"Carmarthen is a Fair & Populous Town, & of good resort; scituate on Navigable Towy, with a very commodious Key for small Vessels. It is plentifully supplyed with Salmon & other Fish, from the said river, and with Flesh, Fowl, &c. from ye Country adjacent, at a very reasonable rate. It had formerly Walls and a very strong Castle which were repaired with considerable additions by Gilbert de Clare, for ye defence of ye Town, which had been often beseiged and burnt by ye Welsh Princes Griffyd ap Rhys & his Brother Rhys. The Corporation (which sends a Member to Parliament) consists of a Mayor, 2 Sheriffs and 6 Aldermen, a Town Clerk, Sword Bearer and 2 Serjeants at Mace, &c. Here flourished ye famous British Merlin ano. 480, who for his Extraordinary learning in those times, and some skill in ye Mathematicks was reputed a Prophet, or Magician." [From Emanuel Bowen's Britannia Depicta, 1720.]
"CARMARTHEN (CAERMARTHEN), a parish and port and borough and market town, and itsel a county, locally in the hundreds of Elvet and Derlifts, county of CARMARTHEN, SOUTH WALES, 216 miles (W. by N.) from London, on the road to Milford, containing 9995 inhabitants. ...The borough, which is of great antiquity, probably possessed several municipal privileges under the native princes of South Wales, who made this place the seat of their government, and these are said to have been subsequently confirmed and extended by charter of Edward I.;... The town is wholly within the parish of St. Peter, to which, by charter of the 4th of George III., the Priory-street, or Old Carmarthen, was united, the whole forming what is now called the borough of Carmarthen. ... The living of St. Peter's is a discharged vicarage, in the archdeaconry of Carmarthen, and diocese of St. David's, ... Of the five churches which formerly existed here, only those of St. Peter and Llanllwch are remaining; ... The church, or chapel of Llanllwch ...: the living is a perpetual curacy, in the patronage of the Vicar of St. Peter's ... There are two places of worship each for Baptists, Independents, and Wesleyan Methodists, and one each for Calvinistic Methodists and Unitarians. ..." [A Topographical Dictionary of Wales by Samuel Lewis 1833]
Dale-Jones, Edna. Daniel Mainwaring, statuary and marble mason: builder of the Picton Monument. Carmarthenshire Antiquary 25 (1989), p. 61-75Dale-Jones, Edna. A portrait of three nineteenth-century Carmarthen families. Carmarthenshire Antiquary 26 (1990), p. 57-71 [Williams, John, of Carmarthen, 1817-1891, Patrick, David James, of Carmarthen, 1822-1899, Rees, William, of Carmarthen, 1812-1898]
Dale-Jones, Edna. Jeffreys Family of Carmarthen. Carmarthenshire Antiquary 29 (1993), p. 73-88
Davies, Florence, and Dale-Jones, Edna. A family memoir. Carmarthenshire Antiquary 29 (1993), p. 89-92
Fletcher, Eric. The Journal of Thomas Rees, Carmarthen. Dyfed FHS journal, Vol7/6 Dec 2001. References to the book 'A Journal of Voyages and Travels by the late Thomas Rees, Serjeant of Marines' (1822)
Huws, Richard E. A history of the House of Spurrell, Carmarthen, 1840-1969. (facsim.) Ann Arbor: University Microfilms International, 1985. 2 v; 28cm.
"Messrs W. Spurrell and Son (House of Spurrell) was a firm of printers and publishers based in Carmarthen, Carmarthenshire. The imprint was active in the 19th century, and was abandoned in 1969. Richard Huws researched the history of the firm for his F. L. A. thesis in 1981." [From Archives Network Wales]Huws, Richard E. The Lawrence family of Carmarthen and their contribution to the book trade, 1796-1940, Journal of the Welsh Bibliographical Society, [1986].
Istance, Jane. The Istance family among the craftsmen and women of Carmarthen. Dyfed Family History Journal 3 (1991), p. 328-9
Williams, Derek. Carmarthen ancestors: the Leighs and their Carmarthen relations. Dyfed Family History Journal 4 (1993), p. 230-40
Details of extant records on Archives Network Wales for the following;
- Carmarthen Bank Collection 1832 "The first recorded bank in the town of Carmarthen was David Parry's Bank, established prior to 1791. At this date it was taken over by David Morris, a Carmarthen merchant........."
