People G-H
NB. This is an INDEX- the photographs themselves are not available for viewing here.See introduction on first page
Gabalfa Junior School, Soccer Team, ---, ---, 1966-67, XXIII-59 | Gabe, R.T., Cardiff and Wales Rugby Player, With Welsh Grand Slam Team, 1907-08, XII-92 |
Gabe, R.T., Cardiff Rugby Player, Small Portrait, 1905-06, II-116 | Gabe, Rhys T., Cardiff and Wales Rugby Player, With Welsh Grand Slam Team, 1908, XVIII-85 |
Gabe, T., Captain of Cardiff RFC, Team Photo, 1907-08, II-119 | Gale, J., Captain, Mackintosh Football Club (Team Photos), 1894-96, XX-89/90 |
Gale, John, Policeman, Portrait with Son Tony, c1920, XII-180 | Gale, Lauretta, Talygarn Street, Portrait with Sister Minna, 1936, VII-210 |
Gale, PC Tony, Traffic Policeman, With AA Colleague, 1930s, XI-131 | Gale, PC, On Point Duty in Duke Street / Kingsway, ---, 1939, VII-131 |
Gale, PC, Police Motor Patrol, In Car Outside Church Inn Llanishen, 1930s, VII-130 | Gale, Reta, With Inland Revenue Staff, Group Photo, 1948, XVII-184 |
Gale, Tony, Policeman, Portrait with Father John, c1920, XII-180 | Gale, Tony, Telegraph Boy, Portrait, 1916, XVII-179 |
Galleozzi, D., Cardiff & District Darts League, Committee and Officers, 1973, XXVIII-125 | Gallie, Alf, Boxer, With Welsh Amateur Team in Dublin, 1935, XIV-91 |
Gallie, Alf, Founder of Cardiff Gas Boxing Club, Group Photo, 1935, VI-112 | Gallie, Alf, Founder, With Cardiff Gas ABC (Group Photo), 1952, VI-113 |
Gallie, Cyril, Boxer, Portrait, 1930s, VI-111 | Gallie, Cyril, Boxer, With Ebenezer Gospel Hall Sunday School Group, 1936-7, XI-152 |
Gallie, Cyril, Boxer, With Welsh Amateur Team in Dublin, 1935, XIV-91 | Gallie, Cyril, Cardiff Gas Boxing Club, British Youth Champion, 1933, I-147 |
Gallivan, Arthur, Name on Clive Road Hall Roll of Honour, ---, 1914-18, XXIX-144 | Gallivan, R., Captain, Radnor Road School Baseball Team, 1945-46, XI-90 |
Gamlin, Horace, Piano Tuner, With Dale Forty Staff Outing, 1947, XX-53 | Gammon, Steve, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1960, XXII-71 |
Garner, Judy, now Mrs.Wiltshire, Kitchener Secondary Modern Class Photo, 1955, XXXI-157 | Garrett, J., Vice President, Grange Temperance Institute (Group Photo), 1924-25, VI-164 |
Gaughan, W.G., Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1939, III-155 | Gaye, Gwen, Band Singer, Daughter of Comedian Arthur Hughes, c1950, VI-178/179 |
Gear, Douglas, Cardiff City Footballer, Squad Photo, 1937-38, VII-142 | Geddes, Hugh, Speedway Rider, Group Photo, Early 1950s, XXXIII-96 |
Gedrych, A.C., Member, Canton Liberal Institute Male Voice Choir, 1922, III-176 | Gedrych, H.E., Member, Canton Liberal Institute Male Voice Choir, 1922, III-176 |
Gedrych, W., Member, Canton Liberal Institute Male Voice Choir, 1922, III-176 | Gee, Bernard, Caerau Baseball Team, Team Photo, 1988, XXXVI-103 |
Geen, G., Superintendent Cardiff Fire Brigade, With Fire Engines, 1913, IV-112 | General Electric Company, Employees, Group Photo, ---, 1950s, XXIV-37/38 |
George, L., Cardiff Rugby Player, Small Portrait, 1905-06, II-116 | George, T., St.Patrick's Baseball Team, Team Photo, 1953, XXX-120 |
George, Tommy, Boxer, With Cardiff Gas ABC (Group Photo), 1952, VI-113 | Germain, Inspector 'Joey', Police Fire Brigade, At Funeral of Sergeant Webb, c1922, XXII-164 |
German, Arthur, With Wife and Son Wesley, On Motorbike, c1910, XVI-199 | German, James, Insurance Agent, Photo of his House Llantwit Street / Salisbury Road, 1906, XVII-55 |
Gerrish, J., Cardiff & District Darts League, Committee and Officers, 1973, XXVIII-125 | Gibbon, Les, Boxer, Portrait, ---, VIII-179 |
Gibbons, Howell, 15th Cardiff Boys' Brigade, Marathon Relay, Festival of Britain, 1951, XXVII-199 | Gibbs, R., Cardiff and Wales Rugby Player, With Welsh Grand Slam Team, 1907-08, XII-92 |
Gibbs, R.A. Cardiff RFC Captain, Team Photo, 1910-11, XIII-143 | Gibbs, R.A., Cardiff Rugby Player, Small Portrait, 1905-06, II-116 |
Gibbs, Reggie, Cardiff and Wales Rugby Player, With Welsh Grand Slam Team, 1908, XVIII-85 | Gibby, Roy, Whitchurch County Secondary School Rugby Teams, ---, 1946-47, XXVIII-100/101 |
Gibby, William, Accountant, Buying Paper with General Strike News, 1926, XXVIII-195 | Gibby, William, With Whitchurch ARP Wardens, Group Photo, 1944, XXVIII-186 |
Gibson, Colin, Cardiff City Footballer, Running on Coney Beach (Group Photo), 1947, XXXV-83 | Gibson, Colin, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1946-47, V-136 |
Gibson, Colin, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1946-47, XXXV-77 | Gibson, Colin, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1947-48, XIII-129 |
Gibson, Colin, Cardiff City Footballer, Third Division Championship Team Photo, 1946-47, XII-73 | Gibson, Ian, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1971, XXVI-119 |
Gibson, Ian, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1972, XIX-76 | Gibson, James, Rugby Player, With Ninian Park School Team (Team Photo), 1933-34, VII-172 |
Gigg, Bernard, Herbert Thompson Infants' School, Group Photo, 1941, XXVI-160 | Giles, Alan, Musician, Quartet at Bluebirds Club in Ninian Park, 1960s, X-189 |
Giles, H., Bell Ringer at St.Augustine's Rumney, Group Photo, 1911, XXVI-142 | Gill, J., Cardiff City Footballer, City Hall Reception for Reaching FA Cup Final, 1925, I-131 |
Gill, J., Cardiff City Footballer, Portrait, 1920s, IV-120 | Gill, J., Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1922-23, IV-119 |
Gill, Jimmy, Cardiff City Footballer, Birmingham, 18 Sep 1920, XV-86 | Gill, Jimmy, Cardiff City Footballer, Informal Photo with Team Mates, 1923, XXI-41 |
Gill, Jimmy, Cardiff City Footballer, Portrait, 1920s, XXXI-107 | Gill, Jimmy, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1920-21, VI-133 |
Gill, Jimmy, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1922-23, VII-143 | Gillard, J., St.Patrick's School Soccer Team, Team Photo, 1925-26, V-117 |
Gilvear, Russell, Old Cantonians Cricket Club, Team Photo, 1968, XXXIII-90 | Girl Guides, 13th Cardiff Company, Grand Avenue Congregational Church, Group Photo, 1953, XI-192 |
Girl Guides, 13th Cardiff Reunion, Group Photo, ---, 1958, XX-187 | Girl Guides, 1st Cardiff (St.Saviour's), Group Photo, ---, 1923, II-89 |
Girl Guides, 1st Cardiff (Roath) Company, group Photo, ---, 1914, XXXV-180 | Girl Guides, 1st Ely Wesleyan Company, Group Photo, ---, 1936, XXVII-192 |
Girl Guides, 1st Roath (St.Saviour's), Margam Camp, Group Photo, 1919, XV-191 | Girl Guides, 1st Roath (St.Saviour's), Studio Group Portrait, ---, December 1914, XV-190 |
Girl Guides, 25th Cardiff Company, Roath Park Presbyterian Church, Group Photo, 1957, XXXII-183 | Girl Guides, 2nd Ely (Church of the Resurrection), group Photo, ---, 1934, XVI-187 |
Girl Guides, 4th Cardiff Company (New Trinity Church), Theobald Road, Group Photo, 1918, XII-189 | Girl Guides, 53rd Cardiff (Hope Baptist), Group Photo, ---, 1950s, XX-188 |
Girl Guides, St.Edward's Church Group, Cup and Shield Winners, Group Photo, c1940, XXII-179 | Girls' Brigade, Memorial Hall Canton, Group Photo, ---, 1935, XX-190 |
Gizar, S., Melingriffith Sports Club Boxing Team, Team Photo, 1933-34, XVII-134 | GKN, Employees with 30-60 Years Continuous Service, Group Photo, ---, 1957, XVII-60 |
GKN, Rugby XV, Players and Officials, Group Photo, 1952, III-133 | Gladstone Boys' School, Class 3A, Class Photo, ---, 1923, XXVIII-169 |
Gladstone Boys' School, Pupils, Group Photo, ---, 1948, XXV-187 | Gladstone Boys' School, Pupils, Group Photo, ---, 1936-37, XXXII-154 |
