Bradford Directory of Trades and Professions for 1822
Transcript of the entry of 'professions and trades'
for BRADFORD in Baines's Directory and Gazetteer Directory of 1822.
Post - Post Master T. Trout, Office, Bridge Street.
- A table of Postal information goes here. (page 149).
Academies, Schools, public and private,
- Angell John, (La. Bdg.) Manor row
- Browning Thos. (Day) Bradford moor
- Child John (Math. & Clas.) Westgate
- Dobson Miss (Ladies Boarding School) Mount Pleasant Horton lane
- Grisdale Wm. (Gram.) Commercial st.
- Haigh Thomas, (Coml.) Manor row
- Hill Jph. (Clas. & Math.) School st.
- Holdsworth Misses M. & H. (Ladies) Westgate
- Kellet Jonas (Corn.) New road
- Mercer Misses (La Bdg.) High street
- Morgan Rev. Wm. (Classical and Mathematical) Darby street
- Nesbit Anthony (Commercial and Mathematical) Westgate
- Redhead Rev. Samuel (Classical) Horton lane
- Sedgwick Miss Jane (Ladies Boarding) Chapel lane
- Springman Miss Harriett, (Ladies' School) Hall Ings end
- Sutton James (Coml.) Hall Ings end
- Walker Samuel (Coml.) Hall Ings
- Bottomley John (to the proprietors of Leeds and Liverpool Canal) Hall Ings
- Milnes Jeremiah, (Flour) Horton lane
- Shackleton David, (Flour) Chapel ln.
- Fearnley Thomas, Manor row
- Richardby James, Hall Ings
- Mann Joshua, Co. Bridge street
- Bentley and Mossman, Well street
- Booth John, Market street
- Brogden George, Westgate
- Brogden and Nicholson, Kirkgate
- Crosley John, Tyrrell street
- Hailstone Samuel, Bowling lane
- Lambert Richard, Westgate
- Moulden Wm. Market street
- Riley W. R. at S. Hailstone's Esq.
- Skelton, Charles Jackson, Broad st.
- Stead Joshua, Skinner lane
- Thackeray Henry, Wood street
- Holliday Abraham, Kirkgate
- Lord Samuel, Market street
- Mawson George, Brick lane
- Trout Thos. (Postmaster) Bridge st.
- Brown George Ivegate
- Sedgwick and Lee, 14, Shambles
- Clough Wm. Bradford moor
- Gamble Mary, High street
- Haley Charles, Budge street
- Laycock Robert, Union street
- Lea John, Chapel lane
- Maud Abraham, Hustlergate
- Nicholson Joshua, Vicar lane
- Nicholson, James, Westgate
- Priestley Mary, (Baker) Kirkgate
- Rhodes Ellen, (Baker) Kirkgate
- Scafe Wm. Chapel lane
- Smith David, (Bread and Gingerbread) Chapel lane
- Smith Wm. Broadstones
- Stephenson James Chapel lane
- Sugden William, Westgate
- Webster Benjamin, Westgate
- Peckover, Harris, and Co. Kirkgate, draw on Esdaile and Co. London
- Wentworth, Chaloner, and Rishworth, Market st. draw on Wentworth and Co. London.
- Dobson Edward, Westgate
- Powell Robert, Well street
- Beanland Joshua, Northgate
- Clayton Samuel, Market street
- Croft James, White abbey
- Denison Dyson, Tyrrell street
- Thackray Joseph, Vicar lane
- Winsley Ralph, Well street
- Wooler Samuel, Bradford moor
- Blackburn Richard, Westgate
- Blackburn W. H. Market street
- Cousens James, Ivegate
- Inkersley Thomas, Bridge street
- Nicholson John, Kirkgate
- Spencer John, Broadstones
- Stanfield John, Westgate
- Bailey Joseph, Westgate
- Clough James, Kirkgate
- Crabtree Wm. Hustlergate
- Edmondson Thomas, Westgate
- Eltoft John, Kirkgate
- Fether George, Market street
- Goodchild Samuel, New road
- Greenlay Thomas Kirkgate
- Greenwood John, Kirkgate
- Hirst John, Northgate
- Holgate Henry, Market street
- Hollingworth Wm. Well street
- Lister Thomas Bradford moor
- Milns Joshua, Bridge street
- Northin Joseph Westgate
- Parratt Richard, Barker end
- Rawling Andrew, Kirkgate
- Seeling Clous, Westgate
- Shepherd George, Bowling green
- Sugden James, Duke street
- Sutcliffe John Westgate
- Swithenbank Wm. Horton lane
- Holliday Abraham, Kirkgate
- Holliday Thomas, Ivegate
- Read Henry, Market street
- Whitaker Wm. and Co. Horton lane
- Ackroyd Edward, Shambles
- Ackroyd Francis, 10 Shambles
- Ackroyd Jonathan, 6, Shambles
- Bilton Edward, 16, Shambles
- Blamiers John, 5, Shambles
- Blamiers William, 8, Shambles
- Casson John, Hustlergate
- Casson Thomas, Hustlergate
- Clough John, 34, Shambles
- Edmondson Christopher, 15, Shambles
- Edmondson James, 30, Shambles
- Edmondson Richardson, 17, Shambles
- Edmondson Robert, 29, Shambles
- Fenton Sarah, Westgate
- Fenton Thomas, 18, Shambles
- Fenton Thomas, 24, Shambles
- Gibson John, 4, Shambles
- Gibson Joshua, 9, Shambles
- Hodgson John, 22, Shambles
- Johnson Thomas, Shambles
- Jowitt Jonas, 7, Shambles
- Law Richard, 31, Shambles
- Marsland John, 11, Shambles
- Riley William, 2, Shambles
- Robinson Robert, 33, Shambles
- Robinson Robert, Shambles
- Shaw William, Bridge street
- Sowden Benjamin, 13, Shambles
- Stephenson William 27, Shambles
- Sucksmith Joseph, Shambles
- Sugden Joseph Kirkgate
- Sugden Jph. 31, Shambles & Ivegate
- Sugden Thos. 28, Shambles & Westgate
- Sugden Wm. 25, Shambles & Westgt.
- Tillotson Elizabeth Westgate
- Wainwright John, Kirkgate
- Wellock William, Bowling gate
- Wheater Isaac, 12, Shambles
- Wilman John, 32 Shambles
- Wilson John, 1, Shambles
- Wilson Timothy, Shambles
- Wilson William, bridge street
- Wood John, Ivegate
- Word Robert, 20 Shambles
- Wright Samuel, 3, Shambles
- Marsden John, Ivegate
- Tetley George, Kirkgate
- Wignall Abraham, 23, Shambles
- Aspinall & Fearnley, Duke street
- Holroyd Squire, Goodman's end
- Hunton James, Westgate
- Lord Samuel, Market street
- Nutter Matthew, Westgate
- Phillip Ward, Kirkgate
- Richardby James, Hall Ings
- Wilkinson James, Market street
- Williamson Joseph, Darley street
- Shufflebothom Ralph, Market street
- Speight James, Westgate
- Broadbent James and Sons, aqua fortis, oil of vitriol, Epsom and spirits of salts, &c. Canal side
- Dobson John, Ivegate
- Helliwell John, Bridge street
- Sutcliff John, Westgate
- Berry Benjamin, Market street
- Brown Elizabeth, Market street
- Brumfit Abm. (wholesale) Kirkgate
- Witton John, Ivegate
- Ambler Stephen, (horn) Northwing
- Binns Miles, (wool comb) Westgate
- Crook John, (wool comb) Chapel lane
- Wood John, sen. (tortoise shell, ivory and horn combs, lanthorn leaves, &c.) Bridge street
- Ryder Margaret, Ivegate
- Salter Elizabeth, Market street
- Constantine John, Kirkgate
- Cromack Joseph, Market street
- Sugden Thomas, Westgate
- Taylor Jeremiah, Market street
- Taylor Joseph, Ivegate
- Taylor Joshua, Westgate
- Ackroyd Joseph, Westgate
- Bottomley James & Co. Well street
- Duckitt and Bilton, King's Mills, Mill bank
- Lee Mary, Market street
- Tennant James, Nelson street
- Tetley Wm. (corn factor) Westgate
- Cockshutt Joshua, Westgate
- Kaye Benjamin, Chapel lane
- Crosley Richard, Westgate
- Hobson Joseph, Market street
- Lumb John, Market street
- Rhodes Abraham, Darley street
- Rhodes Joseph, Cuckoo bridge
- Turpin William, High street
- Turpenny Joseph & Son Ivegate
- Wolstenholme John, Millgate
- Atkinson William, Market street
- Cockshott William, Westgate
- Key John F. Kirkgate
- Maud William & Co. Sunbridge
- Anderton John, Tyrrell street Catlow
- James, (cotton and silk) Well street
- Pearson James, Union street
- Tetley Samuel, Silsbridge lane
- Greenbough Samuel, Market street
- Smith John, Westgate
- Sugden James, Ivegate
- Booth Jonas, Market street
- Cussons Thomas, Ivegate
- Goodricke John, Market street
- Newcastle-Isaac Cousen, Bank st.
