & Thursday; go through Driffield and Beverley.
- To Hutton Bushell, John Rumford, from the White Bear, every Thursday.
- To Pickering, George Sellar, from the George Inn, every Thursday & Saturday -and Robert Pearson, from the King's Arms, every Thursday; go through Thornton.
- To Seamer, Richard Hustler from the New Inn, every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.
- To Whitby, George Frank, from Cross street, every Thursday and Saturday.
- To York & Malton, Thomas Burniston, from Newborough street, Edward Craggs, from the White Bear, & Thomas Larkin, from Tanner street, every Monday and Thursday.
- To London, the Aid and the Moscow, regular traders, sail every three weeks; Mr. Robert Marftill, owner, and Mr. Francis Hill, agent, Quay-st-and the Harbinger sails about the same periods -Mr. Thomas Lownsborough, agent and owner, Auboro-street.
- To London & Edinburgh, Steam Packets, call at this port, every Thursday and Sunday, doting the summer, when the wind and weather permits & one also from Newhaven about every ten day-Mr. Edward Donner, Longroom-street, agent.
- To Newcastle, the Falloden, according to freight-Mr. James Oxley, agent, Sandside.
Transcribed by Colin Hinson. ©2003