Ripon Directory of Trades and Professions for 1837
Transcript of the entry of 'professions and trades'
for RIPON in White's Directory of 1837.
- The Post Office is at Mr Thomas Procter's, Market place.
- Letters are despatched to the South at five morning; to the North at half past two afternoon; and to Pateley Bridge, &c. at half past seven morning.
The Contractions used for names of streets, &c., are:
- Agt. For Allhallowgate, Bpm. Bishopton, Bnd. Bondgate, Bbk, Beddern bank, Bgt. Blossomgate, Brg. Borage, Cgt. Coltsgate hill, Fkt. Finkle st,. Fgt. Fishergate, Hgt; High Skellgate, Kst. King st. Kgt. Kirkgate, Lgt. Low Skellgate, Mkp. Market place, Mst. Middle street, Nst. North st. Bng, Bondgate green, Odp. Old Market place, Ppl. Providence place, Pst. Park st. Pin. Priest lane, Qsr. Queen street, Sgt. St. Agnesgate, Smt. St Mary's gate, Skh. Skell-garths, Skb. Skell-bank, Spt. Somerset place, Stb. Stone Bridge gate, Tin. Trinity lane, Wkt. Water Skell gate, Wst. Wellington St., Wls. The Wells, and Wgt. For Westgate
Gentry &c.:
- Longley Charles Thos. The Rt Rev. D.D., Bishop of Ripon, Bishopton
Miscellany of trades
- Abbott Wm. Farmer, Nst
- Archdale Mr Able. Smt
- Ascough Mr G. King street
- Aspin Mrs Eliz. Wkt
- Bailey Charles, sheriff's officer, Kirkgate
- Barugh Mr John, Lgt
- Bale Rt. woolcomber, Blossom gate
- Bates Geo, organist, Pst
- Beckwith Peter, hawker, Agt
- Bell Major Wm. Park st
- Benson Miss F. Sgt
- Bickers John, tract depository, Kirkgate
- Bowman Mrs Ann, Cgt
- Bowyeres Mr Jas. Nst
- Brizillara Dominico, clothes dealer, Agt
- Brown Thos. acct. Fkt
- Buck Anty. Hatter and constable & treasurer of Ripon Liberty, Fgt
- Burnett W. verger, Kgt
- Byrne Mrs A M . Wells
- Calvert John, chorister, Blossomgate
- Carter W E. gent, Nst
- Cartman James, Agt
- Cartman J. coroner for liberty of Ripon, Bbk
- Caley Digby, Esq. Snt
- Charge Thomas, brick maker, Pottery
- Clark Mr Jno. Bondgt
- Clough Mrs Sar. Mkp
- Coates Mrs Eliz. Mkp
- Coates John, Esq, high steward of the liberty of Ripon, Market place; h Galphay
- Colbeck Misses, Bgt
- Collin Thomas, esq. Barrister, The Wells
- Cook Jno. Boat onr. Kst
- Cook Mrs Eliz. Kst
- Cooper Mrs Eliz. Hgt
- Corney Edward, excise officer, Bondgate
- Croft Rev. Jph. (Ind) Skb
- Dalton Mrs M.M.F. Kgt
- Dennis Mrs. North st
- Dinsdale Thos. Mayor's officer, Kirkgate
- Dobson Mr John, Lgt
- Dobson S, clogger, Bgt
- Dove Mrs My, North street
- Downing Mrs Eliz. Bpn
- Eadson W. cow der. Nst
- Earle Thos. fishmgr, Fkt
- Elliott Mrs, Elliott hs
- Fisher Thos. brewer, Hgt
- Fourness Mrs L. Skb
- Fowler Mr John, Wst
- Freeman Mrs Elz. Agt
- Gatenby Mr Rt. Skb
- Gibson John, Skb
- Gilbertson Mrs. Wst
- Gordon Mrs Sarah, Sgt
- Gowing Mr Geo. King st
- Gowing J. boat onr. Bng
- Grayson Geo. Clerk, Bnd
- Greaves Mrs My. Sbk
- Greenwood Hy. Gent. Sgt
- Grimston Thomas, Esq, West Lodge
- Groves Mrs Ann, Cgt
- Featherstone Mrs Jane, St Agnes gate
- Hague Miss Lydia, Skb
- Hall Peter, tobacco pipe mfr. Allhallowgt
- Hammond T. dentist, Nst
- Hardcastle Jno. & Sml. Choristers
- Harker Jno. Bath. Sbk
- Harrison Mrs. Park st
- Harrison John, Esq. Bellwood
- Hebden Mrs Lydia, Sbk