Gladstone Boys' School, Staff, Group Photo, ---, 1948, XXVI-167 | Gladstone Boys' School, Standard 3A, Class Photo, ---, 1922, XI-171 |
Gladstone County Secondary Girls' Schools, Dancers, Cardiff Schools Music Festival, ---, 1954, XV-145 | Gladstone County Secondary Girls' Schools, Dancers, Cardiff Schools Music Festival, ---, 1955, XV-146 |
Gladstone Girls' School, Form 2, Class Photo, ---, 1962, XXIII-149 | Gladstone Girls' School, Junior Class, Class Photo, ---, 1946, IX-82 |
Gladstone Girls' School, Junior Class, Class Photo, ---, 1948, IX-83 | Gladstone Girls' School, Pupils, Group Photo, ---, c1947, XXXII-156 |
Gladstone Girls' School, Top Class, Class Photo, ---, 1948, XXXV-170 | Gladstone Infants' School, Pupils, Group Photo, ---, 1922, XII-157 |
Gladstone Infants' School, Pupils, Group Photo, ---, 1924, XIV-155 | Gladstone Infants' School, Pupils, Group Photo, ---, 1935, XXVII-169 |
Gladstone Junior School, Pupils, Class Photo, ---, 1949, XXXI-159 | Gladstone Junior School, Pupils, Group Photo, ---, c1948, XXII-147 |
Gladstone Junior School, Soccer Team, Team Photo, ---, 1954-55, XV-97 | Gladstone Junior School, Soccer Team, Team Photo, ---, 1953-54, XIV-76 |
Gladstone Junior School, Soccer Team, Team Photo, ---, 1948-49, XIV-77 | Gladstone Junior School, Soccer Team, Team Photo, ---, 1951-52, XIV-78 |
Gladstone Junior School, Standard 1, Class Photo, ---, 1922, XII-158 | Gladstone Junior School, Team, Baseball Team, ---, 1952, XV-77 |
Gladstone School, Baseball Team, Team Photo, ---, 1935, IV-176 | Gladstone School, Baseball Team, Team Photo, ---, 1947-48, XXIX-106 |
Gladstone school, Fourth Formers, Group Photo, ---, 1946, XXIX-169 | Gladstone School, Girls' Choir, Group Photo, ---, c1953, X-122 |
Gladstone School, Infants' Class, Class Photo, ---, 1934, XXXII-153 | Gladstone School, Mixed Sports Group, Group Photo with Trophies, ---, c1913, I-136 |
Gladstone School, Pupils at Desks, Class Photo, 1920s, VII-103 | Gladstone School, Pupils, Class Photo, ---, I-114 |
Gladstone School, Pupils, Group Photo, ---, 1922, IX-81 | Gladstone School, Pupils, Group Photo, Girls, c1946, VII-117 |
Gladstone School, Soccer Team, Team Photo, ---, 1916, I-137 | Gladstone School, Soccer Team, Team Photo, ---, 1920s, VII-157 |
Gladstone School, Soccer Team, Team Photo, ---, 1937-38, VI-156 | Gladstone School, Soccer Team, Team Photo, ---, 1933-34, IX-145 |
Gladstone School, Soccer Team, Team Photo, ---, 1946-47, XXIX-82 | Gladstone School, Soccer XI, Team Photo, ---, 1948-49, XV-96 |
Gladstone School, Soccer XI, Team Photo, ---, 1937, VII-155 | Gladstone School, Standard 1A, Class Photo, ---, 1933, XV-158 |
Gladstone School, Standard 3, Whitchurch Road, Class Photo, 1919-20, XXXI-158 | Gladstone School, Standard 6, Class Photo, 1938, ---, 1938, VII-115 |
Gladstone Swimming Club, Girls, Group Photo, ---, c1906, III-140 | Glamorgan CCC, Cricket XI, Team Photo, ---, 1936, VIII-158 |
Glamorgan Constabulary, E Division, Sergeants and Higher Ranks, Group Photo, 1912, XVI-189 | Glamorgan County Cricket Club, Team Photos, ---, ---, 1930s, VI-125/126 |
Glamorgan County Cricket Team, Team Photo, ---, ---, 1952, XXIV-65 | Glamorgan County Hall, Soccer XI, Team Photo, ---, 1953, XIV-82 |
Glamorgan County Hall, Staff Rugby Team, Team Photo, ---, 1914, XXXVI-95 | Glamorgan County Hall, Treasurer's Department, Staff, Group Photo, 1952, XV-178 |
Glamorgan Road Cycle Club, group Photo, ---, ---, 1954, XXXVI-108 | Glamorgan Special Constabulary, Whitchurch, Group Photo, ---, 1914-18, IV-118 |
Glamorgan Walking Club, Team, Winners of Welsh AAA Championship, Neville Hotel, 1935, XV-73 | Glamorgan Wanderers RFC, Squad Photo, ---, ---, 1947-48, XVII-116 |
Glan-y-Nant Girls' School, Whitchurch, Pupils, group Photo, c1929, XXIX-182 | Glan-y-Nant School, Whitchurch, Infants' Class, Class Photo, 1931, XXV-188 |
Glan-yr-Afon Junior School, Cricket Team, Team Photo, ---, 1966, XXXV-105 | Glan-yr-Afon Junior School, Llanrumney, Teaching Staff, Group Photo, 1968, XXXV-169 |
Glan-yr-Afon Junior School, Swimming Team, Team Photo, ---, 1966, XXXV-105 | Glan Ely High School, Under 12 Rugby Team, Team Photo, ---, 1966-67, XXIV-85 |
Glan Ely School, Soccer Team, Team Photo, ---, 1966, II-140 | Glantaf School, Netball Team, Team Photo, ---, 1954-55, X-162 |
Glew, Albert Donald, Radnor Road Boys' School, Group Photo, 1920, XXXIII-172 | Glover, William, Moorland Road School Soccer Team, Team Photo, 1906-07, XXIV-113 |
Glyn Derw Secondary School, Girls' Hockey Team, Team Photo, ---, 1963, XIV-93 | Goddard, Beryl, As Queen's Attendant, Coronation Party in Mostyn Street, 1953, VI-215 |
Goddard, Denise, Olympic Gymnast (1964), With Cardiff Olympic Gymnastics Club, ---, I-159 | Goddard, Denise, Olympic Gymnast, Receiving Welsh Championship Cup aged 13, ---, II-155 |
Godfrey, Cliff, Cardiff City Footballer, Squad Photo, 1937-38, VII-142 | Golding, PC E., Cardiff City Police, Water Polo Team, 1937, XXVIII-121 |
Gomer, Len, Splotlands School, Group Photo, 1921, XXVII-172 | Gomms Transport, Employees, Group Photo, ---, 1940s, XXXIV-63 |
Gooch, Doris, Receiving Royal Humane Society Award, Eleanor Street School, 1949, XII-181 | Goodfellow, P., Cardiff RFC 75th Anniversary, Cardiff v GB Team Photo, 1951, XXVI-103 |
Gooding, Terry, Boxer, With Cardiff Gas ABC (Group Photo), 1952, VI-113 | Gordon, B.M., Cardiff General Station Master, With Staff (Group Photo), 1945, XXXII-121 |
Gordon's FC, Team Photo, Winners of Cardiff & District League, ---, 1908-9, VI-144 | Gorin, Ted, Welsh Baseball Player, Grangetown National School Soccer Team, 1935, XXXIV-139 |
Goss, W., Ely British Legion Club, Sick Club Committee, 1940-41, XXXV-72 | Gough, A.E., Lord Mayor of Cardiff, At Installation Ceremony, 1933, XIII-200 |
Gough, A.E., Lord Mayor of Cardiff, Visiting Llandough Hospital on Christmas Day, 1933, III-204 | Gough, A.E., Lord Mayor of Cardiff, With Lord Mayor's Own 14th Scout Troop, 1933-34, XXII-177 |
Gough, Thomas, Builder, Photo of hid House at 7 Howard Gardens, 1890s, XXXV-122 | Gough, Thomas, Builder, Portrait, ---, XXXV-120 |
Gough, Thomas, Builder, With Wife Ruth Thomas and Children, 1876, XXXV-121 | Gould, Nick, Plymouth Boxing Club, Group Photo, 1933, XX-98 |
Goulden, W.J., Member, Canton Liberal Institute Male Voice Choir, 1922, III-176 | Govier, H., Member, Canton Liberal Institute Male Voice Choir, 1922, III-176 |
Gower, Daniel, Shipowner, Portrait, ---, XV-51 | Gower, Raymond, Vale of Glamorgan MP, With Cardiff High School Cricket Team, 1934, XXII-100 |
GPO Head Post Office, Westgate Street, Fitting Staff, Group Photo, 1920s, XXIX-50 | GPO Trainee Telephonists, Group Photo, ---, ---, 1956, XXII-159 |
GPO, Telephone Accounts Staff, At Desks, Group Photo, 1921, XXVII-180 | Grainger, J.F., Rope Works Owner, Photo of his Shop in Working Street, 1907, V-35 |
Grange Albion Baseball Club, Team Photo, With Welsh Cup and Other Trophies, ---, 1922, I-150 | Grange Albion Baseball Team, Team Photo, ---, ---, 1958, XVI-93 |
Grange Albion Baseball Team, Team Photo, ---, ---, 1920s, XXX-119 | Grange Albion FC, Cardiff & District League, Team Photo, League Winners, 1946-47, I-151 |
Grange Albion FC, Team Photo, ---, ---, 1948-50, IX-160 | Grange Albion, Baseball Team, Team Photo, ---, 1969, VI-172 |
Grange Albion, Ladies' Baseball Team, Group Photo, ---, 1951, II-156 | Grange Athletic FC, Team, Team Photo, Cup Winners, 1922-23, XXXI-113 |