- Norwich-Thos. Inkersley, Bridge st.
- Sheffield-Williamson and Parratt, Broadstones
- Sun-John Stanfield, (Stamp office) Westgate
- Binsley George, Providence street
- Blakey Samuel Barker end
- Lee Wm. (seedsman) Northwing
- Lockwood Abraham, Dunkirk street
- Taylor George, Broadstones
- Wood William, Market street
- Barraclough Henry, Ivegate
- Bilton James, Ivegate
- Butterfield David, Kirkgate
- Clark Joseph, Broadstones
- Cure Thomas, Westgate
- Farrar William, Ivegate
- Greenwood Edmund, Barker end
- Greenwood John, Kirkgate
- Little Alexander, Kirkgate
- Maud James, Bridge street
- Maud William, Ivegate
- Mawson Joshua, Westgate
- Mawson Robert, Bridge street
- Murgatroyd John Tyrrell street
- Parker William, Sunbridge
- Parkinson Robert, Westgate
- Peirson Thomas, Bridge street
- Pullan John, Black abbey
- Senior George, Bank street
- Snowden Jonathan, Kirkgate
- Stead John, Kirkgate
- Tordoff John, Westgate
- Walker Joseph, Westgate
- Watkinson Matthew, Bridge street
- Wells Elizabeth, Westgate
- Wilcock Sarah, Kirkgate
- Wood Joseph, Ivegate & Westgate
- Atkinson John, Market street
- Dale George, Market street
- Marsden Isaac, Westgate
- Metcalf John, Kirkgate
- Priestley James, Kirkgate
- Taylor John, Bridge street
- Taylor Thomas, Bridge street
- Massey Joseph, High street
- Barraclough Henry Ivegate
- Barraclough Joseph, Kirkgate
- Fawcett William, Hustlergate
- Patchett Isaac, Bridge street
- Holgate John, (manufacturer) Well st.
- Simpson Mary, Kirkgate
- Angel William Lister, Westgate
- Bee Hive, Benjamin Kaye Westgate
- Bishop Blaize, Han. Clough, Kirkgate
- Black Bull, John Forrest, Woad st.
- Boar's Head, Jph. Pollard, Market st.
- Bowling Green, Joseph Ward, Bridge street
- Boy and Barrel, Benjamin Wardman, Westgate
- Britannia, James Field, Market st.
- Brown Cow, Wm. Wagstaff Kirkgate
- Bull's Head, Jeremiah Illingworth, Westgate, (excise office)
- Coach and Horses, James Patchett, Bradford moor
- Cock & Bottle, John Thornton, Barker end
- Dog & Shovel, John Wright Kirkgate
- Duke of Wellington, Joseph Taylor, High street
- Fleece, Samuel Lupton, Bank street
- Fox and Hounds, Margaret Bell, Northwing
- Hare & Hounds Jas. Forrest, Westgate
- Hope and Anchor, Silvester Forrest, Bank street
- Horse Shoes, Eunice Clayton, Tyrrell street
- King's Head, Geo. Storey Westgate
- Lord Nelson, John Bell, Northgate
- New Inn, James Wade, Tyrrell street
- Old Bishop Blaize, Joseph Lum, Westgate
- Old Crown, George Lumb, Ivegate
- Old King's Arms, John Raper, Westgate
- Old Nag's Head, Nicholas Mason, Kirkgate
- Old Royal Oak, Wm. Baxter, Kirkgate
- Pack Horse, Saml. Pawson, Westgate
- Rawson's Arms, Francis Snow, Market street
- Roebuck, Martha Midgley, Sunbridge
- Salutation Robert Smith, Market st.
- Saracen's Head, Timy. Green, Westgate
- Seven Stars, John Mortimer, Bowling gate
- Ship, Timothy Rhodes, Well street
- Shoulder of Mutton, Elizabeth Wilson, Kirkgate
- Sun, Benj. Robertshaw, (post chaise) Sunbridge
- Talbot, Rebecca Wood, (post chaise) Kirkgate
- Unicorn, Robert Clough, Ivegate
- Wheat Sheaf, Rt. Sugden, Town hill
- White Bear, John Bailey, Bradford moor
- White Horse John Gibson, Kirkgate
- White Lion, Joseph Bowron, Kirkgate
- White Swan, John Bradford, Market street
- Lister and Holstead, Chapel lane
- Mawson and Bown, Tyrrell street
- Dalby David, (furnishing) Kirkgate
- Lawson John, Old Market place
- Marshall James, Kirkgate
- Roberts Joseph, Kirkgate
- Williamson & Parratt, Broadstones
- Wyrill Thomas & Co. Old Market pl.
- Aspinall & Fearnley Duke street
- Beanland John, Silsbridge lane
- Drake Joseph, Silsbridge lane
- Frankland Wm. (cabinet) Tyrls
- Green James, (cabinet) Dunkirk st.
- Hill Jonas, (cabinet) Nelson street
- Illingworth Jonas, Mawson street
- King John, Northgate
- Lewby William, (cabinet) Chapel Jane
- Metcalfe & Beecroft, Bridge street
- Morton John, Westgate
- Muff William, (cabinet) Skinner lane
- Muff Wm. jun. printers' joiner & press maker, Westgate
- Swaine William, Town hill
- Swithenbank John and William, (cabinet) Chapel lane
- Fox Joseph, Horton lane
- Leather Geo. (colliery viewer) High St.
- Circulating, (Elizabeth Brown) Market street
- Subscription (Miss M. A. Nicholson, librarian) Kirkgate
- Armitage Samuel, Bank street
- Bond and Wilkinson, Ivegate
- Bowman Robert M. Sunbridge
- Brown Norris, Bridge street
- Metcalfe James, Kirkgate
- Parkinson M. & T. Kirkgate
- Russel John, Kirkgate
- Sugden John, Broadstones
- Wells William, Westgate
- Bean Alexander, Westgate
- Blackstock Matthew, Westgate
- Brumfit John, Kirkgate
- Gamble James, Kirkgate
- Gourlay Andrew, Westgate
- Milligan Robert, Kirkgate
- Rennie James, Westgate
- Thompson James, Westgate
- Bates John, near Canal side
- Robinson & Dewhirst, Nelson street
- Waddington Richard, Chapel lane
- Ellison Thomas, Nelson street
- Hill John, Westgate
- Knowles Samuel, Commercial street
- Mortimer William, Bradford moor
- Tetley William, Westgate
- Whitaker William and Co. (hop merchants) Horton lane
- Atkinson Elizabeth, Market street
- Briggs B. & A. Westgate
- Brumfit Mary, Kirkgate
- Constantine Hannah, Westgate
- Garforth Sarah, Bridge street
- Hill Elizabeth, Westgate
- Hodgson Hannah, Bridge street
- Milner Judith, Ivegate
- Nichols Martha, Westgate
- Nicholson Elizabeth, Kirkgate
- White Mary, Kirkgate
- Wood M. & S. High street
- Hatton William, Horton lane Spencer
- William, Northwing
- Speight James, Westgate
- Boocock John, Kirkgate
- Driver T. R. Westgate
- Driver Thomas, Leys
- Gelder John, Westgate
- Gelderd James, St. James's row
- Goodchild Wm. (gilder) Chapel lane
- Lee Richard, High street
- Midgley John, Market street
- Rhodes Charles, Westgate
- Ackroyd John, (leather cutter) Kgt.
- Stelling John, (leather cutter) Kgt.
- Sugden James, Ivegate
- Lumb Ann, Market street
- Senior Martha, Darley street
- Youngson Henry, High street
- Mossman George, Bridge street
- Anderson Thomas High street
- Bolton John, Chapel lane
- Bolton William, Vicar lane
- Green Joseph, 4, Providence street
- Armitage Samuel, Market street
- Bollans John, Tyrrell street
- Keighley John, Kirkgate
- Teale Joseph, Westgate
- Thwaites Thomas, Tyrrell street
- Blackburn John & Son, Market street
- Blackburn Richard, Westgate
- Inkersley Thomas, Bridge street
- Nicholson John, Kirkgate
- Mawson Joshua, Westgate
- Marshall William, Westgate
- Wood James, Kirkgate
- Bonnell John, Bowling green
- Phillip John, Now Market place
- Smith John, Market street
- Stephenson Frederick, Market street
- Robert Waterhouse, Bank street, open
- Saturdays from 6 to 8 Evening
- Priestley Joseph, Union street
- Wilkinson Robert, Canal side
- Wright George, Bridge street
- Aspden James, Goodman's end
- Driver James, Westgate
- Harrowby James, 30, Providence st.
