Otley Directory of Trades and Professions for 1822
Transcript of the entry of 'professions and trades'
for OTLEY in Baines's Directory and Gazetteer Directory of 1822.
Post, - Post Master, Thomas Holmes. Office, Market Place.
Academies, Schools, Public & Private,
- Free School, Rev. H. Robinson, vicar of Otley. and William Hargreave teachers Clapgate
- Ingham William, Boroughgate
- Rhodes Martha, (la. bdg.) Cross green
- Sharphouse John. jun. Bondgate
- Sharphouse Mary, (la. day) Crow lane
- Wood William, Assembly room
- Blackburn George, (to the Leeds
- Mercury) Kirkgate
- Walker William, (to the London genuine tea
- company) Market place
- Barret Edward, clerk to the magistrates and to the association for the Prosecution of felons; secretary to savings bank and agricultural society; office, Grove house, Bond. gate; vestry clerk
- Sheppard George; (agent to the Atlas Life, Fire and Insurance office) office Kirkgate
- Smith John, Esq. clerk of the peace, under steward of the Court Baron and Court Leet; office Borough gate; house, Burley hall
- Wilkinson Thomas, Esq.; office, Market place and Newall
- Earnshaw Thomas, Westgate
- Hoyle James, Westgate
- Rollinson William, Market place
- Dibb Austin, Market place
- Holmes Benjamin, Market place.
- Pratt Richard Bondgate
- Wood Mary, Kirkgate
- Brown James, Bay Horse yard
- Hudson Stephen, Nelson street
- Lupton Samuel, Back lane
- Phillips James, Back lane
- Longfield Joshua, Kirkgate
- Lupton Thomas, Market place
- Thompson Charles Northgate
- Thompson William, Kirkgate
- Topham George, Boroughgate
- Farrar Squire, Clapgate
- Panormo Alexander, Clapgate
- Walker Wm. printer, dealer in music and musical instruments, and fancy snuffs, Market place
- Barber John, Westgate
- Brown Henry, Kirkgate
- Brown J. H. Market place
- Brown John, Crow lane
- Brown Joshua, Burrows lane
- Brown Rd. (& hardware dlr.) Kirkgate
- Flesher William, Kirkgate
- Holdsworth Abraham, near Market pl.
- Hoyle Thomas, Northgate
- Iles Christopher, Westgate
- Lambert John, Bondgate
- Lee John, Northgate
- Longfield Stephen Bondgate
- Longfield Thomas, Crow lane
- Moody William, Kirkgate
- Moody Wm. jun. Walker gate
- Nicholson William, Nelson street
- Reynard John, Westgate
- Stubbs Joseph, Westgate
- Vickers Jacob, Clapgate
- Waddington John, Cross green
- Whitehead John, Bondgate
- Whitehead Thomas, Kirkgate
- Cooper Richard, Kirkgate
- Hornshaw John, (& iron plate worker) Market place
- Lea Rhodes, Kirkgate
- Read Benjamin, Kirkgate
- Rollinson Wm. (& hardware) Market pl.
- Longfield Simon, (bits) Paradise sq.
- Mawson John (stirrup) Paradise sq.
- Mawson Wm. (stirrup) Paradise sq.
- Renton Joseph, (stirrup) Paradise sq.
- Sharphouse John, sen. (bridle cutter) Crow lane
- Taylor Chas. (horse harness buckle) Gay lane
- Whitley Francis, Cross green
- Barber William, Market place
- Barrett Abraham, Bondgate
- Barrett John, Kirkgate
- Curtis William, Boroughgate
- Fieldhouse Thomas, Market place
- Foster Edward, Westgate
- Foster William, Market place
- Hodgson Thomas, Market place
- Hodson Robert, Market place
- Holmes Benjamin, Market place
- Murfitt William, Northgate
- Richardson William, Westgate
- Tempest James, Market place
- Thompson Thomas, Boroughgate
- Waddington William, Market place
- Whitehead William, Kirkgate
- See also Joiners.