- Hebdon Mrs Jane, Cgt
- Henry Nichs. Gent. Pst
- Henshaw Rev. Robert, Borage
- Hodgson Miss E. Nst
- Hodgson Misses, Mkp
- Holmes Thos. gent, Sgt
- Hugesson W Hugesson, Esq Bondgate
- Horn Capt. John. St Helen' Cottage, B
- Inman Wm. chorister, Bondgate
- Jackson Thos. librarian, Public room
- Jameson Rev. Joseph, vicar choral and precentor, Skell bank
- Jaques Mr Richd. Skb
- Johnson Mrs Ellen, Fgt
- Johnson Mr Richd. Mkp
- Johnston Col. Rt. Wls
- Jones George Bell, overseer, Westgate
- Jordan John, gent. Nst
- Jordan Mrs Sarah, Nst
- Kilvington Mrs Cath. Trinity Cottage
- Leckenby J. clerk, Kgt
- Lovat James, Gun mkr. Middle street
- Machen Geo., file cutter, Bondgate
- Marshall Mrs Jane, Sgt
- Middleton Miss, Nst
- Mitchell Mrs Eliz. Fgt
- Morton W. land agent to Mrs Lawrence, Mkp
- Muscroft L. cutler, Agt
- Neesom Wm. gent Bgt
- Newsam Mrs Ann, Bgt
- Nicholson Mr Wm., Cgt
- Oates Mr Arthur, Bbk
- Oxley Chas. Esq. Bbk
- Padgett John, Skelbank
- Parker Mrs. Prov. Hs
- Peacock Miss, North st
- Pearson Edward, Cgt
- Phillips Mrs My. Skb
- Pickersgill Mr. Skb
- Pickersgill Mrs. Brg
- Place Mrs Mary, Skb
- Place Misses, Nst
- Plues Rev. W.M.D. Sgt
- Poole Rev. Robert, Lgt
- Poole Rev. Robert jun. Vicar choral, Kirkgt
- Pratt Mr Matthew, Pln
- Proctor William, cattle dealer, Duck hill
- Taw Reuben, gent, Bnd
- Rayler Mr John, Smt
- Reynard Rev. M.M.A. vicar of Stainley, Fgt
- Richmond John, Agt
- Robinson Mrs My. Wkt
- Robinson T B, clerk, wellington street
- Rowe Rev. Saml. Nst
- Roy John, music pr. Smt
- Scatchard Wm. Sgt
- Scott Timy. Gent Sth
- Sedgwick W. stencillor, Providence place
- Sharpin J.H.C. gent. Mount pleasant
- Shaw Rt. gent. Wgt
- Skelton William, coach proprietor, Hgt
- Smith Mrs, Skellgarth
- Smith Mr Richard, Agt
- Snowden W. glover Kgt
- Spence Hy. Special bail commissioner, Wkt
- Strangwayes Edward, gent, Kirkgate
- Sutcliffe Mrs E. Kgt
- Sweeting Thos. policeman, Finkle street
- Stubbs John, bird preserver & Fishing tackle mfr. Westgate
- Stubbs Thos. goaler, Smt
- Taylor Henry, bank agent Market place
- Taylor Misses, Bnd
- Terry Jph. Esq. Mkp
- Theakston Mrs E, Kgt
- Thompson Mr Tr. Bng
- Todd Mrs Ann, Bpn
- Topham Mr Giles, Wkt
- Vest Robert, Gas works
- Waite Mrs Eliz. Somerset cottage
- Walker Mr Chpr. Smt
- Walker Miss Dthy. Skb
- Walker Mrs Eliz. Nst
- Watson Mrs . Lgt
- Webber Very Rev. Jas. D.D. Dean of Ripon
- Wheatley Mr S. Hgt
- Whitesides Rev. John, inc. of Trinity, Pst
- Williamson T. varnish & japan mfr. Lgt
- Williamson Wm. banker, kirkgate
- Wilson Denis, sexton, Court house yard
- Wilson Wm. goaler, Borough goal
- Wood Hy. Esq. Holling Hall. Bondgate
- Woodhouse Mrs E. Nst
- Woodward Mrs Dthy. Qst
- Wray John, clerk of Trinity church, Bgt
- Yale Mrs Mary, Cgt
- Yorke Wm., tanner, Sgt
Marked * takes Boarders,
- Appleby Ann & C Ps *
- Binns Jph. Market pl
- Smith Jno Blue coat, Water Skellgate *
- Carr Hanh. Coltsgate *
- Charnock Rev James, Bishopton close *
- Clarke Thos. Bondgt *
- Gains Isabella, Tln *
- Plues Rev. Wm. M.A., Grammar, Sgt
- Johnson My. Ann, Sgt *
- Metcalfe Stph. Bgt
- Hewison Tho. National, Bondgate
- Kearton Eliza, National, Lgt