- Ramsden John, Kirkgate
- Rutter John, Stott hill
- Duckit Hannah, (wholesale & retail) Westgate
- Duckit James, Westgate
- Horsfall John, Ivegate
- Laycock Peter, Wood street
- Lee John & Co. Tyrrell street
- Stansfeld George & Co. Skinner lane
- Clough Robert, Ivegate
- Wells William, Westgate
- Brumfit Thomas, Ivegate
- Lancaster Benjamin High street
- Lancaster John, Hustlergate
- Longbottom John, Market street
- Norman George, Bridge street
- Hodgson David, Well street
- Lumb George, Ivegate
- Sowden Joseph, Westgate
- Stead Jonathan, Dunkirk street
- Fearnley Thomas, Manner row
- Pollard William Scarr hall
- Thackrah Joseph, Dunkirk street
- Blackburn Judith, Market street
- Hodgson George, Kirkgate
- Lumb John, Westgate
- Sharp James, Kirkgate
- Swithenbank Edward, Sunbridge
- Fearnside John Church bridge
- Haley Robert, barley street
- Harrison William, Undercliffe lane
- Pearson William, jun. Skinner lane
- Smith Joseph, Tyrrell street
- Smith William, Tyrrell street
- Crosley and Ogden, Bridge street
- Jardine Thomas, Kirkgate
- Mann T. & I. & Co. Kirkgate
- Wade James, Son & Co. Canal side
- Wood John, jun. Union mills
- Blakey John N. Westgate
- Crosley Joseph Kirkgate
- Hepworth John, High street
- Illingworth John A. Horton lane
- Lister Thomas, Darley street
- Outhwaite Thomas, Kirkgate
- Sewell A. B. Westgate
- Sharp William, Kirkgate
- Blackburn Richard, Bridge street
- Blackburn Thomas, Bradford moor
- Brown Thomas, Westgate
- Dewhirst Stephen, 47, Providence st.
- Dewhirst William, Broad stones
- Hollingworth Silas, Well street
- Jardeen Dennis, Market street
- Lauckland George, Chapel lane
- Peny William, Westgate
- Rawnsley Edward, Kirkgate
- Waterhouse Robert, Bank street
- Wright George, King street
- Brumfit Thomas, Ivegate
- Maud James, Bridge street
- Simpson Francis, Ivegate
- Binns Mary Market street
- Blackburn Richard, Bridge street
- Cockshott William Westgate
- Gourlay Thomas, Westgate
- Hoyland Barbara, Market street
- Hoyland and Armisteads, (wholesale) Market street
- Rich Margaret, Westgate
- Smith Thomas, (builder) Well street
- Sugden William, Canal side
- Elgey George, Bridge street
- Parkinson Joseph, Market street
- Stead John, Kirkgate
- Denton Joshua, Westgate
- Jolley & Roe, Silsbridge lane
- Lawson John, Old Market place
- Goodchild William, Chapel lane
- Hargrave Charles, (shuttle maker) Market street
- Hoadley Thomas, (shuttle maker) Kirkgate
- Clark, Richard & Son, Bank street
- Allott John, Ivegate
- Clark Richard & Son, Bank street
- Goodchild John, Tyrrell street
- Green Samuel, Kirkgate
- Herman Joseph, (German clocks) Market street
- Lancaster Abraham, Hustlergate
- Lawson John, Old Market place
- Sewell Christopher, Westgate
- Snow Thomas, Bank street
- Bower John Bunker's hill
- Fieldhouse Daniel, Bradford moor
- Green John, Vicar lane
- Naylor Abraham, Northgate
- Denison Johnson, Goodman end
- Hargraves William Nelson street
- Pearson John, (bell hanger) Bridge st.
- :who attend the White Cloth Hall, Leeds, with their Inns Houses.
- Coates Joseph, Bradford moor, Three Legs, Call lane
- Frankland John, Bradford moor, Three Legs Call lane
- Gamble Zaccheus, Griffin, Mill hill
- Hainsworth William, Bradford moor, Crown, Assembly court
- Hall John, Bradford moor, Crown, Assembly court
- Hudson John, Bradford moor, Crown, Assembly court
- Hutton John, Bradford moor, Three Legs Call lane
- Ingham John, Bradford moor, Old Mower, Call lane
- Lee William, Bradford moor, Old Mower, Call lane
- Milner Samuel Bradford moor, Three Legs, Call lane
- Naylor William Bradford moor, Three Legs, Call cane
- Riley Benjamin Bradford moor, Three Legs, Call lane
- Smith Benjamin, Bradford moor, Crown, Assembly court
- Spencer George, Bradford moor, Three Legs, Call lane
- Spencer Joseph, Bradford moor, Three Legs, Call lane
- Spencer William , Bradford moor, Three Legs, Call lane
- West Isaac, Bradford moor, White Hart Call lane
- Womersley John, Bradford moor, Crown, Assembly court
- Wood William, Bradford moor, Crown, Assembly court
- Corson Samuel, Westgate
- Cousen Isaac, Bank street
- Cousen James & Son, Market Street
- Milner Joshua, (tailor) Tyrrell street
- Ogden Michael, jun. Kirkgate
- Anderton Jonathan, Skinner Jane
- Barraclough John Skinner lane
- Barthrop Wm. & Son, Commercial st.
- Blessard and Croft, Ivegate
- Butterfield Francis & Son, Market st,
- Butterfield John & Son, Broadstones
- Chapman John Tyrrell street
- Chapman and Turner, Union street
- Cheesebrough John Well street
- Farrar John, Church bridge
- Ferrand Samuel, Commercial street
- Gomersall Joseph, Nag's Head yard
- Haigh George, Skinner lane
- Hardcastle Joseph Well street
- Hartley Samuel, Kirkgate
- Hodgson Andrew, Well street
- Hodgson John, Broadstones
- Holdsworth William
- Hollings Thomas, Kirkgate
- Horsfall William, Broadstones
- Hustler & Blackburn, Market street
- Hustler and Seebohm, (importers) Market street
- Lupton Richard & Son, Darley street
- Martin William, Skinner lane
- Milnes Thomas, Broadstones
- North John, Commercial street
- Rayner Joseph, Kirkgate
- Reynolds Jacob and Son, Well street
- Roberts A. and J. Kirkgate
- Salt Daniel, Market street
- Snow Francis, Market street
- Snowden & Grimshaw, Tyrrell street
- Thornton John & Son, Market street
- Thornton Richard, Skinner lane
- Ward John and James, Skinner lane
- Wilcock David, Broadstones
- Wilcock Richard, High street
- Wood John, Market street
- Wood William, Skinner lane
- Wroe Thomas, Bridge street
- Ackroyd Francis, Bridge street
- Aked John) (spinner) Union Street
- Atkinson Thomas, Silsbridge lane
- Bankart Thos. Sons & Co. Coalpit ln.
- Crabtree William, (manufacturer) Bridge street
- Fawcett Richard and Son, Holme mill
- Gamble John, Brown Cow yd. Kirkgt.
- Garnett William and James, High St.
- Halliday and Milnes, Kirkgate
- Holdsworth Thomas, Canal side
- Holmes and Farrer, Leicester dike
- Illingworth and Murgatroyd, Tyrls
- Leach and Cousen, Commercial street
- Margerison and Peckover, Canal side
- Mason John, Darley street
- Parratt William Commercial street
- Pearson, Whitehead and Co. Leicester dike
- Rand John and Sons, Horton lane
- Rouse William and Sons, Canal side
- Selby Samuel, Mawson street
- Skirrow Stephen, (mfr.) Westgate
- Smith Richard and Son Bowling lane
- Smithson William, High street
- Stansfeld, Briggs and Stansfeld,
- Terry Thomas & Sons Bowling gate
- Thompson M. and B. Westbrook mill
- Wade & Hargreaves, Commercial st.
