Selby Directory of Trades and Professions for 1822
Transcript of the entry of 'professions and trades'
for SELBY in Baines's Directory and Gazetteer Directory of 1822.
Post, - Post Master, John Clough, Office, Ousegate.
- Briggs John, Finkle street
- Butler Isaac, Abbey yard
- Leaper Thomas Quay
- Turner Rev. John, New street
- Kay Stephen, (to M. Trueman, stone merchant, London.) Thornton buildings
- Lumb John, (to M. Aspinal of Halifax ) Ousegate
- Mowlem John, (stone) Crescent
- Myers Robert, Ousegate
- Weddle Charles, (to the Aire and Calder Company) Wharf
- Richardson Robert, Micklegate
- Welberry Wm. (& chain mkr.) Ousegt.
- Dodsworth John Gowthorpe
- Eaden Thomas, Market place
- Mitton William, Market place
- Parker Edward, Crescent
- Pearson Matthew, Church yard
- Armstrong Charles, Gowthorpe
- Banks George, Gowthorpe
- Burton George, Ousegate
- Chapman George Gowthorpe
- Foster John, (& flour) East common
- Green Thomas, Ousegate
- Rawlinson William, Wren lane
- Wilson William, Lock hill
- Bradley Edward, Gowthorpe
- Burton William, Ousegate
- Ellison Richard, Market place
- Foster John East common
- Gibson Michael. (ship biscuit) Church yard
- Hodgson John, Ousegate
- Lee William Micklegate
- Thurlow Ralph, Church hill
- Walker Susannah, Ousegate
- Schofield, Clarkson, Coates, and Clough, Finkle street draw on Spooner, Attwood, & Co. bankers, London.
- Scawby George, Millgate
- Smirfitt John, Gowthorpe
- Butterworth Matthew, Gowthorpe
- Dillicar William, (farrier) Gowthorpe
- Freeman Daniel, (farrier) Gowthorpe
- Richardson Robert, Micklegate
- Stickney William, Micklegate
- Tune Richard Finkle street
- Wardingley William, Wren Jane
- Nappy Joseph, Ousegate
- Robinson Thomas, Ousegate Boat
- Guttridge Samuel, Ousegate
- Kitchin & Jackson, Ousegate
- Booth William, Finkle street
- Foster Mary, Finkle street
- Arundel George, Ousegate
- Blenkhorn John, Ousegate
- Colinson James, Church lane
- Cusworth John, Church lane
- Day Thomas, Micklegate
- Foster John, Micklegate
- Halliday Robert, Micklegate
- Massey Robert, Finkle street
- Morfitt Thomas, James street
- Obee Abraham, Gowthorpe
- Richardson George, Church lane
- Tomlinson William, Gowthorpe
- Wright John, Ousegate
- Atkinson Henry, Micklegate Shaw
- John, Finkle street
- Bradley John, Ousegate
- Capes John, Gowthorpe
- Foster John, Crescent
- Atkinson Thomas, Millgate Hall
- Edward, Water lane
- Agar John, Finkle street
- Anson Robert, Gowthorpe
- Anson Robert., Ousegate
- Baxter William, Ousegate
- Bean William, Millgate
- Bradley Samuel, Church hill
- Briggs D. J. Gowthorpe
- Briggs David, Wren lane
- Briggs Thomas Market place
- Burton George, Ousegate
- Burton William, Micklegate
- Clarkson George, Ousegate
- Collison William Church hill
- Pool Richard, Wide street
- Richardson John, Market place
- Taylor Henry, Gowthorpe
- Brooks Geo.(& upholsterers) Finkle st.
- Cromack John, Gowthorpe
- Jackson Thomas, Ship yard row
- Ullathorne John Millgate
- Wand John, Wide street
- Proctors & Massey, Market place
- Rawlinson William, Wren lane
- Addinell George, Gowthorpe
- Plowman Thomas, Market place
- Richardson William, Gowthorpe
- Linley John, Quay
- Liversedge William, Millgate
- Farey John, Quay
- Hood George, Wren lane
- Scawby George, Millgate
- Fawel Richard, Crescent
- Palfreyman George, Micklegate
- Richardson John, (corn miller) Millgate
- Blaydes & Gallsworth, Finkle street
- Harrison John, Wide street
- Hawdon William, Wide street
- Adams Thomas, Market place
- Flail Thomas, Finkle street
- Richardson George, Finkle street
- Blades Christopher, Millgate
- Jagger Thomas, Finkle street
- Andrew Joseph, Market place
- Simpson William, Gowthorpe
- Hawcroft Thomas, Gowthorpe
- Hawcroft William, Gowthorpe
- County, John Clough (& stamp office) Ousegate
- Globe, Chas. Plummer, Brunswick row
- Dobson & Sons, Micklegate
- Hawdon & Shaw. Micklegate
- Proctors, Massey, & Co. Market place
- Butterworth Joseph, Gowthorpe
- Farrington Thomas, Finkle street
- Morley Thomas, Gowthorpe
- Brown Thomas, Millgate
- Nappy Thomas, Bondgate
- Sikes William, Millgate
- Barber John, Market place
- Bew Robert, Micklegate
- Bilton Joshua, Gowthorpe
- Bilton William, Micklegate
- Godfrey R. T. Market place
- Green Thomas, Ousegate
- Rawlinson William, Church hill
- Armstrong William, Gowthorpe
- Bennett George, Gowthorpe
- Hawdon Tommy, Finkle street
- Dobson & Co. Finkle street
- Proctors, Massey & Co. Micklegate
- Anchor, Ann Bateman, Church hill
- Anchor, Edw. Wilkinson, Ousegate
- Bay Horse, Geo. Palfreyman, Micklegt.