- Robinson John Kirkg
- Buck Jas. P. North ldg
- Cartman John (coroner) Beddern bank
- Darnbrough Thos. Nst
- Farmery Thos. Mkp
- Heslop Rph. Wm. Kgt
- Hirst, Hgt
- Morley Rd. Coltsgt hill
- Nicholson Richd. (town clerk) High Skellgt
- Prest John, North st
- Rhodes Quintin, Pst
- Robinson Robt. (chapter clerk) Beddern bank
- Robson Jas. Pickering, Park street
- Shields John, Kirkgate
- Wise Saml. (clerk of the peace) Market place
- Wyche Thomas. Lgt
- Bailey Chas. Kirkgate
- Judson Chas. Kirkgate
Bacon & Ham Factors,
- Lacon Geo. Jun. (and cooper) Finkle st
- Wilson John, Hgt
Bakers & Flour Dlrs,
- Bellerby Sus. Kirkgate
- Leeming Martin, Agt
- Palliser James, Hgt
- Peacock Wm. Old Mkp
- Farrer, Williamson & So, Kirkgate; (on Spooner, Attwoods, & Co)
- Taylor Hy., agent, Knaresbrough & Claro Banking Co, Mkp; (on Barnett, Hoares, & Co)
- Harvey Jno. Manager, Yorkshire District Bank, Mkp; (on Williams, deacon & Co)
- Terrys and Harrison, Mkp; (on Willis, Percival & Co)
- Leckenby Mr John, sec, High Skellgate, Savings' Bank (open Thur 12 to 1)
Basket Makers,
- Bruce Wm. Borage
- Benson Joseph, Mkp
- Daniels Thomas, Mkp
- Banks Thomas, Cgt
- Grayson Edw. Bondgt
- Grayson Jph. Bondgt
- Herring W,. Hall yd
- Pratt Mattw. Bgt
- Spetch Thomas, Bng
- Terry John, Agt
- Thompson W,. Nst
- Whitaker John, Nst
- Wilkinson John, Wgt
- Blackburn Jno (old) Bbk
- Linney John Lewis, Mkp
- Procter Thos. (& stamp office) Market place
- Thirlway Henry (and Newspaper agt) Mkp
Boot & Shoemakers,
- Bell Geo. Beddern bk
- Carter Jph. Skellgarth
- Davey Jane, Hgt
- Deighton John, Cgt
- Ellerker Rt. Skellgarth
- Fairbourne Thos. Nst
- Fletcher Edw. New st
- Fletcher John, Mkp
- Gardner James, Agt
- Gowing Wm. Webster, Westgate
- Gregg Dd. North st
- Jennings Thomas, Nst
- Jones Chpr. Bell, Wgt
- Kay Thomas, Agt
- Lambert John, Park st
- Linney Jas. Stewart, Cgt
- Lowley John, Lft
- Lowley Miles, jun. St. Mary's gate
- Metcalf John, Wkt
- Nelson Lawrence, Wkt
- Orion Chpr. North st
- Richmond Jno. Westgt
- Sarjeant Richard, Agt
- Skelton George, Lgt
- Skelton Rt, Bedderm bk
- Theakstone Wm. Mathias, Kirkgate
- Thompson Rd. North st
- Walls Giles, Agt
- Webster Jno. Kirkgate
- Wood Wm., North st
- Wright John, Spl
Braziers & Tinrs,
- Ingleby Joseph, Bbk
- Lacon Walter, Hgt
- Morton & Kendall, Mkp
- Plummer John, Mst
- Sparrow James, Bgt
- Thompson Wm. Lgt
- Turkinton Joseph, Nst
- Britain Jno. Low mills; h King street
- Fisher and Buck, Hgt
- Gowing John, Kingst
- Lumley Rd. Bondgate
- Sherwin John, Wst
- Blackburn John, Bgt
- Bridgwater Mdk. Wkt
- Chapman Hy. North st
- Chapman Mattw. Stb
- Chapman Richard, Stb
- Clarke John, Agt
- Foxton Henry, Agt
- Foxton Michael, Agt
- Humphries Rd. Bondgt
- Parkin Bartw. Skb
- Tree Isaac, Stb
- Webster James, Fgt
- Bell Jas. (pork) Mst
- Burnett Edward, Bbk
- Butler Richard, Kirkgt
- Dale Chpr. North st
- Dale John, Stb gate
- Ellwood Thomas, Bgt
- Fell Wm., Duck Hill
- Handley John, Fkt
- Hawksby Wm. Fishergt
- Pybus Chpr. Skellgate
- Sayer James, Westgate
- Scott Chpr. Old Mkp
- Smith Stephen, Bgt
- Swales Mark, North st
- Thwaites Wm. Kirkgt
Cabinet Makrs see joiners,
Chemists and Druggists,
