Rotherham Directory of Trades and Professions for 1837
Transcript of the entry of 'professions and trades'
for ROTHERHAM in White's Directory of 1837.
- Post Office, High street, Mrs Martha Wilson, Post Mistress
- Letters are despatched to London and the South and East, at half past nine morning, and arrive at three afternoon, by the Louth and Sheffield Mail - To Sheffield and the West at one afternoon, and arrive at three afternoon by the Doncaster Mail Gig, which conveys Letters for the North.
- The Contractions used for Names of streets are, Bgt, for Bridgegate; Chst, Church street; Cfts, Crofts; Clst, College street; Dgt, Doncaster gate; Hst, High street; Mkp or Mkt pl, Market place; Mgt, Millgate; Msb, Masbro'; Tln, Talbot lane; Wlgt, Wellgate; Wsgt, Westgate; W end for West end; and Pln or Pigeon lane.
- Comprising the Addresses of Gentry, Clergy, Partners in firms, and others not arranged under the classification of Trades and Professions.
- Allen Rev. Jas (Met min) Talbot lane
- Allwood Jonathan, gent. Masbro'
- Ashley Wm. joiner, Talbot lane
- Atha Rd. book keeper, Water lane
- Awburn Joe, clerk, college street
- Badger Thomas, gent, South terrace
- Bagley James, cowkeeper, Masbro
- Bagley Jph, cowkeeper, Masbro
- Bagshaw Ts. Westgate
- Bakewell W & Thompson W, brush mfrs, Wsgt
- Baley G, cowkeeper, Masbro com
- Baley Jph, farmer, Masbro com
- Barnsley Mrs Susana, Westgate
- Barras John, clerk, West end
- Bartholomew C, engineer, Westgate
- Beatson John, manfg. Chemist; h Masbro hall
- Beatson Mr Thomas, Wheat hill
- Beatson Wm. chemist; h Masbro
- Beckwith Mr Hercules Mangbysse, High street
- Bellamy Wm. cowkpr Moor cottage
- Bennett Miss Henriette, Masbro
- Bennett Hy. Cowkpr, Pigeon lane
- Blackley Rev. Thos. M A Vicarage
- Bland John, constable and inspector of weights & measures,
- for the Upper division of Strafforth & Tickhill Wellgate
- Blocksage Jph, brick mkr, Masbro
- Brettell Rev. Jacob (Unita) Crofts
- Brown Mrs Eliz, Westgate
- Burrows Wm. supervisor, Talbot ln
- Cavill Mr Ebenezer, Masbro
- Cawthorne, Mrs Margt. Market pl
- Challenger Mrs Ann, West end
- Chappel Mr George, Wellgate
- Clark John G, glass mfr; h Masbro
- Clark Saml. Iron master; h Masbro
- Clarke John, land surveyor Wellgate
- Clarke Misses Sarah & Jane, Wsgt
- Close Wm. glass mfr; h Masbro
- Cooper Jph coal viewer, Parkgate
- Copeland John, agent to the Don Navigation Company, Masbro
- Cowen Thomas, draper, h High St
- Crawshaw Mrs Eliz. South terrace
- Crookes Mrs Eliz. Wellgate terrace
- Crowder Jas. Farmer, College street
- Dean Geo., spadeshaft mfr. Doncaster gt
- Didsbury Rd. gent. Westend
- Downes Wm. fellmonger, Masbro
- Drabble John, traveller, Wellgate
- Dyson George, clerk, Masbro
- Dyson Wm. clerk Masbro
- Elliott Mrs Amelia, Masbro
- Ellis Jas. Farmer, Holmes hall
- Favell Miss Elizabeth, Prospect pl
- Ferris Miss Julia, Clifton cottage
- Fisher John, High constable of the Upper division of
- Strafforth and Tickhill, Clifton
- Fleck Fdk. Iron mert; h Masbro
- Fleck Misses Har & Emma Masbro
- Gibson Miss Bethia, Masbro
- Glossop William, gent, Masbro hall
- Goodall Geo, car owner, Wellgate
- Goodall John, apothecary and sec Dispensary, College street
- Greaves Benjamin, town crier, Westgt
- Greaves Mr Charles Westgate
- Greening Mr Benj. Pigeon lane
- Hague Joseph, wireworker, Church St
- Hague Wm., car owner, Westgate
- Harrison Mrs Ann. Wellgt terrace
