Newspaper Extracts
Here is a selection of news items and other material gleaned from the Western Mail newspaper by John Patrick Griffiths.
It's a small sample of the immense volume of similar material that John selflessly shared with the Glamorgan Mailing List (and other lists) over many years.
John died in August 2011.
The years included below appeared on the Glamorgan Mailing List between June & Oct 2007
Western Mail Saturday April 7th 1894
- DOWLAIS MARRIAGE A Dowlais Irishwoman was led to the hymenal altar for the third time the other day,and when the registrar asked her new possessor what her name was he said "O,be my sowlI can't raymimber it all,but it's a divil of a long one." Your name,please Ma'am?"asked the registrar politely. "My name's Hanah Hanora Margaret Ellen Murphy Fleming Button Short ." The register insisted on having one at a time . It should be stated that Murphy was her maiden surname, and Fleming,Button,Short were the names of her successive husbands.
Western Mail Saturday April 21st 1894
- THE MORFA COLLIERY DISASTER The Recovery of Two More Bodies After Four Years In The Pit More Bodies Undiscovered On Thursday evening two more bodies were recovered from the Morfa Pit of the men who lost their lives in the sad disaster that occurred in March 1890. Although four years have elapsed since the dire calamity took place,Messrs.Vivian and Sons have, with commendable generosity not ceased since that date to cause the colliery to be searched for the corpses of those brave men who perished in the terrible catastrophe. There are still a number of men in their temporary tomb in the pit, among them Mr Barrass, the late under-manager at the colliery. The names of the men recovered on Thursday are Mr.John Griffith,Gwarycaerau, Port Talbot and Mr John David,Groeswen-Row, Taibach. Both men were married,and have each left behind them a widow and several children. The funerals, it is expected, will take place either today(Saturday) or Sunday
Western Mail April 21st 1894.
- First game between these two sides today at Roath K.O. 3.45 CARDIFF HIBERNIANS. Backs, CLEMENCE; three-quarter backs, D.FITZGERALD, W.HARRIS, E.SPILLANE, and W,FLYNN; half-backs, G.McCARTHY, and H.GODWIN; forwards, S.CRAVOS, W.WALSH, P.JACKSON, E.McCARTHY, M.McCARTHY, B.DRISCOLL, J.BURKE,and R.GUINEA. CARDIFF HARLEQUINS. Back, T.ELLIOTT; three-quarter backs, J.P.JAGO,captain, J.B.SMITHSON, ALUN.J.MORGAN, and W.G.BROWN; half-backs, H.MARKS and T.SEELY; forwards, F.JONES,G.ABBOTT, T.TUSTIN,W.H.GRIMSTONE, S.TORR, M.LEARY, J.BARTLETT,and C.R.HARDING. Referee, Mr J.S.DEWAR (PENARTH FOOTBALL CLUB)
WESTERN MAIL Thursday April 26th 1894.
- On Wednesday morning a Timberman named George Marshall, aged 45 years and residing at 5,Lower Level Newton, Mountain Ash, whilst at work at Messrs. Nixon's Navigation Colliery doing some repairing work at the Prince's Workings was killed by a fall of stone.
WESTERN MAIL Friday April 27th 1894.
- Benefit of Mr.George Harrington. Tonight (friday) Mr.George Harrington the popular manager of the Alhambra Theatre of Varieties at Cardiff, takes a well earned benefit. In addition to the strong bill provided in the shape of a display of fisticuffs by such exponents of the art as John O'Brien and David St.John, Dick Ambrose and Bob Wiltshire and Redman Colman and Morgan Crowther.
WESTERN MAIL Saturday April 28th 1894.
- DAVIES - DONOVAN. On April 27th,at St.David's Catholic Church (by licence), Charles Thomas Davies, 55 Adam Street Cardiff son of the late Charles Davies, Greyhound Inn Llantrissant, to Margaret Donovan, Howard Hotel Cardiff.
WESTERN MAIL Friday April 6th 1894
- WIFE DESERTION AT PORTH Grave Charge Against An Insurance Agent. At Cymmer Police-Court on Thursday(before Mr Ignatius Williams ,stipendary, and Dr.Parry) Alfred Davies, an insurance agent was proved guilty of cruelty to and desertion of his wife Rachel Davies by whom he had two children. The evidence revealed gross cruelty, and the Bench ordered Davies to pay 10 shillings and granted a seperation order.
- FOUND DEAD IN BED AT BARRY. On Wednesday about four a.m. a man named George Hands of no particular occupation was found dead in bed by his wife in Evans-Street Barry Dock. Deceased was about 63 years of age, and had been resident in the district for some time. Heart trouble is supposed to be the cause of death.
- DROWNING FATALITY AT LLANDOVERY. A very melancholy occurrence took place at Llandovery on Wednesday night about 7p.m., when a young boy named Thomas Johnson, aged five, son of Mr.Joseph Johnson, High Street, was accidentally drowned in the River Bran.
- ALLEGED FOWL STEALING AT BLACKWEIR At Cardiff Police-Court on Wednesday (before Mr.T.W.Lewis,stipendary) John Watts and George Nicholls, two young fellows, were charged with breaking and entering a fowl house at the back of the Hope Public -house Blackweir and stealing five fowls, the property of David Eynon, on the 16th inst. Evidence was given by Police-constable James who arrested prisoners,and Superintendent Hayward asked for a remand in order that another man might be found and charged- Prisoners were remanded until Tuesday next.
Western Mail Monday April 16th 1894.
- STOLE AN ADVANCE NOTE AT CARDIFF. At Cardiff Police-court on Saturday (before Alderman Cory and Mr. C.F. Gooch) Robert Mahinny a seaman, was brought up on a charge of stealing an advance note valued £1. 17s. 6d., from Johannah Pierceman at 68 Adam Street on Friday. He was sent to prison for a month with hard labour.
- GALLANT RESCUE BY A CARDIFF MAN On the 12th April 1894 at Dordrecht, Holland, a child of 5 fell overboard from a barge, when Edward Galvin officer on board a passing steamer, gallantly jumped overboard and saved the child- Mr Galvin, we may mention belongs to Cardiff, his parents live in Canton.
- Deaths. On April 14., at Bishop's Castle, Margaret Ann (Peggie), the dearly beloved wife of Percy Newill and third daughter of the late Mr.George Coleman, The Green, Llandaff.
- Death. On April 14th, at 43 High Street Aberdare Rachel Rees aged 71, formerly Waterloo Villa Llandilo, widow of the late Isaac D.Rees.
Western Mail Tuesday April 17th 1894. [As the following were lengthy I took the Liberty to shorten them.]
- MAN KILLED ON THE MUMBLES RAILWAY Fatality occurred on Sunday near the Gas Works, when a respectably dressed man attired in mourning and with a silk hat was run over and killed. The engine driver of the 8.30 p.m. down train saw him cross the line and then dodge back in front of the engine . He had previously asked the way to Cwmbwrla, and was drunk. Later identified as Daniel Mainwaring, a part proprietor of a colliery at Forestfach.
- A CARDIFF BEGGAR IN TROUBLE Richard Rafferty was in Sanquhar-street on Sunday rather under the influence, he approached a Detective Davey who was in his go-to-meeting dress, and asked him for a copper, " I am one" said Davey, and within a couple of minutes Rafferty was making his bed at Moors Police-station. He was given one months hard labour.
- SOCIAL EVIL AT CARDIFF Annie Phelan was charged on a warrant with keeping a disorderly house at 27, Scott Street- evidence being given by P.C. Kellet, she was fined £5 or 1 Months Imprisionment. Anne O'Connor was charged at same court for soliciting and with assaulting P.C. Gurney, in The Hayes, she was fined 20s or ! month imprisionment Joseph Sunny, a man of colour and his wife Emma Sunny were charged with keeping disorderly houses at 16 and 17 Canal Parade. Mr Joseph Henry Jones defended them- P.C. Dredge gave evidence against. Joseph was fined £5, his wife cautioned.
- BURGLARY AT CARDIFF P.C. Brown on duty in Bute Terrace , he approached a woman carrying two bundles which she dropped and ran away. In the bundles were Boots, shawl, quilt and blanket. The woman later gave her name as Bridget Fothergill 27 Tyndall Street. P.C.Brown and Insp Durston, Det-Serg Oxley searched the house , they found a Dennis Casey in the Garret. Casey jumped from the three bedrommed house breaking his arm, he was taken to the infirmary. Both Casey and Fothergill were charged with breaking and entering No 26 Tyndall Street owned by Mr.Charles Abrahamson. Both remanded for a week due to Casey who was unable to attend.
- FATAL FALL OF ROOF Case Dismissed Ystrad Police-station, before Mr. Ignatius Williams, Alderman W.Morgan and Councillor Richard Lewis Mr. William Jenkins J.P. agent of Ocean Coal Co. and Mr. J.E. Thomas manager of Maindy Pit. IWitness Fred George Bachelor, a haulier said he noticed a roof fall at Giles Dip- Here they found the body of Thomas Humphries a haulier. William Ray night fireman said the accident occurred in No 1 District. From the evidence the case was dismissed.
- FATAL ACCIDENT AT TREORKY On Friday evening a man named William Rees, residing at Cwmpark near Treorky,was killed whilst leaving his work at the Park Pit belonging to the Ocean Colliery Co. Deceased was at the bottom of the shaft, and about to enter an ascending cage, when a large stone fell on his head, killed him instantaneously. Rees was a Master Haulier and leaves a widow and family.
- Marriages DAVIES-WILSON On April 16th at Augustine's Penarth, by the Rev. W.Sweet-Escott, Joseph Davies, 2nd son of the late Captain Davies , to Blanche youngest daughter of J.H.Wilson,Esq, Elmsleigh, Penarth.
- Death COOK- On February 22, at his residence, Albert Street, St.Peters, Sydney, Australia, John William Cook, eldest son of the late Thomas Cook of the Picton Hotel, Pontlottyn, aged 31 years.
- Death REES- On April 14th at 43, High Street Aberdare, Rachel Rees,aged 71 formerly Waterloo Villa, Llandilo, widow of of late Isaac D. Rees.
- CARDIFF BOY TO BE BIRCHED At Cardiff Police-court on Friday(before the stipendiary Mr T.W.Lewis and Councillor E.Beavan) Edward Ash, aged Ten was charged with stealing a silk handkerchief, value 4s. 6d. from a shop in Bridge street, the property of Mary Ann M'Allister. He was sent to gaol for a day and ordered to receive six strokes with the birch.
- Death of Mr D.E.Davies Cardiff. Mr David Enoch Davies, better known as Mr Daff Davies commercial traveller was on Monday found dead on a sofa at his residence 134 Richmond Road.
- ABERAVON PETTY SESSION. Thomas North, collier, Abergwnfi fined 20s. and costs for having matches in his pocket at the Avon Colliery, Abergwnfi on March 13th.
- Neath Police-court. William Rees, labourer, Osborn Street was fined £1 and costs for assaulting his wife , towards whose maintenance he was ordered to pay 6s. per week.
- ALLEGED HIGHWAY ROBBERY AT SWANSEA. Swansea Police-court Mr J.C.Fowler stipendiary. Daniel Cookley labourer lodging in the Strand - stole a silver chain and pendants from Owen Hughes tramway inspector- He was committed for trial at the Assizes.
- MEETING OF MINERS AT BEDWAS APRIL 2nd 1894 Wm. Abraham, David Morgan, Thos Richards, David Beynon, Thomas Davies, Alfred Onions, T.Daronwy Isaac, Philip George, Thomas Morgan, John Morgan, and Lewis Miles secretary.
- CASES BEFORE PENARTH BENCH. Thomas Mack charged with being drunk and assaulting P.C. Thomas Thorburn(384) at Cadoxton-fined 20s. and costs or 14 days hard labour William Cameron and Charles Baker, drunk and riotous in Weston Road Barry DockP.C. William Smith and P.C. W.Williams gave evidence both guilty and fined ? Enoch Williams a rigger of 7 Spencer Street Barry of assaulting P.C.Thomas Harris and P.C. W.Williams, after they raided a shebeen at his house fined 10s. or 14 days hard labour
- CARDIFF RACES Patrick Donovan landlord of the Howard Hotel Tyndall Street applied successfully to sell Beer etc at the Ely Racecourse for two days between 10 a.m. and 7 p.m.
- PENARTH PRIZE FIGHT Defendants Discharged. John Williams a butcher and Albert Jones a coal trimmer both of Cardiff charged with taking part in a prize fight. Presiding magistrates were Colonel Guthrie and Major Thornley, both defendants represented by Mr.T.Belcher, evidence for police by Insp.Rutter and P.C.Ebenezeer Rees- case dismissed
- OVERSEERS FOR LLANDAFF PARISHES. Llandaff- Mr David Evans, Foundry, Llandaff Yard and Mr Thomas Rees, Crynallt Ely. St.Fagans Mr Edward Akers and Mr.W.J. Littleton. Caerau- Mr William Emerson and Mr.Henry Osmond. Llanishen -Mr. H.T.Ensor and Mr.D.M.Jenkins Llanedarne- Mr.William Husband and Mr Roland Thomas Whitchurch- Mr William Thompson and Mr Phillip Lewis. Llanillterne Mr William James and Mr Thomas James Radyr Mr William Thomas Bassett and Mr John Hall Lisvane Mr Rees Edwards and Mr Thomas Watkin Mr George Thomas was re-appointed high constable for the Parish of Kibbor
- ALLEGED THEFT OF DUCKS AT PENARTH Henry Heath a young man charged with stealig 3 ducks belonging to Jane Lewis , at Leckwith. After preliminary evidence from Mrs Lewis and William Hedges gamekeeper Col Guthrie and Major Thornley adjourned case for one week.
Saturday April 7 th 1894.
- Death. On April 6th at her residence, 331 Cowbridge Road Cardiff, Eliza, relict of the late Thomas Davies Builder of Tredegar, Mon, aged 75 years.
- Birth - Lewis On April 6th, at 14, Cottrell Road, Roath Cardiff, the wife of Albert E.Lewis builder, of a son.
- Death- Whitting On Thursday April 5th, at Sandcroft,Uphill, Anne Harris,wife of Charles Whitting Esq, and eldest daughter of the late E.M.Williams J.P. of Gadlys, Aberdare,and Ynishir, County of Glamorgan in her 76th year.
Saturday April 7th 1894.
- 3rd. V.B. Welsh Regiment. Cardiff Detatchment Saturday for duty. Captain T.J. David, Lieutenant F.W.Ensor, Surgeon-Captain C.Downing, Sergeant H.J.Taylor, Corporal C.F.Martin, Bugler W.F.Lewis. by order signed by W.E.Jones -Major.
- Regimental Orders, by Colonel H.O.Fisher commanding 2nd Glamorgan Volunteer Artillery For duty. Captain M.Ingram, Lieutenant Tweedy, Sergeant Banfill, Corporal Pitman, Bombardier Stuckey, Trumpeter Russell.
- Penarth Companies Duty rota, Captain Dalziel, Sergeant Williams, Trumpeter Rainer.
- Hannah Welsh 45, Hawker, pleaded guilty to stealing one basket of vegetables, property of George Hutton at Cardiff. Gaoled for three months hard labour.
- William Palmer 31, labourer guilty of stealing pair of boots the property of Henry Charles Heard at Cardiff Gaoled for one month.
- Bankruptcy. Samuel Henry Baras, Park-row, formerly Lower Arcade, both of Bristol and Gelli-terrace Tonypandy dealer in photographic aparatus.
Monday April 30th 1894.
- Marriage LUCAS-ARNOLD. On April28th at St Mary's Cardiff by the Rev H.A.Coe,M.A. Frank Densham Lucas,2nd son of Henry Lucas of Usk , to Elizabeth Ellen eldest daughter of Samuel Arnold formerly of Little Mill Pontypool.
- Stabbing at Swansea. Cornelius Crawley taken to hospital- stabbed in his side by Italian Ice-Cream seller Jeremony Sumich Sumich later arrested.
- Infants body found in Whitmore Bay, Henry Woolsten of 7 Travis Street Barry Dock gave information to Police Sergeant David Weeks (Barry) of a dead body of an infant at Barry Mr E.B.Reece held an inques, Post Mortem carried out by Dr.Kelly- open verdict- " Found Dead"
Wednesday April 4 th 1894
- Devonshire v Glamorgan- Swansea k.o. 3.45 Glamorgan Team. W.J.Bancroft,Swansea, threequarter backs: D.Fitzgerald, Cardiff, T.E.Elliott, Cardiff, Norman Biggs, Cardiff, and W.Harris Harlequins. Half-Backs. W.Thoma,Neath, and S.Biggs, Cardiff. Forwards F.Mills, Swansea, F.Hutchinson, Neath, R.G.Edwards, Morriston, W.Howells, Aberavon, V.Phillips, Harlequins, J.W.Harries, Aberavon, W.Gibbs Penarth, and W.Walsh Harlequins.
- Bankruptcy. William Lewis,Junction Villas, Aberdare Junction- Butcher. John Francis Jones and Frederick Jones, trading as J.F,Jones- Butchers- Oxford Street, Swansea. John Edwards, Dinam, Nantymoel, Glamorganshire, -Commissio Agent. Richard Proctor, Windsor-road, Penarth-Chemist.
Quarter Sessions Cardiff- April 6th 1894
- The following were sworn in as the grand jury. Alderman Daniel Lewis (Foreman) Messrs: S.W. Allen , J.Ayre, R.Anning,T.Baker, T.A. Bovey, J.P.Carroll, A.Foa, M.Hillstrom, A.S. Jackson, R.Lee, B.Rowland, J.A. Seddon, R.L. Stowe, E.Tapson, and Fleming S. Thomas.
- John Casey 25 , an Irish labourer, stole two overcoats, the property of Abraham Isaacs Pawnbroker, Wood Street, Cardiff. Casey sentenced two months hard labourer.
- Mr.& Mrs. Roberts and family of the Bridge Hotel Cardiff, wish to tender their thank s for the many wreaths and sympathy letter, through the loss of their son William.
Monday April 30th 1894.
- BROOKSBANK. On April 28th at Sunnyside Romilly-road Canton Cardiff .Hugh Brooksbank,Mus.Bac.Oxon.F.R.C.O. organist Llandaff Cathedral.
- ROGERS On Friday April 27th, L.R.Rogers (Rogers and Co.) Abertillery. Funeral on Wednesday next leaving Abertillery, by 2.30 train for Ponthir, via Newport.
- EVANS On April 27th at Fernhill Terrace, Treharris, Thomas Evans late police-seargeant Llandaff- Funeral Wednesday at Llandinam, Montgomeryshire.
- Porthcawl School for Boys. Principal Rev, E.J.Newell M.A. assisted by E.W.Hurst B.A., J.T.Phillips, R.Seaton, and Sergeant Bradbury.
- Cowbridge- Great House for Girls. Principals Mrs. and Misses Culverwell.
April 18th 1894
- Mr.J.W. A. Stevens, of Penhill, Llandaff has been appointed a commissioner of Income-Tax for Cardiff.
- At the annual meeting of the Neath Board of Guardians under the Presidency of Mr. W. Leyshon, Alderman J.H. Rowland was re-elected Chairman.
- A middle-aged women named Minnie Ann James was charged at Cardiff Police-court with stealing a shawl, value at 5s.from No 2, Ordell Street, property of Anne Hall. Her first offence-bound over to be of good behaviour for 12 months.
- Emma Thomas and Emma Retallick alis M'Guire, were committed for trial at Swansea Quarter Sessions- charged with stealing £7 in gold from the person of Francis Budwid- a German whilst in conversation with him in High Street Swansea.
- Verdict Death by Natural Causes. At the inquest of Anne Simmons aged 11 who died suddenly at the home of her parents 72, Railway Street Roath- Dr Corrigan said she die of cerebral haemorrhage.
- At Tredegar County Court, before His Honour Judge Owen, Henry Hodder, formerly of Sirhowy, but now of Swansea , was sued by his brother ,William Hodder for sum of £20.7s.6d. due from him by agreement towards the support of his mother . Defendant signed an agreement undertaking to contribute 2s.6d per week, but now pleaded inability to meet the demand, and also complained that he had unwittingly afixed his signature without the inclusion of certain conditions which he had thought to have inserted. His Honour gave judgement for the amount due
Western Mail
Monday June 25th 1894
- On Saturday June 23 rd 1894, there was an explosion at Albion Colliery Cilfynydd, at least 250 men lost their lives and the figure could be around 300. The bodies brought out of the Pit and the following have been identified. [Here are the first fifty.]