Grange Baptist RFC, Rugby Team, Team Photo, ---, 1919-20, VII-170 | Grange Baptist RFC, Rugby Team, Team Photo, ---, 1920-21, IV-154 |
Grange Baptist RFC, Team Photo, ---, ---, 1919-20, IX-121 | Grange Baptists RFC, Team Photo, ---, ---, 1921-22, XXV-109 |
Grange Council Boys' School, Standard 7, Class Photo, ---, 1924, XXXVI-171 | Grange Council Infants' School, 8 Year Olds at Desks, Class Photo, ---, c1920, XXXVI-170 |
Grange Council Infants' School, Pupils, Group Photo, ---, c1945, XXV-175 | Grange Council Infants' School, Top Class, Group Photo, ---, 1919, XII-155 |
Grange Council School, Baseball Team, Team and Officials, ---, 1945, IX-166 | Grange Council School, Baseball Team, Team Photo, ---, 1923, IX-165 |
Grange Council School, Baseball Team, Team Photo, ---, 1932-34, X-165 | Grange Council School, Baseball Team, Team Photo, ---, 1933-34, XVI-85/86 |
Grange Council School, Junior Pupils, group Photo, ---, 1948, XVIII-167 | Grange Council School, Mixed Infants' Class, Class Photo, ---, 1930, XXIII-151 |
Grange Council School, Pupils, Group Photo, ---, 1932, V-157 | Grange Council School, Pupils, Group Photo, ---, 1935-36, XII-156 |
Grange Council School, Pupils, Group Photo, ---, c1932, XVI-171 | Grange Council School, Rugby Team, Team Photo, ---, 1907, XVI-98 |
Grange Council School, Staff, Group Photo, ---, 1948, IX-92 | Grange Council School, Standard 1, Class Photo, ---, 1919, XVIII-166 |
Grange Council School, Standard 3, Class Photo, ---, 1901, XIII-183 | Grange Council, Baseball Team, Team Photo, League and Tom Williams Cup Winners, 1933, I-146 |
Grange Gas Works, Ladies Baseball Team, Team Photo, ---, 1918, IV-178 | Grange Liberal Institute AFC, Team Photo, ---, ---, 1910-11, IX-120 |
Grange National School, Pupils, Group Photo, ---, 1948, III-122 | Grange Nomads FC, Team Photo, ---, ---, c1950, X-153 |
Grange Stars FC, Cardiff & District First Division Champions, Team Photo, ---, 1931-32, XX-82 | Grange Temperance Institute, Committee, Group Photo, ---, 1924-25, VI-164 |
Grange Vics FC, Football Team, Team Photo, ---, 1937-38, XV-93 | Grange Wanderers FC, Team Photo, ---, ---, 1934-35, IX-159 |
Grange Wanderers, Local Football Team, Team Photo, ---, 1934-1935, XV-91 | Grange YMCA Wrestling Club, Team, Winners of Welsh Championships, ---, 1929-30, XV-70 |
Grangetown Baptist Church, Whitsun Treat, Group Photo, ---, 1938, XXIV-133 | Grangetown Baseball Club, 'Invincible' Team, Team Photo, ---, 1908, XVI-87 |
Grangetown Baseball Club, Team Photo, ---, ---, 1906, VII-173 | Grangetown Baseball Club, Team Photo, ---, ---, 1907, VII-174 |
Grangetown Board School, Pupils, Group Photo, ---, c1897, VII-98 | Grangetown Board School, Pupils, Group Photo, ---, c1900, III-105 |
Grangetown Council School RFC, Team Photo, ---, ---, 1903, XXX-117 | Grangetown Council School, Football Team, Team Photo, ---, 1920-21, IX-143 |
Grangetown Council School, Pupils, Group Photo, ---, 1932, XI-182 | Grangetown Council School, Pupils, Group Photo, ---, c1931, XXI-171 |
Grangetown Council School. Baseball Team, Team Photo, ---, 1922, III-150 | Grangetown Ladies' Athletic Club, Gymnastics Display Team, Team Photo, ---, 1950, XXX-127 |
Grangetown National School, Pupils, Group Photo, ---, 1927, XX-174 | Grangetown National School, Pupils, Group Photo, ---, 1929, XXVIII-163 |
Grangetown National School, Soccer Team, Team Photo, ---, 1934-35, XXXIV-139 | Grangetown RFC, Team Photo, ---, ---, 1908-09, XVIII-87 |
Grangetown School, Rugby 1st XV, Team Photo, ---, 1907-08, IX-116 | Grangetown Shunting Yard, GWR Staff, Group Photo, ---, 1930, VI-63 |
Grant, D.F., University College, Staff Cricket Team, 1965, XXVIII-115 | Grant, Maurice, Accordionist, With Ray Norman and Friends, Early 1960s, X-188 |
Grant, W., Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1951-52, IX-134 | Grant, W.H., At Scout Presentation, ---, 1940s, XXXV-185 |
Grant, Wilf, Cardiff City Coach, Team Photo, 1959-60, XXXIV-126 | Grant, Wilf, Cardiff City Footballer, Derby Match v Swansea (Team Photo), 1950, XXIII-46 |
Grant, Wilf, Cardiff City Footballer, Informal Group Photo during Training, 1950s, XXIX-76 | Grant, Wilf, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1950-51, XVIII-71 |
Grant, Wilf, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1950, XIV-71 | Grant, Wilf, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1951, XXIII-49 |
Grant, Wilf, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, April 1952, XXIII-50 | Granville, Arthur, Cardiff City Captain, Squad Photo, 1937-38, VII-142 |
Granville, Arthur, Cardiff City Footballer, At Launch of Cardiff Yesterday, 1981, XXV-107 | Granville, Arthur, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1939, III-154 |
Granville, Arthur, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1940-41, VI-132 | Gravell, J., At Cardiff Police Reunion, Group Photo, 1987, XXI-184 |
Graves, Eddie, Dance Band Leader, ---, c1950, XXXI-123 | Gray, Andrew T., Name on Clive Road Hall Roll of Honour, ---, 1914-18, XXIX-144 |
Gray, Ernie, GWR Canton, As 'Singing Cowboy' Entertainer, ---, XII-114/115 | Gray, Forrest H., Name on Clive Road Hall Roll of Honour, ---, 1914-18, XXIX-144 |
Gray, Jim, Comedian, Canton Variety Party, ---, XXI-96 | Gray, Les, Assistant Chief Engineer, Western Welsh Ely Works (Group Photo), 1951-52, XXIX-91 |
Gray, Mr., Fishmonger, Queen Street (With Horse and Cart), 1907-08, VIII-46 | Gray, Mr., Teacher at Severn Road School, With Standard 6, 1919, XXXVI-166 |
Green R., Teacher at Lansdowne Road Boys' School, with Standard 3, 1920, XXI-161 | Green, G., Moorland Road School Soccer Team, Team Photo, 1943-44, X-146 |
Green, June and Malcolm, Receiving Bute Dowry, City Hall, 1977, XXXIV-206 | Green, Mike, Captain, St.German's Church in Wales School Soccer Team, 1956-57, XXXII-98 |
Green, Mr., Teacher at Lansdowne Road Boys' School, With Standard 4, 1920, XXII-133 | Greenfield, Alice, Tram Conductress, Portrait, 1914-18, X-77 |
Greenway Junior School, Rumney, Class 1B, Class Photo, 1958, XXVI-172 | Greenway Junior School, Rumney, Class 3B, Class Photo, 1960, XXVI-173 |
Greenway Junior School, Rumney, Class 4B, Class Photo, 1961, XXVI-174 | Greenway Junior School, Rumney, Pupils, Group Photo, 1956-57, XXVIII-175 |
Gregory, Valerie, GPO Telephonist, Group Photo, 1956, XXII-159 | Gresham, Eileen, Women's Land Army, With Friends, c1943, XXXI-187/188/190 |
Gresham, Miss K., Headmistress of Eleanor Street School, With Soccer Team, 1956-57, XXXIV-142 | Grey, William, Lord Mayor of Cardiff, At 100 Mile Road Cycle Club Annual Dinner, 1927, X-171 |
Griffin, Mrs.Annie, In Doorway of Farmhouse, Ely Common, 1913, XXXI-32 | Griffith, B.Grey, Baptist Minister, Baptist Union Assembly (Group Photo), 1924, XXXII-122 |
Griffith, Haydn, Teacher at Pentrebane School, With Standard 3, 1965, XXXIV-96 | Griffith, Haydn, Teacher at Pentrebane School, With Teaching Staff, 1965, XXXIV-97/98 |
Griffiths, Andrew, Caerau Baseball Team, Team Photo, 1988, XXXVI-103 | Griffiths, Archibald, Conductor, With Dance Band In Whitehall Rooms of Park Hotel, 1920s, III-175 |
Griffiths, Basil, Trainer, Roath Vale Boxing Club (Group Photo), c1950, XXVIII-118 | Griffiths, Charlie, Celebrating 50 Years with Canton Male Voice Choir, ---, 1955, XIII-154 |
Griffiths, Dick, Headmaster of Cathays High School, With Rugby Squad, 1970-71, XXVIII-103 | Griffiths, F.W.G., St.German's Roath, Clergy (Group Photo), 1938, XXXV-145 |
Griffiths, Gareth, Cardiff RFC, With Jack Matthews, ---, XXVI-100 | Griffiths, Glyn, Goalkeeper with Moorland Road School Soccer Team, Team Photo, 1949-50, II-139 |