- Harrison Mrs Frances Ann Wellgt
- Hattersley Mrs Mary, Doncaster gt
- Hawley Mrs Mary, Masbro
- Heap Chpr. Woollen mfr, Masbro
- Heseltine E J, bank manager, High St
- Heward Joshua cowkeeper, Millgate
- Higgs Mrs Mary, Doncaster gate
- Hill Benj, trunk maker, Market pl
- Hinchliffe Chas. comb mfr, Masbro
- Hinchliffe Jph bookbinder; h Vicar ln
- Hobson Mr George, Millgate
- Holdsworth carter, wine mert, Mkpl
- Holdsworth Hy,. Manager Gas works
- Hopkins Mrs Esther, Welgate
- Hounsfield Mrs Sarah, Masbro
- Hudson John and Joseph, sheriff's officers, College street
- Hudson Jas. Patten maker, Bridge St
- Humphreys John cowkpr, Masbro
- Jackson George, clerk Westgate
- Jenkinson Samuel, leasee of market tolls, Wellgate
- Jessop Wm. parish clerk, Market pl
- Johnson Ts. flax spinner; h Westgt
- Jowett John, book keeper, Masbro
- Keckwick John, agent Masbro
- Knowles Geo. Iron master, Masbro
- Lacey Miss Sarah, Westgate
- Leesley Mrs Sarah, Westgate
- Lilley Jas. Steel manfr; h Masbro
- Linfield Ralph, vestry clerk, ad gov of workhouse, Crofts
- Makin Mrs Sarah, Masbro
- Marshall Rt. car owner, Westgate
- Minors Mrs Mary, Westgate
- Moorhouse Jonas, swine dealer Eastwood lane
- Nadin Miles , pinder, Westgate
- Needham Mary, sexton and music dealer, Bridgegate
- Nightingale John, wine merchant; h West St
- Nightingale Miss Sarah, South ter
- Norman Mrs Lydia, College street
- Outram Geo. Horse dealer, Crofts
- Pagdin Edw. cashier for the cattle market and valuer, Crofts
- Pagdin Mr Edw. jun, Westgate
- Reed Mr John, Old Holland
- rising Rd. clerk to Gas and Water works, Crofts
- Roadhouse Miss Har. Eliz. Wellgate
- Robinson Jno. turner; h Masbro
- Robinson Mr Nathl. Masbro moor
- Robinson William, excise, Crofts
- Rodgers Mrs Eliz. Bridgegate
- Ross Joseph, cart owner, Westgate
- Rushforth John, serjeant major of Yeomanry, Crofts
- Sanders Jonth. Mfr; h South ter
- Sandford Chas. Saml. Roberts, iron master &c; h Northfield house
- Shaw Joseph, comb mfr & hardware dealer Bridgegate
- Smith Chas. Pawnbroker, Church St
- Sorsby John, Holmes Colliery
- Sotheran Hy. Cart owner, Wellgate
- Spencer Mrs Frances, Masbro cot
- Spurr Joseph, cart owner, Wellgate
- Steel Mrs Jane, Masbro
- Storey Chas. Bank agent, Market pl
- Stowell Rev. W Hendry, theological tutor, Masbro college
- Swann Wm. ironmaster; h Masbro
- Swithenbank Geo, manager, Masbro
- Thompson Ann, farmer, Westend
- Thompson Benj. coal dealer, Masbro
- Thompson Mrs Eliz. Wellgate
- Tomlinson J. gent, Westend
- Towers Rev. W,. (Met) Talbot lane
- Turner Eliz. Librarian, Wellgate
- Turner John, gent, South terrace
- Turner Mrs J. Crofts
- Turner Noah, glass worker, Masbro
- Turner Thos. farmer, Eastwood
- Wigg Abl, cowkeeper, Masbro
- Waddy Rev. B B (Meth) Talbot lane
- Wadsworth Miss A, Doncaster gate
- Walker Fdk. Esq. Eastwood house
- Walker Henry, Esq. Clifton house
- Walker Mr Jonth. Prospect place
- Walker Miss Mary Ann, Masbro hs
- Wilson Chas. Saw handle mkr, Wellgt
- Wingfield W. brewer; h Masbro
- Wood Geo, car owner, College St
- Woodhead Miss Eliz. Prospect place
- Woodward Thos. book keeper, Park gt
- Yates Jas. Mercht & Mfr; h Croft St
Miscellany of trades
- Classification of Trades and Professions
Academies * take borders,
- Birkett Cr. J. Pool green
- British School, Masbro, John Skinner & Eliza Turner
- Crimes Ann, bridge St *
- Dixon Ann, Westgate*
- Eversfield Mrs Sarah, Moorgate (conducted by Jas.