- Carmarthen Farmers Ltd Records 1972
- Carmarthen Gas Company Records 1922
- Colby-Evans' Music and Stationer's Shop,[Guildhall Sq] Carmarthen, Ledger 1930-1933
- Commercial Bank of Wales, Carmarthen Branch, Papers 1981-1983 "The Commercial Bank of Wales (Banc Masnachol Cymru) was incorporated in 1971. On 14 September 1983 it opened a branch in Carmarthen. It became the Bank of Wales (Banc Cymru) in 1986,.............."
- Crompton and Co. Ltd records "Street plan of Carmarthen, [c. 1915], showing existing and proposed street lighting schemes"
- D. Jones and Sons, Decorators, [King St] Records [1900]-1923
- Davies, D. & W., warehousemen, Carmarthen, records 1861-1867 "D. & W. Davies were warehousemen, based in Guildhall Square, Carmarthen in the 1860s. .............."
- Railway Letters (Carmarthen Traffic Office, Great Western Railway) 1877-1984 (mainly 1877-1891) "Carmarthen was connected to the railway network in 1852, when, under the auspices of the Great Western Railway, Isambard Kingdom Brunel built a temporary station outside the town on the South Wales Railway's newly-constructed line from Gloucester to Fishguard............................."
- Jones and Sons, decorators, Carmarthen, records 1901-1906 "David Jones and Sons, est. 1845, were decorators based at 15 King Street, Carmarthen....."
- D. D. Jones, The Drapery Bazaar, Carmarthen 1881
- Lark Inn, Blue Street, Carmarthen, records 1958
- T. H. Lewis, Wine Merchant, Carmarthen, Records 1863-1877 "T. H. Lewis, wine merchant, was situated in Nott Square, during the late 19th century."
- William Moss, Carmarthen, Records [c. 1820] "William Moss was an ironmonger, cutler and brazier......"
- Priory Foundry, Carmarthen archive "The Priory Foundry, 110 Priory Street, Carmarthen, was run from c. 1860 to the late 19th century, by Mr T. Jones and his brother, and later by his sons......."
- Messrs Spurrell and Son Printers Records [1920]-1949 "The Spurrell publishing and printing house was founded in 1840 by William Spurrell (1813-89) of Carmarthen who was succeeded by his son Walter (1858-1934)......."
- Waverley Health and Specialist Stores, Carmarthen, records [1916]-[1970] "Waverley Stores was established in Carmarthen in 1847 by W. S. Morris, selling groceries and provisions........."
- Evan Vaughan (Carmarthen) Records 1862-1910 "Evan Vaughan (fl. 1862-1910) was an upholsterer and cabinet maker at 39-40 Spilman Street, Carmarthen ........"
Held at Carmarthen Archives;
- Carmarthen Gas and Coke Company minutes 1841-1870
Dyfed FHS publishes an index to the 1851 census.
Some church and chapel data from The Religious census of 1851 : A Calendar of the returns relating to Wales, Vol 1, South Wales. Ed. by I.G Jones, & D. Williams. UWP, Cardiff, 1976. The names are those of the informants
Parish entry for Carmarthen St David from The Welsh Church Year Book, 1929 (Cd by (Archive CD Books).
Parish entry for Carmarthen St Peter from The Welsh Church Year Book, 1929 (Cd by (Archive CD Books).
Parish entry for Llanllwch from The Welsh Church Year Book, 1929 (Cd by (Archive CD Books).
See John Ball's site Welsh Churches and Chapels Collection for a photograph/data re St Peter's Church
There is a brief account of the history of the church on the home page of St Peter's Parish Church
Various items - on the People's Collection Wales site
- Old Church, Carmarthen
- St. Peter's Church, Carmarthen, various
- English Congregational Chapel, Lammas Street, Carmarthen
- Heol Awst Chapel, Carmarthen
- Welsh Independent Chapel, Union Street, Carmarthen
- Welsh Independent Chapel, Priory Street, Carmarthen
- Interior view of Bethania Welsh Calvinistic Methodist Chapel, Priory Street, Carmarthen
- English Baptist Chapel, Lammas Street, Carmarthen
- English Wesleyan Chapel, Carmarthen
- Water Street Chapel, Carmarthen,.as erected in 1813 interior
Details of extant records on Archives Network Wales for the following;
- Haul, Yr, periodical 1857-1894 " Yr Haul (The Sun) was a denominational and church periodical, established in 1835. During the period 1857-1898, it was published by W. Spurrell and Son, Carmarthen"
Edwards-Beynon, Glyn. English Congregational Church ... Carmarthen: a short history. Carmarthen: English Congregational Church, [1964?] [10]p: ill, ports; 23cm.