Griffiths, I., Captain, Cardiff YMCA Swimming Club (Group Photo), 1934, XXI-64 | Griffiths, James, Deputy Lord Mayor, At Installation of A.E.Gough as Mayor, 1933, XIII-200 |
Griffiths, K., Moorland Road School, Cricket Team, 1939, XXXV-103 | Griffiths, Ken, Cardiff City Footballer, With Cardiff Schools Team, 1938-39, IV-143 |
Griffiths, Ken, Cardiff City Footballer, With Cardiff Schools Team, 1939-40, IV-144 | Griffiths, Ken, Splott US Baseball Team, ---, 1952, XVI-90 |
Griffiths, Ken, Welsh Schoolboy Soccer Cap, With Moorland Rd. School Team, 1938-39, XXXIV-143 | Griffiths, Rev.W.J., Rumney Baptist Church, With Civil Defence Group, 1939-45, XIV-198 |
Griffiths, Richard, Headmaster of Cathays High School, With Rugby Team, 1966-67, XXXIII-84 | Griffiths, T., Victoria Park Bowling Club, Team Photo, 1949, XXIII-88 |
Griffiths, Tom, Police Station Officer (Docks), British Police Bowls Championship, 1952, XXVII-97 | Griffiths, W., Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1940-41, I-133 |
Griffiths, W.E., Headmaster of Clark's College, With Fifth Formers, 1961, XXX-151 | Griffiths, W.E., Headmaster of Clarkes College, Group Photo, 1965, IX-99 |
Griffiths, W.J., Headmaster of Cathays High School, With Prefects, 1962-63, XVIII-155 | Grimshaw, Billy, Cardiff City Footballer, Birmingham, 18 Sep 1920, XV-86 |
Grimshaw, Billy, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1920-21, VI-133 | Grimshaw, Billy, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1922-23, VII-143 |
Grimshaw, S., Melingriffith Sports Club Boxing Team, Team Photo, 1933-34, XVII-134 | Grimshaw, Sid, Member, Melingriffith Volunteer and Cadet Corps Band, 1928, X-192 |
Grimshaw, T., Goalkeeper, Thompson's Athletic FC (Team Photo), 1930s, XIII-136/137 | Grimshaw, T., Melingriffith Sports Club Boxing Team, Team Photo, 1933-34, XVII-134 |
Grimshaw, W., Cardiff City Footballer, Portrait, 1920s, IV-120 | Grimshaw, W., Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1922-23, IV-119 |
Gripoly Mills (Lewis & Taylor Ltd.), Sloper Road, Baseball Team, Team Photo, c1920, XXXV-99 | Gripoly Mills, Ladies' Baseball Team, Team Photo, ---, 1924, XXXIII-95 |
Gristock, A., Moorland Road School, Soccer Team, 1928-29, XXXV-95 | Groves, Glenda, now Mrs.Block, With Kitchener Road School Infants, 1956, XXVII-161 |
Gubb, G., Western Welsh, Ely Works Soccer Team, 1947-48, XXXIV-135 | Gueret Llewellyn & Merrett, Football Team, Team Photo, ---, 1939, XVI-80 |
Gueret Llewellyn & Merrett, Soccer Team, Team Photo, ---, 1938, XXXV-94 | Guest Keen & Baldwin, Employees, Works Outing, Group Photo, 1948, VIII-211 |
Guest Keen & Baldwin, Maintenance Staff, East Moors Works, Group Photo, 1945, XXIX-45 | Guest Keen & Nettlefold, Employees in Home Guard, Group Photo, ---, 1939-45, XXIV-193 |
Guest Keen & Nettlefold, Soccer Team, Team Photo, ---, 1946-47, XXIV-107 | Guest Keen & Nettlefold, Soccer Team, Team Photo, ---, 1958-59, XXVI-128 |
Guest Keen & Nettlefold, Soccer Team, Team Photo, ---, 1963-64, XXVI-129 | Guest Keen & Nettlefold, Young Employees at East Moors Road, Group Photo, ---, 1952, XXVI-93 |
Guest Keen & Nettlefold, Youth Soccer Team, Team Photo, ---, 1960-61, XXIV-116 | Guest Keen Baldwin & Nettlefold FC, Team Photo, ---, ---, 1952-53, XXVIII-80 |
Guest Keen, Soccer Team, Team Photo, ---, c1950, XXIX-90 | Guest Keen's Baseball Team, Team Photo, ---, ---, 1939, XXIII-72 |
Guides and brownies, 1st Rumney Group, Group Photo, ---, 1952, XXX-188 | Guides and Brownies, 65th Cardiff (St.James the Great), Group Photo, ---, November 1943, XV-193 |
Guildford Crescent Baths, Staff and Management, Group Photo, ---, 1928-30, V-105 | Guy, Cecil, Trainer of Grangetown Gymnastics Display Team, Team Photo, 1950, XXX-127 |
Guy, G., Captain, Cardiff Corinthians (Team Photo), 1912-13, XXIV-100 | Guy, Molly, Rhiwbina Recreation Club, Ladies' Table Tennis B Team, 1950s, XXV-130 |
GWR Davis Street Goods Station, Soccer Team, Team Photo, ---, 1930s, XIX-81 | GWR General Station, Porters, Group Photo, ---, 1914-18, X-73 |
GWR Grangetown Station, Staff, Group Photo, ---, 1920s, XV-116 | GWR Riverside Station, Staff, Group Photo, ---, pre 1914, XV-115 |
GWR, Clerical and Supervisory Staff, Cardiff General Station, Group Photo, 1945, XXXII-121 | GWR, Queen Street Station, Staff, Group Photo, 1934, XXIX-59 |
Gwyn Nicholls & Winfield, Victoria Hygienic Laundry, Staff, group Photo, 1920, XXII-65 | Gwynne, W.E., Headmaster of Herbert Thompson School, With Boxing Team, 1947, XXXIII-86 |
Gwyther, Perseus, Captain, Roath Villa FC (Team Photo), 1920s, VII-161 | H.& R.Davis Ltd. (Chair Manufacturers), Stanley Street, Staff, Group Photo, 1949, XXV-64 |
Haddon, Bill, Bass Player, With Jazz Trio at Royal Hotel, 1949, XXVI-138 | Haddon, Bill, Bass Player, With Langdon Doidge Orchestra, 1960s, XV-105 |
Hailes, Mrs., Teacher at Roath Park Council School, With Pupils, 1923, XI-181 | Hale, D., Moorland Road School, Cricket Team, 1939, XXXV-103 |
Hale, Graham, Cardiff Rugby Player, National provincial Bank Staff Photo, 1952, XXVIII-51 | Hales, Mrs., Accompanist, Splott Male Choir (Group Photo), 1920, XXIV-123 |
Hall Lewis & Co., Imperial Wagon Works, Freshmoor Road, Staff (Group Photo), pre 1914, X-64 | Hall Lewis & Co., Staff, Works Outing, Group Photo, 1921, VIII-138 |
Haller, David, Coach to Cardiff Swimming Club, Receiving Banner, 1975, XXVII-99 | Hammett, W., Bell Ringer at St.John's Church, Group Photo, 1917, XXVI-143 |
Hammond, Captain, 7th (Cyclists) Battalion of Welch Regiment, Group Photo, ---, III-196 | Hampson, F.C.'Hurricane', Speedway Rider, With Group of Riders, ---, XXV-124 |
Hampson, J., International Footballer, With Cardiff Schools Team, 1937-38, IV-142 | Hampson, Josephine, Sister of 'Hurricane' Hampson, Wedding Photo, 1930, XXV-61 |
Hampton, Sammy, Captain, South Church Street School Rugby Team (Team Photo), 1931-32, XI-77 | Hancock, Michael, Cardiff Boys' Junior Baseball Team, Team Photo, 1965, XXIV-81 |
Hancock, Mike, With Welsh Schoolboys Soccer Players, Group Photo, 1969, XXIV-94 | Hancock's Brewery, Staff, World War I Veterans, Group Photo, 1920, XXVI-87 |
Hannah, George, Commandant, Royal Observer Corps, 1944, XXVIII-188 | Hannam, Mr.& Mrs.Henry, Outside 32 Eisteddfod Street, Temperance Town, 1930s, XXVII-11 |
Hanover Rangers, Canton, Soccer Team, Team Photo, 1954-55, XIII-140 | Harcom, W., British Oxygen Driver, With Lorry, 1932, XX-57 |
Harcon, Barbara, With Children going to Switzerland for TB Treatment, ---, 1953, XXIX-208 | Harding, A., Member, Canton Liberal Institute Male Voice Choir, 1922, III-176 |
Harding, A.F., Cardiff and Wales Rugby Player, With Welsh Grand Slam Team, 1907-08, XII-92 | Harding, Bobby, Musician, Quartet at Bluebirds Club in Ninian Park, 1960s, X-189 |
Harding, Desmond, Cycle Dealer, Outside Shop in Cowbridge Road East, 1962, XXI-117 | Harding, E., Cardiff Rugby Player, Small Portrait, 1905-06, II-116 |
Harding, Edgar J., Cycle Dealer, Outside Shop in Cowbridge Road East, 1962, XXI-117 | Harding, Fred, Name on Clive Road Hall Roll of Honour, ---, 1914-18, XXIX-144 |
Harding, Joe, Tram Driver, Beside Cardiff Tramways Water Tank Car, ---, XVIII-119 | Hardy, Bill, Cardiff City Footballer, Action Shot, October 1925, VII-140 |
Hardy, Bill, Cardiff City Footballer, Meeting King George V at FA Cup Final, 1927, XX-73 | Hardy, Bill, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1920-21, VI-133 |
