Surname Lists
Surname lists provide details of surnames being researched by individual family historians, usually specifying a particular period and county, and often a locality within the county. In most cases, an email address is provided for contact. There is either an online form or an email address for new submissions.
Lists with National Coverage
UK Surnames
UK Surnames (archived copy) has lists for:
- All English counties, plus London, Manchester and the Isle of Wight
- All Scottish counties, plus the city of Glasgow. (Kinross-shire is not listed separately, but entries for the county are listed under Perth)
- 15 Irish counties:
Armagh, Antrim, Clare, Cork, Down, Dublin, Kildare, Laois, Limerick, Monaghan, Tipperary, Tyrone, Waterford, Wexford, Wicklow - All Welsh counties
- Channel Islands and Isle of Man (listed under England).
County Lists
There are a number of lists devoted to individual counties. Note that a number of these lists are clearly no longer being updated and have not been for some time, but they may still have useful contacts.
- England
- Kent (last updated 2005)
- Middlesex
- Norfolk (last updated 2014)
- Oxfordshire
- Norfolk - currently being rebuilt
- Worcestershire (last updated 2004)
- Yorkshire
- Ireland
- Scotland
- Banffshire (closed to new submissions since 1st Jan 2008)
- Renfrewshire (latest submissions seem to 2002)
- West Lothian (closed to new submissions since 1st Jan 2008)
- Wales
- Channel Islands (last updated 2010)
Family History Society Lists
All family history societies maintain lists of members' interests. In many cases these lists are available online and should be accessible from the society's web site.
For links to the web sites of all family history societies relevant to those with ancestors in the British Isles, see the Family History and Genealogy Societies page.
Guild of One-Name Studies
The Guild of One-name Studies provides an online register of all the surnames (currently c. 8,800) being researched by its members.