- Wade James, Son and Co. Canal side
- Wroe John and Sons, Union street
- Adamson John, Bridge street
- Aked John, standing overseer, Chapel lane
- Anderton Mrs. Horton lane
- Armistead Henry, New street
- Armistead John, Hustler's terrace
- Balme Miss Sarah, Horton lane
- Bartholomew Thomas H. Stott hill
- Binns Mary, whitening manufacturer, Market street and Shipley
- Binns Mrs. Sarah, Undercliffe lane
- Bower John, Esq. Chapel lane
- Bridges Miss Jane, Hawfield house
- Broadley Samuel, Esq. Kirkgate
- Clayton Jeremiah, coal proprietor, Apple hall
- Clough Robt. sheriff's officer Ivegate
- Cochrine James, gentleman, Hall lags
- Collinson William, Commercial street
- Cookson John, keeper of the Piece hall, Well street
- Crabtree Edward, Bridge street
- Crane Mrs. Anne, High street
- Cryer Watson, Westgate
- Daniel James, small ware manufacturer, Tyrls
- Duffield Francis, Esq. Town hill
- Firth Sarah, china, &c. dealer, Old market place
- Fitzgerald Colonel, Boldshay hall
- Fryer Mrs. Isabella, Tyrrell street
- Gibson John, deputy constable, Kirkgt.
- Gissop John, locksmith, &c. Westgate
- Green Miss Ann, Hall Jugs
- Hammond James, Goodman's end
- Harris Charles, Esq. Eastbrook house
- Heap Rev. Henry, vicar
- Heinekin Rev. Nicholas Thos. Northgate
- Holmes Thomas, Bridge street
- Hoyland W. F. Hustler terrace
- Hoylands and Co. porter merchants, Market street
- Jones Miss Fanny, Union street
- Lee Samuel, Spring cottage
- Lister Mrs. Tyrrell street
- Lockwood Mrs. Mary, High street
- Mann John, merchant, Spring field
- Mann Mrs. Manville, Horton lane
- Mann William, gentleman, Vicar lane
- Maud John, gentleman Manor row
- Mortimer Hy. tanner Goodman's end
- Murgatroyd Nathaniel, gent. Tyrrell st.
- Nicholson William, solicitor; house, High street
- Ogden Michael, gent. Manor row
- Oliver William, gentleman, Stott hill
- Parkin William, file cutter, Westgate
- Pollard Francis, Bridge street
- Preston Miss Agnes, Kirkgate
- Priestley Captain John Stott hill
- Pullen Thos. common brewer; house, Horton lane
- Ramsbottom Obadiah, gent. High St.
- Rathmell William, gent. Northgate
- Redhead Rev. Samuel, Horton lane
- Rhodes Abraham, boat builder, &c. Canal side
- Richardby Mrs. Mary, Darley street
- Riley Mrs. Horton lane
- Robinson John, Esq. Mount pleasant
- Scholefield Richard, bombazine manufacturer, Vicar lane
- Sclater Richard, Esq. Westgate
- Shooter Joseph bar keeper, Horton ln.
- Simes Francis, Esq. Westgate
- Skelton William Esq. Horton lane
- Stead James, gentleman, Manor row
- Stead Miss Mary, High street
- Swithenbank Thos. stocking worsted spinner, Stott hill
- Tankard John School street
- Taylor Rev. Thomas, dissenting minister, Horton lane
- Thackeray William, Bridge street
- Thornton Mrs. Bridge street
- Walker John, gentleman High street
- Ward Miss Martha, Ivegate
- Ward Miss Mary, Tyrrell street
- Waud Robert, brush manufacturer, Bank street
- Craven Joshua and Co. Bull's Head
- Jennings Joseph, Bishop Blaize
- White Jonas, junr. Lord Nelson
- White Jonas, sear. Bishop Blaize
- White Thomas, Pack Horse
- Flesher Benjamin, Shoulder Mutton
- Murgatroyd Joseph, Do.
- Ambler John & Son, Shoulder Mutton
- Beck Thomas, Pack Horse
- Carlile William, Nag's Head
- Crabtree Nathan Shoulder Mutton
- Goldsbrough Richard, White Lion
- Goldsbrough William, Talbot
- Greenwood Jonathan, White Lion
- Hardacre Mark, Shoulder Mutton
- Holmes John Do.
- Holmes and Schofield, Nag's Head
- Horner John, White Horse
- Robinson William, White Lion
- Taylor John, Malt Shovel
- Thompson James, White Lion
- Wadsworth John Shoulder Mutton
- Woodhead Joseph, White Lion
- Mirfield Thomas, Nag's Read
- Taylor Thomas, Fleece
- Illingworth Joseph, Nag's Read
- Maude Timothy & Son, Pack Horse
- Maude William, Do.
- Moulding J. & S. Shoulder of Mutton
- Pullan Michael, Boar's Head
- Sharp James, Do.
- Sharp John, Nag's Head
- Sharp Moses, Do.
- Sharp William Do.
- Walker M. and J. Pack Horse
- Whiteley Joseph & Sons, Nag's Head
- Ellinson J. J. and E. Bowling Green
- Greenhough Isaac, Bull's Read
- Barraclough James White Horse
- Coulters George, King's Head
- Ellice Jacob, Crown
- Hill Richard Nag's Head
- Hillam Bowling Shoulder of Mutton
- Jowett Henry, Fleece
- Kershaw George, Bull's Head
- Marsden Isaac, Do.
- Marsden Thomas, Shoulder of Mutton
- Mitchell John, Talbot
- Mortimer Henry Malt Shovel
- Roe Benjamin, Royal Oak
- Sutcliffe James, Hope and Anchor
- Tancherd Abm. Shoulder of Mutton
- Tetley James, Rawson's Arms
- Wheater James, Crown
- Wheater Joseph, Do.
- Butterworth Thomas, Swan
- Craven Thomas, Bishop Blaize
- Fearnside John, Nag's Head
- Haley Robert & Charles, Bull's Read
- Hargroves Robert, Rawson's Arms
- Harrison William, Malt Shovel
- Holdsworth Thomas, White Hart
- Kershaw Abraham, New Inn
- Laycock Joseph, Swan
- Leach and Cousin, Nag's Head
- Margerison and Peckover, Talbot
- Mortimer John, Seven Stars
- Rouse William & Son, Nag's Head
- Salt Daniel, Do.
- Scholefield R. M.
- Shepherd William, Rawson's Arms
- Shores and Selby Nag's Head
- Smith Sampson, Sun
- Smith William, Nag's Head
- Addison George, Bowling Green
- Waddington John, Swan
- Fairbank Thomas, Nag's Head
- Baldwin Benj. Shoulder of Mutton
- Grimshaw John, Nag's Head
- Ackroyd T. & Jonathan, Bull's Head
- Ackroyd Thomas, Nag's Head
- Andrews George, Bishop Blaize
- Barstow Stephen, Bowling Green
- Bentley Samuel Soldier and Sailor
- Casson Henry, bishop Blaize
- Cockcroft Caleb, Crown
- Dalby Thomas, Shoulder of Mutton
- Haley Emanuel Swan
- Haworth John, Bull's Head
- Hind Joseph Crown
- Hirst John, hull's Read
- Hudson Charles, Do.
- Jowett Joseph, Angel
- Jowett Titus, Bee Hive
- Kershaw Isaac, Angel
- Kitching John, Bull's Head
- Knowles David, Crown
- Mitchel Daniel, Fleece
- Northorp James, Bull's Head
- Ormond John, Do.
- Pollard John, Do.
- Priestley John, White Horse
- Rhodes Thomas, Bee Hive
- Shackleton Jonas, Bowling Green
- Tankard Jesse Soldier and Sailor
- Tempest Abraham, Nag's Head
- Whaley Jonas, Do.
- Wilkinson Timothy, Bishop Blaize
- Blackburn James, Do.
- Blackburn Samuel, Nag's Head
- Barwick Edward, Nag's Head
- Anderton W. and T. Pack Horse
- Smith James, Angel
- Hardcastle Thomas, Nag's Head
- Holmes Thomas, White Horse
- Scott and Hutton, Ship
- Yewdall Benjamin, White Horse
- Stead and Green, Nag's Head
- Bell John and Co. Royal Oak
- Dawson John, Nag's Head
- Jowett Edmund, Shoulder of Mutton
- Jowett Joseph, Do.
- Hutchinson Abraham, Bowling Green
- Rhodes Samuel, White Horse
- Ackroyd James, Fleece
- Sladdin William, Nag's Head
- Tetley Thomas, Pack Horse
- Ackroyd John Bull's Head
- Brook John, Bishop Blaize
- Eccles William, Pack Horse
- Greenwood James, Bishop Blaize
- Hartley James, Pack Horse
- Lambert Tobias, Bull's Head
- Stark William, Bishop Blaize
- Sugden and Heaton, Bull's Head
- Sunderland Joshua, Pack Horse
- Wharf Henry, Bishop Blaize
- Briggs John, Fleece
- Child Joseph, Shoulder of Mutton
- Shaw James, White Lion
- Bakes William, Crown
- Bakes William, White Lion
- Barstow Abraham Bull's Head
- Bentley Joseph, Do.