Hardy, Billy, Cardiff City Footballer, Action Shots, 1920s, XXI-42/43 | Hardy, Billy, Cardiff City Footballer, Birmingham, 18 Sep 1920, XV-86 |
Hardy, Billy, Cardiff City Footballer, Dressing Room Celebrations for FA Cup Win, 1927, XXI-45 | Hardy, Billy, Cardiff City Footballer, FA Cup Winning Team (Informal Group), 1927, XXXIII-68 |
Hardy, Billy, Cardiff City Footballer, Informal Photo with Team Mates, 1923, XXI-41 | Hardy, Billy, Cardiff City Footballer, Portrait and Profile, 1920s, XXI-40 |
Hardy, Billy, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo (In Suits), 1925, XXI-44 | Hardy, Billy, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo on Tour in Prague, 1924, XXI-46 |
Hardy, Miss, Teacher at Wood Street School, Group Photo, 1933, VIII-110 | Hardy, W., Cardiff City Footballer, City Hall Reception for Reaching FA Cup Final, 1925, I-131 |
Hardy, W., Cardiff City Footballer, FA Cup Winners Team Photo, 1927, IV-132 | Hardy, W., Cardiff City Footballer, Portrait, 1920s, IV-120 |
Hardy, W., Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1922-23, IV-119 | Hardy, W., Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1929-30, IX-136 |
Hardy, W., Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1930-31, IX-137 | Hardy, W., Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1939, III-155 |
Hares, Jack, Teacher at Radnor Road Boys' School, With Pupils, 1925, XXVI-161 | Harkett, J., Cardiff & District Darts League, Committee and Officers, 1973, XXVIII-125 |
Harper, Donald, Minister of Miskin Street Methodist Church, With Youth Club Members, 1956, XV-176 | Harpur, William, City Engineer and Surveyor, Portrait, ---, XXI-179 |
Harrhy, David, Horse Slaughterer, With Regulars Outside Butcher's Arms, 1927, IV-62 | Harries, Arthur, Baptist Minister, Baptist Union Assembly (Group Photo), 1924, XXXII-122 |
Harries, H.K., With Fairoak Baseball Club, Team Photo, 1932-33, II-144 | Harries, L.P., Priest, With 40th St.German's (Roath) Cub Pack, 1933, XXXV-183 |
Harries, Walter, Name on Clive Road Hall Roll of Honour, ---, 1914-18, XXIX-144 | Harrington, A., Cardiff Schools Football Team, Team Photo, 1947-48, III-163 |
Harrington, Alan, Cardiff City Footballer, Celebrating Welsh Cup Victory, 1956, XX-68 | Harrington, Alan, Cardiff City Footballer, Portrait and Profile, ---, XXXIII-73/74 |
Harrington, Alan, Cardiff City Footballer, Portrait, 1960s, XI-61 | Harrington, Alan, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1956, XX-70 |
Harrington, Alan, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1957, XXXIV-127 | Harrington, Alan, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1958, XXXI-103 |
Harrington, Alan, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1959-60, XXXIV-126 | Harrington, Alan, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1960, XXII-71 |
Harrington, Alan, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1964, XXVI-114 | Harrington, Alan, Cardiff City Footballer, With Cardiff Schools Team, 1946-47, V-129 |
Harris, ---, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1929-30, IX-136 | Harris, Brian, Cardiff City 'Bench team' ---, 1967-68, XXV-105 |
Harris, Brian, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1967-68, XXVII-64 | Harris, Brian, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1971, XXVI-119 |
Harris, Captain A.J., 15th Company Boys' Brigade, Photo in his Garden in Fairwater, 1909, XXIX-190 | Harris, F., Cardiff Central Boys' Club Gymnastics Team, Team Photo, 1951, XXX-128 |
Harris, Haydn, Headmaster of Eleanor Street School, With Soccer Team, 1955, XXXIV-141 | Harris, Myra, Roath Congregational Youth Club, Receiving Award, 1954, XX-135 |
Harris, R., Cardiff Central Boys' Club Gymnastics Team, Team Photo, 1951, XXX-128 | Harris, W.E., University College, Staff Cricket Team, 1965, XXVIII-115 |
Harrison, Arthur W., Canton High School Cricket Team, Team Photo, 1945, XXIX-105 | Hart, Fred, Goalkeeper, Cardiff Albion FC (Team Photo), 1926-27, VI-145 |
Hart, R., Moorland Road School, Soccer Team, 1928-29, XXXV-95 | Hartland, W.J., Councillor, Chairman of Libraries Committee, 1953, XXXIV-123 |
Harvey, Cliff, Wales Gas Transport Staff, Group Photo, 1950s, XXIII-41 | Harvey, H., Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1939, III-155 |
Harvey, Len, Boxer, On Board 'Erskine Special', 2 June 1958, X-180 | Harvey, Tom, Grangetown Lorry Driver, With Vehicle, 1930s, XXXVI-122 |
Hassan, A., CIACS Rugby Team, Team Photo, 1967, XXVII-86 | Hassett, Joe, Russell United FC, Team Photo, Late 1940s, XXXVI-88 |
Hastings, Rt.Hon.Mrs.Aubrey, Wife of Grand National Trainer, At Ely Racecourse, ---, XXIX-116 | Hatton, Fred, Milkman for Westhall Dairy, With Horse and Cart, 1930s, XXII-49 |
Hawkes, Miss K., Teacher, Gladstone Girls' School (Class Photos), 1946-48, IX-82/83 | Hawkey, Alan, With Cardiff & District Rugby XV Tour, Team Photo, 1956, XXXIV-162 |
Hawkins, A.F., Cardiff Cricket Club 1st XI, Team Photo, 1914, XXI-82 | Hawkins, Chief Inspector C.A.S., Cardiff City Special Constabulary, Group Photo, 1940, III-211 |
Hawkins, Maude, now Mrs.Jones, At Wood Street Infants' School, 1925, XXVII-170 | Hawkins, Mr.& Mrs. Russell, Licensees of the Fairwater Hotel, Behind Bar, 1960, XXVII-47 |
Hawthorn Junior School, Llandaff North, Pupils, Group Photo, 1953, XXX-164 | Hawthorn Old Boys FC, Team Photo, ---, ---, 1932-33, XXXIII-77 |
Hawthorn Road Junior School, Llandaff North, Group Photo, ---, 1958, VII-124 | Hawthorn Road West School, Llandaff North, Pupils, Group Photo, 1929, XXIV-163 |
Hawthorn Road West School, Llandaff North, Pupils, Group Photo, 1934, XXIV-164/165 | Hawthorn Road West School, Llandaff North, Pupils, Group Photo, 1923, IX-90 |
Hawthorn School, Llandaff North, Class Photo, ---, 1932, XXXI-162 | Hawthorn School, Llandaff North, Pupils, Group Photo, c1927, XVIII-178 |
Hay, Mr., Farmer, Outside Hay's Farm, 1926, XXXIII-35/36 | Hayde, Father John, Rector of St.Peter's 1887-1910, Portrait, ---, XXI-152 |
Hayden, Kevin, Speedway Rider, Group Photo, 1951, IX-129 | Hayden, Kevin, Speedway Rider, Group Photo, Early 1950s, XXXIII-96 |
Hayes Cricket Club, Team Photo, ---, ---, 1904, XI-76 | Hayes Recreative Association RFC, Team Photo, ---, ---, 1904-05, XI-73 |
Hayes RFC, Team Photo, ---, ---, 1900-01, XI-74 | Hayes RFC, Team Photo, ---, ---, 1903-04, XI-75 |
Hayes, Fred, Grange Albion Baseball Player, Action Portrait, 1956, XVI-92 | Hayes, Fred, International Baseball Player, As Schoolboy at Grange Council School, 1932, V-157 |
Hayes, G., Rugby Player, Grangetown RFC (Team Photo), 1908-09, XVIII-87 | Hayes, Joe, Sunday School Superintendent, Canton Memorial Hall Guild, 1911-12, XVIII-137/138 |
Hayes, Mike, Footballer, With Ninian Hotspurs (Team Photo), 1968, XXXI-117 | Hayward, D.J., Cardiff RFC 75th Anniversary, Cardiff v GB Team Photo, 1951, XXVI-103 |
Hazlett, George, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1952, XXIII-51 | Head Post Office, Westgate Street, Baseball Team, Team Photo, 1920s, XIX-91 |
Heard, William, Name on Clive Road Hall Roll of Honour, ---, 1914-18, XXIX-144 | Hearn, S., ARP Wardens (Post 211), Group Photo, 1944, XXXIV-114 |
Heath Cricket Club, Team Photo, ---, ---, 1910, V-108 | Heath FC, Team Photo, ---, ---, 1913-14, III-159 |
Heathfield House RC High School, Richmond Road, Pupils, Group Photo, 1936, XXVIII-153 | Heathfield House, Class Photo (Girls), ---, ---, 1943, IX-101 |
Heathfield House, Form 4, Class Photo, ---, 1937, XIV-172 | Heathwood Athletic, Cardiff & District Football League, Team Photo, ---, 1934-35, XXII-81 |