- Black-a-moor's Head, Richard Precious, Finkle street
- Blue Ball, James Gambles, Ousegate
- Blue Boar, Richard Cliff, Ousegate
- Boy & Barrel, Saml. Coates, Micklegate
- Chequers, William Wilson, Millgate
- Coach & Horses, John Harper, Water ln.
- Commercial Hotel, Ann Hawdon, Market place
- Duke of York, Wm. Dunnill, Ousegt.
- George, Thomas Castell, Gowthorpe
- Grey Horse, Geo. Corbitt, Gowthorpe
- Griffin, John Bradley, Micklegate
- Hawk, Benj. Russell, Gowthorpe
- Lord Nelson, Michael Lelow, Ousegt.
- New Inn, Robert Addinell, Market pl.
- Petre's Arms, Wm. Wood, Market pl.
- Rose & Crown, Wm. Popple on, New St.
- Royal Oak, Archibald Nicholson, Ousegate
- Sawyer's Arms, Wm. Pottage, Millgt.
- Ship Inn, John Tomlinson, Water ln.
- Ship, Ruth Watson, Market place
- Shoulder of Mutton, William Bean, Micklegate
- Swan Inn, Susannah Walker, Ousegt.
- Swan, John Linley, Micklegate
- Talbot, Richard Addinell, Gowthorpe
- White Horse, Geo. Corbett,
- Adams John, Finkle street
- Foster Mary, Finkle street
- Shaw John, Finkle street
- Smithson Thos. (iron-founder) Millgt.
- Armstrong Christopher, Church lane
- Armstrong John, Gowthorpe
- Bairsto George, Millgate
- Dobson James, Gowthorpe
- Garbutt Cuthbert, Finkle street
- Staniland Robert, Church street
- Turton James, Gowthorpe
- Paver Christopher, (agent) Ousegate
- Weddall R. P. Bank house
- Barber John, Market place
- Bollands Mary & Elizabeth, New st.
- Coates Joseph, Crescent
- Godfrey R. T. Market place
- Leethem Thomas, Finkle street
- Lowther Esther, Ousegate
- Mann Henry, Finkle street
- Parker Thomas, Market place
- Redmaynes M. and A. Church yard
- Spivey Thomas, Crescent
- Staniland Ann, Ousegate
- Hawdon Richard, Micklegate
- Holdsworth Benjamin, Church yard
- Wilson William, Gowthorpe
- Bradley John, Ousegate
- Foster John, Abbey yard
- Dobsons and Co. Finkle street
- Procktors and Co. Micklegate
- Bollands Mary & Elizabeth, New st.
- Redmaynes M. and A. Church yard
- Staniland Ann, Ousegate
- Bickerdike Robert, Ousegate Finch
- Matthew, Micklegate Hall John, Church hill
- Blythe William, Ousegate
- Chambers Richard, Gowthorpe
- Breesley John, Ousegate
- Entwistle John, Finkle street
- Isles Benjamin, Micklegate
- Booth William, Finkle street
- Adams John Finkle street
- Rawlinson William, Wren lane
- Butterworth Joseph, Gowthorpe
- Farrington Thomas, Finkle street
- Fisher Thomas and Co. Crescent
- Morley Thomas, Gowthorpe
- Brewer John, Market place
- England Joseph, Gowthorpe
- Gouldsborough Thomas, Ousegate
- Jackson William, Canal side
- Bell Robert, New street
- Bromley Thomas, Water lane
- Burniston James, Ousegate
- Fisher John, Crescent
- Gutteridge Samuel, (builder) Ousegt.
- Popplewell Rd. (owner) Barlby bunk
- Standering Thomas, Church hill
- Staniland James, Ousegate
- Staniland Samuel, Micklegate
- Staniland Stephen, New street
- Staniland William, Ousegate
- Steels Thomas, sen. Water lane
- Steels Thomas, jun. Water lane
- Weddall Charles, Navigation wharf
- France Thos. (wh. & retail) Finkle st.