- Appleton)*
- Feoffee's school, John Mycock, Crofts
- Grammar, Rev. Benjamin Birkett, College street
- Hollis's Charity, Oil mill fold, John Evans and Sarah Ramsbottom
- Townend M A, Talbot lane
- Badger Thomas (coroner, notary-public, and solicitor to
- Ass. For Pros. Of Felons), High street and Sheffield
- Badger Joseph, College street; h Westgate
- Bamforth Jph Mkt pl
- Hoyle W. Fretwell, (Manor steward) Westgt
- Oxley Geo. High street
- Oxley John, (magistrates clerk) Bridgegate
- Potter Jno. W. High St
- Robinson Geo. Church St
- Badger Benj. (& comssr for special bail), South terrace
- Crookes Thos. Church St
Bakers & Flour Dlrs,
- Boulton John, College St
- May Ann, High street
- Naylor Matthew, High St
- Parker Wm. Westgate
- Sales Eliz. Bridgegate
- Turner Wm. Bridgegate
- Sheffield Banking Co. Market pl (on Smith, Payne & Co); Chas Storey, agent
- Sheffield and Rotherham Banking Co, High St (on Barclay & Co), E J Heseltine, manager
Basket Makers,
- Chester Geo. Wellgate
- Needham Jno. Wellgate
- Needham Rt. Church St
- Adams Hy, Vicar lane
- Green Jph, Masbro
- Heptenstall Jph. Wellgt
- Steer James, Westend
- Whittington Sl. Collg St
- Wright Benj. Westend
Boat Builders,
- Chambers Geo. Wilton, Masbro; h Clough
- Smith Thos. Westgate
Booksellers, Stationers and Printers,
- Bagley Mrs, High street
- Brown Jonth, Westgate
- Gilling Michl & Andrew (printers), High street
- Wilson Martha, High St
Boot & Shoe Makers * are warehouses,
- Badger Wm. High St *
- Barker W. H. High St *
- Bellamy geo. Crofts
- Bottomley Geo. Crofts
- Callis John, Bridgegt
- Cox Joseph, Vicar lane
- Crapper Benj. High St
- Cundell Jas. Gas yard
- Foster Wm. Masbro
- Gouldsbrough Jno. Bgt
- Hobson Abm. Westgt
- Langthon Jas. Westgt
- Lilley Geo. Bridgett
- Marshall Geo. Bridgegt
- Newbut Chas. Masbro
- Newbut Wm. Church St
- Newsum Wm. Masbro
- Radcliff Geo. Westgt
- Slack Val. Westgate
- Taylor Jas. Wellgate
- Waites Sar. Church St
- Wright Luke. Coll St
- Wright Matw. Coll. St
- Yeardley Jph. Donegt
Braziers &c,
- Brown John, Bridgegt
- Clayton Edw. High St
- Haggard Rd. Church St
- Bentley Robt. Westgt
- Hill Richd. Masbro
- Singleton and Wingfield , Masbro
- Howett Matw. Bridgegt
- Scurrah Wm. Jph. (furnace builder) Wellgt
Butchers marked * have shops in Shambles,
- Badger John, Masbro
- Barton Geo, Masbro
- Flockton Wm. Masbro
- Gillott Edw. Crofts*
- Gillott Rt. Masbro
- Gillott Thos. Masbro
- Goodwin Wm. Whiston *
- Harrison Geo. Westgt*
- Hutchinson Geo. Masbro
- Johnson J. Quarry Hill *
- Kirk Fras. Talbot ln*
- Kirk Saml. Masbro
- Lomas John, Westgt*
- Martin Geo. Westgt*
- Mills Jas. Wellgt*
- Roberts Jph. Masbro
- Roberts Sml. Pigeon ln*
- Stocks Thos. Millgt*