Evans, Nan, and Gravelle, Ken. The English Congregational Church, Carmarthen: "this beautiful little place of worship". [Carmarthen]: [English Congregational Church?], [1999?] viii, 73p: ill, ports; 21cm.
Griffiths, G. Milwyn. A Visitation of the Archdeaconry of Carmarthen, 1710 National Library of Wales journal. 1974, Summer Vol XVIII/3. Includes the parishes of Carmarthen, St Peter's and Llan Llwch
Jones, J.T. Cymell y latent powers, 1890-1900. In 100 mlwyddiant adroddiadau blynyddol eglwys Heol Awst, Caerfyrddin: adroddiad blynyddol am y flwyddyn 1990, pp.3-9, Caerfyrddin, (1990).
Jones, M H [Rev]. Dechreuad Methodist Caerfyrddin [ Methodist Beginnings in Carmarthen]. 1908
Llawlyfr Undeb Caerfyrddin a'r Cylch [The Carmarthen District Union Handbook]. John Penry Press ; Swansea, 1965 [ LDS GS 942.9 A1 #4]
Lodwick, Joyce, and Lodwick, Victor. St. Peter's Parish Church (Carmarthen, Wales) Carmarthen: V.G. Lodwick and sons, 1976. 39p: ill, plan; 19cm.
Owen, J. Dyfnallt. Hanes eglwys Heol Awst, Caerfyrddin, (Caerfyrddin, 1926), 102p.
Randall, Alan. The Passionists at Carmarthen 1889-1986: a commemorative booklet. [s.l.]: Congregation of the Passion, 1986. 38p: ill, ports; 15x22cm.
Stephens, J. Oliver. Hanes canrif gyntaf eglwys Heol Undeb, Caerfyrddin, 1844-1947, (Caerfyrddin, 1954), 32p.
A church is born: the story of the formation, establishment and development of Carmarthen Evangelical Church. Evangelical Magazine of Wales 32/2 (1993), p. 2-3
The story of Eglwys Efengylaidd Caerfyrddin: the Welsh Evangelical Church, Carmarthen. Evangelical Magazine of Wales 33/2 (1994), p. 10
Parish registers: Christenings (1671-1923), Marriages (1671-1916), Banns (1823-1915) and Burials (1671-1885) are at the Carmarthenshire Record Office.
Bishops' Transcripts, covering the period (1675-6, 1678, 1682-3, 1686, 1691-4, 1701, 1704, 1707, 1712-13, 1719-22, 1728-36, 1739-40, 1742-3, 1749-63, 1767-93, 1796-1800, 1802-58, 1860, 1862-1901) are at the National Library of Wales, and have been microfilmed by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Copy of the BT/PRs: Christenings (1671-94, 1699-1746, 1748-99), Marriages (1671-94, 1699-1745, 1748-99 Burials (1671-94, 1699-1745, 1748-99) West Wales Historical Records, 7-14 (1918-29).
Copy ts CMB (1671-1799 from WWHR and ts PR M index 1671-1800 are at the Carmarthenshire Record Office.
Manuscript copies of PRs: Christenings and Burials (1671-90, 1699-1812) and Marriages (1671-90, 1699-1754) are at the National Library of Wales.
Copy ts PR index C (1841-51) M (1813-37, 1841-51) are at the NLW
Marriage index for this parish - see Dyfed Marriages, 1813-1837, Vol. 16 - Kidwelly Hundred (Dyfed Family History Society, c1989).
See Bap/Mar/Bur data on FreeReg for
- St Peter's
- Llanllwch
Held at Carmarthen Archives;
Indices of marriage notices for Carmarthen 1857-1859.
An index to Marriages (1671-1837) is included in the South And West Wales Genealogical Index CD-ROM - details under Genealogy on Carmarthenshire county page.
Nonconformist Chapels:
Carmarthen/Caerfyrddin , St David [formed out of St Peter 1844]
Christenings (1841-1965) Marriages (1842-1876) and Christ Church (1873-1971) Burials (1841-1952) are at the Carmarthenshire Record Office.