1. Wm. Dobbs, 87 Mary street, Cilfynydd, aged 39, married with children. 2. Walter Webb, timbersman labourer, Cilfynydd, married. 3. John Evans, overman, Howell-street,Cilfynydd, aged 49, married,with family. 4. John Evans, stoker, Cilfynydd,married aged 55. 5 David Watkins, haulier,Mary-street,Cilfynydd, aged 23 years married. 6.John Quarterly, ripper, Jones' Houses, Coedpenmaen, married. 7. Frank Joyce,labourer, 24 Danygraig,Pontypridd age 24,married. 8. James Cullen, assistant ripper,28 High street, Pontypridd aged 26 years. 9. William Oliver, ripper, 4 Ann-street, Cilfynydd, aged 55 years. 10. Richard Herbert, 41 Howell-street, Cilfynydd, aged 48 years, single. 11. Thomas Jones, ripper, 7 Cwm Houses, Cilfynydd, single. 12. George Provis,ripper,15 Norton Terrace,23 years, married 13. Gilbert Rough, Door Boy, 15 Thura Terrace, aged 16. 14. Thomas Jones,ripper,21, Howell-street, Cilfynydd, aged 32, single. 15. Lewis Howells, assistant ripper. 16. Isaac Comley,36 Merthyr-road, Pontypridd, married, age 25. 17. William Parry, haulier, 40 Merthyr-road, Pontypridd,aged 20. 18. Wm.Jones,ripper, 13,James-street, Cilfynydd, married,aged 30. 19. William Roberts, ripper, opposite post Office,Norton Bridge, married aged 39. 20. James Rowe, hitcher, 88 Coedpenmaen-road, Pontypridd, married one child. 21. William Morris, collier,16, Richard-street, Cilfynydd, aged 22. 22. Richard Owen(" Mabon Bach"), haulier,6 Evan Houses, Norton Bridge, single aged 20. 23. Hugh Pugh, Norton Bridge, aged 27, wife and three children. 24. Benjamin Stubbs, 61 Mary-street, door boy. 25. Arthur Timbs, labourer,13 Wood-street, Cilfynydd, single aged 30. 26. Evan Davies,shackler, 30 Wood-street, Cilfynydd aged 17. 27. Morris Ashton, 44 Howell-street,Cilfynydd, aged 33, wife and four children. 28. Llewellyn Rees,ripper, 79,Mary-street, 43 years, wife and five children. 29. George Walters, door boy,25 Police-row, Norton Bridge, aged 18. 30. Wm.Richards, labourer, 53 Cilfynydd-road, aged 19. 31. Charles Saunders,ripper, 53,Anne-street,Cilfynydd,aged 43, wife and four children. 32. Walter Price,haulier,81, Coedpenmaen-road aged 21. 33. Henry Morgan, haulier, 28 - ditto-18. 34. William Hughes, ripper, 34 Wood-street, married. 35. William Williams("Sir George"),haulier, 2 Cwm Houses, aged 47, single. 36. John Ashton,Howell-street,Cilfynydd, single. 37. John Scott,haulier, 4 Brynderwen-terrace,Cilfynydd, aged 23, single. 38. William Hopkins, haulier,23 Howell-street,married aged 21. 39. Joseph Grey,shackler, 15,Bassett-terrace,25,married,one child. 40. Thomas Evans,ripper,3 Howell-terrace,Cilfynydd, aged 38. 41. David Pugh,ripper, Police-row, Norton Bridge,aged 27, married. 42. John Webb, 19,Richard-street,Cilfynydd, married, wife and four children. 43. George Williams,haulier,53 Coespenmaen-road, Pontypridd, 35 and single. 44. William Jones, fitter, 52 Richard-street, Cilfynydd, aged 26, married three children. 45. William Haynes, Tram-road, Pontypridd, aged 16. 46. Arthur Jennings, labourer, 21 Police-row, Norton Bridge,21,married. 47. David Owen Thomas,stoker,83, Cilfynydd-road,aged 25,single. 48. John Evans, fitter.27, Cilfynydd-road, aged 48, wife and child. 49. John Parfitt,labourer,41 Tram-road,Treforest,aged 45, wife and seven children. 50. Sydney Cox, assistant ripper, 38 Danygraig-street,Pontypridd aged 22. [ I will put out the next fifty soon.]
Western Mail
Monday June 25th 1894.
- Suicide of Neath Surveyor. On Saturday morning John Williams , civil engineer and surveyor and brother of Mr.David Williams of Gnoll Park-road , drowned himself in the canal at Penrhiewtyn. Neath. The body was discovered by P.C.Phillips, among the articles found was written. "Not right in the head since the Hendreowen Affair; not my fault" Deceased was 67 years of age, and a bachelor.
- Marriage Chivers- Cole. June 14th, by licences at Merthyr, Tom Godfrey Chivers . , Aberdare, to Isabel Annie Naomi Cole, daughter of the late Captain Cole, M.M. Frampton-on-Severn,and niece to Mr.J.Lendon Berry, Aberdare.
- Friday June 22nd 1894. Mr.Willie Jeremiah, a prominent member of the Morriston Football Club and holder of a prominent posistion at W. Williams Works, died of Phthisis on Wednesday.
- Tuesday April 3rd 1894 Embezzlement at Ferndale. On Monday at Ystrad police-court. John Alfred Marsh, alias Alfred Frambow, was convicted of embezzeling £10 the property of his employer Mr Griffith Phillips, Blaenechan, Grocer and General Dealer, sent to prison for three months hard labour.
- District coroner. Mr. E.B.Reece, held an insquest st Town Hall Cardiff on the body of John Collins, aged 52 a coal trimmer who died at the breakfast table at his residence 24 Rolls Street Canton Cardiff. Dr Buist who attended, said death was due to Heart disease.
Western Mail
Monday June 25th 1894.
- Some more of Deaths resulting in the explosion at Albion Colliery Cilfynydd.
51.Hugh Pugh, ripper, 47 Cilfynydd-road, single and 32. 52. James Stephens,labourer, 22 police-row, Norton Bridge, married aged 40. 53. Frank Topp, labourer, Foundry-Place Coedpenmaen, single aged 23. 54. Thomas Smith,engineer, 8 Ann-street, Cilfynydd, aged 31, wife and 5 children. 55. Edmund Daniels, doorboy, 33 William-street,Cilfynydd, aged 16. 56. John Hardige, roadman, 21, -ditto-25 and single. 57. Owen Hughes, ripper, 84 Mary-street " " 26, married. 58. David Llewellyn, timberman, 44, Howell-street " " 39, " 59 Richard Thomas, collier,78,Coedpenmaen, aged 47, wife and 5 children. 60. Edwin Godwin, labourer, 18,Mary-street, Cilfynydd, aged 47, wife and 7 children. 61. Thomas Burns, doorboy, 87, -ditto-18 single. 62. Edwin Borden, " Basset-Terrace, Norton Bridge aged 14. 63. Ellis Jones, ripper, 14 Jones-street Cilfynydd, aged 40, wife and 4 children. 64. Nathanial Edwards, haulier, 25,Police-row, Norton Bridge, 19 and married. 65. David Morris,roadman,aged 40, of 15,Mary-street, Cilfynydd, wife and 5 children. 66. John Kerslake,pumper,72, William-street,Cilfynydd, age 28, wife and child. 67. George Burford,haulier,66 Taff-view, Codpenmaen, age 20. 68. David Griffiths, night fireman,2 Towyn Villas, Cilfynydd, aged 36 wife and 4 children. 69. Hugh Jones,pumper,11,Evans-row,Norton Bridge aged 22 wife and child. 70. William John Harding, shackler, 46,Wood-street aged 16 single. 71. Thomas Evans,ripper,48 Howell-street,age 19 and single. 72. Robert Roberts,ripper,50 Cilfynydd-road,aged 40, wife and 4 children. 73. George Evans,collier,aged 30,16 Police-row, wife and 3 children. 74. Evan Gronow,rider,2 Brynteg-terrace,aged 24 and single. 75. Thomas Morgan,doorboy, 88 Cilfynydd-road, aged 18. 76. Rees Jenkins, asst. ripper, Mary-Street,Cilfuynydd, aged33, wife and child. 77 Edward Jones,labourer, 16,East-street, Pontypridd, aged 60, wife and 5 children. 78. Philip Fletcher doorboy, Tyisha Farm, Coedpenmaen, aged 19. 79. John Thomas,haulier, Bodwenarth-terrace, Cilfynydd, aged 29 and single. 80. Evan Morris, 5 Evan-street,Norton Bridge aged 30,wife and 3 children. 81. David Price Davies, 9 Wood-street, aged 32, wife and 3 children. 82. Henry Charles Cooper,haulier,Treforest, aged23, married 4 children. 83. Patrick Kahoa, 3 Cwm-Cottages, Cilfynydd, age 20 and single. 84. Robert Parry, ripper,Merthyr-road, Pontypridd,40 and single. 85. George Manders,haulier, Cilfynydd-road,aged 32, wife and 2 children. 86. Philip John Suard, haulier, 33 Cilfynydd-road, 18 and single. 87. Benjamin Eynon,shackler, 6, " " 58 married two children. 88. Morris Lanon,haulier,15,Catherine-street, Navigation, 24 and single. 89. Alexander Addis,roadman,Davis-street,Coedpenmaen, 27 and married. 90. Cornelius Gronow, master-haulier, Coedpenmaen, 36 and married. 91. John Coles,haulier, 3 Ann-street, Cilfynydd, 23 and single. 92 Richard Jones, ripper, 4,Evans-street, Norton Bridge, 23 and single. 93. James Powell,ripper,63 William-street aged 60 married two children. 94. Thomas Williams ripper, 61 William-street aged 50 and married. 95. Richard James, labourer, 75 Cilfynydd-road, aged 20 and single. 96. William T.Jones,ripper,21 Wood-street, Cilfynydd, married 3 children. 97. John Shadlick, hitcher, 43 Coedpenmaen, 23 and married. 98 Hugh Roberts,ripper,44 Wood-street, 37 wife and 6 children. 99. John M'Grath,, labourer, Graig,Pontypridd, single aged 23. 100. Levi Evans, ripper, 16 Police-row, aged 45 and single. There is another and 170+ to come.The following extracts are taken from the Western Mails reporter at the scene.
The bodies present an awful appearance for burns, etc, One body has only the trunk remaining,and it is supposed to be that of William Jones,Travellers Rest, Navigation. He was a father,and had only been down in the colliery about 5 minutes.
In the pocket of a dead young man,named Hugh Roberts, was found on Sunday afternoon a soiled envelop with a series of Welsh entries on it, containing references to parables of Jesus in the Gospels. It appeared that Hugh Roberts was a keen biblical student .
I must not forget the case of a Mrs Edwards and her six children. Two years ago her husband died, leaving her with the above number of young children, nearly all girls. But the eldest was a boy named William D.Edwards, now eighteen years of age,and he was the sole support of the family. He was a haulier,and is among the dead. The cottage in which the family lived is so small that the only upstairs window had to be opened to pass the coffin through it with the poor boy's remains into the bedroom which he slept for the last time on Friday night. The address of the poor distracted mother is No 6, Cwm, Cilfynydd, Pontypridd..
Western Mail
May 7th 1894
- Cardiff Quoits Club Opening of the season. President of the club which number 150 is Mr.James Hurman,messrs T.H.Riches, Samuel Cooper, and G.N. White, are vice-presidents,Mr.Henry Griffen(of messrs Cory Bros) acts as captain. The Secretarial work is performed by messrs, T.C.Parker and W.B.Ferrier.
Mackintosh Team J.Solomon 21 G.Hoskins 8 S.Davies 18 F.Roberts 6 A.Bishop 21 W.Cumming 21 E.Telling 21 Total116
Claude Team D.Morgan 5 F.Morgan 21 Malpas, 21 Hayes,21 Dale, 13 Witcomb,20 Davey,11 Total 112 Game played at Park Street.
- Professional Cycling. The Catford Cycling Meeting at Herne Hill, London. Held one of the most important cycling meetings of the year, 15,000 attended. The race was won on his professional debut in London by T.James of Mountain Ash. First Prize £15.
- Birth -O'Callaghan Thursday May 3rd, at 19, The Parade, Cardiff, the wife of Stephen Henry O'Callaghan of a daughter.
May 10th 1894.
- Mrs.D.Gorman,7&8,Bridge Street,also 31-33 Wyndham Afcade,Cardiff. Purchase Ladies,Gentlemen's and Childrens Wardrobes,Dress Suits,Boots etc; good prices given - Established 1869.
- Gentlemens and Ladies left off clothing bought; town or country. Orders promptly attended to. Mr.and Mrs. S.L.Green Dumfries House, 32 Caroline Street,Cardiff -Established 41 years.
- Gentlemens Left Off Clothing Bought. Town or Country. Orders Promptly Attended To, by Mr.or Mrs, S.Beer,30 Caroline Street,Cardiff. - Established 1864
- Left Off Clothes- Mrs,Roddy, 9 Sandon Street,Newton,Cardiff.
- £145 each- New Cottages, near Splotlands;let 6s.6d. weekly; safe investment; small capital required to purchase. Morgan,8,Working Street,Cardiff.
- IMPORTANT NOTICE Mr Henry Tainsh of "Tainsh" 5,High Street, Cardiff. Genuine sale, Genuine Reduction of watches, clocks and Jewellery.
- BIRTH -PROSSER On the 9th inst, at 145, Clifton-Street, Roath,Cardiff, the wife of Mr. W.Prosser, Butcher, of a son.
- DEATH-JENKINS. On May 8, at Crosstown House, Llancarfan, Thomas Jenkins at the advanced age of 90 years. Public Funeral on Friday, starting at two o'clock for Zoar Chapel, Bonvilstone.
- DEATH -MILLS. At Neath on May 6, John Henry Mills,son of the late Rev.John Mills of London, aged 55 years. Funeral Friday May 11, at Twelve o'clock, at Llantwit Churchyard. May 7th 1894 Western Mail.
- CRICKET TEAMS. Cardiff seconds, H.A.Wills,G.W.Swan,E.J.Rooney,R.Rooney,S.Rooney, D.Mullens,W.E.Dunford,E.Rees, N.A.Hickey,W.H.Allen, G.J.Brown.
Cardiff "A" v Ely. Cardiff "A"- E.H.Scheill, R.D. Jenkins, T.N. Williams, W.A.Horey, Ivor.J.Jones, T.Devereaux, E.Sargeant, J.D.Evans, G.P.Owen, P.E.Lewis, S.O.Ingledew.
Ely X1-- A.M'Dougal, Rawlinson, R.Shelman, T.Porter, W.Ball, F.Coles, F.Jones,S,Evans, Rook, Hyde, Davies.
- GOLF. Porthcawl Team v St.Fagans. E.W.David, G.F.Insole, J.E.Williams, H.A.Tapsfield, W.H.Watson, G.W.David, F.Halsey, Rhys Price. St.Fagans H,J.Simpson, Rev.D.Davies, T.M.Barlow,Dr. A.E. Taylor, J.F.F.Commons, Dr.E.Williams, Colonel Glancey, H.W.Vivian.
Monthly Medals- Glamorganshire Golf Club. Seniors- W.H.M. Tucker, J.Hunter,C.B.Stoddart, A.M.Ingledew, P.Hagarty. Juniors, Henry Flint, H.M. Ingledew, J.F.Grimes.
- BIRTH-JOHN. At Corporation Hotel Cardiff W.E. on 6 inst the wife of Mr. T.D.John of a daughter.
- DEATH-DAVIES On May 5 at Park street Treforest Mr.J.D.Davies, late cashier at the Tinplate Works, Funeral at Three o'clock on Thursday for Saron Chapel
- DEATH- FRANK On May 8, at the residence of his sister Mrs. Bassett,3 Landscape Place, Llandaff, William Frank, confectioner, Cardiff in his 58 th year.
- BIRTH- HAYES. On the 6 inst, at Thurswell House, Eaton Place, Canton, Cardiff, the wife of Clement William Hayes, of a daughter.
Western Mail
May 1894
- Brutal Cardiff Husband. Daniel Foley,according to a statement his wife made to the Cardiff Magistrates Court- He is all right when he is sober, but is rather violent when "under the influence" He was not sober on Monday evening,and went home, to 85,Adam street, and asked for his supper. Failing to get this,he picked up a shovel, and struck his wife on the head with it inflicting a severe contused wound. For this Daniel was sent to Adamstown for one month with hard labour
- Barry Dock Pilot Missing. On Saturday morning a man named Albert Tanner, dock pilot living in Sydenham street, Barry Dock, where he has a wife and five children, went to Cardiff to receive money from different shipbrokers to pay the wages of the men in his employ, and he has not been seen since.
- DEATH- CHISHOLM On the Ist inst,at 46,Dean street,Aberdare, John Chisholm,law student, aged 26. Public Funeral Saturday at Twelve noon.
- DEATH- EVANS On May 1st, Mrs M.Evans,Church Farm, Ystradowen,aged 80 Funeral Saturday leaving for Llantristant at 12.30
- DEATH- PATRICK On May Ist, at 22,South Luton-Place,Cardiff- Parlett Patrick, in his eighty-sixth year. Funeral Saturday at four p.m. for New cemetery
- A collier named Richard Meredith, of Mountain Ash, was at Aberdare Petty sessions on Tuesday , committed for trial for indecently assaulting a child of four.
- At Neath Morgan Thomas of the Ancient Briton was fined 20s. and costs for assaulting his wife, a separation order also being also made.
- John Gibbon, a labourer, was sent by the Ystrad magistrates to gaol for two months for wounding his brother-in-law, Henry Morris.
- At Neath Richard Mayers, fishmonger, Green Neath, was fined 20s. and costs and bound over to keep the peace for six months for assaulting his wife.
- MARRIAGE POWELL- DAVID. On May 3rd, at Margam Abbey, by the Rev.Z.P. Williamson,vicar of Margam, assisted by the Rev D.Phillips,B.A. and Vicar of Llangeinor. Rev,M.Powell,B.A. of Aberaman, to Edith, daughter of Major D.R.David J.P., Brombil Margam.
Western Mail
May 1894
- At Ystrad Police-court (before Mr.J.Ignatius Williams, stipendiary; Mr E.H.Davies, and Dr.J.R. James). D.J.Ryan, a photographer,was summoned for deserting his wife. The plaintiff blamed the mother-in-law for creating the difference between herself and her husband, while the husband alleged that his wife had walked one day from Ferndale to Porth with a young man, and that he had paid for her fare home from Porth and kissed her. The Bench ordered the Mr.Ryan to pay 7s. per week towards his wife's maintenance and pay costs.
- The Social Evil at Cardiff. At Cardiff Police-court on Monday(before Mr.T.W.Lewis, stipendiary and Mr.C.H.Evans) Elizabeth Cluness or Watson, was brought up charged with keeping a disorderly house at 10 Angelina-street. P.C.Dredge gave evidence, and the defendant was found £5. and costs, or one month's imprisonment.
- Trio of Rowdies at Penarth Before Mr.L.Wood and Mr. Gibbs- James and Mary Webber,husband and wife and Richard Ambrose fireman all of Penarth charged with drunk and riotous on the 25th inst. James Webber assaulting P.C. David Thomas and P.C. Tucker at the Ship Hotel- all three were fined 10s. each and costs,or gaol sentences with hard labour.
- Bankruptcy Acts- Receiving Orders. John Jones,Clydach-road,Clydach Vale formerly Fernhill Cottages,Blaenrhondda, Glamorganshire- Collier. Henry Pratt,William street,-Ystrad Rhondda, Butcher. John Michael, Gladstone shop, lately Bryn Shop, both Cwmtillery, previously Oak-street,Abertillery Mon, grocer formerly insurance agent. David Benjamin Thomas,Old-road, Birchgrove,Llansamlet, Glamorgan, -Collier. Joshua Jones,East-end , Cowbridge, Glamorgan, Commission agent. William J.Blakemore, Carlisle -street, formerly Cyfarthfa-street and Meteor-street,Cardiff, grocer,oil and general dealer, formerly oil dealer,stationer, and tobacconist. First meeting 10th May at Town Hall Swansea. Morgan Phillips, Gibbet-Hill road, Swansea - Builder. John Smith, Nelson-street, late of St.Helen's-road, Swansea - commission agent.
- Six Months For Assaulting The Police. Patrick Shea 24, went to 21, Houghton-street.Cardiff, to see the occupier Mr.Perkins about some money .Perkins told him to go away, and Patrick instead of doing that,used some very expressive language and kicked the door of the house. P.C. Welsher came along just then and ordered Patrick to desist. Shea struck the officer, who then took him into custody. Shea became more violent, and called on a couple of pals to his aid. The Pals set upon the constable who, although badly beaten,stuck to his prisoner and eventually landed him in the lock-up. The prisoner was sent to gaol for six months hard labour.
Thursday May 3rd. 1894
- I David Morgans,of 4,Moss-row, Abernant, Aberdare, HEREBY GIVE NOTICE that from this date. I WILL NOT HOLD MYSELF RESPONSIBLE for any debts incurred by my wife MARY ANN MORGANS, after this FIRST DAY OF MAY 1894 -signed DAVID MORGANS.
- At Pontypridd Police-court John Thomas a Cilfynydd collier was sent to prison for a month for striking a women on the head with a chair, also in addition 14 days for assaulting P.C. Gillman whilst being arrested.