- Bentley Joseph, White Lion
- Bentley Nathan, Do.
- Binns John, White Hart
- Birtwistle William, Talbot
- Blakebrough Richard, Fleece
- Blaymires Joseph, Bull's Head
- Booth Joseph, Fleece
- Clough Isaac, Rawson's Arms
- Denton Samuel, Roe Buck
- Emsley John, Rawson's Arms
- Emsley Thomas, Nag's Head
- Fox Samuel, Pack Horse
- Greenhough Benjamin, Crown
- Hardaker John, White Lion
- Hindle Joseph, Crown
- Holder John, Junr. Do.
- Holder John, sear. Rawson's Arms
- Holdsworth Jeremiah, Do.
- Holdsworth John, Bowling Green
- Holdsworth John, Fleece
- Holdsworth Jonas, Talbot
- Hudson John, White Horse
- Jennings John, Bull's Head
- Keighley Abraham, Golden Fleece
- Keighley James, Do.
- Mitchell Thomas, Fleece
- Murgatroyd William, Horse Shoes
- Parker Abraham,
- Parker Andrew, Bull's Head
- Parker John, Shoulder of Mutton
- Parker Samuel, White Lion
- Peel Thomas Rawson's Arms
- Robertshaw Jeremiah, Bull's Head
- Shackleton Robt. Shoulder of Mutton
- Sharp Daniel Nag's Head
- Smith W. & E. Shoulder of Mutton
- Swain Joseph, Bull's Head
- Tordoff Squire, Angel
- Whitaker John, Nag's Head
- Whitaker Timothy Bull's Head
- Wilkinson David Rawson's Arms
- Wood Joseph, Horse Shoes
- Wooller Samuel Rawson's Arms
- Wright George, Roe Buck
- Wright Jonas, Fleece
- Wright William, Fleece
- Hainsworth William, White Horse
- Jennings Esau, Shoulder of Mutton
- Jennings William, Do.
- Lister Thomas, Nag's Head
- Barret William, Nags Head
- Buckley James Bishop Blaize
- Dale Thomas, Pack Horse
- Feathers Benjamin, Boar's Head
- Haggas William, King's Arms
- Hanson John, Swan
- Hanson Joseph, Bishop Blaize
- Hanson Joseph, White Swan
- Harrison Joseph, Black Bull
- Hartley Joseph, Pack Horse
- Judson John, Nag's Head
- Keighley Joseph, Do.
- Keighley Thomas, Brown Cow
- Lund William, Pack Horse
- Marriner W. and B. Bull's Head
- Mitchell James, Boar's Head
- Pearson Andrew Nag's Head
- Rhodes Joseph, Pack Horse
- Robinson Richard, White Lion
- Shackleton John, Pack Horse
- Sharp Robert, Nag's Head
- Smith John, Do.
- Smith John, Pack Horse
- Smith William, Bishop Blaize
- Smith William, Nag's Head
- Speak and Harrison, Nag's Head
- Sugden Jonas, Bull's Head
- Terry Samuel, Nag's Head
- Thompson Francis, Pack Horse
- Walbank & Hattersley, Black Bull
- Whitaker James, Nag's Head
- Wilkinson John, Do.
- Wright Joseph, Bishop Blaize
- Rhodes A. Nag's Head
- Ashworth Abraham, Angel
- Baldwin Joseph, Shoulder of Mutton
- Barker Thomas, Bishop Blaize
- Firth Samuel, Shoulder of Mutton
- Jennings William, Do.
- Robertshaw Timothy, Do.
- Roper John, Talbot
- Cockshott Edward, Pack Horse
- Dobson Joseph, Horse Shoes
- Fawthorp Joseph, Crown
- Haigh Thomas, Swan
- Moor Joseph, Talbot
- Green William, Hope and Anchor
- Ackroyd William, Nag's Head
- Audsley William. Do.
- Walker John, Do.
- Rainsworth John, Angel
- Gill John, Nag's Head
- Leighton Wm. Do.
- Milner Abraham, Do.
- Nelson Thomas, White Lion
- Thompson George, Nag's Head
- Exley Joseph, Shoulder of Mutton
- Wilson Benjamin, White Swan
- Bottomley Moses, Bull's Head
- Butterworth Jabez, Do.
- Butterworth Joseph, Swan
- Field Jeremiah, Fleece
- Nichol and Pearson Nag's Head
- Peel Samuel, Shoulder of Mutton
- Pollard William, Hope and Anchor
- Fort Eastburn Pack Horse
- Hutton John, White Lion
- Long James Pack Horse
- Wood Joseph, Nag's Head
- Varley John, White Swan
- Clough Robert, Bull's Head
- Hartley Peter & Son, Do.
- Anderson George, Nag's Head
- Atkinson Samuel, Angel
- Craven James, Pack horse
- Crossley Thomas, Angel
- Drake Joseph, Bishop Blaize
- Holdsworth William, Bull's Head
- Ingham Thomas, Pack Horse
- Jowett Joseph, White Lion
- Leach George, Angel
- Leach John, Do.
- Smith Richard, Nag's Head
- Spencer Jonas Do.
- Sugden John, Pack Horse
- Whaley James, Do.
- Carr Robert, Nag's Head
- Fenton Joseph, Do.
- Hargreaves M. & J. Do.
- Jowitt Henry, Fleece
- Breaks Abraham, Crown
- Breaks Richard, Do.
- Breaks Thomas, Roe Buck
- Dewhirst John, Horse Shoes
- Garr John Shoulder of Mutton
- Hodgson William, Crown
- Lightowler Matthew, Golden Fleece
- Lister William, Nag's Head
- Mortimer James, Horse Shoes
- Pearson Isaac and Sons, Do.
- Pearson Jacob and Sons, Talbot
- Pearson Joseph, Crown
- Priestley John, White Lion
- Scott John, Fleece
- Wilkinson Abraham, Roe Buck
- Wright John, Fleece
- Brooksbank John, Hope & Anchor
- Butterworth James, Nag's Head
- Farrer John, Do.
- Lee James, Do.
- Bentley Jonas, Bowling Green
- Bentley Jonas, Talbot
- Bentley William, Angel
- Cowling Samuel, White Hart
- Taylor Joshua, Do.
- Blakeley Reuben, Fleece
- Berwick and Lawson, Brown Cow
- Dawson Joseph, Shoulder of Mutton
- Womersley John, White Lion
From the Rawson's Arms, Market-street,
- The Alexander, daily to Leeds, at ½ p. 8 morn, returns in summer at 6, and winter at 4 evening.
- MAIL to Liverpool at 5 morning, to Leeds at 4 before 4 afternoon
- NEW MAIL to Liverpool at ¼ p. 3 aft. to Leeds at 4 p. 4 morning
- The ALEXANDER, to Leeds at ½ p. 8 mg. returns at 4 afternoon
- The HIGHFLYER, to Manchester at 11 mg. to Leeds at ½ p. 12 noon
- The ROYAL UNION, to Skipton daily, at ½ p. 11 morn. ret. at 5 evg. From the Swan Inn, Market-street.
- The DEFIANCE, to Manchester every mg. at 7, to Leeds at 6 evening
- The NEPTUNE, to Liverpool through Bolton every mg. at 7, to Leeds at 6 in the evening.
- Goods expeditiously conveyed on the canal to Liverpool, Leeds and the intermediate places, and forwarded to all parts of the kingdom; Benjamin Rhodes, wharfinger.
- Cockerham's Waggons daily from Bowling Green, to Leeds, Halifax, Rochdale, Manchester, &c.
- Henry Firth, from Bradford Moor, Tu. Thu. & Sat. to Deacon, Harrison and Co's. warehouse, Leeds, and Myer's warehouse, Selby, dep. 4 evg. ret. Tu. Thu. & Fri. 9 mg.
- James Boys, from Black Abbey, to Leeds daily
- James Halliday, from Heckmondwike and Dewsbury, to Bowling Green, Thu. arr. 10 mg. dep. 5 evg.
- James Hutton, to Bingley, Keighley and Leeds, 3 days per week
- John Dibb, from Otley to the Bowling Green, Tues. Thur. & Sat. arr. 9 morning, returns 2 afternoon
- John Firth, from Sheffield and Wakefield, to the Bowling Green, Tu. Thu. & Sat. arr. 12 noon, dep. 4 aft.
- John Lumby, (Bowling Green) from Huddersfield Mon. & Fri. returns same days
- Thomas Fletcher, to Halifax, daily from Bowling Green
- Widow Welsh & Sons, from Bowling Green, to Manchester, Newcastle, Selby and York daily
Transcript of the entry of 'professions and trades'
for ALLERTON in Baines's Directory and Gazetteer Directory of 1822.