- Anderson John, Kirkgt
- Brown Ellen, Westgt
- Chapman Jno. Old Mkp
- Fleetham John Harland, Westgate
- Greaves Rd. Mkt pl
- Judson Thos. Mkt pl
- Scruton Wm. Skellgt
China , Glass &c. Dlrs,
- Gadsby Mary, Mkt pl
- Lowley Miles, Skellgt
- Winn Saml. Middle st
Coach Builders,
- Brown Wm. Blossomgt
- Kearsley Geo. & Wm. Kgt
Coal Merchants,
- Adams John, Bng
- Britain Jas. Hy. Mkp
- Dixon John, Canal
- Dixon John, Bondgate
- Kearsley geo. Canal
- Kearsley Geo. Bondgt
- Leeming John, Sgt
- Peacock Geo. Bondgt
- Spetch Mgt. Bondgate
- Darnbrough John, Nst
- Deighton Chpr. Lgt
- Gadsby Mary, Mkp
- Hindle Jane, Mkp
- Middleton Mary, Wgt
- Rumfitt Thos. Kirkgt
- Weatherill Mary, Bgt
- Wiggles Hy. Kirkgate
Corn Factors,
- Plues John, Skellgate
- Waite Jph. Blossomgt
- Wilson Oliver, Bgt
Corn Millers,
- Auton Thos. Skell bank
- Braithwaite Wm. Low mills
- Gatenby Wm., Duck hill
- Kirk Jph. Bishopton
- Peacock Wm. King st
- Fourness John, Wgt
- Fulford Thos. Westgt
- Ingleby Wm. Smt
- Jackson Geo. Skellgarth
- Morrell Geo. North st
- Pearson Wm. Queen st
Clog & Patten Makers,
- Carter Thomas, Agt
- Dobson Sutcliff, Bondgt
- Bell John, Skellgate
- Lacon Geo. Jun. Fkt
- Poulter Wm. King st
- Addison Wm. Skellgt
- Hughes Wm. Agt
- Ibbitson Fras. New st
- Snowdon Mary, Nst
Marked * are Cartowners and cowkeepers only,
- Atkinson Henry, Bpn
- Beckwith Thomas, Skb
- Bilton Thos. Low mill *
- Dennison Thos. Broadfield, Bondgate
- Doughty Joseph Hoodhole, Bondgate
- Dunnington Mary, Stb *
- Eadson Henry, Ppl *
- Farrer John, Agt
- Gatenby Thos. Chapelgarth, Bondgate
- Ilee Matthew, Agt *
- Kitchingman Jno. Agt *
- Leadley Lawrnc. Agt *
- Lofthouse Geo. Nst *
- Nicholson George, Bnd
- Pybus Thomas, Bnd
- Thompson Wm. Cgt *
- Thwaites T. Low mill *
- Turner Sarah, Quarrymoor, Bondgate
- Robinson Samuel. Lgt
- Severs Thos. King st
Fire Offices,
- Shields J. Independent and West Middlesex, Kirkgate
- Waite John, Royal Exchange, Westgate
- Proctor Thos. Sun, Mkp
- Linney J.L., Union, Mkp
- Thompson F, York & North of England, Mkp
- Nelson C, Yorkshire, Mkp
Flax Spinner,
- Coats Jane, Bishopton
- Abbott C.A. Shell bnk
- Cater Richard, Agt
- Douthwaite Wm. Comn
- Grayson Thos. Bondgt
- Marston Francis, Agt
- Meldrum Wm. Sgt
- Metcalfe Rd. Low mill
- Pouncey Geo. Common
- Strother John, (landscape) Wkt
- Barugh Wm. Market pl
- Britain Jas. Hy. Mkp
- Fall Wm. Fishergate
- Harland Thos. Queen st
- Horn Robert, Mkt pl
- Jackson John, Mkp
- Lunn James, Kirkgate
- Mason Charles, Mk[
- Nelson Chpr. Mkt pl
- Terry Rd. Market pl
- Thompson Thos. Mk[
- Waite John, Westgate
Hair Dressers,
Marked * are perfumers,
- Bland John (& jeweller) Market place *
- Bulmer Chpr. Mkp *
- Harrison Thomas, Bbk
- Jones Geo. Bell, Wgt
- Lickley John, Mst *
- Thirlway Edw. Kgt
- Beckwith Wm. Kirkgt
- Mangle Geo. North st
- Walker Thomas, Mkp
Inns & Taverns,
- Tunstall Thos. Angel. High Skellgate
- Beaumont Thomas, Black Bull Inn, Old Mkp
- Gregg Esther, Black Horse, Park street
- Fisher Thos. Black Lion, North street
- Haygarth Mathew, Black Swan, Westgate
- Spooner Hy., Blue Bell, Westgate
- Fountain John, Boar's Head, Borage
- Adams John, Brewers' Arms, Bondgate gn