- Pitt Isaac Burgess, Crescent
- Richardson John, Jun. Water lane
- Staniland Henry, Ousegate
- Clay Stephen, (merchant) New street
- Flint Thomas, Millgate
- Lumb John, (merchant) Ousegate
- Rogerson John
- Cockerill Tamer, Micklegate
- Garland Ann, Church yard
- Hood Sarah, Wren lane
- Addinell Robert, Church lane
- Fothergill John, Gowthorpe
- Shillitoe James, Ousegate
- White Jonathan, Micklegate
- Addy Thomas, Church hill
- Dickinson John, Finkle street
- Hutchinson James, Abbey yard
- Obee Henry, Gowthorpe
- Pearson Martin, Wide street
- Radge John, Dam bank
- Shaw John, Ousegate
- Spears Robert, Ousegate
- Week Thomas, Gowthorpe
- Green Thomas, Ousegate
- Rawlinson Wm. Church hill
- Hartley John, Gowthorpe
- Jackson Richard, Gowthorpe
- Adams John, (& iron) Finkle street
- Twist C. (canvass mfr.) Gowthorpe
- Atkinson Henry Wide street
- Shaw John, Finkle street
- Boraman Zachariah, Finkle street
- Hopkins Charles, Church lane
- Banks James, Bondgate
- Headley William, Gowthorpe
- Clarkson John, Millgate
- Golton William, Bondgate
- Green John, Micklegate
- Edward Popplewell, extra boatman, Ousegate
- Joseph Peal, coast waiter, Ousegate
- Michael Welburn, coast waiter, Ousegt.
- Peter Passmore, principle officer, Ousegt.
- Addinell Geo. goldsmith, Gowthorpe
- Addy Thos. patten mkr. Church lane
- Allinson Hy. millwright, &c. Gowthorpe
- Andrew Joseph ship rigger, Ousegate
- Armitage Mw. sheep doctor, Cowthorpe
- Audus James, gentleman, Crescent
- Bonnell John, gentleman, Crescent
- Brown Mrs. Crescent
- Burnell Thomas, glove and breeches maker, Gowthorpe
- Clough Thomas, gent. Barlby bank
- Colman Mrs. Church hill
- Dobson John, sen. gent. Wide St.
- Dobson John, jun. gent. Widest.
- Dobson Joseph, oil merchant, Millgate
- Dobson Wm. gent. Wide street
- Ellison Rhd. confectioner Market pl.
- Forrestier Rev. John, Gowthorpe
- Foster and Smithson, brick and tile merchants, Bondgate
- Gallsworthy Thos. staymaker, Gowthorpe
- Gibson John, gent. Barlby bank
- Hawcroft Wm. woolstapler, Gowthorpe
- Hick David, overseer Church yard
- Jagger Thos. worsted spinner, Finkle st.
- Mollett Mrs. Crescent
- Moor Mary pipe maker, Abbey yard
- Muncaster Rev. Jonathan, Gowthorpe
- Nicholson Samuel, cent. Ousegate
- Plumber Charles, gent. New street
- Proctor Thomas, gent. Wide street
- Proctor Wm. gent. Gowthorpe
- Reeves Mrs. Gowthorpe
- Savage Mrs. Anne Ousegate
- Shepley Thomas, Esq. Coroner
- Shillito Mrs. Gowthorpe
- Smith Rev. John, Pinkie street
- Smith Mrs. New street
- Tate Wm. near the Lock
- Tateson John clothier, Pinkie street
- Turner Rev. John, Gowthorpe
- Weddall Charles, Esq. Ousegate
- Wharrey Mrs. Ousegate
From Hawdon's Hotel,
- The UNION COACH a. (6 days a week) at 9 mg. from Wakefield, in time for the Steam Packets.
- The Blucher a. (6 days a week) at 9 morning, from Leeds, in time for the Steam Packets.
- The FAVOURITE, a. (6 days a week) at 9 mg. from York.
- The PROVIDENCE a. (6 days a week) at 9 mg. from York.
- A Coach, a. (6 days a week) at 9, mg. from Knaresborough.
- The Hope, a. (6 days a week) at 9, mg. from Leeds.
To and from Myers' Wharf,
- Henry Firth, from Bradford, every wag. at 9, Sundays excepted To the White Swan, Selby.
- Robert Todd from Snaith, arrives at the White Swan, 6 mg. dep. 4 even.
- Scott, Carver & Co. a. every mg. at 8, from Manchester and Leeds, Sundays excepted.
- Thomas Kaye, to Leeds every Monday; to Howden every Thursday and to Pontefract every Saturday.
- Widow Welsh & Sons, a. every mg. at 8 o'clock, from Manchester and Leeds, Sundays excepted,
- William Dove, from Wakefield and Pontefract, a. every mg., t 8, Sundays excepted, ret. same days.
- William Merrington, from York, every Tu. to Thorne, ret, on Wed.
- A Vessel from the New Crane, York, every Mon. & ret. Wednesday.
- Aire & Calder Co.'s Fly floats, a. every mg. 7, from Leeds & Wakefield, r. same days, Sundays excepted.
- Fisher, Fletcher, and Co. fly boats to Leeds every day.
- Messrs. Buckley & Co. fly boats, a. every mg. from Manchester, r. same days, Sundays excepted.
- The Countess of Scarbro' every Mon. Wed, and Friday, to Gainsbro' to York, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.
- The Favourite, Caledonia, Aire, Leeds, and Waterloo Steam Packets to Hull every morning, 9½ Sundays excepted.
- Vessels to and from Yarmouth, London, Lynn, and Wisbeach, daily.
Transcribed by Colin Hinson. ©2003