Miscellany of trades - Beanland Joseph, coal merchant
- Drake Wm. blacksmith
- Harrison Wm. schoolmaster
- Hinchliffe Rev. Jonas, Independent Minister
- Illingworth John carpenter
- Illingworth Joseph, grocer
- Illingworth T. jun. carpenter
- Illingworth T. sen. carpenter
- Jennings John, plasterer
- Kaye Benj. cotton spinner and mfr.
- Pearson John, butcher
- Robertshaw Roger, butcher
- Shackleton John, slater
- Shaw Charles, grocer
- Shaw John, Carpenter
- Simpson Rd. vict. Old King's Arms
- Smith William, quarry owner
- Illingworth Jph.
- Jennings Joseph
- Kaye Benjamin, (& spinner)
- Pollard Wm.
- White Francis
- White Jonas, jun.
- White Jonas, sen.
- White Thomas
Transcript of the entry of 'professions and trades'
for BOWLING in Baines's Directory and Gazetteer Directory of 1822.
Miscellany of trades - Billingley Michael, engineer
- Bolton Stephen, plasterer
- Brook Joseph, vict. Punch Bowl
- Clayton James, tailor
- Core John, book keeper
- Firth John, senr. vict. Old White Hart
- Fletcher James, vict. Red Lion
- Hartley William, horse dealer
- Jennings Joshua, corn miller
- Law John card maker
- Mitchell John, victualler, Led Lion
- Newhill Geo. vict. Prince of Wales
- Ripley George & Sons, dyers
- Smith William, gardener
- Snowden James boiler maker
- Sturges John & Co. Bowling iron works
- Sugden Robert, vict. Wheat Sheaf
- Wood Benj. inspector of worsted goods
- Brook Thomas
- Newhill James
- Shutt John
- Bailey Benjamin
- Clayton Joseph
- Sutcliffe James
- Taylor John
- Webster Wm.
- Newill George
- Thorp George, (& lap board mkr.)
- Firth John, jun.
- Haigh George
- Well John
- Ackroyd & Co.
- Sagar & Co.
- Balme John
- Benson Wm.
- Coultas George
- Lightowler Mtth.
- Lightowler Saml.
- Mitchell & Sons
- Shutt John
- Terry & Sons
- Benson Wm.
- Mitchell & Sons
- Terry & Sons
Transcript of the entry of 'professions and trades'
for CLAYTON in Baines's Directory and Gazetteer Directory of 1822.
Miscellany of trades - Hirst Jonathan, cabinet maker
- Holdsworth James, blacksmith
- Illingworth Stephen. carpenter
- Thwaites Joseph, vict. New Inn
- Wood Timothy, cattle dealer
- Casson John
- Wilman John
- Carter James
- Thwaite Robert
- Walker John
- Barker Jeremiah
- Foster Jonas
- Andrews George
- Barker Thomas
- Briggs Joseph
- Dalby Thomas
- Haley Emanuel
- Hirst Isaac
- Howarth John
- Jowitt Joseph
- Kershaw Isaac
- Kitchen John
- Mitchell Daniel
- Northorp James
- Wilkinson Timothy
Transcript of the entry of 'professions and trades'
for CLAYTON HEIGHTS in Baines's Directory and Gazetteer Directory of 1822.
Gentry &c.: - Hirst Thomas, Esq.
- Asher James, schoolmaster
- Hargreave Richard, linen draper
- Knowles Nathan, carpenter
- Mansfield Jas. vict. Shoulder of Mutton
- Midgley Miles, plumber and glazier
- Turner Joseph, butcher
- West John, vict. Old Dolphin
- Nuttall James
- Orman John
- Wilkinson John
- Priestley William
- Whalley William
- Drake Jonas
- Patchett John
- Ackroyd Jonathan
- Ackroyd Thomas
- Anderson George
- Barstow Stephen
- Hudson Charles
- Knowles David
- Tempest Abraham
Transcript of the entry of 'professions and trades'
for DENHOLME in Baines's Directory and Gazetteer Directory of 1822.
Miscellany of trades - Baxter John, blacksmith
- Bland Jonathan, shoemaker
- Brooksbank David, vict. Black Bull
- Foster Jonas, draper and grocer
- Hirst Mrs. earthenware mfr. & coal dlr.
- Horsfield Thomas, coal merchant
- Illingworth Jonas, wheelwright
- Lund Samuel; vict. Brown Cow
- Normanton John, vict. Horse & Groom
- Pickles Thomas grocer
- Spencer Jonas & Son, worsted mfr.
- Waller James, shoemaker
- Whitehead Lawrence, stone mason
Transcript of the entry of 'professions and trades'
for DUDLEY HILL in Baines's Directory and Gazetteer Directory of 1822.
Miscellany of trades - Butler James, maltster
- Driver John, wheelwright
- Ellis Isaac, painter
- Field George, surgeon
- Firth Henry, wheelwright
- Firth Saml. vict. Old Hand & Shuttle
- Gomersal Benjamin, card maker
- Holmes Richard, grocer & flour dlr.
- Law John, card maker
- Lee and Co. iron founders
- Leonard James, woolcomber
- Maw Bartholomew, flour dealer
- Rayner James, maltster
- Stoner Joseph, schoolmaster
- Sugden Samuel carpenter
- Terry Thos. and Son, worsted spinners
- Terry William, grocer & flour dealer
- Tetley James, woolstapler & comber
- Tetley Joseph, woolstapler & comber
- Tetley Mark, worsted top mfr.
Transcript of the entry of 'professions and trades'
for ECCLESHILL in Baines's Directory and Gazetteer Directory of 1822.
Miscellany of trades - Blamiers John, schoolmaster
- Clough George, butcher
- Holmes Wm. corn miller
- Home James, grocer and flour dealer
- Thompson James, wheelwright
- Volton John, vict. White Hart
- Womersley John, woolstapler
- Wood William
- Hardaker Richard
- Miers Robert
- Thompson James
- Greaves, Thornton & Co.
- Johnson & Co.
Those marked 1 attend the Three Legs. 2 Crown; 3 Parrot; 4 Rose; 5 White Hart; 6 Green Dragon.
- 2 Aldcock John
- 2 Bakes Henry
- 1 Baraclough H.
- 1 Baraclough S.
- 1 Baraclough Z.
- 1 Blakes John
- 2 Burnley Joseph
- 2 Chapman Joseph
- 2 Crabtree John
- 8 Crabtree Joseph
- 2 Dolby Robert
- 4 Fenton Wm.
- 5 Fieldhouse Thos.
- 4 Firth James
- 6 Galloway Joseph
- 1 Greaves Wm.
- 1 Hammond Isaac
- 1 Hammond John
- 1 Hammond Jph
- 1 Hammond Wm.
- 2 Hardacre John
- 4 Hare John
- 4 Hare Joseph
- 2 Hargreaves Jas.
- 2 Hargreaves John
- 4 Hartley Edward
- 2 Hindle John
- 2 Holdsworth W.
- Hollingworth John B. and S.
- 1 Hopkinson Wm.
- 1 Hutton Charles
- 2 Hutton John
- 2 Isles .John
- 1 Johnson Samuel
- 1 Jowitt Benj.
- 1 Lee John
- Lee Mary
- 2 Lightfoot Joseph
- 4 Lobley Benjamin
- 1 Naylor James
- 1 Naylor Wm.
- 4 Raistrick John
- 2 Skirrow David
- 1 Smith Ephraim
- 2 Smith John
- 1 Smith Wm.
- 4 Stables Wm.
- Summerton T. B. and S.
- 4 Thornton John, sen.
- 3 Thornton John, jun.
- 2 Thornton John, younger
- 1 Thornton Joseph
- 1 Thornton Joseph, jun.
- 1 Thornton Thos.
- 1 Thornton Wm.
- Unwin Samuel
- 4 Walton James
- 3 Ward John
- 3 Waterhouse S.
- 3 Waterhouse U
- 1 White John
- 3 White Martin
- 4 Whitham Christ.
- 2 Wilson James
- 2 Womersley Wm.
- 1 Yewdall W. sen.
- 1 Yewdall W. jun.
- Holmes Thomas
- Scott & Huttons
- Wade James
- Thomas Mawson, to Leeds and Sat.
Transcript of the entry of 'professions and trades'
for FRIZINGLEY in Baines's Directory and Gazetteer Directory of 1822.
Gentry &c.: - Dawson Henry Wright, gentleman
- Barrett John, grocer
- Beanland J. vict. Flower of England
- Beanland James, coal owner
- Dawson John, worsted stuff mfr.