- Humphries Rd. Bricklayer's Arms, Bondgt
- Cooper Jph. Buck, Nst
- Sayer Jas. Coach and Horses, Westgate
- Theakston Jno. Crown, Water Skellgate
- Blacker Rbt. Crown & Anchor, Market pl
- Topham Robert, Durham Ox, High Skellgt
- Morrell John, Fleece, St Mary's gate
- Delicate Jer. George & Dragon, Market pl
- Moses Wm. Grapes, Fgt
- Cartman Mary, Green Dragon, Westgate
- Stevenson Wm. Half Moon, St Agnes gt
- Dixon Jas. Holy Lamb, Hgt
- Gearman William, Kings' arms, Bbk
- Richardson John, King Wm. Blossomgt
- Hebden Wm. Lord Nelson, Allhallow gate
- Cundale Ellen, Minster Inn, Kirkgate
- Dodsworth Chpr, Nag's Head, North street
- Mawson Wm. Navigation Inn, Bondgate
- Taylerson Wm. Norfolk Arms Inn, Mkt pl
- Thackwray John, Queen's Head, Mkp
- Cookwood Eliz. Royal Oak, Kirkgate
- Lacon John Wilton, Saracen's Head, Nst
- Simpson Frances, Ship, Bondgate
- Hebden Wm. Star Inn, Old Market place
- Steel Jane, Turk's Head, Skellgate
- Thwaites Richard, Unicorn Inn, Market pl
- Taylor Rt. Wheat Sheaf, Fishergate
- Rollinson John, White Horse, North street
- Binks Thomas, World's End, Stone Bgt
- Nutt Moses, Yorkshire Hussar, Queen st
Beer Houses,
- Adamson Jas. North st
- Atkinson Geo. Bondgt
- Butler Mary, Kirkgate
- Casling John, North street
- Clark Samuel, Sgt
- Harrison James. Skb
- Hodgson Wm. Stb
- Jackson John, Borage
- Kidd Dorthy, North st
- Mitchell Archibald, Bgt
- Palliser James, Hgt
- Parkin Barthw. Sbk
- Pattison John, Bnd
- Smith Ann, Skb
- Temple Thos. New bdg
- Umpleby Wm. Priest lm
Iron & Brass Foundrs,
- Ingram Jas, Skellgarth
- Robinson Edward, Fkt
Iron Merchts,
- Kearsley George, Bng
- Walbran John, Bgt
- Carver Jas. Middle st
- Morton & Kendall, Mkp
- Rayne Wm. Auton, Qst
- Sayner Samuel, Mkp
- Turkington Jph. Nst
Joiners & Cabinet Makers,
- Beckwith Rd. Agt
- Clark George, Spl
- Cockfield George, Kgt
- Cundale Thomas, Kgt
- Forth Geo. Beddern bk
- Forth Geo. Jun. Sgt
- Foxton Jno. Dixon, Agt
- Gowing Ralph, Hgt
- Howell W,. North st
- Husband Chpr, Bgt
- Ireland W,. North st
- Jackman Jas. North st
- Johnson Geo. North st
- Judson Chas. North st
- Kearsley Jno. Westgt
- Metcalfe John Agt
- Moss Henry, Duck hill
- Norman Jas. (& upholsterer) Market place
- Poppleton Thomas, Lgt
- Roy Andrew, Smt
- Whitehouse Thos. Nst
- Wilson My. Minster yd
Land Surveyrs,
- Humphries John (and valuer) Park street
- Mafham Wm. Wkt
- Robinson Thomas, Kgt
Line Burners,
- Snowdon Chpr. Bnd
- Turner Sarah, Bnd
Linen Manfrs
- Horner George, Skh
- Leeming John, Sgt
- Rain John, Agt
- Shutt W,. Allhallowsgt
Linen & Wooln. Drapers,
- Durham John, Kirkgt
- Harland John, Fgt
- Hartley Rt. Old Mkp
- Horn Chpr. Market pl
- Linn Richd. Westgate
- Pickles Thos. Skellgt
- Severs Geo. Market pl
- Snowdon Geo. Mkt pl
- Stevenson John, Hgt
- Turner Wm. Westgate
- Willey John, Mkt pl
- Williamson John, Hgt
- Wright Thos. Mkt pl
Livery Stable Keepers,
- Anderson John, Fkt
- Kitchingman Wm. Agt
- Pawson John, Fgt
- Plues John, Skellgate
- Thompson Rd. Bgt
- Britain Jno. Low mills
- Fisher & Buck, North st
- Haygarth Peter, Wgt
- Lumley Rd. Bondgate
- Richardson John, Bgt
- Ridsdale w,. Wk
- Sherwin John Wst.