- Styring Thos. Westgt*
- Twigg Wm. Masbro
- Wharin John, Millgt*
- Wildsmith T. Ravenfield*
- Wilson Wm. Masbro
Cabinet Makers,
- Bell Jas. Wm. High St
- Blackmoor Jno. Wstgt
- Coe David, Bridgegt
- Peniston Jph. Wellgt
Chain Manufacturers,
- White W (&bed screw) Masbro
- Woodger Wm. Masbro; h Doncastergt
Chemists & Druggists,
- Dewsnap Fdk (and dentist) Church St
- Fleck W H & Co. Msb
- Haywood John, Bdgegt
- Laycock Hy. High St
- Newton Jacob, High St
- Norman Wm. (and soda water mfr) Donegt
- Roberton Cornelius, Bgt
- Platt Edmd. High St
- Woodhead John, Hst
Chemists (Manfg),
- Aldred John, Wellgt
- Beatson John and Wm. (vitriol, soda ash, chloride of lime, &c) Msb
Colliery Owners,
- Chambers Geo. Wilton, Holmes; h Clough
- Fitzwilliam Earl Pkgt
- Ibbotson Fras. High St
- Jessop Geo. High St
- Sales Eliz. Bridgegt
- Turner Wm. Bridgegt
- Wortley Eliz. Mkt pl
- Brunt Wm. Westgt
- Fields Wm. College St
- Hepworth John, Mkt pl; h Wellgate
- Joel Wm. Wellgate
Corn Factors,
- Didsbury Thos. Wellgt
- Fletcher Edw. Donegt
- Foster Wm. Donegt
- Goodwin Jno. J. Westgt
- Moorhouse John, Dgt
- Swift Jph. Wheathill
- Wheatley Ts. Water ln; h South grove
- Wright John, Masbro
Corn Millers,
- Hodgson Jas. Westgt
- Jackson Jno. Canklow
- Tasker Ellen, Bgt
- Booth John, College St
- Gillott Thos. Donegt
- Hamlet Wm. High St
- Wells W. Wellgt
- Wilson Thos. Mkt pl
- Wood Robt, Mkt pl
Earthenware Mfrs (see Swinton & Rawmarsh),
- Taylor Jph. Rt & Son, Masbro
Fire Iron Mfrs,
- Nicholson Jsha. Masb
- Sandford & Yates, Masb
Fire & Life Office Agents,
- Atlas, W F Hoyle, Wsgt
- Guardian, J Oxley, Bgt
- Leeds & Yorks. And Law Life, T Badger, H St
- Phoenix, W H Fleck, Masbro
- Sheffield, Jno W Potter, High street
- Sun, E J Heseltine, H St
- United Kingdom, Joseph Bamforth, Mkt pl
- York & North of England, Jph. Bamforth, Mkt pl
- Dobson Geo. Bridgegt
- Fligg Geo, Donegt
- Wood Jph, Donegt
- Wood Wm. Wellgt
Flax Spinners,
- Johnson Matw & Son (and Doncaster)
Fork Manfrs,
- Bennett W. Pigeon ln
- Bletcher Wm. Wellgt
- Hanby Thos. Crofts
Furniture Brokers,
- Cox Thos. Wellgate
- Needham John, Ch St
Gardeners &c,
- Firth Jph, Market pl
- Lister Thos. Wellgt
- Montgomery Wm. Mktp
- Mortimer Saml. Mkt pl
- Oxley John, High St
- Worstenholme T. Wellgt
Glass Manfrs,
- Booth & Blunn, Catcliffe
- Close & Clark, Masbro
Glass, China and Earthenware dealers,
- Adams Wm. Westgate
- Greenwood John, Wsgt
- Hill Benj. Market pl
- Johnson Thomas, Dgt
marked * are tallow Chandlers and + bacon and cheese factors also
- Adams John, High St
- Bagnall Wm. Masbro+
- Bingley Wm. High St
- Calton Jane & Co Bgt
- Crossby Wm. Bgt
- Goodwin Jno. Jas. Wsgt
- Jubb Thos. Bgt * +
- Nightingale C. Wsgt *
