3 Aug - 31 Aug 1869
East Suffolk Gazette And Beccles And Bungay Weekly News 3 August 1869 Page 5, column 5
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
MARSHALL --- HARDING. On the 25th July, at St Nicholas' Church, by the Rev F.C CLUTTERBUCK, Mr Isaac MARSHALL, of Great Yarmouth, to Esther HARDING, of Norwood.
WRIGHT --- JENNINGS. On the 29th July, at St Peter's Church, Kentish Town, London, Mr Robert WRIGHT, of Yarmouth, to Miss JENNINGS, Bramley, Yorkshire.
BOWEN --- On the 26th July, at Great Yarmouth, Sarah BOWEN, the beloved wife of David BOWEN, in the 57th year of her age, deeply regretted by all who knew her.
HUDSON --- On Monday last [26 July], at Circencester, of spasm of the heart, John HUDSON, Esq., of Castleacre Lodge, in this county, aged 75.
HUNTING --- On Monday last [26 July], at Chedgrave, in her 73rd year, Mary, the wife of Daniel C. HUNTING, veterinary surgeon.
ROBERTS --- On the 25th July, at her residence, Southtown, Miss ROBERTS, aged 91 years.
In addition to the above: -
East Suffolk Gazette And Beccles And Bungay Weekly News 3 August 1869 Page 4, column 5
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
BECCLES Poisoned Water.---The "Times" of Saturday last contains the following remarks which will, we think, strike all our readers as peculiarly applicable to this town, in which so many cases of typhoid fever occurred during the past winter and spring, all of which, we believe were proved to be primarily attributable to defective drainage. Our readers are aware that Beccles has lately been surveyed, with a view of a general system of drainage being carried out. The report of Mr W. BRUFF (civil engineer) has been submitted to the Drainage Committee, and by their order printed. The remarks we now take from the "Times" will somewhat prepare the public for the startling facts respecting the state of our drainage, which will shortly be laid before them: - "The time is not very far distant when the importance now attached to pure air and ventilation was thought rather a whim of the doctors, and a great deal still remains to be done in teaching the uneducated this simple lesson. All, however, who have a moderate pretence to education, now appreciate the necessity of a pure supply of the first element of life. But the discovery of the vital importance of pure water dates, probably, from the epidemic of cholera in 1854. About that time, as Sir William JENNER lately recalled at the British Association at Leeds, Dr SNOW proved that one of the most deadly outbreaks of Cholera in London, was distinctly traceable to the contamination of drinking water by sewage. The investigation has been subsequently carried further, both in our own and in other countries, and the hint has been pursued with respect to other diseases. The result has been that few facts are better established in medicine than that at least two deadly diseases are mainly, if not entirely, propagated by the drinking of contaminated water. It is estimated that within the ten years ending with 1866, nearly 22,000 persons died of cholera and about 150,000 of typhoid fever. It appears not too much to say that foul water has been the cause of almost all these deaths. Let it be clearly understood, moreover, what is meant by 'foul water' in this assertion. It does not mean what is commonly understood by dirty or nasty water; on the contrary, such water may often be bright, sparkling, and tempting to the palate. There may, at all events, be nothing in the least offensive about its taste, appearance, or smell. All that is intended is that sewage matter has, in some way, mixed with it or filtered into it. One of the strangest results of the investigations has been the indubitable evidence afforded that people may continue for years to drink water thus contaminated without being aware of the pollution or suffering from it. But under certain circumstances, at present unknown, cholera and typhoid fever become epidemic, and when they are thus epidemic, the means by which they are conveyed from one individual to another, appear neither to be the air nor personal contagion, but the drinking of water polluted, it may be to an infinitesimal degree by the excreta of the sick.......Now, Sir William JENNER is justified in urging that this discovery is an achievement of which it is impossible to exaggerate the importance. If prevention be better than cure, we may be reconciled to our ignorance of the mode of treating these diseases by possessing the power of escaping them."
And also: -
East Suffolk Gazette And Beccles And Bungay Weekly News 3 August 1869 Page 5, column 2
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
HALESWORTH Sudden Death.---On Monday afternoon, a labouring man named Frederick SONES was at work for Mr PECK, of Mells, taking up peas, when he suddenly fell and almost instantly expired. The poor man had not been at work more than two or three hours, but was by no means a strong man. He leaves a widow and six young children. Dr ROBINSON was speedily in attendance, but medical aid was of no avail, a diseased heart being probably the cause of death. The coroner was at once communicated with, but we hear it was not deemed necessary to hold an inquest.