- Atkinson Mary, Wgt
- Clarkson Ann Wgt
- Cockfield Eleanor, Kgt
- Newsam Eliza. Nk
- Outhwaite Ann Fgt
- Procter Sarah, Lgt
- Raper Hanh. North st
- Skelton Eliz. Kirkgate
- Wall Eliz. North st
- Ward Ann, Westgate
- Gill Wm. Stone Bgt
- Malthouse Thos. Cgt
- Robinson Edw. Fkt
Painters & Paper Hangers,
- Almond George, Skh
- Burton Hannah, Lgt
- Jones John, North st
- Peacock John, Skh
- Tuting John, Kirkgate
- Williamson Wm. Lgt
- Wilson Wm. North st
- Inglis Jas. Market pl
- Paley Rt. Bishopton
- Timm Chas. Market pl
Plumbers & Gzrs,
- Bater John Johnson, Nst
- Dalton Robt. Kirkgate
- Daniel Thomas, Agt
- Lambert Thos. Duck hl
Rope Makers,
- Cooper Jas. (& sacking) Queen street
- Cooper Jno. Middle st
- Heslop Wm. Old Mkp
- Cuss Samuel. King st
- Dennison Samuel, Lgt
- Downes Chpr. Westgt
- Gregg John, Old Mkp
- Hodgson John, Mst
- Pawson John, Fishergt
- Todd John, Kirkgate
Saddle Tree Makers,
- Benson Chpr. Bondgt
- Benson John, Bondgt
- Hargrave Hy. Bondgt
- Hargrave Wm. Bondgt
- Lowrey Bartw. King st
- Parker Thos. Bondgt
- Anderson Thomas, Kgt
- Bickerdike Eliz. Skh
- Brass Wm. Agt
- Davidson Thomas, Stb
- Dobby Abm. Agt
- Drury Eliz. Smt
- Greathead Mgt. Stb gt
- Gregg Robt. North st
- Hodgson Wm. Stb gt
- Holdsworth Mary, Agt
- King Ann, Bondgate
- Paley Frances, Smt
- Peacock john, New st
- Pearson Sarah, Agt
- Richardson Wm. Agt
- Scott John, Agt
- Spetch Margt. Bondgt
- Steel Geo. Bondgate gn
- Tomlinson Stph. Lgt
- Wilkinson Cath. Hgt
- Wood Abm
Stay Makers,
- Dillon Bartw. O. Mkp
- Geldart John, North st
Stone Masons,
- Barwick Mary, Bng
- Barwick Rt. North st
- King Alice, Kirkgate
Stray Hat Mks,
- Bailey Ann, Kirkgate
- Binks Mary, King st
- Hudson Ann, Middle st
- Pawson Ann, Fishergt
- Raper Hanh, North st
- Tucker Wm. Wkt
- Bruce Samuel, Westgt
- Earle Fra. North st
- Nicholson Geo. Kirkgt
- Robinson John Wadham, Dispensary
- Smith Alfd, North st
- Tutin Stepms. Park st
Tailors * are Drapers also,
- Bateman Jph. Kgt *
- Bater Wm. Bgt
- Brown Wm. Bgt
- Chapman John, Smt
- Clarke Jno. North st
- Clifford Jno. North st
- Darnbrough Wm. Bgt
- Geldart Joseph, Hgt
- Hardcastle Saml Bbk
- Heath Rt. Middle st
- Hulm Wm. Beaumont, Blossomgate
- Ingram Rt. Finkle st
- Lofthouse Mark, nst
- Longthorn Geo. Wgt
- Lupton Henry, Nst
- Marshall J M. Smt
- Metcalfe Bartw. Nst
- Metcalfe Edw. Nst
- Rumfitt Thomas, Spl
- Rutter Richard, Smt
- Rutter Thomas, Stb
- Rutter Wm. Kirkgt*
- Snowden Peter, Kst
- Squire Jno. & Jonth. Nst
- Vant George, Agt
- Vant Richd. Skellgate
- Wright Geo. Bondgate
Tallow Chandlers,
- Hebden Brain Westgt
- Metcalfe John, Agt
- Vant Jas. Fishergate
Tea Dealers,
- Bacon Jno. Westgate
- Bussey Geo. Park st
- Marshall Sarah, Mst
- Stevenson H. Mst
Timber Merts,
- Dobson Sutcliffe, Bng
- Hargrave Hy. Bondgt
- Robinson John, Bng
- Davidson Thomas, Stb
- Forster Chpr. Wgt
- Myers Dd. (dish) Agt
- Myers Wm. (dish) Stb
- Pennington James, Qst
Veterinary Surgeons,
- Emmerson John, Qst
- Pratt Peter, Bgt
- Rawling John, Cgt
Watch Makers,
- Blakeborough Hy. Mkp
- Burlinson Hy. Old Mkp
- Carter Henry, Mkp
- Smith Geo. Beddern bk
- Whitehead Chpr. Bgt
- Croft Thos. Bondgate
- Gill William, Agt
- Rumfitt John, Bgt
- Severs John, Bng
- Snowden Andw. Bondgt
- Wright Wm. Nst
- Addison John, Hgt