- Meeting of the Records Committee of Cardiff Cooperative was held at Town Hall. Those present- Mr. Edward Thomas(chairman),the Mayor Mr.W.J.Trounce, Alderman Sanders, messrs, Ramsdale W.Lewis, H.White, Ebeneezer Beavan, F.J.Beavan andJ.Munn and J.Hobson Matthews.
- Knifing at Cardiff. Maud Dennison and Margaret Sheridan, who were living at 5 Nelson-street, had a quarrel, at 11 p.m. Dennison took up a table knife and cut Sheridan on the head several times. She was committed for trial at quarter sessions.
- Cardiff Lady and Tithe Charges. Mrs. David Evans,43,Oakfield-street Cardiff, it appears has not paid her tithe of 11d. per annum for two years she was before his Honour Judge Owen at Cardiff County Court. Case proceeding.
- Daily Governess required early in September to instruct two girls aged seven and eleven- apply Mrs.Gardner, Rookwood,Neath.
- Wanted Parlour Maids. Early riser- apply Mrs Robert Eaton, at Brynnewydd, Sketty Green, near Swansea.
as above apply to Mrs T.D.Griffiths, Druslyn, Swansea.
- Wanted nurse for one-two year old child, apply Mrs. Gardner 32, Clive-road Penarth.
Friday May 4th 1894
- re The MORFA EXPLOSION RECOVERY of the BODY of the UNDERMANAGER also another VICTIM FOUND. On Tuesday the body of Mr.WilliamBarrass, late the under-manager of the Morfa Colliery was recovered in the workings. The deceased was 79 years of age, had been over forty years at the colliery, and came from Durham by coach in the year 1849. On Thursday afternoon another body was brought to bank,viz, that of Ebeneezer Davies of Taibach, deceased was married, has left a widow and three children. At present there are 21 bodies unrecovered.
- ADVERT. Revolution in Engine Oil. The "Hornsby-Akroyd" patents Sole agents for the district. John Hibbert and Sons, 10 and 11 Castle-stret,Cardiff.
- Rees Daniel Morgan of Upper Strand, Swansea was taken to hospital with a broken arm caused in a fight with a butcher named Woollard.
- BIRTH-ROSS On May 12th, at 250, Newport-road Cardiff the wife of Bodan Ross of a daughter.
- MARRIAGE- MATTEY-MAYO. On May 12 th, at St.Margaret's Church, Cardiff by the Rev. E.L. Reeves, Fred J.Mattley of Cardiff, to Nellie, eldest daughter of the late J.P.Mayo,of Newport.
- Theft From a Father at Cardiff Cardiff Police-court, Edward Paine 19, charged with stealing a pair of boots value 5s. from 15 Robert-street the property of Edward Peter Paine his father. The father told the court that his son sold his boots and would not go to work. The son was gaoled for three months with hard labour.
- On Thursday May 13th a man named John Chilcott a collier, aged 19, and residing at 137 Penrhiwceiber-road, Mountain Ash, was killed on a journey of coal trams whilst on his way to the works underground. It appears that the deceased jumped on the shackle between the trams on the outgoing journey and fell under.
- James Hanlon a fireman living at Brynhyfryd was committed for trial at Swansea charged with attemting to commit a criminal assault on a little girl named Mary Richards, at the rear of Caepistell-street. Bail was allowed.
- DEATH-PERROTT On May 4th at Commercial Hotel, Ferndale, William Rosser Perrott, aged 51 years. Funeral will start at one o'clock on Tuesday for Treorky cemetery.
- Fatal Accident at Penarth. On Saturday morning, about half-past ten o'clock. Johnnie Greatrex, the three-year old son of Mr.Hazey Greatrex, baliff to Mr David Morgan, of Woodland House Penarth was drowned in a pond in the yard of Cwrt-Y-Vil Cottage the residence of his parents.
Western Mail
May 1894
- One of the most interesting attractions in Swansea is Mr.Chapman's Studio, High Street; open during Whitsun Holiday. The very best photographs from 3s. for six; 5s. 6d. per dozen. Mr Chapman himself will be in attendance, (his photographs never fade).
- Daniel Owen and Co- Works at Tudor -road, offices St.Mary St. both Cardiff. Lithographers, Letter Press Printers, and Photo Etchers, Photography.
- William O'Connell, a labourer was fined 20s. at Swansea Police-court on Whit Monday for having stolen four penny worth of biscuits from the shop of Mr.P.G.Iles, 4 High Street Swansea.
- Diptheria at Bridgend. The victim was Wyndham Williams aged twelve, eldest son of Mr. Tom Williams Solicitor Brynhaulog, Bridgend.
- Mr.Samuel Ball of Nash, met with a nasty accident, he was leading a colt through Liswerry, when the animal became frightened and knocked him over- he had severe head injuries.
- Swansea Police-court. Bridget Rowan, a servant at the Porters Stores Greenhill-street, was remanded charged with unlawfully wounding Agnes Dent by striking her on the head with a beer glass.
- William Williams, farm labourer in the employ of Mr.W.Jenkins, late of the Mill, Pyle was in charge of his masters horse on Friday evening, when the animal bolted. The man fell under the the wheels of the cart, and succumbed to his injuries.
- There was a distribution of prizes at the High School for Girls Porthcawl, the Rev.R.W.Gordon M.A. presiding. Prizes, consisting of handsomely bound books, given by Mr.Gordon and M.Robiette(French Master), were awarded to the following. Scripture Blanche Jones, Lottie Davies and Emily Newman. French- Gwen James, Emily Newman and Blanche Jones.
- At Cardiff Police-court on Wednesday,Winifred Morgan aged 48 was fined £10 and costs, for keeping a disorderly house at No 10 Nelson-terrace. Same Court. People who infringed the Sunday Closing Act. Margaret Lewis selling beer at No 14 Peel-street Elizabeth Connel -ditto-44 St Mary-Ann Street. Joseph Hearne -ditto-42 Milton Street.
- PRIZE FIGHT NEAR PONTYPRIDD. About 7.30 o'clock on Tuesday night the Pontypridd Police received information that a prize fight was taking place on the summit of Graig Mountain near Pontypridd. P.C. David Lewis(30) and P.C. Evans(40) were in plain clothes, and, having scaled the mountain side, came in view of a crowd of about 100 persons formed in a ring, close to Crawshay' Iron Tower. In the centre were two men stripped to the waist, engaged in a fight. The officers witnessed three rounds before the cry of " POLICE "was raised, but immediately afterwards the crowd scampered in the direction of Llantrisant, with the police in close pursuit. After a run of about a mile the officers captured one of the principals, a young fellow named Edmund John, a collier,of 5 Ivor-street Hafod and also two other men,who are alleged to have acted as seconds in the fight. They were David Phillips(alias"Dai Faggots"),collier of 28 Danygraig-street Pontypridd,and John Watkins collier, 69 Richard-street Pontypridd. Edmund John bound over 6 months in sum of £10. Dai Faggots bound over in sureties of £10 or months prison, John Watkins discharged.
- BRUTAL SSAULT at ABERDARE. At Aberdare Police-court Morgan Williams and Ann Williams husband and wife of Cwmaman were summoned for assaulting Margaret Williams daughter of the male defendant and step-daughter of the woman. The Bench fined 20s. each and costs.
- ALLEGED EMBEZZELMENT at CARDIFF Martin White, aged 21,servant in the employ of Mr.Henry Weston was charged at Cardiff Police-court before Alderman T.Rees, and Mr. C.H.Evans for embezzling sum of 1s. case proceeding.
- Four lads, James O'Connell, John Davies, John Sullivan, and Thomas Holly were charged at Swansea Police-court with breaking into No10,Well-street and stealing 4s. worth of eggs and oranges. Holly, being the worst offender was sentenced to 10 days, and four years in a Roman Catholic Reformatory. Davies was sentenced to one month hard labour, and the other two boys to ten days each.
- AGM. of the Riverside Liberal Ward Association held at the Criterion Coffee Tavern, Cowbridge-road, Cardiff. Mr.George Griffiths was re-elected Chairman,Mr.George Laurance,secretary, asst.sec.messrs J.R.Davies,W.H.Green,and John Thomas; the following gentlemen to form executive for coming twelve months, messrs J.Padfield,H.Davies, W.H.Green, J.M'Namara,John Thomas, A.Harding,W.Bagshaw and Maddren.
- SAD DEATH at NEATH Gwillym Rees Davies, collier Glyn-Neath came into Neath to make some purchases on Wednesday. He intended "putting up" at Gales Eating House. At 8.15 p.m. he walked into the offices of Mr. Allen assistant overseer by mistake,and falling downstairs, sustained fatal injuries. He was attended to by Dr.Morris and conveyed to the Workhouse where he expired shortly before eleven p.m.-Verdict returned- Accidental death.
- MISSING. Missing since May 1st 1894 Elizabeth,wife of William Crowther of No 9, Blackberry-place, Mountain Ash;aged 34, short and of light complexion; dressed in black skirt, light bodice,and black hat. Information of her whereabouts will be gladly received at the above address.
- THE ALEXANDRA HOTEL recently re-built manager S.A.Griffiths.
- ROYAL HOTEL St.Mary Street A.Judah manager late of Hotel Victoria London.
- FOOT RACE at ABERDARE. On Monday at the Recreation Ground a race for £20 a side was run between J.Thomas, Bryncarne and R.Lewis Mardy. The starter was Jenkin Lewis and the referees T.Smith and Dai St.John -R.Lewis won.
- CARDIFF and DISTRICT HOMING SOCIETY 1st Prize M.Cheeke,-2nd. A.Collis,3rd J.Thorn, 4th G.Priest. Winners of 2s.6d.Pool--1st J.Bartlett, 2nd, G.T.Hutchings,3rd E.John. Winners of 1s.0d.Pool " " " A.Collis 3rd J.Alfred.
- MARRIAGE -LANE-LLEWELLYN On May 15, at St.John's Church Cardiff, Stewart Lane,son of Robert Lane of Holly Bush, Cowbridge, to mary Ann Llewellyn,daughter of Thomas Llewellyn of Wick near Bridgend.
- MARRIAGE- STOCKDEN- HURFORD On Monday May 14th at St.Pauls Newport , by the Rev.... Wilks, W.Stockden to Polly Helen daughter of the late Edwin and Elizabeth Hurford of Cardiff
- DEATH- Thomas On May 15th, Dan Thomas, hay and corn merchant,20 Seymour-Street-Aberdare Funeral 4pm Friday May 18th.
- DEATH-Williams May 14th.at Brynhaulog, Bridgend-Wyndham Williams eldest son of Tom And Eliza Williams.
- Some Snippets. Recitation for females under sixteen years of age " Ti Wyddost Beth Ddywed Fy Nghalon " The prize of 10s. and 5s., which were given by Mr. W.Jenkins, Colliers Arms (Cymmer), were awarded respectively to Miss Miriam Griffiths (Penyrenglyn,Treherbert) and Miss Nellie Williams (Tylorstown).
- Prize one Guinea was offered by best recitation by men of " The Dagger Vision "-Shakespeare, and was awarded to Mr. J. Probert Evans (Ferndale)
- The Bass solo " Inchcape Bell ", prize was awarded to Mr.John Lewis, Pontypridd.
- Drum and Fife Band Competition - Eight Bands ascended the platform in the following order. Abercwmboy - Mr Stephen Cosslett Cymmer-Glyncorrwg- Mr.Lewis Davies Merthyr Town- Mr.T.Crook Bleangarw Temperance Band Mr.H.L. Lewis Llwynpia Mr. Evan Stephans Mountain Ash Mr. Stephen Cosslett Abercanaid J.W.Radnage Risca Mr. William James Winners Mountain Ash £7. 7s. 0d. second Cymmer-Glyncorrwg £3. 3s. 0d.
- Brass Band Competition. 1st. Tonyrefail- Mr.Thomas Lewis 2nd Ferndale Mr.James Ryan 3rd Tillery Colliery Band Abertillery Mr. John Griffiths 4th Llanelly Town Band Mr. J.Samuel 5th Bethany Temperance Band Aberavon Mr.Thomas Griffiths 6th Lancaster Town Band Blaina Mr. F.Birkenshaw
- Mr.Lewis of Ty'nycymmer Hall, offered a prize of £2 2s. for best rendering of the tenor and bass duet " Love and War " and Mr Atkins awarded the prize to Mr.Owen Treharne (Treorky) and Mr. John Devonald (Aberdare)
- The prize for the Trombone solo was divided between Mr.John Thomas (Treorky) and Mr James Williams (Pentre)
- ODDFELLOWS CONFERENCE at NORTHAMPTON Some of the Delegates. Cardiff- messrs W.E.Vaughan, B.Main, and J.Llewellyn Aberavon- G.Heycock, and J.Gregory Aberdare- H.Davies and D.Davies. Merthyr-W.R. Davies and J.Davies Pontypridd D.Williams Swansea- E.G.Protheroe, W E.Evans,J.Howell and R.Chalk.
- DEATH- THOMAS. April 30 Thomas Thomas, Lewis Arms, Pentyrch, funeral Friday leaving at one p.m. for Wenvoe.
- DEATH-YEO April 29, at 78, Hamilton Street, Cardiff, Arthur James the beloved son of Frank and Nellie Yeo, aged 11months.
- MEMORIAM-WILDE In tender memory of Gertrude Elsie, the dearly loved child of James and Matilda Wilde,who died May 1st,1893 aged 7 years and 3 months. We Shall Meet Again.
- HOUSEKEEPER COMPANIONS Wanted, Mothers Help; good needlewoman and used to children references required- apply Mrs Sessions, Marine Parade, Penarth.
- Domestic Servant. Wanted immediately, good General Servant, four in family;nurse kept. Apply with references to Mrs Lefeaux,9,Tyficca-crescent, Pontypridd.
- Wanted a good General Servant-write giving references, to Mrs.Hawkins,The Limes, Llanishen.
Western Mail
May 1894
- TENDERS.-are invited for building a Villa Residence at Dynas Powis for Mr. F. Graham Bird. send to W.H.Dashwood Caple,Architect, .St John's Square, Cardiff.
- BREACH of Colliery Rules. At Pontypridd Police-court, a Door-boy names Christmas Williams,was ordered to pay costs by riding in front of a tram at Albion Colliery, also John Hampton, a labourer, employed at same colliery was ordered to pay costs for taking matches into the pit.
- Women sent to quarter sessions at Cardiff Police-court, Ellen Watham charged with stealing a purse containing in gold and two foreign coins from the person of Andrew Sedebery, at , Davis-street.
- Fatal Colliery Accident near Neath. On Wednesday morning Owen Roberts,collier aged 52 while working in the Brithidir Pit nr Neath A large stone fell from the roofing of his stall, striking him in the back. He died an hour later.
- Attempted Murder at Ferndale. John Bufton a Railway Porter was in custody before Cymmer magistrates charged with attempting to murder another Porter Evan Skyrme at Ferndale railway station.
- John Wiltshire, who resides at Burnaby-road fell 30 feet at the Roath Basin, he was attended by Dr.Scorer and conveyed to the infirmary.
- Colliery accident at Ynysbwl two workmen injured at Lady Windsor, they were Abram Jones 38 and John Ray Mantle aged 22. Jones injuries are so serious that his recovery his doubtful.
- Vitriol Throwing at Swansea A little girl named Alice Maud Thomas aged 10 was brought by her mother a resident of Dolphin Court and said that a year old girl Elizabeth A.Gregory of Ebeneezer St. had thrown a quantity of Vitriol over the her, the who had blisters on her face was sent to Mr.Rees the Chemist. Later she was attended by Dr.Sullivan.
- Sudden deaths of Children at Cardiff. Mr E.B.Reece, coroner. Held inquests on the bodies of 4 month Albert John Jones of 36 Seven-Oak street,Grangetown whom Dr.Rees said died of convulsions and on 7 week Timothy Sullivan of 30 Milton-street and a Dr. Roche gave similar in regard to Sullivan.
- Accident at Barry. Thos Barry in the employ of messrs G.H. Bailey and Co, Engineers at Barry, he sustained a double fracture of the arm. He was removed to his lodgings 29 Castle-land street Barry, and attended by Dr.N.J.N.Bray, of Kingsland-crescent.
- BIRTHS -WILLIAMS. On May15, at Bonvilston, the wife of Charles C. Williams, of a boy .
- MORGAN On May 15 at Courtfield, Newport-road, Cardiff, the wife of councillor Morgan Morgan, of a son.
- MARRIAGE MORGAN-TAYLOR May 15, at the Calvinistic Methodist Chapel, Canton,Cardiff, by Rev. J.Morgan Jones, William Morgan Corporation Inspector, to Clare Ada , daughter of Mr.C.Taylor, Wyndham-crescent, Canton Cardiff
- BUIST On May 16, at 35, Windsor-place Cardiff, Anne,widow of the late J.J.Buist,M.D. aged 52 years R.I.P.
- DAVIES May 11 Jane Davies,Tyngwndwm, mother of Vicar, Llanddewibrefi Funeral 17th 1p.m. for Llangeitho
- HILEY On May 11th at his residence,12 Cliff-terrace, St.John's London, William E.Hiley- Funeral at the New Cemetery, Cardiff.
- LEWIS May 16 at Tyncymmer, Margaret widow of the late Josiah Lewis, in her 67th year, please meet at Llantrisant Parish Church at 3 p.m. Monday next. Sudden death of Mrs Lewis Tyncymmer aged 67, she was the mother of Mr W.Morgan J.P. and stepmother of Dr.Ivor Ajax Lewis, J.P. Porth. Mrs Lewis who had twice been married leaves a son -Mr.W.Morgan J.P. heir to the Tyncymmer Estate- and two daughters- Mrs Dunn of Cowbridge, and Mrs Dunn,late of Cymmer- by her first marriage, and a son and two young daughters by the second
- MARRIAGE FERRER-SMITH At St.Peters Church at 10.30 a.m.by Rev,Father Hayde, Laura Fanny, seventh daughter of Richard Smith, of 44 Oakfield-street Roath, Cardiff ,to Ernesto Ferrer of Liverpool.
Western Mail
May 1894
- Cricket Cardiff v St.Pauls Cardiff
Cardiff- R.B.Sweet-Escott,S.Biggs,V.A.Hickey,J.H.Brain, W.H.Brain, K.R.Marley,S.Sweet-Escott,R.Price, F.N.Jones,H.F.Thomas, Lowe.
St Pauls S.Rooney, E.J.Rooney, W.A. Evans, R.Rooney,D.Mullens,A.J.Brown,W.A.Wills, J.Andrews, C.Watts, W.Walker, W.D.Evans.
- Trevor Gould of 36 Mary Ann-street fined for selling beer without a licence.
- John Porter, a wholesale beer dealer carrying on business at 5 Little Frederick was charged with aiding and abetting Gould- Porters case was dismissed. Some
- Council Officials and Solicitors in 1894.
T.Mansel Franklen Clerk of the Glamorgan Council at Cardiff./ J.T.Rutherford, clerk Town Hall- Abergavenny /G.Dauncey, Solicitor,-clerk to Board, Tredegar. /W.H. Dashwood Caple - Architect, St.Johns' square Cardiff / Edwin C.Cutris-Town clerk Neath /Idris Williams, Brynglas,Porth - Shop assistant wanted. Grocery and Provisions-wanted, experienced assistant, must have references Welsh necessary apply stating salary required, to J.Hill, Briton Ferry.
- Butchers assistant- Frozen meat trade, junior wanted indoors; Welsh speaking- apply F.W.Maudy Aberdare.
Western Mail
May 1894
- Sudden death at Cardiff Gladys John aged 10, residing with her parents at No 1 Strathnairn-street Cardiff, was found by her mother at 5.30. a.m. having a fit. Dr.Hier Evans was sent for but death took place before he arrived.
Bankruptcy Receiving Orders.
- Thomas Thomas, Woodville-road,Cathays, Cardiff, commission agent.
- Morgan William Jeffreys, lately Habershon-street,South Splottlands Cardiff, now Commercial Building Glanamman, Carmarthenshire, late grocer and provisions merchant, now butchers manager.
- Elizabeth Powell, Ivy Bush,Bethesda-street Merthyr Tydfil Innkeeper.
First Meeting of Public Examinations.
- Arthur W.Manning, Hannah-street,Porth, Butcher 1st meeting.
- David Thomas, St.Helens Avenue Swansea, Builder, 1st meeting
- Florence E.Richardson, Corporation-road Grangetown Cardiff, lately Clyde street, lodging House and Boarding house keeper 1st meeting
- Cogan School Board-Election.
Elected RevF.E.Williams, curate Cogan 445 W.L.Morris, Builder Penarth 359 E.B.Riley Contractor Cogan 248 J.F.Proud Marine plumber Penarth .228 J.Pavey, Cogan 220
Non-Elected B.Price 164 C.Jolliffe Penarth 118
- Mr.Freke, Duke street. Cardiff., begs to state that he still photographs each visitor to his shop.