Heaven, J.'Buzzer', Baseball Player, With Grangetown and Wales Teams, 1908, XVI-87/88 | Hedges, Bernard, Glamorgan Cricketer, Team Photo, 1952, XXIV-65 |
Hellier, G., Captain, Ely RFC (Team Photo), 1955, XXIX-98 | Helsby, ---, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1929-30, IX-136 |
Helsby, ---, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1930-31, IX-137 | Helyer, Barbara, With Severn Road Choristers Chosen to Sing at Cory Hall, ---, ---, 1939, XXII-132 |
Helyer, Raymond, Rumney Central School, Group Photo, c1940, XXII-151 | Hembrow, M., Captain, Howard Gardens High Junior XV Rugby Team, 1949-50, XXVII-84 |
Henderson, Billy, Cardiff City Footballer, Southampton, 1914-1915, XV-85 | Henderson, Canon Alexander, Vicar of St.John's 1902-1918, Portrait, ---, XXI-151 |
Henderson, J., Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1939, III-155 | Henderson, N.J., Cardiff RFC 75th Anniversary, Cardiff v GB Team Photo, 1951, XXVI-103 |
Hennessy, 'Paddy', Baseballer of the Year, Presentation Ceremony, 1963, IV-174 | Hennessy, 'Paddy', Splott US Baseball Team, Lifting Trophy in Maindy Stadium, 1958, VI-170 |
Herbert Thompson Girls' School, Ely, Pupils, Group Photo, 1939-42, XXXV-162/163 | Herbert Thompson Girls' School, Ely, Pupils, Group Photo, 1939, XXXIV-100 |
Herbert Thompson Girls' School, Ely, Pupils, Group Photo, 1943, XXXIV-101 | Herbert Thompson Girls' School, Ely, Standard 3A, Class Photo, c1942, XXXV-164 |
Herbert Thompson Girls' School, Standard 4, Class Photo, ---, c1928, XVIII-182 | Herbert Thompson Girls' Schools, Pupils at Desks, Group Photo, ---, 1927, VI-97 |
Herbert Thompson Infants' School, Pupils, Group Photo, ---, 1924, VII-109 | Herbert Thompson Infants' School, Pupils, Group Photo, ---, 1930, VII-111 |
Herbert Thompson Infants' School, Pupils, Group Photo, ---, c1930, III-113 | Herbert Thompson Infants' School, Pupils, Group Photo, ---, 1941, XXVI-160 |
Herbert Thompson Infants' School, School Band, Group Photo, Interior, c1931, III-114 | Herbert Thompson Junior School, Ely, Standard 2, Class Photo, 1952-53, XXV-162 |
Herbert Thompson Junior School, Ely, Standard 4, Class Photo, 1954-55, XXV-163 | Herbert Thompson School, Baseball Team, Team Photo, ---, 1936, III-151 |
Herbert Thompson School, Cricket XI, Team Photo, ---, 1948, II-150 | Herbert Thompson School, Ely, Boxing Team, Group Photo, 1947, XXXIII-86 |
Herbert Thompson School, Ely, Boxing Team, Team Photo, 1949, V-130 | Herbert Thompson School, Ely, Class 1A, Class Photo, 1937, XXXII-147 |
Herbert Thompson School, Ely, Class 9, Class Photo, c1934, VIII-104 | Herbert Thompson School, Ely, Girls' Class, Class Photo, 1938, XXXII-148 |
Herbert Thompson School, Ely, Infants' Class, Class Photo, 1934, XXI-173 | Herbert Thompson School, Ely, Mixed Infants' Class, Class Photo, Early1940s, XVII-167 |
Herbert Thompson School, Ely, Pupils (Boys), Group Photo, 1933, III-115 | Herbert Thompson School, Ely, Pupils, Group Photo, 1934, XXII-135 |
Herbert Thompson School, Ely, Rugby Team, Team Photo, 1950-51, V-131 | Herbert Thompson School, Ely, Standard 3A, Class Photo, ---, 1953, XVIII-183 |
Herbert Thompson School, Ely, Standard 4, Class Photo, 1931, XVIII-180 | Herbert Thompson School, Ely, Standard 4A, Class Photo, 1938, XXI-174 |
Herbert Thompson School, Ely, Standard 4A, Rugby Team, 1954, XXVI-112 | Herbert Thompson School, Ely, Standard 6, Class Photo, 1933, XVIII-181 |
Herbert Thompson School, Standard 1A (Girls), Class Photo, 1938, III-116 | Herbert Thompson School, Standard 4, Class Photo, ---, 1951, VII-118 |
Herbert Thompson School, Under 13 Rugby XV, Team Photo, ---, 1958-59, II-128 | Herbert Thompson Secondary Modern School, Ely, Class 4, Class Photo, c1955, XIX-159 |
Hever, Norman, Glamorgan Cricketer, Team Photo, 1952, XXIV-65 | Hewett, Roy, City Police Motor Patrol, On Triumph Motorbike, 1957, XIX-177 |
Hewitt, Ron, Cardiff City Footballer, Group Photo, 1959, XXXI-105 | Hewitt, Ron, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1957, XXXIV-127 |
Hewitt, Ron, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1958, XXXI-103 | Hicks, D., Melingriffith Sports Club Boxing Team, Team Photo, 1933-34, XVII-134 |
Hicks, Miss, Teacher at Herbert Thompson Girls' School, With Standard 4, c1928, XVIII-182 | Higginbottom, J., Councillor, Chairman of Libraries Committee, 1949, XXXV-199 |
Highfields School, Llandaff North, Pupils, Group Photo, 1924, XXXIII-181 | Highfields School, Llandaff North, Rugby Team, Team Photo, 1923-24, XXVIII-92 |
Highfields School, Llandaff North, Standard 4, Class Photo, 1936, XXXIII-184 | Highfields School, Llandaff, Rugby XV, Team Photo, 1927, XI-85 |
Hiles, Herbert, Alderman, At Installation of A.E.Gough as Mayor, 1933, XIII-200 | Hiles, Herbert, Lord Mayor of Cardiff, With Corporation Transport Soccer Team, 1930s, XXIV-103 |
Hiles, R., With Cardiff Schoolboys Football Team, Team Photo, 1935, XVI-67 | Hiles, Sir Herbert, Lord Mayor of Cardiff, With Royal Welsh Ladies' Choir, 1937, XIII-151 |
Hill-Snook, R.G., Lord Mayor of Cardiff, At Opening of Bus Garage in Sloper Road, 1931, XII-121 | Hill, C.J.'Midge', Cardiff City Footballer, Squad Photo, 1937-38, VII-142 |
Hill, Charlie 'Midge', Cardiff City Footballer, With Moorland Road School Team, 1931-32, XXII-84 | Hill, E., Cardiff Rugby Player, Team Photo, 1910-11, XIII-143 |
Hill, John, St.Francis School Ely and Cardiff Boys' Footballer, Portrait, 1930s, III-168 | Hill, Ken, Canton High School Form 5 Classical, Class Photo, 1950, XXVII-150 |
Hill, Midge, Cardiff City Footballer, With Bridgend Street FC (Team Photo), 1936, IV-150 | Hill, Midge, Cardiff City Footballer, With Cardiff Boys Team, 1931-32, VI-141 |
Hill, Midge, Cardiff City Footballer, With Moorland Road School (Team Photo), 1932-33, IV-153 | Hill, Midge, Cardiff City Footballer, With Splott US baseball team, 1946-47, VI-169 |
Hill, Midge, Cardiff City Footballer, With Team for Unemployed School-Leavers, 1935-36, VI-149 | Hill, Rev.Roland, With Birchgrove Methodist Church, Men's Choir, ---, 1951, XVI-123 |
Hill, Sid, Nursery Manager at Roath Park, Presentation of Bouquet to Mayoress, 1948, XII-18 | Hill, Sid, Nursery Manager at Roath Park, With Assistants in Chrysanthemum House, ---, XII-17 |
Hillard, Kenneth, Captain, Court Mead School Baseball Team (Team Photo), 1960, XVII-128 | Hilliard, T., Member, Canton Liberal Institute Male Voice Choir, 1922, III-176 |
Hitchens, Gerry, Cardiff City Footballer, Celebrating Welsh Cup Victory, 1956, XX-68 | Hitchens, Gerry, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1956, XX-70 |
Hitchens, Gerry, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1957, XXXIV-127 | HM Customs and Excise, Soccer Team, Team Photo, ---, 1931-32, XIII-135 |
HMS Cardiff, Crew Members, Group Photo, ---, 1923, XX-211 | Hoare, Mabel, Cardiff's First May Queen, At Wood Street Infants' School, 1925, XXVII-170 |
Hobbs, A., Captain, Grange Baptist RFC (Team Photo), 1920-21, IV-154 | Hobbs, Albert, Licensee of Horse & Groom in Womanby Street, As Charlie Chaplin, 1915, XV-183 |
Hobby, Jimmy, With Welsh Schoolboys Soccer Players, Group Photo, 1969, XXIV-94 | Hodge, Frank, Picture Framer, Outside Shop in Clifton Street, 1900, XXVIII-49 |
Hodgkinson, Leslie, Outside Crossland's Fishmongers, Cowbridge Road, ---, XXVIII-38 | Hogg, Graham, Cardiff City Footballer, With Team Mates on Cardiff General Station, 1949, XXV-99 |