- Hargreaves Robert and Sons, worsted stuff manufacturers
- Hargreaves Wm. and Joseph, worsted spinners and manufacturers
- Jowett and Sons, worsted stuff mfrs.
- Lister Thomas, grocer
- Philips Matthew, corn miller
- Rhodes Francis, vict. Black Swan
- Taylor Mrs. Mary, maltster
- Wilson John, cattle dealer
- Wood John, shoemaker
Transcript of the entry of 'professions and trades'
for GREAT HORTON in Baines's Directory and Gazetteer Directory of 1822.
Gentry &c.: - Charnock Mrs. gentlewoman
- Marshall Wm. governor of workhouse
- Armitage David, vict. Dog & Gun
- Audsley Wm. stone merchant
- Balmforth Jabez, blacksmith
- Gomersall Joseph, woolstapler
- Halliwell Samuel cattle dealer
- Hartley Benj. schoolmaster
- Hirst Thomas, tanner
- Judson Jonas, cabinet maker
- Knight Samuel, vict. Four Ashes
- Lofthouse Jonathan, horse dealer
- Ramsden Thomas, wheelwright
- Rudd Thomas, vict. Old King's Arms
- Swain Gilbert, vict. George & Dragon
- Tordoff Wm. vict. Hare & Hounds
- Webster Thomas, vict. Bull's Head
- Whitaker John
- Worksop John, coal miner
- Ackroyd Francis
- Blamiers Richard
- Edmondson James
- Drakup John
- Liversedge James
- Ramsden James
- Ramsden John
- Schofield John
- Stephenson David
- Beanland John
- Booth Jonas
- Dalby Benjamin
- Pilling Joseph, Sams mills
- Suddards Eli
- Knight Edward
- Knight J. & Co.
- Booth Jonas
- Clough John
- Haley Sarah
- Knight Joseph
- Ackroyd T. &Co.
- Audsley John
- Bakes William
- Bentley Joseph
- Bentley Nathan
- Blakebrough Rich.
- Blamiers Joseph
- Booth Joseph
- Booth Thomas
- Emsley Thomas
- Fox William
- Hardaker John
- Holdsworth J. Jun
- Holdsworth John
- Hudson John
- Jennings John
- Knight B. & Co.
- Knight Joseph
- Lofthouse John
- Parkin Andrew
- Peel Thomas
- Priestley James
- Sharp Daniel
- Smith John
- Smith William
- Whitaker Timothy
- Ackroyd and Co. Knight E. & Co.
- Knight Thos. to Manchester Mon. & Thu. ret. Wed. & Sat.
Transcript of the entry of 'professions and trades'
for HAWORTH in Baines's Directory and Gazetteer Directory of 1822.
Gentry &c.: - Belfield John, gentleman
- Bronte Rev. Patrick, curate
- Oddy Rev. Miles
- Ackroyd Thomas, vict. Sun
- Andrew Thomas, surgeon
- Barraclough James, ironmonger and watch maker
- Bottomley George, stone mason
- Corlass Geo. vict. Old King's Arms
- Craven and Murgatroyd, corn millers
- Garnett Wm. vict. White Lion
- Hartley Wm. brazier and tinner
- Jowitt Jonathan, whitesmith
- Midgley Wm. vict. Fleece
- Ramsden & Co. plasterers
- Thomas Wm. spirit merchant
- Townsend G. & W. worsted spinners
- Wilkinson Abraham, vict. Black Bull
- Wood John, plumber & glazier
- Wright Nathaniel worsted yarn mfr.
- Wright Wm. vict. Hope & Anchor
- Wright and Newsome, cotton spinners and manufacturers
- Midgley Robert
- Rushforth Abm.
- Storey John
- Thomas Jonth.
- Thomas Wm.
- Greenwood John
- Roper John
- Sugden Abraham
- Kaye David
- Rushforth Abm.
- Atkinson Henry
- Barraclough Fra.
- Barraclough Jas.
- Driver James
- Hartley John
- Hartley Timothy
- Lambert Tobias
- Pickles William
- Thomas John
- Wood John
- Wright James
- Eccles William
- Sutcliffe Joseph
- Townend W. J. & J.
- Feather Brothers
- Greenwood James
- Pickles Robert
- Sugden & Heaton
- Townend E. & W.
- Craven Uriah
- Staincliffe Wm.
Transcript of the entry of 'professions and trades'
for HEATON in Baines's Directory and Gazetteer Directory of 1822.
Gentry &c.: - Field J. W. Esq. Heaton-hall
- Beanland John, vict. Horse & Groom
- Briscomb Jeremiah, carpenter
- Clark Joseph, stone mason
- Clark William, butcher
- Crabtree John, vict. Brown Cow
- Harrison Jacob, flour dealer
- Murgatroyd James, shuttle maker
- Phillip Matthew, corn miller
- Rhodes Francis, vict. Swan
- Milner William
- Taylor Mary
- Dawson John
- Firth John
- Hargraves R. and Sons
- Jowitt Joseph
Transcript of the entry of 'professions and trades'
for LITTLE HORTON in Baines's Directory and Gazetteer Directory of 1822.
Gentry &c.: - Bridges Francis Sharp, Esq.
- Hailstone Samuel, Esq.
- Oates Henry Wm. Esq. Legrams
- Steadman Rev. William, D. D.
- Barran Joseph, horse dealer
- Blackburn Wm. vict. Four Lace Ends
- Cordingley James, fellmonger
- Cousen James, stone merchant
- Dewhirst Thomas, blacksmith
- Hammond John, vict. Black Horse
- Healey Samuel, woolstapler
- Holdsworth David, vict. Red Lion
- Lee John, spirit merchant
- Parker Charles, vict. Hare & Hounds
- Smith and Sons, worsted spinners
- Thompson John, rope maker
- Hayes James
- Hinchliffe Joseph
- Sedgwick Miss Jane
- Whiteley Michael
- Hill Jonas
- Stephenson Moses
- Lumb James
- Mann John
- Pickard James
- Balme Abraham
- Balme John
- Riley John
- Ellison Thomas
- Jowitt Jonas
- Tordoff John
- Ackroyd Abraham
- Moulson David
- Barker Joseph
- Blamiers John
- Clayton John
- Clough Isaac
- Keighley Abraham
- Keighley James
- Phillips Thomas
- Smith and Sons
- Waddington Thos.
- Whitaker John
- Wilson Joseph
- Wroe Joseph
Transcript of the entry of 'professions and trades'
for LOW MOOR in Baines's Directory and Gazetteer Directory of 1822.
Gentry &c.: - Dawson Christopher, Esq. Royds hall
- Field John, Esq.
- Hird Rev. Lamplugh, Low Moor house
- Powell Rev. R. M. A. Parsonage house
- Barraclough Martha, vict. Punch
- Bowl Bateman D. & Sons, card makers
- Emmerson Richard, butcher
- Hardy Joseph, surgeon
- Hird Dawson, Hardy & Field, iron founders and merchants
- Lee James, worsted manufacturer
- Sutton John, schoolmaster
- Hanson Daniel
- Hardy Robert
- Hemingway John
- Parkinson Martha
- Whitnall J.
Transcript of the entry of 'professions and trades'
for MANNINGHAM in Baines's Directory and Gazetteer Directory of 1822.
Gentry &c.: - Hodgson Richard, Esq. Whitley
- Hollings Joseph, Esq. Whitley hall
- Lister Ellis Cunliffe, Esq. magistrate, Manningham hall
- Ambler Jeremiah, curl'd hair and bagging manufacturer
- Beanland James, carpenter
- Binns David, schoolmaster
- Booth Jonas, gentleman
- Bradley Thomas, gentleman
- Brooke Saml. shuttle maker & turner
- Drake Moses, pipe maker
- Frankland William, farmer
- Helliwell Joseph, cattle dealer
- Hollings Thomas, woolstapler
- Jarratt John, vict. Old Globe Inn
- Jowitt Miss Sarah Clock house
- Kitchen Miss Sarah
- Ledguard John, vict. Original Globe
- Patchett Joshua, mercht. & top mkr.
- Rhodes Joseph, vict. Lister's Arms
- Smith Samuel, vict. Craven Heifer
- Thornton John, cabinet maker
- Tordoff James
- Wilson Henry
- Firth Samuel
- Jones Robert
- Molyneux John
- Smith John
- Walker John
- Wood Job
- Clark Benjamin
- Kershaw James
- Burnley J. and W.
- Clark W. and Co.
- Kershaw James
- Baldwin Joseph
- Firth Samuel
- Magerison Richard, (spinner)
- Thompson Mthw. (spinner)
Transcript of the entry of 'professions and trades'
for NEAR OXNOP in Baines's Directory and Gazetteer Directory of 1822.
