
Introduction to 'Kings and Queens'


This set of files is intended to present information on the Kings and Queens of England and Scotland as I would have liked it presented to me. Each of the associated files contains a short Biography on one or more people, each of which should be readable and understandable in isolation, given a small amount of knowledge of English History. In order to try to give a little more information, some hypertext links are given to take the user to at least some of the people around the Kings and Queens. I have classified the Kings into "Kings of Scots" and "Kings of England". Kings of Scots implies (to me) that they were just that - i.e. not Kings of England, whereas those under "Kings of England" are those not under "Kings of Scots". I have not attempted to classify the Kings and Queens into "Kings of Great Britain", "Kings of Great Britain and Ireland etc.", but have given these titles where they are known to me.

The information in these files I have extracted from a variety of sources, none of which is less than 100 years old. The biographies written by me end with William IV, and the monarchs from then to the present time have been kindly added by Richard Miller. I am however missing some of the Kings of Scots and would welcome any one who would like to add this information. Hopefully I have put the information together in a way which is both understandable and correct - I am no Historian myself, and so there are undoubtedly errors in the files. I personally have great difficulty with people such as the Dukes of Gloucester (of which there were quite a few), and some of these became Kings (Richard III for instance). In the books I have, the same people are referred in some places with one title, and in others with the other title - no doubt someone will be so kind as to tell me if I have added more confusion in this type of area?

Dates. More confusion here! I have in some cases 3 different dates for some people being born/died, and I came to the conclusion that no-one really knows what the correct dates actually are, though some of the confusion is probably due to the change of calendars in the 1600s/1700s. In general the dates I have given are an average of the various ones I have (the errors are usually only plus or minus 1 year (about 0.1 percent!)). In some of the OCRd parts there may be some dates which have been missed by my slave (sorry, daughter!), in which case the error will be usually a change of a 3 into an 8 or vice versa.

Please notice (as I said above) I am not an Historian and so if you have any questions relating to this subject, and cannot find the answer in the information supplied here, please do not send your questions to me, as I do not like giving offence by not replying, or wasting my time by having to reply saying "I don't know". Try your local library or elsewhere on the web.

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The information on these pages was gleaned from various sources and then put together by Colin Hinson © 1996.

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