And again: -
East Suffolk Gazette And Beccles And Bungay Weekly News 3 August 1869 Page 5, column 4
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
EPITOME OF SUFFOLK NEWS Royal Horticultural Society, Manchester.---The beautiful cup, value 20 guineas, offered by the Proprietor of the "Gardener's Chronicle," for the best collection of fruit and vegetables open to all England, has been won by John POTTLE, gardener to B.D COLVIN, Esq., The Grove, Little Bealings. It will no doubt be remembered that Mr POTTLE also took a cup of the same value at the Royal Horticultural Show at Bury St Edmond's, two years ago. The two collections shown by Mr POTTLE were the subjects of great admiration at the time of exhibition, and reflect the highest credit on the horticultural skill and judgement of Mr POTTLE, now so well known throughout England.
East Suffolk Gazette And Beccles And Bungay Weekly News 10 August 1869 Page 5, column 5
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
BREEZE --- BREEZE. On the 29th July, at Bungay, by the Rev C.S CAREY, Mr James Henry BREEZE, of London, to Angelina, only daughter of Mr Samuel BREEZE, of the above place.
FISHER --- FISHER. On the 29th July, at St Peter's Church, Aldeburgh, by the Rev H.T. DOWLER, vicar, Edward George FISHER, youngest son of Augustus FISHER, Esq., Aldeburgh, to Anne Savage FISHER, only daughter of the late Benjamin FISHER, Esq., Thorpe, Aldeburgh.
HOOPER --- SLIPPER. On the 20th July, at the parish church of Blofield, Norfolk, by the Rev R.B. SLIPPER, M.A., rector of Coston, Norfolk, uncle of the bride, assisted by the Rev J.W. COBB, MA.A, rector of St Margaret, Norwich, the Rev John Hill HOOPER, curate of Staplehurst, to Anna, third daughter of the late John Armine SLIPPER, Esq.
ASKER --- On the 31st July, Walter, eldest son of Mr S. Hurry ASKER, of Norwich.
BIRCHAM --- On Wednesday last [4 August], at Reepham, Mr W. BIRCHAM, in his 78th year, highly respected by a large circle of friends. Deceased introduced Methodism into the neighbourhood, and for more than fifty years was an earnest and effective local preacher.
BIRD --- On the 28th July, at Foulsham Rectory, Wm. [sic] C. Beauchamp, infant son of the Rev J.W. BIRD.
And in addition to the above: -
East Suffolk Gazette And Beccles And Bungay Weekly News 10 August 1869 Page 4, column 3
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
OPINIONS OF THE PRESS The Post Office Savings Banks. The "Daily News" says: - If the prosperity of a country can be measured by the aggregate amount of the small savings of its poorer classes, the annual page of the Post Office Savings Banks is the most satisfactory document of the year. Nearly twelve millions of money now stand to the credit of the nine hundred and sixty-five thousand depositors in the Banks, and more than five millions and a quarter were deposited during last year. The withdrawals during the year amounted to more than three millions and a half; 289,366 new accounts were opened and 179,195 were closed. The average amount of each deposit was 3 Pounds 0 Shillings 8 Pence, and that of each withdrawal was 5 Pounds 15 Shillings and 2 Pence, while the average amount standing to each person's credit is about 12 Pounds. The commercial depression of the past three years has had comparatively small effect on these working-class accumulations. The withdrawals have increased in slightly greater proportion than in previous years, and the deposits increased in 1867 in slightly less proportion, but the absolute increase of the deposits was much greater last year than in any previous year since the Post Office Savings Banks were established. These facts probably have less meaning than they seem to have, but they at least show that the commercial depression has not diminished the savings of that large section of the classes who use the Post Office Banks.
And also: -
East Suffolk Gazette And Beccles And Bungay Weekly News 10 August 1869 Page 5, column 4
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
EPITOME OF SUFFOLK NEWS Singular Accident At Church.---On Sunday evening, during Divine service at Saxmundham, some little consternation was caused by the bonnet of Miss MAYHEW, daughter of R.S. MAYHEW, Esq., being seen to be on fire. It appears that Miss MAYHEW accompanied Miss FLICK, the organist, to the organ pew, where a small jet of gas was burning to enable Miss FLICK to see the music at the latter part of the service. Miss MAYHEW incautiously placed her head in close proximity to the burner; hence her bonnet instantly caught fire. Several gentlemen who noticed the accident started from their seats to the rescue, but happily the fire was extinguished by Miss FLICK before any very serious injury was sustained.