Holbrook, F., Cardiff Rugby Player, Team Photo, 1910-11, XIII-143 | Hole, Barrie, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1959-60, XXXIV-126 |
Hole, Barrie, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1960, XXII-71 | Hole, Barrie, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1964, XXVI-114 |
Holland, Mick, Speedway Rider, Group Photo, 1951, IX-129 | Holland, Mick, Speedway Rider, Group Photo, Early 1950s, XXXIII-96 |
Holley, Tom, Rugby Player, In Cardiff Past and Present Team, 1946, III-132 | Hollyman, K., Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1940-41, I-133 |
Hollyman, Ken, Cardiff City Footballer, Action Portrait, ---, X-138 | Hollyman, Ken, Cardiff City Footballer, As Child at Adamsdown Infants' School, 1927-28, VI-96 |
Hollyman, Ken, Cardiff City Footballer, Derby Match v Swansea (Team Photo), 1950, XXIII-46 | Hollyman, Ken, Cardiff City Footballer, Group Photo, 1949-50, XXXVI-86 |
Hollyman, Ken, Cardiff City Footballer, Group Photo, 1952, I-135 | Hollyman, Ken, Cardiff City Footballer, Running on Coney Beach (Group Photo), 1947, XXXV-83 |
Hollyman, Ken, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1946-47, XXXV-77 | Hollyman, Ken, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1947-48, XIII-129 |
Hollyman, Ken, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1948-49, XI-62 | Hollyman, Ken, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1948, VI-134 |
Hollyman, Ken, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1949-50, X-139 | Hollyman, Ken, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1949-50, XVIII-73 |
Hollyman, Ken, Cardiff City Footballer, Team photo, 1949, XXIX-74 | Hollyman, Ken, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1950-51, XVIII-71 |
Hollyman, Ken, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1950, XIV-71 | Hollyman, Ken, Cardiff City Footballer, Third Division Championship Team Photo, 1946-47, XII-73 |
Hollyman, Ken, Cardiff City Footballer, Training at Matlock, 1949, XI-63 | Hollyman, Ken, Cardiff City Footballer, With Cardiff Corinthians Amateur Team, 1937-38, X-142 |
Hollyman, Ken, Cardiff City Footballer, With Cardiff Corries Team, 1940-41, XVIII-80 | Hollyman, Ken, Cardiff City Footballer, With Cardiff Schools Team, 1936-37, IX-139 |
Hollyman, Ken, Cardiff City Footballer, With Team Mates on Cardiff General Station, 1949, XXV-99 | Hollyman, Ken, Cardiff City Team, Billy James Benefit, 1950, XVI-68 |
Holmes, Terry, Rugby Player, At Grange Stars Club, c1977, XVI-97 | Holt, A., Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1939, III-155 |
Holt, Joan, As Little Red Riding Hood, Playhouse, 1933, XXIII-99 | Holt, Joan, Touring as 'Little Joan', With Waldini (Wally Bishop), 1937, XXIII-100 |
Home Guard, 'A'Company 21st Battalion, Maindy Barracks, Group Photo, 1939-45, XXIX-195 | Home Guard, 11th Battalion B Company, Ely Council School, Group Photo, c1943, XXII-174 |
Home Guard, 11th Glamorgan Battalion, Group Photo, ---, 1942, VI-198 | Home Guard, 22nd Glamorgan Battalion, Group Photo, ---, 1944, XXVIII-184 |
Home Guard, 49th Platoon, Pengam Moors Airport, Group Photo, 1939-45, VI-200 | Home Guard, 4th Ely Battalion, Group Photo, ---, 1940s, XXIII-165 |
Home Guard, A Company, 11th battalion, Whitchurch, 1944, XXXII-182 | Home Guard, B Company 22nd Glamorgan Battalion, ---, 1943, XXX-191 |
Home Guard, D Company 21st Glamorgan, Rumney, ---, 1943, XXX-193 | Home Guard, E Company 16th Glamorgan, Cardiff Corporation Transport, Blackweir, 1942, XXX-190 |
Home Guard, No.5 Relief 101st Glamorgan, Llwyn-y-Grant Farm, Penylan, 1944, XXX-192 | Home Guard, Rumney Platoon, Group Photo, ---, 1941, XVI-211 |
Home Guard, St.Fagans Battalion, Group Photo, ---, 1939-45, XXIV-191/192 | Home Guard, Whitchurch Company, Group Photo, ---, 1940s, XIV-197 |
Home Guard, With Royal Artillery, Anti-Aircraft Battery at Ely Racecourse, ---, 1943-44, VI-199 | Hooper, Bert, Portmanmoor Road, Picture of One of his 'Splott Rambler' Charabancs, 1927, XXXI-88 |
Hopkin, E.D., Captain, Hayes Cricket Club (Team Photo), 1904, XI-75 | Hopkins, E., Athlete, With Roath Harriers (Group Photo), 1936, V-107 |
Hopkins, Elsie, Cub Mistress of 6th Cardiff Pack, Portrait, 1915-16, XXIII-159 | Hopkins, Jack, Allensbank Allotment Society, Receiving Prize, 1982, XXXVI-209 |
Hopkins, Jack, Allensbank Allotment Society, With Vegetable Crop, ---, XXXVI-208 | Hopkins, Ninian, Boxer, In Ring with V.F.Smith, ---, XVI-113 |
Hopkins, Ted, 'Mr.Athletics', With Lynn Davies at Commonwealth Games, 1962, VI-127 | Hopkins, Ted, Athlete, As Coach with Moorland Road Schoolboys, ---, VI-130 |
Hopkins, Ted, Athlete, With Roath Harriers Champions, 1932, VI-129 | Hopkins, Ted, Athlete, With Roath Harriers Team, 1930-31, XVI-115 |
Hopkins, Ted, Captain, Roath Harriers Athletics Team, 1927, XXIV-75 | Hopkins, Ted, Manager of Welsh Commonwealth Games Team, Jamaica, 1966, VI-128 |
Hopper, J., Melingriffith Sports Club Boxing Team, Team Photo, 1933-34, XVII-134 | Hore, Mabel, Queen of the May, ---, 1928, XII-203 |
Horne, Len, Boxer, Portrait, 1930s, X-177 | Horsfall, E.L., Cardiff RFC 75th Anniversary, Cardiff v GB Team Photo, 1951, XXVI-103 |
Horspool, G., ARP Wardens (Post 211), Group Photo, 1944, XXXIV-114 | Horspool, J.J., Cardiff Cricket Club 1st XI, Team Photo, 1914, XXI-82 |
Horton, Florence, Beauty Queen, Portrait, 1920s, VII-199 | Horton, J., Teacher at Marlborough Road School, With Soccer Team, 1904, XXXII-93 |
Horton, Ken, Captain, Penylan Baseball Team (Team Photo), 1963, XVIII-102 | Horton, Margaret, Canton High School for Girls, Lacrosse Team, 1954, XXXVI-114 |
Horwood, C.A., Lord Mayor of Cardiff 1963-4, With Cardiff Irish RFC, ---, VI-152 | Horwood, C.A., Lord Mayor of Cardiff 1963-4, With Central Old Boys RFC, 1907-08, VI-153 |
Horwood, Charles, Alderman, With Lord Mayor of London, 1963, XXIX-202 | Horwood, Charles, Lord Mayor of Cardiff, At Banquet, 1963, XXV-204 |
Hosking, George, Baker, Outside Shop in Plantagenet Street, 1930s, XXIX-53 | Hoskins, G., CIACS Rugby Team, Team Photo, 1967, XXVII-86 |
Hoskins, Jim, Bass Player, With Eddie Graves Orchestra, 1950s, XVI-119 | Hoskins, Reg, Dance Band Musician, ---, 1930s, IV-200/201 |
Hoskins, Reg, Sax Player, With Langdon Doidge Orchestra, 1960s, XV-105 | Hoskins, Reg, Tenor Sax Player, With Capitol Sextet Dance Band, 1945, XV-100 |
Houlston, J., Melingriffith Sports Club Boxing Team, Team Photo, 1933-34, XVII-134 | Houston, D., Cricketer, Heath Cricket Club Team Photo, 1910, V-108 |
Howard Gardens High School, 1st XI Cricket Team, Team Photo, ---, 1951, XXVII-89 | Howard Gardens High School, 1st XV Rugby Team, Team Photo, ---, 1951-52, XXVII-84 |
Howard Gardens High School, Anniversary Dinner, Group Photo, ---, March 1936, IV-93 | Howard Gardens High School, Boys v Masters Cricket Teams, Group Photo, 1934, XXV-117 |
Howard Gardens High School, Form 1B, Class Photo, ---, 1946-47, XXVII-153 | Howard Gardens High School, Form 1C, Class Photo, ---, 1946, XXVII-152 |
Howard Gardens High School, Form 2A, Class Photo, ---, 1939-40, XI-157 | Howard Gardens High School, Form 3A, Class Photo, ---, 1941, XXVII-151 |
Howard Gardens High School, Form 3C, Class Photo, ---, 1938, XVI-136 | Howard Gardens High School, Form 4 Modern, Class Photo, ---, 1947-48, XXVII-154 |
Howard Gardens High School, Form 4, Class Photo, ---, 1935-36, XX-138 | Howard Gardens High School, Form IIIA, Class Photo, ---, 1938, XXXI-142 |