Copy ts PR index CMB (1841-51) are at the Carmarthenshire Record Office and the NLW.
Bishops' Transcripts ; 1841-5 at NLW
Held at Carmarthen Archives;
- St Mary's Roman Catholic Church, Carmarthen, transcriptions by Mrs C Llewellyn of baptismal and marriage registers 1856-1980.
Ireland, Richard W. Breay, Claire. Hard labour on a hard disk: Carmarthen's register of felons on computer. Carmarthenshire Antiquary 29 (1993), p. 61-6
The Religious census of 1851 : A Calendar of the returns relating to Wales, Vol 1, South Wales., byJones, I.G. & Williams, D. UWP, Cardiff, 1976. These statistics for this parish are extracted from this book which in turn got them from the 1851 census itself;
Carmarthen Castle on Castle Wales
Journey to the past - Carmarthen
Various items - on the People's Collection Wales site
- Various landscapes
- Cambrian Railway. A shot of the tracks at Carmarthen, facing towards the direction of Llanelli.
- Ebsworth Double Decker Bus. Bus Company based in Laugharne and ran regular services from Carmarthen to Pendine, sharing the route with Williams' Pioneer Coaches.
Carmarthen - on Wikipedia
A pictorial and descriptive guide to South Wales: including Brecon, Newport, Cardiff, Vale of Neath, Swansea, Gower, Carmarthen, Llandovery, Tenby, Pembroke, Fishguard, Cardigan, New Quay, Aberystwyth, etc. (4th ed.), London, Ward, Lock & co., Ltd. (1925) 192, 80 p., front., ill., maps, plans, plates.
Carmarthen District Council. Carmarthen/Caerfy[r]ddin: official guide, Gloucester, British Publishing (1982) 76 p., ill. (some col.), 2 maps (some col.) [ISBN: 0714020052 (pbk)]
Hunt, E.C. Directory and Topography for the Cities of Gloucester and Bristol: and the towns of Carmarthen, Kidwelly, Laugharne, Llanelly, and St. Clears [etc.]., London, B.W. Gardiner (1849) iv, 558 p.
Pigot & Co. South Wales Directory for 1830. Here are Extracts relating to Carmarthen parish [with the village of Abergwilly and neighbourhoods]
Pigot & Co. South Wales Directory for 1844. Here are Extracts relating to Carmarthen parish [with the village of Abergwilly and neighbourhoods]
The transcription of the section for Carmarthen from The National Gazetteer (1868) provided by Colin Hinson.
- Ask for a calculation of the distance from Carmarthen to another place.
Details of extant records on Archives Network Wales for the following;
- Weaks and Thomas family, Carmarthen, papers 1781-1957 "Family papers of the Thomas and Weaks families of Carmarthen, 1781-1957, including photographs, 1908-1920; newspaper cuttings [early 20th century]; Carmarthen Burial Board receipts, 1914-1925; ......................"
- Spurrell family, papers 1817-1984 "The House of Spurrell, printers and publishers, was founded in 1840 by William Spurrell (1813-89), the third son of Richard Spurrell and Elizabeth Thomas of Carmarthen........................"
Sundry resources available on microfiche for purchase from Dyfed FHS include;
- Carmarthen St Peters Land Tax 1796
- Carmarthen Aldermen 1618-1843
- Carmarthen Burgesses and Mayors 1631-1843
Huws, Richard E. Olrhain symudiadau cynnar teulu Spurrell. Dyfed Family History Journal 2/4 (1986), p. 19-22 [Spurrell Family of Carmarthen]
Huws, Richard E. Tracing the early movements of the Spurrell family. Dyfed Family History Journal 2/4 (1986), p. 110-3
Jones, Mairwen Gwynn. I Ga'fwrddin Taliesin 55 (1986), p. 61-6 [White Family of Carmarthen]
Morgan,T L. Three came to Carmarthen. Dyfed FHS journal Vol 5, no 4, Aug 1995, p 169-171.[Features Owen Morgan, John Morgan, William Baldwin]
The Black Book of Carmarthen - on the Digital Mirror site
Various items - on the People's Collection Wales site
- Carmarthen market, 1928.