- Pullin Henry, Bgt
- Rhodes Rd. Masbro *
- Smith Jph. Masbro
- Tomlinson Henry, Msb
- Townend Joe. Coll St
- Turner Wm. Bridge gate
- Whittles John, Wsgt +
- Wigfield Mary & Son, High St*
Hair Dressers,
- Bellamy Rd, Bgt
- Crookes Thos. Ch St
- Evans John, High St
- Goodier Rd. John Clst
- Hague Wm. (perfumer) Church St & Bgt
- Oldfield Matilda (perfumer) High St
Hatters - marked * mfrs,
- Barker W. H. High St
- Crossby Benj. H St
- Dobbs John, West gate
- Gillatt Thos. Wsgt *
- Hauge Wm. Ch St*
- Robinson Rd. High St
- Sellars Joe, Ch St*
- Turton Jas. Wsgt*
Hosiers &c,
- Barker Wm. Hy. Hst
- Brown Rebecca, Hst
- Creswick Mary, Hst
- Richardson Wm. Market place & Sheffield
- Rushforth Wm. Coll St
- Sharpe Ann, Wellgate
- Waites Sarah, Church St
Inns & Taverns,
- Angel Inn, Rt. Needham, High street
- Angel (Old) Ann Corbitt, Bridge gate
- Black Bull, John Young, Masbro'
- Black Hors, Ann Nicholson, High street
- Black Swan, Mary Bray, Crofts
- Blue Bell, W,. Perkins, market place
- Boot & Shoe, Elizabeth Wightman, Bridge St
- Bridge Inn, Wm. Ward, Masbro
- Butcher's Arms, George Dobb, Crofts
- Cleaver, Joseph Turner, Wellgate
- College Inn, John Hudson, College street
- Cross Daggers, George Greaves, High street
- Cross Keys, Rd. Rising, Crofts
- Crown Inn, (commerl & post house) Jonathan Shaw, High street
- Crown & Anchor, Wm. Horner, Masbro
- Cutlers' Arm's, Benjamin Flockton, Westgate
- Dusty Miller, T Alwood, Westend
- Elephant & Castle, Saml. Goodall, High St
- Fitzwilliam's Arms, Jph Cooper, Parkgate
- George Inn, Jph. Hobson, Parkgate
- Grapes, Sarah Hobson, Crofts
- Greyhound, Wm. Twigg, Masbro
- King's Arms, J Hunter, Doncaster gate
- Mail Coach, Eml. Jarvis, Wellgate
- Nag's Head, J Taylor, Market place
- Old Ring of Bells, Ann Kirk, Church St
- pack Horse, Wm. Babb, Doncaster gate
- Plough, Ts. Shaw, Msb
- Rd Bar, Jph, Cooke, Bridge gate
- Red Bull, Wm. Smith, Masbro
- Red Lion, Ts. Knowlson, Bridge gate
- Royal Oak, Mary Smith, Market place
- Ship Frs. Kirk, Mkp
- Ship. W. Horsfield, Msb
- Spade Bone, Bnj. Brown, Masbro
- Three Cranes, W,. Huff, High street
- Three Tuns, W Pearson, Wellgate
- Travellers' Inn, James White, Westgate
- True Briton, Ths. Smith, Westgate
- Vice & Hammer, Wm. Flockton, Masbro
- Waggon & Horses, Mary Crossland, Masbro
- Wellington Inn, Frances Wild, Westgate
- Wheat Sheaf, Jno. Wilson, Doncaster gate
- White Hart, Edw. gray, Bridge gate
- White Swan, Ths. Smith, Westgate
Beer Houses,
- Bagnall Wm. Masbro
- Brunt Wm. Westgate
- Challenger Geo., Wlgt
- Clegg Wm. Westgate
- Copley Jas. Westgate
- Dobb James, Wellgate
- Fox Joseph, Masbro
- Godley George, Dgt
- Gregory Saml. Domini, Well lane
- Harris Martha, Wlgt
- Jackson Margt, Wsgt