- Burley Thomas, Boroughgate
- Chippindale Benjamin, Bondgate
- Chippindale John, Bondgate
- Curtis Joseph, Rotten row
- Dawson James, jun. Westgate
- Kendall James, Bondgate
- Rhodes Richard, Back lane
- Richardson Jonathan, Market place
- Rollinson William, Cross green
- Bingley William, Leathley
- Dawson John, (grazier) Market place
- Milthorp William, Leathley
- Inman John, (Windsor chair) Kirkgate
- Linton Miles, near Northgate
- Blakebrough Richard, Market place
- Hancock Anthony, Market place
- Hudson David, Market place
- Croft Jonathan Westgate
- Dibb Austin, Market place
- Brook James, Boroughgate
- Brown Henry, Kirkgate
- Spencer Alban, Bay Horse yard
- Bullock Elizabeth, Kirkgate
- Holmes Mary, Kirkgate
- Inman John, Kirkgate
- Linton Miles, (white) near Northgate
- Reynolds Richard, Market place
- Cooper Rd. (& wire worker) Kirkgate
- Dale James, Market place
- Hardwick John, Market place
- Barker Thomas, (flour) Cross green
- Cartwright Geo. (flour) Boroughgate
- Chaffer Sarah, (flour) Boroughgate
- Hardwick William, Market place
- Jackson Wm. (flour) Market place
- Rhodes Thomas, (flour) Boroughgate
- Hartley John, Otley mills
- Whitaker & Greenwood, Greenholme mills
- Todd Solomon, Crow lane
- Whitaker John, Northgate
- Forster Daniel, (tanned, tawed & oil leather dresser) Westgate
- Rhodes Jas. Kgt. (& Briggate, Leeds)
- Thackray Timothy, Burrows lane
- Thompson Garnett, Bond gate
- Whitehead Christopher, Northgate
- Whitehead Francis, Borough gate
- Fairbank William, Market place
- Forster William, Market place
- Knowlson John, (& farrier) Market pl.
- Terry I. F. Market place
- Thackray John, Northgate
- Sinclair Jonathan, Market place Todd
- Solomon, Crow lane
- Barker Robert, (leather dlr.) Bondgate
- Atlas, George Sheppard, Kirkgate
- Norwich Union, Edw. Maude Kirkgate
- Outhwaite Richard, (& eating house) Market place
- Phoenix, Thos. Holmes, Market place Fishmonger.
- Cowburn Richard, ( nursery) Market pl.
- Duxberry Thomas, Bay Horse yard
- Hoyle James, Westgate
- Long John, (gardener) Kirkgate
- Wilkinson John, Sugar street
- Wilkinson Joseph, Burrows lane
- De Maine Benjamin, Market place
- Forest Christiana, (earthenware) Borough gate
- Mason Geo. (earthenware) Market pl.
- Reynolds Thomas, Market place
- Blakeborough Richard, (& hardware) Market place
- Hancock Anthony, Market place
- Crossley William, Borough gate
- Deighton John, Market place
- Dibb Austin, Market place
- Fairbank William, Market place
- Forster William, Market place
- Fox John Market place
- Jackson William, Market place
- Knowlson John, Market place
- McLandsborough Andrew, Borough gt.
- Reynolds Thomas, Market place
- Roundell William, Clap gate
- Stick William, Kirkgate
- Thackray John, North gate
- Wharrie Robert, Market place
- Wood Mary, Kirkgate
- Longfield Simon, Paradise square
- Cork Christopher, Borough gate
- Hardwick Benjamin, Market place
- Hardwick William, Market place
- Crossley Wm. (mfr.) Borough gate
- Crossley Wm. jun. (mfr.) North gate
- McLandsborough John, (manufacturer) Market place
- Milligan Thos. (dealer) Market place
- Walmsley Edward, (mfr.) Market pl.
- Fox John, Market place
- Prockter Thomas, White Horse, Market place
- See also Stocking Manufacturers.
- Bradley John, Market place
- Craven John, Market place
- Gilling Thomas, Market place
- Barley Sheaf, Rt. Ingham, Borough gt.
- Bay Horse, Jas. Dale Market place
- Black Bull, William Boys, Market pl.
- Black Horse, James Dale, (excise office) Market place
- Blue Bell, Wm. Pawson, Market pl.
- Carpenters' Arms, John Cawood, Borough gate
- Cock & Bottle, John Mawson, Bondgt.
- Cross Pipes, Geo. Cheadle, Westgate
- Golden Fleece, Wm. Briggs, Westgate
- Green Man, Kirkgate
- Grey Horse, Abram Huddlestone, Kgt.