And again: -
East Suffolk Gazette And Beccles And Bungay Weekly News 10 August 1869 Page 5, column 5
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
EPITOME OF NORFOLK NEWS A Wesleyan Chapel At Walsingham On Fire.---The Methodist Chapel at Walsingham narrowly escaped destruction by fire on the night of the 31st July. About eleven o'clock p.m., Mary LONG, a domestic servant, observed a light flickering in the chapel, and immediately went and informed her master, Mr BANSOM [sic], whose back premises abut upon the chapel yard. Upon receiving this information, Mr BANSON [sic] immediately proceeded to the spot to assure himself of the fact, and there found a mass of flame burning in a closet under the staircase, the inside of the closet being visible through the window on the left side of the chapel door. Seeing that the fire had not got sufficient hold to cause great alarm, Mr BANSON [sic] sent quietly for the men who manage the parish engine, and called Mr HESK, whose house adjoins the chapel. In the course of a minute or two the men arrived, and proceeding up the chapel yard, Mr BANSON [sic] pointed out to them the danger, and there was an immediate cry to burst open the door. This was hardly done when an exciting scene occurred. Edward COE, a labourer, one of the very first in the chapel, shouted out, "Oh, you are here, are you? here's the man, send for the police!" and to the dismay of all he was seen to have Mr W. WOODCOCK, one of the stewards of the chapel, fast by the collar, declaring that he was in the chapel before the door was burst open. Mr HESK, the minister of the chapel, at that moment entering, seeing the flames and the position of the steward, fainted, and was carried out. Mr WOODCOCK stoutly asserted that he went in with the others when the door was burst open, and after loud and long talk COE released him. In the meanwhile, W. PEGG, J.T. DAWSON, and H. FLEGG extinguished the flames, which had got hold of one side of the closet. From inquiries we have made, we see no cause to doubt the fire was the result of an oversight, Mrs B. HOWELL, who cleans the chapel, having left a candle lighted in the closet about nine o'clock in the evening, and going home thought no more of the circumstance, until she heard next morning that the chapel had been on fire.
East Suffolk Gazette And Beccles And Bungay Weekly News 17 August 1869 Page 5, column 5
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
DENNINGTON --- MANN. 7th August, at the church of St Saviour, St George's-square, S.W., London, by the Rev J. WALKER, M.A., vicar, Augustus William, second son of Mr J. DENNINGTON, tailor, St Margaret's, Ipswich, to Lissy Emma Needham, eldest daughter of the late Mr Daniel Needham MANN, of Aldeburgh.
FREWER --- CANDLER. On the 10th August, Mr John Edwin FREWER, of Whitechapel, to Sarah CANDLER, of Southgate-street, Bury St Edmund's.
LYNE --- BECKWITH. On the 14th August, at St Peter's Church, Eaton Square, London, Mr John LYNE, of Worleston Natwich, Cheshire, to Amelia, eldest daughter of the late Mr W. BECKWITH, of Ufford, Woodbridge.
MOORE --- HOWLETT. On the 11th August, at Beccles Church, by the Rev W.W. TYLER, curate, James Walpole MOORE, dealer, of Shipmeadow, to Ellen Wright HOWLETT, of the above place.
SNELL --- SNELL. On the 10th August, at St Helen's Church, Ipswich, by the Rev R.D. PIERPOINT, Frank T. SNELL, of London, to Mary Jane, third daughter of Mr Joseph SNELL, of Lowestoft.
SNELL ---EDWARDS. On the 9th August, at St Marylebone church, London, by the Rev Charles J. GOODY, Robert, second son of the late John SNELL, timber merchant, Sweffling, in this county, to Ada Ellen, only surviving daughter of the late Joseph EDWARDS, Esq., solicitor, Vaga House, Ross, Herefordshire [sic].
SMITH --- MEASOR. On the 11th August, at Beckenham, Kent, by the Rev C. CARTWRIGHT, rector of Edingham, Norfolk, assisted by the Rev F. CHALMERS, rector of Beckenham, Henry SMITH, of Ellingham Hall, Esq., to Mary Gray MEASOR, widow of the late Rev Henry Paul MEASOR, vicar of Kingston-on-Thames, and daughter of the late James DOWIE, Esq., of the same place.