- Langthon as. Wsgt
- Marshall Geo. Bgt
- Norburn Chas. Wlgt
- Ross Hy. Quarry hill
- Scurrah, W,. Jph Wlgt
- Steer Thos. Westgate
- Vinter John, Market pl
- Wade Saml. Westend
- Walker John, Wellgate
Iron Manufacturers * are scrap Iron Mfrs,
- Birmingham Tin plate co. Parkgate. Wm. Swan & Jtn Sanders, mngrs
- Habershon Hy & Jph J (rollers and slitters) Holmes *
- Knowles & Brown (rollers & Slitters) Rotherham Iron Works *
- Sandford and Yates, (patent axle's, engine work &c) Phoenix ironworks
- Walker Jsa & Co. Msb
- Bayliffe Wm. Radford, High Street
- Crawshaw Wm. (&Silver smith) High St
- Greenwood John (& patten maker) Wsgt
Iron Bar Merchants,
- Bayliffe W R. High St
- Favell Wm. Westgate
- Fleck Wm & Co (and lead & glass bottle) Msb
- Arundel John, Crofts
- Athey John, Dgt
- Blackmoor John, Wsgt
- Cox Thos. Wellgate
- France Jph, Westgate
- Gee Geo. Oilmill fold
- Holdsworth John, Bgt
- Hudson W,. Bgt
- Jubb Wm,. (and paper hanger) Crofts
- Smith John, Masbro'
- Thornton John, Wstgt
Lime Burner,
- Blagden Wm. Masbro
Linen & Woollen Drprs,
- Calton Jane & Go, Bgt
- Cowen & Dixon, Hst
- Earnshaw Wm. Hst
- Law Thos. High street
- Smith Robert, Wstgt
- Taylor Geo. Bgt
- Bentley Robt, Westend
- Chrimes Edw. Mkp
- Harrison John, Msb
- Marsh J B, Low Ickles
- Marsh Robt, Ickles
- Nightingale Chas, Wstgt
- Owen John, Westgate
- Oxley John, West gate
- Parker & Co, Pigeon lane
- Pullin Hy Bridgegate
- Wheatley T. West grove
- Cromack Mary, Clst
- Cryer Mary, Wlgt
- Fox Ann, Masbro'
- Hague Harriet, Westgt
- Haines Ann, Wsgt
- Kitson Sarah, Crofts
- Rye Ann, Westgate
- Savile F. Wellgate
- Thompson E. Crofts
- Hall John, Masbro'
Nail makers,
- Aldred Hy. Dgt
- Easton Wm. Wellgate
- Favill Wm. Westgate
- Gordon John, Wstg
- Greenwood John, Wsgt
- Norburn Saml, Wlgt
- Wilkinson Jph. Wsgt
- Hague Thos. Church St
- Hardy Geo, Millgate
- Hudson Robt, Bridge gt
- Jessop John, Crofts
- Kesteven James, Gas yd
- Jenkinson Saml. Wlgt
- Leadbeater Geo. Bgt
Plumbers & Glaziers,
- Binks Ts. (& gas fitter), Westgate
- Chrimes Edw and Sons, Market place
- Watson John, High St
Rag Dealers,
- Downing Isaac, Westgt
- Greenwood John, Wsgt
- Jackson Abm. Wsgt
- Smith Jph. Masbro'
Rope & Twine makers,
- Green John, Wsgt
- Green Jph. Masbro'
- Hattersley Jas. Wsgt
- Law Richard, Masbro'
- Newton Jph. Wellgate
- Worth Dd. Westgate
- Worth Wm. Wsgt. Gn
- Darwent Thos. Wlgt
- Hick George, College St
- Killner Hamer, Hst
- Mower John, Mktpl
- Smith John (saddle tree maker) Westgt
Saw Mills,
- Hick Wm. Masbro'
- Robinson & Dean, Msb
- Tyas John & Cpr Wlgt
Seed Crusher,
- Parker Francis, Ickles
- Alcock John, Wellgate
- Banks Chas. Wellgate
- Beckitt Thos. Westend
- Bell James, Masbro'