- Death-ROSS. On the 17 inst, at 250, Newport Rd Cardiff, Agnes, the beloved infant daughter of Bodan and Louie Ross. Birth- HILDITCH. On May 18 at Rockleaze, 9,Albany-road Cardiff, the wife of F.W.Hilditch,of a son.
- Marriage- BACH-WATKINS. On 17th May, at St.Peters Church, Roath,Cardiff, by the Very Rev.G.Cormack,I.C., John Edmund, eldest son of the late Rev.John Bach of Adelaide, South Australia, to Edith Lucy, eldest daughter of the late Mr.David Watkins of Grawe. Western Mail May 1894.
- Wanted, youth as an apprentice to the Photographic Profession, premium required. apply J.H. Goldie,Artist,Temple-street,Swansea.
- Siedle Bros; Swansea, the best photographs.
- Richard Bird, Hereford, an improved method of tainting or colouring photographic prints. Patent No. 9,479 issued May,15th 1894.
- H.H.Parlay, Photographic and Dispensing Chemist, near the Albert Hall, Swansea, has a vacancy for an apprentice.
- Wanted General Servant- apply Mrs Hawkins, The Limes, Llanishen,Cardiff.
- Wanted good Gen.Ser.- also young nurse, housemaid;churchwomen, apply Mrs. Jenkins,Oxwich Rectory, near Swansea.
- Wanted Kitchen-maid, apply Mrs. Herbert Cory, St.Mellons, nr,Cardiff
- Wanted Gen.Serv., one from the country preferred; early riser, two in family. apply Mrs Evans,Post Office,Gilfach Goch near Bridgend.
- Wanted plain cook- Mrs Davies,Grovefield Penygraig, Rhonnda Valley
- Wanted Gen.Serv- Mrs Franklin Thomas, Radyr,Cardiff.
- Wanted plain cook-Mrs Kelly,The Elms, Llandaff-road Cardiff.
- Wanted girl about 17 Gen Housework-Mrs Honeybourne, Nelson-place,Swansea.
- Outfitters- Wanted experienced assistant, Welsh necessary apply Isaac Williams Aberavon, Port Talbot
- Drapery- wanted two smart boys as apprentices,also two young girls live indoors, Welsh speaking. apply J.Rees Evans,218,High street,Swansea.
- Butcher- young man as slaughterman, to assist in shop and make himself generally useful, total abstainer, aged not over 22 apply by letter to J.Williams, Portmanmoor-road, Cardiff.
- Hairdresser-apply Nicholas Hairdresser, Pontypridd.
- Butchers wanted young man able to slaughter and serve in shop, willing to make himself useful- apply Batten Butchers, Main-street Cadoxton nr.Cardiff.
- Rooms to Let in the country, within 3 miles of the sea, good trout stream runs through the grounds- apply Mrs,Rees,Waterton Hall near Bridgend.
- Premises. Wanted a house with not less than 5 bedrooms, apply D.Edmunds,Bute Docks Office Cardiff.
- Premises- Llanishen- To Let,semi detatched 9 roomed Villa; hot and cold bath,large garden, apply J.Bregantner,182,Bute-road, Cardiff.
Western Mail
May 1894
- Births,EVANS. On the 21st of May, at Sunny Bank, Rumney, the wife of Thos. Evans, of twins stillborn
- Births-LEYSHON. On the 19th of May,at Penscynor,near,Neath, the wife of Thomas Leyshon,of a son
- Births PROSSER- On Sunday, the 20 inst, at Cathay,Cardiff,the wife of T.E.Arthur Prosser,of a daughter
- Birth-HIBBERT On May 24th, at 34 Park Place Cardiff the wife of J.Walter Hibbert, of twin daughters.
- Deaths-ARMYTAGE. On the 17th at his daughters residence,10 Tuberville-square,Canton,Cardiff, Thomas Armytage in his 75th year.
- Deaths-JENKINS- On Sunday, May th,at her daughters residence, Brynteg, Aberdare, Mrs.Mary Jenkins after a protacted illness, aged 68 years.
- Death-MORGAN, On Friday, at Brynmawr,Morgan Morgan, contractor aged 71 years. Funeral at Blaina.
- Death MACINTOSH-On the 20th inst, at the Wheatsheaf Hotel Merthyr, L.M.Macintosh aged 40.
- Death-WATKINS On May 21st,at Angel Hotel,Troedyrhiw, Mary wife of William Watkins, aged 66 Funeral 3.30 Thursday at Saron Chapel.
- Death-BELL- On the 24th at his residence,11 Albert-crescent Penarth, Francis Bell aged 90, father of Walter Bell,Merthyr Vale and James Bell of Barry Dock.
- Death-EVANS On May 24th at Llanfabon, Mrs Maria Evans late of Brintirion, widow of the late Mr.William Evans, reigistrar, aged 67 years.
- Death- GRIFFITHS-May 25th,at 98 Wyndham-crescent,Canton,Cardiff,William Harris Griffiths aged 54
- Death-PARKER- On May 24th at the Eagle Inn, Aberdare, Mary Elizabeth Rearden, the only and muched loved daughter of E.Parker Funeral 2p.m. Friday Aberdare Cemetery.
- Death-STUCHBERY- On May 24th, at 23, Caroline-street,Bridgend, Sophia, wife of Thomas Stuchbery, late of her Majesty's Inland Revenue aged 71 years
- JEWISH WEDDING.at Swansea Jacobs and Goodman. Mr.Michael Jacobs was united at the synagogue to Miss Pearl Goodman. The Rev.P.Wolfers and Rev. J.Miron officiated. The Brides trousseau was supplied by messrs B.Evans,and Co. The bridesmaids were eight in number and they carried bouquets supplied by Mr.Tom Barron. Among the visotors. Mrs. Goodman,Mrs Jacobs,Mrs Friedman of Birmingham, Mrs B.Freedman, Mrs S.Barnett,and the Misses Lizzie,Fanny,and Rose Jacobs, Mrs Owen and children,Miss Behrens of London,and Miss Franklin. Dinner was held at the Albert Minor-hall, room was beautifully decorated by Mr.Eddershaw.
- Inquest at Swansea. Sarah Jane Webber of Swansea aged 5 who was burnt to death by ignition of nightgown in a kitchen fire at 80 Hafod Street- Verdict Accidental Death.
- At Pontypridd Police-court, Gwilym A.Griffiths, a weaver,charged with stealing a bay mare. value ten pounds the property of Miss Williams Crlog Farm, Ynsybwl.
- Lost and Found. Found at Porthcawl,small cow, brown,with white face and belly, will be sold in three days to defray expenses David Evans, Victoria Inn
- Local Patents. Frederick Millward,Cardiff, a combined soothing teat,toy,and teething ring Patent No. 8,069; April 24th
Western Mail
May 1894.
- Oddfellows Feast, a Brass Band is wanted to play at anniversary at Mount Pleasant Hotel, Merthyr Vale, July 2nd 1894 applications to be in by June 4th to George Rogers,sec, 31 Cardiff road, Merthyr Vale.
- Wanted experienced General servant, must have good references, apply Mrs. Joshua S.Williams,127 Wood-road Pontypridd.
- Wanted experienced General servant (age 25-30) to do plain cooking and washing; two in the family-apply stating wages, references to Mrs Rees, Garnlwyd, Maesteg.
- Wanted General Servant-apply-Williams ironmonger, 289, Bute-street,Cardiff.
- At Pontypool police-court, Jane Lennox mistress of the catholic school Pontypool,was ordered to pay 9s. in cost in connection with a charge of assaulting Thomas Brown a scholar for disobedience.
Elected Members
- The Rev. D.Roderick Church 918 votes
- Phillip Richards,Hill House Church 915 votes
- John Davies, Cadle Congregationalist 775 votes
- The Rev J.Davies Cadle " 729 votes
- William Harris,Gowerton, Baptist 681 votes
- David Lewis butcher,Waunarllydd 570 votes
- The Rev. D.O.Rees, Sketty, Congregationalist 562
- The Rev.E.Bolney,Sketty Church 553 votes
- Mrs Morgan B.Williams Unitarian 321 votes
- William Walter, Waunarlydd Methodist 147 votes
- Howell Davies Hendrefolian Congregationalist 134 votes
- William Bevan, Tregerwydd Congregationalist 115 votes
- David Thomas,labourer aged 35 and his wife Sarah Ann Thomas charged with keeping a house of ill-fame at 47 Orchard-street Swansea.
- David Thomas sent to gaol for 6 weeks and bound over and his wife fined £5 and bound over to be of good behaviour.
- William Brown,Rowland Jones,Charles Painter,John Moss, and John Cord each fined 5s. for frequenting 43,Gueret-street for the purpose of illegally dealing in beer.
- Charles Note a butcher was charged at Cymmer Polce-court on a charge of indecently assaulting 15 year old Mary Ann Malpass. He admitted the charge and was sent for trial.
- At the same court Edward Davies a tramp was charged with an unatural offence in a wood in the Rhondda Fach, he was committed to the assizes.
Creation of Debenture stock.
- Those present. Mr.Archibald Hood (vice chairman) presiding, also present messrs T.R Thompson, R.Forrest,G.C.Downing, J.J.Handcock, C.E. Stallybrass, C.E.Evans, and W.Mein secretary.
- Gladys Beer,3 year old daughter of Mr.Geo Beer Upholsterer No 41Haverlock-street Cardiff, was drownde in a tub of water. P.C.Wooto was quickly on the scene as was Dr.Smith of Dumfries Place, but she was already dead.
- Owen Morgan an insurance agent was walking near the Harp Bridge Cadoxton, near Neath, when he discovered the body. Body later identified T.Jones residing 109, Windsor-road Neath, Jones was about 35 years old and a former pupil teacher
- Michael Courtnay, wholesale beer dealer, of Gueret-street Barry Docks charged with keeping a dangerous dog, ordered to pay costs and warned the dog will be shot if anymore complaints.
Western Mail
May 1894.
- The will of Dame Mary Wyatt, of Dimlands, Llantwit Major, near Cowbridge, has been proved, the value of the personal estate amounting to £10,368.
- Mr Robert Snape, deputy-mining engineer of the Dowlais Iron-works has been appointed general manager of Celynen Colleries, Abercarn.
Swansea Police-court before Messrs Edward Roberts and W.Richards.
- Ellen Sweeney was convicted for 269 th time for disorderly conduct. When arrested Sweeney had on her possession £1. 18s. 3d. and a bottle of whisky.
St Winifredes Convent Swansea-Musical Examinations
The following were successful.
- Miss Constance Tierney 14, senior division
- Misses Lily Bracken and Louie Dwyer passed.
- In the intermediate division Misses Leonora Vaughan, Gertrude Jones, and Amy Parker.
- In the Junior, Misses Ethel and Florence Griffiths and Miss Eva Eschle, and the primary division Misses Eva Phelan and Dorothea O'Neill.
- Birth-ALLEN May 23, at Mill Farm House, St.Mellons, the wife Walter Allen, of a daughter.
- Marriage-BENSON-GWYN. On May 23 rd, at Parish Church,Llandough, near Cowbridge, William Tyler Benson of Cowbridge, and May, daughter of the late John Gwyn, of St.Marychurch, near Cowbridge.
- Marriage DAVIES-DAVIES. On May 23, at St.Johns Church Cardiff, by the Rev.D.H.Griffiths,B.A. assisted by the Rev.William Lewis B.A., William Bevan,only son of William Davies Esq, Court Villa, Tonypandy, to Cecilia, second daughter of the late John Davies Porth and Mardy Hotel. Mr Gaer Jones was best man, bride was given away by her brother-in-law Mr.Morgan Davies,Mardy. The wedding party was entertained to a sumptuous repast at Hazelwood, Cathedral-road Cardiff, the residence of Mrs.Scott step-mother of the bride.
- Marriage WATERS-JONES. On the 22 nd of May, at the Parish Church,Nash, by the Rev.W.Willet, John eldest son of Mr John Waters,Green Court, to Emma, youngest daughter of the late, Mr.William Jones, Tatton,Nash.
- Deaths-HOPKINS. On May 22 nd, at 49,Upper Williamstown, William Hopkin (Tyllwyd)- Funeral Saturday at Tonyrefail.
- Death-GUNSTONE. At Llanishen on the 24th Harold William, infant son of W.and M.Gunstone.
Cardiff Waifs and Strays.
- Hon.Secretary- T.Garrett Horder.
- Bankruptcy. Henry Gammon, Terrace-road and Wassail street, Swansea, Boot and Shoemaker.
- Cardiff Police-court. George Keeling aged 30, stole a diamond ring, value £7 from Dennis O'Brien,at the Charing Cross Hotel Bute.
- A meeting of creditors of Henry Pratt, butchers,96 William street, Ystrad Rhondda,was held at the offices of the official Reciever at Merthyr, the statement of affairs showing liabilities £126. 18s. 3d.; assets £22 14s 1d deficency £104 4s 2d.
- At Aberdare Police-court, Noah Roderick,landlord of the Britannia Inn, Gloucester-street Aberdare,was fined 40s. and costs, with endorsement of licence, for permitting drunkeness to take place on his licensed premises.
- David Thomas and Sarah Ann Thomas, were summoned to Swansea Police-court, for keeping a house of ill-fame in Orchard street, they failed to appear, warrants were issued for their apprehension.
Western Mail
May 1894.
An American Welshman sends this.
- The Roll of Presidents of United States includes Eight of Welsh descent. John Adams,Thomas Jefferson,James Maddison,James Monroe,William Henry Harrison, James A.Garfield, Benjamin Harrison, and John Quincy Adams.
Western Mail
Danube Disaster-Cardiff Captain Gets Medal.
- The Royal Humane Society, conferred a medal on Thomas Morgan Master of the Steamer JERSEY out of Cardiff, on the saving of 16 lives in Braila Roumania, when a landing stage on the river Danube collapsed and 80 people were thrown into the water.
Cardiff Property Owners Protection Association.
- A meeting was held at 3 Castle-street,Cardiff, when Mr,C.Abrahamson was elected Chairman, and the following were elected to the committee. Messrs; F.S.Lock,, N.D.Marks, Harry Cousins,E.Cross, W.Geen, C. Abrahamson, H.C.Clarke, W.Symonds, I.Samuels, G.Haywood, Ivens, Anderson, Roberts and Upham.
12th AGM of Penarth and District STARR-BOWKETT- Building Society.
- Mr.C.Jolliffe in the chair, retiring directors Messrs, C.W.Williams and Walter Morgan, the auditors Messrs S.Thomas and J.H.Illingworth were re-elected. At the end of meeting Ballot number was drawn and the registered number 66 came out , belonging to Mr.John Kelly Stationmaster at Grangetown.
- Rev. F.E. Williams, Curate Cogan 445 votes
- W.L.Morris, Builder Penarth 359 votes
- E.B.Riley,Contractor, Cogan 248 votes
- J.F.Proud, Marine Plumber, Penarth 228 votes
- J.Pavey, Cogan Pill 220 votes.
- B.Price Cogan 164 votes
- C.Jolliffe Penarth 118 votes
- Death-JENKINS. On May 21st, the Rev.Evan Jenkins for thirty years the Rector of the Parish of Lougher,Glamorganshire,aged 81 years.
- Death-JONES On May 21st, at Cowbridge, Mrs,Howe Jones, aged 60 years.
Horse Carriage and Livestock, to be sold.
- A first class Mourning Coach, nearly new, apply D.Collier,Coachbuilder, Aberamman,Aberdare.
Homing Pigeons in the Cardiff/Penarth area owners awards.
- Place Owner Distance Velocity
- 1st J.Bartlett 151 1,069
- 2nd J.Davey 151 1,063
- 3rd J.Thorn 151 1,047
- 4th A.Collis 151 1,027
Winners of 1s.Pool
- 1st J.Bartlett
- 2nd J.Thorn
- 3rd J.Bartlett.
Winners of 2s. 6d. pool
- 1st G.T.Hutchings
- 2nd G.Dawkins
- 3rd J.Bartlett.
Cardiff Police-court before Mr.T W.Lewis,Alderman Sanders and Mr.Spencer
- A young man named George Davies was charged on a warrant with obtaining £5 from John Martin Pritchard with intent to defraud, he was brought into custody by Detective Gratton, and remanded for a week.
- Not Sending Children to School For not attending school,children Charles Reynolds,18 Sandon-place and George Reed,42 Enid-street, were committed to an Industrial School.
Neath Borough Police-court before Alderman P.Charles
- Michael Dillon,cattle dealer was fined £5 for having had unwholesome meat in his possession.
- John Rees late of Commercial Street, Maesteg, a Chemist died Feb 8th 1894.
- On April 6th 1894, at the Freemasons Tavern,Aberdare, Ann wife of Charles Rosser.
- Affectionate Memory of Charlotte Richards, beloved and deeply-mourned wife of David Kent-Jones,surgeon, Plascoed,Deri,near Cardiff,aged 66 years, who departed from her sorrowing family on the 9th of April 1888
Western Mail
April/May 1894
- Affectionate Memory of Charlotte Richards, beloved and deeply-mourned wife of David Kent-Jones,surgeon,Plascoed,Deri,near Cardiff, aged 66 years who departed her sorrowing family on the 9th of April 1888
- Many will learn with deep regret of the death of Mrs M.Evans,the respected widow of the late Mr W.Evans, of Llanfalon or Llanfabon, who held the appointment of register of Births and Deaths for so many years, which took place on Thursday, at the advanced age of 67 years.The deceased will be and long remembered as the genial hostess of the Greyhound Hostelry.
At Neath County Police-court
- David Davies, merchant, Llanwrda?, was fined £1 and costs for furious driving.
Marriage a Failure at Cardiff.
- Cardiff Police-court, Annie Griffiths summoned her husband James Griffiths for committing an assault on her on May 5th, they had been married for 7 years and had two children.For four years she had been subject to continual brutal treatment,on May 5th he came home at 12 p.m. and at once commenced to abuse her. Since that day she has lived with her mother at 46 Wells-Street.Mr Belcher prosecuting,and Mr.G.David for defendant. He was ordered to pay £5 and costs,also granted a judicial separation, which defendant would have to pay 15s. a week to his wife who also had custody of the children.
Fire in a Cardiff Grocery.
- P.C.Dredge gave information at the Bute-street fire station, that a fire had broken out at Mr.William Chudleighs grocery-shop in Sophia-street. Fireman in charge of the reel was Fireman Moger, and along with P.C.Dredge,was a P.C. Green.
Western Mail
May 1894
- A man named T.C.Beresford left his lodgings in Western-street Swansea,on Friday, and afterwards wrote a note saying that this body would be found within four miles of the place where the letter was written (Llansamlet). The man who is a ships steward,has been out of work for some time, and has frequently threatened suicide he was aged 48 to 50.
- David John Morgan, a Treboth collier,aged 25, was sent to prison by the Swansea magistrates,for six weeks for refusing to pay up arrears of a Bastardy order, amounting to £38.7s.
- A Swansea Butcher named John Mabe was fined 20s. by the Swansea magistrates for having twice whilst riding his horse and cart,twice viciously cut at a guard on the Mumbles Railway with his whip as he was passing the train at a stopping place.
- On Sunday morning Police-contstables W.Smith and J.Stephens, raided the house of wholesale beer dealer named Charles Hardy at 23 Gueret-street Barry Dock, and seized a 4 gallon cask of beer on tap,with a number of drinking vessels which were in use at the time.
- We have to report the death after a protracted illness of Mr.Richard Treasure of the Paaot Inn Blackwood. He had been previously colliery manager at the Old Blackwood Pit for many years. He leaves a widow and several children to mourn his death.
Boy Drowned at Cardiff.
- About 2.15. p.m. on Friday,a lad named Walter Davies,aged three and a half years, whose parents reside at 3 Hodges-row, fell into Hodges Dock and was drowned.
Shebeen Raids at Cardiff
- Cardiff Police made several successful raids at houses where an illicit sale of intxicants was taking place. The constables engaged were P.C. Hughes,Ayres,Wheeler,Green,Gregory,Maxwell,and Phillips,and acting sergeant Giles. Houses raided were in Peel-street,Mary-Ann-street, Homfray-street,Ellen-street,and Milton-street.
Western Mail
May 1894
- Birth -EDMUNDS On Thursday,May 24,at Prospect House,Merthyr Vale the wife of Gwilym Saunders Edmunds (London and River Plate Bank Buenos aires )of a daughter
- Death- DAVIES. The Rev.Thomas Davies, the veteran pastor of Horeb Welsh Congregational Chapel,Morriston, died on Saturday at the age of 85. He had been pastor of this Chapel since 1844.
- John Beer a carpenter,living in Spring Terrace, was at Swansea Police-court on Monday fined 20s. and costs,and bound over to keep the peace for assaulting and ill-treating his wife.
Cardiff Police-court before T.W.Lewis andMr.E.Spencer.