Miscellany of trades - Greenwood Barnard schoolmaster
- Greenwood William, gentleman
- Rusher William, gentleman
- Sutcliffe Timothy, gentleman
- Fawthorp John, vict. New Inn
- Greenwood W., stocking worsted mfr.
- Ogden Nathan, cabinet maker
- Hartley Barnard
- Hartley James
- Ogden Joseph
- Redman Wm.
- Sutcliffe John
- Sutcliffe Thomas
Transcript of the entry of 'professions and trades'
for OXNOP in Baines's Directory and Gazetteer Directory of 1822.
Miscellany of trades - Ackroyd Js. corn miller & worsted mfr.
- Farrar John, gentleman
- Hey John, gentleman
- Ogden Feather, gentleman
- Pickles John, heald yarn mfr.
- Pollard Wm. cabinet maker
- Roberts J. butcher & vict. Ewe & Lamb
- Ogden Jonas
- Yates Henry
- Sutcliffe James
- Whitaker Nicholas
- Denby John
- Feather George, (spinner)
- Feather James
- Feather T. &J.
- Heaton Michael
- Hey Jonas
- Holmes Jonathan
- Ogden Robert
- Ackroyd John
- Pickles & Redman
- Abm. Pickles, to Bradford, Thu. dep. 6 mg. ret. 9 evg. to Halifax, Sat. dep. 6 mg. ret. 9 evg.
Transcript of the entry of 'professions and trades'
for SHIPLEY in Baines's Directory and Gazetteer Directory of 1822.
Gentry &c.: - Bedford Stephen, gentleman
- Mann Rev. Isaac, Baptist minister
- Wright T. Esq.
- Binns Mary, whiting manufacturer
- Dawson John
- Dixon James, vict. Bull and Dog
- Gill William, sexton
- Glover John coal merchant
- Glover Jph. joiner, raff merchant, &c.
- Greenwood Joseph, stone mason
- Hainsworth J. and J. wood turners
- Hall Isaac, clerk of the chapel
- Moore Joseph, officer of excise
- Pearson Caleb, vict. Hare & Hounds
- Ridge Jeremiah, millwright
- Rushforth James, plumber & glazier
- Semple George, surgeon
- Spurr Richard, woolstapler
- Sutcliffe John, schoolmaster
- Taylor Joseph, maltster and spinner
- Topham Thomas, vict. Fleece
- Wainman Mrs. Elizabeth, Shipley hall
- White Jeremiah, sizing boiler
- Wright John, paper manufacturer
- Drake Joseph
- Illingworth James
- North Joseph
- Dibb William
- Fenton William
- Greenwood Richd.
- Hargreaves
- Hainsworth Jas.
- Teale John
- Craven Robert
- Hodgson J. & W.
- Barker George
- Hall James
- Holliday Robert
- Atkinson George
- Atkinson Samuel
- Rhodes William
- Booth James
- Booth Sarah
- Hall James
- Parkin William
- Rhodes John
- Gill James
- Hudson Nathan
- Hudson Wm. jun.
- Rhodes Timothy
- Sunderland John
- Thompson Wm.
- Barker George
- Dibb John
- Holliday Robt. sen.
- Holliday Robt. jun.
- Holmes John
- England John
- Hainsworth Joshua
- Hargreaves Joseph
- Hutton John, junr.
- Pickles Henry
Those marked 1 attend the Fox & Grapes; 2 Swan; 3 Rose; 4 White Hart.
- Binns Abraham
- 1 Booth John
- 1 Booth William
- 1 Bradley James
- 1 Bradley Jonas
- 1 Butterfield John
- 2 Denby Joshua
- 1 Denby Saml. sen.
- 1 Denby Saml. jun.
- 1 Denby Wm. sen.
- 1 Denby Wm. jun.
- 1 Dixon James
- 3 Halliday John
- 1 Home John
- 3 Laycock Thos.
- 1 Lee David
- 1 Lee Ellis
- 1 Lee John
- 1 Northrop Benj.
- 1 Northrop Wm.
- 1 Park Abraham
- 4 Rangdale Benj.
- 1 Rushforth Jas.
- 1 Speight Tho. sen.
- 1 Speight Tho. jun.
- 1 Wilcock Thomas
Transcript of the entry of 'professions and trades'
for STANBURY in Baines's Directory and Gazetteer Directory of 1822.
Miscellany of trades - Ackroyd Sarah, vict. Hob lane
- Crabtree John, gentleman
- Crabtree Jonas, gentleman
- Heaton Robert, gentleman
- Hollings John, worsted spinner
- Holmes Pharoah, schoolmaster
- Lister Thomas, cotton spinner
- Robinson James, gentleman
- Taylor Stephen, woolstapler
- Wignall Joseph, vict. Cross
- Robinson George
- Robinson Wm.
- Sunderland John
- Widow Dugdale, to Colne on Wed, to Bradford, on Thu. and to Halifax, on Fridays.
Transcript of the entry of 'professions and trades'
for THORNTON in Baines's Directory and Gazetteer Directory of 1822.
Gentry &c.: - Bishop Rev. William, curate
- Barstow Thomas, corn miller
- Drake Stephen, schoolmaster
- Driver Thomas, cabinet maker
- Fauthorp John, surgeon
- Hardy Abraham, coal dealer
- Harrup Henry, slay maker
- Jowitt Eli, plumber and glazier
- Jowitt John, woolstapler
- Pickles James, vict, Black Horse
- Redmon Thomas coal dealer
- Riley Wm. vict. Bull's Head
- Spence Joseph, maltster
- Thwaites John, vict. Duke of York
- Ackroyd Henry
- Ackroyd John
- Ackroyd Jonathan
- Hollings John
- Ackroyd Daniel
- Ackroyd Jonathan
- Appleyard Joseph
- Hainsworth James
- Spence Wm.
- Whaley James
- Barker Thomas
- Duckett Wm.
- Midgley Thomas
- Wilkinson John
- Jowitt John
- Jowitt Jonas
- Harper John
- Ingham Thomas
- Jowitt Joseph
- Leach George
- Leach Thomas
- Whaley James
- Wright David
- Wright Jonathan
Transcript of the entry of 'professions and trades'
for WIBSEY in Baines's Directory and Gazetteer Directory of 1822.
Miscellany of trades - Gill Hugh, vict. Shoulder of Mutton
- Hirst John, schoolmaster
- Hughgill John, cabinet maker
- Mitchell Wm. vict. Hare & Hounds
- North James, vict. Black Dog
- Terry John, vict. Horse and Groom
- Waddington Edward, carpenter
- Walker James, vict. Furnace Inn
- Warburton James, surgeon
- Woodhead James, victualler, Swan
- Wroe Joseph, worsted spinner
- Haley William
- Wilson John
- Edmondson Robt.
- Tordoff Ann
- Tordoff Joseph
- Wright John
- Hanson Joseph
- Taylor George
- Brooksbank James
- Hardacre Jane
- Lightowler Jonas
- Tordoff Joseph
- Waddington Saml.
- Smith Jonas
- Tordoff James
- Mortimer Michael
- Pollard John
- Barraclough John
- Barstow William
- Breakes Abraham
- Breakes Richard
- Breakes Thomas
- Garside John
- Lister William
- Mortimer James
- Pearson J. and G.
- Smith John
- Woodhead Jonas
- Wright J. and Son
Transcript of the entry of 'professions and trades'
for WILSDEN in Baines's Directory and Gazetteer Directory of 1822.
Miscellany of trades - Ackroyd Thomas, black & whitesmith
- Anderson William, vict. Harden Beck
- Baines Rev. Saml. Independent chapel
- Barraclough Joseph gentleman
- Battison John, stocking worsted mfr.
- Bentley Jonas, linen manufacturer
- Emmott James, senr. shoemaker
- Frankland Michael, Shaw gate
- Lewthwaite Thomas, schoolmaster
- Lockwood John vict. Brown Cow
- Nicholls Richard, worsted spinner and corn miller, Hewnden mills
- Patchett Isaac, coal-merchant
- Radcliffe George, land surveyor
- Smith Joseph, gentleman
- Stephenson Benjamin, butcher
- Varley John, cattle dealer
- Wilkinson Abraham, tanner
- Knowles John, (mfr.) Bent mills
- Lister John
- Brearley Dan
- Emmott James
- Hanson George
- Clark John
- Cowgill John
- Firth and Bower
- Bentley J.
- Bentley William
- Briggs & Jowitt Tweedy and Anderson
- Nicholls A. J. & S.
Transcribed by Colin Hinson. ©2003