- Half Moon, Jph. Rawling, Westgate
- King's Arms, J. Sharphouse, Bondgate
- New inn, John Laybourn Market pl.
- Plough, Susannah Holmes, top Chevin
- Queen's Head, Ann Curtis, Kirkgate
- Red Lion, John Read, Kirkgate
- Royal Oak, Thos. Ingle, North gate
- Swan Inn, Jane Cawood Borough gt.
- Waterloo, John Robinson, Gay lane
- White Horse, (posting house) Thomas Prockter, Market Place
- Hornshaw John, (& tinplate worker) Market place
- Burley Thomas, Borough gate
- Chippindale Benjamin, Bond gate
- Chippindale John, Bond gate
- Curtis Joseph, Rotten row
- Dawson James, Westgate
- Rhodes Richard, Back lane
- Richardson Jonathan, Market place
- Mounsey William, jun. Gay lane
- Cross Green, Squire Farrar, (subscrip.)
- Walker William, (circulating) Market place
- Holmes Jane (and tea dealer) Market place
- Chippindale John, Burrow's lane
- Bradley John, Market place
- Craven John, Market place
- Gilling Thomas, Market place
- Locket William, Borough gate
- McLandsborough John, Market place
- McTurk & Co. (& tea dealer) Bond gate
- Milligan Thomas, (and tea dealer) Market place
- Rhodes Sarah, (& tea dealer) Church gates
- Atkinson John, Westgate
- Atkinson William, Cross green
- Chadwick John, Ash field house
- Dawson William, Boroughgate
- Johnson John, Low bar
- Thompson William, Westgate
- Craven P. Market place
- Chippindale William, Cross green
- West Hugh, Cross green
- Cawood Frederick, Bond gate
- Cawood Jonathan, Borough gate
- Cawood Martin, (and flour dealer) Kirkgate
- Fortune Cowling, Cross green Painters.
- Horner William, (and paper hanger) Market place
- Towlson William, Market place
- Yeoman Peter, Borough gate
- Garnett William, Otley mills
- Chaffer & Co. (white washers) Cross green
- Chippindale David, Market place
- Colburn John, Westgate
- Robinson Sampson, Northgate
- Baynes Cornelius, Kirkgate
- Brown James, Bay Horse yard
- Cawood Jonathan, (collars) Market place
- Colburn James, Clap gate
- Dawson Caleb, North gate
- Fowler John, Westgate
- Earnshaw Thomas, (wapentake of Claro) Westgate
- See also Inns.
- Deighton John, Market place
- Fox John, Market place
- Maude Edmund, Kirkgate
- Reynolds Thomas, Market place
- Brook James, Borough gate
- Brumfit John, Kirkgate
- Brumfit William, Market place
- Catton John, Kirkgate
- Aked Nathaniel, Bondgate
- Fairburn Joseph, Bondgate
- Hobson Jonathan, Kirkgate
- Sinclair Jonathan, Market place
- Childs Michael, Nelson street
- Flesher & Co. Cross green
- Flesher John & Co. Gay lane
- Freeman James, Cambridge lane
- Freeman Thomas, Gay lane
- Hobson William, Westgate
- Hudson Stephen, Nelson street
- Matson Thomas, Back lane
- Matson William, sen. Borough gate
- Matson Wm. jun. Paradise square
- Calvert Anne, Kirkgate
- Cawood Mary, Kirkgate
- Bristow Robert Westgate
- Shaw James, Market place
- Shaw Thomas, Boroughgate
- Spence John, (licentiate apothecary) Westgate
- Catton John, jun. Kirkgate
- Hodgson William, Boroughgate
- Hoyle William, Westgate
- Spencer Alban, Bay Horse yard
- Whitaker Thomas, Bondgate
- Whitaker William, Bondgate
- Whiteley William, Bay Horse yard
- Blackburn George, Kirkgate
- Hill David, Market place
- Thompson Peter, (and soap boiler) Borough gate
- Denbigh John, Crow lane
- Horsman Robert, Borough gate
- Horsman Thomas, Borough gate
- Young Thomas, Crow lane
- Bland William, (linen) Bondgate
- Curtis Joseph, Rotten row
- Hartley Samuel, (round wood) Cross green
- Longfield William, Paradise square
- Umpleby William, Back lane
- Kendall & Pawson, Westgate
- Priestley John, Boroughgate
- Longfield Simon, Paradise square
- Maude Edmund, (raff and iron merchant & sub-distributor of stamps) Kirkgate
- Walker John, Silver mill
- Ackroyd William, Westgate
- Walker John (and manufacturer) Silver mill
- Atkinson John, grazier, Westgate
- Bingley William, gent. Leathley
- Chadwick John, Esq. Ashfield house
- Dawson James, Chief bailiff to the Archbishop for the Liberty of Cawood, Wistow, and Otley, Crier of the court, Inspector of the weights, &c. Westgate
- Dawson John, land valuer, Market pl.