- Sarah Smedley was charged with keeping a disorderly house at 51 Wood street. P,C.Wooton deposed of seeing women of ill-fame enter the house with men. Was fined£10 and costs
Western Mail
May 1894
Cardiff Police-court, before MrT.W.Lewis, and Mr.E.Spencer.
- Sarah Smedley was charged with keeping a disorderly house at 51 Wood-street. P.C.Wooton deposed of seeing women of ill-fame enter the house with men. Mr.J.H.Jones who defended,said the house was a (bona fide) business of second-hand clothes shop. The stipendiary imposed a fine of £10 and costs.
Cardiff Police-court
- John Millar and a boy Windsor Thomas were charged before the stipendiary with selling baskets of coal which were deficient in weight. Millar was fined £3 and costs or one month in gaol hard labour, the boy was dismissed with a caution.
- Annie Mackay, a married woman of distinctly Scottish descent, and a familiar figure at Penarth Police-court, had another audience with Messrs, J.Duncan and P.Morel at the local court, she had been found by P.C. 30, with her customary offence of being drunk and disorderly, she was fined 5s. or days in gaol.
- Marriage- REES-HARDING On May 28, at the Parish Church Cowbridge (by the Rev. D.Bankes-Williams,vicar of Cwmavon assisted by the Rev.T.Cynnon Davies,curate of Cowbridge), the Rev.S.Rees,curate of Cwmavon to Emily Matilda,eldest daughter of the late William Harding,formerly of the Town Flour Mills Cowbridge.
- Death-TWENEY On May 28, at 14 Dynevor-place, Swansea, Ellinor Ann ,the beloved wife of W.C.Tweney, and daughter of Mr.Daniel Evans,late stationer of Merthyr aged 40 years.
Funeral Arrangements.
- The Late Rev. P.Neville, the Chairman Swansea District, will leave the house 98,Walter-road Swansea at 1.30.p.m. for Public service at Wesley Chapel,Swansea.
Shebeening at Cardiff.
- Cardiff Police-court, Thomas Fitzgerald was charged with selling drink on Sunday at the Lord Raglan,Ellen-street, has it was his first offence case was dismissed--same court Caroline Payne was charged with selling beer at Garth-court and was fined £5 and costs.
Neath County Police-court.
- Before Mr W.Leyshon,Robert Gwyn alias Clarke of no fixed abode was remanded upon a charge of having stolen fowls, the property of Mrs.Mary Cowler, of Half-Way House, Crumlin Burrows.
Western Mail
May 1894
- At Aberdare Police-court,was a James Welsh, for stealing a watch and chain, and a purse containing £3, a meerschaumn pipe,a suit of clothes,and other articles of wearing apperal, the property of William Abbot,Glanlay-street,Penrhiwceiber,was sentenced to 3 months hard labour.
- At Aberdare Police-court,William Tapscot,a journeyman baker in the employ of Mr.Mortimer of Mountain Ash,was fined 5s. and costs for carrying bread in a cart without being provided with a beam and scales and weights.
- Frank Harper,baker Mountain Ash was fined £1 and costs for selling bread otherwise than by weight.
Sad Fatality at Swansea.
- Captain John Ruthen,of Gorse-lane,Swansea whilst visiting the Morfa Works on Tuesday,was standing near some workmen who were demolishing an old wall, when a massive piece of pillar masonary fell on him, injuring him fatally. He succumbed in a few minutes Captain Ruthen had two sons engaged in Corporation Offices.
A Bad Cardiff Boy.
- Tempting display in the window of Mr.William Frank's shop at 27 Castle-street,was the downfall of a little 12 year old Welsh lad named David Davies who entered the shop and walked away with quantities of Butterscotch and Almond toffees, he was followed and taken into custody. He was sent to reform school for 5 years.
- At Cardiff Police-court, Mary Ann O'Brien was committed to take her trial at the Cardiff Quarter Sessions, on a charge of stealing 1s.6d. from the person of William Lewis, at the Charing Cross Hotel Bute-street on May 28th.
Sudden Death at Cardiff.
- George Welsh aged 64 a lodger at 29,Buzzard-street Cardiff, he was found complaining of illness by Mr.and Mrs. Jacque occupiers of the house,he was carried back to bed where he died a minutes later.
Western Mail
May 1894
- G.A.Stone and Co, undertakers established over 30 years ago 10,11, and 12 Working-street, Cardiff.
AGM of Neath Cycling Club at the Guild Hall. Mr Blacker, Presided. The following patrons and officials were appointed.
- President,The Mayor (Dr.D.Llewellyn Davies); patron the Hon.H.C.Bunce, vice-patrons-Messrs, E.Evan-Bevans(ex-mayor), J.D. Llewellyn,W.B.Trick,D.H.Jones, C.Hedge, J.Freeguard, W.H. Mills, C.Blacker, J.Hemming, and A.F.Lowey of the Western Mail. Captain, Mr Alf Lewis;sub-captain,Messrs W.H.Mills,J.Thorney,and D.Thomas.-Bugler Mr.Erricker, treasurer,Mr.Hedge; auditors, Messrs Ted Lewis and Richards; delegates to the N.C.U., Messrs Hedge and Blacker; secretary Mr.Gabriel, and committee, Messrs W.Hemming,(chairman) H.E.Morris, A.James, and G.Perry.
Neath County Police-court.
- James Crosby fined 25s, being drunk and assaulting P.C.Stevens.
- Mr.Daniel D.Williams, Mayor of Belthover, near Pittsburgh,U.S.A. arrived in Swansea a few days ago, accompanied by his family. Mr.Williams, who returns on the 19th inst., is a Swansea boy, being the son of Mr D.Williams, of the Board of Trade
Promotion for a Cardiff Detective.
- Detective Stephens of the borough Police-Force was recomended for promotion by head constable Mr.William McKenzie. The Watch Committee agreed to it.
- Headmistress of Cadoxton Board School is a Miss Carr.
- Secretary for the Cardiff horse Show, Mr.C.M.Berkley, 5,Park Lane, Cardiff.
Disgrace to the force.
- P.C.Turley found drunk in Sophia Gardens was asked to resign.
Western Mail
May 1894
Arrangements for the Opening of Roath Park in 1894.
List of candidates for Caretakers . Mr Ebeneezer Beavan presiding.
list as follows.
- John Carter,17 Whitchurch Place,
- W.Payne,74 Upper Kincraig street
- W.Harris,51 Straithnairn street,
- G.Lewis, 55,Allerton-street,
- R.H.Harling 24.Inverness Place,
- J.Llewellyn,26 Green street,
- Thos Gough, 63 Constellation street,
- W.Morgan, 3 Loudon-square,
- Geo Ings 16, -----Street?
- J.Woods,58,Diana street.
- E.E.Upward,9 Kincraig street.
- W.Bailey 111, Railway street.
- Henry Moule. 47 Devonshire Place.
- D.Roche, 99, Treharris street.
- B.H.Read,24 System street.
Eventually the five were selected.
- Messrs, Gough,Roche, Bailey, Read, and Hardy.
Who will each receive 24s. weekly, with a uniform.
JUNE 1894
- Births- JAMES On June 3rd, at Heathmont, Aberavon,the wife of J.Arnallt Jones,of a daughter.
- Deaths-GRIFFITHS On June 2nd,at The Bank House,Merthyr Tydfil, Anne wife of Thomas Griffiths manager of the London and Provisional Bank aged 60
- Death-NORMAN At 27, Splott-road, Cardiff, Arthur William,aged 21, second beloved son of George Dawbney and Emma Norman, after long and painful illness.
- In Loving Memory of George Edward Fownes, died June 3rd 1892, son of the late F.J.Fownes,Liverpool, and nephew of the late George Fownes F.R.S. London.
- I Frederick North of Tynycymmer Lodge,Porth, Pontypridd, Do Hereby Give Notice that I Will not be Responsible in any way for any debt contracted by my wife Sarah June North, from June 2nd 1894.
- Tents,Marques and Pavillion Hire- John Smart and Company, 2, Wellington Terrace, Cardiff.
- Great Western RailwayCardiff - General Manager Hy.Lambert.
- Cooks Excursions from Cardiff- Mr W.J.Trounce, Tourist,Emmigration, Foreign Bureaux, Cardiff
- Llandaff Diocesan Church-secretary O.H.Jones,Fenmon Castle Cowbridge.
Western Mail
June 1894
Shop properties in Cardiff
Lot 1.
- 288 Bute-sreet -Shop as now held by Mr.P.R.Williams on a 7 year lease, at the present low rental of £80. per annum, increasing to £90, tennant pating all rates and taxes.
- 290 Bute-street leased to Mr.E.P.Lewis.
Suicide at Bridgend.
- A young woman Emma Deacon servant to Mr.John Davies Chemist of Caroline-street Bridgend died on Saturday evening from the effects of arsenic. The deceased who was about 24 years of age, a lad in the employ of Mr Jones informed him that she was sick and vomiting. The deceased was the daughter of Mr.Deacon a Briton Ferry Pilot, an inquest is to be held.
Death of a Welsh Women in America.
- The Pittsburgh Despatch- Mrs Catherine Jenkins,mother of Miss Hannah Jenkins died on Thursday May 31st in the 81st year of her life.
- William Mills aged 2 living at Portmanmoor-road Cardiff,was received into Cardiff Infirmary suffering severe bodily injuries, when he fell from a horse and cart ridden by his father,one of the wheels passing over his him, he is said to be in a precarious condition.
- Death of Mr.Richard Exton, which took place at his residence 270,Newport Road Cardiff, he was aged 66, and was a successful business man as a fish curer, the premises is now in the hands of Mr.Monkley in Bute-street
- Birth-CULLEN.May 30th, at 25,Turberville-Place Cardiff, the wife of J.S.Cullen, of a daughter.
- Death-MATTHEWS On May 29th, at the residence of his Oakfield-street Cardiff, Joseph E.Matthews, of Mumbles, eldest son of the late W.E.Matthews of Llandaff.
- Internment of Mr. William Alldridge who died at his residence Paradise Place,Queen street Cardiff, took place at Cardiff cemetery. The late Mr.Alldridge was well known in Cardiff, he occupied the posistion of Law Librarian at Cardiff Town Hall for thirteen years. A few years ago he resigned his posistion on account of some grievance which existed between certain officials and himself. The deceased was in his sixty-eighth year leaves a widow and children.
Western Mail
May 31st 1894
The following transfers of licences were granted at Pontypridd Police-court
- KINGS HEAD,Trallwyn, Pontypridd to Thomas Hughes of Ferndale.
- GREYHOUND INN,Treforest, to Mary Ann Herdson, of Pontypridd.
- FARMERS ARMS, Llantwit, to William Henry Williams.
- QUEENS HOTEL,Llantwit, to Maria Roderick,Pontypridd.
- VICTORIA HOTEL, Ferndale,to John Rosser,of Ferndale.
- LLANBRADACH ARMS, Treforest,to David Davies, of Treforest.
- TREHAFOD HOTEL, Porth, to Thomas Jones, of Treforest.
- GILFACH INN, Gilfach to IIltyd Davies.
- BIRTH- HIBBERT- On May 39th,at 26, Plymouth-road, Penarth the wife of Francis Arthur Hibbert, of a son.
- BIRTH- HOPKINS, On the 29th May at 14, Cowbridge-road Cardiff, the wife of E.Ivor Hopkins, of a son, all well.
- DEATH- PRICE May 30th at 84, Elm-Street,Roath,Cardiff Llewellyn Price, aged 74, deeply regretted.
- Twelve year old Elizabeth Nancarrow fatally burnt at Swansea, she lived at Rock-street.
- Gasworks employee David Hughes residing at at St.Helens-avenue fell into a vat of hot liquid composed of mainly ammonia` and lies at Swabsea Hospital seriously scalded about the body.
- John Jones a labourer charged with stealing a sealskin jacket,value 30s.proprty of of Mr.T.E. Beaymash Pawnbroker of Penarth, the jacket was missed by Walter John Crouch an assistant in the employment of Mr.Beaumash, Jones was seen to walk from the shop with the jacket by Rose Price who resides by the shop- he was remanded.
- Florence Jones, a well known figure at Cardiff Police-court made her 109th appearance, she denied a charge of being drunk and disorderly, but was fined 10s. and costs.
Western Mail
June 1st 1894.
- One of the oldest ministers in the PRIMITIVE METHODIST CONNEXION, the Rev N.W. Stafford of Aberavon lies in a critical condition of health at 6, Plough Terrace, in that town.
- DEATH-EXTON May 31- at Malmesbury House,270,Newport-road Cardiff- Richard Exton aged 66 years. His end was peace.
- DEATH- POWELL May 30 at the College Homes, Bryncoch,Neath, Richard Hand Powell,master, aged 44 years, funeral on Saturday at 5 for Duffryn cemetery.
Wanted Adverts.
- Wanted a male or female pianist with good character. Apply to W.E.Lewis,Kings Head,Tynewydd, Ogmore Vale.
- Wanted pianist apply J.Powell,Carpenters Arms, Mountain Ash.
- Wanted Parlour-maid- Mr Gregor,Oaklands,Aberdare.
- Wanted General-servant, apply Mrs Porcher,Ely House, Gellywastad-road Pontypridd
Western Mail
June 1894
Meeting of the National Cyclist Union of Wales.
- Mr.J.Young, of Cardiff, presided. J.Griggs,Cardiff, vice-chairman-committee, H.W. Townsend,Newport, Z.Wheatley, Abergavenny, G.L.Thomas, W.H.Gwynn, F.Poole,E.C.Poole, and S.Miless all Swansea, E.Morris and P.R.Lewis, Carmarthen,J.Jenkins,Llanelly, J.W.Lloyd Newport and H.J.Powell, Cardiff(secretary).
- Dr.Treasure acknowledges the receipt of 5s.from sale of " A Docks Boy" also gifts of toys from Capt. Richards and Mrs Proctor and a rocking horse from Capt.Corfield of Penarth.
Shebeen Raid at Cadoxton Barry.
- P.C. George W. Phillips and Thomas Thorurn, raided 28,Llewellyn-street and seized Beer and Whensils ?
Fairwater Cricket Team Cardiff .
- W.H.Watson, R.Pulleine, H.A.Tapsfield, E.U.David, Rhys Price, J.E. Gladstone, S.Robinson, R.H.T.Rickard, F.Halsey, E.H.Fellows, Barnes.
Some members of the Penarth Cricket Team.
- E.Parkinson, W.P.Eddington, T.E.English, H.E.Morgan, W.M.Douglas, J.G.Llewellyn, Benson, Shepherd, Cowley.
Temporary transfer of licences.
- ANCIENT BRITON, Neath, to Gwenllian Thomas.
- BLUE BOAR, Neath, to Emma Thomas.
- LAMB INN, Neath, to Watkin Price.
- MACKWORTH HOTEL,Neath, to W.B.Trick.
- WYNDHAM ARMS, Neath, to Morgan Lewis.
- KINGS ARMS, Neath, to James Love.
- ALBERT INN, Neath, to Thomas Richards.
- LONDON INN, Melincrythan,to Elizabeth Tucker.
- ANCHOR INN, Briton Ferry, to Susan Evans.
- ASSEMBLY ROOMS, Briton Ferry, to Eleanor Roberts.
- COLLIER ARMS, Glyncorrwg. to Elizabeth Matthews.
- STASR INN, Cryntant, to Dinah James.
- KINGS HEAD, Pontrhydyfen, to John Lewis.
Cardiff Police-Court.
- Henry Black age 27, charged with stealing a pair of spectacles and case value 21s. from the person of Jenny Liedtke in High-street Cardiff, Black was sent to gaol for three months hard labour
- Same court , George Williams sent to gaol for one month for stealing a length of rope value 3s.6d. from Old Sea Lock marine stores the property of John Ford.
Neath County Police-court.
- Swansea Labourer Robert Wynne,stole poultry the property of Mary Cowler, Half Way House, Briton Ferry road, was sent to prison for four months with hard labour, at the same court, Leyshon Williams, butcher, Aberavon, fined 10s, and costs for having been drunk in charge of an horse and trap at Melincrythan, also at tha same court, Emma Jenkins licenced victualler of Resolven, had to pay one pound for having sold whisky underproof.
- Two old men John Jones and William Jones of the struggling class, stole purses in Windsor Road Penarth. Mrs Maria Morris,of, 4 Westbourne-road Penarth was standing watching the procession of Lord George Sangers Circus, she missed her purse and informed Inspector Rutter, who searching the prisoners later found a threepenny bit with a hole in the centre, which Mrs Morris had told them of earlier, prisoners remanded for a week.
- John Coghlin, carrying on business of grocer at 22,Bute-terrace, was summoned for selling margarine not properly labelled, he was fined £3 and costs or one month in gaol, same court Ann Morgan of 109 Portland-road was fined £3 and costs for adding (8 per cent water to her milk).
Western Mail
June 1894
- Good General Servant wanted at once-apply Mrs Mrs.Townsend,Stationer,Cadoxton,near Cardiff.
- Plain cook- apply Mrs D.H.Lewis, Wind-street Neath.
- Wanted good general servant, able to cook, 3 in family, apply Mrs.Herbert Hopkins,5,Picton Place, Swansea.
- House Parlour-maid,- apply Mrs. Pearse,Grovesnor House, Cathedral-road,Cardiff.
- Wanted General servant- Mrs, Evans,Tyvich Villa, Pontypridd.
- Wanted Parlour-maid-Mrs,Thomas, 11,Park-place,Cardiff.
- Wanted, parlour-maid,good needlewoman, and understands lamps, apply Mrs Morgan Phillips,Killay House, Swansea.
- General servant, able to plain cook- apply Mrs Tapson, Rougement,Woodland Park, Maindee.
- Wanted as caretakers in a club, Public, or any place of trust, wife good cook, eight years of good character. address Hardwick, Ynyscynnon-terrace,Cwmbach, Aberdare.
- Wanted at once, a Shoeing and Jobbing Smith, apply John Preece,Cowbridge.
- Cardiff Police-court-Frederick Douns, aged 31 was charged with feloniously intermarrying Rose Amelia Kingdom at St.Margarets Church Cardiff on December 25th 1893, his wife Hannah being then and now alive. Both prisoner's wife and Rose Kingdom were present in court, and the former was brought in, in a swooning condition. Rose Kingdom who lives at, 8, Theodora-street was the first witness called, said she had known Douns for twleve months. Another witness John Bond stated that June 24th 1890 at Liverpool, he witnessed his daughter Hannah Bond marriage to Frederick Douns at the Liverpool Registry Office. The accused was committed for trial at next Cardiff Quarter Sessions.
- Mr. James Brown,of Scott-street,Cardiff was killed in an accident on the Taff Vale railway, near Treforest Junction Pontypridd. Case against railway company pending.
Western Mail
June 1894.
- Death-DAVIES June 1st, at The College, Cwmaman, Aberdare, Lizzie,the beloved wife of T.L. Davies, colliery manager, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Goldie of Swansea.
- Death HOOK. June 1st, at Fairwater Farm, Elizabeth the beloved wife of William Hook,aged 61 years.
- Death- SIRCOMBE. On June 3rd, at 32, Strathnairn- street, Castle-road, Cardiff, George Henry Sircombe, aged 53.
- Death-WILLIAMS. On June 2nd, at 9, Victoria-place, Hayes, Cardiff, Ann Williams, daughter of late Norah Williams, St.Mary's-street,Cardiff aged 68 years.
Dwelling Houses to be sold.
- Two houses to be sold, near Llanbradach station, apply to Mrs. Davies, draper Llanbradach.
- Twelve roomed houses built by William Geen, builder, Pen-y-lan, Cardiff
Shop Assistant
- Wanted, a genteel Young Lady, with a good address, as an apprentice, apply to George Lee, Drapers, Mumbles.
- A Good, steady Hand to Solicit , and an experienced Hand to Take Entire Charge. - D.J. Evans, Outfitter, Merthyr.
- Wanted at once, an efficient All-round Hand; none but active and obliging men need apply. State full particulars (indoors) to R.O.Jones, Grocer, Barry Dock.
- On Saturday morning last a collier named Evan Morgan, of Twynyrodin, was killed whilst at work in Cwm Pit, Merthyr, through a roof fall.
- For Sale - Mail Carts and Perambulators, A.W. Spencers, 5, St.John's Square, Cardiff.
- At Merthyr Police-court- William Havard greengrocer, was fined 30s. and costs for having in his possession a faulty weighing scale.
Western Mail
June 1894.
- Emily Davies was fined £1 and costs at Merthyr Police-court, for stealing goods from Mrs.Minton, who keeps the Leisure Hour Coffee Tavern, Merthyr.
- John Gibbon aged 34, residing at 282 Bute-street was admitted to the Infirmary with a fractured right leg.
- Richard Holland aged 7, was struck by a swingboat on Penarth Rd, Cardiff, and was seriously injured.
- Neath Grand Show of Dogs- secretary Mr. Stanley Elt, Neath.