- Carver Jas. Middles st
- Clarke Wm. North st
- Smith Robt. Mkp
- Wright Wm. Kirkgate
Wine and Sprit Merchants,
Marked * are Spirit & Porter merchants only,
- Clark Wm. North st
- Coverdale Wm. Wgt *
- Farrer Wm. North st
- Heslop Ralph, Park st
- Kilburn John, Bgt *
- Norton Geo. North st
- Parker Edward, Nst *
- Parker Francis, Nst
- Stevenson Handley, Middle street *
- Wright Thos. Mkp
Marked * go from the Black Bull, + from the Unicorn and # from the Wheat Sheaf.
- Courier, to Darlington, 1/2p 5 evg and to Leeds, 9mg * Union to Leeds 7 mg #
- Highflyer, to Middleham & Leyburn, Tu. Th. & Sat. 1/2p 5 aft & to York, M. W. & F. 1/2p 9 mg*
- Telegraph, to Leeds, 1/2p 12 noon; and to Newcastle, 2 aft +
- A coach to Redcar, during the season, at 9 morning
Marked 1 stop at the Black Bull. 2 Buck; 3 Durham Ox; 4 Crown; 5 Queen's Head; and 6 White Horse,
- Blackburn T to Barnard Castle, M & Thu. Agt
- Pearson E. to Bedale, Tu and to Thirsk &c. Mon & Thurs, Cgt
- Exley C to Bradford W 12; & to Bedale F. 3
- Pattinson W. to Cracoe, Sat 9. 2
- Hardisty W. to Fewston Thu 4. 4
- Blackburn J, to Grewelthorp, M. th & S. 1. 5
- Tarran G. to Knaresbro' Thurs. 4. 1
- Pickersgill C. to Leeds 1
- Pearson E, to Leeds daily, Cgt
- Richmond J. to Leeds. T. Th. & S. Agt
- Collin Rt. to Leyburn, W 2
- Nelson J. to Masham Wednesday 3. 1
- Bowes J. to Middleham Saturday. 6
- Close J. to Reeth, W9. 6
- Gatenby W. to Richmond 6
- Blackburn J. to Richmond Thursday. 5
- Todd J to Tanfield S. 5
- Dunnington Thos. to York Tues 5, Agt
Water Carriage
- Wood A. Wharfinger
- Keddy & Co
- Scatchard Wm. Fly boats to Hull &C. Geo Bussey and Thos Wright agents
Transcript of the entry of 'professions and trades'
for PATELEY BRIDGE in White's Directory of 1837.
- In the following Directory of Pateley Bridge and the detached parts of High and Low Bishopside, those marked 1 reside at Church Green; 2, Cragg-house; 3, Fellbeck; 4, Fell Beck-houses; 5, Glass house hill; 6, Kiln; 7, Knot; 8, Low Bishopside; 9, Low plain; 10, Rakes; 11, Smelthouse; 12, White houses; 13, Wilsill; 14, at scattered houses in High Bishopside; 15, Wath; and 16, at Yeadon. The others are in the Town.
Miscellany of trades
- Bradberry Jph. Plumber, glazier, &c
- Clark Jph. Clog & Patten maker
- Coventry Richard, tanner 13
- Holgate Rev. Ralph. (Ind.) superintendent registrar and
- bdg academy
- Hunter Michael, fellmonger 14
- Kaberry & Son, spirit merchants
- Kettlewell Thomas. Gentleman
- Metcalf Thomas, flour dealer
- Ragg John, Assistant overseer
- Stoney Joseph, gentleman
- Stoney Rev. Thos. Umfreville, M.A
- Sugden Rev. James, (Methodist)
- Swire John, chapel clerk 13
- Thackrey Edward, currier
- Todd Joseph, millwright 9
- Topham Richard, auctioneer
- Varty John, hair dresser
- Weahterhead Wm. bookbinder
- Webster Henry, druggist
Inns and Taverns,
- Groves George, Bay Horse
- Greetham William, Birch Inn, 11
- Steel George, Black Bull
- Dunn Elizabeth, Crown Inn
- Craven Robert, Crown, 15
- Dawson William, George Inn
- Park Thomas, Half Moon, 3
- Wood Sarah, King's Arms
- Knowles James, Miner's Arms
- Beardy John, Pitcher & Glass 3
- Dickinson Jno. Shoulder of Mutton
- Topham Richard, Star
- Holgate Rev. Rph
- Scaife John
- Wetherhead Peter 10
- Haxby Fras. 13
- Loocock Lofths.