- A view of Carmarthen Market c. 1900
- Carmarthen Infirmary c1905
- The Town Hall, Carmarthen
- Training College, Carmarthen
- Infirmary, Carmarthen
- Carmarthen from Mount Pleasant
- Carmarthen Old Bridge was a seven-arched masonry structure, probably dating from the fifteenth century
- Carmarthen Public Rooms
- Ferry Side, Carmarthen
- Picton's Monument, Carmarthen
- Quay Street, Carmarthen
- The Parade, Carmarthen
- Notts Monument, Carmarthen
- Carmarthen c1910
- Guildhall, Carmarthen.
- Roman Amphitheatre, Carmarthen.
- Flooding at Carmarthen, 1930s.
- Joint Counties Asylum, Carmarthen
- Great Western Railway drawbridge, Carmarthen, opened for inspection by Company of engineers.
- Gwili Weir & Furnace Pond, Carmarthen
- General view of Carmarthen... c1910
- Photographs of Carmarthen, 1900-05 collection
- Reconstruction of medieval Carmarthen, 15th century
Details of extant records on Archives Network Wales for the following;
- Griffiths, C. W., Carmarthen, documents "Printed materials relating to Carmarthen, 1867-1961, including programmes of events, an election broadside, an Indenture of Apprenticeship and other printed material and photographs"
Davies, Alan H. Old Carmarthen. Llandysul: Gomer, 1984. [88]p: chiefly ill; 20x24cm. [ISBN 0863831710]
Davies, John. The Carmarthen Book of Ordinances: 1569-1606. [Carmarthen]: Carmarthenshire Antiquarian Society, [1996?] xi, 55p; 30cm. [ISBN 0906972043]
Dyfed (Wales) Cultural Services Department. Caerfyrddin a rhan isaf Dyffryn Tywi mewn hen luniau (Carmarthen and the lower Tywi Valley in old photographs). Gloucester: Sutton, 1989. [160]p: chiefly ill; 22cm. [ISBN 0862996902]
Hurst, Basil. Carmarthen remembered. Country Quest (May 1995), p. 32-3
Jones, D J V. The Carmarthen Riots of 1831. (NLW's site) The Welsh History Review, iv, 2, 1968
Jones, E. Vernon. A leap into Carmarthen past. Carmarthenshire Antiquary, vol. XXIX, 1993.
Lewis, B. A. Caerfyrddin (1893-1937): portread o dref (Carmarthen (1893-1937): portrait of a town). [Caerfyrddin]: Adran Gwasanaethau Diwylliannol Cyngor Sir Caerfyrddin, 1996. vii, 33p: chiefly ill(some col), maps, ports; 21x21cm. [ISBN 0906821320]
Lloyd, Sir John E., (Ed.). A History of Carmarthenshire (2 vols.), Cardiff, London Carmarthenshire Society (1935, 1939). Extracts from this book can be accessed on some parish pages.
Lloyd-Johnes, H J. Account Book of Thomas Morgan of Carmarthen . the National Library of Wales Journal. Vol. IX, No. 1 (Summer 1955). Here is a complete extract of this article
Lodwick, Malcolm and Edith. The Story of Carmarthen. Carmarthen, 1953. See here for details of its Contents and Illustrations
Lodwick, Joyce and Victor. The Story of Carmarthen . 1994. In 2000 now in 3rd edition which been completely rewritten and expanded.
Molloy, Pat. A Shilling for Carmarthen: The Town They Nearly Tamed, Gomer Press (1980) 201 p.
Molloy, Pat. Four Cheers for Carmarthen : The Other Side of the Coin. 1981 (Gomer Press). 218pp. numerous b/w illus. maps on endpapers. life in C19th Carmarthen.
Spurrell, W. Carmarthen and its Neighbourhood. Carmarthen, William Spurrell, 1879, 219 p. Reprinted: Dyfed Co. Council, Cultural Services Dept (1995) [The main chapters are: Churches and Chapels; Other Public Buildings; Educational Establishments; Walks, Country Strolls and Excursions. However it contains on pages 111-172 a fascinating chronological list of local events.]
Williams, Dominic (ed). Carmarthen. Ottakar's Local History Series,Tempus, Stroud 2002. 128p. ISBN 0 7524 2670 2. Mainly 20th reminiscences of the area. There are seven chapters about the history of Carmarthen and district, rural life, education, health, crime and punishment, special people and places, many black and white photographs.
Documents at the National Library of Wales.