- Dawson Joshua, (perpetual overseer) Westgate
- Denison Thomas, Officer of Excise, Crow lane
- Dinsdale Misses, gentlewomen, Low bar
- Fawkes Walter Esq. Farnley hall
- Forster Marmaduke Westgate
- Fox George Lane, Esq. M. P. Bramham park, Lord of the manor and rectory of Bardsey
- Fox John, gent. near Market place
- Hawksworth Rev. Ayscough, Leathley
- Hodgkinson Rev. Edward, incumbent of Stainburn; house, Gay lane
- Ibbotson Sir Henry Carr, Bart. Denton hall
- Middleton Wm. Esq. Middleton lodge
- Moody Thomas, farmer, Cross green
- Mounsey William, sen. Gay lane
- Raistrick John, gent. Caley hall
- Roberts Timothy, Cross green
- Robinson Rev. Henry, B. A. Vicar of Otley Vicarage house
- Smith Rev. William, Incumbent of Pool, Rotten row
- Stokes Mrs. gentlewoman Kirkgate
- Teal Mary, eating house, Market pl.
- Townes Henry, gardener, Westgate
- Vavasour William, Esq. (Magistrate) Weston hall
- Walker C.
- Walker John, gentleman, Bondgate
- Weir Sarah, gentlewoman, Borough gt.
- Wilcock Eliz. gentlewoman, Westgate
- Wilson M. tea dealer
- Wilson Matthew, Esq. Manor house
- Wilson Rev. Thomas Fourness, (Magistrate) Burley hall
- Wray Mary, gentlewoman, Westgate
From the Black Horse, Market Place.
- The Accommodation Post Coach to Leeds, every Mon. Tu. Thu. & Sat. ¼ before 9 mg. To Skipton same days, at half past 5 aft.
- Bradford, John Dibb, Bondgate, Tu. Thu. & Sat. dep. 5 mg. ret. 6 evg.
- Bradford, Thomas Wear, Nelson st. Tu. Thu. & Sat, depart 5 morning, returns at 8 evening
- Keighley, - Murgatroyd, Barley Sheaf, every Friday, arrives 11 morning depart 2 afternoon. Goods forwarded to Gisburn, Settle, Dent and Sedbergh
- Knaresborough, Robert Dibb, Tu. & Fri. Black Bull, arrive 10 morning, depart 1 noon
- Leeds, Michael Bell Market place, daily, depart 5 morning, return 7 evening, forwards goods to all parts of the kingdom
- Leeds, Walter Bailey, near Northgate, daily, depart 5 morning, return 7 evening. W. B. forwards goods to London, and all parts of the kingdom
- Manchester, Thomas Beck from Bay Horse, through Addingham, Skipton, Clitheroe, &c. every Sat.
- Skipton, Richard Wall, from the Bay Horse, every Mon. Wed. & Fri. depart 1 at noon, return at 10 following morning
- York, through Harewood, Thorp Arch and Tadcaster, Richard Wingate, from the Black Horse, depart at 8 on Tuesday morning, return on Thursday evening at 6.
Transcript of the entry of 'professions and trades'
for BAILDON in Baines's Directory and Gazetteer Directory of 1822.
Miscellany of trades - Barker Thomas, machine maker
- Brear Titus, corn miller
- Briggs Samuel, shuttle maker
- Chapman Rev. John, incumbent
- Craven and Brear, cloth millers
- Ellis Samuel, cooper
- Goldsborough Joseph, fellmonger
- Hill John, woolstapler
- Holmes Isaac, millwright
- Holmes John, vict. Cross Keys
- Kendall Mary, vict. Roebuck
- Lupton Wm. linen & woollen draper
- Mitchell Thomas, paper maker
- Newell Wm. clog sole & patten mkr.