- Merthyr Police-court, Daniel Sullivan, who was defended by Mr.W.K.Smyth, was summoned for selling beer without a licence. case was adjourned.
Sale By Tender.
- Merthyr Tydfil Rural Sanitary Authority is to sell, Their Scavenging Tumbler Cart, the cart can be seen on application to Mr.James Jones, surveyor, Wood View, Cefn, near Merthyr.
- Tenders are required for building a Vicarage at Aberaman, for the Rev. Morgan Powell.E.M.Bruce-Vaughan, architect.
- Tender for Cogan Pumping Station to Supply Steam Coal. J.L. Wheatley,Town Clerk, Town Hall, Cardiff.
- At Abercarn before Mr. Robert Jones, Barrister, on the body of John Goodwin, a collier, aged 27, who cut his throat on the 20th of May, he was said to be mentally deranged since receiving injuries in a fall last December at Risca Colliery- Mr Evan Owen J.P. appeared on behalf of Miners Provident society, also Dr. Frank Davies gave evidence. - Inquiry adjourned.
Bankruptcy- Recieving Orders.
- Mary Ann Jordan, Mill-Street, Pontypridd and of Taffs Well near Pontypridd, a Boot Dealer.
- David Lloyd,Benjamin Lloyd, and Thomas Lloyd, trading as D.Lloyd and Bros, Norton Limeworks,Oystermouth,near Swansea. Limeburners.
- Henry Fothergill, Ryder Street and The Hayes, Cardiff. Tobacconist.
- Simon Lewis, lately of Swansea-road, Pontardulais, Glamorgan, now of Lammas-street, Carmarthenshire. Boot Dealer
- Missing Cardiff Schoolboy found at Pontypridd. John Gardener aged 9, son of Henry Gardener 22, Milford-street The Moors,Cardiff, who had been missing three days. A telegram from the Master of Pontypridd Workhouse, that a boy fitting the description of the missing boy had been found safe and well.
Western Mail
June 1894
- Richard EXTON Deceased of Newport Road Cardiff, all persons who have any claim or demand upon The Estate of Richard EXTON are required to send full particulars to me the undersigned. James MORGAN, Wilts and Dorset Bank Chambers Cardiff, solicitor for the executors. Henry PORCHER, clerk to the Petty Sessional Division of Pontypridd. University College of South Wales and Monmouthshire, at Cardiff registrar Ivor JAMES.
- MORGAN-GOWER. On Wednesday June 6th the marriage of Miss Elizabeth Mary GOWER, eldest daughter of Mr.Henry GOWER, Penybryn, Briton Ferry. To Edward Miall MORGAN, of the London and Provincial Bank Neath, second son of the the Rev. Rhys MORGAN, St.Clair. The bridesmaids were Miss Annie and Nellie GOWER sisters of the bride, and the Misses Morfino and Morfydd MORGAN sisters of the bridegroom, the best man was Mr.Sidney THOMAS, solicitor Neath.
- LLOYD - DAVIES. Marriage of Mr. William George LLOYD of Millbrook Iron Company, Landore and Miss Esther DAVIES, daughter of Mr. Elias DAVIES, Cwmdu, Cwmbwrla, and niece of Mr. W. WILLIAMSM.P. at the Ebeneezer Chapel on Wednesday June 6th - Bride given away by her father, and Mr. J.Jones HUGHES, Landore acted as best man.
- ( Mumbles Tragedy) Inquest was by Mr. Edward STRICK on Mr. Ivor EVANS aged 25, a chemist from Aberdare, who was found dead in a cave at Limeslade Bay, Mumbles- a partially empty bottle of Prussic Acid in his pocket. Mr Rees EVANS, tailor and draper, Commercial St. Aberdare, deposed that the deceased was his son. Mr.William REES, chemist Brlomont House, Mumbles, deposed that the deceased had visited him on business.Verdict of suicide whilst temporarily insane.
- (Crimean Veteran of Cardiff ) BURKE.Funeral of John BURKE, the Crimean Veteran, of 9 Norman Street, Cathays was held at Cathays cemetery, Rev Fr. GIBBON officiated. Mourners- Mrs BURKE widow, sons John and Joseph BURKE of The Royal Irish Rifles; Florence,Robert,Ernest,Annie, and Mrs Alice BURKE, Mrs JARMAN, Mrs YOUNG, Mrs GRANT and Mrs HILL.
Barry Dock Police Station.
- Before Major THORNLEY, Mr John DUNCAN and Mr John LOWDON.- Michael DONAVON was sent to prison for 14 days, for stealing, a suit of clothes, 2 pairs of pants, and a shirt from the house of Thomas LOGAN,29 Travis Street Barry Dock- he pleade he was drunk at the time.
Aberavon Police Court.
- Elizabeth JENKINS, landlady of the Sailors Return, Church Street, was fined £4.10s..6d. and costs for illegally selling beer on a Sunday, Catherine COGHLIN, Mary JONES, Mary MORRIS, and Morgan PUGH, were fined 1 shilling and costs for aiding and abetting.
- At a recent examination at the Royal Vetinary College, Glasgow. Mr. Robert MURGRAVE of Swansea was successful in obtaining his diploma as a member of the Royal College Vetinary Surgeons.
Merthyr Police Court
- Evan HUGHES was sent to prison for absconding from the Merthyr Workhouse, same court for stealing a purse containing 6s. 3d. belonging to William POWELL Dowlais, Thomas DONAVON was fined 30s. or a week in gaol.
- Joseph REES and Edward THOMAS, both of Troedyrhiw each fined 10s. and costs for falsely representing themselves as bona fide travellers and so obtaining beer on Sunday 27th May at Duffryn Arms Inn, Abercanaid
- Fire at 21, Iron-street Roath, Cardiff, the house of Mrs MARKS was quickly put out by Sergeant KING of the Roath Police Division.
- Cardiff man John OLDRIDGE was charged with embezzling the sum of 22s.6d. money of his employer William GRIFFITHS of 42 Tyndall street.
- Mary SHEA a middleaged woman living at the Trallwyn, Pontypridd charged with neglecting her children whose ages ranged from 11 months to 10 years, sent to prison 1 month with hard labour
Western Mail
June 1894
- Athletic Sports Day at Cardiff.Arrangements were carried out in usual excellent manner by the following officials.Committee, Messrs A.ANGLE. W.H. BECKER, T.A. BELL, P.BENNETT, H.COTTON, A.L. DAVIES, J.GIBSON, R.W. JOHN, W.JONES, F.E. NICHOLLS, H.E. SALMON, J.SANDIFORD, R.G.TAYLOR, and P.R. WILLOUGHBY.
- DAVIES.On June 3rd at the Barry Hotel, Barry. The wife of J.A.DAVIES, of a daughter.
- DAVIES.On May 21st at The Cottage, Cwmaman, Aberdare, wife of T.L.DAVIES of a daughter
- HOLMESOn June 4th, at Wilna House Cardiff, the wife of John HOLMES, of a son.
- WHITLEY.June 3rd at Fauvel, Clive Road, Penarth, the wife of Edwin.J.WHITLEY, of a son.
- MUIR.June 3rd, at 8 Montgomery street, Roath,Cardiff, The wife of Reginal. L. MUIR of a son.
- WILLIAMS.June 3rd, at Braunton House, Canton,Cardiff, the wife of G.T.WILLIAMS, of a daughter.
- ASHLEY - TILBROOK.June 2nd at St.John's Church Canton, by the Rev W.E.ROSEDALE, Frank eldest son of Edward Washer ASHLEY, Otago Villa, Cardiff to Emily Lizzie daughter of James Aves TILBROOK, Westerly Waterless Cambs.
- HOWELL - EDWARDS On the 4th of June by licence at St.Margarets Church Roath, by the Rev.F.J.BECK, James John, eldest son of Thomas HOWELL, Southey Street, Roath , to Gwendoline Marie, daughter of John EDWARDS, Glenthorne, Newport road, Cardiff.
- 183 Castle-road- To Let or for sale, commodious, dwelling house, large gardens. H.J. THATCHER, 3, Glossup-terrace,Cardiff.
Death of a Cardiff Centenarian.
- The death occurred on Saturday,at 46 Milton-Street Cardiff of James DEMPSEY whose age has been registered as 102 by Mr R.WATKINS the registrar.The deceased had been lodging with Mrs Mary KELLY for some time, he had been attended by Dr.WILLIAMS of Partridge Road. He had been a ships watchman in his later years.
Cardiff Parents fined for not sending their children to school.
- Mrs. MOXLEY, 18 Tyndall St. fined 2s.
- George POOK, 16 Scott street, fined 2s.6d.
- Bridget WILLIAMS, 34 Sophia-Street, fined 2s.6d.
- Frederick SQUIRES, 38 Harold-Street,fined 5s.
- Sydney HARWOOD, 32 Tyndall Street, fined 5s.
- Thomas CARTWRIGHT, 68 Helen Street, fined 7s.6d.
- James Edward TALLBURY, 28 Upper George-street fined 7s.6d.
- Members of Mountain Ash Football and Athletics acted as officials.
Starter- Mr.J.CAREY.Secretaries B.TILLEY and B.LEWIS
Western Mail
June 1894.
- At Neath bankruptcy court, David Benjamin THOMAS, collier, Old-Road, Birchgrove, Llansamlet, underwent his public examination.He was represented by Mr. Ll. THOMAS. The cause of insolvency was alleged to be expense occaisioned by an action for slander, and sickness in the family.The case was closed.
- A meeting of creditors of Elizabeth POWELL, widow of the Ivy Bush Inn, Bethesda-Street Merthyr, was held in the office of Mr. W.L.DANIEL, official reciever.The debtors statement of affairs, showed liabilities to rank for dividend, £154.6s.3d; net, assets available for distribution, £52.7s.11d; deficency £101.18s.4d.
Pony and Trap Accident.
- Mr.E.WILLIAMS and Mr.D.TUCK, both residing at 73, De Burgh-street Cardiff, were admitted to the Infirmary TUCK with a scalp wound and WILLIAMS dislocated shoulder.
- COLBOURUE- On June 6, at 13 Westbourne-road Penarth, the wife of Gilbert. R.COLBOURUE, of a daughter.
- KNOX-SHANNONS- On June 6 at Portsmouth, Edmud Pierce, eldest son of Mr.N.KNOX of Cardiff, to Regina Rose, third daughter of the late F.SHANNONS, 31st Huntingdonshire Regiment.
- MORGAN-GOWER- On June 6, at the English Congregational Church Briton Ferry, by the Rev. Rhys MORGANS, assisted by J.B.DAVIES, Edward Miall MORGAN, 2nd son of the late Rev. Rhys MORGAN, St.Clairs, to Elizabeth GOWER, Penbryn House Briton Ferry.
- MORGAN- On June 6, at Watford, near Caerphilly, William Wayne MORGAN,Esq., aged 53 Funeral strictly private.
- THOMAS- On June 5th, at Aberfawr House, Caerphilly, Gilbert Llewellyn ( Bertie ), aged 4 years, beloved son of Mr and Mrs E.THOMAS.Funeral Private on Saturday, at two p.m. for Groeswen
- THOMAS- On Wednesday, at The Red Cow Inn, Caerphilly, Elizabeth THOMAS, aged 34, the eldest daughter of Mrs David THOMAS.
Western Mail
June 1894.
- Thomas GEORGE aged 35 , a Labourer residing at 25, Milton street Cardiff, was admitted to the infirmarysuffering from injuries to his legs and thigh when trapped in a discharge of iron ore.
- Miners meeting was held at the Cooperative Hall, Caerphilly, under the presidency of Mr.Charles FRENCH of Bedwas and Mr. William WARJON, of Caerphilly, who acted as secretary.
- A.G.M. of Cathays Richmond F.C. was held at the Heath refreshment rooms.The following officers were elected Captain- W.H.JONES, vice-captain, J.VEYSEY; secretary J.R.JONES, Bangor -street Cardiff.
- Mr Frank BRIGHT active member of the Cardiff Catholic Committee, was involved in the transfer of two Catholic children ( Sarah CONNOX and Sarah SHIELD ), deserted by their parents, they were taken from Ely Schools to Nazareth House.
Cardiff Police-Court.
- Mr. William GEEN, builder, of Crwys-road, Cathay, was summoned , at the instance of Mr. Augustus LEWIS her majesty's inspector of factories, for employing a young person under the age of 14, he was fined 20s. and costs.
Bankruptcy Court Neath.
- Failure of a Neath Timber Merchant- Mr. Robert WILLIAMS, timber merchant, of the Old Ship Yard, Neath.The case was adjourned until September.
- County Councillor J.M. SMITH of Aberavon, in recognition of his service rendered, was presented with a handsome silver tea and coffee service,gold medallion, diamond ring, by Mr. John Charles JONES, chairman of the local committee.
Western Mail
June 1894.
Royal Mail Steamers to United States and Canada.
For full particulars apply to the following agents.
- J.A.SCOTT Emmigration Office - 47 Cathays road, Cardiff.
- W.J. TROUNCE, Bute Docks Cardiff.
- T.C.HOWE, Mount-Stuart Square, Cardiff.
- W.M.VAUGHAN, Printer, 47 and 48 Wind Street, Swansea.
- T.R.W. MASON and Co, Swansea.
- W.H.REES, auctioneer, Charlesville Place, Neath.
- Phillip DAVIES,George Hotel, Brecon.
- A.TILNEY- Steam Saw Mills, Abertillery.
- D.J. EVANS- Hat House, High Street, Merthyr Tydfil
- E.DAVIES, 62 Glebeland Street Merthyr Tydfil.
- D.J.REES. Trealaw, Pontypridd.
- J. DAVIES, Blaengarw.
- D.ROWLANDS, Penygraig, near Pontypridd.
- William SMITH, 42, Hannah Street, Porth.
- E.H.DAVIES, Baglan Chambers, Pentre.
- James ROBERTS, Graig Post Office, Pontypridd.
- Elias THOMAS, 79, Dyffryn Street, Ferndale.
- Isaac JONES, Stationers Hall, Treherbert.
- William.J. HARRY, Woodfield street, Morriston.
- Edward REES, 7, Travis Street, Barry Dock.
- John.S. LAMBERT, Emmigration agent. The Woodlands, Porth.
- Thomas THORNTON, Hairdresser, The Cross, Morriston.
- Thomas REES, a collier, was at Ystrad Police-Court on Monday and was remanded until Wednesday to Pontypridd, on a charge of attempted rape on a single woman, named Ann REES.
- A young lad named Alfred WOODS, aged 17 son of Mr Thomas WOODS, labourer 6 Commercial-road, Cadoxton, was engaged in signalling work at JACKSONS Deep Lock at Barry Dock. when he was suddenly knocked down by a crane , and sustained injuries to his back and bowels.
Wanted Adverts.
- Hotel servant wanted immediately, also fourth chambermaid, apply to Mrs. TUNBRIDGE, Royal Hotel, Swansea.
- A respectable girl wanted as General Servant,- Mrs BERRYMAN,194 High-Street, Cefn, Merthyr.
- Wanted by the 16 th of June, a good plain cook,small family, no washing,- Mrs BAKER, Malvern House, Heathfield, Swansea.
- Respectable Gardener/Groom,seeks situation; good references, abstainer, disengaging , single aged 29.CRIDDLE - Elm-Terrace, Whitchurch, nr. Cardiff.
- DEACON- On June 8 th, at, Llanbleddian-gardens, Cardiff, the wife of Joseph E.DEACON, of a son.
- DENDY _ On June 9, at 17, Plasturton-gardens, Cardiff, the wife of Arthur W. DENDY, of a son ( premature ).
- HANSARD - On the 9 th of June, at Church-street, Merthyr, wife of G.HANSARD, of a son.
Western Mail
June 1894
- John STREET aged 19, Gilbert VENN aged 20, Thomas HALL aged 19, and Thomas DALY aged 18, four Cardiff newspaper employees, were charged with stealing strawberries from the Great Western Station.
- At Neath Police-court, Thomas REES a lad of thirteen, was charged with causing the death of four old James H. JENKINS.
- Cardiff County Police-Court- John FLOYD, milk vendor, Edward street sued William MORGAN, oil merchant, Canton, for the return of £12.12s. price paid for a pony, which was found to be unsound when driving the milk-cart, it was found to be lame.Judgement for FLOYD with costs.
- Essen EPSTEIN, pawnbroker, of 66, Tudor-road, was summoned for having received an article in pledge from a child under the age of twelve-EPSTEIN was fined £10.0 and costs.
- William THOMAS, aged two and six months was admitted to Cardiff Infirmary suffering serious burns, the accident happened when his mother made a temporary abscence form from the house at 20 Augusta-Street, the child was in a precarious condition.
- Cardiff Police-Court. Dishonest Cardiff Haulier, Richard BIGGS aged 18, a haulier in the employ of Mr. G.F.THORNE, grocer of Clifton-street, was charged with stealing 7s.0d. from a till. He was arrested by P.C. BURKE- Bench sent him to gaol for one month with hard labour.
Western Mail
June 1894.
- M'CUTCHEON - INGHAM- On June 7th, at Hope Congregational Chapel Oldham, by the Rev. R.M. DAVIES, William, son of the late W.D. M'CUTCHEON, of Swansea, to Gertrude Mary, only daughter of Samuel INGHAM, 325, Park-road Oldham.
- DAVIES-JONES- On June 9, at Llanrian Church, Llanrian Pembrokeshire, by the Rev. J.Lewis, assisted, by the Rev. D.S. JONES, Richard eldest son of Mr. R.DAVIES, 76 Alexander-road, Canton, Cardiff, to Kate WILCOX, Croesgoch, Pembrokeshire.
- JONES. On June 8, at the Cooperative Stores, Treorky, Mr Thomas JONES ( Manager ), funeral on Tuesday at 3.30.
- THOMAS- O June 9, at Aeron Villa, Rhymney, Arthur, the infant son of J.D. and M.THOMAS aged fourteen months.
Rescued from Drowning at Cardiff.
- P.C. KING reports that he was called to the Customs House Bridge, at 12.30 a.m. where he found George WATKINS of 2 Mardy Huts Ferndale struggling in the water, Mr. John MITCHELL of 38 Gloucester-road having divested himself of a portion of his clothes he jumped into the canal, and with assistance Detective RANKIN, and P.C. KING rescued the man.
- At a meeting of the creditors of Mr.George KEENE, trading as the SOUTH WALES PROVISION STORES, Swansea, a composition of 6s.8d. in the pound was accepted.The deficency is estimated at £1,117.0s.1d.
- Robert MADDOCKS, a spelterman, belonging to Llansamlet, fell from a safety bicycle so severely in Neath-road Swansea, that concussion of the brain ensued, he was taken to hospital were he was detained.
- Two children of David WATKINS, haulier, Cribbs-row, and one child of Charles DAVIES, collier of Zoar-row Neath were poisened by eating green cheese inadvertently given them by a neighbour. Dr DAVIES, gave prompt attention to the sufferers, and in a few days the danger had passed.
- Richard DAVIES a watchcleaner, was charged at Swansea Police-Court, with stealing a watch belonging to David THOMAS.11 Greenhill-street and pawning it, he was fined 40s. or 14 days with hard labour.
Drama at Penarth.
- A youth named William BOLAND, took a pony and cart belonging to Mr.SPEED, a builder, into the sea, but went out to far, with the lad and pony in danger, two boatmen named Thomas CASE and William ELLIS put out to rescue. With the timely aid of James BUCKLAND, hackney carriage proprietor , the pony would have been ready for " Cat and Dog meat".With assistance also of Mr.Albert NOTT, manager of the Esplanade Hotel who administered an emetic of mustard and water, and subsequently a Gindrench.Although groggy the pony was walked up and down the beach until it recovered.
- MORGAN'S Matrimonial Medium. Persons wishing to be married, by sending particulars and a shilling in order or stamps will be promptly attended to.-- W.MORGAN, 6 Llynvi-terrace, Bridgend.
Lost and Found.
- Lost on June 7 th, four Irish Lambs; marked blue on head and 4 red dots on back. Anyone giving information as to their whereabouts to HUTCHING'S, Butcher,Ton Pentre will be rewarded.
- Strayed from Boverton, June 3 rd, spotted roan milking cow, with sear on left hip- information of whereabouts to W.GEORGE,Boverton,Cowbridge.
- Lost between Dinas Powis and Penarth, Red Irish Terrier Bitch, close cropped ears; answers to name Beauty, finder rewarded, if detained will be prosecuted.- B.KYTE, Caroline-street, Cardiff.
Western Mail
June 1894.
Cardiff Wife Beater
- John CURLEY, 39 charged on warrant with assaulting his wife Catherine on April 21 st- He had previous convictions of assaulting her, terms of four, six, one and three months. This time he was sent to gaol for three months with hard labour.
- DAVIES-VOCKRODT.On May 21 1894, at Winberg,Cape Town, South Africa, Emily VOCKRODT, to E.W. DAVIES, jeweller, late of Neath, Glamorgan.