Details of extant records on Archives Network Wales for the following;
- Brunel White Collection of Carmarthenshire Deeds 1673-1891 (accumulated [20th century]) ".....including deeds of the Oakley family of Carmarthen and others ..............."
- Carmarthen King Street deeds 1829-1937 "The properties at 17-19 King Street, Carmarthen, were held by a number of parties during the 19th century. In 1856 Robert Eaton of Brynymor, Swansea, leased a house to William J. Morgan, a currier. Morgan leased 17-19 King Street to William Richard Edwards, a draper, in 1864. Edwards continued to hold the property, called 'The Emporium' until at least 1903"
- Cwmgwili letters and papers "Letters of the Philipps family of Cwmgwili,1675, 1714-1946, many relating to the municipal life of Carmarthen, British politics, Carmarthenshire politics and elections, and to service in the army and navy; journals of Grismond Phillips, 1832-1849, and Cwmgwili estate rentals, 1725-1732, 1764-1772."
- Cwmoernant Deeds "Deeds, 1813-1854, relating to Cwmoernant farm in the parish of St Peter's, Carmarthen"
- Nicholls collection of Carmarthen deeds "Deeds relating to properties in Carmarthen 1820-1903; and solicitor's bills, 1866-1887."
- Brigstocke collection "Deeds, 1813-[c .1870], relating to properties in the parish of St Peter, Carmarthen and in the parish of Cenarth ........"
Aerial photograph of Carmarthen Gaol taken on 24/05/2004 - on the People's Collection Wales site
Parish map(Kain/Oliver)
Various items - on the People's Collection Wales site
- RCAHMW colour transparency showing detail of coloured street plan of Carmarthen town dated 1786.
- Plan of the parish of St Peters in the County of the Borough of Carmarthen; Plan of the town of Carmarthen
You can see maps centred on OS grid reference SN396202 (Lat/Lon: 51.856846, -4.330845), Carmarthen which are provided by:
- OpenStreetMap
- Google Maps
- StreetMap (Current Ordnance Survey maps)
- OpenStreetMap Cymru (Welsh counties only)
- Bing (was Multimap)
- Old Maps Online
- National Library of Scotland (Old Ordnance Survey maps)
- Vision of Britain (Click "Historical units & statistics" for administrative areas.)
- Magic (Geographic information) (Click + on map if it doesn't show)
- GeoHack (Links to on-line maps and location specific services.)
- All places within the same township/parish shown on an Openstreetmap map.
- Nearby townships/parishes shown on an Openstreetmap map.
- Nearby places shown on an Openstreetmap map.
St David’s. Previous Names: United Counties Lunatic Asylum, Joint Counties Lunatic Asylum, Joint Counties Mental Hospital.. Location: Job’s Well, Carmarthen, Wales.
A sailing ship at Carmarthen in about 1900, photographed by John Francis Lloyd - on the People's Collection Wales site
Details of extant records on Archives Network Wales for the following;
- Llanelli and Carmarthen ship lists 1786-1950 "Lists of ships registered in Llanelli, 1786-1950, and Carmarthen, 1839-1849; plan of S. S. Cachalotte, [photocopy, late 20th century]; and tide table, 1882."
Evans, M.C.S. Carmarthen and the Welsh Port Books, 1550-1603, Carmarthenshire Antiquary, vol. 3, no. 1 (1959).
Various items - on the People's Collection Wales site
- Carmarthen War Memorial
- A group of Red Cross volunteer nurses outside The Red Cross Hospital, Penlan, Carmarthen during World War 1
- Monument to the 23rd. Royal Welsh Fusileers, Carmarthen
- Carmarthen Memorial Gallery 1914-1918
- Military unit in Carmarthen Park, c. 1900-05
- War time map of Carmarthen Stop Line, 1940s
Places, villages, farms etc within Carmarthen as shown on the online parish map from the CD of Historic Parishes of England and Wales: an Electronic Map of Boundaries before 1850 with a Gazetteer and Metadata [computer file]. (Kain, R.J.P., Oliver, R.R.). (Extracted by Merv Thomas)
Details of extant records on Archives Network Wales for the following;
- Carmarthen Times Records 1962-1972
"The Carmarthen Times was a newspaper, with its office located at 34 Blue Street, Carmarthen, Carmarthenshire, first published in 1962 ........................ - Welshman Newspaper and Steam-Printing Co., records 1889-1975 (mainly 1889-1937)
"The Welshman Newspaper and Steam-Printing Co. Ltd, in Carmarthen published The Welshman newspaper, launched c. 1830 as The Welshman and General Advertiser for the Principality of Wales. In 1942, the paper changed its name to The Welshman...................................." - See also under Carmarthenshire
Held at Carmarthen Reference Library;
- The Welshman 1832-1945, on microfilm.