- Raistrick William, postman, daily except. Tuesday
- Stead Matthew, vict. Bay Horse
- Waiblinger Joseph, surgeon
- Wainman William, vict. Angel Inn
- Walker Nicholas, vict. Malt Shovel
- Wilkinson Wm. gardener
- Williams Jas. overseer and constable
- Bottomley Paul
- Goldsborough Wm.
- Holmes Benjamin
- Rhodes Miles
- Bolton Joseph
- Brierley John
- Robinson John
- Ambler Benjamin
- Brayshaw John
- Butterfield Richard
- Newby Abraham
- Peacock James
- Reynard Benjamin
- Reynard John
- Goldsborough Wm.
- Proctor James
- Brook Samuel
- Lister William
- Halliday Samuel
- Hutchinson Benj.
- Littlewood Grace
- Mann Joseph
- Reynard Wm.
- Shufflebottom Rlph.
- Whitaker John
- Brook John
- Horner Abm.
- Thompson Thos.
- Walker Nicholas
- Walker William
- Cockerton Thos.
- Goldthorp Thomas
- Bentley William
- Murgatroyd John
- Booth William
- Ellis Samuel
- Halliday Samuel
- Hardacre John
- Holmes Benjamin
- Leyland Francis
- Mawson John
- Barret William
- Herd Thomas
- Kitchin T. jun.
- Kitchin T. sen.
- Miers John
- Myers Abraham
- Whitaker J. sen.
- Whitaker J. jun.
- Whitaker Thos.
- Barker James
- Bell Samuel
- Atkinson Stephen
- Peacock James
- Reynard Benj.
- Crabtree Joshua
- Taylor Martin
- Ambler J. and Son
- Beck Thomas
- Bell Jeremiah
- Brown John
- Brown Wm.
- Gill Thos. & Sons
- Goldsborough Rhd.
- Goldsborough Wm.
- Hardacre Mark
- Holmes & Schofield
- Homes John
- Mawson John
- Thompson James
- Wadsworth John
- Woodhead Joseph
- Samuel Taylor, to Bradford, every Tuesday.
- Thomas Taylor, to Leeds, Tu. & Sat.
Transcript of the entry of 'professions and trades'
for BRAMHOPE in Baines's Directory and Gazetteer Directory of 1822.
Gentry &c.: - Ashley Richard, gentleman
- Baron Michael, joiner & carpenter
- Baron Thomas, jun. cabinet maker
- Bentley Samuel, parish clerk
- Cawthra William, tailor
- Dacre John, boot & shoe maker and collector of taxes
- Driver Christopher, gentleman
- Driver John, gentleman
- Freeman Joseph, stone mason
- Manby Rev. Aaron, incumbent
- Midgley John, maltster
- Phibas John, shoe maker
- Rhodes Wm. Esq. Bramhope hall
- Upton T. E. Esq. solicitor
- Waddington John, wool comber
- Wade Thomas, corn mercht. & miller
- Walker John, gentleman
- Walker John, jun. wool comber
- Walker William, victualler, & butcher Fox and Hounds
- Watson John, blacksmith
Transcript of the entry of 'professions and trades'
for BURLEY in Baines's Directory and Gazetteer Directory of 1822.
Gentry &c.: - Atkinson Thomas, surgeon
- Baldwin Benjamin, worsted manufr.
- Barstow Rev. Francis
- Brumfit John, wheelwright
- Brumfit Wm. victualler, Red Lion
- Demaine William
- Dixon George, cattle dealer
- Fairbank Joseph
- Fawcett James, vict. Queen's Head
- Fawcett Stphn. overseer & constable
- Gill Thomas, schoolmaster
- Greenwood & Whitaker, cotton sprs.
- Hodgson William, stone mason
- Hudson John, wheelwright
- Jennings James, corn dealer
- Lupton John, butcher
- Rhodes Samuel, corn dealer
- Shiletoe M. maltster & lathe dlr.
- Smith John, solicitor; office, Otley
- Stead Joseph, vict. Malt Shovel
- Wade Wm. grocer & flour dealer
- Walker J. S. grocer & flour dealer
- Whitaker Thos. grocer & flour dealer
- Whitehead Ann, tanner
- Whittaker Jonas, cotton spinner
- Wilks Smithson, gentleman
- Wilson Rev. T. F. lord of the manor
- Wood & Co. grocers and tea dealers
Transcript of the entry of 'professions and trades'
for DENTON in Baines's Directory and Gazetteer Directory of 1822.