- Robinson John
Beer Houses,
- Dougill Thos.
- Dougill Wm. 8
- Fawcett Thos. 13
- Holdsworth W.
- Longstaff Thos.
- Inman James 11
- Lowcroft Jph. 11
Boot & Shoemakers,
- Bell James 13
- Cowley John 3
- Horner John 13
- Leek John
- Lofthouse Isc. 9
- Paley George
- Parkinson Thos.
- Pickersgill Jph.
- Thorp William
- Groves Geo. (& nail mfr.)
- Metcalfe Jno. & G
- Calvert James
- Greetham John
- Horsman Fras. 13
- Norris Peter 14
- Summers Jph
Corn Millers,
- Allanson Wm. 4
- Hallewell Jph. 5
- Ingleby John
- Allanson Benj. And John 4
- Allison Fras. 3
- Barker Anthy. 14
- Busfield Enoch
- Busfield Jas. 9
- Chapman Hy. 2
- Chapman T 12
- Cowley Thos. 13
- Craven Wltr. 15
- Feasby John 3
- Geldart Wm. 12
- Gill Solomon 3
- Grange Wm. 12
- Greetham Jas. 8
- Greetham Jph. 8
- Greetham Nin. 11
- Hannam Wm. 14
- Heaps John 8
- Holdsworth Jph
- Kirkby John 3
- Layfield George
- Longster Smn. 14
- Longster Widow 16
- Lupton Thos. 6
- Lupton Wm. 14
- Metcalfe Ptr. 5
- Morley Rt. 6
- Norris Wm. 15
- Pawson Henry 8
- Pawson Michl. 8
- Pawson Michl. 6
- Procter Chpr. 14
- Procter Ninian 6
- Richmond W 1
- Swales John 12
- Teasdale Wm. 12
- Tennant Jas. 14
- Thorp Fras. 13
- Walker Roger 14
Flax Spinners,
- Kirkby Hy. 11
- Kirkby John 11
- Metcalfe John and George 5
Grocers & Drapers,
- Ashworth John
- Bland Walter 11
- Cock James
- Gill Jph. (and registrar)
- Harker Rt. (and spirit dealer)
- Horner Joseph
- Jackson Thos. 3
- Kaberry Wm
- Lewis John
- Newbould Mttw
- Pullan Eliz
- Spence Joseph, (tea dealer)
- Swales John 3
- Taylor Joseph, (win. Draper)
- Thackrey John
- Weatherhead James 12
Hat Manufrs,
- Sinkler John
- Sinkler Mary
- Bradbury Jph.
- Snow Richard
- Taylor Jph. (& stationer)
- Atkinson Chpr. 13
- Grange Margt
- Hall David
- Lupton John 14
- Walker Wm. 6
- Wilson Wm
- Wood Mttw. 3
Linen Manufrs,
- Hulley Thos. 8
- Kirkby Hy. 11
- Topham Thos. 12
- Busfield James
- Thackrey John
Stone Masons,
- Cowling Wm. 9
- Dougill Geo. 3
- Dougill Haxby 2
- Dougill Thos
- Dougill Wm. 8
- Gill Edward
- Paley Wm
- Proctor Fras
Stone Quarry Owners,
- Dougill Thirkhill, Mount Pleasant
- Knowles Geo. Farfield
- Proctor & Ashworth, Bruce house Quarry
- Clarkson Thos
- Warburton Jph
- Carling John
- Curry Mttw
- Holdsworth Thos
- Joy Michael
- Rogers John, (& draper)
Tallow Chandlers,
- Ragg Jacob
- Wood John
Timber Merchants,
- Snow Richard
- Taylor Joseph
- Harker Nathl
- Snow Richard
- Hammond Jno. (Kings Arms) to Middlesmoor, Tues & Saturday
- Whitaker Stephen, (Crown) to Skipton, &c. Tuesday & Saturday
- Yates J. & G. from High Bishopside, to Leeds, Monday & Thursday
Transcribed by Susan Johnson. ©2000