- The Carmarthen Journal 1810-1900 on microfilm, indexed for BMD 1810-1855 [ongoing ?]and under a number of subject headings.
Huws, Richard E. Spurrell of Carmarthen: the contribution of the overseers to the success of the printing office. Carmarthenshire Antiquary 33 (1997), p. 115-121
Francis, John L. The Thunderer of South Wales: a history of the Carmarthen Journal 1810-1990. Carmarthen: [Carmarthen Journal], [1992?] [6], 98p: ill, facsims; 21cm.
Guide to the Welsh Periodical Press, 1735-1900. National Library of Wales, 1987.
Various items - on the People's Collection Wales site
- The Carmarthen Journal Mar 31 1810
- The Carmarthen Weekly Reporter Sep 22 1860
- The Cambrian for March 13th, 1824 recorded St David's Day celebrations in Carmarthen and in Jesus College, Oxford.
Various items - on the People's Collection Wales site
- Foundation laying ceremony at Carmarthen Dairy, 1930
- Conti's Cafe at 4 Lammas St Carmarthen. various
- Selling cockles at Carmarthen Market, 1932
- Carmarthen Dairy staff photograph. From a scrapbook produced by P. F. Carter to provide a record of the development of the milk industry in West Wales from 1928-1961.
- Haymakers at work in a field in Carmarthen. Even small children were called upon to play their part in this laborious activity
- The development of the Milk Industry in West Wales 1928-1961 collection
- Farmers in Carmarthen c1905
- Delivering beer and pop in Carmarthen
- Coracle Fishermen, Carmarthen c1911
- The Leader Cycle Works in King Street Carmarthen
- United Dairies office staff, Carmarthen, 1950 various
- Delivering essential supplies in Carmarthen, c. 1900
- Cockle sellers outside Carmarthen Market. c. 1900
- Haymaking in Friar's Park, Carmarthen. c. 1910
Scourfield, Elfyn. Carmarthen craftsmen and implement makers. Carmarthenshire Antiquary 27 (1991), p. 61-70
Various items - on the People's Collection Wales site
- Borough Of Carmarthen council elections [poster]
- 'Welsh Members of Parliament', 1894, This book contains colourful biographical portraits of all the Welsh Members of Parliament elected to serve in the 1894 parliament. They were penned by T. Marchant Williams and the illustrations to accompany them were drawn by Will Morgan.
Carmarthen Workhouse 1906 - on the People's Collection Wales site
Held at Carmarthen Archives;
- Poor Rate Assessment books for Carmarthen Borough 1806-1819.
Carmarthen Book of Ordinances, 1569-1606. Carmarthen borough's surviving records, dating back to the last quarter of the sixteenth century, form one of the more complete series of documents in the urban history of Wales. At the time this book was written, Carmarthen was the largest and economically most advanced town in Wales with a population of about 2,100. - on the People's Collection Wales site
Details of extant records on Archives Network Wales for the following;
- Carmarthen Borough Records 1706-1980 (accumulated 1764-1974) "At the end of the 13th century, Carmarthen was the largest Welsh town with probably a population over 1,000. By 1790, Carmarthen had a population of 6,000-7,000........."
- Carmarthen Rural District Council Records 1887-1979
- Carmarthen Town Council Records 1932-1995 (accumulated 1972-1995)
"Carmarthen was a borough council until it lost its Borough status in 1972 with the re-organisation of local government. It also had a Town Council (with powers of a parish council). A successor Community Council, with dignity of Town Council, was established.................." - Carmarthen District Council Records 1973 - 1996
Davies, J. and Thomas, H.M. Hanes pedair ysgol: Pen-y-bont, Tre-lech, Alma, Penrhiwlas, Llandysul, Gwasg Gomer (1975) 137 p. , plate: p., ill., 1 map, 1 port. [ISBN: 0850882885] [Village Primary schools, Carmarthen (District), 1804-1972]Evans, M. An early history of Queen Elizabeth Grammar School, Carmarthen, 1576 - 1800, [Carmarthen], Old Maridunians (1986) 95 p., ill., coats of arms, 1 facsim., maps, 1 plan, ports.