Gentry &c.: - Fenton Rev. George, incumbent of Denton chapel
- Ibbetson Sir Henry Carr, Bart. Denton hall
- Clayton John, farmer
- Pawson John, farmer
- Petty William, farmer
- Scurrow Wilfred, farmer
- Thackwray Wm. blacksmith
- Warton Wm. wheelwright
- Wilson Wm. shoemaker
Transcript of the entry of 'professions and trades'
for ESHOLT in Baines's Directory and Gazetteer Directory of 1822.
Gentry &c.: - Crompton Joshua, Esq. Esholt hall
- Bell John & Co. worsted mfrs.
- Cooper Miss, scribbling & fulling miller
- Cunliffe Ellis, tanner
- Gill John, worsted spinner
- Nunwick William, blacksmith
- Ripley John, cattle dealer
- Robinson Joseph, steward to J. Crompton, Esq.
Transcript of the entry of 'professions and trades'
for FARNLEY in Baines's Directory and Gazetteer Directory of 1822.
Gentry &c.: - Fawkes Walter, Esq. Farnley hall
- Barraclough Wm. managing farmer
- Baynes William, gardener
- Dunn Thomas, house steward
- Pawson William, wheelwright
- Rawson Wm. carpenter & woodman
- Rogers Samuel, blacksmith
Transcript of the entry of 'professions and trades'
for HAWKSWORTH in Baines's Directory and Gazetteer Directory of 1822.
Gentry &c.: - Carrol George, Esq. Hawksworth hall
- Dean James, grazier & cattle dealer
- Mawson William, blacksmith & vict. Brown Cow
- Milner Joseph, corn miller
- Naylor John, hotelier
- Naylor William, wheelwright
- Popplewell John, corn miller
- Reynard Marmaduke, schoolmaster
- Watt Miles, vict. Gaping Goose
Transcript of the entry of 'professions and trades'
for LINDLEY in Baines's Directory and Gazetteer Directory of 1822.
Miscellany of trades - Gillen John, shoemaker
- Learoyd Joseph, shoemaker
- Stephenson John, farmer
Transcript of the entry of 'professions and trades'
for LITTLE TIMBLE in Baines's Directory and Gazetteer Directory of 1822.
Farmers, - Bramley John
- Dickinson John
- Dickinson John, jun
- Stubbs Thomas
- Ward John
Transcript of the entry of 'professions and trades'
for MENSTON in Baines's Directory and Gazetteer Directory of 1822.
Miscellany of trades - Brayshaw Joseph, worsted mfr.
- Field George, blacksmith
- Hanson Henry, tailor
- Hanson William, tailor
- Haworth John, schoolmaster
- Jennings Saml. vict. Fox & Hounds
- Muschamp John, stone mason
- Riley John, maltster
- Wheelhouse John, shoemaker
Transcript of the entry of 'professions and trades'
for NEW HALL in Baines's Directory and Gazetteer Directory of 1822.
Gentry &c.: - Chadwick John Esq. Ashfield house
- Rhodes Richard, gentleman
- Wilkinson Mary Ann, gentlewoman
Transcript of the entry of 'professions and trades'
for POOL in Baines's Directory and Gazetteer Directory of 1822.
Miscellany of trades - Bickerdike Richard vict. White Hart
- Dinwiddie James, Esq.
- Flockton Thos. paste board mfr.
- Grunwell Samuel, corn miller
- Hartley John, maltster
- Mathews Joseph, cattle dealer
- Millthorpe John, farmer
- Nicholson and Co. paper makers
- Philips Wm. wheelwright
- Raistrick John, Caley hall, steward to Walter Fawkes, Esq.
- Stead Samuel, vict. Moon Inn
- Thompson James, schoolmaster
- Blakey Thomas
- Snell Joseph
- Ramsden Wm.
- Heaviside Nancy
- Perkin Mary
- Hirst Jarvis
- Thompson James
- James Dunwell, to Knaresbro' every Wed, to Bradford on Thu.
Transcribed by Colin Hinson. ©2003