KILLETT --- On the 9th August, at North Market-road, Yarmouth, Mary Ann, widow of Mr Patrick KILLETT, aged 29 years.
LAY --- On the 8th August, at Yarmouth, the infant son of John Henry and Susannah LAY, aged 10 months.
NEWARK --- On the 5th August, at Row 36, Yarmouth, Mr David NEWARK, aged 39 years.
In addition to the above: -
East Suffolk Gazette And Beccles And Bungay Weekly News 17 August 1869 Page 4, column 4
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
BECCLES A Little Fairy Princess.---Miss Lydia HOWARD, a little being of five years, gave her entertainment at the Assembly Rooms, on Thursday and Friday evening. Assisted by her father, she appeared in four pieces, and during two hours on each occasion kept the audiences in a delighted vein. She admirably personated "Little Red Riding Hood," "The Four Mowbrays," and other characters; and her rendering of Longfellow's "Excelsior" evidenced great natural historic [sic - histrionic?] ability and promise.
And also: -
East Suffolk Gazette And Beccles And Bungay Weekly News 17 August 1869 Page 5, column 4
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
EPITOME OF NORFOLK NEWS Sudden Death At The Railway Station.---An alarming instance of the uncertainty of human life occurred on the platform of the railway station at Wymondham on Tuesday morning. On Sunday last, Mr John HOPKINS, a retired builder belonging to Cambridge, but who had for some time past been discharging the duties of superintendent of an oil and colour establishment in that town, arrived on a visit to his daughter, wife of Mr W.S. CLARKE, shopkeeper, Damgate. He was in his usual good health; and having other relations and friends in Wymondham, he passed some time with them on Monday evening, when he enjoyed himself in the most hearty manner. On returning to his son-in-law's, it was arranged that Mr HOPKINS and his daughter should next day pay a visit to Yarmouth, where they intended to spend the day. After partaking of breakfast on Tuesday morning, Mr HOPKINS and Mrs CLARKE walked leisurely to the station, which they reached about a quarter past eight, intending to proceed by the seven a.m. train from Wells, which reaches Wymondham about 8.30. They had taken their tickets for Yarmouth; and while waiting the arrival of the train, Mr HOPKINS was observed to fall backwards to the ground, from which he was immediately raised, and placed on the seat which runs along part of the waiting room. Thinking that it might be no more at the worst than a temporary fit which had overtaken him, Mr PAYNTER, the excellent station-master, with that kindness and attention for which he is so well known and highly respected, immediately sent one of his staff for a surgeon, when Dr BOAST was on the spot without delay - only, however, to find that life was extinct, the doctor expressing his belief that it had resulted from disease of the heart. It is scarcely necessary to add that so sudden and painful a calamity affected all who witnessed it, and especially Mrs CLARKE, for whom the greatest sympathy was manifested. It was not considered necessary to hold a post mortem examination; and in the inquest which took place at the Railway Hotel (Mrs WATSON's) in the afternoon, the jury returned a verdict of "Died by the visitation of God." Mr HOPKINS, who was a tall, muscular, healthy-looking man, and possessing a remarkably gentlemanly appearance, was sixty-three years of age; and within a few minutes of his death, any one might, to use a familiar phrase, have taken a lease of his life.
East Suffolk Gazette And Beccles And Bungay Weekly News 24 August 1869 Page 5, column 5
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
ANGEL --- BLOOMFIELD. On the 19th August, at St Nicholas' Church, Yarmouth, by the Rev J. W. COLVIN, Mr Robert ANGEL to Mary Ann BLOOMFIELD, both of Yarmouth.
BLAKE --- ELLIS. On the 12th August, at St Stephen's Church, Westbourne Park, London, by the Rev D. WILKIE, Arthur Troup, youngest son the of the late B. BLAKE, M.D., R.N., Of the Grove, Camberwell, to Louisa ELLIS, granddaughter of the late Rev W. ELLIS, LL.D., Incumbent of Thames Ditton, Surrey, and formerly Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, and niece of John ELLIS, Esq., M.P. and of Dr Carteret ELLIS, of Attleborough.
BOTTLE --- PRATT. On the 12th August, at Dunton Basset, Leicestershire, by the Rev J. LONGHURST, M.A., vicar, Mr J.T. BOTTLE, of Great Yarmouth, to Elizabeth Ann, eldest daughter of the late Mr PRATT, of the former place.