- Bellamy George, Crofts
- Boulton Wm. Wlgt
- Bowstead James, Msb
- Brown Sarah, Bridge gt
- Coleburn Eliz. Coll St
- Clarke Hannah, Wlgt
- Crossby Matthew, Hst
- Godley Wm. Masbro
- Greenwood John, Wsgt
- Harrison John, Msb
- Jackson Ann, Dgt
- Jackson Hannah, Clst
- Jubb John, West gate
- Moody Benj. Crofts
- Morton Elizabeth. Wlgt
- Needham Betty, Wlgt
- Oxley John, High St
- Richardson Chs. Wsgt
- Senior Wm. Masbro'
- Sharp Ann, Wellgate
- Sharp Mary, Wellgate
- Talford John, Bgt
- Tasker Ellen, Bgt
- Taylor Wm. Hy. Wsgt
- Usherwood Wm. Msb
- Jarvis George, Talbot ln
- Jarvis John, Talbot ln
- Walker J & Hy. Wsgt
- Walker Wm. Coll St
Spade and Shovel mfrs,
- Sandford & Yates, Msb
- Slack Thos. Masbro'
- Wragg Geo. Masbro'
Spade Handle mfrs,
- Robinson & Dean, Msb
- Tyas J & Co. Quarry hl
Starch manufacturers,
- Woodhead Rd. Jas. and John, Westgate
Stay Makers,
- Jepson Jane, College St
- Proctor Wm. Wsgt
- Shillito Jas. Dgt
Steel Converters, (Shear Steel mfrs &c),
- Grant Alex & Co. Msb
- Habershon H & J J (rollers and slitters) Holmes Mill
- Oxley Wm. & Co. Parkgate Steel Works
- Stubbs Peter, Rothrm Steel works, (and file manfr. Warrington) J Kekwick manager
Stone Masons,
- Booth John, (flag and slate mert) Westgt
- Dobb Charles, Crofts
- Dobb John, Wlgt ter
- Moore George, Millgate
- Taylor John, Water lane
Stone Quarry Owners,
- Beaumont Geo. Wellgate
- Birks Joseph, Moorgt; h Boston Castle
- Wheatley Thos. Moorgt
Straw Hat makers,
- Barr Cath. Market pl
- Dearnely and Booth, Doncaster gate
- Rowse Ann, College St
- Scott Maria, Westgate
- Sisson Wm. Westgate
- Wragg Ann, Bridge gt
- Copeland Hy. Wellgt
- Robinson John, Wellgt
- Shearman Edw. Mkp
- Wilkinson Hy. Wellgt
- Wilkinson James, Mkp
Tailors, marked * are also Drapers & Clothes dealers,
- Aldred Geo. Wellgate
- Barker Wm. Henry, High street*
- Cowen & Dixon , Hst*
- Crapper John, Chst*
- Crookes Wm. Masbro*
- Crosby Benj. High st*
- Evans Joseph, Crofts
- Gilling John, Wellgate
- Gordon John, Church st
- Hague John, Chst*
- Law John, High street
- Lidster Geo. Westgate
- Myers George, Bgt*
- Myers Wm. Masbro'
- Robinson Rd. High st*
- Brunt William Inman, Westgt: h, Wellgate
- Iredale John and Co, Westgate
Timber, Stone & Slate merchants,
- Gillot George Shaw, Masbro'', h, Wellgate
- Gillot Jn. Masbro' bdg
- Singleton John, Masbro' h The Cottage
Miscellany of trades
- Tin plate - See Iron,
Tobacco manufacturers,
- Wigfield Mary & Son, High street
Turner (Wood &c),
- Gregory Samuel, (iron &c) Park gate
- Lent Geo. (and chair maker,) Bridge gate
- Robinson & Dean, Msb
- Tyas J & C, Quarry hl
Umbrella maker,
- Scott Matthew, West gt
Veterinary Surgeons,
- Bingham Jas. West gt