- HAYES - On June 8 at Melbourne House, Ryder-street, Cardiff. A.J.(Bell) HAYES, sister and chief clerk for Samuel HAYES, branch manager of Refuge Assurance Company.Funeral Tuesday from house at 3.30. to Cardiff cemetery.
- Cardiff Police-court, Rose BULL aged 30, of 13, Scott-street, was fined £20. and costs , or, in default 3 months imprisonment, for keeping a disorderly house at that place. The case was proved by Police constables CASSIDY and WOOTON
Bridgend Police-court
- Thomas BURNS, labourer,Maesteg was charged with trying to commit suicide by drowning on June 1 st , he was committed for trial at forthcoming assizes.
- At the same court, Noah FISHER and John PHILLIPS, colliers, Pontycymmer were charged with stealing two hens on June 4th, they were fined £3 each with costs.
- Sergeant TOOZE and P.C. HARRIS, also constables, WILLIAMS, HINGE and VENN seized casks of beer at an empty house, and acting- Sergeant DREDGE and P.C. WHEELER seized 4 gallons at a house in Peel-street.
- Thomas BAKER was charged at Cardiff Police-court, with being drunk and assaulting P.C. Dennis LUDDY an Castle-street. He was fined 40s. and costs or in default one month with hard labour.
Prize Fight at Aberdare.
- It took place in the Ynys Meadow.Police-sergeant WHITNEY arrested the following participants. Rees MORGAN of 368 Cardiff-road who was found to be badly beaten about the face, and Isaiah THOMAS, of Incline-row who was also badly bruised about the face. They were bailed to appear at the Petty Sessions.
- William JENKINS, a tramp was in custody at Ystrad Petty Sessions, on three charges, stealing a coat belonging to William FRANKLIN of Treforest, for which he was sentenced to 21 days,breaking into Graig Fach Farm Treforest and stealing two medals worth £3.10s., and stealing a suit of clothes for which he was sent to the next assizes.
- William WARD, labourer, was summoned before Penarth Police-court, with assaulting his sister Eliza WARD, he was fined 10s. and costs.
Western Mail
June 1894
- Llandaff Police-court, ( before Colonel PAGE, and Mr.Harry LEWIS ) Albert GREGORY, aged 18, a young collier from Treforest, was charged with stealing a covert coat valued 15s. from Hauliers Arms Towngwnlais .Mr. R. WORTHY, of Cardiff, appeared for the defence, and the prisoner was acquitted.
- Penarth Police-court before ( Colonel Guthrie, Mr. S.BATCHELOR and MrJ.H.CORY- John MAZEY, coal vendor of Penarth, charged with selling bags of coal underweight. Fined 10s, and costs
- Meeting of Creditors of John Henry DAVIES, tailor, of 1 Moira-terrace, Cardiff- the debtor had liabilities of £126.4s.- He was judged to be bankrupt.
- Cardiff Police-court. John DIXON and his wife Margaret charged with keeping a disorderly house at 11 Scott-street- Both fined £5. with costs.
Wanting Employment.
- Mrs William GIBBS,3,Marine-parade, Penarth.- Wishes to Recommend a Young Lady as Governess or Companion, good needlewoman and thoroughly capable.
List of People who require Domestic or General Servants/Nursing.
- Mrs.SUMMERS,Rosemoor, Haverfordwest.
- Mrs.PRICE, 40 Park place,Cardiff.
- Mrs.TILLET, 4 Beach-road, Penarth.
- Mrs. PULLIN, 159, Richmond-road, Cardiff.
- Mrs. WALTERS, 24 High-street, Merthyr.
- Mrs. HUGHES, Pantglas, Felinfoel,Llanelli.
- Mrs.PHILLIPS, Brydarren House, Aberdare.
- Mrs.W. JEFFREYS, 11, Commercial-street, Newport.
- PREECE, Ironmonger Porth.
- J. WILLIAMS, 25 Herbert-street. Treorky.
- Mrs. WALLACE, 25 Charles-street Cardiff.
- Mrs.BOWERS, Foley House, Foley-street, Hereford.
- Mrs AKERS, Pentrebane, St.Fagans.
- Mrs. HALLETT, 6, Victoria-road, Penarth.
- JONES-WATKINS. On Friday , 15 th June at Bethany Baptist Chapel Cardiff, by the Rev. W.E. WINKS, pastor, Thomas Sydney JONES ( Syd ), eldest son of Mr.T.Seth JONES, 125, Richmond-road, Cardiff, to Maggie, eldest daughter of Mr. W.W. WATKINS, Cartref, Llanishen.
Re above wedding Sydney JONES, was a cashier at Messrs POWLEY,THOMAS, and Co's.The bestman duties carried out by Mr.R.H.BYERS of Weston-Super-Mare, and the bridesmaids were Miss Alice WATKINS and Miss Mimmie JONES. The Bride was given away by her uncle, the Rev. R. RICHARDS, Brynmawr, and the honeymoon will be spent in London and Paris.
- JACKSON On June 12 th, at Pontygwindy Inn, Caerphilly, Thomas JACKSON, aged 67 years, funeral today ( Saturday ) at 2p.m. for St. Martins Church.
- ELLIS- On June 15 after a short illness, at 27 Arran-street, Cardiff, Catherine relict of Richard ELLIS, coal merchant aged 69 years.
- MORGAN- June 15, at Courtfield, 156, Newport-road, Cardiff, Emily, the beloved wife of councillor Morgan MORGAN.
- Joseph DUCTON was playing pitch and toss in Frederick-street, but was seen by P.C. KELLET, who promptly arrested him, the lad was fined 10s. and costs.
Cardiff Police-court
- Albert BRADBURY, aged 28, was charged with neglecting to maintain his wife and children .
- Same court Daniel DAVIES aged 37, was charged with stealing planks valued 2s.3d.- he was fined 40s. and costs.
Western Mail
June 1894.
Cardiff Police-court.
Following persons summoned by the Cardiff School Board, for not sending their children to school.
- John REES, 3 Castle-court, Frederick-street- fined 15s.
- John HARFORD, 55, Helen-street-fined 6s.
- William WILSON, 12 Milford-street-fined 5s.
- Walter BARTLEY, 17, Adeline-street, fined 5s.
- Henry GOULD, 25, Habershon-street-fined 5s.
- Sarah WILKINS, 26, Working-street- fined 2s.6d.
- David EDWARDS, 25, Menelaus-street- fined 2s.
- James GREEN, 70 Adeline-street- fined 2s.
- Henry NEALE, 1 Gladstone-terrace- fined 1s.
An Alleged Shebeener.
- Ellen CONROY, of Llangyfelach-street, was before the Swansea Bench, the case was adjourned owing to a police witness being absent.
Swansea Police-court.
- The Stipendiary made an affiliation order against W,H.SPRING, a Swansea tradesman, at the behest of Margaret Ann REES, who had formerly been a servant in his employ. The case had been tried once previously, but dismissed for want of sufficient evidence.
Local Success.
- Among the names of successful candidates at the recent Natural Science Tripos at Cambridge, we notice that of Mr. E.A.C.MATTHEWS, son of Mr.D.MATTHEWS,Penarth, has taken second class honours. Mr.MATTHEWS was formerly a pupil of Mr SHEWBROOKS ( Monkton House ).
In Memoriam.
- In loving memory of my dear daughter,, Beatrice Gertrude COOK, who died at 10 Woodland-place Cardiff June 17 1893 aged 23 years. " Though lost to sight, to memory dear ".
- Plans of the proposed restoration of the Parish Church of Merthyr, are now submitted to public inspection in the shop window of Mr.W.MEREDITH, High-street Merthyr.
Cardiff Police-court.
- John SPURRIER, aged 31 was convicted ( before Alderman D.Jones, and Messrs, GOOCH and R.E. SPENCER ) of working a horse in St.Mary-street, while in an unfit condition, horse was covered in sores, he was fined 40s.
- Thomas PARRY, fined 5s. for also working a horse with sores in Corporation-road.
- THOMAS- On June 17,1894, at Neuadd Wen, Bargoed, wife of T.J.THOMAS, of a daughter.
- JENKINS- Sunday June 17, Matilda Kinnersley, the infant daughter of Thomas and Matilda JENKINS, Marchioness Bute Hotel, Frederick Street, Cardiff.
- REED- June 17, at Gorse Cottage, Caswell Bay, near Swansea, Annie Ellen, the beloved wife of Thos.A.REED, of Cardiff, aged 30,( youngest daughter of the late John HARRISON ). To be interred at Jarrow-on-Tyne, cortege will leave 1 St.Johns-Terrace on Wednesday at 3 p.m.
- WILLIAMS- June 16, at the Royal Oak Inn, Nelson, Maggie the beloved wife of Daniel WILLIAMS.Funeral Llanfabon Parish Church.
Western Mail
June 1894.
- Charles VEAL, aged ten, of 3 Agate-street, Cardiff, was kicked on the head by a horse, when playing in a field by Splott Farm, he received a fractured skull.
- SHERWOOD-MORELAND. June 14, at St.Margarets Roath, by the Rev E.L.REEVES, - A.T. SHERWOOD, to Lauretta Eva MORELAND, daughter of George William MORELAND, Treharris-street Roath,Cardiff.
- At Cardiff Police-court- Samuel MAY, was fined 35. and costs for allowing his horse to be worked in an unfit state.
- Penarth magistrates, fined a cabman, named Robert PEARCE, in the employment of Mr.BUCKLAND, carriage proprietor Salop-Street 10s., with the option of 7 days imprisonment, for being drunk and disorderly, whilst in charge of a horse.
Lost and Found.
- 10s. reward- Strayed,large white fox terrier, even marked face, one spot on back, answers to the name SPOT- (SKEATS Elmgrove House, Whitchurch).
Inquests at Cardiff Town Hall - 2 Cases
- Death of a little boy Piladi BORINETTI, aged 8 who drowned in the Brick Pond on Penarth-road.
A Mr.W.F. FOSTER 72 Penarth-road dived in to save the boy, but on recovering the boy life was extinct, the boy was the son of Mr. Augusto BORINETTI of 176, Bute-street. Verdict accidental drowning.
- Death of Lily Rose THOMAS, 3 year old daughter of Mary THOMAS, 2 Florentina-street, Cardiff, was left playing in the kitchen, her mother attracted by screams, discovered her daughter with her clothes ablaze.She was treated by Dr. Morris Crwys-road, she had severe burns to face and arms, she died two days later.Verdict- Death due to accidental burns was returned.
Alleged Indecent Assault.
- At Ystrad Petty Sessions- before Mr. J. Ignatius WILLIAMS, Stipendiary, Dr. JAMES, and Messrs, D.W. DAVIES, E.H.DAVIES, W. MORGAN and Richard LEWIS, a young fellow named John LYDDON of Tonypandy was charged with attempting to commit a rape on Sarah ROBERTS. LYDDON was committed to the next Quarter Sessions, bail being accepted.
- William RICHARDS, a collier, was charged by Thomas FISHER, of Tylorstown with stealindg a watch and chain and waistcoat from his house in which Richards was a lodger. Richards pleaded guilty, was sent to prison for one month with hard labour.
Cardiff Bully.
- William MARTIN aged 19, was gaoled for 3 months for wounding P.C.James FRANKLEN at 6, Buzzard-street, the officer was assisting the sister of MARTIN to get into the locked house. From a upper window MARTIN hurled a glass and struck the officer in the mouth and caused wounding.
Western Mail
June 1894.
Selecting Engine Fitters at Cardiff.
There were 136 applicants for four appointments, on a salary of Two Guineas a week.
Eventually the following 10 were selected to appear before the committee next meeting.
- Frank A. PARKER, 3 Talbot-Street, Canton.
- W.S. MELHUISH, 2 Pembroke road.
- David JOHN, 56, System-street.
- Arthur Henry KNIGHT, 149, Newpoer-road.
- A.E. ROBERTS, 92, Wyndham-road.
- D.W. JONES, 83 Wells-street.
- Harry G.HUGHES,21 Richmond-Crescent.
- T.G.HOPKINS , 66 Stacey-road.
- F.G. GEORGE, 86, Craddock-strret.
- David THOMAS, 13, Marion-street.
- At Cardiff Police-court- Ellen EGAN was charged with assaulting Nora COLLINS in Ruby-street,EGAN came to COLLINS room who was a lodger at EGANS house, and struck her in the face resulting in two black eyes. She was fined £3. and costs, or in default one months imprisonment.
The Social Evil at Cardiff.
Cardiff police-court.
- George WILDING, aged 28 and May WILDING aged 24, charged with keeping a disorderly house No.7 The Tunnel.P.C. CASSIDY- proved the case - both fined £5 each and costs.
- A lad named John GEORGE was the victim of a sad accident at Pontardawe, when he and others were playing in a ruined cottage when about a ton of wall fell on him and killed him.
- FRANKLIN- On Monday 18, at 15, Windsor-road Penarth, the beloved wife f G.H.W. FRANKLIN. - Deeply Regretted.
- REES- On June 17, after a long illness, David REES, the beloved son of Ann THOMAS, of the Royal Oak, Norton Bridge. Funeral Glyntaff Church Thursday 2 p.m.
- Pontypridd Police-Court- Daniel ROWLANDS, collier, was charged with keeping a disorderly house in Leyshon-street, and Mary COLLINS was charged with aiding and abetting. ROWLANDS fined £3. and costs, COLLINS £2. and costs.
- Cardiff Police-court- John M'COURT aged 33 was fined £4. and costs for assaulting P.C. William ALDERMAN in the corridor of the Police-court.
- Arthur JORDAN, aged 6 of 6 Old Sea Lock-Court was admitted to Cardiff infirmary with a broken leg, he fell from Clarence Bridge onto the roadway.
- Pontypridd Police-court- William HEALY and William WILTSHIRE two young labourers, were charged with stealing 84lb of lead, valued at 14s.- HEALY sent to prison for 2 months and WILTSHIRE for one month.
- Same court - For striking a coal ripper on the head with a pint measure at the Taff Vale Hotel, Pontypridd, a woman named Margaret ROBERTS was sent to prison for a month, and and costs of 28s,6d. (The Iron Lady never did like the Miners ).
- Arthur LEE, labourer, Coedpenmaen, was committed to the next Quarter Sessions for stealing a quantity of Parsnips, Onions, and Oranges from the store of William TUCKER.
- In loving remembrance of Laura, wife of W.M. HIER EVANS, 7 Radyr-court, Llandaff who died June 20 1893 " For ever with the Lord ".
- FERGUSSON. On June 21 st, at 8, Partridge-road, Cardiff, the wife of Ernest Stuart FERGUSSON, Esq, of a son.
- JONES - June 20 th, at Sunny Bank, Pontypridd, the wife of the Rev. D. Akrill JONES, St.Marks, Newport of a son.
- WILLIAMS - June 19, at Stanley House, Alexandra-road, Cardiff, the wife of David WILLIAMS, of a daughter.
- FAWCKNER-EVANS- On June 21 st at Tredegarville Chapel, Cardiff, by the Rev. R.O. JOHNS, Edgar Hinton, eldest son of J.Follett FAWCKNER, Park-square, Newport, to Katie daughter of the late Thomas EVANS, Deanfield, Roath .
- COUPE. On June 21st, at Clarence-terrace, Penarth-road, Cardiff, after a brief illness, Rev. E. COUPE, Methodist Free Church Minister.
- REES - June 20 th, at 208, Newport-road, Cardiff, Maria beloved wife of the late Edward REES, aged 65.
- SAMUEL - At 7 Pembroke-terrace, Cardiff, Moses SAMUEL, aged 79 years, deeply mourned.
- Cardiff Police-court- Charles JOHNSON, aged 22 was charged with stealing a purse containing 30s., two rings, a spade guinea, and a pair of earings from the person of Mrs STANLEY, he was also charged with taking 15s. from a till at 15 Wharton-street, the property of of Mrs DUNN.He was committed to next Cardiff Quarter Sessions.
- Barry Dock Police-station. George YANTER, 48 Maughan-street Penarth was charged with wounding his wife Kate YANTER.he struck her on the head with a book, leaving a cut.She did not wish to press charges, but desired a separation . He was fined 10s. and costs or fourteen days in prison.
- Mr Willie JEREMIAH, a prominent member of the Morriston Football Club, and holder of a prominent posistion at Mr. W. WILLAMS Works, died of Phthisis.
Western Mail
June 1894
Cardiff Savings Bank- The following are cheques which the Marquess of Bute, has undertaken to pay in connection with Cardiff Saving Bank.
- Aberdare District Branch of the Philantropic Order of True Ivorites, St.Davids Unity- Trustees David Price DAVIES and Jenkin POWELL, Ynsylwyd House,Aberdare £14.9s.7d.
- Aberdare Clothing Maternity Club, care of Rev.R.B.JENKINS,the Vicarage Aberdare, £12.4s.6d.
- Aberdare District of Independent Order of Oddfellows,M.U. care of Mr. Evan MORGAN,1,High-street Mountain Ash £59.5s.5d.
- Alaw Goch Lodge of Aberdare district of Philanthropic Order of the True Ivorites, Mr.David EVANS, 7 Bwlfa-row, Cwmdare,Aberdare £19.11s.4d.
- Bee of Glancynon Lodge, No 104, Merthyr District, Philanthropic Institution, care of John LEWIS, 3 Seymour-street Aberdare. £1.6s.0d.
- Bee of Llwydcoed, Friendly Society, care of Howell Davies, 1, Kingsbury Place, Llwdcoed, Aberdare £23.11s.4d.
- Bethany Clothing Club, care of Celia BARRY, Ryre Villa, 31, The Walk, Tredegarville,near Cardiff £10.15s.6d.
- Cardiff Boarding Masters- Friendly Society care of James RUSSELL, 6,West Bute Street Cardiff £11.19s.10d.
- Cardiff Shipwrights, Provident Benefit Friendly Society, care of W.H.ATKINS, 32 Frederick-street Cardiff £44.6s.3d.
- Cardiff United District Ancient Order of Forresters, care of William LOYNS,142 Kings-road,Cardiff £150.8s.4d.
- Cathays Penny Fund, care of Rev,G.W.HANFORD, St.Andrews Vicarage, Cardiff.£0.2s.8d.
- Cathays Stores Benefit Society, care of Thomas BRIND, Llangrove House,Whitchurch, Cardiff, £0.14s.6d.
- Schoolmasters and Mistresses Benevolent Institution, care of W.J.WILTSHIRE of Maindy School, Whitchurch Cardiff.£0.12s1d.
- City of Llandaff Lodge of Philanthropic Friendly Society, care of Thomas COLE, Spencrs-terrace Llandaff £1.5s.2d.
- Cooperative Club, manager, Stephen Podesta, 35 Wyndham-crescent, Canton, Cardiff. £0.3s.4d.
- Corporation Officials Pic-Nic, secretary, Fred G. HARRISON.£0.7s.10d.
- Court Baroness of Windsor, No 5420 Branch A88 of Cardiff United District of Ancient Order of Forresters, care of W.F. FITZGERALD, 59 Union-street Cardiff. £59.13s.2d.
- Court of British Volunteer, No 6,561,Branch A88 of the Cardiff United Ancient Order of Forresters, care of John COX, 52, Tredegar-st Cardiff £21.2s.0d.
- Court Caledonia, No 5,394, Branch of Cardiff United District of Ancient Order of Forresters,care of H.J. TUCKER,Roath,Cardiff.£17.0s.11d.
The following are also Order of Forresters
- Court Earl of Dumfries, No,5,331, care of John WOODS,11, Clive-street, Castle-road, Cardiff.£3.0s.10d
- Court Garibaldi, No, 4,007 care of William M. EVANS, 44, Wellington-street,Canton,Cardiff.£22.8s.2d.
- Court Hope, No, 5,371, care of John N.HAMMETT, 3, Brooks Villa, Whitchurch, Cardiff.£58.4s.2d.
- Court Howard Lodge No, 6,642, care of Robert Henry BOWDITCH, 6, Burnaby-street, South Splottlands, Cardiff. £30.9s.2d.
- Court Marquess of Bute, No 2,842 care of J.EDWARDS, Howards Hotel, Cardiff. £38.15s.4d.
- Court Pride of Pentyrch, No 6,724 A.D. RICHARDS, Taffs Well,nr,Cardiff.£2.10s.6d.
Western Mail
June 1894.
- DAWSON - HEALE.St.Johns Canton, Ernest DAWSON, son of Dr. DAWSON, Swindon, to Isabella, daughter of Samuel HEALE Cardiff.
- MacDONALD-TONKIN May 19th, at Melbourne, John, eldest son of William MacDONALD, of Penang, to Helena Frances Jane (Lena),youngest daughter of the late W.H.TONKIN, Cardiff.
- BAKER. On June 24 th, after a long illness, at Stockland-Street, Cardiff, John Henry BAKER, aged 49.