BOWERS --- ELLETT. On the 15th August, at St Nicholas' Church, by the Rev J. W. COLVIN, Mr Thomas BOWERS to Charlotte ELLETT, both of Yarmouth.
CHAPPELL ---PERRY. On the 10th August, at Christ Church, Blackfriars, London, by the Rev D. MORMON, Mr James W. CHAPPELL, of Harleston, to Mary Ann Warnes PERRY, eldest daughter of Mr R.W. PERRY, of Brixton.
CRISP ---BAKER. On Thursday last [19 August], at St Mary's, Bungay, by the Rev G. F. MATTHEWS, Captain Edward W. CRISP, of London, to Emma, eldest daughter of Mr George BAKER, auctioneer, Bungay.
EWEN --- JOHNSON. On the 17th August, at the Church of All saints, Chichester, the Rev William Henry Leman EWEN, eldest son of John Leman EWEN, Esq., of Reydon, to Edith, eldest daughter of the Rev Stenning JOHNSON, rector of Rumboldswyke, and Minor Canon of Chichester Cathedral.
GEORGE --- BROWN. On the 12th August, at Bardwell, in this county, by the Rev Frederick L. HAYWARD, brother of the bridegroom, assisted by the Revs. M.T. DU PRE and A.P. DUNLAP, uncles of the bride, Christopher GEORGE, Esq., of Needham Market, to Sophia Juliana Mary, only child of the late Thomas BROWN, Esq., of Gt. Berkhampsted, Herts, and granddaughter of the late Rev Thomas DU PRE, rector of Willoughby, Lincolnshire.
MOTTRAM --- WATSON. On the 11th August, at St Bartholomew's, Heigham, Norwich, by the Rev J.H. JOHNSON, rector of Brocklesby, Lincolnshire, cousin of the bridegroom, assisted by the Rev J. Gilbert DIXON, rector of the parish, Alfred MOTTRAM, Esq., of Norwich, to Mary Esther, eldest daughter of John F. WATSON, Esq., of Heigham Hall.
MUMFORD --- TAYLOR. On the 12th August, at Dilham Church, Norfolk, by the Rev Arthur BROWN, vicar of Dilham and Honing, George John MUMFORD, of Thorpe Hamlet, Norwich, to Mary Elmira, eldest daughter of Henry TAYLOR, Esq., of Dilham Hall, in this county.
SUSSINS --- NEVELL. On the 15th August, at St Nicholas' Church, Yarmouth, by the Rev J.W. COLVIN, Mr Thomas SUSSINS to Susannah NEVELL, both of Yarmouth.
VINCENT --- NORMAN. On the 15th August, at St Nicholas' Church, by the Rev J.W. COLVIN, Mr George VINCENT to Caroline NORMAN, both of Yarmouth.
BARKER --- On the 19th August, at his residence, Northgate Street, Bury St Edmund's, after a protracted illness, Mr Horace BARKER, printer and publisher of the "Bury and Norwich Post and Suffolk Herald," and Secretary of the West Suffolk Alliance Life and Fire Assurance Office.
DANN --- On the 15th August, at Row 10, Yarmouth, Margaret, wife of Mr Richard DANN, seaman, merchant service, aged 78 years.
GAZE --- On the 15th August, at Nelson Place, Yarmouth, Mr Joseph GAZE, painter, aged 26 years.
HULLEY --- On the 14th August, at St Peter's Paved Row, Yarmouth, Mr T. HULLEY, architect, aged 78 years.
MACK --- On the 16th August, at 3, Somerset Place, Yarmouth, Mr William Christmas MACK, organ builder, aged 19 years.
NIGHTINGALE --- On the 14th August, at Caistor Road, Yarmouth, Mr William NIGHTINGALE, aged 63 years.
PITTS --- On the 16th August, at 6, Britannia Terrace, Yarmouth, Mr Robert P. PITTS, of Norwich, chemist, aged 26 years.