- Bingham Jas. jun. (and castrater & cow leech) Market place
- Griffith Edw. West end
Watch maker, * are also jewellers also,
- Ashe Edward, Well gt
- Crawshaw Andrew, High street*
- Denton Fred, High st*
- Farnill W,. Mkp*
- Hatersley Isaac, Tln
- Mason John, Church st
- Copeland Jno. Masbro'
- Crosland Joshua, Msb
- Fleck Wm. H & Co, Masbro
- Horsfield Wm. H & Co, Masbro
- Coward John, Wellgate
- Crowther John, Crofts
- Lockwood Rt. Masbro
- Steer Thomas, Westend
- Thornton John, Westgt
- Heppenstall Jn. Mkp
- Holdsworth Wm. Vic ln
- Kimpster Hy. (and boiler maker) Masbro
Wine & Spirit merts,
- Carters & Holdsworth Mkp (and Howden)
- Clark and Nightingale, Millgate
- Pratt, Sar & Co. Coll st
- Taylor George, Parkgt
Worsted mfrs,
- Newbut Hy. Masbro
- Rushforth Wm. Coll st
Coaches from the Crown Inn,
- Transit to York at ½ p 7 mg & to Sheff. ½ p 7 evg
- Eclipse to Doncaster, at ½ p 10 mg & to Sheff. 4 aft
- Times, to Sheff. ½ p 8 mg & to Lincoln &c 1/2p 2 aft
- Comdr in chief, to Sheff. ½ p 1 aft and to Docaster ½ p 6 evg
- Red Rover to Thorne ½ p 5 mg
Coaches from the Pack Horse,
- Royal Mail to Louth ¼ p 9 mg and to Sheff ¼ bef 3 aft
- Union to Doncaster 1/2p 10 mg & to Sheff ¼ bef 3 aft
- Pelham to Lincoln ¼ p 5 mg & to Sheff 1 aft
- Gig Mail to Sheff 1 aft & to Doncaster 4 aft
Coaches from the Crs Daggers,
- Invincible to Sheff 10 mg and 6 aft
Coaches from the Ship Inn,
- Umpire to Doncaster Sat, 8 mg, Sun 3 aft, & Mon 10 mg. To
- Sheff. Sat 5 evg & Sun & Mon 6 evg
- Criterion to Sheff at 11 mg and 6 aft
- Cars to Sheffield every half hour
Water Carriage,
- Don Nav Co's Wharf, vessels daily to Sheff, Doncaster, Hull &c, J Copeland, agent
- Bridge Wharf, the Humber Union Co's vessels to Hull &c twice a week; Fleck & Co agents
- Hanh. Thompson and Geo Taylor's vessels to Sheff and Hull, weekly
- Thos Smith, once a fortnight to Lancashire
Miscellany of trades Carriers (by land), marked 1 put up at the Cleaver, 2 Pack
- Horse, and 3 Wheat Sheaf,
- To Barnsley, E Wilkinson, Pigeon ln & J Handley, Masbro Tu & to Doncaster Wed and Sat
- 1 Blyth, M Kirkby, Fri
- 3 Doncaster, Geo Birley & Jno Adams, Tu Th & Sat
- 1 Gainsbro, Hibberson's waggon, Mon & Thu, 3 aft & to Sheff Wed and Sat
- 1 Lincoln, Wm, Harrison & W Crampton, Mon and Thu, 3 aft
- 2 Pontefract, See Wath
- 1 Retford, Geo Smith, Tue and Fri 4 aft
- Sheffield, Thos. Myers, Bridge gate; John Handley, Masbro; and Edw Wilkinson, from Pigeon ln daily at 10 morning
- 2 Thorne, Mary Jackson, daily
- 2 Tickhill, Geo Malkin; Tue and Fri evgs and A Embley, Wed and Sunday morning
- 3 Wath, Wm Moore, Mon Tue & Thu
- 2 Wath, B Blackburn, Mon Tu & Thu
- 2 York, Thos Dawson, Monday and Friday
Transcribed by Susan Johnson. ©2000