- THOMAS- On the 23rd, at Cilfynydd, Pontypridd, Albert Edward, youngest son of the late John William THOMAS, aged 25.
- George JAUNTON, aged 9, and Joseph JAUNTON aged 12, sons of George JAUNTON, a labourer were charged ( before Messrs, L.WOOD and J. Pyke THOMPSON ) with breaking and entering the premises of Mr. W.G. WARNER, confectioner, Glebe-street, Penarth and stealing a quantity of Sultanas, and eggs. The boys father said he could do nothing with the eldest boy, and the younger was led into temptation by the older.The Bench dismissed George, binding his father over in £5 to bring him up for judgement when called upon.Joseph was ordered to receive 12 strokes with a Birch rod.
Swallowed Her Teeth.
- Mrs. Margaret JONES, the wife of Mr. Morris JONES, boilermaker, living on the Moors, Cadoxton-Barry, went to bed on Saturday night as usual, but during the night alarming symptons were developed, proving fatal during Sunday. Dr.TREHARNE, who was in attendance, is of the opinion that the cause of death, was due to the effect of swallowing false teeth, which Mrs. JONES was in the habit of removing from her mouth on going to bed, but as they cannot be found it is believed she did not so on Saturday night.An inquest will be held
Boardig Housekeeper Assaulted.
- A seafaring man names John CLINES charged with assaulting Annie JAMES at Holmes-street, Cadoxton, Barry. Police-Constable Griffith WILLIAMS, 58, Sully, arrested CLINES who had struck JAMES with a poker.Dr.E.TREHARNE, Cadoxton said the blow to the head had rendered her insensible.CLINES remanded in custody, police refusing bail.
Western Mail
June 1894.
- GIBSON- On June 21st at Spring Grove, Penarth the wife Thomas Gibson, of a son. ( stil-born )
- HERZ- On Saturday, June 16, at 3, Gladstone-Buildings Swansea, the wife of the late G.HERZ, of a daughter.
- HEADFORD.On June 22 nd , at 32, Windsor-place Cardiff, the residence of her brother, Silvester Langfield WHITE, Charlotte HEADFORD, widow of the late Henry HEADFORD, of Bristol, in her 85 th year.
- At Cardiff Police-court, William and Mary PORTLOCK each fined £5 and costs for keeping a disorderly house at 76 Adeline-street,
at the same court Ellen ADAMS aged 32 was fined £5 and costs for keeping a house of ill-fame at 6 Homfray-Street.
Cardiff Baseball team to play Newport.
- John Dale WATSON, baker, High-st, Barry, was charged at Barry-Dock Police-court, before Dr. NEALE, and Mr. John LOWDON, with selling bread otherwise than by weight, when challenged, WATSON said, he did not have his scales with him at the time, when stopped in Stadium-street, Barry Dock.
- Dr. Hier EVANS was given away by her brother, the bridesmaids, Miss Daisy EVANS (sister of bride), the Misses Isabel and Eleanor FAWCKNOR (sisters of bridegroom), Miss Maud PRITCHARD, and Miss Olive NEWMAN (niece of the bride). The bridegroom was attended by Dr. HARRIS as best man.
Bell Ringers at St. John's Cardiff.
Western Mail
June 1894.
- Aberdare Police-court, Henry HARDING, the well-known tonsorial artist and chiropodist, Mountain Ash, was fined £5. and costs for selling a substitute for beer known as Stingo at his establishment at Mountain Ash. Mr J. CAMERON, analyst at Somerset House, deposed that the liquor contained 7.2 per cent of Alcohol, slightly more than table beer.
- Same court Evan Llewellyn was fined 30s.or 6 weeks imprisonment, for being drunk and disorderly, and assaulting P.C. John QUARTLY.( was he drinking Stingo).
- A meeting of creditors of Henry CULVERSHAM, collier, Bute-street Treherbert, was held on Tuesday at the offices of the Official Reciever, Merthyr.The statement of affairs showed liabilities amounting to £94.1s.2d., with assets nil.
- Marriage- LLOYD-REES- On Tuesday a very pretty wedding was celebrated at St. Andrew's Church Cardiff, by the Rev.G.W. HANFORD, vicar, between Miss Agnes E.S. REES, youngest daughter of Mr.W. REES, J.P., of Park-place Cardiff and Mr.L.C. LLOYD, eldest son of Mr. E.C. LLOYD, C.E. of Bryntirion, Neath.The bridemaids were Miss LLOYD sister of the groom, Miss BARNES, cousin of groom, and Miss Dorothy HUTT, niece of bride.
Western Mail
June 1894
Swansea Police-court.
- Before Mr.J.C. FOWLER, stipendiary, and Messrs, J.C. Vye PARMINTER, John LEWIS, and W. ATKINS. A summons became returnable against Mr.WM. DAVIS, county councillor of Ivor Villa, Swansea, at the instance of Mary Elizabeth PUGH, formerly a servant in his employ, to show cause why he should not support her child.Mr.R.T. LEYSHON appeared for the plaintiff, and asked for an adjournment until Friday owing to the abscence of Mr. C.H. GLASCODINE.The case was adjourned accordingly no evidence being taken .
- SIBUN On the 22 nd, Hilda, the dearly beloved infant child daughter of William and S.M. SIBUN,of 3 Llanbeddian-Gardens, Cardiff.
- TUCKER- On the 24 th , at No.4, West-Grove,Cardiff,( the residence of his mother ), Frank Herman, son of the late W.H. TUCKER, of Swansea, aged 24 years.
- In loving memory of James Edwin JACKSON of 33, Park-place, Cardiff, who died at Tredelerch, Rumney, on the 24 th June 1892, aged 74 and was interred at St.Mary's Churchyard, Monmouth, on June 28th 1892.
Lost and Found.
- Dark Bay Mare (pony), about 12 hands high, finder will be rewarded on returning to Benjamin REES, Half-Way House, Llansamlet.
- Found, Bay Mare; lame in hind leg; unless claimed in a week will be sold to defray expenses.William GAY, Cwmisaf Farm, Llantwit Vadre.
- On Saturday morning, just after 7 a.m., a labourer named James NICHOLAS aged 20 of, of 43, Albert-street, Canton, was admitted to the Cardiff infirmary suffering from severe bodily injuries, NICHOLAS was at work on a building in Cathedral-road, when he fell to the ground, when hr fell to the ground a distance of 16 feet.He was attended Dr.MORELAND, but died about 9 a.m. having been unconscious the whole time after the accident.
Suicide of Neath Surveyor.
- John WILLIAMS, civil engineer, and brother of Mr. David WILLIAMS, of Gnoll-Park road, drowned himself in the canal at Penrhiewtyn, Neath.Body was discovered by P.C. PHILLIPS, among the articles found on the body was an envelope, upon which was written " Not right in the head since Hendre Owen affair, not my fault ".The deceased was 65 and a bachelor.
Western Mail
June 1894
- Death- EVANS- On the 27 th at the Partridge Hotel,Pontrhondda,Ystrad Rhondda, after a short illness, Lodwick EVANS, the beloved husband of June EVANS.Funeral June 30, 3p.m. for Heddrddu Cemetery, Trealaw.
- Patrick SHEA 22, labourer, pleaded guilty to unlawfully and maliciously wounding Samuel GRADY at Aberdare- Gaol sentence of one month was passed.
- Pontypridd Police-court on Wednesday Jenkin JONES, an engine-driver engaged at the new slaughterhouse which is being erected by Pontypridd Local Board, was charged with criminally assaulting a girl named Mary Ann O'BRIEN, fourteen years of age, indecently assaulting Elizabeth JONES, eleven year old, and also wounding James TRACEY who is also employed at the works.Prisoner remanded for a week.
- WANTED- By married man, without encumberance, situation as Groom-Coachman, or Groom/Gardener, wife willing to assist in the house.A. STOCKMAN, Llantwit Vicarage, Cowbridge, Glamorgan.
- Wanted- General/servant who can cook and bake, also House-parlourmaid- apply stating age, wages, and references, to Mrs Nicholl MORGAN, Craig-y-mor.
- At 5a.m. on Friday morning, Morgan REES, of Tyllwyd met with a serious accident while at work in his stall at the Cwrt-y-Bettws Colliery Neath, a large stone, becoming detatched from the roof, fell striking him on the head and fracturing his skull. He was rendered unconcious, Dr.ELIAS, who attended him, entertained but little hope of his recovery, REES, who is about 40 years of age,has a wife and two children.
- The coroner for the Neath District ( Mr CUTHBERTSON ) has just held an inquest touching the death of Lewis WILLIAMS, collier, who was found in his stall at Messrs. GUERET'S colliery, Glais on Saturday last.Medical evidence was given to the effect that deceased died from Syncope, aggravated by want of food and drink, and a verdict was returned accordinly.
- CHIVERS-COLE On June 14, by licence, at Merthyr, Tom Godfrey CHIVERS, Aberdare, to Isabel Annie Naomi COLE, daughter of the late Captain COLE M.M. Frampton -on-Severn, and niece to Mr.J.Lendon BERRY, Aberdare.
- MORGAN- On the 23 rd, at 35, Park-place, Cardiff, Eileen Doris, the daughter of T.R. and E. MORGAN aged 2 years
- PHILLIPS- On the 23 rd, at Wauntreoda Court, Whitchurch, Mr.John PHILLIPS, aged 61. Funeral Wednesday at 12 noon for Groeswen.
- PHILLIPS- On the 23 rd, at his residence, Llanishen-road, Thomas Posthumous PHILLIPS, late representative of the Castle Brewery, Frederick-street Cardiff, aged 62.Funeral next Thursday at 2p.m. at St. Margarets Roath
Western Mail
June 1894
- PHILLIPS- On June 27, the wife of Bert PHILLIPS, Tonypandy, of a daughter.
- SAVOURS- On June 26, at Fontegary, the wife of D. Walter SAVOURS, of a son
- WILLIAMS- On the 27th, at Carlton-Terrace, Swansea, the wife of Ivor G. WILLIAMS, of a son
- On Thursday June 28, at the parish church Rhymney, by the Rev. Canon EVANS R.D., assisted by the Rev COCKBURN-EVANS M.A.- George William Mellor BRADFORD, manager of Llanbradach Colliery Company, Llanbradach, son of the late H.M. BRADFORD,Esq, Chief engineer of the South Wales Section of the London and North Western Railway Company, to Miss Rosabel PRITCHARD, 3rd daughter of W.PRITCHARD, Esq, Terrace-House Rhymney.
- On Thursday, June 28th, at St. Lieurwg's Church Hirwain, by the Rev. W. RHYDDERCH, vicar of the parish, assisted by the Rev. D. Ellis JONES, curate, Miss Lizzie Anne RICHARDS, High-street Hirwain, to Mr. John W. EVANS solicitor, Hirwain and Aberdare.
- On the 28th at St. Hildas Church Griffithstown, by the Rev. R.W.B. SAUNDEFSON, Ellen Austin ( Nellie ) SEWELL of PONTRHYDDERCH House, to William Nelson STONE, Newport, Mon.
- On June 24, at 24, Stockland-street,Cardiff, after a long and painful illness, John Henry BAKER, late Captain of steam tug " The Earl " aged 49 years.
Western Mail
June 1894.
- At Barry Dock Police-court, Richard ROBINSON, Hugh BRANNAGHAN, Thomas RYAN, were charged with assaulting P.C. Thomas THORBURN, whilst in the execution of his duty.RYAN was given a months hard labour, BRANNAGHAN, 14 days hard labour, case against ROBINSON was dismissed.
- At Swansea Police-court, John EVANS, a butter merchant at Nelson-terrace, was fined £2 and costs for having two pairs of unjust scales in his shop.
- The Swansea magistrates found that an attempt had been made to compound a felony in a charge brought by Gwenllian LEWIS against Henry DAVIES, a boilermaker, of stealing 20s., and they, therefore dismissed the case.
Gloucester Quarter Sessions
- Gaol for Cardiff youths, Frederick IMPEY and George GLEWAN, for breaking into a shop in Gloucestr stealing a quantity of clothing. IMPEY 9 moths with hard labour and GLEWAN 6 months with hard labour.
- SMART. On June 28, at Old Market-street Neath, Elizabeth Jane, wife of Daniel SMART, and eldest daughter of the late Phillip DAVIES of Neath, aged 52 Funeral June 30 3pm. for Llantwit.
- WOOD- On June 29, at 19, Gordon Rd, Cardiff, Thomas Henton WOOD, aged 74, R.I.P.
Conservatism at Pontypridd.
- Smokers Concert in aid of Pontypridd Constitutional Club, Mr Firbank KING, chairman, Messrs, Ivor DAVIES, Llew LLEWELLYN, and Herbert NICHOLLS, gave songs.
Bankruptcy Acts 1893 and 1890
- Receiving Orders.Harry Bishop CLARKE, Church-street trading at Irvon House, Commercial-road, Tredegar, as Outfitter.
Notices of Dividends.
- Benjamin WILKS Oxford-street, Swansea, formerly Plymouth-street, also Norfolk-street, all Swansea, furniture dealer and builder; second and final dividend 4d. in the £, payable July 10th at the office of the trustee, 4 and 5 Goat-street, Swansea.
Notices of Dividends and Last Day's Receiving Proof.
- Rees JONES, Commercial-street, Abergwynfi, Glamorganshire, collier, formerly grocer July 11th.
- John THOMAS, Berw-road, Pontypridd, auctioneer, July 12 th
- Peter COUSINS, Robert-street,Ynysybwl, Glamorgan, grocer; July 12 th
Final Meetings and Dates of Public Examinations.
- Henry BALE, now residing at Romilly-crescent, Canton,Cardiff, formerly of Coleman-street Wolverhampton; out of business; first meeting July 4th, at the Official Recievers, Cardiff, public examination,July 10.Town Hall Cardiff.
The following to be before the Official Reciever.
- Thomas SOUTH, Iron-street, Tredegar, greengrocer and platelayer
- Jenkin JENKINS, Castle-road, Roath,Cardiff- Butcher.
- David JONES, Cattle-street, Neath, fancy dealer.
- Robert GRANT, Libanus-terrace, Treherbert, traveller in drapery.
- May A. JORDAN, Mill-street, Pontypridd and Taffs Well, boot and shoe dealer.
Cardiff Tobaccanists Failure, deficiency of over £1000.
- Meeting of Creditors of Henry FOTHERGILL, 11 Ryder-street, Cardiff, lately carrying on business at 11 The Hayes, was held. No resolution was passed.
- First meeting of creditors of Alfred LANE, of 27 Elm-street, Cardiff, baker, lately carrying on business at 58 Milford-street, Cardiff. No resolution was passed.
- FRANCIS- On the 27th, at 48, Plasturton-avenue, Cardiff, the wife of John George FRANCIS, of a son.
- On Tuesday a very pretty wedding was celebrated at St.Andrews Church Cardiff, by the Rev. G.W. HANFORD,vicar, betweenMiss Agnes E.S. REES, youngest daughter of Mr. W. REES, J.P., of Park-place Cardiff and Mr.L.C. LLOYD, eldest son of Mr.E.C.LLOYD, of Bryntirion, Neath.The bridemaids were Miss LLOYD sister of the groom, Miss BARNES, a cousin of the groom, and Miss Dorothy HUTT, niece of bride
Kicked By A Horse.
- Catherine DALE, aged 72, a widow residing at 160 Glenroy-street.The deceased was standing in the crowd in Wellfield-road, watching the procession pass on the occaision of the opening of the Roath Park, when a horse attatched to a cart was frightened and she was knocked down and received the injuries which resulted in her death.
Western Mail.Wednesday September 22nd 1926.
- CAERPHILLY GOLDEN WEDDING. Mr and Mrs J.John,of 33,Bedwas road, Caerphilly,both natives of Carmarthenshire,who came to Glamorgan many years ago ,are celebrating theirgolden wedding today (Wednesday). Settling first at Mardy, and later at Ynysybwl and Abertridwr,they made their home at Caerphilly 12 years ago. They have three sons,one of whom, Mr W.John is an official of theCaerphilly Council. Mrs J.John is the only surviving sister of ex-Alderman Joseph Howells, J.P.,Caerphilly . Mr and Mrs John are active members of Bethel Welsh Congregational Church, Caerphilly
Western Mail April 1st 1936
- ENGAGEMENT. MILTON-MANLEY The engagement is announced between Leslie Stuart,eldest son of Mr &Mrs Herbert Milton,Ludlow Street,Caerphilly and Catherine (Kitty) Manley, second daughter of Mr & Mrs Patrick Manley, Byron Street,Roath,Cardiff.
Western Mail April 1st 1936
- Death Notice. PARKER. On the 30th March at Iron Bridge Hotel, Aberdare,John Joseph (Paddy) late Sergeant-Major Welch Regiment. Funeral Thursday 3.45,from St.Joseph's R.C.Church
Western Mail Saturday March 28th 1936
- BIRTHS-CLODE On Friday, March 27th, at the Penylan Nursing Home, to Winnie (nee) Davies and John Clode, St.Hilda's Peterson-Super-Ely, a son.
Western Mail April 24th 1936.
- GOLDEN WEDDING MORDECAI - HAWKINS On April 24th 1886 at Carmel,Pontypridd, by the Rev.B.D.John, DavidMordecai to Mary Hawkins. Present Address The Manse, Llantwit Major.
Western Mail Thursday April 23rd 1936
- MARRIAGEHILLIER- DUNLOP. On April 22nd 1936,at Newton Church Porthcawl, by the Rev.T.Holmes Morgan,Rector of Newton (Nottage) Porthcawl,assisted by the Rev. G.T.Gravell,Rector of Coity and Nolton,Bridgend,(Ernest) Gordon,youngest sonof Mr,and Mrs (Stanley) T.Hillier,"Rosemont" Merthyrmawr-road,Bridgend,to YvonneInglis, youngest daughter of the late Mr and Mrs L.M.Dunlop, LewisPlace,Porthcawl.
Western Mail March 5th 1936.
- Mrs.P.C. Arthur H. Gammon Skewen ,and the family wish to thank allrelatives and friends, the Glamorgan County Police-Officers,Constables and theBritish Legion for their kind sympathy and for the floral tributes sent in their recent sad bereavement.
Western Mail Tuesday April 28th 1936
- ENGAGEMENT. Mr.Conrad David Bamford, M.P.S., M.I.C.O.,only son of the late Mr T.B. Bamford and Mrs Bamford of Glyn-y-Coed Port Talbot, and Miss Mary F.B.Eley, only child of Mr G.F.Eley Head Postmaster Port Talbot and Mrs Eley of Cadoxton House Port Talbot.
Western Mail Thursday April 23rd 1936.
- First Diamond Wedding in Gelligaer is that of Mr and Mrs David Meyrick, Leicester-square,Gelligaer,who were married 60 years ago today. Earlier in their married life they moved to Gelligaer,where until his retirement Mr.Meyrick worked as a miner. They have six sons, three daughters, 33, grandchildren,and 7 great,grandchildren. Diamond Wedding April 23rd 1876-April 23rd 1936
Western Mail April 18th 1936.
- Mr and Mrs Henry Gill,of Carne-street,Pentre, celebrate their GoldenWedding to-day. Mrs Gills two sisters have already celebrated similar events,and their husbands are all alive. They are Mr and Mrs William Beynon,of Matexa-street Ton Pentre, and Mr and Mrs Alfred Scadding,Pentre. Mr and Mrs Gill,who were married at Porth,are natives of Somerset.The whole of their married life has been spent in the Rhondda. Mr Gill is 74 years old and his wife 68. For the last half-century Mr Gill has worked at Pentre Colliery,and as been a fireman for 34 years . Both are actively associated with St.Peter's Church,Pentre. They have two sons and three grandchildren Golden Wedding April 18th 1886 - April 18th 1936
Western Mail Monday April 27th 1936.
- The wedding took place at the English Congregational Chapel,Blaina ,on Saturday of Miss Isabel Hillier,eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs Charles Hillier,Railway Terrace Blaina, and Mr Stanley Robbins,youngest son of Mr and Mrs Mark Robbins,Evelyn street,Abertillery. Both the Bridegrooms and Brides fathers were formerly Monmouthshire County Cricketers. The bride, who was given away by her brother-in-law Mr D.J.Summers, wore lupin satin,with lace coatee and a hat with eye veil. The bridesmaids were the Misses Ivy Hillier, Marion Harris,Elsie Hillier and Gwyneth Griffiths and the best man was Mr.Jack Hamer,of Birmingham. The Rev.M.R.Griffiths Officiated
Western Mail Monday March 16th 1936
- GOLDEN WEDDING WILLIAMS-WILLIAMS. At Rhymney Parish Church, by the Rev.Canon Evans. William Williams to Elizabeth Williams, Present address, The Bank, High Street, Llanbradach.
Western Mail Saturday 14th March 1936.
- GOLDEN WEDDING Tydfil Jones to William Morton ( China Merchant ) at Orchard Place Baptist Church Neath. Present address Daisy Bank Neath.
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