In addition to the above: -
East Suffolk Gazette And Beccles And Bungay Weekly News 24 August 1869 Page 5, column 4
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
EPITOME OF NORFOLK NEWS A Jewish Wedding.---A great number of persons assembled in the Jewish Synagogue, Norwich, on Wednesday, to witness an interesting ceremony - the celebration of a marriage between two persons of the Hebrew faith, after the "rites of Moses and of Israel." Admission to the building was by ticket, and it was densely crowded. The marriage was between Mr S.E MARKS, of Birmingham, and Miss Sarah ABRAHAMS, youngest daughter of Mr ABRAHAMS, jeweller, of Norwich. The service was conducted by the resident rabbi, the Rev S.CARO, according to custom, under a canopy, supported by four poles, held by the groomsmen, the bridegroom being stationed on the right of the rabbi beneath the canopy; the bride, attired in a white satin dress, with bridal wreath and lace veil, with the bridesmaids, proceeded up the aisle, and took their positions on the left. The rabbi then read the marriage service in Hebrew, and with a blessing, handed to the parties a glass of wine, called "the Cup of Life," of which they partook. The bridegroom, in placing the ring upon the finger of the bride, repeated after the rabbi in Hebrew,"Behold, thou art betrothed unto me with this ring according to the rites of Moses and Israel." A second glass of wine was then given them to drink, denoting their profession of the Jewish faith. Then a singular custom was observed. The rabbi took the first glass, and, placing it beneath his foot, broke it into pieces. He afterwards delivered an impressive and touching address in English, and the signing of the legal documents brought the ceremony to an end.
And again: -
East Suffolk Gazette And Beccles And Bungay Weekly News 24 August 1869 Page 6, column 4
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
YARMOUTH - "AS THE CROW FLIES." We find the following in"All the Year Round," which will be read with interest: - The Norfolk Gridiron. "Yarmouth has often been compared to Genoa, and a writer by no means unknown to the public has named the many-alleyed town 'the Norfolk Gridiron.' The five principal streets are crossed at right angles by one hundred and fifty-six rows or narrow lanes, which are, on average, about eight feet wide. The reason of this minute subdivision of street way is that in the old time the teeming city was pressed in by a wall on the north, south and east sides two hundred and forty yards long, and on the west by a wall two thousand and thirty yards long. Within this box the population lay, to use a simile not inappropriate to the herring town, like herrings in a barrel. These little lanes are so narrow that you can touch both walls by stretching out your hands while passing. They necessitated a special low, long, narrow vehicle, first introduced in Henry the Seventh's time, and hence popularly known as 'Harry-carries.' These Dutch-looking trolley carts are sledges twelve feet long by three feet six inches broad; are mounted on wheels two feet nine inches high; and are drawn by one horse, the driver standing on the cross-staves. A topographical writer of 1777 shows how simple Norfolk society was at that era, when many of these Harry-carries, painted red, green, and blue, plied for hire, and were let out to visitors wishing to drive to the Fort, the Quay, or the Denes." Yarmouth Herrings. "Herrings are not alone the arms, they are the very legs of Yarmouth. The town lives on them, and stands by them. In 1798, Yarmouth had only sixteen fishing boats, Lowestoft twenty-four, and the Yorkshiremen forty. In 1838 there were one hundred Norfolk boats (chiefly Yarmouth) to the forty or fifty of Yorkshire, the whole employing a capital of two hundred and fifty thousand pounds. In these present times, a recent able writer says there are two hundred Yarmouth boats and forty Yorkshire and Sussex cobles, catching, every season, six or seven score million herrings, of the value of two hundred thousand pounds. The mackerel fishing employs one hundred boats and fourteen hundred men and women. Every mackerel lugger costs seven or eight hundred pounds, and carries eighty or a hundred nets, each twenty yards long by eight and a half feet broad. Every herring boat is worth from six hundred to a thousand pounds. It is calculated that half a million of money is, in one way or another, invested at Yarmouth in reaping the fish harvest. The herring harvest commences at the end of September, and the glittering millions of over population with which the North Sea then teems, are dragged out for ten consecutive weeks. A recent topographical traveller has collected with patient care and skill some curious close-pressed facts on the subject