Grigg, Russell. History of Trinity College Carmarthen 1848-1998 Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 1998. xviii, 332p.: ill., facsims., map, plans, ports.; 24 cm. [ISBN 0708314864(pbk.)]
Grigg, Russell. A Noble Institution; An Illustrated History of Trinity College, Carmarthen. Published by Gomer, site intro; " ..... provides a fascinating visual history of the second oldest institution of higher education in Wales. In 1998 Trinity College celebrated its 150th anniversary and has a proud tradition of teacher education, promoting the Welsh language and supporting the work of the Church. ....... This book will appeal to all those associated with the college, to the local community which has been served so effectively by Trinity, and to those interested in Welsh history in general......."
Jones-Davies, D. Clive. Trinity College, Carmarthen: the early years. In Education, culture and society, some perspectives on the nineteenth and twentieth centuries(ed. Gareth Elwyn Jones). (1991), p. 11-27
Jones, E Pan. Oriel Coleg Presbyteraidd Caerfyrddin 1796-1899 (The Gallery of Carmarthen Presbyterian Collage 1796-1899) published in 1909. Contains student lists with pictures
Various items - on the People's Collection Wales site
- Staff of Girls Grammar School Carmarthen around 1958
- Mr John Jenkins Maths Teacher and boys Queen Elizabeth Grammar school for Boys Carmarthen
- Former Art School, Church Lane, Carmarthen
- Trinity College, Carmarthen
- Pupils at the Model School under the branches of a large Chestnut tree in the old school grounds.
- South Wales Training School, Carmarthen
- Pibwrlwyd Rural Technical college, Carmarthen
- Staff of Queen Elizabeth Grammar School Carmarthen sitting outside the school in Johnstown nd
- Girls at Carmarthen Girls' Grammar School playing tennis, c. 1900
- Girls dressed in their May Day costume, photographed with their teachers outside Pentrepoeth School, Carmarthen.
Details of extant records on Archives Network Wales for the following;
- Noel Gibbard Collection of Ivorites Records 1862-1959 (accumulated [20th century]) "The St David's Unity of Ivorites was a friendly society established in Wrexham, Flintshire, in 1836, by Thomas Robert Jones (1802-1856). In 1838, the St David's Lodge was formed in Carmarthen, and acted as the principal lodge in South Wales.............."
Various items - on the People's Collection Wales site
- Copy of b/w postcard of a group photograph of the Union Street Band of Hope temperance movement, Carmarthen - on the People's Collection Wales site
- Concert for the benefit of decayed harpists, Carmarthen 1819
- Rules and regulations of a Carmarthen Funeral Society, April 1841
- Carmarthen National Eisteddfod Poster 1911
- Interior of the pavillion of the National Eisteddfod of Carmarthen 1911
- 1884 drawings showing proposed new chapel at St David's Hospital, Carmarthen.
- Postcard of Park & Cycle track Carmarthen circa 1910
- A circus parade at Carmarthen 1904. L. G. Sanger’s elaborate carriage drives down Lammas Street, Carmarthen
- Lammas Street. A busy fair or market was taking place in the street when this photograph was taken. This may have been John Brown’s Fair.
- A moment of relaxation in Carmarthen Park
- Trinity College, Carmarthen CC : 1910 [cricket team]
- Trinity College Carmarthen, Rugby Team 1948/49
- A cyclist in Carmarthen Park c.1900
- A hockey match at Carmarthen c. 1900
- The Fancy Fair at Carmarthen, 1904
- Children on the Parade Carmarthen c. 1900
- Carmarthen Mutual Dairy male voice choir, c1932.
- A high wire act in Carmarthen c. 1900
- A hot air balloon above Carmarthen c. 1900
- A circus parade in Guildhall Square, Carmarthen
- Trapeze Artists in Carmarthen Park, c. 1900
- Carmarthen Harlequins Football Club 1911-1912
- Three circus elephants amble down Lammas Street Carmarthen as part of a parade by L. G. Sanger’s circus
- A group of minstrel singers in Carmarthen Park c. 1900 /1905
- An early motor cyclist, Carmarthen, c. 1905
- Rossi and Spinelli Music Machine in the Park, Carmarthen, c. 1900