Howard Gardens High School, Junior XV Rugby Team, Team Photo, ---, 1949-50, XXVII-84 | Howard Gardens High School, Prefects, Group Photo, ---, 1946-47, XXXI-143 |
Howard Gardens High School, Pupils, Group Photo, ---, 1945-46, XXV-161 | Howard Gardens High School, Rugby Team, Team Photo, ---, 1943-44, XXV-112 |
Howard Gardens High School, Swimming Team, Team Photo, ---, 1947, XI-93 | Howard Gardens Higher Grade Board School, Pupils, Group Photo, ---, 1889, X-102 |
Howard Gardens Higher Grade Board School, Pupils, Group Photo, ---, c1892, XXVIII-147 | Howard Gardens Junior Cricket XI, Team Photo, ---, ---, 1934, XVII-125 |
Howard Gardens Municipal Secondary School, Form 2, Class Photo, ---, 1928, VIII-111 | Howard Gardens Municipal Secondary School, Pupils, Group Photo, ---, 1928, XXXIII-164 |
Howard Gardens Municipal Secondary School, Staff, Group Photo, ---, c1925, IV-92 | Howard Gardens School, Rugby Team, With St.David's Team, Cardiff Arms Park, 1928, XXIII-61 |
Howard, Ken, Drummer, With Locarnos Dance Band, 1949-50, XXII-114/115 | Howardian High School, 1st XI Cricket Team, Team Photo, ---, 1956, XXIII-73 |
Howardian High School, 1st XV Rugby Team, Team Photo, ---, 1955, XXIII-66 | Howardian High School, Athletic Team, Team Photo, ---, 1959, XXIII-90 |
Howardian High School, Prefects, Group Photo, ---, 1958, XXIII-138 | Howardian High School, Tennis Team, Team Photo, ---, 1957, XXIII-74 |
Howardian High School, Under 15 Rugby Team, Team Photo, ---, 1955, XXIII-65 | Howardian Hornets, Rugby Team, Team Photo, ---, 1957-58, XII-95 |
Howardians RFC, Team Photo, ---, ---, 1937-38, XVII-122 | Howell, C., Captain, Llandaff RFC (Team Photo), 1922-23, XXIV-88 |
Howell, James, Department Store Owner, Photo of Family in Grove House, c1897, XXXII-65 | Howell, James, Department Store Owner, Photo of his House in The Walk, ---, VI-20 |
Howell, James, Employees, Group Photo, 1913, III-68 | Howell, W., Marlborough Road School Soccer Team, Team Photo, 1904, XXXII-93 |
Howell, W.G., Alderman, At Sale of Glamorganshire Canal, 1944, XXVI-36 | Howell, W.G., Alderman, Chairing Libraries Committee Meeting, 1945, XXVII-185 |
Howell's School, Hockey team, Team Photo, ---, 1963, XXIV-147 | Howell's School, Hockey Team, Team Photo, ---, 1927-28, XXX-131 |
Howell's School, Netball Team, Team Photo, ---, 1927-28, XXX-130 | Howell's School, Upper 5th Form, Class Photo, ---, 1952, XXXVI-156 |
Howell's Store, Porters, Group Photo, ---, ---, XXXII-64 | Howells School Llandaff, Form B Second Year, Group Photo, ---, 1957, XV-151 |
Howells School Llandaff, Staff and Prefects, Supporting Ship Adoption Scheme, ---, 1944, XV-152 | Howells, John, 15th Cardiff Boys' Brigade, Marathon Relay, Festival of Britain, 1951, XXVII-199 |
Howells, L., Western Welsh Ely Works Soccer Team, Team Photo, 1951-52, XXIX-91 | Howells, R., Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1951-52, IX-134 |
Howells, Rev.Bleddyn, Ely Baptist Church, With Bible Class, 1934, XXIX-152 | Howells, Ron, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1951, XXIII-49 |
Howells, Ron, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, April 1952, XXIII-50 | Hoy, Roger, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1972, XIX-76 |
Hoy, Roger, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1973-74, XXVIII-74 | Hubbard, Jack, Musician, With Locarnos Dance Band, 1949-50, XXII-114/115 |
Hubbard, Jack, With Canton High School Junior Rugby XV, Team Photo, 1941-42, XXII-97 | Hubbard, Ken, Cyclist, Group Photo, 1951, XXXVI-111 |
Hubbard, Ken, Ely Paper Mills, Long Service Award Recipient, 1990, XXXVI-67 | Hubbarde, Enid, Teacher at St.German's Metal Street School, Christmas Party, 1939, XXXIV-89 |
Hubbarde, Enid, Teacher at St.German's Metal Street School, With Reception Class, 1939, XXXIV-92 | Hudson, Colin, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Close Up, 1950s, XXXIV-125 |
Hudson, Colin, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1957, XXXIV-127 | Hudson, Colin, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1958, XXXI-103 |
Hudson, Colin, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1960, XXII-71 | Huelin, Rose, Munitions Worker, Portrait in Working Clothes, 1914-18, XXVII-190 |
Hughes-Morgan, Sir John, With VIPs at Royal Hotel, ---, 1952, XXXIV-122 | Hughes, Arthur, Entertainer, Portrait of Comedy Duo with Hal Taylor, c1940, VI-177 |
Hughes, Billy, International Footballer, Playing Table Soccer with Welsh Stars, 1946, XXIX-78 | Hughes, David 'Darkie', Boxer, Portrait, ---, XIX-63 |
Hughes, David 'Darky', Boxer, With Cardiff Gas ABC (Group Photo), 1952, VI-113 | Hughes, J.O., Baptist Minister, Baptist Union Assembly (Group Photo), 1924, XXXII-122 |
Hughes, Rev.H.M., Minister of Ebenezer Church, Portrait, 1932, V-151 | Hughes, Rev.Joshua Pritchard, Bishop of Llandaff 1905-1931, Portrait, ---, XXXVI-143 |
Hughes, Robert, Cardiff's First Lord Mayor, Portrait, 1905, XXI-176 | Hughes, Ronnie, Drummer, Accompanying Gwen Gaye in Mayfields Club, c 1957, VI-179 |
Hughes, W."Pussy", With Windsor-Clive School Football Team, Team Photo, 1930s, II-138 | Hughes, W.H.'Pussy', With Windsor-Clive School Football Team, Team Photo, 1933-34, VI-143 |
Huish, Albert, Lord Mayor of Cardiff, With Cardiff Dockers RFC, 1948, II-127 | Huish, George, Fishmonger, Outside Shop in Canton, pre 1923, IX-43 |
Huish, Queenie, Tom Lewis's Danish Bacon Stall, Cardiff Central Market, 1939, XXX-43 | Hullett, Bill, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1948-49, XI-62 |
Hullett, Bill, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1948, VI-134 | Humphrey, S., Western Welsh, Ely Works Soccer Team, 1947-48, XXXIV-135 |
Humphreys, P.T., Captain, Cardiff High School Tennis Team, 1949-50, XXXVI-98/99 | Humphries, Evan, Outside Gwalia & Co., Crwys Road, c1910, XXVII-49 |
Hundred Miles Road Cycle Club, Annual Dinner, Group Photo, ---, 1927, X-171 | Hundred Miles Road Cycle Club, Members, On Steps of YMCA, Group Photo, 1910, X-172 |
Hunt, Charles, Printer, Portrait, ---, XXIV-27 | Hunt, Ivor, Trumpeter, With Locarnos Dance Band, 1949-50, XXII-114/115 |
Hunt, Leslie, Director of Charles Hunt & Co. (Printers), Frederick Street Workshop, 1950s, XXIV-28 | Hunt, madam Elvira, Choir Mistress, With Ladies' Choir, 1937, XVIII-106 |
Hunt, Madame Elvira, Elvira Hunt's Ladies' Choir, At Annual Dinner, 1970s, XX-122 | Hunt, Miss W., Headmistress of Birchgrove Infants' School, With Pupils, 1954-55, XXIX-184 |
Hunt, Rex, Pianist, With Eddie Graves Orchestra, 1950s, XVI-119 | Hurdidge, F.J., ARP Wardens (Post 211), Group Photo, 1944, XXXIV-114 |
Hurford, D., Canton High (School House) 100 Yards Relay Team, Team Photo, 1950, XXXV-153 | Hurford, D., Canton High School, School House Relay Team, 1949, XX-95 |
Hurford, Ernie, Trainer, Melingriffith Sports Club Boxing Team, 1933-34, XVII-134 | Hurford, Stan, Boxer, Welsh ABA v Army (Group Photo), 1932, XXVI-133 |
Hurford, Stan, Melingriffith Sports Club Boxing Team, Team Photo, 1933-34, XVII-134 | Hurley, Sandra, Prefect, Lansdowne Road Girls' School, 1960-61, XXV-171 |
Hurman, Elsie, Outside William Day's Store, 38 Wells Street, 1934, XXII-53 | Hutchings, W., Name on Clive Road Hall Roll of Honour, ---, 1914-18, XXIX-144 |
Hutchinson, ---, Cardiff City Footballer, Team Photo, 1933-34, IX-138 | Huzzey, H.V.P., Vice Captain, Cardiff RFC (Team Photo), 1898-99, III-131 |
Huzzey, Viv, Baseball Player, With Grangetown and Wales Teams, 1908, XVI-87/88 | Hyman, R., With Cardiff Schoolboys Football Team, Team Photo, 1935, XVI-67 |