of Yarmouth's ceaseless industry. On those rough October nights, when the sands froth and boil crimson, in the slant light of the red beacon, these Norfolk seas are literally coagulated with herrings, and the nets bring them up in tumbling heaps of loose and spangled silver. A single Yarmouth boat has been known to bring in from twelve to sixteen lasts, each last being ten barrels, or ten thousand herrings. Oak logs, the crow is informed, are used to smoke the best herrings; but the Birmingham bloater being of a lower caste, is seasoned by hazel wood and fir loppings. A smoke house, half malt-kiln, half 'oast' house, is a large oblong tower, forty or fifty feet high, without floors. Above are transverse compartments divided by partitions of horizontal rails. In these open racks or 'loves' lie the laths or 'spects.' The herring, arriving by cart from the beach to fulfil his destiny for the good of a higher species, is first thrown with his fellows into a brick recess, sprinkled with salt, and left for several days. The duration of the vaporous purgatory depends on the destination of the fish. If he be a Belgravian bloater, a bloated aristocrat, he merely hangs twenty-four hours until he begins to swell with self importance, and is prepared for packing; if a 'Straits man' for the Mediterranean port, he lingers longer; if he be a mere black herring, for the chandler's or the tally shop, he serves his full ten days, and emerges hard, dark and salt. On emerging from their bath, the herrings are run through the gills by gangs of skilful women, called 'ryvers,' who speet [sic] them on long sticks; eight women speeting eight lasts of herrings (thirteen thousand two hundred herrings to a last) in a day. For each last the women get three shillings and ninepence. The speets are then placed by climbing men on the loves, tier by tier, until the smoke house is full. The fire is then lighted, the oil begins to distil, and the herrings slowly turn yellow, dusky orange, dingy red, or black, according to the duration of the smoking. Last scene of all that ends this strange eventful history, comes the packer, who removes the speets and strips the fish into the barrels in the radiating order in which they are to lie, until each barrel has its regulated seven hundred and fifty (thirteen dozen to the hundred)."
East Suffolk Gazette And Beccles And Bungay Weekly News 31 August 1869 Page 5, column 5
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
COMBE --- BROWN. On the 26th August, at the Parish Church, Great Yarmouth, by the Rev H.R. NEVILL, M.A., vicar, Edward Henry Harvey COMBE, Esq., of Great Yarmouth, to Caroline Elizabeth Laura, only daughter of the late Charles BROWN, Esq., of Southtown, near Yarmouth.
KING --- BARNARD. On the 24th August, at St Peter's Chapel of ease, Lowestoft, by the Rev J.C. WALKER, Mr Robert KING, to Mrs Judith BARNARD, of the Compasses Inn, Lowestoft.
LAMBE --- BROOKS. On the 18th August, at St Paul's Church, Hammersmith, by the Rev Arthur J. DRUCE, M.A., David Wright LAMBE, of 1, Addison Villas, Notting-hill [sic], to Louisa Hannah, elder daughter of the late Cooper T. BROOKS, Esq., of Norwich.
TINGEY --- TAYLOR. On the 19th August, at Regent's-park Chapel, London, by the Rev Charles STOVELL, of Fakenham, George, second son of the late Thomas Roberson TINGEY, Esq., of West Rudham, to Juliana, eldest daughter of Samuel TAYLOR, Esq., of Dunton.
BROOK --- On the 24th August, after only seven hours' illness, from hoemorrhage [sic] of the lungs, Henry William BROOK, of Woodbridge, aged 60 years.
BRANCH --- On the 25th August, at Bury St Edmund's, suddenly, of apoplexy, William BRANCH, Esq., aged 74 years.
COLLIS --- On the 21st August, North Market Road, Yarmouth, Hannah, wife of Mr Edward COLLIS, a sailmaker, aged 72[? - best guess as the second figure is only partially printed. Arguably could also be 0, 3, or 9].
DRAPER --- On the 24th August, Priory Plain, Yarmouth, Hannah, wife of John DRAPER, carpenter, aged 72 years.
EVANS --- On the 23rd July, at Sholapore, British India, from the effects of a gun accident, aged 32. Frederick, third son of the late Charles EVANS, Esq., barrister-at-law, and chancellor of the diocese of Norwich.
JOYCE --- On the 24th August, at Ellough, in the 19th year of her age, Margaret, the beloved daughter of Daniel and Margaret JOYCE and granddaughter of Mr W. RAVEN, of Easton Hall, Norfolk, beloved and respected by all who knew her.
KNOX --- On the 24th August, at Hadleigh, the Very Rev Henry Barry KNOX, rector of Hadleigh, and co-dean of Bocking, aged 61.
HAY --- On the 22nd August, Caistor Road, Yarmouth, Jemma, widow of Mr James HAY, gardener, aged 70 years.
REEVE --- On the 19th August, Marine Parade, Yarmouth, Mary Ann, wife of Mr John REEVE, farmer, aged 57 years.